First Day

Adrien and Luz have done it. They've passed the entrance exam and have officially become students of Hexside. And they did it without destroying the auditorium. Now it was time for them to begin their first day. Taking them to their first day of school was Eda on her staff. Adrien sat behind her and Luz behind him. Both kids were wearing a Hexside uniform, though the normal uniform parts are in a lighter gray than most, and their sleeves and leggings are white.

While Adrien was excited to start the school year, he looked back to see his crush was acting nervously. "What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"Mmm, we gotta go back. This was a mistake!" Luz exclaimed, "I'm gonna mess things up again, and everyone will see, and—

"Luz, come on. Don't be like that," said Adrien with a comforting smile. "Nothing like that is going to happen."

"You say that now, and the next moment, we're causing something to explode. Just like the super confetti science experiment!"

"You. You caused something to explode. I had nothing to do with that." Adrien said, turning his head to face forward.

"You were my lab partner!"

"Adrien's right, you gotta calm down," said Eda, looking back at the kids. "What are you nervous about? You've been to school before."

"That's why I'm nervous," exclaimed Luz. "At my human school, I didn't make a good first impression. This is a chance to be seen as something other than a screw-up."

"Hey, don't worry about what those dorks think. If you want my advice, walk into class and punch the toughest kid you see. To establish dominance." Eda explained to help calm the young girl.

"Now that I can do," said Adrien with a smirk, pumping his fist.

"Aw, we won't be doing that. But thanks," said Luz, placing a hand on Adrien's shoulder.

They landed at the front of Hexside, and the two students dismounted the staff and stood on the stone pathway. They took off their backpacks from the back and put them on.

"Last chance to back out, and earn a new Bad Girl Coven patch," said Eda, as she held up a new patch for her made-up Coven. This one was the Quitter Badge. "Quitting: It's like trying, but easier."

"Nah, I'll just earn it when I quit showering like Adrien," said Luz, pointing her thumb at Adrien. Adrien frowned and smelt his armpit before Luz grabbed his hand and started running off. "Bye!"

"Hold up!" Eda called out to the kids. Adrien and Luz stopped and looked at her as she smiled at them. "Just try not to be too much of a goody-Luz-shoes, Luz. And Adrien, make me proud and cause a bit of chaos. You got this."

"Thanks, Eda. In fact..." Luz reached into her pockets and pulled sock puppets of herself, Adrien, and Eda out of her pockets. "I have written a heartfelt sonnet to commemorate this occasion. Here, Adrien. You be Eda."

But Eda was already flying off into the sky. "Whoops! A gust of wind just got me. See you after school! Byeeeee!"

Adrien and Luz watched her fly away before the boy held up Puppet Eda. "You're gonna do great, kid." He made her say and, then made the puppet kiss her on the cheek.

Luz blushed at that. "Thanks, Puppet Eda."

(As the portal gate opens and the camera zooms in on it, Adrien and Luz are seen to be in the sky. They open their eyes, only to realize they were falling which caused them to freak out before something zoomed past them and caught them. Adrien and Luz opened their eyes, with Luz behind Adrien and holding his arm while Adrien held onto the staff to stay on. The two kids saw they were saved by Eda, who smirked at the duo as they flew to her house on her Palisman staff.)

(The door where Hooty was opened up as Luz and Adrien step outside, with Luz twirling and posing with Eda's staff while Adrien draws his Rita sword he got recently and does his own pose. But then Eda took her staff back with an amused grin while Luz gave a sheepish smile and Adrien looked somewhat amused too. King popped up in front of them in a pose.)

(A Boiling Isle mural was seen as Gus, Willow, and Amity are seen briefly before it burns away to show King commanding an army of stuffed toys, which all fall on him. The scene burned away again, showing Adrien standing under a spotlight with determination on his face. Soon, a silhouette of a man in the Solaris Knight appears behind him before it fades out.)

(Now Adrien and Luz were on Eda's staff with Luz riding up front like she was driving and Adrien standing behind like he was surfing on a surfboard. They zoom down the Boiling Isles, past many friends and foes alike until Eda and King join in on the ride... then they hang on for dear life as a massive monstrous worm-like monster, mouth wide open, lunges at them. Everyone, minus Adrien, screamed in horror, as the latter had a look of bravery and defiance towards the monster as he pointed his sword towards it.)

(Then the scene changes back to the Owl House where it's nighttime and stars twinkle in the sky as the four are on the roof and looking up into the sky. Luz opens her hands to reveal a ball of light as Adrien pulls out his solar cell morphor and ticket.)

(He grinned and punched the ticket, causing light magic to burst from his hands. That's when the title appeared.)

Together, the two best friends walked toward their new school. As they approached it, they passed under a banner reading "WELCOME TO THE NEW SEMESTER". Lining each side of the path were the banners of the nine covens. All around them, various students are arriving at Hexside with them. Some went inside while others stopped to greet each other. As he walked with Luz, Adrien looked around with a smile on his face.

"Wow," he said, before noticing Amity walking towards him and Luz with her abomination carrying some of her books. "Hey, Amity!"

Amity smiled at them with a blush. "Hey, Adrien! Hey, Luz!" she said, as her abomination mirrored her movements. "Congrats on getting in. And not being in the baby class."

