Separate Tides
(Open on Luz holding a ball of light in one hand and carrying the Owl Staff in the other with Adrien, both walking through a cave. They stop when they spot a large shadow on the wall in front of them. Offscreen there is a deep laugh. Luz gasps, while Adrien smolders.)
Garlog: Foolish children. Leave this place before you meet your demise.
Luz: Do not underestimate us, Garlog. For I am the good witch, Luz, hunter of monsters.
Adrien: And I, Adrien the Solaris Knight.
Luz: *Perches the staff on her shoulder like a bazooka and Adrien poses with his sword* Now eat this sucka-
Adrien/Luz: What?
(Garlog turns out to be a tiny creature casting a shadow standing in front of a lantern. They walk over to him, Luz picks him up and he lets out a squeak trying to escape.)
Luz: You're Garlog?
(Adrien sheath Rita.)
Adrien: Apparently? (Pulls out his wanted poster, depicting him as being much larger and worth 4,000 snails, compares it to the real thing.)
Luz: This is pathetic.
Adrien: *Stashes the wanted poster away* At least we get paid for this.
Garlog: Small I may be, but you will soon know fear when I lay waste to all that you—
He gets cut off by King, who eats him whole from Luz's hand.
Luz: King, drop it now. *King drops from her hand with Garlog still in his mouth* Drop it now!
King mumbles and runs off.
Adrien: *Chases after him* King, No! Drop it, this instant young man! King!
Luz just stands there with a disappointment look.
(The Owl House is shown, wind howling moving Adrien's and Luz's bedroom window back and forth.)
(Cut to their room, where Garlog is stuffed in a bottle while Luz sets her phone against it.)
Luz: *Boops Garlog's nose* Boop! [Turns on camera to say hello to her mother.] Hola, Mama! You haven't heard from me in a while. It's been a week and a half since the petrification ceremony. A week and a half since me and Adrien destroyed the portal home. Wed had to. Emperor Belos was going to kill Eda and Adrien if we didn't hand it over. But I couldn't let him use it, so Adrien blew it up with our new friend Genji... [To herself.] She's not gonna understand any of this. That's okay, Luz. Just keep moving forward. [To Camila.] This world is filled with inexplicable magical wonders, like this portal key! [Pulls out the item in question.] I don't know if it contains magic, but I'm gonna study all I can, and find a way back to you. A-And look! [Lifts up her leg to show King holding onto it.] I have friends to help me.
King: I'm never letting you go! You're never returning to the human realm!
Luz: He doesn't mean that. [Covers the camera.]
King: Yes, I do!
[Cut to Eda in the kitchen, where she is trying to cast magic by pouring a cup of apple blood.]
Luz: [Narrating.] This is Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles. [Eda's magic fails; the bottle explodes, covering Eda in apple blood.] Or at least she was until her curse overpowered her and weakened her magic. She's doing her best now.
[Cut to Adrien, shirtless, in the front of the house, training to blast Genji.]
Luz: [Narrating.] You already know, Adrien, ever since finding out he was the Solaris Knight and Daggeron got kidnapped by the emperor, he's been working non-stop.
Adrien: (Sees Luz) Hey, Luz! (Waves)
Luz: Mira cómo balancea esos brazos. (Blushes and clears throat)
[Scene switches to Lilith, who is wearing a new outfit and putting her old one away.]
Luz: [Narrating.] Eda was cursed by her own sister, Lilith. And Adrien's real mom. And she spent her entire life looking for a way to undo it. It's still hard for everyone to trust each other, but maybe with time we can all become friends.
[Lilith stares out of the open window pensively, a small smile appearing on her face as Luz narrates. She jumps when Hooty appears in the window.]
Hooty: Hello!
[Lilith screams, and slams the window in Hooty's face. Cut to outside the Owl House. Eda is seen constructing something, while Adrien was standing next ot Luz.]
Luz: [Narrating.] Even though Eda gets frustrated, she's found new ways to make up for her lost powers.
Eda: Check it, you two! A new hunting weapon. I will call her the Stab-Catcher.
