Enchanting Grom Fright
[Open on the Owl House living room. King is watching videos on Luz's phone while she uses a magnifying glass to look at a flower.]
Luz: Come on! Work this time. [Replicates plant glyph, activates it, gasps when a flower successfully grows.] Yes! Check it out, King: my glyph skills are blossoming!
Adrien: (Walks into the living room) Hey, guys!
Luz: How's training coming along?
Adrien: (Sits next to her) Pretty good, just learned how to use the plant spell.
King: You think that's impressive? Check this out! Two warriors battling to the death!
[On the phone, two cats meow. One prepares to pounce on the other but falls on its back. Luz looks at the open portal door.]
Luz: Ah. I see we're getting enough Wi-Fi through the portal for cat videos.
King: Senseless violence. Yes, attack! Death is your god!
Adrien: I'm starting to regret teaching you about the Internet.
King: Hah! What possible regrets could come from the Internet? Oh! Did you know that the Earth is actually flat?
Luz: Yep, that's not right.
Adrien: Not in the least.
[She takes her phone back as it vibrates. She got a text from her mom reading, "How's camp today, cariño? <3, Mamá." Luz gulps. She starts typing "I", then deletes it. "I'm" and "It" are also typed and quickly deleted. She ends up sending a thumbs-up emoji.]
Good enough." She sighed.
"Ah, a severed hand! Perfect response." King said as he and Adrien looked over her shoulders to see her response.
Groaning, Luz flopped down on the couch and put a pillow on her face. Muffling her groans as Adrien sat down next to her. "Luz, why don't you just tell her about this place?"
"What am I supposed to say, Addy!?" Luz exclaimed, making Adrien blush with embarrassment. The Dominican girl then stood up and started pacing around while talking in her normal cheerful voice. "'Hey, Mom, not at camp, actually! I'm in the demon realm learning to be a witch! Also, did you know that demons and magic are real?' She. Will. End me."
She curled up on the ground with her hands on her head. "Oh, come on, Luz. You're mom's not that cruel," Adrien said.
"Nah, she'd be freaked out by our world anyway. So actually, by keeping the truth from her, you're doing her a favor!" King said, resulting in Adrien flicking him on the head.
"Not helping, you twit."
"Hm. The angel on my left shoulder is telling me to do the right thing," she said, leaning on Adrien's leg for a moment. She then leaned to King. "But the demon on my shoulder makes a good point."
"Always trust a shoulder demon!" King said, taking the phone from Luz and opening MewTube again.
Suddenly, Hooty opened the door and greeted the two kids with his usual cheery attitude. "Hoot hoot, Adrien, Luz! Time to fill up that darling little head of yours with...." Hooty extended his neck and regurgitated a stack of books onto the ground. "Mm-hmm. Delicious knowledge!"
Adrien and Luz looked at the owl thing with disturbed looks, before seeing Gus and Willow peeking from the doorway. Both were looking at Hooty uncomfortably.
"Please hurry!" Gus begged his friends from the human realm, wanting Adrien and Luz to hurry up so that they could get away from Hooty
"The more I look at him, the more uncomfortable I get," Willow added
"Hoot hoot!" Hooty shouted, making Gus and Willow flinch.
Though Adrien found it funny, he didn't want to see his friends suffer too much. "Alright, alright," he said, helping Luz stand up. Before leaving, the Dominican girl kissed King's head while the blonde boy patted his bony head. "Don't spend all day watching MewTube, 'kay?"
"I forge my own path!" King yelled at the two as they ran out of the house and set off with Gus and Willow to school. With the kids gone, he played another video. A fluffy black cat chased its tail in the video, making the little demon snicker. "What a dum-dum."
However, he too was distracted by his own tail wagging. He tried to grab it with his hand, but flopped on the couch after a second. "Ugh. Who has the energy?"
(As the portal gate opens and the camera zooms in on it, Adrien and Luz are seen to be in the sky. They open their eyes, only to realize they were falling which caused them to freak out before something zoomed past them and caught them. Adrien and Luz opened their eyes, with Luz behind Adrien and holding his arm while Adrien held onto the staff to stay on. The two kids saw they were saved by Eda, who smirked at the duo as they flew to her house on her Palisman staff.)
(The door where Hooty was opened up as Luz and Adrien step outside, with Luz twirling and posing with Eda's staff while Adrien draws his Rita sword he got recently and does his own pose. But then Eda took her staff back with an amused grin while Luz gave a sheepish smile and Adrien looked somewhat amused too. King popped up in front of them in a pose.)
(A Boiling Isle mural was seen as Gus, Willow, and Amity are seen briefly before it burns away to show King commanding an army of stuffed toys, which all fall on him. The scene burned away again, showing Adrien standing under a spotlight with determination on his face. Soon, a silhouette of a man in the Solaris Knight appears behind him before it fades out.)
(Now Adrien and Luz were on Eda's staff with Luz riding up front like she was driving and Adrien standing behind like he was surfing on a surfboard. They zoom down the Boiling Isles, past many friends and foes alike until Eda and King join in on the ride... then they hang on for dear life as a massive monstrous worm-like monster, mouth wide open, lunges at them. Everyone, minus Adrien, screamed in horror, as the latter had a look of bravery and defiance towards the monster as he pointed his sword towards it.)
(Then the scene changes back to the Owl House where it's nighttime and stars twinkle in the sky as the four are on the roof and looking up into the sky. Luz opens her hands to reveal a ball of light as Adrien pulls out his solar cell morphor and ticket.)
(He grinned and punched the ticket, causing light magic to burst from his hands. That's when the title appeared.)
[Cut to Hexside. The spider kindergarten teacher decorates the halls with streamers.]
Spider Teacher: Coming through! Watch your heads!
[The halls are decked out with balloons made of abomination goop and other decorations. Luz, Adrien, Gus, and Willow enter.]
Luz: Something's different today. Did everyone get a haircut?
Adrien: That is definitely not it!. Willow, elaborate please?
Willow: Oh yeah! I forgot you've never been here for the social event of the season.
Gus: Welcome to your first—
[Suddenly, two masked health workers enter, rolling a stretcher, making siren noises.]
Worker: Outta the way!
