Chapitre Onze: Mariage

After a ten-day carriage ride, Estelle and Rafael landed on the humid and exotic land of Zejardo. They passed through the village where the country's Crown Prince was welcomed back with much joy and felicitation. Many tried to peep inside to see who his companion was, however, the said companion had hidden themselves to the other side. Some had managed to catch a glimpse and without a doubt, it was a female.

Before they could be able to look any further, the horses had already trod away towards the castle.

As they neared it, Estelle couldn't help but satisfy the curiosity eating its way in her gut, so, she opened the window and stuck her head out where her hair was ruffled up and sweet, salty wind cooled her down and blew away the drops of sweat which had gathered on her forehead. For a moment, she closed her eyes in ecstasy, relishing the nice breeze.

When she opened her eyes, she was met with a castle grander than she had ever seen. Multiple turrets peeked out from the ground, as tall as the eye can see, a red and yellow flag flying at the tops of each. At the centre, a large dome made itself prominent. To think that she had been marvelled by Clervaux Manor; that did not hold a candle to what she was seeing now.

"Magnificent, is it not?" asked Rafael, squeezing himself in the space left at the window. He turned towards her, coming up close to her stale greys. The carriage rattled as it flew past a stone, knocking them out of their trance, each clearing their throats and returning to their places.

"And you haven't seen anything yet. I'll give you a tour on–"

"Is that them?" came a female voice from beyond the gates.

"Or someone else will," said he, turning to her with a smile she had never seen before.

The carriage wheeled into the castle gates, the door facing the main entrance. Rafael jumped out and stood firmly on the side, helping Estelle out and as she set foot on the ground, he turned to her and winked, then walked a few steps ahead, opened his arms wide.

"I'm home," he said in a sing-song voice.

"Rafa!" said a girl with wavy and bouncy dark-brown hair shaping her heart-shaped face. Soon enough, he was engulfed in an embrace by his younger siblings, tossing him down to the ground at the force. They all exploded into laughter, one by one peeling themselves away from him and moving over to the side to sit on the ground.

Estelle watched with a smile on her face the way Rafael interacted with his siblings so easily, bursting out into uncontrollable chatter, catching up with each other. Rafael stood up, dusted his breeches and walked towards her, placing a hand on the small of her back. Four pairs of eyes turned towards her, each the same hazel as Rafael's. They wrinkled their brows, wondering who the intruder was.

"I'd like you to meet Queen Estelle Valerie Devereux of Troyes, my betrothed," said he, turning to her and putting on a smile that turned Estelle's innards to mush and an adoring spark in his eyes that made her feel special. "Line up," said he, in a commander-like voice to his siblings. They all got up and formed a queue, Rafael leaving her to stand at the front of the line.

"We've arranged ourselves in order of birth, just so you won't get confused. Crown Prince Rafael Hernandez," said he, taking her gloved hand in his and placing a lingering kiss on it that sent satisfying shivers down Estelle's spine. Next up came a girl, roughly the same age as she was, with wavy, light brown hair wrapped up in a neat bun at the nape of her neck. She wore a simple baby blue day gown.

"Princess Catalina Hernando," said she, making a neat curtsey and giving her a light but beautiful smile.

"Prince Federico Hernandez," said a boy with dirty-blond hair, hazel-green eyes and a shy smile on his face. He was as tall as Estelle was, maybe a year younger. Bowing, he placed a coy kiss on her knuckles, and when he got up, he gave her a warm smile that touched his eyes and straightened the lapels of his light, white shirt.

"Princessa Ximena Hernando," said a daunting and confident voice originating from a girl wearing a bright pink day gown. She was the one with a heart-shaped face and bouncing dark-brown curls. She made a curtsey, and when she rose, she smiled at her the likes of which she only saw on Giselle. "If you want to have a fun time here on Zejardo, just call on me, Su Majestad," she said, giving her a saucy wink.

"Princessa Mariposa Hernando," said a childish voice from a short, little girl standing in front of Estelle. She gave her an innocent smile and made a clumsy curtsey that left all the others cooing and gushing over her.

"How old is she?" asked Estelle, twisting to Rafael who had long returned to her side after he finished his introduction.

"She's five years old. The 'whoopsie-baby'. But we all love her so much," he said with a smile.

"Maybe one day you'll have your own whoopsie-baby. Or you might already have started making one," said Ximena, opening her fan and flapping it on her face, a grin on her visage.

Rafael turned to look at the other to remark on how unmannered she was when he found all the others looking down at the ground as if it were the most interesting thing in existence.

