A Lying Witch, Knight, and Warden

Nun: Adrien.

(The Nun then reached down and with her hand under his chin, made him look up at her. Showing the cut on his right cheek and the black eye he had.)

Nun: Adrien...

(She reached down and made him turn his head towards her. He jerked away, making her sigh in annoyance.)

Nun: What're we gonna do with you? You must be tired of these lectures. I know I'm tired of giving them. Now you have to stay here even longer when you could have been in a new home. With a new family.

Adrien: I don't care. (Adrien looked down at his bed.)

Nun: (Sighs and nods her head.) Yes, that is the crux of the problem. (She walks over to a bookshelf that held many other books like a fantasy novel series called The Good Witch Azura and King Arthur.) 

Adrien: (Turned his head to look at the book that was laying next to him.) I don't see why I'm in trouble-

Nun: Because you started the fight. 

Adrien: He wouldn't leave the girl alone. 

Nun: (Sighs and shakes her head.) I told you to come and get an adult where there is trouble. You only have yourself to blame. (Walks back to stand in front of him.) 

Adrien: Doesn't give those punks the right to hurt her. 

Nun: Does that give you the right to start throwing punches?  

(Adrien remained silent for a moment. The nun was about to turn and walk out of the room-)

Adrien: It wasn't just about the girl...

Nun: (She turned back and looked at him.) What was it, then? Did he make fun of your ears? 

Adrien: No! (Covers his ears) It was... Nothing. (Sighs in defeat, before looking down.)  I'll save it for the confessional. 

(This was not an answer that the nun wanted to heard, and she started to leave in a huff.) 

Nun: I don't know why Father Dean even tries with you anymore. (She stopped and turned back to Adrien.) Even after 7 years in this church, you're still going down this sad road of thinking your some kind of "hero". What a waste. 

(Adrien watched with a glare as she walked out of the room and slammed the door behind her. He sighed and laid down in his bed. He turns his head to look at the book next to him, he grabs the novel and opens it to a page. Inside that page was a photo that he hid from the nuns.)

Adrien:  Why'd you leave this for me dad? (Sighs and pulls out a best friend locket)

(Adrien opens it and has a picture of his as a little kid and  he's posing with a mexican gap toothed girl)

Adrien: Well, at least I have you Luz.

[Cut to a witch with green hair and a staff backflipping onto a cliff. She glares up at a large purple snake.]

Gildersnake: Foolish child! I could swallow you whole! [Hisses.]

Azura: Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace! [Poses as wind blows her hair before dropping into a battle stance and holding her staff like a bazooka.] Now eat this, sucka! [Fires off staff.]

Gildersnake: [While being shot.] No! My only weakness: dying! [Collapses.]

[Cuts to a doll of Azura and a green snake being held.]

Luz: And that's the end. 

Camila: The end of what?

Adrien: Our book report.

(The snake wraps around his hand then bite the head of the doll, Luz is holding. Father Dean was behind him shaking his head slowly, while Camilla sighs at both of them.)

Luz: I think we knocked it out of the park.

Principal Hal: Your book report is one of the reasons, you two are here.

[He gestures to the door, through which we can see two students running by screaming, snakes biting their heads.]

Adrien (Winces). That's where the backup snakes were.

Camila: And what were you going to do with this? [Holds up several firecrackers tied together.]

Luz: That was for the Act Three closer.

Adrien: Wait, what's the second thing?

Father Dean: Because of this! (Holds up a picture of two boys who had black eyes and were missing teeth.)

Camilla: (Yelps in fear as she hugs her daughter.)

Father Dean: These two kids parents are looking to press charges for what you did to them.

Adrien: (Crosses his arms) 1. They were hurting an innocent girl and 2. It wasn't that bad.

Father Dean: Are you kidding!?


(Adrien was sitting alone in the Church Orphanage play-ground, when  he heard a girl yelp in pain.)

Girl: Leave me alone!

(Adrien directs his attention to two heavy set bullies pushing a girl to the wall with her arm behind her back.)

Girl: Ow! That hurts!

Adrien: (Walks up to them) Hey, leave her alone!

Bully 1: Ohh, look it's the pointy eared freak! (Walks up to Adrien) You think you're some kind of hero?!

Adrien: I'm asking you to leave the girl alone!

Bully 1: (Grabs his shirt) What are you going to do about it!? 

Girl: Please, stop! (Tears up)

Bully 2: Awww, gonna cry? (At Bully 1) Hey, I think she's going to cry!

Bully 1: Oh, I can't wait to see that!

Adrien: (Glances at the girl) You okay?

Girl: (In Awe) Yeah!

Father Dean: What's going on here!?

(Father Dean looks at the two bullies on the ground, than at Adrien who has his fist clenched.)

Father Dean: (Crosses arms as he glares at Adrien)

Adrien: Dang it.


Adrien: I was just trying to stop them.

Father Dean: Well, you stopped them alright and nearly gave them a brain injury.

Camilla: And Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you and Adrien were in the principal's office the last three times?

Adrien: Oh, it wasn't that bad.

(Flash Back 1)

(Luz is holding a fork while doing school play while Adrien is aiming a fake arrow at her.) 

Adrien: It ends here you evil princess!!

Luz: You'll never take me alive!! 