[The workers surround a beast-keeping student with dark skin, blond hair that covers his eyes, and big, pointy ears similar to a bat. Skara looks on.]
Worker: Come with us immediately! Your disease—it's advancing!
[They help him onto the stretcher.]
Bat Boy: Is there a cure, doc?
Worker: Only one... finding the perfect date to Grom!
Bat Boy: If that's the cure... then, Skara, will you go to Grom with me?
[He holds out a beating heart, with "GROM?" written on it in red ink.]
Skara: Ahhhhh! Of course I will, or whatever!
[She hugs him, and onlooking students and teachers cheer.]
Luz: *Gasps* You guys have a version of prom on the Boiling Isles? Me and Adrien were kicked out of our last school dance for me dressing like an otter and Adrien like a bear.
Adrien: *Furrows eyebrows* You force me into that costume.
Luz: *Chuckles nervously* Yeah, but, *Strikes a pose* but here, I can be your Grom Queen and Adrien as your Grom King!
Willow: That's, uh, not something people usually sign up for.
Adrien: *Raises a brow* How come?
Amity enters from behind, looking down at the stack of books and a note she is carrying with a conflicted stare, and unknowingly bumps into Luz, dropping all her stuff.
Amity: Watch it, nitwit! Oh. Hi, Luz *Looks to Adrien* Adrien... and co. Sorry about that.
Adrien: Heya, Amity.
Luz: No problem, let me help you!
Adrien and Luz helps Amity pick up her books and Luz hands her little pink note that she dropped.
Luz: Here's, your note.
Amity snatches it away from her hand taking everyone a little by surprise.
Luz: Man, you got some quick grabbers.
Amity: It's just, it's... their private.
Adrien: *Waves his hand to her once* Don't worry, we won't pry into it.
Adrien bumps Luz's shoulder making her stutter.
Luz: O-oh, yeah! *Nods* You're privacy is your castle.
Amity looks to both of them with a small smile. The speaker screeches on. Everyone looks at it.
Student #2: I'm so nervous.
Student #3: Shh! This is it!
Principal Bump: *Over intercom* Attention Hexside students. This is your principal speaking.
Gus: Oh, man, this is it!
Willow: He's announcing who'll be this year's Grom royalty.
Amity looks on, concerned.
Principal Bump: This year, I have the privilege to bestow our highest Grom honor to... Amity Blight!
Willow, Luz, Adrien, and Gus gasp. The three of them turn to Amity, who looks shocked.
Principal Bump: Our Grom Queen!
Other students gasps, look on with worry and mutter her name.
Student #4: It's Amity!
Student #5: Amity.
Amity is noticeably uneasy.
Adrien gives Amity a small golf clap.
Luz: Whoo! Amity, get it, queen!
Luz holds her hand up for a high-five. Amity looks around and runs off.
Luz: Don't leave me hangin'!
Adrien: *High fives her* Not hanged.
Luz: *Smiles to him* Thank you.
Willow: You might want to give her some space. Being Grom Queen is a tough job. Even for Amity.
The speaker screeches once again, catching everyones attention once more.
Principal Bump: And now, I have one last person bestowing our highest Grom honor to as Grom King... Adrien the Halfa!
Willow, Gus, Luz and other students gasps, they all look to look to Adrien, who has a surprised look and everyone except Luz, look over to him in slight worry.
Luz: *Raises her hands up* Whoo! That's my boy! *Hugs his torso*
Adrien: *Hugs her back* Huh, well whatever it is that's bad about being a Grom King, I can make the best of it.
Cut to the gym. Students are setting up decorations while Principal Bump oversees. The Snaggleback is hanging from the ceiling by a rope and spinning.
Principal Bump: Very good. Lower the streamers, fill the punch bowl, and-how's my disco ball?
Snaggleback: Nauseous.
Principal Bump: Great. Just keep it up for 36 more hours.
Principal Bump leaves the gym. Luz and Adrien both enter together.
Adrien: *Looks at Snaggleback* I feel, so bad for that little guy
Luz: Ah. Our first school dance experience on the Boiling Isles. I can't wait to get overdressed, take awkward photos, push all the buttons-
Adrien: What buttons are there to press in prom? Or Grom for this instance.
Luz sees a red button on a black-and-red pedestal with insect legs on the bottom.
Luz: Well, hello.
Adrien: *Looks over to her* Luz. No.
Luz: I'm not doing anything. *Walks backwards over to the button*
Adrien: Luz! Don't you press that!
Luz looks over to him, pouting.
Adrien: Don't you think a red button attached to a demonic looking pedestal, seem a little too important for anyone to just randomly push?
Luz hum "I don't know" and looks over to the button again.
Adrien: Hey, what are you-
Luz twirls the top of the button with her finger.
Adrien: Bad Luz!
Luz flinches a little but keeps her intense stare on the button.
Adrien: I said don't!
Luz ignores him and presses her finger against the button ready to push down on it.
Adrien: Don't, no! *Waves his hands* Get away from it!
Before Adrien could stop her, Luz cheekily pushes the button with sighs satisfied.
Adrien: You did..
The ground rumbles, and the floor opens to an underground arena, connected by a ramp.
Luz: Woah!
Two walls of weapons come up from the floor on either side of Luz amd Adrien, startling them both.
Luz: *Gasps* Medieval torture seems like a strange theme for Grom, but hey-
Adrien: *Lightly smacks the back of her head* Do you ever do anything that doesn't involve you or me, almost getting us into trouble?
Luz rubs the back of her head and pouts, glaring at him.
Adrien: *Crosses his arms* Oh, don't give me that look.
Amity: *Offscreen* They're not for decoration.
They look up to see Amity sitting at the top of the bleachers, alone. She stands up and starts to make her way down to them.
Amity: This arena's where I'll make my debut as Grom Queen. *To Adrien* And yours as Grom King.
Luz: Right. Why don't you seem excited?
Amity: *Grabs a sword* Because this isn't just some dance party.
In the arena, black goop rumbles and growls. Adrien hears this and instinctively stands in front of Luz and Amity, prepares himself to grab his sword.
Amity: That's Grom. Short for Grometheus, the Fear-Bringer. It's a monster that lives under the school.
