Understanding Willow

[Open on a hallway in Hexside, where Boscha is magically changing her nails and Amity is reading.]

Boscha: [Sporting tentacles.] Too wiggly. [Changes to miniature flames.] Too obvious. [Stops on talons.] Now we're talkin'! I think today is a talons day—rawr! 

Skara: Hey, girls! Time to bug out at my birthday party! [Skara holds up an invite which unrolls in the shape of a red butterfly. Its wings read "SKARA'S 15th".] 

Skara: Invite only, but you witches are my VIPs! Amity: Are these made of real insect wings? 

Skara: My dad spared no expense! You only turn 15 once! Boscha: You only turn every age once, Skara. 

Luz: Prepare thyself to do battle like a human! Thumb war! 

[Sure enough, Luz is engaging in a thumb war with Willow; both have drawn faces on their thumbs, while Adrien is watching.] 

Willow: [Laughs.] It's funny 'cause it's stupid! 

Boscha: It's so weird that a human goes here now, especially that freak. Too bad they've already burned their social life at the stake. Any friend of Willow's is an automatic dork.  [The invite starts molting.] Ugh! Skara! Why did you give me an invite that was molting? Gross! Give me another one. 

[Boscha throws the invite on the floor. Two younger kids see it.] 

Kid #1: [Gasps.] An invitation to Skara's party! I want it! 

Kid #2: I want it! 

Kid #1: It's mine! 

Kid #2: No, it's mine! [The two kids start fighting.] 

Teacher #1: Oh. Kid fight! 

Teacher #2: Kid fight? 

Detention Teacher: Kid fight!

Adrien: (Concerned) We really need to get new teachers in this place.


(As the portal gate opens and the camera zooms in on it, Adrien and Luz are seen to be in the sky. They open their eyes, only to realize they were falling which caused them to freak out before something zoomed past them and caught them. Adrien and Luz opened their eyes, with Luz behind Adrien and holding his arm while Adrien held onto the staff to stay on. The two kids saw they were saved by Eda, who smirked at the duo as they flew to her house on her Palisman staff.)

(The door where Hooty was opened up as Luz and Adrien step outside, with Luz twirling and posing with Eda's staff while Adrien draws his Rita sword he got recently and does his own pose. But then Eda took her staff back with an amused grin while Luz gave a sheepish smile and Adrien looked somewhat amused too. King popped up in front of them in a pose.)

(A Boiling Isle mural was seen as Gus, Willow, and Amity are seen briefly before it burns away to show King commanding an army of stuffed toys, which all fall on him. The scene burned away again, showing Adrien standing under a spotlight with determination on his face. Soon, a silhouette of a man in the Solaris Knight appears behind him before it fades out.)

(Now Adrien and Luz were on Eda's staff with Luz riding up front like she was driving and Adrien standing behind like he was surfing on a surfboard. They zoom down the Boiling Isles, past many friends and foes alike until Eda and King join in on the ride... then they hang on for dear life as a massive monstrous worm-like monster, mouth wide open, lunges at them. Everyone, minus Adrien, screamed in horror, as the latter had a look of bravery and defiance towards the monster as he pointed his sword towards it.)

(Then the scene changes back to the Owl House where it's nighttime and stars twinkle in the sky as the four are on the roof and looking up into the sky. Luz opens her hands to reveal a ball of light as Adrien pulls out his solar cell morphor and ticket.)

(He grinned and punched the ticket, causing light magic to burst from his hands. That's when the title appeared.)

[Cut to Luz, Adrien, and Willow at Luz's locker.]

Luz: Oh my gosh, Willow, I'm so excited for photo class! I can't believe you can make pictures of your actual memories! [Opens locker.] I'mma see me some baby Willow!

Adrien: I'll bet you were adorable.

Willow: I'll admit, I was adorable.

[Luz tries to take a book out of her locker, but it bites down on it.]

Luz: Don't eat that. [Pulls at the book.] Whoa! [Falls.]

[Her locker eats the book and hisses.]

Luz: Hiss! [Stands.]

(Adrien tries to take a book out of his locker and when the locker tries to bite down on it, Adrien immediately punches it, giving it a black eye. His locker moans in pain.)

