The Wolf Warrior
A few days had passed since Adrien and Luz went to Hexside, unknowingly being a part of Gus' scheme to secure his position as president of the H.A.S.. It ended in disaster, but wasn't all that bad. Now the two best friends were being enrolled at the witchcraft school. Of course, Adrien and Luz were excited to be able to go and learn magic. However, for the Halfa, there was something else going on for him.
As he stared down at the photo of his Daggeron and others, Adrien focused on one of them. One had a red sword. He was more than sure of it. It was the same staff used by the knight that saved him, Luz, Gus, and Willow from the Demon Hunters.
It all led Adrien to ask one question. Who is this knight?
"Adrien, you agree with me, right?"
"Huh?" Adrien looked up at Luz. Quickly, he stuffed the photo back into his sweater. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"
The two kids and Eda were sitting on a bench at a playground in the middle of Bonesborough. Or, as it was called in the Boiling Isles, the Slayground. And just like everything else in the Demon Realm, everything was alive in some way. There was a slide adjacent to a strange monster-like building with its mouth open, a sand pit with tentacles coming out of it, and a set of swings made from bones.
There were several baby-track Hexside students there, playing around and having fun. It reminded Adrien of when he was forced to watch over some of the younger kids from the orphanage.
"I'm talking about King!" Luz exclaimed frantically, pointing at King, who was trying to climb up the slide. "What if he gets hurt? What if the kids are mean to him?" She gasped. "My parental instincts are freaking out, man."
"Luz, you're too young to have parental instincts," Adrien said.
"Said you, Mister 'I-can't-play-because-I-have-to-babysit," Luz exclaimed, pointing a finger at him. Remembering days when he had to babysit some of the orphans. But on those days, she'd help him.
"Will you relax, kid," Eda said. "He's fine. Look at him."
Adrien and Luz watched as King continued making his way up. "It does look like he's having fun," the Dominican-American girl said.
"He's growing up fast, Luz," Adrien said, smiling as he wrapped his arm around Luz's neck. Luz smiled as she leaned into him and the two watched King. "Our little demon bastard is becoming a fully grown demon bastard."
"Aw. I wonder what cute little game he's playing," Luz said, secretly enjoying being against Adrien's body.
"Stand back, cretins," cried King, grunting as he continued climbing up to the tip of the slide as a few kids watched him. When he reached the top, he turned towards the kids in a victory pose. "Yes! Yes! This is a throne worthy of a tyrant. Bow to me you snotty underlings. Bow!"
The kids at the bottom of the slide just shared a look with one another. "Okay!" And then they did the exact opposite. One did a handstand while the other did a backbend.
"Yes, appease your master!" King yelled, not noticing a kid with dark skin and red hair behind him.
"This isn't for standing, it's for sliding," the boy said, with a green booger running down his left nostril. "You try."
And with that, the kid shoved King down the slide. The little demon tumbled down before landing on the ground. The kid smiled like it was good fun. But King looked upset and angry. Hopping to his feet, he screamed and ran to Adrien, Luz, and Eda.
"Eda!" He wailed and clung to Luz's leg. "That monster took my throne!"
"You mean the baby?" Eda asked with an amused tone.
"No, the usurper," King yelled, pointing at the kid, who was now riding on a little dragon spring rider. "I want you to go over there and blow him up. Kaboom!"
"Kaboom!" The 'Usurper' mimicked.
"Yeah, I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five-year-old," the Owl Lady said, unscrewing Owlbert from her staff. The Palisman hooted when he woke up and hopped into her hand. Smiling, Eda placed him on her lap. "He's got better things to do. Like this..."
Eda scratched the little owl under his wing, making him warble in affection. Loving the scratches very much.
"Aw, what a sweetie." Luz smiled.
"How did you get him?" Adrien asked.
"Get?" Eda repeated, looking at Adrien for a moment before pointing to herself. "I made Owlbert from the branch of an ancient tree. Owlbert hooted as he hopped onto Eda's hand. The old witch smiled as she lifted up her hand, allowing the little owl to hop to her shoulder and nuzzle her cheek. "Oh, he's my palisman and we're bonded for life. If anyone hurt him, I'd unleash my full wrath to kill them, parade their body across every corner of the Boiling Isles, and feed them to vilest filth in the realm!"