She casts a spell that shows a tapestry about Grom's backstory.
Amity: Every year it tries to break out, and a student had to defeat it before it invades the town. Ever the optimist, Bump holds a party and calls it tradition.
The tapestry fades back to the gym.
Amity: The worst thing is that Grom can read minds and shape-shift into your worst fear. And mine... *Looks at her reflection in the blade of the sword* is very embarrassing. *Returns the sword*
Luz: If it worries you so much, then why don't you tell Principal Bump you want out of this death match biz? *Gasps* Unless talking to Bump is your greatest fear.
Amity: *Chuckles* No, but that's a good idea. Thanks, Luz. *Looks to Adrien* How you you feel about this?
Adrien looks over to the wriggle slugg down the staircase that is Grom, then looks back to Amity.
Adrien: Well, I've already had one huge piece of responsibility being forced onto me, what's one more slugg monster as one of them?
(Luz smiles brightly to him but Amity looks to him wondering and a little worried about that huge piece of responsibility.)
Adrien: Besides, if Bump says no, then you won't be alone. (Slings an arm around her shoulder, bringing her into a side hug and smiles brightly) You'll have me by your side.
Amity: *Blushing* Uh... hehe, y-yeah.
Adrien lets Amity go and pats her back before she leaves.
Luz: *Cups her cheek* Hm.
Snaggleback: Put down a tarp, I'm gonna puke!
Luz grabs Adrien and drags him, making him yelp, both hurrying out of the gym. Cut to the Owl House, the double doors to Eda's room.
Luz: *Offscreen* We're home!
The sound of a pin punctures someone skin in Eda's room.
Eda: *Offscreen* Ow!
Luz and Adrien round the corner, looking into Eda's room.
Luz: Guys?
Adrien: You ok, Eda?
We see Eda in a brown tuxedo and a red dress shirt with King, standing on a stack of books, wearing a green apron, while Leanbow was in a sharp red tux.
Eda: Careful with those pins.
King: Why am I doing this? I don't even wear clothes!
Leanbow: Because, this is dance, not a play-ground.
Luz: Hey, sweet duds, Owl Lady! What's the haps? *Sits on Eda's nest*
Adrien: Yeah, you never dress in anything proper. (Sits next to Luz)
Eda: First of all, *Points to Adrien* how dare you, secondly me and Leanbow chaperoning Grom tonight. So I have to look sharp.
King: And Gus asked me to co-emcee the fight!
King holds up a poster of him and Gus, standing back-to-back in sunglasses, Gus holding a microphone.
Adrien: I thought Gus was dead to you and Eda?
King: Yeah, but this will be our chance to turn this blood-bath into a fun-bath!
Eda: Ooh! Have they announced the victims yet?
Adrien: *Furrows his eyebrows* Yes. It's me and Amity. I'm willing to do it, but she's kinda freaking out over this.
Luz: I wish I could, like, take her place or something.
Eda and King laugh at what Luz said, while Leanbow winces.
King: A great joke, Luz!
They continue laughing. Adrien clears his throat loudly getting them to stop laughing and look to see Adrien glaring at them.
Leanbow: *Sighs* Listen, kid. That's a noble sentiment, but Grom is a little above your pay-grade. You're a human. You're... fragile. *Luz goes to speak* And before you say anything about Adrien, he has his solaris morpher and is a Halfa.
Luz, blushes light with anger, gets up and marches towards Eda.
Luz: Hey! I've been learning lots of new spells! I could totally handle it.
Eda: There's a horrifying spider in your hair.
Luz: Nope. I'm not as fragile as you think, Eda. And I can't be so easily fooled, either.
Adrien: Luz, I'm sorry to say this but they're right.
Luz: *Turns to Adrien* What?! How could you say that?!
Adrien: *Holds up his hands in surrender* I'm sorry! But facing your true fears can be a terrifying experience, and no offense but you can be a bit of a softy.
Luz: *Holds her chest tightly* That really hurts my feelings!
Everyone looks to her with raised eyebrows and she just groans in annoyance. Luz turns around, revealing there is in fact a horrifying spider in her hair.
Adrien: Uh, Luz-
Luz: *Holds a hand up to him* I don't wanna hear it!
She slams the door behind her as she leaves.
King: Uh, maybe you guys were too hard on her. She's saved you guys from multiple monsters, remember?
Eda: Facing Grom means facing your worst fear, King. And I don't think Luz knows what that means yet.
She looks at herself in the mirror, pauses.
Eda: Do you think I could pull off red eyeshadow?
King: Girl, you can pull off anything! Up top! *They high-five* We're style geniuses!
Leanbow: Adrien, it's time to prepare for Grom, follow me!
Leanbow walks out with Adrien following behind.
Cut to the forest. It is dark. Luz is holding a branch and tears through the brush, angry.
Luz: "Fragile". Eda doesn't know me! I-I'm brave! I'm a bad boy! And what does Adrien know? I'm not a big softie!
She hears footsteps and yelps.
Luz: Ominous footsteps, creepy woods. This is no problem.
She braces for impact and holds up her branch.
Luz: Luz chop! Aaaaaahhhhhh!
She lunges forward and unknowingly strikes Amity, knocking her down.
Amity: Ow!
Luz gasps. She pulls out a light glyph, activating it immediately and holding it up to reveal Amity in the mud.
Luz: Oh my gosh, Amity! I'm so sorry!
She tries to help Amity up, though the witch slips in the mud.
Amity: *Sighs* And here I thought this day... Oop!
Luz pulls Amity to standing. They stare at each other for a second before Amity pulls away and sits down on a tree stump.
Amity: ...couldn't get any worse.
Luz looks around before plopping herself in the mud.
Luz: Did you talk to Bump? Was it as terrifying as you imagined?
Amity: *Sighs* He said no. I'm Grom Queen, unless I can find a replacement. And who'd want to switch with me?
Amity curls in on herself. Luz looks down before looking as her face brightens.
Luz: I would.
Amity: What?
Luz: *Stands* Amity Blight, I'll do it. I'll take your place and face Grom in the arena with Adrien. I'll be your fearless champion!
The spider that was in Luz's hair crawls onto her face. She screams and faceplants into the mud and rolls to the side. Amity looks on, concerned.