Boscha: [Laughing.] I can't believe she'd even hang out with her! It's just embarrassing. [With her fingers like glasses.] "Oh, look at me! I'm going on a date with my ferns!"

[Skara laughs as she, Boscha, and Amity pass Luz, Adrien, and Willow. Willow wilts.]

Luz: That could be anyone!

Skara: Solid Willow impression, Boscha! Amity, weren't you friends with Willow?

[The three of them stop walking. Amity side-eyes Skara.]

Amity: I'm a Blight. We only associate with a select few. Keep annoying me though, I'm happy to select fewer. [Walks off.]

Skara: Oh, I coulda sworn that you guys hung out.

[Skara and Boscha follow Amity. Willow sighs. Cut to a darkroom-like classroom with students sitting in front of undeveloped photos.]

Luz: Alright, memory melon, pick another juicy one!

Adrien: Alright, hold on.

Willow: Be careful with my brain!

[Adrien pulls a photo out of Willow's ear with a pair of tweezers.]

Luz: Ooo, who says brain surgery is hard?

Adrien: Doctors, nurses, and the entire medical community.

Luz: (Embarassed) Heheh, right.

[Willow rubs her ear as Adrien puts the empty photo on a wire.]

Photo Teacher: As your work, note that some prints have greater clarity than others. These are moments that invoke strong emotional response.

Luz: All the colors of the brainbow.

[Luz goes to touch the photo. A big blue hand that has "HALT" on it stops her.]

Photo Teacher: But, if you damage the prints, you'll damage the memories themselves! Be extremely careful. [Walks away.]

Luz: Whoa. Photo class is intense.

Adrien: Makes sense considering we're literally taking memories out of willow's brain.

[One photo develops, showing Willow on a chair, blushing a bit, with a band-aid on her cheek, and with wavy and poofy hair.]

Luz: Oh my gosh, Willow, you had an awkward hair phase, too? I knew we were meant to be friends.

[She holds up a picture day photo of her as a child with her hair done up in three awkward braids, each sporting two bows. There are also stickers in her hair.]

Willow: What about Adrien?

Luz: Oh, I have his picture too!

Adrien: Wait, don-!

(Luz holds up a picture of Adrien with a-)

Willow: (Chuckles) Nice, bowlcut!

Luz: (Giggles)

Adrien: (Groans in embarassment)

Luz: Ooo, there's more!

[The rest of the photos develop: Willow being pushed on a swing by her , Willow feeding as spider demon, Willow and her dads at what looks like a winter holiday, and Amity hugging Willow at a birthday party. Luz and Adrien gasps.]

Willow: Ugh. [Turns away.]

Adrien: Hey, I know you and Amity have a history. Wouldn't you feel better talking about it?

Willow: No, I'd rather do this. [Flips the photo around.] That's my motto, after all! "Out of sight, out of mind."

Adrien: That's a pretty unhealthy motto.

[The bell screams and rings. Students begin leaving.]

Luz: If you won't tell us what she did, I'll never be able to cook up a scheme to make you friends again.

Willow: Luz, I get it, but I don't want you to do that. No schemes, no plots, no ruses, none! Okay? Now, let's get to lunch! [Leaves.]

Luz: [Looks at the photos.] She never did mention anything about... shenanigans.

Adrien:  You're going to cook up some crazy Shenanigans to make them friends again aren't you? 

Luz: Yes I am.

Adrien: (Mumbles) Annoying, but lovable.

Luz: What?

Adrien: Nothing!

[Luz turns the photo back around. She and Adrien follows Willow out of the classroom as Boscha and Amity come from the opposite direction.]

Luz: Wait up!

Boscha: [To Amity.] I can't believe I made him cry. Like, he's the teacher.

[As they pass photo class, Amity stops.]

Amity: Hm?

[She looks at Willow's memory photos, specifically the birthday party one.]

Amity: Oh no.

Boscha: Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? Is there a ghost in photo class? Are they cute?!

[Amity tries to block Boscha's view with her hand.]

Amity: Yep, just a super cute ghost. But they're all mine! [Slams door.]

Boscha: Ask if they have any friends!

Amity: [Takes down the photo.] Willow, [Sighs.] I'm sorry. But I have to do this.