Adrien and Luz scooted away from Eda, hugging each other with a scared look on their faces. "But luckily it's never come to that," Eda said with a smile before laughing. Adrien and Luz sighed in relief.
"Adrien, use your sword and bring me his head!" King demanded.
"Dude, I'm not going to kill a kid," Adrien told him. "If you're a king, then why don't you just, I don't know, reclaim your throne?"
That definitely seemed appealing to King, who rubbed his hands together in a sinister way. "Yes. Yes! Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by my hand alone," he proclaimed and laughed.
However, the Usurper once again came up behind him and shoved King over. Making him land face first on the ground. "Tag, you're it!" He said, laughing and running off.
"Oh, man. Here we go. King's squeak of rage." Eda chuckled, waiting for King to freak out with excitement.
The three watched as King grunted and stood right back up. And then it happened! He threw a temper tantrum while letting out a high pitched squealing scream. He paused for a moment, before continuing to squeal as he charged after his rival. All while Adrien and Eda laughed together at his scream.
"Oh my God! That's hilarious and adorable!" Adrien yelled, whipping away some of his tears from laughing so hard.
"He is like a little teakettle," Eda snorted, before sharing a high five with her male student.
Luz looked to Eda again, before noticing Owlbert scratching at his face. As he did so, she noticed an oddly shaped hole in his foot. "Hey, what's that," she asked, pointing to it.
"That's his interlock. So he only fits on to my staff," Eda explained, grabbing her staff as Owlbert jumped off her shoulder and stood on the back of the bench. "Every palisman has one."
However, when she turned back to Adrien and Luz, Eda saw that they had disappeared. In fact, everything had disappeared and she was now back in the void that haunted her dreams. Everything but her, her staff, and the bench were gone.
"Luz? Adrien?!" She called out. Her voice was echoing and full of panic. She stood up and looked around the void. Both her staff and the bench disappeared. "Hello?"
"Eda?" Luz's voice echoed.
"Luz!" She called back.
"Eda!" Adrien's voice called out.
"Eda, wake up!" Adrien shouted as he, Luz, and Owlbert looked over Eda's unconscious body. It all happened so fast! One moment she was explaining how palisman work, the next, she just fainted. Adrien and Luz moved off the bench and placed Eda on it.
"Eda? Can you hear us?" Luz asked, shaking her a bit. However, she got no reaction.
"Okay, I didn't want it to come to this, but..." Holding up his right hand, Adrien breathed into it. Luz wondered if he was checking his breath, but her eyes widened when she saw him pull his hand back.
"Wait, Adrien!" Luz tried to stop him, but it was too late.
"WAKE UP!" Adrien swiftly slapped Eda across the face, making the Owl Lady's eyes shoot open.
"OW!" Eda yelled as she shot up and held her cheek. Turning to Adrien, she glared and yelled, "What the fuck, kid?! Why'd you slap me?!"
"Because you passed out, that's why! We were worried!" Adrien said as Eda rubbed her cheek.
"What?" Eda asked before shuddering. Seeing this Adrien knew what was going on.
"It's the curse, isn't it?" He asked, to which Eda nodded. "Alright, we need to get back to the house. Now!" Adrien quickly handed her the staff. Eda stood up as Adrien and Luz helped their mentor walk away.
"King, we have to go!" Luz called out to the demon as they made their way out of the park.
Meanwhile, King atop the jungle gym, facing the little Usurper. "Five more minutes, please!" He called out and was about to push the kid back on the slide.
Seeing he wasn't going to come willingly. Adrien formed an arm from light magic and stretched out towards him. Grabbing his little body in a tight grip. "GET OVER HERE!" Adrien yelled in his best Scorpion voice, pulling King off the jungle gym.
"AAAH! You haven't seen the last of meeeeeee!" King yelled while being pulled towards Adrien.
The little boy waved at him. "Bye bye!"
(As the portal gate opens and the camera zooms in on it, Adrien and Luz are seen to be in the sky. They open their eyes, only to realize they were falling which caused them to freak out before something zoomed past them and caught them. Adrien and Luz opened their eyes, with Luz behind Adrien and holding his arm while Adrien held onto the staff to stay on. The two kids saw they were saved by Eda, who smirked at the duo as they flew to her house on her Palisman staff.)
