Young Blood, Old Souls

[Episode opens with King reading from a book focused on the history of the Boiling Isles.]

King: The Boiling Isles, born from the flesh and bones of a fallen Titan. This original magic was so potent, all life on the Isles evolved to wield magic too. For years, we explored those power freely. Until, a mysterious witch appeared who declared that he, and he alone, could speak to the island. He said that we were using magic all wrong. His teachings took hold, his strength grew, and he became... Emperor Belos. Belos said that mixing magic was wrong, that only he had that right. So he created the coven system. And there, our knowledge was restricted, and our potential sealed away. Those who resist are called wild witches, and they face harsh punishment. Emperor Belos has since retreated into his castle. There are whispers that say he's planning something big.

[Cut away from the book to King, Leanbow, and Luz in the latter's room.]

King: I wonder if catching Eda and Adrien was part of his big plan. What do you think, Luz? Luz?

[Luz stares at the tag on her cape, reading: "To a young witch from her proud mentor EDA".]

Luz: I don't care what Belos is up to... because today, I'm saving Eda and Adrien!

(As the portal gate opens and the camera zooms in on it, Adrien and Luz are seen to be in the sky. They open their eyes, only to realize they were falling which caused them to freak out before something zoomed past them and caught them. Adrien and Luz opened their eyes, with Luz behind Adrien and holding his arm while Adrien held onto the staff to stay on. The two kids saw they were saved by Eda, who smirked at the duo as they flew to her house on her Palisman staff.)

(The door where Hooty was opened up as Luz and Adrien step outside, with Luz twirling and posing with Eda's staff while Adrien draws his Rita sword he got recently and does his own pose. But then Eda took her staff back with an amused grin while Luz gave a sheepish smile and Adrien looked somewhat amused too. King popped up in front of them in a pose.)

(A Boiling Isle mural was seen as Gus, Willow, and Amity are seen briefly before it burns away to show King commanding an army of stuffed toys, which all fall on him. The scene burned away again, showing Adrien standing under a spotlight with determination on his face. Soon, a silhouette of a man in the Solaris Knight appears behind him before it fades out.)

(Now Adrien and Luz were on Eda's staff with Luz riding up front like she was driving and Adrien standing behind like he was surfing on a surfboard. They zoom down the Boiling Isles, past many friends and foes alike until Eda and King join in on the ride... then they hang on for dear life as a massive monstrous worm-like monster, mouth wide open, lunges at them. Everyone, minus Adrien, screamed in horror, as the latter had a look of bravery and defiance towards the monster as he pointed his sword towards it.)

[Cut to Luz opening the door to a room decorated with weapons.]

Leanbow: Luz, what are you doing?

Luz: This is serious, King. Eda used her power to save me and got caught by Lilith with Adrien. Now she's the Owl Beast and they're both being taken before the Emperor! I don't know what he's planning to do with them, but I'm going to rescue them.

King: Haven't you been listening to me? He's the Emperor! He's the most powerful witch alive!

Leanbow: And no offense, but you're not exactly full-fledged which yet.

Luz: Guys, please try to understand. Eda and Adrien are in this situation because of me. Because of my stupid choice. I have to make up for it.

King: But Eda's in her Owl Beast form! How will she even recognize you?

Luz: I don't know. But I have to try anyway.

King: Well then, I'm going too.

Luz: King...

King: Me and Eda don't always see eye-to-eye, but I do consider her family. I want her back as much as you do.

Luz: Alright. Then we've got no time to lose! Will you help us, Leanbow?

Leanbow: I-I can't. 

King/Luz: Why not?!

Leanbow sat down with Luz and King, looking somber. "I need to explain something to you," he said, his voice low.

Luz and King exchanged a look. "What is it?" Luz asked.

Leanbow took a deep breath. "Years ago, when I was fighting alongside Daggeron, we came up against emperor Belos. He was a powerful sorcerer, and he had a Genie at his command. Belos made a wish with the Genie - that if he ever stepped foot in the castle again, he would suffer a fate worse than death."

Luz and King blinked in surprise. "What does that mean?" King asked.

Leanbow sighed. "It means that if Belos were to come back to the castle, he would suffer a horrible fate. And...I'm afraid the same is true for me."

Luz and King both gasped. "What? Why?" Luz demanded.

Leanbow looked away. "Because I was with Daggeron when Belos made the wish. And I was fighting against him. I think...I think he included me in the curse."

Luz and King both scolded him for being scared and not doing anything. They then ran off to save Adrien and Eda. Leanbow stood there, pondering what to do next.

[King throws the book on the ground, which opens to the page with Belos on it. Cut to Emperor Belos's throne room, focusing on the Titan's beating heart before panning down to the throne. Beast Eda runs around from Lilith, while Adrien sits silently in the bubble.]

Lilith: Eda, stop that this instant!

[Beast Eda tears down a tapestry of Belos, begins chewing on it.]

Lilith: [Bubbles Beast Eda.] Don't look at me like that. This is for your own good. Emperor Belos will heal you, and we'll be in his coven together with my son. Isn't that wonderful?

Lilith: I will not fall prey to your childish games. [Promptly sticks her tongue out at Eda.]