Adrien: [Narrating.] Without the portal, Auntie Eda has no human garbage to sell. So, we've resorted to working odd jobs to keep food on the table.
Eda: Hey, King, did you know that apple is a hat? [Aims Stab-Catcher.]
King: Really? [Puts an apple on his head, not knowing he's standing in front of a target.]
Luz: King! Hey, no! King! [Drops camera, rushes to get King out of harm's way.] This week we're bounty hunters. Next week we could be anything. [Cut to a shot of Luz back in her and Adrien's room.] So, Mom, please don't be scared. I'm growing more and more every day, and I'm gonna do my best to become a full-fledged witch, while Adrien will become a knight, and get home to you safe and sound. Te quiero, Mama. Te lo prometo, regresaré a casa pronto.
Eda: [Offscreen.] Luz! Adrien! [Luz looks out the window. Cut to a shot of Eda and Lilith waiting outside.] Time to bring these bad boys to market!
Lilith: [She pats feathers off herself; grunts.] Eda, do you own anything that isn't covered in feathers?
Eda: I had to deal with a curse for 30 years, so I think you can handle a few feathers.
[Switch to Bonesborough, where a statue of Emperor Belos has been placed and Emperor's Coven guards are everywhere.]
Luz: Wow, the Emperor is really taking over.
Adrien: That piece of crap.
[Eda places the bag of captured demons on a scale. She and Luz wait while a shopkeeper behind a booth reading BOUNTY reads the scale.]
Shopkeeper: Tsk. Your payment.
Eda: A single snail? Are you kidding me?
Shopkeeper: [Laughs.] Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't done yet. [Snaps snail in half.]
Adrien: Really?
Eda: You can't do this to me. Do you know who I am?
Shopkeeper: Yeah, you're Eda the Owl Lady. What are you gonna do? We all know you're powerless now. (Points to Adrien) And you can't use your powers in public.
Adrien: (Pulls out Laser Lamp)
Eda: [Growls, tries to cast a spell but the spell circle disintegrates.] Ah! What the—
Townspeople: Ah, this is awkward; Uh-oh.
Eda: I don't need your pity. [Holds up her own wanted poster.] I was the most wanted criminal for years. You should fear me.
[A passing garbageman grabs her wanted poster and puts it in the trash cart he is pushing.]
Townspeople: No magic? Not so wanted anymore.
Lilith: [Laughs.] Don't worry, sister. At least my image still commands respect and fear.
[She poses in front of a Coven recruitment poster in which she is making the same pose. The poster is promptly torched by a garbageman holding a flamethrower.]
Adrien: Not so much, mom.
King: [Laughs.] You're a traitor.
Lilith: What's going on? This is anarchy. Who told you to do this?
[Three new Coven recruitment posters of the Golden fly onto the wall. Adrien grabs one.]
Adrien: The Golden and Silver Guard? Did you know them in the Coven, mom?
Lilith: Unfortunately, I did. [Grabs the poster from Luz.] He always got special treatment because he was the genius teen prodigies. But he's really just a brat. If they're in charge... vomit.
[Lilith balls up the poster and throws it to a trashcan. It hovers right before entering, and then flies back and adheres itself to Lilith's face. She tries to rip it off, but gives up and stalks off.]
Luz: *Side-hugs Adrien and Eda* Hey, I know! What we need is a confidence boost. Why don't we take on the biggest bounty we can find? It'll be great!
Adrien: *Grins* And we won't be completely powerless.
[Luz dragging Adrien with her, runs up to a bulletin board labeled "Greg's List" and reads the posters there.]
Luz. Hmm. Lost Cerberus, no. Witch cackling lessons? *Chuckles and sees Adrien shaking his head* Uh, but maybe not today. Aha! *Takes poster down and shows it off* There's something called a "Selkidomus" ravaging boats up and down the coast. We'll be on a high-seas adventure.
Adrien: I can finally use my Ahoy catchphrase, correctly!
Eda: Hmm... no. We gotta keep a low profile while my powers are weakened.
Adrien: *Half lidded eyes* Didn't you just announced yourself in the most embarrassing way possi- Hmph!?