(The door where Hooty was opened up as Luz and Adrien step outside, with Luz twirling and posing with Eda's staff while Adrien draws his Rita sword he got recently and does his own pose. But then Eda took her staff back with an amused grin while Luz gave a sheepish smile and Adrien looked somewhat amused too. King popped up in front of them in a pose.)
(A Boiling Isle mural was seen as Gus, Willow, and Amity are seen briefly before it burns away to show King commanding an army of stuffed toys, which all fall on him. The scene burned away again, showing Adrien standing under a spotlight with determination on his face. Soon, a silhouette of a man in the Solaris Knight appears behind him before it fades out.)
(Now Adrien and Luz were on Eda's staff with Luz riding up front like she was driving and Adrien standing behind like he was surfing on a surfboard. They zoom down the Boiling Isles, past many friends and foes alike until Eda and King join in on the ride... then they hang on for dear life as a massive monstrous worm-like monster, mouth wide open, lunges at them. Everyone, minus Adrien, screamed in horror, as the latter had a look of bravery and defiance towards the monster as he pointed his sword towards it.)
(Then the scene changes back to the Owl House where it's nighttime and stars twinkle in the sky as the four are on the roof and looking up into the sky. Luz opens her hands to reveal a ball of light as Adrien pulls out his solar cell morphor and ticket.)
(He grinned and punched the ticket, causing light magic to burst from his hands. That's when the title appeared.)
When the group arrived back at the Owl House, Eda tossed her staff to the couch, yawned, and flopped face-first onto the couch. Owlbert flew to the back of the sofa to watch her as Adrien and Luz walked up to her. "Adrien, you watch Eda," Luz said as Adrien dispelled the magical light arm. "I'll go get the elixir."
"Don't worry about it. I'll get it myself in a bit," Eda said in a muffled voice as she waved him off. Her face was still in the couch.
"Eda, this is serious," Adrien said with a worried expression. "Do you need us to stay home and take care of you?"
Luz gasped in excitement when she had an idea. "I could put King in a little doctor's outfit."
Everyone looked at King, who looked up from a stack of paper he was about to write on. "Meh?"
"No one wants to see that," said Eda.
"I do," Luz whispered with dark spots under her eyes. "Oh! I'll even dress up as a nurse!"
"God, I wanna see that," Adrien said.
"Huh?!" Adrien's cheeks immediately flared up.
"Look, I know how to take care of myself," Eda said as she pushed herself up from the couch. "I've had this curse longer than you've been alive."
"So, how'd you get it?" Luz asked.
Eda grunted as she planted her face back into the couch. "I don't know," she said in a muffled voice.
"You don't know?!" Luz exclaimed.
"Eda, this is serious! How could you not know?" Adrien asked.
"Somebody gave it to me. I don't know who and I don't care because I'm fine, all right?" Eda said, wanting to end the conversation right then and there. She sat up and pointed at Adrien and Luz. "Anyway, don't you two have plans with Tweedledum and Twerpledee?"
"Their names are Willow and Gus, Eda," Adrien said with a disapproving look.
Owlbert retrieved her staff as Luz explained to the Owl Lady her plans. "Well me, Willow, Gus, and Adrien are going to the Grudgby game between Hexside and Glandus High."
"Since when are you into sports?" Eda asked while screwing Owlbert back onto the staff. Making him inanimate.
Luz got into Eda's face. "Since I found a little something called 'Hexside Pride,'" she told her, grunting as she hopped down from the couch's armrest. "To think that Glandus, whoever they are, would dare face us. But if you need us to stay..."
"Gross. Sympathy. Go!" Eda commanded, standing up and pointing to the door. "Go have fun at sport."
"Hooray! Hooray for sport!" Luz cheered as she was about to run out the door. However, she stopped when noticing that Adrien wasn't cheering with or following her. "Adrien, aren't you coming?"
Adrien looked to the side before looking back at her with an apologetic expression. "Actually, I think I'm going to sit this one out," he told her.
"Really? But we always go to school rallies and games," Luz said, sad and almost a little hurt that he didn't want to go with her.
"Yeah, but that was because...well, you were a cheerleader and I wanted to support you," Adrien said, looking away from her again with a blush on his face.