[The door to the throne room opens. Six coven guards and Kikimora enter.]

Kikimora: All kneel before Emperor Belos!

[Kikimora bows and moves away from the door. Lilith kneels. A pair of glowing blue eyes approach from the darkness, eventually revealing Emperor Belos. Adrien growls and glares daggers at him as Beast Eda shrieks and bursts out of the bubble, running towards Belos..]

Lilith: Eda, no!

[Belos vanishes before Beast Eda can attack him, appearing behind her and throwing her against a wall by lifting his finger. Beast Eda falls to the ground, glowing red ropes appearing to keep her down.]

Lilith: [Runs between Beast Eda and Belos's shadow.] My Lord, I apologize for my sister's rash behavior. She is still in her cursed form. Once you've healed her, as promised, I am sure she will become a useful asset to the coven!

[Emperor Belos summons his mechanical staff and raises it, healing Eda only to the point of allowing her speech in her Beast form.]

Beast Eda: Ah. Where am I? What is this? Aw farts, I got caught.

Adrien: Eda! Are you okay?!

Eda: *Looks over to see Adrien and gasp* Adrien! *Groans* I'm fine kid, what about you?! Are you hurt?!

Adrien stays silent for a moment, he looks like he's going to cry again but his tears run dry. 

Adrien: Yeah, I'm fine........Aunty.

Eda: Oh.....right.

Emperor Belos: Edalyn Clawthorne, the infamous Owl Lady, the wild witch of Bonesborough. Mentor of Luz and Adrien the Humans.

Beast Eda: You stay away from her and let my nephew go, or so help me, Titan...

Emperor Belos: *Chuckles* You've got it all wrong. The human girl is safe, for now and your Mystic Child will not be harmed anymore. I just want the portal they came through.

Beast Eda: Tough, 'cause I ain't telling you nothing!

Emperor Belos: Ugh, pity. Although I suppose I could ask the human girl herself. *Looks to Adrien* And maybe he can be of more use.

Adrien: *Whispers* No..

Belos snaps his fingers, and the guards run in to drag Eda away.

Beast Eda: Wait! Don't touch them! Lilith, don't let him hurt the kids! Lilith!

Adrien: [Pressing against the bubble.] Eda!

Lilith: *Turns to Emperor Belos* Ah, taking her to the healing ceremony?

Emperor Belos: I will not be healing her. And I will not be accepting the boy.

Lilith: But, you, promised me.

Emperor Belos: Don't be so naïve, Lilith. This is the Titan's will. All wild witches must be dealt with before the Day of Unity, which includes the solaris knight.  You understand, don't you?

Lilith: Of course...

Emperor Belos: Good. *Begins walking away* Oh, one more thing.

[Belos snaps his fingers, and Owlbert and the bottom half of Eda's staff appear in Lilith's hands along with Solaris morpher.]

Emperor Belos: Destroy the Owl Lady's staff and morpher. They won't be needing it anymore.

Belos leaves the throne room, leaving Lilith staring after him. The doors close and Lilith turns to Adrien who now turns to her with a killer glare.

Adrien: Don't look at me, I'm not the one who helped a monster.

Lilith: Son, it was-

Adrien: Don't call me your son!!

Liltih: (Flinches and backs up)

[He turns away from her. Cut to a news broadcast on a crystal ball.]

Perry: Perry Porter coming to you live from outside the Emperor's Castle. Edalyn Clawthorne, known commonly as "Eda the Owl Lady", and Adrien Aldaco, a human with mystical properties, have both been captured and have been brought before the Emperor.

Kikimora: For the crime of attacking a coven leader, and refusing to join a coven, Edalyn Clawthorne's body shall be petrified in stone! Today, sundown, at the Conformatorium. Our Emperor is still deciding what to do with the child, but he will be justified for his crimes and for attacking our Emperor!

[Amity is watching this from a crystal ball in her room and gains a look of shock and slight horror.]

Gus: *Gasps and turns to his scroll* Willow! Are you watching?

Willow: Yes. We have to do something.

Perry: Today is a grave day for Bonesborough.

[Various demons and witches watching the crystal balls in the street murmur in discussion and walk off, revealing Luz and King.]

Luz: Please tell me that's not as bad as it sounds.

King: Petrification is only done to the worst criminals, and once the spell is complete, it can't be reversed.

The newscast shows several petrified witches in what looks like a graveyard before fading to a picture of Lilith.

Luz: Lilith. She cursed Eda. She captured her own sister and son! She is the worst! If I ever see her again!

[Luz tosses the crystal ball displaying the news onto the ground, shattering it.]

King: Luz, calm down. We need to think about saving them first!

Luz: *Sighs* You're right, but how will we get to the Conformatorium in time?

[A guard walks by, whistling. King narrows his eyes while looking at the guard.]

King: We'll have to do something so diabolical, so criminally insane, that they'll have to send us to the Conformatorium.

Luz: Hey!

Guard: Hm?

Luz and King are standing on grass, directly in front of a DO NOT STEP ON GRASS sign.

Luz/King: *Taunting* Whaaa?