Eda: *Puts a hand over his mouth* And we need fast cash. *Gasps* How about this guy? *Gestures to a poster*
[Adrien smacks her hand away.]
Luz: "The Abominable Cutie Pie"?
Eda: No, no, no. I hear it's very dangerous. *Gasps and points forward* And look, there he is.
[She points to where the little demon is standing between two Hexside students, a lollipop in his hand.]
Abominable Cutie Pie: *Giggles; runs off and climbs the statue of Emperor Belos* You'll never catch me!
[Luz climbs up the statue after him.]
Abominable Cutie Pie: *Deadpan* You did it. You caught me. *Falls into Luz's hands*
[Luz groans as Adrien and King climb up to Luz.]
Adrien: At least we got some free money.
Eda: *Sighs* Things aren't looking great, Lily. This bounty hunting stuff isn't putting food on the table.
Lilith speaks intelligible under the poster.
Eda: Oh, I'm sure Luz and Adrien could handle bigger bounties, but if we wanna eat we don't have the luxury to mess up even once, since Leanbow got captured by the coven.
[Lilith responds intelligible under the poster.]
Eda: No apple blood. I spent the money on griffin eggs for Luz and Adrien. There's not a lot they can digest here, so I make sure to have their favorites around.
[The sisters head off as they look to them a little saddened but Adrien looks to Eda with a small smile in gratitude.]
Abominable Cutie Pie: That's rough, buddy. *Screams as King takes his lollipop and shoves him to the ground*
[Luz lands on top of the Abominable Cutie Pie after jumping to the ground with Adrien and King following her and Adrien picking up Abominable Cutie Pie in one hand.]
Adrien: Money is money.
Luz: This is awful. Eda wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for us. Maybe it would be better if we never came here.
Adrien: *Grabs her right hand* But we're also the reason Eda was saved from turning to stone and getting her and Lilith back to being good sisters again. Plus we found my mom. [Luz looks to him with a small smile.] We can't change the past, but we can still change the future. [Squeezes Abominable Cutie Pie.] We're gonna help Eda and do our best to pay her back for all the nice things she's done for us.
[Cut to the Bonesborough Dock, where Luz slams the Selkidomus's wanted poster onto a barrel with King on her shoulder and Adrien standing next to her with his arms crossed.]
Luz: The Selkidomus hunt. We want in.
[Ship horn blowing.]
Salty: You think you can handle this, squirts?
Luz: We can handle anything.
[Salty lets Luz and Adrien in and nods at the Golden Guard, who closes the window of his quarters bearing the Emperor's sigil.]
[Cut back to the Owl House, where Lilith holds her now burned recruitment poster. Eda sneaks up on her, wearing a bandolier of orange potions with rat-like skulls floating inside.]
Eda: Hey, Lily! How do I look? [Shows off bandolier.]
Lilith: Uh...
Eda: [Flops onto the couch.] Getting scammed at the market was such a bummer, but it gave me an idea on how to earn a little more cash. You wanna come? I may not be at full power, but I can still make potions! [Dangles a potion over Lilith's head.]
Lilith: I am quite fine. Thank you. [Pushes Eda away.]
Eda: Aight. [Walks to the door.] Have fun wallowing in self-pity and feeling bad for cursing me. Bye-eeee! [Leaves.]
Lilith: [Rips poster bits out of her hair and sighs.] I guess I deserve this. There's gotta be a way to make it up to her. [Sees a potions book and grabs it.] Edalyn isn't the only Clawthorne with a talent for potions. [Chuckles as opens to a page for a scrying potion.] Ooh. I bet she would love a peek inside the castle.
[Lilith rips the page out and starts backing away, straight into Hooty.]
Hooty: New roomie check-in!
[Lilith screams, falls and drops the book and page.]
Hooty: How's my bestie doing? [Notices page on his face.] A scrying potion!? [Gasps.] Lulu, you're trying to spy on your old buddies? I can help! We can find out their crushes. [Rubs his face against Lilith's.] We can give them cute couple names!