"Aw~!" Luz gushed with her hands on her cheeks as they turned slightly red.
"But there's something I need to do," Adrien said, before grinning and making a hand gesture like his head was exploding. "Something that would blow your mind."
"Ooo, I like that. Alright, well..." Luz pulled him into a hug. Smiling with her arms around him. "...I'll see you later."
Adrien smiled sadly and hugged her back. He didn't like lying to her about anything, but this had to be done by him and him alone. So he hugged her tighter before letting her go. The two of them blushed and looked away with embarrassment before Luz went over to King.
"Hugs and kisses, King. Mwah!" she knelt down and kissed his skull. Luz then ran out of the door with a sing-songy voice. "Don't spend all night plotting revenge~!"
"That drooly–faced heathen will know my wrath," King said in a sing-songy voice while he continued drawing.
"So what's with you, oh student of mine?" Adrien turned around to see his mentor looking at him with a look of suspicion.
"What do you mean?" Adrien asked nervously
"You didn't want to go do something that would allow you to spend time with Luz," Eda said, pointing her finger at him with narrow eyes. "That's...not like you."
"Psst, I don't do everything with Luz," Adrien said, closing his eyes and pointing to his chest. "I'm my own man."
"Yet you would totally marry her if you could."
"Yes I would!" Adrien blurted out. However, realizing what he had just agreed to, Adrien opened his eyes and saw that Eda was smirking at him. "...That was a dirty move, Eda," he said with a frown.
"So what is going on with you," asked Eda as she sat down on the couch. Adrien walked over and sat down with her. "Having girl troubles?"
"No!...maybe, but that's not what's bothering me," he told her. Knowing that he had to ask her before doing what needed to be done, Adrien took a deep breath and looked at Eda. "I just wanted to know...What do you know about a man that wears a red knight armor?"
At that moment, Eda's eyes widened and she looked at him in shock. "You mean the Wolf Warrior?"
"So you know him," Wade concluded.
"I've heard rumors about this guy. And I've been trying to collect the bounty he has for years!" Eda complained while shaking her fist in the air. Recomposing herself, the Owl Lady got back to the topic. "Anyways, the Wolf Warrior is an outlaw and is said to be a power witch. Not much is known about him, other than that he targets the Emperor's patrols and practices wild magic. There are even rumors that he's trying to start a revolution against the Covens."
Adrien's eyes widened. "Wow, really? Do you know how to find him?"
"Well, there are rumors that he lives in the dark forest parts of the boiling islesn, but I'm sure that's all just rumors," Eda said, trying to brush off the rumors. "Now I'm going to lay down for a while. Don't bug me!"
And with that, Eda got up and walked up the stairs to the second floor. When she was gone, Adrien pulled out the photo again and looked at this man. Adrien gained a determined fa
Going back to his room, Adrien packed everything that he would need. Food, water, maps of the area he and the others met the Wolf Warrior, and his phone. Just in case he needed to call Luz. But that was for a last resort. He didn't know if their phones would even work in the Demon Realm.
However, that wasn't on his mind at the moment. Just his mission.
Once everything was ready, Adrien threw Rita on his back and then put on his backpack. Walking out of the room, Adrien started walking down the hallway. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a piece of paper that he wrote down on and looked at it sadly.
"Now, to destiny's battlefield. The slayground!" Adrien looked up when he heard the sound of King's voice. It was coming from Eda's room, which was open.
"King?" He called out to the little demon.
"Negh!" King quickly exited the room and closed the door behind him. King looked at Adrien as the Halfa stared at him.
"King? What were you doing in Eda's room?" Adrien asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Nothing! What are you doing!?" King yelled, pointing at Adrien. "Carrying all that stuff."
"I...wanted to see if I can't sell some of this stuff," Adrien lied to King.
"Adrien, King, are you home?" Both King and Adrien froze up when they heard Luz calling out to them. They looked to see Luz walking up the stairs before walking over them, dressed in what looked like a cheerleader outfit with a hat that had two soda cans attached to it. "Hey, guys. Is Eda up?"
"Who? Oh." King chuckled nervously. "That Eda. No, no. She is out like a light," he said before the three of them heard the sound of a loud, growling snore coming from the other side of the doors. "Oh, man. Can she snore."