Luz: *Weakly* Fearless... champion..
Amity: *Gets up and walks over to Luz* Is Adrien gonna be okay with this? *Helps her up* From all that I've seen, he seems to be really protective of you.
Luz: *Wiping the mud off of her* Overprotective is more like it. Yes, it warms my heart that worries for me, but it's gotten to a point where I can't even do something on my own without him looking over my shoulder!
Luz begins to take her leave.
Luz: Anywho! *Waves to Amity* I'll see you tomorrow, Amity!
After Luz was out of sight, Amity looks in the direction she left in.
Amity: *Sigh* You know, he's not the only one who feels worried about your well being.
Cut to Adrien and Leanbow training.
Leanbow: Alright Adrien, let's get started. Today we're going to be training to fight Grom, the Fear Bringer.
Adrien: What do I need to do?
Leanbow: Grom is the definition of fear. You must learn to conquer your fear.
Adrien: Okay, I'm ready.
Leanbow: Good. (Pulls out )
Adrien: Alright.
Leanbow: Alright Adrien, I'm going to cast a spell on you to help you prepare for your fight against Grom.
Adrien: What kind of spell?
Leanbow: It's a spell that will make you experience your worst fear. Are you ready?
Adrien: I guess so.
Leanbow: Alright, here we go. (Casts spell)
Adrien: (He suddenly finds himself in a dark place with nothing around him. ) What's happening? (Suddenly, a dark figure confronts him, holding a dark version of Rita.) What the?!!
Leanbow: You're experiencing your worst fear. It's a way to help you prepare for the fight.
Adrien: (The figure is about to attack and Adrien is beginning to panic.) I can't take it!
Leanbow: You can do it, Adrien. Focus on your strength and courage. You can overcome this fear. (Casts another spell to break the spell)
Adrien: (Breathing heavily) That was intense.....
Leanbow: I know, Adrien. Now you know what you're up against, you need to be ready.
Adrien: (Nods) Let's go again.
Cut to Luz and Adrien's room in the Owl House. Luz rummages through a chest of clothes and pulls out a black dress with a yellow crescent moon on the chest area.
Luz: *Slight interest* Hmmm...
She pulls out an otter suit.
Luz: *More interested* Hmm!
Her phone buzzes. She picks it up, a text from her mom: "Mira! Visiting our fav after school snack spot !" Then is a selfie of Camila holding a sandwhich outside of a store with a sign reading "Chimichurri Sandwhiches!" Another text reads, "Miss you BEBE! XO" Luz replies "😋". She frowns at her phone. Hooty enters and smooshes his face against hers.
Hooty: Oh, Luz! You have a guest!
Luz: *Swats him away* Hooty! No touching!
Hooty retreats out the window. The door opens revealing to be Amity with a bunch of feathers in her hair.
Luz: Amity!
Amity enters through the door, picking the feathers out.
Amity: If that bird-tube ever talks to me again, I'm going to destroy it. You ready to train? And does Adrien know you're doing this for me?
Luz: Well no, not yet. *Picks up outfits* But hey, which should I wear to Grom? *Holds up black dress* This one says, "witch with a dark side." *Holds up otter suit, puts on matching smile* But this one says, "I'm an otter... with a dark side."
Amity: Luz, you need to take this seriously. And what do you mean not yet?! If you can't take defeating Grom seriously or telling Adrien that your doing this for me, everyone on the island will have to live out their worst nightmare.
Hooty enters, right up against Amity. Amity scrunches her face and pupils shrink.
Hooty: You wanna hear my worst nightmare?
Camera moves outside of Luz's room. Hooty's body writhes as crashes are heard.
Hooty: Hooty-hoot! Hoot, hoot!
Luz: Stop, stop! Amity, Amity, wai—Amity, stop!
Cut to inside of the bathroom with Adrien, he is putting on his prom/grom suit and he looks up to the roof hearing all the commotion going on between Luz, Amity and Hooty.
Adrien: What is going on up there?
Cut to the front of the Owl House, Amity paces in front of Luz, Emira, and Edric. Behind her, Hooty is now wearing an eyepatch and bandages.
Amity: Grom will transform into your darkest fears. What are you afraid of, Luz?
Luz thinks for a moment
Edric: *To Emira* Wanna say our greatest fears? On three. One, two... being alone forever!
Emira: *Overlapping* Being stuck with you forever.
Edric groans saddened
Luz: In preparation, I've made a list!
She pulls a list from her pocket and holds it out to Amity. She grabs it and reads it. Edric and Emira read it, chuckle, and each draw a spell circle. A huge version of Luz's phone appears. The screen shows a guy tipping a white fedora, and a message bubble that says "M'LADY".
Luz: *Yelps* Jerks online who wanna debate!
A cat with a human face appears.
Luz: AH!
Cat: Luz, help me! Help!
Luz: Human souls trapped in cat bodies!
Cat: I don't want to be this.
A carton of milk appears, floating in the air, and pours milk into a glass in Luz's hand.
Luz: No! I'm lactose intolerant!
Amity: Not enough. *Walks up to Luz passing the still active allusions* The reason I can't face Grom—it goes deeper than things that just gross me out. *Pokes Luz chest* What's your real fear, Luz?
Luz looks up at the window into Eda's room.
Luz: My real fear... is that-
They hear the front door open and all look to see Adrien walk out in his prom/grom suit.
Adrien: *Looks to see them all outside* Oh, hey guys.
Edric: *Waves to him* Sup, little bud.
Emira: *Sexy whistles and playfully winks to him* Lookin sharp.
Luz and Amity both stare silently at him with blushes on their faces.
Adrien: *Sees Amity* Amity! *Walks up to her and Luz* I was actually about to come over and-
He looks down to see the flying phone, human faced cat and floating milk carton illusions beside them.
Adrien: *Raises a brow* What is going on?
Luz: *Snaps out of her trance* Great news Adrien! We get to be Grom King and Queen!
Adrien: *Pauses for a moment before yelling* What?!
Amity: *Shakes her head and Gestures to Luz* Luz, has decided to take my place as-
Adrien: *Furious* I know what that means! Luz what are you thinking?!