Lilith: [Shoves Hooty away.] No! [Stands.] I can do this alone. Don't follow me! [Starts to leave, stops in the doorway.] And don't call me Lulu! [Leaves.]
Hooty: [To himself.] A good friend would respect her wishes, but a better friend would help no matter what! [Goes after Lilith, closing the door as he goes.]
[Cut to Salty's ship sailing through the Boiling Sea.]
[Cut to Salty's ship sailing through the Boiling Sea.]
Adrien: When we defeat the Selkidomus and get a boatload of snails, Auntie Eda won't have to worry about money for a long time.
King: King want a cracker! (Adrien feeds King a Cracker)
Salty All hands!
[Luz joins the rest of the crew, lined up in front of Salty.]
Salty Alright, crew. The Selkidomus has been ravaging the coastline. It was last seen in the Simmering Shoals. You know the drill, "Snag the quarry, [Drops large sack of snails onto the deck.] get the money galore-y." We all do the work, we all get a cut.
[All cheering.]
Fish sailor I have many debts!
Salty Till then, keep everything shipshape. This ain't no pleasure cruise. [Throws a broom to Luz and a mop to Adrien.] Don't be a burden, sea squirt.
Luz Oh, you don't have to worry about us.
Adrien: Let's show how them how we do it!
[Cut to barnacles on the front of the ship, then reveal Salty offer Luz a scraper. She gives King, on her shoulder, a look and uses a plant glyph to lower herself down. The barnacles grunt at her. Luz hisses, causing them to quiet down. Luz uses King's horn to scrape them off the ship. Cut to the bellows of the ship, which Salty is shoveling coal in to. He offers the shovel to Adrien, but he shakes his head and pushes it away. He activates three fire glyphs directly into the bellows and closes the door. The ship's horn blows as the ship speeds ahead. Salty nods. Cut to the main deck, where the crew is clapping in time with Luz and Adrien dancing. Luz turns around to reveal a large bug on her back. She launches it over King—holding a cracker—and various birds into the sea. Salty approaches them.]
Salty: Well, ye had me confront my own biases and I got nothing but respect for ya now, squirts. I mean, sailors.
Luz: Thanks, Salty.
Adrien: You make us feel like a real part of the crew.
Salty: Well, that's because you arghhhh.
[All cheering.]
King: Boo!
[He waves his cracker in displeasure. One of the birds tries to grab it from him.]
King: Hey, that's mine, you feather duster!
[King and the bird both tug at the cracker. The ship hits a large wave, which sends King tumbling into the captain's quarters. The doors close behind him.]
King: Oof. Hey, King want a cracker! [Tries to open the doors, gasps, sees box of crackers on the desk.] Ooh!
[King scrambles up the desk and grabs some crackers from the box. He notices a letter below the box.]
King: Huh? [Picks up letter.] Is that the Emperor's sigil?
[King turns up the brightness on the lamp next to him. The brighter light reveals that the room is covered in the Emperor's sigil.]
King: This ship belongs to the Emperor?! Oh, boy. I gotta tell Luz and Adrien.
Golden Guard: Unfortunately, you won't have the chance.
[King screams. Cut to the middle of the woods, where Lilith is consulting the scrying potion recipe.]
Lilith: Okay, next is fire bee honey.
[Two fire bees fly past her, into a whole colony. Lilith tries to follow, but the moment her foot enters their territory, they swarm together and fly at her. She screams, and draws a very shaky spell circle, which produces an average sized, sweating ice cube which offers no defense against the swarm. She runs behind a tree, in which several fire bees plunge their stingers.]
Lilith: [Slides to the ground.] How can I get fire bee honey without ice magic, or porcuspine quills without a sleeping spell? Who am I without magic, without a Coven? [Buries her head in her knees.]
Hooty: Without friends?
[Lilith looks up, and Hooty is poking out of the ground next to her. She points at him accusingly.]
Lilith: I said—
Hooty: [Stretches into her space.] You don't know how to get those fire bees, but I can help.
Lilith: No! [Pushes him away.] I don't want your help. I told you not to follow me!