[Amity summons a small flame and burns her face off the photo. She blows on the embers to put it out, puts the photo back, and start to leave. The photo reignites. Amity stops at the door.]

Amity: Huh? [Turns around.] Oh, no. No, no, no, no! [Approaches the photo.] Um, uh... [She blows on the flame. It spreads to the other photos.] Oh, come on!

[Cut to the cafeteria. Gus is looking at a corkboard titled "WHO TO INTERVIEW".]

Luz: Hey there, detective. Are you solving a crime or about to commit one?

Gus: Sadly, this is one problem crime can't solve. My interview for journalism class is due tomorrow! I'm supposed to choose someone "interesting, accomplished, and noteworthy." People aren't meant to be all those things! Curse your need for perfection, Gus!

Luz: Okay buddy, okay. [Gives Gus apple blood.

Adrien: So, Willow—whoa. Are you okay?

Willow: [Sweating.] When did it get so hot?

[Willow drinks water and exhales steam. She pours herself another cup, then just douses herself with the pitcher, releasing more steam. Gus sips at his apple blood, looking confused, while Luz and Adrien look concerned. Steam comes out of Willow's ears as she cleans her glasses. When she puts them back on, her pupils dilate until her eyes are completely black.]

Willow: Uhh, hi! I'm Willow! Remind me of your names?

Adrien: (Worried) What?

Gus: This is serious journalism, Willow. Clowning around will get you nowhere.

Willow: I'm—I'm serious! Who—who are you?

Gus: I'll admit, this amnesia spin has piqued my interest.

Luz: Gus, it really seems like she's forgotten us, like her memory is—

Adrien: [Gasps.] Like her memory is gone!

[Cut to photo class as Adrien breaks down the door and  Gus, Adrien, and Luz run in, Willow walking drunkenly behind them.]

Gus: Hexside Free Press! What's going on here?

[Luz gasps, while Adrien's eyes widened. Amity is desperately trying to blow out the flames. She notices the others.]

Amity: ...Hi.

Luz: You destroyed Willow's memories?!

Adrien: Why would you do that?!

Amity: It was an accident and I-I saved as many as I could!

[She holds up the picture of Willow's awkward hair phase, another one behind it. An ember burns both of them to ash. Amity, Adrien, and Luz watch the ashes fall.]

Adrien: Dang it.

Amity: Ugh! Why would they make memories so flammable?

Willow: [Giggles, wiggling her fingers.] Have I always had this crazy thing? [Slaps her face gently.] Blap, blap! [Walks to Amity and Luz and puts her arms around their shoulders.] Eeee, heee, heee, I can tell we're gonna be good friends! [Looks at Adrien and rubs a finger on his chest.] Hey, are you single? [Falls.]

Adrien: Grab her, we're taking her to Eda.

[Cut to the Owl House.]

Amity: [Looking around.] So, this is the Owl House.

Luz: Yup.

Amity: And you two... sleep here?

Luz: When the night critters allow me to.

Amity: Do you also train here?

Adrien: Everyday.

Eda: So, you set Willow's memories on fire and erased everything. Even minor damage can have huge effects!

[Willow walks into the couch where is sleeping.]

Willow: Ahh, a chair for sitting!

[Willow flops face front onto the couch, does a handstand while trying to sit, and then flops upside down.]

Eda: Yep, her brain's burned up real good. Damage like that can change everything about a person. Willow may never be the same.

[Willow finally gets the sitting position right.]

Willow: I got it! [Looks at King.] Ooh, a furry fruit! [Picks King up.] I'm gonna peel it!

King: What? [Tries to escape as she begins.] What is happening?!

Eda: Nap time.

[Eda casts a spell, putting Willow to sleep.]

King: Sleep spell...

[King yawns and goes to sleep.]

Eda: I didn't cast it on you.

King: [Yawns.] Yeah, who cares?

Luz: Is there anything we can do?

Eda: There is one way, but it's terribly dangerous and partially illegal. [Pause.] So you're in the right place! I'll send you into her mind to fix the damage.

Luz: Be still my fantasy loving heart, I have always wanted to do this! Thank you, Boiling Isles.

Adrien: I imagine this will not be easy.