"Man, she snores louder than Adrien," Luz said, making Adrien look at her with an unamused expression. She turned to him and noticed the backpack. "Where are you going, Adrien?"
"Oh, this!?" Adrien instinctively reached back and placed his hands on it. Hehehe, this is just some...Wait, what are you doing back here?"
"I wanted to ask if I could borrow Eda staff," Luz said, looking down while rubbing the back of her head. "But I know she needs her rest..."
Hurried, King grabbed Eda's staff and gave it to Luz. "Oh, I'm sure it's fine. It's fine. Just take it!" He said, shoving it into her hands.
"King, she can't just take the staff without Eda's permission!" Adrien scolded the little demon. The three of them looked at the door when they heard a shriek from the other side.
"Well, there's your permission," King smuggly told Adrien before trying to shoo Luz away. "Off you go."
Adrien looked to Luz as she looked at Owlbert, who remained lifeless on the staff. "I really owe Gus and Willow one," she said, before looking up at Adrien. "And it's just for the afternoon. I'm sure Eda wouldn't mind, Adrien."
"Not our generous, kindhearted Eda. Big heart on her," King said.
Adrien and Luz stared at King for a second, making the young demon rather nervous for some reason. However, before Adrien could say anything, Luz started to leave. "I'll be back soon," she said.
With a quick hug to Adrien, Luz ran down the hall and down the stairs.
"Close call," King said with a satisfied look in his eyes.
"And what exactly was a close call?" Adrien asked, reminding King that he was still there. King looked at him with wide eyes as Adrien leaned down and pointed a finger at him. "King, what's going on with you?"
"Nothing!" King exclaimed. Trying to think of a way out of his situation, King noticed a piece of paper in Adrien's hand. So, he snatched it and opened it. "And what's with this?!"
"Give that back!" Adrien jumped at him, but King jumped over him and Adrien fell onto the ground. He landed on the back of the boy's head and walked off him.
Opening the paper, King started reading it. "'Dear Luz, if you're reading this, then you know that I'm not here. I do not know if I'll be back sooner or later, but I just want you to know that I've always had–' Ugh, gross!" King gagged, while continuing to read.
"Fine! I'll leave that part out!" Adrien exclaimed, snatching back the note from King.
King looked at him sadly. "'re leaving?"
Adrien's eyes widened as he looked at King. "It's not so much that I'm leaving, it's..." Adrien sighed, realizing that he had to come clean and tell him. "...I'm going to find the Wolf Warrior."
"What!? Are you nuts!?" King exclaimed, looking at Adrien like he was crazy. "Why would you try and look for the Wolf Warrior?"
"Look, I know that it's risky, but I don't have a choice," Adrien told him, before sighing. "I think he' father."
King, now understanding, looked at Adrien with wide eyes. "Oh."
"I know I shouldn't have kept this from Eda, and especially Luz, but I'm not sure if I'm right, King," Adrien said, kneeling down and placing his hands on King's tiny shoulders. "I have no family back home. After I was left at the church, I was all alone with no one. I feel a connection with this guy, this could be my one chance to find my family in this world. I have to take that chance."
Adrien stood up and prepared the leave. However, before he could go, King stopped him.
"Then I'll go with you."
Stopping in his tracks, Adrien turned back to King with wide eyes. "What?"
"I said I'll go with you," King repeated.
"King, I can't ask you to do that," Adrien said, shaking his head.
"But I want to," King said, looking up at Adrien sadly. "I don't know where I come from or who my parents are, so in a way I get what you're going through. Plus, Eda would kill me if something happens to you."
Adrien stared at King with wide eyes. Sure, he can get on Adrien's nerves...a lot and was full of himself, but the Halfa still cared about King. He was quite surprised to see King's determination to come along with him on this journey. However, Adrien smiled at him.
"Alright, then let's go while Eda's sleeping," he said with a confident smile.
King nervously looked away. "Uh..."
With King on his shoulder, Adrien opened the doors to Eda's room and gasped in fear. Eda was in her Owl Beast form and started eating a chair. However, only one of her eyes was black.
"What the hell!?" Adrien exclaimed in shock and fear.
The Owl Beast looked up at him and growled. Throwing the chair over her back, Eda lunged at Adrien. Adrien reached for his sword, but Eda was too quick, and grabbed him by the back of his hoodie. Adrien yelled as he was pulled up into the air, causing King to fall off.