Hooty: If I were you, I would—
Lilith: You would what? [Stands and paces.] Because it doesn't matter. You aren't me. You're just some kind of weird bird-worm!
[Hooty appears hurt by these words.]
Lilith: You have no idea what I'm going through. I have to do this alone, because if I can't... what kind of witch am I?
Hooty: Sorry, Lulu. I mean, sorry, Lilith. [Retreats into the ground.]
Lilith: Now, let's try this one more time. [Grabs a branch and looks at the colony.]
[Cut to Salty's ship, which enters darker waters.]
Salty: We're here. The Simmering Shoals. Eyes peeled, mates.
[A burning ship sails past. Sailors take off their hats and pay respects.]
Salty: She's close.
[The Selkidomus tail thwacks against the side of the ship.]
Adrien: She's here! Luzy!
Luz: On it!
[Luz corners the Selkidomus with ice pillars, then wraps it in vines. Adrien starts pulling it onto the ship.]
Salty: Help her, boys! Put your backs into it.
[Adrien ties the vine onto the ship.]
Luz: I did it!
[Explosion on deck. Luz falls, but Adrien grabs her. The Selkidomus breaks free and swims away. Luz sees a silhouette of someone carrying a bag of money.]
Salty: Is that a—a ghost pirate?
Adrien: The money! We're being robbed.
[The thief jumps off the ship onto a speedboat and heads to a nearby island. Luz summons a boat-shaped block of ice, jumps on with Adrien, then Adrien propels them with a fire spell after them.]
Salty: [Laughing.] Show that specter what for, Luz and Adrien.
[They close in on the shore. The ice has melted to barely support their feet. Adrien picks Luz up and jumps and is sent flying, colliding into the thief who drops the money at the shore. It opens and it gets washed away. Closeup of Luz, Adrien, and the thief's face.]
Luz and thief
[The thief's eyes are gold and gray. Luz walks over and knocks off her hat, revealing it's Eda.]
Luz: Eda!
Adrien: What?
Eda: [Sheepishly chuckling.] Hey.
Adrien: Why are you robbing our ship? And what happened to your legs?
Eda: [Her legs reattach.] It's called "disguising your tracks". [Stands.] Now, why were you on that ship to begin with? You coulda' gotten killed!
[A giant water fist rises from the sea. The Golden Guard lands holding a birdcage with steam pouring from his mask.]
Golden Guard: That can still be arranged.
Adrien: Oh, this is ain't gon be good.
Golden Guard: Hello, criminals. What's about to happen should be relatively painless, if you just do what I say.
Luz: And why would we do that?
Golden Guard: Because only two of you can use real magic.
Eda: You don't know that!
Golden Guard: Maybe not, but I do know that you're standing on a plant that eats flesh.
[Luz, Adrien, and Eda look down, notice the plant is steaming, and quickly jumps off it, freaking out.]
Golden Guard: [Laughs.] Okay, the human will remain a sailor to repay all the money she lost, while the Owl Lady and Halfa will be arrested, again, for attacking one of the Emperor's ships.
Luz: "Emperor's ship"?
Eda: They're the only ones worth robbing. [To the Golden Guard.] Why are you guys hunting the Selkidomus? It's a peaceful creature, and you're provoking it!
Golden Guard: The Emperor ordered me to slay one. I'm just following orders.
Eda: Well, I'm just gonna smack you around a bit! [Rips off her arm to use as a weapon, swings but misses and is blasted away.]
Adrien: Auntie, that' it! (Pulls our Morpher) Solar Cell Morpher! Magical Source mystic Force!
(Adrien is the one with the sword)
[Adrien leaps into the air before summoning Genji.]
Genji: Woah, this is a nice island? (Sees the GG) Is that the Golden Guard?
Adrien: Yeah, let's teach him a lesson! (Activates laser lamp) Fire!
[The blasts head for the Golden Guard before he levitates a rock to block them and sends it toward Adrien who can't dodge and hit by it and falls to the ground.]
Luz: [Appears from behind him, attempts to use a fire glyph.] Leave them alone!