The coven guard cups his face and gasps.

[Cut to Luz and King relaxing in a paddy wagon.]

Luz: Yep.

[Doors close, securing Luz and King inside.]

Luz: Perfect plan.

Leanbow: Not remotely.

[Luz and King turn around turn around and see limbo standing right behind them.]

Luz: Leanbow you decided to come? 

Leanbow: Yeah, I may be cursed, but I owe it to Daggeron to save Adrien and Eda.

[Cut to the sign for the Conformatorium. The paddy wagon passes by petrified wild witches, which Luz, Leanobow, and King stare at. Luz and King gasp, while Leanbow narrows his eyes. Two guards bring out a pedestal with Eda's name on it.]

King: There's not gonna be a new statue going up today. Right, Luz? Luz?

[The wagon passes a poster of Lilith. Luz growls. The paddy wagon continues on, entering the Conformatorium proper. A gate closes behind it, and the camera pans up to reveal a banner reading "PETRIFICATION TODAY AT SUNDOWN". Cut to inside, where the paddy wagon backs in to a docking station.]

Guard: Sir, the Owl Lady's human student has been apprehended.

Warden Wrath: Very good. Ah, Luz the Human. How I've waited to see you again. Now I'll have my revenge and you'll have front row seats to Eda's demise.

[Wrath opens the paddy wagon doors and is bombarded by branches. He screams.]

Emperor's Coven Guard: Huh?

[Luz screams and slams an ice glyph on the ground. A spear of ice pins the Emperor's Guard to the ceiling. Wrath shoves away the branches, but-

(Kirito is Leanbow)

Leanbow: Don't even think about it.

[Luz walks up to him with King on her shoulder.]

Luz: Where's Eda and Adrien?

Warden Wrath: She's in the holding cell in the dungeon, while Adrien is in the other.

Luz: Draw us maps!

[Cut to outside, where an audience is gathered.]

Member 1: Do you really think Eda deserves a petrification?

Member 2: I don't know. This is all happening so fast.

Willow: If we know anything about Luz, she's going to be here trying to save Eda and Adrien.

Gus: And we'll be here to save her when she needs us!

Willow: Let's split up and find her!

[Zoom out to see Lilith watching the crowd from a window.]

Kikimora: Fools! You let the human escape! And you drew her a map?

Lilith: Worry not, Kikimora. I shall capture the human.

Leanbow stealthily made his way through the dungeon, keeping an eye out for any guards that might be patrolling. He finally arrived at Adrian's cell and whispered his name, "Adrian, it's me, Leanbow. I'm here to get you out."

Adrian shook his head, "Leave him alone!"

"I don't want your help," Adrian said, his voice laced with bitterness. "You and Eda have been lying to me all this time about my mother. She never loved me. All she cared about was her stupid loyalty to the emperor."

Leanbow's heart sank at Adrian's words. He had always known that Adrian had a difficult relationship with his mother, Lilith, but he never imagined that it was this bad. He knew that he had to do something to change Adrian's mind.

"Adrian, please listen to me," Leanbow said, his voice gentle but firm. "Your mother loved you more than anything in the world. That's why she gave you up to the human world."

Adrian looked at Leanbow skeptically. "What are you talking about?"

Leanbow took a deep breath and began to tell Adrian the story of how he and Eda had traveled to the human world and met Daggeron. It was there that he fell in love with Lilith and they had a child together. But Lilith knew that the emperor would never allow their child to live in the boiling isles. So, she risked everything to make sure that Daggeron took Adrian to the human world. She stayed behind, hoping that Adrian would live a happy life on earth.

As Leanbow finished the story, Adrian's eyes filled with tears. "I had no idea," he said softly. "I'm sorry for what I said about Lilith."

"It's okay, Adrian," Leanbow said, putting a hand on his nephew's shoulder. "Lilith may have made mistakes, but she never stopped loving you."

Adrian wiped away his tears and looked at Leanbow with determination. "Let's go save our family," he said.

Leanbow smiled, proud of Adrian's resilience in the face of adversity. He quickly got to work on breaking the lock of the cell door, and soon enough, they were out and on their way to rescue their loved ones.

[Cut to a hallway, where two guards are hanging in vines from the ceiling, another can only be seen by his legs, a fourth is holding his hands in front of a fire, and a fifth is encased in ice. Luz walks away from the scene, running to a padlocked set of double doors.]

Luz: King, watch the door.

King: Weh.

[Luz steps forward and places an ice glyph on the lock, freezing and breaking it. She enters the room and pulls out a light glyph. Offscreen, Beast Eda is growling.]

Luz: Eda? Eda!

[Luz runs to her, but bounces off when her wing twitches. Beast Eda turns at the noise and growls, going in for the attack.]

Luz: [Pulls out an activated light glyph.] Eda, wait! It's me! It's me.

Beast Eda: [Closes her eyes, reopens them to reveal them being gold again.] Luz? Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no, wh-what are you doing here?

Luz: It's okay Eda, I'm here to save you and Adrien.

[She activates a fire glyph on the chain keeping Eda in place, but the flame does nothing.]

Beast Eda: Your magic isn't strong enough for this. You need to leave! Now.