Eda: Your right. You have a lot to fix in there, 'cause it's a mess! Yep, whoever did this to Willow showed unbelievable disregard for her safety, downright despicable.

Adrien: (sarcastic) Gee, I wonder who could do something so terrible.

[Amity looks away, guilty.]

Eda: [To Amity.] Oh, right, it was you. [To Luz.] Anyways, Adrien, who's going inside with you?

Adrien: Luz?

Luz: Like you have to ask?

Hooty: [Opens door.] Maybe I can help! I'm pretty good at getting stuck inside people's heads!

Eda: This is someone's brain, not a night club! [Spins a spell circle, the door closes.] Three max.

[Luz looks at Gus, who is pacing in front of his corkboard.]

Gus: I'm running out of time. Ugh. I'm in total free fall! [Looks at a pile of books.] Must I turn to forbidden sources? [The books growl.] Aah! [Falls.]

Luz: Gus... has a lot on his plate. 

Adrien: Amity, you have to go with us.

Amity: Willow might not want me in there.

Adrien: You set everything in there on fire! You have to help.

[Amity looks at Adrien and Luz and thinks for a second.]

Amity: [Sighs.] Okay, I'll do what I can.

[Adrien holds her hand out to Amity. She hesitantly takes it. Adrien holds hand out to Luz, who takes it.]

Eda: Alright! Bold choice, taking the girl who caused the mess. [Draws a around them and summons a bell.]

Luz: [Takes bell.] Whoa.

Eda: When you're done, ring that and I'll cast you back—Oh, and keep an eye out for her "Inner Willow." She's the gatekeeper of emotions and memory. She might help ya.

[Eda lifts her hand. The spell circle around Luz, Adrien, and Amity produces a light that encases them.]

Eda: Now, here we go!

Luz, Adrien, and Amity: Ah!

[Luz, Adrien, and Amity disappear into the yellow light of the spell. Eda directs it to Willow, still fast asleep. Cut to a black void inside Willow's mind, where Luz, Adrien, and Amity land.]

Luz: Ah! [Almost falls.]

[Light appears and bursts forward. Luz, Adrien, and Amity shield their eyes. When the light dims, they're standing in a forest, each tree growing around a dark picture frame. Luz, Adrien, and Amity look around and start walking.]

Amity: Where's her Inner Willow? Do you really think it'll help?

Luz: I don't know. We'll just have to start fixing stuff on our own! Hmm, now let's see...

[Luz blows dust off a frame and coughs. It's a picture of a fort on a beach. Luz touches it with her hand, which goes through the picture.]

Luz: [Poking it more times.] Hey, I found something magical. I'mma put my face in it! [Laughs as she enters the picture.]

Amity: Luz? Luz!

Adrien: Luz, wait!

Luz: [Sticks her head out the picture.] I think I found the memories. Let's go! [Drags Amity and Adrien in.]

Amity: Aah!

[Luz, Adrien, and Amity fall through the opposite side of the picture, landing face first.]

Luz: Woo!

Amity: Ah!

Adrien: Ow.

Luz: [Sits up.] And welcome to Willow's beautiful... memory?

[The memory is in grayscale and burning. They're at a grassy beach with a dock and sign that reads "LAKE LACUNA".]

Adrien: Beautiful is too strong a word. What is this place?

Amity: Lake Lacuna! This is where Willow and I took swimming lessons! The ash must be from the fires. [Gasps.] Our fort! In the dunes!

[They run up to the fort. Amity starts taking things off of it.]

Amity: One time Willow wanted to play hooky from our swim lessons, so we built this! [Shoves a plank in Luz's hands.]

Luz: Forts, hooky, Willow. Can words get any cuter?

Amity: We knew the swim teacher would be on the prowl, but Willow said she'd protect us with an illusion spell. [Looks at the fort in pride.]

Adrien: What the? It's like a dog house for angels!

Amity: Wait, something is missing.

[Amity looks down. She swipes sand off a small flag reading "A+W". She smiles at it fondly before putting it in a small flowerpot tied to the top of the fort.]

Amity: There.

[The memory's color returns. Amity, Adrien, and Luz appear back outside the memory picture in Willow's mind.]