Luz: I wanna prove myself that I can take on something! And besides you'll be there too! *Smiles brightly* So I'm not gonna be alone.
Adrien groans, Slaps his face with both hands and drags his palms down his face.
Adrien: Fine! *Points to Luz* But you have to take this seriously! No goofing around! Okay?
Luz: *Salutes* Okey dokey.
Adrien: Yeah. *sighs and crosses his arms* Luz what is your biggest fear? *Luz goes to speak with a smile* And non of whatever these are.
He Gestures to the illusions.
Luz: *Smile drops* My real fear... *Luz looks up at the window into Eda's room* is that Eda thinks I'm too fragile to do this! And if she's right, I'll never be a real witch!
Adrien looks to her with disbelief, knowing this is not her real fear.
Edric and Emira look at each other and draw a conjoined spell circle. A giant illusion of Eda rises from the ground, flipping her hair. She looks at Luz.
Eda Illusion: You're inadequate.
The Eda Illusion draws a spell circle. Luz is put in a high chair with a bib that says "weak baby.
Cut to Eda's room, where the real Eda, now wearing a yellow bowtie, looks at herself in the mirror.
Eda: Me-ow. Still got it.
Luz: *Offscreen* No!
Cut to Eda exiting the house into the front yard, bowtie in hand. Emira and Edric look proud of their creation while Amity looks nervous and Adrien looks on disappointed. Luz is wailing like a baby.
Eda: I get it. Ditch the yellow. *Gasps* Is that supposed to be me?
She looks at the illusion of herself, which smiles down at her.
Eda: Dang, I look great. *Chuckles* Wait a sec. You're training to be Grom Queen!
Luz: So what if I am?!
Eda: *To Adrien* And you're letting her do this?
Adrien: I didn't approve to this. I didn't even know until now.
Luz falls over yelping before the high chair and bib disappear as Eda and Adrien both walk up to her both arms crossed.
Eda: You think training will help against Grom? Luz, you always go overboard the me and Adrien end up bailing you out. Now, what's the fun in watching a kid get eaten by a monster if it's my kid?
Luz: Well, maybe you'll have fun watching me defeat Grom with Adrien by "my" side!
She karate-chops the cat, and it disappears. Luz grins proudly. Eda looks worried, same with Adrien who sighs. Amity puts a hand on Luz's shoulder.
Amity: Luz, I don't think you're ready, but we're literally out of time.
Luz: I'll take it!
They smile at each other. Adrien then walks up to them.
Adrien: *Sighs* I know by know I can't stop you from doing something you set your mind to. *Holds his hand out to Luz* So let's take Grom down.
Luz smiles brightly to this and instead of shaking his hand, she pulls him a loving bear hug.
Luz: *Smiles, blushing* Sure thing, partner.
Adrien slowly smiles and hugs her back, blushing. Edric and Emira watches on with a smile, Eda still worried about them but she believes they'll be just fine. Amity looks to them both a little envy.
Of them both.
Cut to the Hexside gym with the Snaggleback still hanging from the rope attached to the ceiling.
Snaggleback: Arms so tired.
[Rockabilly-style music is playing in the background. Couples awkwardly dance on the dance floor. Willow dons corsages onto some guests. Eda waits nervously to the side with Leanbow next to her. She looks at her watch, which has King as the arms.]
King: Why so twitchy, witchy? Trying to remember if I've ever seen you this nervous before.
Eda: Well, of course I'm worried! I'm going to have to save Luz from a nightmare monster! I don't even know if Adrien can handle it! Ugh, so much for Mama's fun night out.
Leanbow: Have some faith in Adrien, he's daggeron's kid.
Eda: I hope that's enough.
Gus: *Offscreen* Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted demons!
Gus is on the stage, in the spotlight, speaking into a microphone.
Gus: It's almost time for our main Grom event. Please, please, take a seat, and be aware that the first three rows are designated splash zones.
One guest is sitting in the first row, wearing a raincoat and opening an umbrella. The students cheer. Eda, Millie and King sit towards the back.
King: Wow, Gus is really good at this. They're hanging on his every word!
Gus: *Encouraging the crowd to applaud* I see we've got Principal Bump in the house! Now, sir, I hope you won't throw us in detention because, uh, we're going to raise the roof.
The spotlight goes onto Principal Bump, who is sitting in the bleachers. He makes a raising-the-roof motion with his hands and smiles. The students cheer.
King: Whoo, I, uh, hope my material's up to snuff. Whoah!
He drops his card and falls into a sitting position. A whoopie cushion goes off.
King: What do you think will go better with the youths, close-up magic or impressions?
Eda grabs King by the collar and holds him up.
Eda: Oh, King. Teenagers are brutal. They'll boo anyone, and that kind of public humiliation can stick with you for life.
King: Aaahh!
Cut to the doorway. Amity steps out of the gym and looks around, then down at her note from this morning. She gently smooths it out with her thumb. Luz and Adrien enter and she quickly pockets the note.
Luz: I'm not sure if it's nerves or if I accidentally drank some milk, but something's making my stomach squirm.
Adrien: It's a case of butterflies, buzzing in your stomach. *Crouches down and places his head next to her stomach* Or is it something else?
Luz: *Blushes, giggling* Cut it out!
She pushes Adrien away, both giggling together. Amity Chuckles at them.
Amity: *To Luz* Uh, you look nice. Strange, but... nice.
Adrien: *Cups his chin* Yeah, I love it but the boots are very unnecessary.
Luz: *Playfully punches both Adrien's shoulder, giggling* Shut up!
Amity: *Puts a hand on each of their shoulders* And, thank you, Luz. Honestly, I'm kind of amazed with how fearless you two are. You've both done things I could never do.
Luz: Hah! Yeah right! You goin' soft on me, Blight?
Amity: *Laughs* In your dreams.
Adrien: *Grins, flashing his big tooth* Nah, there's nothing wrong with going soft. *Points to Luz with his thumb* Just look at her.
Luz: *Places a hand on her chest* Was that a combination or an insult?
They all share one last laugh before the three stare at one another for a few seconds in silence.
Gus: Now, introducing our Grom King and Queen. You know them, you love them... you've at least heard of them. Luz and Adrien, the Humans!