(She stabs the fork into her body. A bunch of sausage spills out and Adren still shoots an arrow at her head with a blood pack on it. This causes fake blood to spread across Luz's face, the other students and teachers run away while screaming.) 

(FlashBack 2)

(A girl acrobats successfully, everyone claps for her Luz looks over to them. Adrien is at the top of the bleachers reading a book.) 

Luz: You think that's an impressive trick? 

(Luz throws her pom-poms away and Adrien looks up from his book and smiles knowing what she is about to do. Take a look at this. She uncovers her eyes, revealing her disgusting eyelids and starts to walk around.)

Luz:  Bleep, bloop, bleep! 

(Everyone runs and screams while Adrien chuckles lightly before he turns off the lights.) 

Adrien: (Creepy Voice)Runaway or I will eat your eyeballs!! 

(This causes more screaming until the lights turn on again, and Luz and Adrien are standing next to each other laughing.) 

(Flash Back 3) 

(Both Luz and Adrien are in art class, Luz and Adrien made a baby griffon with spider breath.) 

Luz: Now for the final anatomically correct touch, spider breath.

(She opens the model's beak. Many spiders come out, crawling over her, Adrien, and the table. People scream in terror, throwing objects everywhere.)

Adrien: Truly Amazing Luz.

(This causes Luz to blush and hide her face behind her hands, this makes Adrien smile.)

(Flash-Backs Over)

Adrien: (Rubs back in embarassment) Father Dean, Look, I'm...

Father Dean: Adrien, stop. It's too late. What's done is done. Right now, we need to talk to the two of you about something important. Something that'll help the two of you.

(Camilla pulled out a pamphlet and handed it to the two friends. Adrien took it and Luz looked at it with him. It was a pamphlet for a camp called Reality Check Summer Camp. It was a camp that was supposed to help kids with wild and uncontrollable imaginations to get a handle on them and have them think back in the box. After looking at it, Luz looked up at her mom in disbelief.) 

Adrien: You're sending us to Summer Camp?

Father Dean: We all love that you express yourselves, but this just proved, Luz, that you're unable to separate fantasy from reality," Father Dean said to the young girl. And Adrien. While you've got a better hold on your imagination, this Summer Camp could do you some good. It'll only be for three months. You'll be so busy balancing checkbooks and learning to...appreciate public radio, the time will fly by!

Adrien: But we don't like any of that stuff. (Luz nods her head in agreement.) We like editing anime clips to music and reading fantasy books with convoluted back-stories, LARPING, and then reenacting our favorite moments.

Camilla: Kids, your fantasy world is holding you back. Do the two of you even have friends other than each other? Real ones, not imagined or drawn or reptilian?

Adrien, I know that it's been...difficult for you. Not knowing your family, the bullying for your ears, and you use all this fantasy stuff to cope with it, but it's time that you let go of the past and look to the future. 

(Adrien looked away from his caretaker with a frown.) 

Father Dean: Just give this a chance.

(Adrien and Luz looked to each other with looks of uncertainty, before looking back to their caretakers.) 

Luz: Don't worry, Mom. I won't let you down. [Stands up triumphantly.] No more weirdness!

(The snake in Adrien's hand suddenly lunges at the principal, but-)

Adrien:  (Sighs in relief)

Luz: That doesn't count, right?

(Time Skip to Adrien waiting for Luz at the bus stop.)

(Adrien closed his eyes and thought about the only memory of his father that he had.)

(Adrien's Memory)

(Adrien was an infant and was looking up as he saw a figure of gold carrying him through a forest.)

(End of Adrien's Memory)

(Adrien opens his eyes.)

Luz: Adrien?

(He turned his head to see Luz staring at him with sad eyes.) 

Luz: Are you okay? 

(Adrien looked away from her, before looking back with a forced smile.) 

Adrien: Don't worry. I'm fine. What about you? Are you ready for this?

(Luz pulled out her The Good Witch Azura stared at it sadly.) 

Luz: I don't know. For all I know, I might as well do this. (Blows a raspberry and throwing the book into the trash.) 

Adrien: Yeah, well, I don't think it'll be like that. (Walks over to her, trying to cheer her up. He then walked over to the trash can to grab her book.) Why don't you just take the book with you...(He stopped when he looked into the trash can and his eyes widened when he couldn't see the book in the trash can.) Where's the book?

Luz: Huh? (Luz walked over and looked into the trashcan. She only meant to do that as an exaggeration, but now she started to freak out when she saw it was gone and started digging around in the trash.)  Where is it?! Where is it?!"

Adrien: Found it.

( Luz looks at Adrien to see him pointing at an owl that is holding her book. It also has a giant bag of random objects in it, they both look at each other than the owl. Adrien jumps over the trashcan and tries to tackle it only for the owl to fly out of the way.) 

Adrien:  Dang it.

Luz: Get back here!

(Both of them chase the owl. She runs to an abandoned house, which the owl flies inside. Luz enters the house. The house's door immediately slams, and the rooms inside it glowing. A magical door suddenly appears, unfolds, and opens. The owl runs out of it, with Luz and Adrien chase the owl through the magical door.) 

Luz: Stop adorably hopping away, you-- Huh?

Adrien: "What is it Lu- 

(They both look around the tent. It appears to have lots of old stuff, Adrien walks around looking through stuff.) 