Amity: [Looks around.] We're back!

Luz: I think fixing the fort fixed the memory!

Adrien: Good work Amity!

[The memory starts playing in color, showing a young Amity and Willow laughing and entering the fort.]

Young Amity: Ugh! The seagulls are back again!

Young Willow: Don't worry, I'll get rid of them!

[Young Willow casts a spell. Instead of getting rid of the seagulls, she gets rid of the fort. The seagulls attack them as the fort reappears. She and Young Amity yell.]

Young Amity: Willow!

Young Willow: I'm sorry, I thought I was getting better!

[The swim teacher spots Amity and Willow and drags them back to class.]

Amity: Willow was a... late bloomer.

Luz: I know, but now she's more like a great bloomer! This place is like theater showing her most important moments! Now, let's fix some more! [Runs up to the birthday party picture.] The photo that started it all! Let's do it next.

[Amity visibly panics. Luz starts to climb into the picture.]

Amity: Wait! Uhh. You want important moments? [Gestures to the awkward hair day picture.] This one might be about a crush! [Smiles nervously.]

Luz: Hmm, don't mind if I do! [Laughs.]

Adrien: (Raises eyebrow in suspicion) Amity, is there something you want to talk about?

Amity: (Nervous) Uhhhh, nope.

[Amity and Luz both climb in and Adrien soon follows behind. A pink fiery foot steps on the ground. Cut back to the Owl House, where Willow is still sleeping. Gus is pacing in front of her.]

Gus: No one can give me the interview I need, except... myself! [Creates illusion double.]

Gus's Illusion: I'd rather die than expose my secrets!

Gus: [Rolls up sleeves.] Then die, you shall!

[Gus and his illusion strike fighting poses.]

Eda: Ahem. If you need an interview, look no further. Interesting? I'm a bad girl living in a secret fortress.

Hooty: [Crashes through the window.] I'm the secret!

Eda: Shh! [Floats.] Noteworthy? [Gestures to her wanted poster.] I'm public enemy number one. Accomplished? I'm the greatest witch who ever lived!

[The mural on the ceiling glows as Eda poses dramatically. Gus turns to his illusion.]

Gus: What do you think?

King: I think not! [Bursts through Illusion Gus's chest.]

Gus: Ah!

King: If you're handing out attention, I deserve it. Nyeh!

[King jumps to the floor. Gus's illusion disappears in a puff of blue smoke. The real Gus looks at King and Eda.]

Gus: I will choose one of you, but which one? If you want to get picked, you'll have to impress me.

[King and Eda glare at each other. Cut to Willow's mind. Montage of Luz, Adrien, and Amity fixing Willow's memories: Willow and her dads playing on the swings, Willow and Amity reading 13+ romance novels only to run from the librarian, and Amity waving for Willow to join her on the "Roller Ghoster."]

Young Willow: [Screams.] I don't feel so good!

Luz: We don't need to see how this one ends... [Turns the memory around.]

Amity: Yeah, Willow threw up a lot that day. That's when you knew she was havin' fun.

Luz: Ew... I mean, aw!

Adrien: I think it's both.

[Amity looks downcast.]

Adrien: Hey, you okay?

Amity: Yeah, I just... I can't believe I almost erased all of this. I really messed things up.

Adrien: Don't worry. We're  fixing the memories! I won't rest until we've got this all sorted out. Repeat after me: "We can fix this together!" Come on!

Amity: [Smiles.] We can fix this together. [Blushes.]

Luz: Heck yeah we can! I know some of these memories must be painful for you, but, what happened to you guys? And why are you trying to hide it?

Amity: I just...

[Amity notices a pink fire monster stepping out from behind a tree.]

Amity: [Gasps, points.] What's that?

[Luz turns to see nothing.]

Luz: Look, if you don't wanna talk about it, just say so. [Walks off.]

Amity: No, I actually saw something! At least I... I think I did.

Luz: If you need me, I shall be fixing this memory of a ball pit.

Amity: Wait, that's not—

Luz: [Enters, immediately ducks back out with an egg on her head.] It's eggs! It's full of eggs! Why is this memory full of eggs?!

Adrien: (Chuckles in amusement)

Amity: Yeah, that one's hard to explain.