Luz: But, but I can't! It's my fault you needed to save us. It's my fault you and Adrien got captured.

She tells her as she continues to use the fire glyph on the chains, but they continue to fail.

Beast Eda: No. Listen to me. I'm here because of my own actions. I went against Belos's law, and for a while I was able to get away with it. But, *Sighs* well without magic, I can't do much. I don't regret anything. I lived freely and... I got to meet you and Adrien.

Luz: Eda...

Beast Eda: *Cups Luz's face* But if you stay here, I won't be able to protect you. You've come this far, so go find Adrien and leave. Now!

Luz: But we're a family! *Grabs her hand and holds it to her* Us weirdos have to stick together, remember?

[Eda sticks a claw into her hair, pulling out the key for the portal door. She activates it, making the door rise from the floor. It opens as she speaks, revealing the same path that Luz chased Owlbert down at the beginning of the summer.]

Beast Eda: You have a family already. Go back to them. When you save Adrien and when you're home, use your fire magic to destroy the portal door. [Places the key around Luz's neck] I don't know why Belos wants it, but we can't take any chances.

Luz: *Looks at Eda with tears in her eyes before tucking the key under her cloak and hugging her* I love you, Eda.

Beast Eda: I love you too, kiddo.

A siren blares as a door in the ceiling opens.

Beast Eda: Luz, get away!

Eda pushes Luz away as the chain around her neck glows blue and transforms into a cage. The ground beneath Eda begins to rise.

Luz: No! *Runs forward and grabs a hold of the bottom of Eda's claw* Not yet!

Beast Eda: I'm sorry. *Pushes Luz off* Goodbye, Luz. And tell Adrien, that I grew to love him.

Luz: Eda!

[The platform completely rises into the ceiling with an air of finality. Luz cries into her hand, kneeling between the door to the human realm and where Eda had been just moments before. Cut to the door as it opens suddenly with Lilith walking through, holding King by his collar.]

Lilith: Drat!

King: Let me go!

Lilith: I'm too late, at least I found you, human.

King: Luz, watch out! [Is pulled to the ground by vines.]

Luz: [Dives out of the way of Lilith's spell and pulls a fire glyph out.] Fire! [The glyph disintegrates in her hands.] What?

Lilith: [Tackles Luz.] Please, just listen to me!

Luz: No way! You deserve to be petrified! Not Eda!

Lilith: You're right. [Backs away from Luz.] I deserve to be in Edalyn's place.

Luz: Why did you do all this?

Lilith: When Edalyn and I were younger, we were, the best of friends.

[Cut to flashback of a young Lilith and Eda, wearing Potions-track Hexside uniforms, running through the woods while laughing. Young Eda trips, then sits up to reveal her knee bleeding. She starts crying. Young Lilith turns around and kneels in front of her, cupping Eda's face to wipe her tears before putting their foreheads together.]

Young Lilith: With this spell declared, let the pain be shared.

[Half of Eda's wound transfers to Lilith's knee. She winces, but both of them grin. Cut to a teenage Eda and Lilith practicing duels with a mop and a broom respectively.]

Lilith: [Voiceover.] Being in the Emperor's Coven was my dream. I wanted to work alongside the most powerful witch on the Isles and make the world a better place.

[Eda spins the mop easily, while Lilith whacks herself in the head with her broom.]

Lilith: [Voiceover.] Eda wanted to be with me, but there was a problem.

[Cut to the Hexside grudgby pitch, where a field day is being held. Teen Eda and Lilith are standing in front of the Emperor's Coven stand.]

Emperor's Coven delegate: One spot is available. You duel tomorrow. The winner will join our ranks.

Lilith: [Voiceover.] I knew Edalyn would beat me. She was younger, but worked twice as hard. She met me at my level.

[Teen Lilith walks away from the stand while Eda reaches out to her. Cut to Teen Lilith wearing a cloak and walking through the Night Market.]

Lilith: [Voiceover.] Emperor Belos always said, "To be great, you have to make sacrifices." What would he do in my situation? I found a spell that would take away her powers.

[Teen Lilith looks at a scroll with an owl seal on it. Her face goes from nervous to determined, and breaks the seal. A bright red light comes from the scroll, taking over the screen. Cut to a door opening to Eda's room as she sleeps. An indistinct, shadowy figure becomes Lilith as she steps forward and pulls down the hood of her cloak. She approaches Eda's bed, holding out the cursed scroll. It glows red again, reflecting in Lilith's glasses ominously.]

Lilith: [Voiceover.] I thought it would just be for a day.

[Cut to the Hexside grudgby pitch again. This time the stands are packed, and Teen Eda and Lilith stand opposite each other. They each raise an arm in a dueling pose, before Lilith runs forward with a yell, a blue flame appearing in her hand. Eda watches her approach.]

Teen Eda: No!

[Teen Lilith skids to a halt, the flame on her hand dying out. She looks surprised.]

Teen Eda: I refuse to battle my sister. [Walks up to a shell-shocked Lilith.] I've decided that covens aren't really my style. Hey, don't forget me when you're a big shot, sis.