Adrien: "This is a lot of stuff, looks like someone beat your record, Luz.

Luz: Very funny.

???: "Finally, you're back.

(They both look to where the voice came from they walk to the opening on the tent, who reveals to be a woman wearing a sleeveless two-tone maroon dress with a ripped-like hem design and gray leggings. For footwear, she wears maroon high-heeled boots. Her untamed hair is thick, long, and layered with two tones of gray. She was a tall, slender woman, but what stood out was her ivory skin and orange claw-like nails.)

???: "Now let's see what we've got here.

(The owl lands on the woman's staff. SHe turns it around, makes it becomes wooden and unconscious. Luz gasps while Adrien looks in awe and yet he gets the feeling he has been here once.)

Middle-aged Woman: [Takes out a phone from the bag.] Garbage. [Takes out a ring.] Garbage. [Takes out a golden shining chalice.] Garbage. [Gasps.] Now, this... [Takes out a pair of joke glasses with eyes on springs and puts them on.] This will make me rich. [Takes out Luz's book.] And this... Oh, this will make good kindling. [Holds the book with candle.]

(She starts to burn the book with a candle that is until Luz rushes out the tent and takes the book out of Eda's hand. Adrien sighs and runs out to grab her.) 

Luz: Excuse me, sorry, it's mine, thank you.

Adrien: Yes, thanks for finding her book, but it's best we get going.

(They were about to escape through the door, but it folds in and disappears.) 

Middle-aged Woman: You're not going anywhere.

(Adrien gets in front of Luz and uses his right arm to push her behind him, Eda looks him in the eyes. Her own eyes widen when he looks at her with his pure gold eyes. Luz flees away from Eda and the tent. Adrien looks behind him and sighs and chases after her. She panting, and gasps when realizes that she is in a strange world with no escape. A Dragon flies by and then is caught by a giant hand.) 

Adrien: Luz!

Luz: Adrien! 

(She runs to him and hugs him, he hugs her back. They separate and both blush then start to walk around.)

Luz: What is going on!? 

Adrien: Not sure. Let's ask someone to see if they can help us.

(Luz nods and sees a 'fairy' this makes her gasps. She runs over to her and Adrien follows when they got close, Adrien got this feeling that this fairy isn't good news.) 

Luz: Oh, hello, little fairy. Are you going to tell me this is all a fantastical dream?

Fairie: "Give me your skin!!!

(The Fairie tries to bite Luz, but it's grabbed by Adrien, the Fairie looks at him and he glared at her. He then throws her like a baseball at a window, the Fairie then falls to the ground.) 

Luz: Are we dead? Where are we! Are we in the bad place!? (Luz hid her face in Adrien's shoulder, who tried to comfort her by just patting her head. It was something that calmed her.)

(Adrien was looking around until a hand was on his shoulder and Luz's. They both looked to see the woman was now behind them.) 

Middle-aged Woman: You wish.

(The woman dragged them kicking and screamin back through the tent and then out in front of it. She then threw them in front of a table where Luz started to freak out.)

Luz: I'm so sorry! I just wanted my book! If you're gonna eat my skin, just make it quick! Just do it now! (She buried her face into the back of Adrien's shoulder as she held out her arm. Adrien placed himself in front of her protectively, glaring at the woman in question.) 

Middle-aged Woman: Eat you? Why would I eat... two potential customers?

(The woman suddenly smiled, gesturing to her sign above her. Red lettering on a yellow background readout 'Human Collectibles'. Spread out on the green tablecloth atop the white table were various items that came from Earth. In front of the tent are blue and yellow shelves to display items, along with a wooden chest. Adrien and Luz looked confused.) 

Middle-aged Woman: Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes? (She pulls out a green croc sandal.) A bar of green human candy? (She pulled out a case of deodorant.) Oh, oh! How about this black shadow box that reflects only sadness? 

(She held up a battery-powered TV. Holding it out to Adrien and Luz to show them their reflection in the blac glass. In the reflection, the two kids stared at their reflections before Luz chuckled and stepped out from behind Adrien.) 

Luz: That's not all it can do. Here, let me see it. (Taking the TV, she grabbed two batteries from a bowl that was labeled as "human candy' and put them in. Pressing the button at the bottom, the TV powered on to show some really 80's workout video.) Voilà! 

(However, Adrien heard the sound of voices behind him and turned around to see that the creatures of the market place had heard the dancing music. Having taken notice the TV and were starting to bid money, or in this case snails, for the 'screaming box'. One even asked if they could eat the guy in the video. The crowd all clamored as the woman looked a little surprised, but then looked in the kids' direction.) 

Middle-aged Woman: What did you say your names were?

Luz: I'm Luz. Luz Noceda.

Adrien: And we didn't say our names, but my name is Adrien.

Eda: Well, Adrien and Luz that was pretty clever... for human and halfa.

Adrien: A Halfa what!? 

Luz: That's kind of a weird thing for another human to say.

(This makes Eda smile and stands on her table, and raises her staff in the air.) 

Eda: Oh, dear child, I'm not like you. I'm Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles. 

Adrien/Luz: A witch? 

Eda: "I am a respected, feared-- 

Guard: Busted!

(The Guard smashes his hand onto the TV breaking it, Adrien is helping Luz up from the ground. While Gaurdl stands in front of Eda and the other monster around run away in fear.) 