"Thanks, Amity! Up top!" Luz said, holding up her hand for a high-five. Amity happily did so, slapping her hand. Amity's abomination slaps Luz's face, leaving abomination mud behind.

Adrien laughed and held out his fist to Amity. "That was pretty good!" He said. However, the girl stepped back and looked at his fist with wide eyes. "Oh, that's right. This is called a fist bump in my world. All you have to do is hit my fist."

Amity looked confused at this. Looking at her own fist, she did as he said and softly punched his fist with hers. She didn't want to hurt him. "Huh, that felt good," said the green-haired witch.

Adrien smiled at her....before getting punched in the face by Amity's abomination.

Luz and Amity giggled at that as he tried wiping off the mud. Amity and her abomination walk off as Luz said, "Wow, our first day at Hexside. A chance to discover my true magical potential. And maybe meet a hot yet vulnerable upperclassman."

"You know I'm right here?" Adrien grumbled.

"Dream on!" To the surprise of the kids, King popped out of Adrien's backpack.

"King?!" Adrien exclaimed.

"Boop!" King poked his cheek, then jumped out and landed on the ground.

"Why are you in my bag?" Adrien asked.

"You're a free ride to the best buffet in town! Nyah!" King hopped onto and climbed into a trash can. He popped out with a half-eaten doughnut. "The trash cans here are filled with half-eaten gold!"

"Okay, but if anyone asks, you don't know us," Luz said before she and Adrien walked away.

"Have a wonderful school day, person-I-don't-know!" King waved off to them. He was about to go back to whatever he was doing when he saw an Abomination track student standing in front of him.

"I really needed to hear that," said the student.

At the main staircase leading into the school, Willow and Gus waited for their friends to show up. When they did, they smiled and greeted them.

"Luz! Adrien!" They exclaimed together.

"What's up, Hexsiders!" Adrien said with a grin.

"Hello, classmate!" Willow said with a wink. "Congratulations on passing the entrance exam!"

At this, Gus drew a magic circle and summoned letters that read out "BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!" Adrien and Luz raised an eyebrow while Willow glared at him. "Sorry, I was, uh, covering all my bases," Gus said sheepishly.

"So, do you know who those witches are?" Willow asked, gesturing to the nine banners Adrien and Luz passed. Each banner had what appeared to be a person in them. "Those are the heads of the main nine covens. Each one excelled at a magic school like Glandus, St. Epiderm, and, of course, Hexside. Are you prepared to enter these hallowed halls?"

"That's what we're about to find out," Adrien said with a smirk.

"See you on the other side, friends," said Luz as she and Adrien ran up the stairs to head to the principal's office.

"See you later!" Gus said, summoning another message. This time, the letters spelled out 'GOODBYE FOREVER!' Willow glared again with a WTF expression at the illusionist. "You know what? I'm uh, I'ma just get rid of these."

In the Principal's office, Bump was sitting at his chair and watching the crystal ball as the news broadcasted on it. "A terrible development at Glandus High School. Students and teachers were found unconscious and without magic. The cause remains unknown."

Now, many people will be concerned about the teachers and students of the school, while others would be worried about meeting the same fate. But not Bump.

"Ha! Take that, Glandus! Looks like this year's grudgby match is going to be a forfeit," said the principal before standing and starting to dance. "We win, and you diiieeeed~ We win, and you—"

His body froze up when he saw Adrien and Luz standing in the doorway. The two students stared at their principal in silence for a moment. Adrien then grabbed the door handle and closed the door.

Adrien and Luz stood outside for about 2 seconds.

Adrien opened the door and found Bump sitting in his chair. "You two saw nothing." He said, pointing at them with a threatening look.

"Already ahead of you," said Adrien as he and Luz entered the room. Together, the human and half-witch approached the deck.

"Hiya, Princy-B! Can I call you that?" Luz asked with finger guns pointed at him.

"Absolutely not." Bump said firmly. "Now, today, we'll be visited by the Emperor's Coven for a routine inspection. If we want to impress them, you'll need to join a coven track before they arrive."

Luz looked at Adrien, and the two nodded. "Actually, Principal Bump, we've made our own schedule," said Adrien as Luz brought out a scroll. She unrolled it, and it turned out to be a long scroll that landed on Bump's desk.

The principal raised an eyebrow as Luz took over. "First, my schedule! In the morning, I'll do Vet Care for Mythical Beasts, then Healing and Dealing, and then after lunch—"

Looking at the list, Principal Bump laughed. "Studying multiple tracks at once? No one does that."

"Well, it looks like we'll be the first," said Adrien, placing his fists on his hips with a proud smile.

Bump then became very serious. "No, you won't." He said, before holding up a rule book with the Emperor's Coven logo on it. "According to the rules, a good witch needs to hocus-focus. You can only pick one of the nine tracks." He pointed to the track banners above him. "And you do not want to embarrass me in front of the inspector."

"But all the tracks are so cool!" Luz complained.

"Come on, Bump.  I don't want to just focus on just one source of magic!" Adrien said. 

"You do, you can, and you will. But with the inspector here, I've got something special for you today, Adrien," Bump said.

Adrien was confused by this before Luz cut in and asked. "Is there some sort of enchanted article of clothing that could sort this out for me?"

"Well, there used to be, but..." Principal Bump looked over to the side, and the two students followed his line of sight. On a shelf was a brown classic witch's hat inside a display case that was locked up in heavy chains.