Lilith: [Voiceover.] And as Edalyn walked away...

[Teen Eda barely makes it to the edge of the grudgby pitch before she starts yelling in pain and falls to her hands and knees. Feathers burst from her hand and race up her arm, tearing the seam of her uniform. Brown wings sprout from her back, her ears grow as she covers her face with claws, until she screams in a voice part-witch and part-beast, her eyes pitch black. The newly transformed Owl Beast looks at the crowd, looks at Lilith, terrified. The crowd yells and jeers.]

Crowd Member: What is that?!

Crowd Member #2: That girl is a monster!

[A rock hits Beast Eda's forehead. Emperor's Coven members continue to throw rocks at her as the crowd boos, until Beast Eda flares her wings and snarls at them.]

Crowd Member #3: Get out! Go!

[Beast Eda does just that, turning tail and running away.]

Teen Lilith: Edalyn!

Emperor's Coven delegate: [Grabs Lilith's arm.] Lilith Clawthrone, we welcome you to the Emperor's coven!

[He holds Teen Lilith's arm up in triumph as the crowd cheers.]

Lilith: [Voiceover.] I made my sacrifice for the emperor, and it was time to receive my reward.

[Cut to Lilith in the forest battling Daggeron.]

Lilith: [Voiceover] "After I joined the emperor's coven, I was tasked with finding and taking out the Solaris Knight," Lilith explained. "But instead, I fell in love with him. His name was Daggeron."

Luz's eyes widened in surprise. "Daggeron? Adrien's dad?

Lilith nodded. "Yes. We had a Adrien together. But when the emperor found out, he ordered Daggeron to be killed and Adrien to be taken away."

Luz's heart clenched at the thought of someone trying to harm her friend. "What did you do?"

"I helped Daggeron get Adrien to the human world," Lilith said, her voice choking up with emotion. "I couldn't let my own child be hurt by the emperor's cruel actions."

[Cut to present day.]

Lilith: I've been pursuing Edalyn because if she joined the Emperor's Coven, Emperor Belos told me he would heal her curse. But he lied to me. I know how to rescue Edalyn, but I can't do it alone.

Luz: How do I know I can trust you?

[Lilith appears to think for a second before tracing a large spell circle. Owlbert, the solaris morpher, and the rest of Eda's staff appear in her hands. She holds them both out to Luz, who takes them.]

Luz: Owlbert! You're okay.

[Owlbert opens his eyes and coos, nuzzling into Luz. She puts him on her shoulder and uses the staff to stand.]

Luz: All right, Lilith. I don't like your whole, [She points at Lilith and traces a circle with her finger.] deal, but... [Her expression softens.] we need your help to save Eda.

[Luz holds out the door key as Lilith stands.]

Lilith: Thank you.

[The vines around King loosen and let's him go.]

King: Weh?

Lilith: Now, lets head back.

[Lilith heads for the door. Luz starts to follow her, but a breeze makes her look back at the human realm behind them. A nostalgic, mournful tune plays as she stares at the trees. Lilith walks through the door, but King notices Luz lingering.]

King: Hey Luz, You... need a minute?

Luz: No. I'm coming.

[She walks up the steps as King follows Lilith. Luz pauses just before entering, taking one last look at the human realm, before disappearing in the glowing white. The glow disappears with her, leaving just a broken down house with a closed door. Cut to Adrian and Leanbow were making their way through the dark and winding corridors of the Emperor's castle when they were suddenly ambushed by a group of guards. The two warriors quickly took cover behind some nearby crates, Adrian grumbling under his breath about not having his swords or his morpher.]

"Leanbow, what are we going to do? We can't fight them off without any weapons!" Adrien whispered urgently.

Leanbow simply smiled and pulled out a small package from his pocket. "Don't worry, Adrien. I've got you covered."

Adrien raised an eyebrow as he opened the package to find a lamp inside. "A lamp? What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Just rub it," Leanbow replied with a grin.

Adrien hesitated for a moment before following Leanbow's instructions. To his surprise, a puff of smoke emerged from the spout, and when it cleared, an anthropomorphic cat genie appeared before him.

"Whoa! What is this?!" Adrien exclaimed, staring in amazement at the genie.

The genie introduced himself as Genji and explained that he was a friend of Adrien's father. Adrien was skeptical but intrigued.

"Can you grant me a wish?" Adrien asked eagerly.

Genji shook his head. "I'm sorry, Adrien, but I can only grant wishes outside the Emperor's castle. However, I can do something else for you."

With that, Genji disappeared back into the lamp, and the lamp began to transform. It became a laser gun, and Adrien's eyes widened in excitement.

"Whoa, this is amazing!" Adrien exclaimed as he took the laser gun in his hands. "Thanks, Genji!"

Without wasting any time, Adrien used the laser gun to take down the approaching guards, firing blasts of energy and magic at them with precision. He laughed with excitement as he hit his targets, feeling the power surge through him.

"Leanbow, me and Genji are going to be great friends!" Adrien exclaimed as they continued on their mission to find their friends. "I can't wait to see what else this laser lamp can do!"