The students cheer as the spotlight goes on Luz and Adrien.
Adrien: *To Luz* Looks like we're up.
Luz: *To Amity* Wish us luck!
They both run off into the gym.
Amity: *Quietly* Luck.
The pedestal with the red button skitters onto the stage. Gus presses it. The floor opens to reveal the Grom arena. Skara and her date, about to lean in for a kiss, rip off their formal clothing to reveal their Grom jerseys.
Date: Grom!
Skara: Yes, Grom!
The weapon racks rise up on either side of Luz and Adrien. Luz picks up a flail and places an ice glyph on it and glows a light blue and Adrien pulls out KF, who comes to life letting out it'ssignature gremlin laughter. They ventures into the arena as Grom rises.
Luz: There you are, Gromarama. Not too scary.
Adrien: *Looks to her, furrowing his eyebrows* Why do you have to say stuff like that?
Grom turns into the human souls trapped in cat bodies.
Cats: *Overlapping* Luz, help me. I'm a man. Make me human again.
Luz: Ugh, so weird.
She swings her flail to gain momentum and slams it to the ground. A pillar of ice rises and rockets out the cats. The students cheer.
Adrien: *A little impressed* Woah, way to go, Luz!
Grom then turns into three man bat creatures and they rush after Adrien.
Adrien: Man bats?!
Luz: Man bats?
Adrien: I read a comic book about them when I was nine, freaked me out ever since.
Adrien readied his sword, Rita, and prepared to face the three Man Bats. He focused his energy and summoned a bright light, which enveloped the Man Bats and temporarily blinded them. Taking advantage of their disorientation, Adrien lunged forward and slashed at the first Man Bat with Rita. The Man Bat stumbled back, and Luz quickly followed up with a bit of plant magic, which entwined the Man Bat in vines and held it in place, which allowed Adrien to slash it in half.
Adrien then turned his attention to the second Man Bat, and used his plant magic to create a wooden shield around himself. The Man Bat charged forward, but was unable to penetrate the shield. Adrien then used his sword to strike the Man Bat, sending it flying back.
Finally, Adrien faced the third Man Bat. Luz used her plant magic to create a wall of thorns, which the Man Bat was unable to penetrate. Adrien then used his light magic to create a blinding flash of light, which disoriented the Man Bat and allowed Adrien to decapitate it with Rita. The Man Bat fell to the ground, dead.
Luz and Adrien:
(Miles is Adrien, while Gwen is Luz)
Gus: And there they go, folks! Using their characteristic halfa magic to keep Grom at bay! And now, to hand things over to my co-emcee: King!
The students cheer. King walks onto the stage.
King: Hel-LO, Hexside! So...
He drops his cards and the microphone feedback screeches. He tugs at his collar.
King: Oh, oh gosh. Um... whoo. Wow, these lights are warm. Observe! Luz and Adrien, are um... their down there, all right. And, uh, yes they are! There they goes! Folks, their battling the thing, and uh...
The crowd begins to boo.
Guest: Bring back the funny kid!
King: You will clap for me! Please?
He throws down the microphone and runs offstage, wailing.
Gus: King! *Goes after him*
Back in the arena, Luz and Adrien are fighting the illusion of the online jerks.
Adrien: This is the reason why I don't have an account online!
Luz: You're not coming from a place of intellectual honesty, so debating you would be pointless!
She slams an ice glyph down, which creates a sharp shard of ice that pierces the illusion and makes it disappear. Adrien swings a plant whip at the illusion of his phone, wrapping it in up before he slams the phone to the ground cracking the screen and poofs away. The students cheer.
Principal Bump: Luz and Adrien has lasted surprisingly long. But what form will Grom take next?
Luz: Let's finish this!
Adrien/Luz: *Fist bump* Human-style!
Grom rises from behind them, towering over them both. An illusion of cursed Eda with glowing eyes creeps towards them. Back in the stands, some kids look at Eda who groans and hides in her hair. The illusion swings a tentacle out to them, Luz thinks quick and pushes Adrien out of the way.
Adrien: *Falls to the ground* Oof! *Looks up to Luz* Luz!
Groms tentacle hits and sticks to Luz's forehead, making her eyes glow. It's eyes flicker a glow as well before it morphs into the portal door. Luz looks at it.
Luz: Huh?
[The door opens. Camila steps out.]
Grom-Camila: Mija?
[Luz looks on, shocked.]
Luz: Mom! What are you doing here?
[Eda peeks from behind her hair.]
Grom-Camila: Luz, what is this terrible place? Espérate un momento, this isn't camp. Have you been here, all these weeks? [Gasps.] And is that a weapon?
Luz: Ah! [Drops the flail.] I can explain!
[The illusion of Camila morphs into Grom. It towers over Luz.]
Grom-Camila: Mija, have you been lying to me?! [Growls.]
[Luz stares at Grom-Camila, terrified.
Adrien: Luz, don't-to- (A tentacle sticks to Adrien)
Adrien turns around and comes face to face with...................
Adrien: Dad?
Leanbow: Oh, god.
Grom-Daggeron: You're not my son. You're weak and you'll never live up to my legacy.
Adrien: N-no I can. I can become the Solaris Kni-Knight! (Tries to hold up Rita, but couldn't pick her up.)
Grom-Daggeron: You can't even pick up your own sword! You'll never be as strong as I was."
Adrien felt like he was going to faint. He tried to take a few deep breaths, but it was no use. He collapsed to the ground, trembling.
Grom laughed again. "You're pathetic. You'll never be able to protect anyone."
Eda/Leanbow: Luz! Adrien!
Cut to the hallway. Gus walks over to King, who is sitting in front of the lockers, looking down. He sits next to him.]
Gus: What's going on, little dude?
King: Nothing! Leave me be! [Lays down.]
Gus: The thing is, you're sitting in my personal chit-chat zone, which means you gotta talk.
King: Well if that's the rule... Oh, how can this be? I get stage fright! Me! The King of Demons!
Gus: Well, sometimes, you just have to—
King: I know, I know. Imagine everyone in their underwear.
Gus: [Blushing.] Gross! Why would you do that?