The Choosy Hat turned around and showed its scarecrow-like face on the pointed part. "Let me out...I must feed!" It declared and jumped on the glass with the brim growing teeth and a long tongue coming out from inside the hat and licking the surface.

The display case had a curtain drop down on it, covering the monstrous hat inside. Principal Bump shuddered as he remembered all the young kids who were beheaded by the hat. He looked at the kids. Adrien and Luz backed as far away from the hat as possible while holding each other in fear.

Seeing this and seeing that their cheeks were pressed against each other, Adrien and Luz quickly separated with blushes. "I-I don't know if I can choose just one," said the young girl. She didn't know that she would have to make a choice like this and was very hesitant to do so.

Principal Bump walked up to her. "Then I'll choose one for you." He said, before turning and pointing to the track banners. "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe!"

His finger landed on the yellow potion banner.

"Ah, yes! The Potions track. You humans are filled with liquids, right?" He said, and drew a magic circle, causing another one to appear on the grow around Luz's feet. As he cast the spell, the glowing ring rose up and changed the tunic and cowl of Luz's uniform to the standard gray color and the sleeves and leggings to yellow.

"Oh, I guess I have always liked pouring things into other things," she said while looking over her treads.

"I expect you to be on your best behavior," said the principal as he walked over and glanced at a corkboard with pictures of the results of Adrien and Luz's previous visits to Hexside on it. "Based on the costly repairs from recent incidents, we could really use a donation from the Emperor's Coven. Now, off to class."

He drew a circle and made Luz float up and go towards the door. "But, wait! What about Adrien?" She asked.

"Don't worry, I've got something in mind for him," Bump said.

"Oooooo—" Luz was cut off when the door slammed in her face. Leaving Adrien all alone with the principal.

"So, what kind of track do you have for me?" Adrien asked.

The only answer he got was when Bump used the same spell he used on Luz. However, instead of being given the colors of the covens, his sleeves and leggings turned into a dark gray.

"You'll be in the detention track."

Adrien gasped and backed away from the principal. "WHAT!? Oh nonononono, you're not putting me back in that room with that monster!" He yelled, reaching to grab Rita.

"Actual detention still needs... repairs," said the principal.

"But..." Adrien took his hand away from the sword and looked at the principal with a pleading look on his face. "But why? I didn't even do anything wrong, yet. I just started my first day of school!"

"Because of this." Bump held out a piece of paper to Adrien's face, and the young man looked at it.





Adrien stared at the wanted poster of himself with wide eyes for a moment. "Huh, my bounty's bigger than Eda's." He commented. "She would be proud"

"As I've said before, an inspector from the Emperor's Coven is on their way here," Bump said to the Halfa as he paced around his office. Explain his seemingly unfair decision. "Meaning that if she finds you, then she has the authority to take you into custody, and if that happens, you'll be taken to the Emperor, and he'll send the army to shut down the school."

Adrien looked away with a frown. He didn't like it, but he saw where Bump was coming from.

"I promised Eda that you would be safe here, and I'm going to keep that promise," Bump said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "So just for today, please for today, just do this."

Adrien was silent for a moment before sighing. "Alright. But only for today," he said, sheathing Rita. "So, all I have to do is hang out in one room and wait all alone?"

"Yes, but you wouldn't be alone."

Bump brought Adrien to a room with bars on the door. He opened the door and shoved Adrien into it. It was a dark room with the only forms of light coming from the outside. It was like a prison than a classroom, with bars on the windows and dull gay walls.

The Detention Teacher looks up from his scroll, as the five students that were in the class look over at the door.

One was a young woman with brown hair with four wefted bangs and a messy bun held together by a dark orange hair tie. She had green eyes with one lash on the top and one lash on the bottom.

One was a pale white-skinned boy with brown short hair wefted over the right side of his forehead. He has thick black eyebrows, a pointed nose, and brown eyes.

The third was a bit of an oddity. This student had the body of a dog with a human-like face. He was covered with chestnut fur with light tan fur on his stomach and neck area. He had dark orange tufts of hair on his head and two ears pointing upward with a small gold hoop earring on his right ear. He had blue eyes and black eyebrows.

The door closed as Principal Bump left Adrien in the room. Pretending to be upset with him, Adrien slammed his fist on the door, before sighing. Backing away from the door, he looked back at the people in the room. They all just stared at him with sour looks.

Adrien scowled at them in return and walked towards the first available seat. This was nothing new to him. He's been in detention before. So long as he keeps his head down, he'll be fine. But, he decided to brighten up the mood, he turned to his fellow detention track students and made a funny face, making fun of the teacher. This causes the three to laugh a bit, but the detention teacher notices.

"Hey! You all better be quiet, unless you want to scrub the classroom again," said the teacher as he looked up from his scroll. This rubbed Adrien the wrong way, as he was threatening to punish all of them unjustly.

"Lay off them," Adrien said, taking a stand for his cousins and the other three, who turned to him. "I'm the one that started talking, so don't punish any of them for something I did.

"Oh, hurray. A hero." He said sarcastically before drawing a spell circle and making a mop and bucket appear in Adrien's hands. "Get to work, you low life!"