Guard: Eda the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors. 

Adrien: The first person here that doesn't want us dead is a criminal of course.

Luz: Witch criminal!' 

Guard: You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatorium.

(The Gaurd grabs her arm, but Eda pulls it out of his grasp then crosses her arms looking annoyed.)

Eda: Would you guys quit following me around? I haven't done squat.

Guard: And you're coming too...

(The Guard grabbed Luz, she grabbed her legs in fright. Eda and Adrien did something, Adrien ran over and with his steel-toe boots kicked the Guard where the sun doesn't shine. This made the Guard drop Luz and hold his crotch then Eda makes him with her staff sending him flying away. While Adrien helps up Luz once again, Eda spun around her staff slamming it on the table, then all her objects started to float in the air.) 

Adrien: Magic.

Luz: So cool!!

Eda: Come on, you two!

(She started running with her stuff all tied up in a bag on her staff, Luz and Adrien ran after her.)

Luz: Wow, who knew those boots would be helpful.

Adrien: Luz, not the time, we will talk once we are done being chased by the Guard. 

Luz: If we die, our parents are going to kill us!!

Adrien: A. You mean just your parent and B. Not if we're dead first!

(The Guard was now chasing them while he held his crouch in pain, Eda looked behind them and smirked.)

Eda: Don't worry you are worth more alive, mostly you halfa. 

(Eda then grabbed Luz while she grabbed Adrien, then the owl on Eda's staff wings opened and they started to fly away.) 

Guard: You won't get away with this, Owl Lady! Yeah, all right. You did. You got away with it.  She got away with it, everybody! Typical. Does anyone know ice magic cause l need some ice.

(The Guard gave up and went to look for ice, Luz was holding onto Adrien while having her eyes closed until she was poked by Adrien.) 

Adrien: Luz, you need to see this. (Luz opened her eyes to see them flying in the air, she fell but Adrien grabbed her before she could fall to her death.) 

Adrien: I think I should start getting paid for the number of times I save you.

Luz: Flying staffs, crazy monsters, you're a witch-- What is this place? 

Eda: This is the Boiling Isles. Every myth you humans have is caused by a little of our world leaking into yours. (A screech gets Luz and Adrien's attention it was a Griffin, it then starts to breathe spiders.) 

Adrien: Wow! Luz, you were right. 

Luz: I told you! 

Eda: Yep. Griffins, vampires, giraffes-- 

Adrien/Luz: Giraffes?

Eda: Oh, yeah. We banished those guys. Bunch of freaks. 

(They landed on the ground Eda hopped off, then Luz and Adrien. Luz looks at the staff to see Eda's hand is still on it.)

Luz: Aaah! [Jumps off the staff and into Adrien's arms.]

Eda: Oops. [Screws her hand back on.] That happens sometimes.

Luz: (Adrien puts her down) Well, I've had enough adventure for today. This is not the PG fantasy world I always dreamed about, so can you help us get back home? 

Adrien: I agree with Luz, we need to get home.

[Eda levels her staff in front of the two, startling Luz.]

Eda: Only if you help me first. 

(She then chuckles and starts to walk away with her staff. Then her stuff started to float and follow her. Adrien looked at Luz and grabbed her hand, she looked at him and he just smiled. This makes her blush and smile, they both began to follow after Eda. When they caught up, there was a house with a glass eye on it, when you got closer to the door there was an owl face on it.)

???: Hoot-hoot! Password, please! [Eda pokes both of his eyes.] Aah!

Eda: We got no time for this, Hooty. Let us in.

Hooty: All right, all right! Geez! You never want to have any fun! Ow! Hoot! (Hooty then started to open his mouth until you could see the inside of the house, the three went inside and Hooty closed his mouth.) 

Adrien: Now, that is a cool door. 

Eda: You wouldn't say that when you are in the shower and he pokes his head in through the window. Now, welcome to the Owl House. 

(Eda's snaps her fingers and all the candles in the room light. Luz and Adrien look around the room in awe. )

Eda: Where I hide away from the pressures of modern life. Also the cops. Mm, also ex-boyfriends. 

Adrien: Amazing!

Luz: This place is beautiful! [Puts her book onto a coffee table.] Do you live here all alone?

[Thudding footsteps shake the house.]

Eda: Actually, I have a roommate.

(When Adrien looked he saw a weird type dog with a towel on its head and waist while holding a rubber ducky.) 

???: [Deep voice.] Who dares intrude upon I, [Normal voice.] the king of demons? [Squeaks a rubber ducky.]

Luz: [Gasps.] ¡Ay, que lindo! [Runs forward and scoops the demon up in a hug.] Eda, he's so cute! Who's a widdle guy? Who's a widdle guy? Is it you? Is it you?

King: [Struggles to free himself.] No! I don't know who your little guy is! Eda, who is this monster?

Eda: [Drags Luz away from King.] That is Luz the human and this is Adrien the halfa. [Puts her down.] They are here to help us with our..... situation.

Eda: Just... let me explain. [Draws a that darkens and effectively turns into a storybook. Narrating.] King was once a mighty king of demons, until his Crown of Power was stolen, and he became... [Cut to Luz hugging King again.] this.

Luz: You mean this little bundle of joy?

Adrien: "Okay, that is nice and all, but I have a question. Why do you keep calling me a halfal?