King: I dunno. I always do that. [Chuckles.] I am a little weirdo.
Gus: No, King. Sometimes you just have to face your fear, like Luz and Adrien are doing right now.
[Luz slides into the hallway, startled. She runs down the hallway.]
Luz: I can't do it! I can't face my fear!
Grom-Camila: [Chasing after her.] Why are you running, Luz?
Adrien is thrown from the gymnasium into the hallway, and crashed in some lockers. Making a dent, he also drops his sword.
Adrien: Gah!
Grom-Daggeron walks out of the gymnasium holding his sword high.
Grom-Daggeron: Even with Leanbow's training, you still can't measure up!
Grom-Daggeron slashes down at Adrien, who does that the last ticket, making him slash the lock. Adrien runs down the hallway where Luz ran.
Principal Bump: Grom has escaped.
[Principal Bump and the students move into the hallway.]
Students: He escaped! Oh no! Grom escaped. What are we gonna do?
[Gus stares at the microphone in Principal Bump's hand.]
Gus: King, now's your chance.
[King grabs the microphone as the students chatter.]
King: Gimme! [To himself.] King of Demons, you got this. [To crowd.] Well, folks, looks like our show literally just took off!
[They look at King, confused.]
King: Weh?
Gus: [To King.] You gotta pander.
King: Uh, took off just like your local sports team would take off when they're about to make a goal?
[The students cheer.]
Students: Yeah, sports team! Sports team! Oh, yeah! I love our team!
King: Yeah, that's right, so let's follow them and see what happens next.
[Gus takes King into his arms, and they lead out the crowd. Amity, Leanbow, and Eda run out of the gym after them. They nod to each other, determined.]
Leanbow: Hold on, kiddo.
Cut to the forest where Adrien was running through the forest, desperately trying to escape from Grom-Daggeron. He stumbled and fell, and Grom-Daggeron was closing in. Adrien backed up into a tree where he was beginning to have another panic attack.
Grom-Daggeron: It's over, Adrien!
Adrien: (Screams)
Leanbow: (Runs up) Adrien!
Adrien: Help!
Leanbow: I can't, you have to beat him!
Adrien: (Shakes his head, rapidly)
Leanbow: Adrian, I know you're scared. I know you feel like you have no control over your life. But I'm here to tell you that you do have control. You have the power to stand up and face your fear. You have the power to take control of your life and make it your own. Don't let anyone else control you. Don't let fear keep you from living your life to the fullest. Take a stand and be brave. You can do it!
Adrien hears Leanbow's words and takes a stand.
Grom-Daggeron: You're going to stand against me?! Who Do You Think You Are?
Adrien: ............I'm the Solaris knight.
Grom-Daggeron: You don't even have your sword!
Adrien: I don't need a sword. (Makes plant glyph, reached into the ground, and pulls out a grass sword.)
Adrien and Grom-Daggeron faced off in an epic sword fight. Sparks flew as their blades clashed, each one trying to gain the upper hand. Grom-Daggeron was a formidable opponent, but Adrien was determined to win.
Adrien parried Grom-Daggeron's strikes, dodging and weaving around his opponent's blade. He was fast and agile, and Grom-Daggeron was struggling to keep up. Adrien saw his chance and lunged forward, thrusting his sword deep into Grom-Daggeron's chest.
Grom-Daggeron stumbled back, his face contorted in pain. Adrien stepped forward and with one swift stroke, sliced Grom-Daggeron in half. The two halves of Grom-Daggeron's body fell to the ground, and the fight was over. Adrien had won.
Adrien: (Panted in exhaustion and loses the grass sword)
Leanbow: (Walks over and pats Adrien's head) Not bad, kid.
Adrien: Thanks. (Eyes Widened) Luz!!
Amity: Adrien!
Adrien: (Looks up and sees Amithy holding Rita)
Cut to the forest. Luz is running away as Grom follows close behind.]
Luz: I don't wanna be Grom Queen anymore! I give up the throne!
[Grom pants. Luz comes up at a cliff and stops just before falling off. Luz yells.]
Grom-Camila: Why can't you face me, Luz? Why can't you face your own mother?
Luz: You're not really my mom! [Turns away.]
Grom-Camila: How can you say that, cariño?! You're breaking my heart!
Eda: [Riding in on her staff.] Spicy toss! [Hits Grom with a fireball, lands.] Hands off my human, you misshapen excuse for a monster!
[Grom roars.]
Luz: Eda! You're right! I'm not ready!
Eda: That's okay, I got this one. [Starts casting a spell.]
[Amity makes a noise.]
Eda: Huh?
[Amity jumps out from the trees and puts herself between Luz and Grom.]
Amity: Stay away from her! Now!
Adrien comes in and slashes grom's head before landing beside Amity, Grom growls and reaches out an inky arm towards Amity, Adrien tries to jump in front of Amity, but one of the tentacles slaps him away, The tentacle lifts her her high above the ground.
Amity: I'm sorry, Luz. I should have fought my own battle.
[Grom's eyes glow blue, reading Amity's mind.]
Amity: I— [Eyes glow.]
Luz: Amity! No, your fear!
Grom grows, turning more and more blob-like. Finally, it shrinks and morphs into two humanoid bodys one of her height and one an inch shorter.
Luz: Who are they?
Amity's eyes stop glowing. One Grom takes the pink note from Amity's pocket, the taller Grom rips it in half as the shorter Grom shakes it's head, letting the torn paper fall to the ground. Amity closes her eyes, embarrassed, clutching her dress.
Grom slinks away. Amity picks up a torn piece of the note from the ground and holds it to her heart. Luz picks up the other torn peice of paper, unfurls it, and reads the peice of paper. It reads, "Will you go to Grom with me? -Amity".
Luz: [Gasps.] You were afraid of getting rejected. Amity-
Grom roars at them, Luz screams but Amity stays silent while still holding the piece of paper. Grom goes to strike them with a claw but suddenly, Adrien jumps in and slashes the monster back, making it fall back.
Adrien: *Turns to Luz and Amity* Luz, Amity! *Runs up to them* Are you two ok?
Luz: I'm okay, but Grom created Amity's fear. *Shows the note to Adrien* She was afraid of getting rejected.