Grunting at the jerk of a teacher, Adrien left to clean the corner of the classroom. Some time passed as Adrien cleaned the detention room. The Detention Teacher was asleep, and Halfa polished the bars on the windows. He looked at the teacher with a frown. He wasn't even bothering to teach anyone in the room, so why was it even called a track?

"What kind of a Track this?" Adrien, asked, throwing the towel to the ground.

"Hey, thanks for sticking up for us." a female's voice called out.

Adrien turned to see the girl,"Oh, yeah no problem."

"I'm Viney." The girl introduced, before pointing back to the boy."That's Jerbo."

The guy intoduced itself, "Hey."

"And that's Barcus."

The dog/witch barks in response.

"I'm Adrien."

Jerbo gasps and than asks,"The Halfa?"

"Uhhh, yeah?"

Viney leans towards Adrien and asks him one single question, "Wanna see something cool?"

Adrien thinks for a moment, before answering, "Yeah, okay."

Viney walked towards the chalkboard. "Come on," he groaned, signaling for Adrien to follow him and Jerbo.

Standing in front of the board, Viney grabbed a piece of chalk and started to use it. Adrien walked as he first drew a square, before drawing a keyhole in the middle. Viney smirked and tapped the keyhole and twisted the chalk as if it were a key. And to Adrien's surprise, it made a sound as if it did unlock something.

The square glowed before swinging open, revealing a passageway in the wall. The passageway lit up with what looked like Christmas lights that led to a door at the end of the hallway. On it was a keep out sign.

"Woah." Adrien, said surprised.

Jerbo and Barcus entered the passageway, while Viney stayed behind and looked at Adrien,"You coming?" Viney entered the passage.

Looking at the teacher before looking into the passway, Adrien held onto the top, before swinging his legs through and letting go. Landing on his feet before looking back to see the door close behind him.

"Guys, what is this place?" Adrien asked.

Viney thought about it for a moment before looking at Jerbo. The young man nodded with an excited look on his face. In the end, Viney sighed and nodded. "Follow us."

She led the boys to the door at the end of the hall and opened it, ignoring the keep out sign. As Adrien followed them inside, he jaw dropped in astonishment at the place he was in.

The room was like the inside of a tower with trapdoors, front doors, and windows covering the walls all around. The doors and windows of varying shapes, sizes, and colors covered every inch of the walls. The walls were built of gray cement bricks and had a spiral ramp riding alongside the doors.

"Whoa," Adrien said, completely blown away as he twirled around and looked around himself. Amazed to see so many doors in one place, "I hope Luz is having as much as I am."

"We call it the Secret Room of Shortcuts," Viney said, raising her hands up as she gestured to it all. "Or just the Backroom, for short."

"So long as it doesn't smell like moist carpet in here, I'm fine," Adrien said, smiling as he looked around. He knew they wouldn't get the joke, but it made him chuckle.

Viney took him by his shoulder and pointed up at the doors surrounding them. "You see these doors? They're all connected to different parts of the school. On the outside, they can't be seen. So any place where people didn't think to have a door would likely be where a door would be. They wouldn't even know it was there until it was opened from here."

"Go ahead and try it out," said Jerbo, gesturing to a door.

Figuring he's got nothing to lose, Adrien walked over and opened it. He peaked in on the other side and saw it open on a roll of lockers in a hallway of Hexsider. There, he saw Amity pacing around. Not noticing him as she talked to herself.

"So, the three of you are going to the same school now, that doesn't change anything. And the crazy thing is that they want to be friends!" Amity exclaimed, before sighing to herself. "Who am I kidding? They both like each other. What chance do I have?"

Adrien was wondering what the pretty witch was talking about, but figured it wasn't his business to spy on her. He silently shut the door to the Backroom and turned back to the others with a smile.

"This place is amazing!" Adrien exclaimed. "Oh, the pranks that you can pull from here."

"It's just for that. We use this room for something much more important," Jerbo said, pointing up to Barcus on the ramp.  Jerbo pointed to Baracus,

Adrien followed him. Adrien joined Barcus, who was sitting in front of an open door. On the other side was the Oracle class.

He sat down with Viney and Barcus as the Oracle teacher taught her lesson to the class with a piece of purple paper on her dress. "Remember, seeing the end of a life is the beginning of reading a fortune. We have to work backwards from it to see the truth," she said, folding the paper into a fortune teller.

Nodding his head, Barcus also folded one. Adrien smiled at how happy he looked before jumping down to join Viney and Jerbo as they sat on the floor. "We aren't allowed to study any kind of magic, so we study every kind of magic in secret," the girl said.

"I don't get it. You all are willing to learn, even when you're locked in detention. You sound like awesome students," Adrien said, sitting with them with his legs crossed. "Why did Bump put you all in here?"

"Well, it's because we all wanted to do so many different kinds of magic that we tried mixing two different tracks," Viney said.

"I was part of the Plant Track, but I tried mixing plant magic with abominations. Let's just say that Bump was far from thrilled when it destroyed the classroom," Jerbo said, scratching the back of his head. He then pointed up at Barcus. "Barcus was a student of the Potion Track, but when he tried to make a potion with an Oracle crystal ball. It...did not go so well for the teacher that had to see what their future was."

Viney raised her hand and said, "Healing Track over here, but I wanted to do some beast keeping with my pet griffin Puddles. I know it was slightly unconventional. But Puddles was a great assistant, dang it!