Golden Guard: How about... [Powers his staff.] I leave you dangling above the Boiling Sea?!
[He manipulates the land to move them directly above the steaming waters. Cut to a close up of the steam.]
Golden Guard: Around these parts, just the steam is enough to cause third-degree burns.
Adrien: (Demorphed and crawling from under the rock) No!
[He brings them back to land.]
Golden Guard: But I don't have to be that mean. No one will have to be a sailor or get arrested, if one of you follows those Selkidomus tracks and slays the beast. Here! I'll help!
[He materializes a sword. Luz whines.]
Golden Guard: Ugh, you're making this difficult... Go, or I drown the bird.
[The Golden Guard lifts up the birdcage and pulls the shade aside, revealing King.]
King: Weh?
[The Golden Guard drops the shade.]
King: Ah, it's dark now. [Snoring.]
Adrien: Fine. We'll do it. (Walks with Luz)
Eda: Adrien and Luz, wait!
[Cut to Lilith, encircled by a ring of fire bees.]
Lilith: I am not one to be trifled with, bees. I am a witch... unhinged!
[She swings at the bees with a stick, making battle cries. Lilith pulls it out and realizes it's burnt.]
Lilith: What? No, no, no, no, no!
[She falls to the ground, ring of bees closing in.]
Lilith: I can't do this alone. I need help!
[Hooty emerges out of the ground.]
Hooty: I'm here for you, Lulu. No witch is an island. Now face my wrath!
Lilith: [Clapping.] Ooh!
[Cut to Luz and Eda.]
Eda: Luz, don't hurt the Selkidomus. We can find another way out of this.
Luz: You heard what he said, Eda. If you and King want to be free... then we have to do this alone.
Eda: What's this "alone" business? Don't you remember? Us weirdos have to—
Adrien: What? Stick together? Because you stuck with us, you lost your magic. Leanbow got captured! You almost got turned to stone, and now you can't even afford your apple blood because you're worried about what I need to eat. (This last part makes Eda instantly realize Luz overheard what she said to Lilith earlier) It's my fault all this happened. That's why I've got to do this alone. I'll make it all up to you, Eda the Owl Lady. I promise.
[Luz and Adrien take each other hands and fall backwards, down into the Selkidomus' den.]
Eda: Kids!
[Luz falls straight onto the Selkidomus' head while Adrien hits the ground. She stirs and roars.]
Luz: Whoa!
[She dodges a Selkidomus attack, and holds up a glyph.]
Luz: All right, let's do this. Adrien Bear, take the legs!
Adrien: On it!
[Adrien tries to slash the legs, but is grabbed by Eda. Luz summons an ice pillar, but Eda swings on a vine and grabs Luz mid-air, tackling them into cover.]
Eda: You think throwing your lives away is gonna help me? Well, it won't. You two helped me find King's crown when you barely knew me. You saved me from turning to stone and you even got me talking to my sister again. You even helped me find out that I have more family. So, unfortunately for you, my life is pretty great, because I'm friends with Luz the human and Adrien the Halfa.
[Luz's lip trembles and she starts tearing up while Adrien tries not to cry, but fails.]
Adrien: Okay, that was really good.
[But stops when Eda grabs Luz's cheeks.]
Eda Now, your guilt-ridden brain is clouding your judgment. There's gotta be a way out of this, where no one has to get hurt.
[Behind them, a baby Selkidomus sounds.]
Luz [Gasps.] Eda, do you want to learn your first glyph?
[Above them, the Golden Guard is playing with King's birdcage. He lifts the shade. King wakes up and spins around.]
King: Weh?
[He drops the shade. King sighs in relief. The Golden Guard lifts the shade. King wakes up and spins around.]
KingL Weh?
[He drops the shade. King sighs in relief. The Golden Guard lifts the shade. King wakes up and spins around.]
King: Weh?
[He drops the shade. King sighs in relief.]
Golden Guard: [Laughing.] You're actually weirdly endearing.
King: No, I'm not. [Snoring.]