"Oh, come on. I'm a gentleman. I would never ruin a lady," said he exasperatedly.

In response, they all broke into suspicious coughs.

"Quite the gall you have to say that with a straight face, Rafa," said Ximena, giving him a pointed look.

"Come on, 'tis time for you to meet my parents." He took her arm and dragged her excitedly across the courtyard, quickly and effectively changing the subject. Though, Estelle wondered why his parents had not gotten outside to meet her as his siblings did.

They walked into a huge entryway, fanning out in all directions as far as the eye can see. When she looked up, she saw that the ceiling kept going higher and higher up to a big opening at the centre, where light poured into the room; that was the dome she saw.

Passing through ample hallways, and up plenty of staircases, Rafael came to a stop in front of large oak doors, with beautiful craftsmanship.

"Are you ready?" asked he. She nodded in response. Raising his hand, he knocked on the doors twice and they were opened wide to a large room filled with chairs around the sides of the circular room, and a dais at the very middle of it.

"His Royal Highness Crown Prince Rafael of Zejardo," announced the Herald. Before he began to announce Estelle's arrival, Rafael leaned over to him and whispered something. The Herald merely smiled and shook his head.

"Her Majesty Queen Estelle of Troyes, his betrothed." As the Herald proclaimed the last part, Rafael turned towards her and gave her a cheeky wink.

Arm in arm, they strutted inside the courtroom with hundreds of pairs of eyes on them, however, instead of shrinking from so much attention, Estelle straightened her spine, pushed back her shoulders and raised her chin at the reassurance of the man beside her who adoringly squeezed her arm lightly to show his support.

"Mama, Papa," said Rafael, bowing to each of them. The court went silent waiting for something to occur.

"And your betrothed, she does not curtsey?" asked Queen Camilla, raising one blonde eyebrow superiorly.

"We are of the same status, there is no need for me to sink into reverence. The only occasion when I am to do such is when we curtsey to each other. But seeing as you are still seated atop the dais, I do not feel so inclined to sink into reverence," she answered, not an inkling of fear. Rather it was filled with daunting confidence and arrogance that Rafael found so attractive about her. He looked over at her, his pupils dilating, biting his lower lip to stop himself from spouting some smart remark.

The room fell silent after Estelle's statement, waiting for what the Queen would say to that.

"I like her," she finally said after some long, moments filled with deafening silence. "She quite reminds me of my younger self, does she not, Leo?" she asked her mate who was seated beside her on the dais. In response, King Leonardo merely nodded his head absent-mindedly.

"Indeed she does," said he with an aloof air to his tone. At least now Estelle knew where Rafael got certain qualities from.

"Welcome to Zejardo, Majesty. What you see now, will one day be yours. Though when still appears to be vague," she said the last part with a pointed look towards Rafael. Rafael cleared his throat embarrassedly, peeking at Estelle to see whether she was angry or not.

"Mama," said he, a little blush rising to his cheeks.

"Que? You cannot blame a woman for wanting to see her son well married and little grandchildren running around the castle," she answered and the court chuckled while nodding their heads in agreement.

"I appreciate your concern, Majesty. However, it is not required. It will happen when it shall happen and when it does, you shall no doubt be aware of it. There is no need to rush things," Estelle replied, putting on a light smile on her countenance.

"I bet fifty jaros that Rafael is going to ravage her once they get outside the court," said Ximena, flapping her fan across her face quite animatedly.

"Fifty-five," replied Federico.

"Seventy," said Catalina, with a knowing smile on her face. They had good reason to make such high bets. They knew their older brother, knew his behaviours and all his past doings. For even now, the reason they had initiated such high bets was how Rafael was looking at Estelle so longingly, his pupils dilating and biting his lower lip to control himself.

"Rafa is a gentleman. I believe in him. I bet seventy jaros that he won't ravage Her Majesty once they are out," said innocent Mariposa, a bright smile on her countenance. The older siblings broke into uncontrollable laughter behind the dais, attracting everyone's attention. With a sharp look and a raise of Queen Camilla's eyebrow, they were silenced.

"We shall be on our way, Mama. I want to take her around the castle and also show her the chambers she shall reside in at the time being," said Rafael, bowing once more. He took Estelle's hand and led her out. His older siblings were quick to follow.

They came to a stop just a few steps down the hall and Rafael turned to Estelle.

"Keep doing that, and you will have her feeding at the palm of your hand," said he.