"So, you all want to be in one more tracker, but I guess Bump won't allow it." Adrien suggested. 

They all nodded.

"Well I think everybody should think like you guys." 

This made the three misfits smile at the Halfa, but is also reminded the latter of someone, "I wonder how Luz is doing. Anyone knows where I can look in on the Potion Track?"

"Class should be letting out, so that one over there," Jerbo said, pointing to a small door.

Adrien rushed over it and slowly opened it. Peeking through, he saw that he was at floor level. He looked to his right and saw Luz standing at the door of the Potion Track classroom. Adrien smiled as he looked at the girl he was in love with.

Looking at something in front of her, Luz said, "A crystal ball. Maybe it can show me if I'm on the right track," she said, before quickly holding up her hand to resist the temptation. "No, don't be tempted! It's your first day. Don't ruin it for yourself and, most importantly, for Adrien. You can't let him down. Make a good impression."

Adrien was surprised to hear that. She was thinking about him, when she was the one that always wanted to be a witch.

He watched as she turned and walked down the hall. Curious as to what she was talking about, Adrien opened the door a little more before he saw an open closet with crystal balls lining the shelves.

Seeing this, Adrien nodded and was about to close the door when Luz suddenly ran back and popped up in the closet.

Smiling, she grabbed one of the balls. As it turned out, she couldn't help herself. Potion class wasn't going as she thought it would, and when she saw other students doing amazing magic, Luz wanted to learn it too. But Bump forced her into a track she didn't even want, while Adrien was likely learning different kinds of magic. It's not that she wasn't ungrateful for the opportunity she was being given, but now she was uncertain if this was really what she wanted to learn.

"Whoa, I can actually feel the magic in this thing," Luz said, impressed. She then cleared her throat and spoke as clearly as she could. "Oh, magical crystal ball, I humbly ask you to tell me my future."

As she said that, the ball started to glow, and the light from it blinked in and out as it spoke to her. However, the way it communicated with the young woman was...unexpected.

["You twit. Do you really have to talk to me like that?"]

"I...I don't know. Yes?" Luz asked, not really sure how to react to being insulted by a ball.

["What a loser. Of course, you don't."]

"Hey, come on, you're supposed to tell me my future if I'm on the right track," Luz said.

["Well, question first. In your future, you will be in trouble very soon."]

"Wow! Wait, what'd you say?" Luz asked when she immediately processed what it said.

"Ahem!" Luz gasped when she turned around to see Bump glaring at her with a disappointed look. "What do you think you're doing?" He said in a dangerous tone.

"I...was just putting this away." Luz nervously laughed as she placed the ball back in the closet.

"Really? Because it seems to me like you disobey one of the most important rules of this school. Mixing magic," Bump said, walking up to her.

"But I wasn't mixing magic! I uh... fog brew!" Luz yelled and tossed the potion she made in class on the ground. It smashed on the floor and made a bit of fog, but didn't work as she had hoped. "Yeah. I figured that wouldn't work."

"Well, if you like causing trouble, then we'll place you in a track where you can't cause trouble," Bump said harshly and formed a magic circle. Turning Luz's sleeves and leggings dark gray, just like what he did to Adrien. "It's the Detention Tracks for you, young lady!"

"What?!" Luz gasped in shock before she was levitated off the ground and pulled behind. "No, please! Anything but detention!"

As he saw her being pulled away, Adrien quickly closed the door and turned to the others. "Quick, Bump's coming back!"

"Please don't throw me in that room with the monster pit, Principal Bump! Have mercy!" Luz begged the man with her hands together.

"Oh, don't be such a baby," Bump said. "Actual detention is still undergoing repairs from the damage you and your boyfriend caused."

"Adrien's not my boyfriend!" Luz shouted, but quickly covered her mouth when she realized how loud she said it.

"Sure you're not." Bump rolled his eyes. He didn't care to get into a student's love life, even though, in his mind, he already knew they liked each other. "I'm keeping all the troublemakers far away from the eyes of the inspector, so you're going to be spending your day with Adrien with the others. But unlike him, who's only in for one day, you'll have to pick a new track next year."

"But I'll be back in the human world by then!" Luz exclaimed.

Bump gave her a cold hard look. "Then maybe you'll do better when you go back home."

Luz was now scared, and she tried to find a way out of the situation she was in. Luckily for her, King climbed out of a trash can she was passing by.


"King! Vouch for my character!" Luz called out to him.

"Uh, right! I don't know you!" The little demon said, doing exactly what she told him to do that morning. Luz glared at him as Bump continued dragging her along through the air.

When they reached the detention classroom, Bump opened the door and pushed Luz inside. Making her fall to the floor.

"Luz!" exclaimed Adrien as he rushed over to her.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got an inspector to impress," Bump said before slamming the door behind him.

Adrien helped Luz up as she started tearing up. "Luz, what the hell were you thinking? Why did you try using that crystal ball?" He asked.

Luz sniffled and rubbed her eyes. "I...I don't know. I just—wait, you know about the crystal ball?" She asked, quickly forgetting that she'd just ruined her chances of learning magic. "And why are you in detention? Did you get into another fight again?!"

"Ow!" Adrien yelped as she pinched his cheeks. "Cut it out! Bump put me in here for my protection. It's a long story, but first," he said, pulling her hands off his cheeks. "You wanna learn a shortcut to learning magic?"