[The Golden Guard looks up and sees shadows on the wall of Eda, Adrien, and Luz fighting the Selkidomus. Luz slays her, and begins dragging her head into the Golden Guard's view.]
Golden Guard Oh, that thing smells awful. Why are you touching it with your hands? Gross.
Luz: You're gross. Now give me King.
Golden Guard: Actually, he smells pretty bad too. Take him.
[He tosses her King's birdcage.]
Golden Guard: Thank you for your service. You can find your own way home. And try to stay out of trouble. [Looking sinister.] The Emperor is not a merciful man. [Waves.] Bye-eeee!
[The Golden Guard gets on his staff and vanishes. Luz blows a raspberry after he leaves. Beside the Selkidomus corpse, actually made entirely out of plant magic, Eda is drawing light glyphs and casting them while Adrien was petting the baby. Luz walks up to her.]
Eda: My first glyph. Did I do good?
Adrien: Yeah. You did great.
[Enter the Selkidomus and her baby. The baby comes up to Luz and hugs her.]
Luz: Baby! Awww.
King: Wait, what is that?
Eda: Don't worry, King. Once the mother saw we weren't a threat to her baby, she calmed down. [To the Selkidomus.] This area is dangerous. You need to move further out into the sea.
[The Selkidomus nods, then regurgitates a pile of golden selkigris.]
Eda: Hot dang! It gave you the treasure of the sea.
Luz: Gold? Tuna?
Eda It's selkigris. Ah, people pay big money for it at the Night Market. Ah, feel that money, Adrien. [Lathers a handful of Selkigris on Adrien's face.]
Adrien: No, Auntie! Stop!
Eda: Luxuriate in it. What, you don't like to luxuriate? There's a whole pile of luxury right in here.
Adrien: No, no, no, no, no.
[Eda throws Luz into the Selkigris.]
Eda: Move over!
[Eda jumps in, flattening the pile.]
Luz: Eda!
[They all laugh. Cut to Lilith at the Owl House, putting ointment on Hooty's fire bee stings.]
Lilith: I'm sorry for sending you away before. It's hard for me to ask for help.
Hooty: It's okay. I'm sorry for being all nosy-nosy. But hey, Lulu, every friendship comes with its ups and downs. Right, best friend?
Lilith: I'm not commenting on that... Hootsifer.
Hooty: A nickname? [Laughing.] Hoot.
[The cauldron with Lilith's scrying spell finishes brewing. It glows and bubbles.]
Lilith: [Gasps.] The scrying potion, it's ready.
[A tired Eda, Adrien, Luz, and King walk through the door.]
Eda We're home. [Trips over Hooty.]
Lilith: Eda, come here. I have a gift for you. To prove that I'm trustworthy, I'm giving you a peek inside the Emperor's Castle.
[Cauldron shows a corridor at the Emperor's Castle that splits into two paths. Four distracted guards at each side are doing nothing. A guard on the left turns to the guard on the right.]
Guard #1: 'Sup?
Guard #2: 'Sup?
Luz What are we supposed to do with this?
Lilith: Whatever you want. Don't you see? These troops don't know what to do with themselves. So, go crazy. Pull whatever pranks your heart desires. They're clueless without me.
Adrien: We can use this to find Leanbow and save him!
Eda: Oh, Lily, Adrien, you couldn't have been more right. And that Golden Guard... what a chump. Oh, I'm in a good mood. Who wants to get takeout and draw faces on Hooty?
Hooty [Shakes head.] No...
King, Adrien, and Luz: [Simultaneously.] Yay! Me, me, me! I do! Yeah! I'm in!
Lilith: I'll protect you, Hootsifer.
[Zoom into the cauldron. The Owl House is still having their conversation about take-out offscreen.]
Eda: Alright, what do we wanna eat?
Luz: Anything but seafood.
King: Crackers.
Eda: We're not ordering crackers.
Hooty: Bees!
Lilith: I'm fine with whatever. Things are starting to feel right again.
Adrien: Same here mom.
[The potion zooms in through a wall, to where Belos is piecing together the portal door. He puts his mask on as he turns around.]
Belos: Knock, knock, human and halfa.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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