"King! Get the elixir!" Adrien yelled, flailing his arms around to get free.
He was then dropped into the nest and was nervous when Eda loomed over him. He braced himself when the beast moved forward. However, instead of eating him, Eda instead climbed into the nest with him and laid on top of Adrien.
Adrien looked around as Eda continued to sit on him. He then sat King hiding underneath a stool. "Psst–King! What the heck is going on?" He asked the little demon.
"She's completely tame, man," King said. "I don't think the curse has taken full effect yet."
"Okay, but why is she sitting on me?"
"I think she's brooding. She thinks you're her baby egg," King whispered.
"Awww~Wait, how do you know she's tame?" Adrien asked, narrowing his eyes at King.
King nervously looked away before coming clean. "I...found her like this and thought I'd use her to take back my throne."
"Wait, you were going to sick Eda on that kid?! Really?!" Adrien yelled at King.
"That usurper deserves it!"
Adrien would facepalm if he could. "Alright, well just get her off of me. I'm suffocating under her," he said in a strained voice.
"I'm on it," King said, pulling out the elixir and the light up pin.
A moment later, the two were able to get Adrien out from under Eda, they got her to drink the elixir. Once she turned back to normal, the Owl Lady was lying in her bed, fast asleep.
"Alright, let's go," Adrien said.
Coming to a stop, Adrien looked around, with King standing on his shoulder. The two of them had arrived at the place where the Wolf Warrior had saved him. As Adrien scanned the area, King jumped down and started sniffing the ground, trying to pick up any kind of scent.
As he stared out into the trees that boarded the round on both sides, Adrien could feel his anxiety rising. They were completely alone, and he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. But where and by who was something he worried about.
Turning back to King, Adrien said, "Well, did you find anything?"
"No," said King, standing up with a puzzled look. "I can't get a clear trace on anything. There's so many scents."
Adrien thought for a moment, trying to figure out what to do next. However, before he could do it for too long, he noticed King peek his head up. The little demon then started to sniff the air.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Someone's coming," King said, trying to find the direction it was coming from.
"Who is it?" Adrien asked, reaching behind his back to grab onto his sword.
King sniffed the air again, before his eyes widened. "Them!" He exclaimed, pointing down the road.
Then, out of nowhere, a large carriage carrying troops from the Emperor's Covens came rolling down the road at high speeds. There was no horse or anything pulling it, as it was powered by magic. And that magic stopped the carriage when the driver said Adrien and king in the middle of the road. Adrien quickly grabbed King and jumped out of the way.
The carriage came to a shrieking halt as it pulled up alongside him. The driver then jumped down as the others in the carriage got out. "Hold it right there!"
"Whoa, now," Adrien said, standing up with his hands over his head. The scouts had their staff out and approached him intently. "We don't want any trouble."
"What are you doing out here?" One of the scouts, pointing his staff at Adrien.
"We were..." Adrien glanced at King. "Going for a walk. Yeah! He's been cooped up in the house all day, so we decided to go for a walk."
"Hey! I don't know what–" King was interrupted when Adrien lightly kicked him. Getting him to shut up and go along with the lie. "Oh...yeah. I do like....this?"
This seemed to fool the scouts as they dropped their guard. "Oh, okay," one of them said, before he and the others turned around to go back to their carriage. "I guess we'll be leaving now..."
"Wait a minute," said one of the scouts. He then pulled out a rolled up piece of paper. Rolling it revealed it to be a wanted poster for Adrien, with the reward going for the same amount as Eda the Owl Lady! "It's him! It's the Halfa!"
Adrien instantly looked worried. "Uh oh."
"Get him!"
Adrien quickly clapped his hands together and shut his eyes. Creating a massive blinding light temporarily blinded the scouts, but also King by accident. The demon wobbled around a bit with spirals in his eyes before Adrien grabbed him.
"Come on!" He yelled, placing King on his shoulder and running into the forest.
"After him!" The troops regained their sights before rushing into the forest. Determined to capture him.
Adrien kept running through the forest, weaving around trees and bushes as the scouts chased after him. Adrien looked back to see they were starting to gain on him and King. Some even started to fire balls of fire at the pair. Adrien ducked his head down to avoid one of these attacks.