[Cut to the Owl House. King is looking at himself in a hand mirror.]

Eda: Just give up, King, 'cause I got this.

King: You got nothing. No one could turn down an interview with someone this pretty!

[The lights flick off.]

King: [Drops mirror.] Weh?

Eda: Hm?

Gus: [Summons a ball of light.] If you want this interview, you're gonna have to start answering some tough questions. [To King.] Where were you born?

King: Weh?

Gus: [To Eda.] What'd you eat for breakfast this morning?

Eda: Wha?

Gus: [To King.] What's your greatest strength?

King: My decisiveness. W-Wa-Wait, I changed my mind!

Gus: This will be the single greatest interview of all time. So if you want it, you'll have to dazzle me! [Turns one ball of light into dozens.]

Eda: The kid scares me.

[Cut to Willow's mind. Luz is pulling an egg shell off her head.]

Amity: We're getting pretty good at fixing these.

Luz: [Inhales.] Phew! [Tosses egg.] Yeah. And there's only one last memory to fix! 

Adrien: The one you're suspiciously avoiding.

Amity: Me? Avoid? No. But let's skip it! Where's Eda's bell?

[Amity runs at Adrien and Luz. Adrien stops her with one hand on Amity's face.]

Adrien: Amity, you gotta stop being weird. We have to fix all of them. Unless... there's something in there you don't want us to see.

[Amity crosses her arms defensively.]

Luz: Look, we're not here to judge, I'm just here to help Willow.

Amity: Help? All you're doing is prying into your friends lives!

[Luz looks ashamed.] 

Adrien: Amity, enough! There is nothing wrong with helping your friend!

[Smoke drifts in.]

Amity: Well, did you ever think maybe it's none of your business? [Sniffs.] Is something... burning?

[Luz and Amity gasp while Adrien draws Rita. They turn to see pink flames destroying the memories they had just fixed.]

Luz: Look!

[The pink monster reappears and runs toward the two, causing them to scream.]

Adrien: Hide!

[Adrien drags Luz and Amity behind the egg memory tree. The pink monster jumps into the photo. Luz, Adrien, and Amity look at the photo as it reignites.]

Luz: Oh no! That thing is burning up all the memories!

Amity: Please call Eda, I don't wanna be here when it comes out!

[Adrien grabs the bell and rings it. Cut to the Owl House, where Eda is ringing several bells, with even more on the coffee table in front of her. She finishes.]

Eda: How's that for interesting? There's levels to me, kid, levels I say!

Gus: Yes, that was nice.

King: No it wasn't! If you want noise, I'll give you noise!

[King slides on the table, sending the bells flying. He slams a spoon against a metal sheet. Gus smiles and writes on his notepad. Cut back into Willow's mind.]

Amity: [Ringing the bell with every word.] Why won't she answer?

Luz: Yeah... she's not super reliable.

Adrien: That's an understatement.

[The flames behind them grow and some begin to rain down on them]

Luz: Run!

Adrien: (Uses Rita to block some of the fire rain)

Amity: Ah!

[Luz, Adrien, and Amity run as the monster emerges. It enters several more photos.]

Amity: Why is it destroying all the photos?

Luz: I don't know. [Looks at the swing photo.] That one hasn't been burned, [Looks at the holiday photo.] or that one! 

Adrien: [Looks at the library photo, gasps.] Amity, that thing isn't after any photo. It's after you!

[The monster turns and locks eyes with Amity.]

Amity: What?

[The monster growls, burns brighter, and runs towards them, Adrien meets head on and begins to fight it.]

Adrien: Get Amity out of here!

Luz: (Nods)Run! I have an idea! [Shoves Amity to the beach photo.]

Amity: We can't go in there, I'm in there!

Luz: Just trust me!

[Luz shoves Amity in. She checks to see if  Adrien is okay  before jumping in herself. Both land on their faces. Luz stands and drags her finger in the sand, drawing a large circle.]

Luz: Time for a swimming lesson!

[Luz slams the circle. The inside of it turns blue, and the inner lines of the appear (though the central vertical line is missing). A pillar of ice begins to grow from the glyph.  Adrien is blown through the photo and lands beside Luz.] 