The other students smiled and waved at Luz. The human girl looked confused.

(A/N: I'm skipping the scenes where they introduce Luz to the group. Time-Skip Spell!)

Viney: We all want to be in more than one coven track! But Bump just says we need to focus.

Luz: Sounds like Bump's priorities are out of whack.

Adrien: Yeah, what's the point of rules, it they hurt your students!

Viney: I'm glad you're one of us. You've made a great first impression. 

Adrien: [Pulls out a marker.] Would you like to add your name to the troublemaker wall? I already did. 

Luz: Aw! [Reaches for the marker.]

Willow: [Through the wall.] Luz? We're here to get you out of that horrible class.

[Everyone looks at Luz.]

Luz: Eh, they're probably looking for some other Luz.

[Viney stands and peeks through the main entrance. Willow and Gus are looking around the detention classroom.]

Gus: Maybe she already booked it.

[Willow whistles like she's calling a dog.]

Gus: She did say she was better than this place.

Viney: [Closes door.] Oh. You think you're better than us?

Adrien: (Stands in front of Luz) Viney, wait.

Luz: No, no, it's not like that. I just didn't think I deserved—mean, none of us deserve—

Jerbo: J'accuse! I should've known you'd look down on us. Everyone else does.

Adrien: Guys, it's not like that!

[Barcus sneezes, captions reading: You have an aura of lies.]

Viney: It's fine, I just... I thought someone finally understood us. But, maybe you should just leave. [Points to the door.]

[Barcus gasps.]

Luz: I understand.

Adrien: Fine, than I'm-

Luz: (Stops Adrien) Adrien, don't, not thie time.

[Cut back to the classroom, where Gus plays with the Detention Teacher's mustache.]

Gus: Man, this guy can sleep through anything. [Grabs mop.] I'm gonna test that theory.

Willow: No. We have to find Luz. If only these walls could talk.

[Luz pushes the wall door open.]

Luz: Hey, guys. [Slumps onto the floor face first.]

Willow: Thank you, walls! [Helps Luz stand.] We found a way to get you out to talk to Principal Bump.

Gus: We have an expert disguise! [Grabs a trashcan.] Hop in! It's got holes for your gangly teenage legs.

[Luz looks at the wall as Viney closes the door.]

Luz: Yeah. That's right where I belong.

Gus: And this way the inspector won't see you either.

[Luz climbs into the trashcan. Gus puts the lid on Luz's head. She stands and walks off. Willow and Gus follow her. Camera pans to the still-snoring Detention Teacher. Gus pops up next to him and puts the mop on his face. He continues snoring.]

Gus: Incredible.

Bump sighed in relief as he reached the front of the school. Finally, all of the troublemakers and the Halfa were out of sight, and now he could focus on getting his school repaired. And he didn't have to wait long for the inspector to arrive.

She arrived when a swirl of blue energy appeared in front of the stairs, scaring off a few nearby students in the process. It dissipates, revealing the inspector as a pale skin woman with indigo hair held up in a swirled bun. She wore small, tinted glasses and had a red lower lip and green eyes. She wore a gray dress with a yellow badge, one epaulet, and black gloves.

She walked up the front steps as Bump greeted her. "Welcome to Hexside, inspector."

"Greetings, Principal Bump," said the inspector with a bow. "If everything's in order, the Emperor's Coven will be happy to cover your repairs."

"Excellent. Please come this way. We've prepared a show with some of our finest students."

Honored to have been picked to give the inspector a presentation on behalf of her class, Amity made sure she gave the best performance she could. As the abomination stomped on stage, it growled and held Amity up like a figure skater. Together, they posed, showing just how in sync she was with her creation.

The abomination placed Amity down as she said, "And that concludes the presentation from the Abomination track." Amity and her abomination bowed to the inspector.

Principal Bump politely applauded as he sat with the inspector. Behind them were other students from the Abomination track.

"That was some real Hexside magic, huh?" Bump asked the inspector.

Inspector: Yes, this is... good! But let's see if your student can put up more of a fight! [Stands.]

Principal Bump: Yes, yes—wait, what?

[The inspector slams her hands down on the stage. Her face deforms, revealing that she is in fact a greater .]

Principal Bump: Is, uh, this part of the inspection?

Amity: Abomination, fight!

[Amity's abomination runs forward and grabs the inspector. The inspector fully transforms into a basilisk and flings the abomination into the air. It growls and swallows the abomination. It slithers toward Amity, who backs away.]

Inspector: The magic at Glandus High was tasty. But I hope yours will be more filling.

Principal Bump: [Running between Amity and the inspector.] Amity, stay back. She's an impostor!

[Principal Bump draws out a spell circle. The inspector inhales, swallowing the spell circle and draining his magic. His skin turns gray and he collapses. Amity tries to cast a spell, but her magic is also drained, and she falls unconscious next to Principal Bump. Cut to King's classroom, where he is writing on the chalkboard.]

King: Assume a coefficient of ten, carry the two, solve for Y, and that is the way to steal a pie from a windowsill! [He has drawn himself stealing pie on the chalkboard.] Also you can eat trash.

Student #1: Finally, some skills we can really use.

King: [Pulls out a slice of pizza.] And now, for my next lesson—

[Loud growl.]

King: Seriously? It's not even fifth period yet.