"Keep doing what? I'm merely being the remarkable self that I am," she replied, tossing her hair. An arrogant Estelle; Rafael found that really attractive.

"Any moment now," said Ximena behind the goliath of a vase she was hiding behind.

Rafael stepped closer to Estelle. He looked quite conflicted as he looked into her eyes. At last, he smiled, took her hand and led her towards the garden.

"How . . ." Catalina remarked, her jaw had dropped to the ground.

"Impossible," said Federico, quite in shock as well.

"He's possessed," claimed Ximena, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I told you that Rafa was a gentleman," said Mariposa cheerfully. "Now, pay up. I have plans for that money," she went on, her voice turning cutely fierce and her smile set into a firm line.

"Mari, you know you are my favourite," said Ximena, giving Mariposa a faux pas smile. Mariposa rolled her eyes.

"Well, sorry to break it to you, you are not. Pay up, Ximena," said she, her tone still fierce. Ximena placed a hand on the left side of her chest and pretended to be hurt. Nevertheless, she took her purse and fished out fifty jaros out it and handed them to her little sister. As she passed by her, she patted her head fondly and said, "You sure do learn fast." In response, Mariposa looked up and smiled at her.

"Cata, your turn," said she, her tone turning serious once more. Catalina reluctantly took out seventy jaros and gave them to her little sister.

"I currently don't have enough jaros on me. Maybe I could give you the rest later?" said Federico, handing her forty jaros.

"What do you mean they are not enough? I see fifty-five jaros, Rico," said Mariposa, looking up at Federico and giving him a clandestine wink. Federico simply smiled and shook his head in fondness. He leaned down to her height and placed a little kiss on her cheek.

"I always knew I was your favourite. Be rest assured, you are mine, too," said Federico, patting Mariposa's head.


"It quite grieves me that I was not able to wear my breeches," said Estelle, manoeuvring to sit down on a patch of grass next to the chequered mat that Rafael had placed.

"I understand your pain. It quite grieves me as well," said Rafael in a mock-painful voice, leaning over to pluck a grape from the bowl set on top of the mat that their chaperone had set, supporting himself on his elbow.

Estelle pushed him and he fell on his face on the grass, breaking out into laughter and rolling to lie on his back, his head next to her hand.

"Meanie," he said, jutting his full, pink lower lip out, his hazel eyes sparkling. After a moment or two, they both burst into laughter, Estelle eventually deciding to lay on her back, her head next to Rafael's.

"You seem quite at ease back at home," remarked Estelle, turning over to look at him.

"I am. I haven't said it before, but, I quite missed home no matter how much I enjoyed being in Troyes," he replied, turning over to her as well.

"And your siblings, they are wonderful," said she.

"I guess those little nuisances are," he admitted and chuckled. He had been homesick for some time. Though, he did not want to tell Estelle, with her being occupied by matters of her Queendom as it was.

They lied there in companionable silence, Estelle shuffling over to Rafael and placing her head on his firm chest, closing her eyes at the relaxing rise and fall of it. All of a sudden, it started to beat quite erratically.

"Are you all right?" she asked, concern dripping in her voice. Rafael chuckled nervously and got up to his feet pacing about.

"Is everything all right, Rafa?" asked Estelle, putting herself into a sitting position.

"Aye, everything is all right. I did not mean to startle you," he answered, going on with his pacing, rubbing a hand across his face and after that tousling his chestnut curls.

"Originally I wanted to wait a little longer before telling you this," said he, pausing the pacing to look at her. "Because you have all these troubles plaguing you about your Queendom. However, Estrella, I can't keep it anymore. Try to snuff the fire burning inside me every time I see your gorgeous face. Try to not blabber out how I feel already and bottle it up," he continued, stepping closer to her.

"You," said he, crouching and holding Estelle's face in his right hand. Instinctively, she leaned to his touch, momentarily closing her eyes and opening them to see his bright and gooey hazel eyes. How he managed to portray both things at the same time was beyond her. "You are amazing. I have never met a woman like you before ever in my life. You are strong, you are wise, you are the definition of a warrior. Yet in that beautiful heart of yours, you hold a passion so strong for you Queendom and the people you care about that I have never seen. You are the embodiment and epitome of . . . a woman. And . . ." he paused, chewing his lower lip in search of the speech that he had planned earlier on.

"Alas, hath the poet run out of words?" mocked Estelle, a teasing smile on her visage. Rafael chuckled and shook his head.