Luz: You okay?

Adrien: Yeah. (Gets up)

[The monster leaps through the photo and lands on the pillar as it grows, and the monster slides into the lake. Luz and Amity look around the pillar.]

Luz: Woo! Teamwork, baby!

[Luz hugs Amity and Adrien, causing both to blush. Amity looks down at Luz's arms, then up at the lake.]

Amity: Luz.

[A shadow is standing in the lake, obscured by fog. The fog clears, revealing Willow, pink flames around her. She looks at Luz, Adrien, and Amity.]

Amity: Are you... the Inner Willow?

Inner Willow: [Eyes turn completely purple.] I was. Love, sadness, fear. [Her footsteps leave flames in the sand.] I used to be a being made of all emotions. But ever since you set Willow's mind on fire, all I can feel is anger! ["Anger" echoes.]

[Her hands ignite in flames. Around them, the memory starts to burn again. A tree is set on fire, then another, and then the fort. The flag burns to ash. Luz, Adrien, and Amity watch the destruction.]

Luz: Please! Stop!

Adrien: You don't want this!

Inner Willow: But Amity wanted this. [Summons the birthday party photo, grabs it with a hand made of fire.] Every moment she touched, I'm going to burn.

Amity: You're just hurting Willow. Why are you doing this?

Inner Willow: [Getting in Amity's face.] Still haven't figured it out yet? Then I'll show you! [Throws Amity into the memory, turns to Luz.] You wanted to know everything, right? Then come take a trip down memory lane.

Luz: You're saying it all creepy, but I like the sound of—whoa!

[Inner Willow grabs Luz by the cowl and tosses her through the memory, Inner Willow than glares at Adrien, who just puts his hands up in surrender.] 

Adrien: I'm going, I'm going.

[Adrien jumps into the memory. Cut to Amity's childhood bedroom. Amity bounces off her bed and lands on her feet. Luz flies through the air and crashes into something. Adrien lands on his feet. Luz walks over to Amity while rubbing her head and Adrien joins them.]

Luz: Where are we?

[Inner Willow floats into the memory. Amity hides behind Luz.]

Inner Willow: You said I was hurting Willow? I was just finishing what you started!

[With a bell toll and a flash of flame, the memory begins playing. The door to Young Amity's room opens, and Young Amity and Young Willow enter.]

Young Amity: You have to get out, Willow, now!

Young Willow: Wait, why?

Young Amity: Because—because—

Young Willow: Is it because I still can't do magic? [Grabs Young Amity's hand.] Amity, I'm—I'm sorry I got us in trouble at the beach, I just—I can't get the spells right.

Young Amity: [Rips her hand away.] Well, yes, that—that is why! Because you're a weakling! You can't do magic so I don't wanna be your friend. Now, go!

[Inner Willow makes them disappear into dust. Young Amity's scowl disappears to reveal Amity's resigned expression, while Young Willow's tearful face reveals Inner Willow's furious one.]

Inner Willow: Then you let your new friends pick on her for years. All because you thought she was weak. [Floats.] Well, now I can erase all that pain. After all, [Eyes turn black.] out of sight, out of mind.

Luz: Amity!

[A ring of fire circles around Amity's feet.]

Amity: Wait! Please.

[The flames disappear.]

Amity: Before all this started, there—there was something else.

[Something bangs on the door.]

Alador: Amity?

[The door opens. A light turns on in the darkness behind it, showing Young Amity, her parents' shadows looming over her.]

Odalia: What is Willow doing here? She wasn't on the guest list for a reason.

 Young Amity: But, she's—she's my best friend!

[Inner Willow is surprised by that.]

Alador: Nonsense, Blights only associate with the strongest of witchlings. You can choose a new friend from one of the suitable companions we invited.

[A black and white picture of young Boscha and Skara appears next to the Blights, both witchlings looking bored.]

Young Amity: But they're mean! Just because you work with their parents doesn't mean I have to like them!

Odalia: Good children don't squabble, dear. Sever your ties with Willow, and if you don't...

Alador: Then we will.

Adrien: (Voice-Over) So, you have those kind of parents.

[Young Amity gasps.]