[Cut to King opening the doors of the auditorium.]

King: Excuse me! Could you keep it down? Mr. King's trying to mold young minds here!

[The inspector is sucking more life out of Principal Bump.]

Principal Bump: Ugh. Only 300 years until retirement.

[The inspector looks at King.]

King: I can see that I'm interrupting, so I'm just gonna... [Screams and runs away.]

[Cut to a hallway, where Luz is no longer in a trashcan. Luz sighs.]

Willow: Don't worry, Luz! Once we talk to Bump, we'll get everything sorted out.

Luz: I know, but what's the point if people get hurt on the way?

Gus: That is a fair question. Here's another question. What the heck is that?! [Points.]

[The Oracle Teacher is running away from the inspector, which is taking over most of a hallway. The teacher stops and casts a beam of light. The inspector slurps the beam of light up like spaghetti. The teacher falls, drained of magic. Willow, Luz, and Gus scream.]

Inspector: [Laughs.] More cute morsels!

Willow: We may be cute, but we're nobody's morsels! [Summons carnivorous plant.]

Gus: Time for a power-up!

[Gus gives the plant buff arms. The plant launches itself at the inspector. It catches the plant with its tail and eats it. Willow and Gus both fall, drained of magic.]

Willow: [Tries to draw another spell circle.] I feel... so weak.

Luz: [Runs in front of her friends.] Eat this!

[She grabs her notepad and activates a light glyph on it, then throws it in the inspector's mouth. The spell activates, and the inspector screams, spewing out shredded paper.]

Luz: [Picks up Willow and Gus.] I'll get you guys somewhere safe!

Inspector: It burns! It burns!

Luz: [Bursts into the Secret Room of Shortcuts.] Guys! I need your help!

Adrien: Luz! What's wrong?

Viney: Oh. You're back.

Luz: I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, but please listen! [Falls, drops Willow.] Argh! Willow!

[Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus gasp. Adrien looked at his friends in horror, but it quickly turned to rage.]

Adrien: (Furious) Who did this?

Viney: What happened to them?

Luz: Something horrible is loose in the school.

[Luz opens a door to show the inspector draining more students' magic.]

Viney: Don't let it see us! [Closes the door.] I think that's a greater basilisk. I heard about them in a class. My cousin at St. Epiderm said she saw one, but those things should be extinct.

Luz: It must've attacked the other schools, and now it's come for us. We have to do something.

Jerbo: But if Bump catches us mixing magic again—

Viney: He'd kick us outta school.

Adrien: Excuse my language, but fuck the rules. 

(Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus gasp)

Adrien: They say we're troublemakers, right? So, let's go make some trouble. (Holds up the ticket.)

[Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus share a look. Cut to a hallway, where the inspector drains of her magic.]

Inspector: Hungry! Still hungry!

(Adrien (Solaris Knight Mode) flies at the Inspector and gives it multiple slash wounds. The Instpector tries to grab him with her tail, but he backflips backwards and adopts a fighting stance.)

[An ice glyph is thrown in front of the inspector. It activates, summoning a pillar of ice that throws the inspector back. Luz hops next to Adrien wearing a cloak.]

Luz: From humblest of beginnings, hero will rise. I've trained with a secret society to discover the power of mixing magic! I am—

Inspector: Dinner!

Adrien: (Sheathes Rita, grabs Luz's hand, and bolts) Heroic Speech later!

Luz: Wah!

[Luz loses the cloak and runs with Adrien. The inspector slams into the pillar of ice. It rights itself and chases after Luz.]

Adrien: Viney! Now!

[Puddles flies through the halls and attacks the inspector.]

Viney: Attagirl, Puddles! Jerbo, now!

Jerbo: On it!

[An abomination opens a door in the floor as Jerbo summons several thorny vines. The vines latch onto a door handle in the ceiling. The inspector claws at Puddles and throws her, then falls through the opened door. Luz  and Adrien hop in after it, sending it through the door in the floor of the Secret Room of Shortcuts. Cut to the auditorium, where Principal Bump sits up.]

Principal Bump: Must find help.

[The inspector falls onto the stage.]

Luz: Wooh!

[Luz and Adrien fall through the ceiling after the inspector, landing on its stomach and flipping off of it to land on the stage.]

Luz: It's all you, Barcus!

[Barcus barks, grabs the inspector's palm.]

Inspector: Where am I?

[Barcus dumps a potion onto the inspector's hand. He squints at it, then his eyes glow. He yips.]

Inspector: What's he doing? What'd he say?

Luz: He's reading your palm, and your future looks bleak.

[Jerbo's abomination pulls at a rope that Puddles cuts with her beak. The rope drops sandbags onto the inspector's stomach. All of the magic it ate is released and returned to the proper witch. Everyone gasps as they get their magic back and wake up. Magic flies through the air as it returns to other schools. Back in the auditorium, Viney heals Puddles's scratched claw. Puddles warbles, flies off.]

Luz: AH! [Hugs Viney.] You did it! You were amazing! You guys—

Principal Bump: Are in so much trouble. Leaving your homeroom, mixing magic and—is that a secret hideout?

[Willow and Gus duck away from the open trap door.]

"I'm going to have each and everyone one of you kicked out of this school," said the principal, making Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus look down in shame. Ready to accept their punishment.