Eda: You don't know do you? Well, the reason is that you are a Halfa. What's a halfa you may ask that is simply half human and half witch.

(This made Adrien's and Luz's eyes widen that he wasn't fully human. This made Adrien sit down and think about his life, his ears were different, he could feel something in the air, and then his mother and father he doesn't even know who either of them are.) 

Adrien: How did you know I was a halfa?

Eda: Though they are hard to tell, it's by the ears. Witch ears are long and pointy while human ears around. Halfa's are around and pointy at the top that is how I could tell you are halfa.

(Adrien touched his ears feeling them, and then went to Luz touching her ears. He looked at Eda's and it's true, but he wouldn't admit it.) 

Adrien: You mean my birth defect? I know it's rare, but that doesn't make me a halfa!\

Eda: You don't believe me, fine, but there is one thing halfa's can do that humans can't.

(Adrien looked at her weirdly and Luz was watching Eda made a magic circle with a single finger and it floated in front of Adrien.) 

Eda: Humans can't do magic, even if you don't know a spell, you can still make a circle.

(Adrien looked at Eda then to his finger then finally Luz. All she did was nod and he sighed and did the same thing Eda did. Then it happens he made a magic circle in mid-air, it was medium-sized and was golden colored.)

Adrien: No way.

Luz: Adrien you can do magicl? That is so cool!

Eda: Now that little life question is gone. [Narrating.] The crown is being held by the evil and locked away behind a magical force field that only a human like your friend here can break through.

[The storybook circle fades, return to Luz hugging King.]

Eda: A human like you. If you help us retrieve his crown, we'll send you two back to your realm. So whaddya say? Plus, [Picks up King by his face and shakes him gently.] who could say no to this cute face?

King: No! Please don't encourage her! [Eda drops him.] Nyeh!

Eda: I mean, we're kinda your only way home.

Luz: So, we don't really have a choice, do I?

Eda: Nope. [Picks Luz up and tosses her over her shoulder as she heads for the door.] Now, we've got no time to lose.

King: [Picks up his rubber duck.] Soon, Mr. Ducky, we shall drink the fear of those who mocked us. [Follows Eda.]

Luz: Where are we going?

Eda: Somewhere super fun.

(All Adrien could do is think while Luz talked with Eda about the plan. Adrien couldn't believe it he is part witch, this could explain what happened to his mother and father. Now the five of them were standing outside from the Conformatorium. King was on Adrien's shoulder since Luz kept hugging everything out of him, Luz then pulls out a poster off the wall.) 

Eda: The Conformatorium, a place for those considered unsuitable for society. 

Luz: Whoa. These guys have the hots for you.

Adrien: No, joke. 

Eda: Yep. But, we were never caught because we're too slippery.

King: Try to catch me when I'm covered in grease. I'm a squirmy little fella. (He jumped down Adrien's shoulder then points over to the Conformatorium. )

King: You, Adrien, and I will sneak up to the top of the tower, where they're holding my crown.

Eda: And I'm gonna make sure the warden's distracted.

Luz: [Gasps.] Will I need a disguise?

Eda: Uh...

Luz: I've been waiting to use this. [Pulls her hood on, flicks up cat ears.] Meow, meow.

King: It's hideous.

Eda: Oh, you'll fit right in.

Luz: Adrien, what about you?

Adrien: (Pulls out hoodie) Don't worry, I came prepared. (Puts on hoodie)

Luz: Woah, nice hoodie!

Adrien: Thanks. (Slides down mask)

Eda: Oh, you two will fit right in. (Eda raises her staff and then slams the bottom of it into the ground, forming a magic circle of light underneath them.) Hang on tight.

(She stepped off the circle. Adrien and Luz almost lost their balance and nearly fell off when the circle suddenly lifted into the air and floated into the sky. The circle took the two of them and King to a window in the tower, before suddenly disappearing. Adrien and Luz quickly grabbed onto the ledge as King grabbed onto their legs.) 

Eda: Meet you guys at the top of the tower. (Eda flies away on her staff. )"

Adrien: Why didn't you just take us with you? 

(King climbed up their bodies before crawling in. He let Luz go first, and when she did, she helped him inside. However, it resulted in the two falling onto the stone floor.) 

King: Ha-ha! Cat's don't do that. (Adrien hits him over the head.) 

(He and Luz stood up and gasped at the sight of the prison tower's interior. There was a path that spiraled along the walls that would take people up and down. In the walls were hundreds, if not thousands of prison cells that housed many prisoners on each section of the walls till you see a large skylight window that would allow the only source of light into the building.) 

Woman: Hey, cat lady and knight boy, how'd you get out of your cell?

(The two humans in disguised turned around and saw it was one of the prisoners. She was a slender girl with pointy ears, dark skin, black hair in a ponytail, hazel eyes, and notorious fangs. She was a purple shirt/dress which bared her shoulders and covered all of her upper arms and about half her forearms. She had a gold band around her neck.) 

Luz: Oh, no, no, no, I'm not a cat. (Luz takes off her hood to reveal herself.) 

Adrien: (He did the same.) These are just clothes, and we're not criminals. 

King: Not yet, you're not. (He perched on top of Adrien's shoulder.) 