"Basically, what I am trying to say is that: I want to spend the rest of my life with you, look after you, take care of you, protect you – though I think that you are more than able to do that more than well by yourself – and grow old with you, mi amor," he finished, breathing out her address in a whisper, rubbing her cheek with his thumb, his eyes trained on her lips.

"Oh, Rafael," said Estelle, a beautiful smile on her countenance. "Have you not noticed?" Rafael shook his head in response. "We've already started spending our lives together. We've travelled all over Troyes. We've basically spent our honeymoon together already," she answered.

"I could count a few things that were missing from our honeymoon," said he, rubbing his thumb across her lip and she shuddered. And this time, it wasn't from fear. Rafael simply smiled at her reaction. He got up and fished something from the pockets of his breeches. His hand emerged with a satin-covered box. He opened it and inside laid a fair ruby ring.

"Estelle Valerie Devereux, will you marry me?" he asked, dropping down on one knee in front of her. Estelle slapped her hand on her mouth in disbelief, her eyes watering. However, at some point, she brought her hand down and furrowed her brows.

"Are we not already betrothed?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Forget that. Will you marry me, mi amor?" he asked once more. Estelle nodded her head fervently and he slowly took off her glove, placing a kiss on her exposed knuckles tenderly, his eyes nary leaving hers. Plucking the ring from the box, he slipped it through her finger and it fit perfectly.

Estelle raised her hand to examine the ring. It was made out of pure gold, and the ruby at the middle had minuscule writings on it. When she brought it closer, she saw two letters engraved on it, "R&E," it read.

"Words can not convey what I feel for you," said he, holding her face in his hands.

"What about actions?" asked Estelle breathlessly, opening those beautiful stale grey eyes of hers to look at Rafael.

"Then kiss me like I've never been kissed before, Estelle," said he, their foreheads touching and their noses bumping. Estelle leaned forward . . . but stopped.

"You've been kissed before?" she asked, opening her eyes.

"That is beside the point," said Rafael, rolling his eyes. "Besame," he continued, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face.

"Why don't you kiss me?" she asked, truly curious. Not long ago, he had been more than willing to do so on top of the Eiffel Tower.

"Because I want you to fully give your consent to this. Not like the last time I tried to kiss you while you were clearly not into it and the last time when a man did those horrid things to you and – " he was silenced when Estelle captured his lips into a kiss, knocking him down from his knees and onto the grass, laying flat on his back. Rafael took her face into his hands and kissed her back with vigour and passion. Without wasting a moment, Estelle tilted her head, further deepening the kiss.

She had not known that she had wanted to do this until the moment she had done it. She kissed him with all she had, wrapping her arms around his neck and breaking down all her walls. Estelle felt as though she had waited this moment for a long time, and into that kiss, she passed on the deepest depths of her heart, her desire: him and nothing else.

Rafael was the first to break the kiss, looking deep into her stale blue eyes, his having turned dark. "Te amo," he whispered in her ear, his lips brushing her earlobe, making it bright red.

"Je t'aime," she whispered back, kissing the back of his ear affectionately. Rafael turned them around and placed Estelle at the bottom, gazing into her eyes, their pupils dilated and her mouth open. He slipped his hands around her waist, no matter how hard it was to do so. Bringing his head down, he kissed her cheeks, the corners of her mouth, her neck, and her collarbone, happening to find a place where she let out a soft breath in satisfaction. Raising his face, he kissed her once again, more passionately than he had ever kissed a woman before.

Finally out of air in his lungs, he fell on his back, landing on the grass and taking in large intakes of air.

"For . . . various reasons, I think that we should . . . stop there," he managed to get out, his chest heaving and his breaths short.

Estelle was in quite the same state, opening her eyes to look up at the clear-blue Zejardian skies. She had just kissed a man, and . . . she liked it. A lot. No, she loved it. The same way she loved this man laying next to her.

"I agree," she replied, getting up. Rafael looked at her and captured her lips with his in another searing kiss.

She is addictive, he thought, breaking away again.

"I thought that we should stop there," said she, a grin on her face.

"Where?" asked Rafael, pretending to look around in search of something. He turned back to her with an impish smile on his face.

Estelle shook her head and laughed. She truly did love this man and his foolishness.

No long AN today, it's almost four am right now and all I wanted to do was publish this chapter since I was so excited about it. And that was also why I was so excited about coming to Zejardo. Just some few things to clarify.

Just imagine, three days and another chapter? I'm on a roll :D

Jaro: Currency of Zejardo

Mariage: That you can guess ;)

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