They both look to the still saddened Amity.
Adrien: How about.....we all go together?
Amity/Luz: *Eyes widen a little* What?
Adrien: Yeah, What if we went to Grom with you instead? We can take turns dancing, if you two OK with that.
Adrien sheathes Rita and holds his hand out for Amity and Luz to take, which Luz does. Amity tucks the papers in her pocket and reaches for them.
Amity: Really?
Adrien: *Smiles brightly* Of course.
Luz: *Closed eye smile* That's what friends do.
Amity smiles, then looks sternly to Grom. It rises and towers above them, roaring menacingly from huge jaws. Adrien steps forward and raises his blade.
Adrien: *Grins* You girls go ahead and start without me. I'm gonna keep big boy busy.
He casts a plant glyph and throws thorns at Grom which stabs into its head making it screech in pain. Adrien pulls out Rita before charging over to Grom.
Amity: Well, let's not disappoint him, *Holds a hand out to Luz* may I have this dance?
She grins and takes it. They come close to dance, the moon shining brightly behind them.
They both dance a few steps closer to Grom and Adrien as Luz spins Amity in the air, and Amity spins her feet on the ground casting a spell forming a giant abomination below them. They rise up on it. Luz fans out her plant glyph cards. Amity dips Luz, and she slaps a glyph onto the abomination. They jump off, and the abomination launches at Grom and Adrien. Adrien looks back and sees the abomination coming and smirks.
Adrien: Open wide. (Back-flips off.)
Adrien lands ans holds his arms out for the girls, he catches Amity in his left arm and catches Luz in his right before spinning with them in his arms and as for their finish, Adrien dips them both as Luz and Amity hold onto the back of his neck and clings to his back for support. Amity and Luz look into his eyes with Adrien doing the same to them both, Grom then explodes beside them in the distance. A giant tree is in its place. The last remnants of Grom slink off.
Luz and Amity look up as a tiara made of a golden ring with pink gems and four pink petals behind the gem, appears on both of their heads and Adrien looks up as a crown made of gold with four pink gems on the bigger pillers.
The three then smile to each other.
Luz: So... who did you wanna ask out?
Amity: *Blushing* Oh, it's... it's not important.
She pulls the note-piece from her pocket and tosses it aside. It lands right beside the other half, and unfurls to read, "Luz, Adrien", to complete the notes message of "Luz, Adrien, will you go to Grom with me? -Amity".
Adrien: *Chuckles not looking to the peices of paper* Whatever you say.
King suddenly runs to the side of the three.
King: And there you have it, folks. A happy ending for this year's Grom. Let's give a big hand for our Grom King, Adrien and Grom Queens, Luz and Amity!
Luz and Adrien both flash a toothy smile as Amity blushes awkwardly. The students pop out of the bushes and run toward them, cheering. They parade the three, holding them up. Luz puts a hand on Amity's shoulder and Adrien holds Amity's hand. Eda is clapping for them next to Gus and King.
Gus: You did it, buddy!
King: Of course I did it! I'm the King of Demons and I've never had stage fright in my life!
The students hold up King, in between Luz and Amity.
King: They love me!
Luz, Adrien and Amity laugh and smile at each other warmly.
Cut to the Owl House. Eda, Adrien, King, and Luz have just arrived home, Luz looking down.]
Eda: Whoo! *Points to Luz and Adrien* Watch out for these, humans! Oh, you did good, kids.
Adrien: *Grins flashing his big tooth* Thanks Eda.
Luz: Thanks, but... I'm gonna go to bed.
She tosses the tiara to the ground and walks off to her and Adrien's bedroom.
Adrien: *Picks up Luz's tiara before he takes off his crown and hands it to King* Here you go King. *He then walks off, following after Luz*
King: *He outs on the crown and Raises his fists in the air* Now I am the king of Demons once again! Mweh hehehe!
Luz enters her room with a sigh. She opens the window and sits on the windowsill, looking out.
Luz: In the end, I couldn't face my mom. Maybe I am fragile.
Adrien: *Enters the room* No you're not. I'm sorry, for what I said, but maybe it is time, you tell you're mom.
[Her phone vibrates. She turns it on to find two texts from her mom: "How was your day? ❤, Mamá!" and "Miss you mija 🤗".]
Luz: Hmm.
[She types a duck emoji. Looking into her room, she changes her mind and types out, "Miss you too, Mami". She sends it, then continues typing.]
Luz: [Narrating.] I won't lie. Today was kinda hard.
[Cut to Willow and Gus poking some remnants of Grom. For Willow, a ladybug pops out, and she jumps back.]
Luz: [Narrating.] And I don't always feel like I'm supposed to be here.
[When Gus pokes it, a clown pokes out and he runs away. Fade to Amity sitting in her window, looking out of it. She opens a memory box she has in her lap.]
Luz: [Narrating.] But when things get tough, my friends help me out.
[Amity puts her tiara in the box and closes it. She closes her eyes and leans against the window frame. Fade to the Owl House living room, where Eda is snoring on the couch. King jumps up and lays on her stomach, then falls asleep. Leanbow is in the woods, scoping out Belos's castle.]
Luz: [Narrating.] I think you'd like them.
[Eda wakes up and looks at King. She smiles, puts a hand on his back, and closes her eyes again. Fade back to Luz sitting in her windowsill.]
Luz: [Narrating.] Te extraño también, Mami. One day, I'll tell you all about this.
[The wind howls, blowing clouds away from the moon. Luz looks out on the sea and smiles. She receives another text from her mom. It reads: "can't wait! P.S. I love receiving you and Adrien's letters!"]
Luz: Aw. That's a cute way of saying "text".
Adrien: (Sleeping)
Luz: (Gets an idea and blushes)
(Himeno is Luz)
The scene fades to Camila lying in bed, smiling at her phone. She turns it off and puts it on her nightstand, next to a pile of actual letters, seemingly written by Luz. Camila turns and goes to sleep. The camera focuses on the top letter, reading, "Hi, Mom! I am having a great time at camp. Today me and Adrien learned what mortgages are! We can't wait to get home and see you. Let's do lots of fun mother/daughter activities forever and ever. Love, Your Daughter, LUS LUZ".
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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