Woman: Neither are we. The stupid warden likes to lock people up who don't fit in.(The woman  grabs a book and opensit to a random page.) Like, I write fanfics of food falling in love. I like food, I like love... Just let me write about it! 

(Then a monster with more than two eyeballs, with a few eye sockets missing an eye, joined in the conversation.) 

Monster: I'm here because I like eating my own eyes.  (He plucks one of his eyes and then eyeing it. And then it popped right back in its socket.) 

???: We are agents of fwee expwession!

(The two kids turned to see a small round creature with large blueish eyes, a rather prominent nose, and reddish hair. She's practically just a big head without a body, with her limbs coming out of it.) 

Creature: They will never siwence us!

(The Woman pointed her thumb at her.) 

Woman: Yeah, she's really big into conspiracy theories. (She rolls her eyes.) 


Luz:  Wait. These aren't crimes. None of you actually did anything wrong. (Luz paces around the cell. Trying to fathom why anyone would do this to them. 

(Then a realization hit Adrien and he walked to Luz with a sad expression.)

Adrien: You guys are just like us. 

(Luz puls out the wanted poster.) 

Adrien: You're all just a bunch of weirdos. Misfits.

(Suddenly there were thudding footsteps coming their way from the other side of a door a few cells away from them.) 

Writer: It's Warden Wrath! Hide!

(Adrien then grabbed Luz's hand and pulled her into an empty open cell. Luz hopped up, grabbed the bars, and pulled them down to close it. Just in time before the door opened and the warden stepped inside the tower. Warden Wrath was a humanoid creature with a large, muscular build. He wore a hood that was non-standard for a guard and a mask with yellow button-like lenses, resembling a medieval plague doctor. He wore a white sleeveless tunic with brass buttons, a leather belt with a brass buckle, and black trousers tucked into dark purple shoes. On the uniform, one can also see a triangular brass badge, which apparently emphasizes his position.) 

(With his silhouette looming over as the light in the other room made him even more menacing, and his yellow lenses glowing, Wrath said in a deep tone.)

Warden: I can hear you. 

(Just as always, Adrien placed himself in front of Luz as she hugged him tightly. King did it, as Adrien held the two of them protectively. Looking rather nervous at first as Wrath walked deeper into the tower.) 

Warden: Just what are you fools whispering about? (He looked down, and when Adrien followed his gaze. Luz dropped the wanted poster.) Ah. The Owl Lady...

(Suddenly, he crushed the poster with a snarl from under his mask. His hand then transformed into a hammer and he slammed it against the two teenager's call's door. Denting it badly.)

Wrath: I'll get my hands on her soon enough. 

(Then he turned his head towards the three in the cell. Adrien lets go of Luz and used his body to shield her and King from Wrath. Glaring at him with a brave expression. If he wanted to hurt his best friend/secret crust or the little demon, then he'll kill him.) 

Tiny Nose: Fight against the oppwessor!

(Wrath turned to her and reformed his hand back to normal. Releasing the poster.) 

Tiny Nose: We will wesist! We will conquer! We will never be afwaid of you, you old cweep!

(Wrath did not say a word and just pulled a level next to the cell door. Opening the cell.)

Tiny Nose: Hooway! I'm fwee!

(But that joy was cut short like a blade through flesh and bone when Wrath grabbed her. His large hand covering her arms, legs, mouth, and anything below her nose and eyes.) 

Wrath: Let this be a lesson to all of you. There's no place in society for you if you can't fit in. (He threatened the other two prisoners. )

(Tiny Nose muffled a scream as he crushed her. Almost hard enough to make blood leak from her eyes. Like he was going to pop her. Adrien and Luz watched with terror as the warden then turned and stomped out of the town with the small girl. Without a moment to waste, Adrien and Luz opened the cell door and the three of them ran out to the fanfic writer's cell.) 

Luz: Don't worry. We'll get you out. (Luz and her best friend tried to push the door open. Turning to her right, she saw the lever and tried to push it up. But to no avail.) Curse my weak nerd arms!

Adrien: Hang on! (Adrien came over and the two tried to push the lever up. But it wouldn't budge.) 

Writer: Just get out of here while you still can, kid. Enjoy freedom for us.

(She then turned and walked away from the cell bars. The two teenagers were conflicted and shared their internal conflict with a glance. Were they really going to leave them here? What could they do for them? Realizing it was futile to try and help, and with heavy hearts, they turned and walked out of the tower. Traveling down a hallway toward the location Eda was waiting for them.) 

Eda: Hey. I just checked. The warden is distracted, tormenting some tiny creature. (She smiled, floated down to them on her staff.) He won't be coming around here anytime soon.

Adrien: (Grim Scowl)Terrific. 

(Luz looked sad. The two of them pass the witch as she wondered what was wrong with them. Together, the two humans approached a large door that was boldly labeled with the word CONTRABAND.) 

King: My crown! It's close! I can sense its power! (King rushed to the door. At first, he scratched at it before seeing the large doorknob. Jumping up at it, he grabbed on and tried to use his body to turn it.) 

Eda: Aw, he gets so cute when he's thirsty for power,. (Eda gushed at the small demon.) 

(However, Adrien and Luz weren't amused.) 

Luz: It's not fair that they're all in here. (Luz looks up.) They just want to be themselves. Why does everyone think that being a weirdo is so bad? 