Leanbow chuckled at Adrien's enthusiasm. "Let's not get too carried away, Adrien. We still have a mission to complete." And with that, they continued on their search for Luz, Lilith, and King, with Adrien feeling more confident and powerful than ever before.

[Cut to an Emperor's Coven guard drumming a beat. Zoom out to reveal several drumming guards in two lines in front of a large crowd.]

Willow: I don't see Luz anywhere

Gus: Do you think she got caught?

[An alarm sounds, and the cage with Beast Eda in it rises onto a towering platform in front of the crowd.]

Perry: Well folks, Eda the Owl Lady has appeared on stage, which means the petrification process is about to begin.

[Kikimora finishes rising with the cage. She walks forward and pushes a lever, making the three headed statue rise from the ground. Beast Eda visibly looks nervous as the machine crackles to power. Cut to the inside of the Conformatorium, where Lilith, Luz, and King are passing by towering statues covered in what appear to be meaty tendrils. They stop in front of a small platform.]

Lilith: You can take this up to the stage where they're holding Edalyn.

Luz: Thank you, Lilith. What will you do now?

Lilith: I will stay in the Emperor's coven, but I will make sure nothing like this ever happen again.

Luz: That's good to hear. [Looks around.] Wait, why are there no guards around?

Adrien: (Running towards them with Leanbow, following.) Luz!!

Luz: Adrien! 

[A red tendril wraps itself around Lilith's legs, pulling her down. She screams.]

Luz: Lilith!

[Leanbow gets wrapped with a tentacle aswell as he drops his staff as well.]

Adrien: Leanbow!

[King screams as he also gets taken by a tendril.]

Luz: King!

[Lilith, Leanbow, and King are dragged up near the ceiling before being suspended on either side of the far wall. Fires ignite below them, flanking a skull-like throne that Belos is sitting in, his staff in hand.]

Emperor Belos: Ah, Lilith. You chose the wrong side.

[Lilith, Leanbow, and King are pulled upwards. Luz stares in horror and tries to walk forward, but two arms grab her legs, making her drop the Solaris Morpher.]

Luz: No!

Emperor Belos: Ah puh-puh. I'd actually like to have a word with you, human, along with your freind here.

Luz and Adrien both glare at Belos.

[Cut to Lilith and King being forced into Beast Eda's cage by two Emperor's Coven members. They both land, kneeling, as the bars close behind them.]

Lilith: [Looks up.] Hello, Edalyn.

Beast Eda: [Glares for several seconds.] Lilith. [Begins pacing.] You hurt Luz. You took Adrien away. You cursed me. Before anything turns me to stone, I'll tear you apart. [Raises her claw.]

King: [Jumps between Eda and Lilith with Leanbow, holding her back.] No, don't!

[Eda gasps.]

Leanbow: She was trying to help. She even betrayed the Emperor for you!

Beast Eda: What?

Lilith: If I knew something like this would happen, Edalyn, I—

[Lilith tries to cup Eda's face, but the activation of the petrification machine earns both of their attentions. The machine's eyes begin to glow, first yellow, then green. Cut to the crowd. Willow and Gus gasp.]

Willow: We gotta do something.

Perry: And in a shocking turn of events, head Coven leader Lilith is now in the holding cage. Escorted by what appears to be a deranged cat.

[Gus pulls on his sleeve.]

Perry: Augustus? I'm live!

Gus: Dad, you have to stop!

Willow: [Grabs Perry's microphone.] Yeah. What's happening to Eda isn't right. She might not always follow the rules, but she hasn't done anything worthy of a petrification!

Eye-Eating Prisoner: She helped me escape jail.

Morton: She helps me stay in business!

Principal Bump: She helped me love teaching again... after she left.

Willow: The Emperor should let Eda go.

Gus: Let Eda go!

Crowd: [Chanting.] Let Eda go! Let Eda go! Let Eda go! Let Eda go!

[Camera pans down to the chamber with Luz, Adrien, and Belos.]

Luz: Let our friends go, or else!

[Owlbert hoots. Luz slams the butt of Eda's staff into the floor, rocketing out of the grip of the hands holding her down. She lands with a flip and slams the staff down, summoning a row of ice spikes that stops inches away from Belos's mask. Adrien holds his arm out summoning his two swords that fly to his hand. He puts them on his back, and picks up his Solaris morpher.]

Emperor Belos: Okay. [Melts from the throne, reappearing behind Luz, appearing to be more liquid than solid mass.] I'll play.

[Belos lifts a finger and flicks it, sending Luz into the base of a towering statue. Belos than fires multiple blasts at Adrien, who immediately morphs. He blocks the blasts with his cape, beforing firing multiple shots of the laser lamp at Belos. Who just shifts away and dodges them. A crack travels up the statue, until it frees the giant two-headed axe, which Luz just barely dodges. Luz sends a fireblast at spikes of earth. She freezes a giant red hand in a block of ice.]

Adrien: This is for my father!!

[Adrian joined in, firing blasts of energy and magic from his laser lamp.]

But he refused to give up, summoning all his dark power to unleash a devastating blast of magic that sent Adrian and Luz flying backwards.

Adrian groaned as he hit the ground, but he quickly got back up, checking on Luz.