"We've got to lose these guys!" King yelled.
"I've got this!" Adrien clapped his hands together, and puffing into existence were several clones of himself and King. The clones then ran off in different directions.
Confused, the scouts split up and tried to chase down the clones. Leaving only one to chase after the real Adrien and King. As the clones ran, the other scouts started firing balls of fire at them. Then they were hit, the clone of the boy and demon puffed into smoke.
"We've got to get back to Eda!" King exclaimed.
"We can't! We'll lead these guys right to the house!" Adrien yelled, knowing that if the Emperor's Coven knew about Eda's home, they'd come after her with everything they had.
All of a sudden, a ball of fire passed over King's head. Startled by the attack, King falls off of Adrien's shoulder and thumbs on the ground. Yelping in pain as he body hits the ground.
"King!" Adrien yelled, stopping and turned around.
Seeing that he's stopped the blonde boy, the scout jumped for joy. "Yes! I've got him, guys!" He yelled back to the others, who all turned and started running back to him. "Promotion for Steve!"
Adrien knelt down next to King and saw that all he had was a little bruise. However, King still acted like it was a life-threatening injury. "They knocked me off! Those fiends knocked me off and made me fall!" He cried angrily, before looking at Adrien and pointing at them. "Go and avenge me, Adrien!"
Looking up, Adrien saw Steve and the other scouts running at him. He stood up, got in front of King, and drew his sword. Ready to take on them all on to define the little demon.
However, just as fighting was about to break out, Steve was suddenly knocked onto his back when someone came flying in and kicked him in the head.
Steve was sent flying into a tree as the person landed. For a moment, Adrien looked and saw that it was indeed the wolf warrior.
"Alright, scouts," he said with the voice of someone a gruff man Wolf Warrior. Points his sword at the scouts. "Who's next?"
The scouts rushed at the Wolf Warrior, but-
The scouts fell to the ground unconscious, but Steve was the only one who was still standing.
Wolf Warrior looked over at the scout. He was about to rush him, but he just held up his hand. "Steve, just don't." Steve looked at the scene for a moment and just laid down on the ground. Meanhwhile, Adrien and King watched the entire scene in shock.
"Uhhhh.." Adrien says.
Wolf Warrior quickly turned towards the boy and demon and walked toward them. King hid behind the boy who was holding a sword. The Wolf Warrior made it to the two and looked down at them. "Hey, I'm-"
"Wait, you know who I am?"
"Power down!" The armour dissapears and what remained there was-
(What do you think of the Leanbow.)
"You're the guy from the Witch Convention!"
The man chuckles a bit. "You may call me Leanbow."
Adrien gasps and grasps his head as he begins to have another vision.
(Adrien's Vision)
In the vision, Adrien was a baby and was in the arms of someone in gold armour , who was running from something with the wolf warrior running next to him. Soon, a blast came and destroyed a tree near them. The gold armor wearing man gave baby Adrien to the Wolf Warrior.
"Take my son, get him to Eda!" The gold armor wearing figure rushes at the attacker.
"I'm not leaving without you! You'll die if I do!"
"My son, we'll die if you don't! Gah!!" The gold armour wearing figure is blasted through a tree.
"Ahhhh! Waah!! The baby Adrien cries, so The Wolf Warrior turns and immediately gets back to running, but now with the baby.
(End of Adrien's Vision)
Adrien comes out of his vision, but sees that he was now on someone's back, and they were in the forest. "Huh? What happened?"
King leaps onto the carrier's shoulder. "Adrien, you're okay!"
"King, what happened?"
"You went into some kind of vision trance and Leanbow said that he needed to take you somewhere. Of course I tried to stop him-"
"He immediately gave in, after I told him I had snacks," Leanbow answered.
Adrien glares at King as the latter laughs nervously, but soon the former looked back at his carrier's head. "Where are you taking me?"
"A place where you'll learn-"
"Learn what?"
"Who you are?"
Adrien gasps, as Leanbow kept carrying him and King far into the forest. After, about 10 minutes, Leanbow stopped. "We're here."
Adrien dropped from Leanbow's back, with King on his shoulder, and was in awe over what he saw. "What is this place?"
"Welcome to Root Core."
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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