"No you're not!" Adrien suddenly said, shocking everyone as he walked up to the man. "Are you seriously going to punish these guys for saving the school?!"

"That is not the issue! The issue is how they saved the school by mixing magic! Which is strictly forbidden!" Bump said, pointing at Adrien. He then pulled out the rule book. "Now, if the Emperor's Coven can send an actual inspector this time—"

Adrien looked at him in disbelief. "Is that really all you care about? Getting the money for the school? Was putting me in the Detention Track just so that you could impress the inspector? After everything that's happened today, have you even once asked yourself why we needed a secret hideout?"

"I don't care to know the ins and outs of rascality," Bump said, opening the book. "It goes against the rules set in place by the Emperor—"

"SCREW THE RULES!" Adrien yelled, swinging his sword and cutting the rule book down the middle.

"Hey! Do you know how expensive that was?!" Bump complained.

"Use your head. You're harboring a wanted criminal," Adrien said, placing a hand on his chest. "How can you talk about following the rules if you're doing that? Look, I get it. You need coven money so that you can continue to keep the school running. You became a principal to help young witches like them. But is that money really worth more than the well-being and happiness of your students? Would you have allowed them to die so you can have that money?"

"What?! Of course not! B-but—"

"They saved Hexside, and they did it by doing the one thing that you're punishing them for. If they can master two Tracks at once, then they have more potential than anyone else at this school. They should be allowed to study what they wish. And if it goes against the rules, then the rules need to change," said Adrien.

Bump looked at the two sliced halves of the rule book, before looking at the Detention Track. Bump sighed. The boy was right. He was wrong. He wanted to be a teacher to help students. But it seemed like he'd lost sight of that goal. All it took was someone to call him out.

"Alright, I'm smart enough to know when I've made a mistake," he said, throwing the book away. He looked at the detention track students and smiled. "Which tracks would you like to be in?"

[All gasp.]

Viney: Healing and Beast Keeping!

Jerbo: Plants and Abomination!

[Barcus barks.]

Principal Bump: Then so be it. [Changes their uniforms to reflect their new tracks.] But if any of you cause more property damage, I'm feeding you to the choosy hat. [To Adrien.] And I already know what you want.

Just like before, a ring appeared at the feet of the Halfa before rising up. As it did so, it transformed the colors of his gray leggings. The right leg was turned into Abomination orchid, and the left was turned into Plant green. As the ring raised over his shoulders before disappearing, Adrien's right sleeve was turned Healing blue, and his left was turned to Bard red. Both sleeves and leggings were divided into two shades of the same color, with the light tones going inwards toward his body and the darker colors going out near the cuffs and the bottom of the leggings.

"Whoa!" Adrien said in awe as he looked over his new treads. It wasn't like anything that he'd seen before, and it looked great. He looked at Bump with a confused expression. "What does this mean?"

"It means from this day forth, you're the first student of Hexside to study all tracks," Bump said, looking at Adrien with a proud smile.

Adrien looked at Bump with wide eyes before he grinned with happiness and excitement. This was it! This was what he and Luz had been wanting, and Adrien felt incredibly blessed to be able to have this moment.

However, he looked at Luz and saw her looking down with a depressed expression on her face. When she saw him facing her, Luz put on a smile, but it was fake. She was happy for her best friend and knew he deserved it, but it pained her that she wouldn't have the same opportunity as he did.

Adrien turned back to Bump and said, "I...I can't accept this. This is something Luz, and I wanted together...."

"Well, good things come in pairs," said Bump.

Luz gasped as she was given the same transformation as her best friend. She was given the same colors as her best friend, but they were reversed. For her sleeves, she had green on the right and violet on the left, while her leggings had red on the left and blue on the right. Just like Adrien, they were divided between normal and lighter tones, with the lighter half at the ends of her sleeves and legs.

Luz gasped when she saw this and squealed. "YES, YES, YES! I'm gonna study everything! Oh, thank you so much, Adrien!" She exclaimed, and before she knew what she was doing, she gave him a big kiss on his cheek.  Adrien's face turned as red as a tomato

Principal Bump: "You know, only one other student wanted to study every track. Unfortunately, she was never given the opportunity."

With a wipe of his hand, the graffiti on the picture disappears. And under it, all was none other than Eda Clawthorne, when she was still young. She had bright orange hair and didn't have her golden fang yet, and had the yellow colors of the Potion Track. She was standing with a young Daggeronn, holding him in a headlock as he gave a peace sign. He was wearing the colors of the Healing Track.

Luz: [Gasps, chuckles.] We shoulda guessed.

Adrien: (Thoughts) Dad. (Smiles)

[Cut to Eda arriving at Hexside on her staff. Cut to Principal Bump walking through the halls, writing in a new rule book.]

Principal Bump: The coven denies knowing about the basilisk, but that won't stop me from writing a very stern letter.

King: Alright. Read chapters three to five on the right way to scratch yourself in public. Spoiler alert: There's no wrong way! [Sighs.] Days like these make being a teacher all worth it.

Principal Bump: You're not a teacher.

King: Weh?

[Principal Bump is staring at King disapprovingly.]

King: Maybe not, but I care about these kids, [Tosses coffee in Principal Bump's face.] and nothing can change that.

[Cut to the front entrance, which bursts open. Principal Bump waves a broom at King as the demon flees, squealing.]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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