(Before the conversation could continue, King broke off the doorknob from the door. Cackling victoriously, he pushed against the door with all his might, opening it open slightly before slipping in.) 

Eda: Come on, before he hurts himself. (Eda and the teenagers and they started walking to the door.) 

King: Ow!

Adrien: Oh! Too late. (They entered inside.) 

(The chamber was massive on the inside. Mostly because it was empty. Devoid of anything like furniture or decorations. However, in the middle of the room was a large column of white light that had a green aura to it. King was in front of this light column. He rubbed his head after his first attempt failed, before trying again. Charging at the light for a headbutt, but when he made contact with it, it deflected him. Bouncing him back until Adrien caught him.) 

Adrien: I've got you little buddy. 

(King just huffed, before snuggling a bit into him.)

Eda: We have a human and a halfa, remember? (Eda said, gestured to Adrien and Luz.) 

King: Oh, yeah. 

(Adrien placed the small demon down.) 

Adrien: You ready for this?

(Luz took a deep breath before grabbing Adrien's hand with a weak, unconfident smile. Trying to be brave for him with a nod. Together, they walked to the barrier. The closer they got, the warmer it felt. Adrien took the first step. Reaching out with his right hand, he placed it on the light. Suddenly, something appeared on his hand that made him, Luz, and even Eda gasp. A strange, gold mark appeared on the back of Adrien's hand. It looked just like an regular, but it was golden and spike on the bottom and top of it. Adrien took his hand away from the light, and the S disappeared. He then slowly reached out and placed his hand on the light again, and the S appeared again. Pushing against the barrier, his arm was able to slip through, and he pulled Luz with him into it. Eda stared at the barrier with wide eyes.) 

Eda: Could he really be...?

(When they made it through to the other side of the light, the two teenagers opened their eyes and saw a mountain of various stuff in front of him. At the top was something shining. The two looked at one another and nodded. Together, they began to climb up the mountain. Along the way, Adrien grabbed onto something, and it became loose. Losing his balance, he pulled it out and nearly fell down to the ground, but managed to grab onto something from the pile.) 

Luz: Adrien! are you okay?!  (Luz got ahead of him. Still holding onto what almost made him fall, he looked up to her.) 

Adrien: I'm fine! Just go on without me, I'll catch up!

(She nodded and continued up. Adrien then looked at what was in his hand and his eyes widened with amazement and awe to see it was a a cross between a cell phone and a train conductor's ticket puncher.)

(The more he held it, the more he felt like it belonged to him.)

Adrien: Wait, that's the symbol on the ticket and that was on the back of my hand. Could this mean-

Luz: Adrien, you okay?

Adrien: Yeah! I'm coming. (Pockets the device)

(He continued to climb with the ticket puncher. It wasn't too long before he and Luz made it to the top together and looked down at the crown with big smiles. However, those smiles disappeared when they saw the crown.)

Luz: Wait a second. Is this a...

Adrien: ... You've got to be kidding me. You stupid, stupid, pellet-eating, owl witch! 

(He shouted at Eda the moment he and Luz stepped out of the barrier. Picks up a old rusty sword, and  marched up to Eda as she raised her hands in the air. Shocked to see him so angry and with a weapon.) 

Adrien: We came all this way on this dangerous quest so that you could send us back to our world! Risk our lives! Almost got killed! And you're telling me that it was for THIS!? (He held out the crown to reveal it was nothing more than a Burger King paper crown.)

King: My crown! Give me! Give me! Give me! (King jumped up and down to try and grab it.)

(Adrien glared at him before tossing the crowd aside. King rushed over to it and picked it up. Raising it over his head, he slowly placed it on for dramatic effect.) 

King: Yes. Yes! I can feel my powers returning! (He then pointed to a stuffed rabbit.) You, there. Nightmare critter. I shall call you Francois, and you shall be a minion in my army of darkness. Ha-ha! 

(He giggled after picking it up. He then yelped in fear with Adrien stabbed the old sword into the stone floor. Adrien took a moment to breathe and catch his breath.) 

Luz: That crown doesn't give him any powers, does it?

Eda: Uh, no.

(Suddenly Adrien swung the old sword at her head and she ducked down to dodge it.) 

Eda: Whoa, hey! Easy with that thing. Someone could get hurt.

Adrien: That's kind of the point of me swinging it at your head! Adrien pointed the blade of the sword at her neck. Furious at the witch as Luz stared at him with wide eyes.) What the hell is wrong with you?! You lied and used us to get a stupid crown that's nothing but paper! Were you ever going to let us go home!?

Eda: Of course I was, Adrien! (Eda pushed the tip of the sword away.) 

(Adrien wasn't having it and placed the tip between her eyes. Seeing that he wasn't going to lower it, she held up her free hand and looked at the two teenagers with a serious, but saddened expression.) 

Eda: Oh, look at us, kids. King and I don't have much in this world. We only have each other. So if that dumb crown is important to him, it's important to me. And besides, us weirdos have to stick together, you know? 

(Luz looked at Eda in amazement. As for Adrien, his death glared softened to a sad expression. In a lot of ways, he could relate. He had no one. All he really has is Luz, and even she's all alone in the world. So, with a long sigh, he thre the sword to the ground. The curved blade dinging against the floor as his shoulders slumped.) 