Adrien: You okay?

Luz: (Gets on her knees) Yeah. 

Emperor Belos: [Appearing from the shadows.] Had enough?

Luz: [Smirks.] Not even close. [Moves her hand to reveal an ice glyph.]

[The ice pillar hits Belos's mask, chipping a piece off. Luz looks at the shard before looking back up at Belos.]

Adrien: (Smirks)

Emperor Belos: [Chuckles.] I like your spirit. [Turns around to reveal a glowing blue eye shining out of the broken half of his mask.] But try that again and things won't end well for you.

[The arms retreat off of Luz and Adrien.]

Emperor Belos: Now, I'm just a humble messenger for the Titan. In the grand scheme of things, the Owl Lady's life is inconsequential. [Steps directly in front of Luz.] But then you showed up. If you want to save your mentors, give me the portal to the human realm.

Luz: But... our home.

Adrien: We will-

[Luz looks up. Cut to the petrification machine, which is completely powered on. A bolt of green energy directs itself to the cage. Beast Eda, King, Leanbow, and Lilith all scream. Beast Eda dives in front of Lilith, Leanbow, and King, taking the full brunt of the blast of magic.]

Lilith: Edalyn!

Leanbow: No!

[Beast Eda screams, more beast than Eda. Cut back to Belos, Leanbow, and Luz.]

Emperor Belos: You probably think we want to invade the human realm, but the Titan's will is not so boarish. You'll understand soon. Tick tock, human. The Owl Lady doesn't have much time left.

[Beast Eda distantly screeches.]

Luz: [Reaches for the ceiling, for Eda.] No! 

Adrien: ...........Give it to him.

Luz: [Grabs the clasp of her cloak as a tear runs down her cheek.] Fine! [Reaches under her cloak and activates the portal door, keeping the key out of sight of Belos. She hugs the door to her chest.] Lo siento, Mamá. [Grabs Eda's staff and stands, while Adrien grabs Leanbow's, reluctantly walking towards Belos and holding out the door.

Adrien: Here, it's yours.

Emperor Belos: Go on then. [He taps his staff against the ground, making the platform rise.] Go be heroes.

Luz: We may have lost, but so have you. Adrien, now!

[The attack hardly damages Belos, but destroys the door. Belos backs away from the destroyed eye, the only substantial part of the door that remains. He glares at Luz and Adrien through the smoke, who glares right back as the platform carries them out of the chamber. Cut to Beast Eda, whose legs begin turning to stone. Luz and the platform rise in between the cage and the petrification machine. Luz grabs a plant glyph and throws it to the base of the machine. Vines burst out of the glyph and rock the machine to the side, stopping it. Beast Eda screeches and falls to the ground, nearly completely stone.]

King: Wh—what do we do?!

Lilith: The spell wasn't completed! Maybe I can help her fight it! [Puts her hands on Eda's wing.]

Kikimora: No! What is happening?

Adrien: [Activates a fire magic as he walks behind Kikimora.] Free them, now!

[Kikimora shrinks in on herself and traces a spell circle. The cage disappears, and the two friends run to Eda.]

Luz: Eda! Are you okay?

Adrien: You guys okay?

[The stone recedes from Eda's body. Her eyes open.]

Beast Eda: As good as I'll ever be.

[Emperor's Coven guards, holding spears, close in on them. Luz and Adrien prepare themselves for a fight, but Eda flings them, Leanbow, and King onto her back.]

Beast Eda: Let's fly.

[Lilith gets on in front of Luz and King, and Eda takes off. The coven guards take aim with their spears, but none hit them. But  The crowd cheers as Eda flies away. The guards threw ropes, the ropes wrapped tightly around Beast Eda's legs, pulling her back down to the ground.]

Lilith cursed under her breath as she tried to free herself from the ropes. "We have to get out of here!"

Leanbow, however, had a different idea. He turned to Adrien, handing him his staff. "Take this, Adrien. Hold onto it for me."

Adrien looked at him in confusion. "What are you doing, Leanbow?"

"I'm making a sacrifice," Leanbow replied with a smile. "I'll hold them off. You all go on ahead without me."

Luz shook her head vigorously. "No, we can't leave you behind, Leanbow! We're all in this together!"

But Leanbow was determined. "Go, Luz. You have to save yourselves. I'll find a way to escape later."

With that, Leanbow jumped off Beast Eda's back, wielding his own sword as he cut through the ropes binding her feet. The guards quickly surrounded him, but Leanbow fought back with all his strength, taking down several of them before he was finally overpowered and captured.

Beast Eda managed to break free from the remaining ropes, and with a fierce roar, she took off into the sky, carrying Lilith, King, Luz, and Adrien with her. Adrien looked back at Leanbow, his heart heavy with sadness and regret.

"We have to go back and save him, Eda!" he exclaimed.

But Beast Eda shook her head. "We can't risk it, kid. We have to keep moving forward. For now, we need to focus on getting as far away from here as possible."

Adrien nodded, his eyes still fixed on the castle, where Leanbow was being held captive. He knew that they couldn't leave him behind, but for now, they had no choice but to keep moving forward, hoping for a chance to save him later.