Odalia: We'll make sure the girl is never admitted into Hexside. Now go, and try not to make a scene.

[The door closes. All color in the room fades as flames go out.]

Amity: Willow, you were never too weak to be my friend. I was too weak to be yours. I can't take back what I've done, but I can promise you this. [Grabs Skara's invite out of her pocket.] I won't let Boscha and her gang pick on you ever again! [Tugs on Skara's invite.] I'm not actually gonna rip it because it's a real butterfly, but you get the gesture, right? [Pockets the invite, holds out her hand.]

[Inner Willow turns, tears in her eyes.]

Inner Willow: I do. [Grabs Amity's hand.] I think Willow should keep her memories of you. The good, and the bad.

Amity: [Full of emotion.] Me too.

Luz: Then, if it's okay, we still have some work to do.

[Inner Willow nods. The four of them put their heads together. A flash of light later, they're back in the main forest of Willow's mind. Luz hands Amity the repaired birthday photo. Amity hangs it in the tree. Young Inner Willow runs behind them, making them turn around. Inner Willow walks out from behind a tree, no longer surrounded by pink flames, holding Young Inner Willow's hand. Amity waves at them. Luz is ugly crying, while hugging Adrien, who is patting her back. Young Inner Willow turns to leave and walks face-first into a tree. She giggles and runs off. Inner Willow waves and follows her.]

Luz: So, does this mean you and Willow are buddies again?

Amity: I'm not sure.

Adrien: Well, [Pulls out bell.] why don't we go see? [Rings bell.]

[Cut to the Owl House. Eda and King are panting, posing on the coffee table. Various items litter the floor.]

Eda: So? Who got the gig, kid?

Gus: Well, this has been the hardest choice of my entire life. But with the public interest in mind, the interview goes to... [Dramatic pause.] Hooty!

Eda: Hooty?

King: Hooty?

Hooty: [Opens door.] Hoot?

Gus: Well, your performances got me thinking. What could create such interesting people? Only the Owl House itself.

Hooty: [Gasps; thrilled.] Aaaaah!

Gus: Tell me everything, Mr. Hooty!

Hooty: I've been waiting to hear those words all my life! [Closes door, muffled.] Where to begin? It all started with a hunt. Blood red skies. That's right, I was...

Eda: Ooooh, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna bake that bird in a pie!

King: I'm gonna bake that kid into a pie!

[Bell rings.]

Eda: Huh? [Looks at Willow.] Oh, right, I put people in there.

[Eda summons Luz, Adrien, and Amity from Willow's mind. They land with a puff of yellow smoke, holding hands. The bell disappears from Adrien's hand as Amity lets go of her other one.]

Luz: Whoa. What went down here? And where's Gus? What did you do with Gus?

Eda: The kid's fine. He's just dead to us. [Eda and King leave grumpily.]

Luz: [Confused.] Those are very mixed messages.

[Willow wakes up.]

Luz: Willow! Do you know who I am?

Willow: [Sits up.] A friendly scarecrow? [Pause.] Ha! Just messing, I remember everything!

Luz: She's back, folks! My girl's back! I'm gonna hug you so hard you'll never forget me again! [Hugs her tightly.]

[Amity turns, looking hurt, and starts to leave. Luz watches her open the door. Amity gives her a shy wave and takes a step out the door.]

Willow: [To Amity.] I remember what you did too.

[Amity stops and looks back.]

Willow: What you did in there. [Points to her head.] I can't say we're friends, but it's... a start.

[Amity waves again, smiling. She leaves and closes the door behind her.]

Willow: [Muffled.] Luz, question: how did Amity happen to see the photo I hid in class?

Luz: [Muffled.] You said nothing about shenanigans...

Hooty: My first word was hoot. My second word was hoot-hoot. My third word—

Gus: Hooty, you gotta stay on track here, buddy!

[Amity stops walking. She reaches into her pocket and lets the invite unfold. Smiling, she lets it fly off and walks away.]

Hooty: Here's a song I wrote! Bored bored bored, bored bored bored.

Gus: Ah! [Throws notepad and pencil.] I can't take this anymore! [Leaves.]

Hooty: Here a hoot, there a hoot, somewhere else a hoot hoot, hooty-hoot hoot!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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