Cut to Kikimora glaring after them, until Emperor Belos walks out, his mask still broken.]

Kikimora: My liege!

Emperor Belos: *Walks to the edge of the roof* Children of the Isles. The Titan has told me to spare the Owl Lady's and the Mystic Halfa's life, but in return, Eda's curse will strip away all her powers. Let her monstrous form and the Halfa boy's mystic energy be a lesson about the dangers of wild magic.

[Cut to the Owl House, which Beast Eda lands in front of, panting heavily. Luz, Adrien, Lilith, and King dismount.]

Luz: Don't worry, Eda. I'll run and get you some elixir and—

Lilith: No, human. No amount of elixir can heal her now. Oh, sister. [Cups Eda's face.] I should have done this a long time ago. [Puts their foreheads together.] With this spell declared, let the pain be shared.

[Lilith and Beast Eda glow blue and float. Their gems glow, and Eda returns back to her usual witch form. Luz shields King from the light, and they both turn when it fades to see Eda, back to normal, and Lilith land softly.]

Luz/Adrien: Eda!

[Lilith and Eda turn their heads to reveal that one of each of their eyes has turned gray, and Lilith now has a streak of gray hair while Eda has a streak of white and her gem is still black. Eda laughs as Luz, Adrien, and King run and hug her.]

Luz: Can you still do magic?

Eda: [Traces a spell circle, which disintegrates.] That's a no. It'll take some time to get used to this.

Lilith: I feel that I've been weakened as well.

Luz: It's okay. I can teach you what I know, and what we don't know, we can learn together.

[Luz puts a light glyph in Eda's hand. Eda activates it, looking shocked that it worked. The ball of light floats into the night sky. Lilith walks closer to the others.]

Eda: [Ruffling Luz's hair.] Thanks, kid. [Pulls Luz into a hug.] I look forward to that.

Adrien: (Looks at his laser Lamp and than back out to the sea)

Luz: Adrien... *Places a hand on his shoulder* Are you gonna be ok?

Adrien closes his eyes letting out a sigh. He opens his eyes, looking to Luz with a smile.

Adrien: Better now, that I'm with you.

Luz smiles brightly with a blush and tears in her eyes before pulling him into the tightest hug they've ever gave each other.

Luz: I love you, Adrien.

Adrien: *Smiles brightly with a blush too, hugging her back* I love you too, Luz.

Adrien pulls away from the hug, cupping her cheek. They both look into each others eyes with love and relief that they are together again.

Adrien gently pulls her into a passionate kiss, in which she instantly returns. Eda and Lilith turn their heads away letting them have their moment and King covers his eyes.

After a minute they pull away from their loving kiss and Adrien takes two steps back and looks to Lilith. Lilith nervously approached Adrien, her son, who was standing with his arms crossed, looking at her with a mix of anger and sadness. Eda, Luz, and King watched from a distance, hoping for the best.

Lilith: "Adrien, I know I've hurt you and Eda in the past. I'm sorry for what I've done, and I want to make things right. If you want me to be a part of your life, I'm willing to try."

Adrien: "You can never forget what you've done, Lilith. But I can forgive you."

Adrien uncrossed his arms and stepped closer to Lilith, opening his arms for an embrace. Lilith hesitated for a moment before stepping forward and hugging her son tightly.

Adrien: "I love you, mom."

Lilith: (tears up) "I love you too."

Eda, Luz, and King broke into applause, happy to see the mother and son willing to make peace with each other. They all joined in on the hug, creating a moment of pure joy and love.

Luz: [Voiceover.] And that's how we escaped from the Emperor.

[Cut to Luz's room, where she's laying on her stomach in her sleeping bag. King is asleep at her feet.]

Luz: Everyone told me he was the most powerful witch alive.

[Cut to the view of Luz's phone, where she's recording a video.]

Luz: But look at this, Mom. [Holds up the chip of Belos's mask.] I chipped off a piece of his mask! I know he's not invincible now. [Her expression falls.] It's a strange feeling, having gone through so much and, not having you here to share it with. And I don't know when or how I'm gonna see you again. [Puts her phone down and looks at a picture of her and Camila, then at the ball of light hovering in front of her.] But I will find my way home to you. I promise. Deja una luz puesta para mí. Te quiero.

[Luz pokes the ball of light, putting it out. Several balls of light hovering outside of her window float away when it goes dark. Cut to a staircase in the Emperor's Castle, which Belos is standing in front of and Kikimora is walking down.]

Kikimora: Sire, those miscreants are still at large. Please, allow me to capture them.

Emperor Belos: Worry not, Kiki. We'll be keeping an eye on the inhabitants of the Owl House.

[Belos nods to a robed figure wearing a mask that resembles an owl. They nod back before walking away.]

Emperor Belos: In the meantime, the Day of Unity is almost upon us...

[Belos turns, and the camera moves to reveal a round white frame with wings attached to it, partially built. Inside the frame is the portal door, still broken, but being pieced back together.]

Emperor Belos: ...and we have much work to do.

[The back door opens and an armoured figure approaches behind him.]

???: I'm ready to serve..........Master.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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