Eda: Well, we owe you two one. Now, let's get out of here before the warden finds us and loses a head. 

(A familiar dark familiar came up from behind her. Towering over the witch.) 

Wrath: Too late.

Adrien: Eda, no!

(Wrath turned this hand into a scythe and cuts her head off. Time slowed down for the two teenagers as they watched the head fly in the air, before Luz caught it. She screamed, staring into Eda's face. But then she suddenly came to life again.) 

EdaL Ow! Oh, I hate it when that happens.

( Adrien and Luz started to scream.) 

Luz: Eda! Are you okay? (Luz and Adrien tried to calm down from the shock.) 

Eda: Yeah. This just happens when you get older.

Adrien: Does it?

(That's when he noticed Wrath walking towards them.) 

Wrath: Finally, I have you cornered, Eda the Owl Lady.

(Reached down, he grabbed King's crown off his head, surprising the little demon. Adrien stood in front of Luz and Eda with the device out as the warden stepped closer to them. Eda saw the device and her eyes widened. King jumped up and down to grab his crown back. All the while, the witch's body was trying to find its head.)

Wrath: My guards could never get you, but I knew if I took your pet's toy, you'd come running. 

(He then crushed King's crown right in front of the demon. King's eyes widened as his pupils shrank as he watched his crown fall to the ground.) 

King: No! My power!

(Adrien scooped him up and held him close with one arm, and the little demon quickly wrapped his arms around his neck. Adrien then felt something wet on his skin, and knew that it was King. He was crying. It saddened him, but it also made the young man want to cut the warden in two.)

Eda: What do you want with me? I've never actually broken any of your stupid laws... in front of you.

Wrath: I want you... (Wrath walked closer to them, before getting down on one knee and pulled out a... ... a bouquet of flowers?) ...to go out with me.

Eda: (Blinked.) Wha...?

Luz: (Blinked.) What? 


Are you kidding me?

R/G: Go, boss!

(One of the guards in the room cheered, all of them giving their warden thumbs up for support. Wrath returned the thumbs up before turning back to Eda.) 

Wrath: You've always eluded our capture. You've always been the one who got away. I found that alluring.

Adrien: Geez, I thought that little girl was exaggerating when she said you're a creep. You people are messed up. 

Luz: I hate everything you're saying right now.

Wrath: You brats stay out of this! 

(Wrath threw the flowers over his shoulder and then shapeshifted his arm into a mass of tentacles. He launched them at the kids. Adrien pushed Luz and Eda out of the way, before stepping to the side, dodging the tentacles. Suddenly, a blade flipped out of the golden ticket puncher.)

(He then swung down and chopped off the tentacles. Blood spewing out and onto the floor. Wrath screamed in pain as he stumbled back a bit, clutching his injuries arm as it turned back into a hand. His injury healed. He the growled and glared at Adrien and looked at the blade.)

Wrath: So, you've found the Solar cell morpher.

(At first, Adrien was confused until realizing that he was talking about his new device.) 

Adrien: Yeah, I did!  What're you going to do about it?

Wrath: I'm not going to do anything. (Wrath pointed to his left. Adrien turned and gasped in shock when he saw the guards had captured Luz, King, and Eda's head.) But I can't promise they wouldn't snap your friend's little neck. 

(Luz's eyes widened before the guard holding her grabbed her head. Making her scream.) 

Adrien: Stop! Okay! (Puts the Solaris Morpher in his pocket.) Just, please...

(Wrath turned to the guard holding Eda's head and King and nodded to him. The guard then tossed Eda's head to him, and the warden caught her by her hair.) 

Wrath:So how about it, Owl Lady? The most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles and the feared Warden Wrath. We'd be the strongest power couple ever.

Adrien: Dude, that's just wrong in so many ways! (Adrien was suddenly grabbed by Wrath with his tentacles and held high into the sky. Grunting in pain as the warden's grip tightened on him.)

Wrath: Silence! Don't think you're getting out of this too, Halfa. Yeah, I've seen your ears. You're much more valuable alive than dead, but that doesn't mean I can't torture you. (The warden before turning his attention back to Eda.) So, what do you say? I mean, it's-- it's not like you can say no right now.

(Eda frowned as she looked worriedly at the golden eyed kid. Adrien struggled to break free, but stopped when one of the tentacles shapeshifted into a blade and was placed between his eyes. She then looked to Luz, as she was struggled to get out of the guard's hold, just as King was. Seeing no other alternative, Eda let out a sigh.) 

Eda: All right, Warden. You win. I'd just like to say something first. Come closer. (Wrath leaned in a little.) No. Just come a little bit closer. (He leaned in closer.) Just...(He got even closer to her head.)  Yeah, that's good.

(She then stuck out her tongue and blew a loud raspberry in his face. The warden grunted as Eda's spit got on his mask, causing him to loosen his grip on Adrien. Eda started laughing as he wiped the spit off his mask.) 

Eda: Impudent wench! Don't you know how many germs are in your mouth?

Eda: Get over it. You had your guards stalk me, and then you cut off my head. I am not going out with youd. 

Wrath: If you don't accept, then I have no choice but to des--

(He was cut off when Adrien grabbed Eda's staff and whacked him in the back of the head. Knocking him down to the ground, unconscious. At the same time, Eda's body got behind the two guards holding Luz and King, grabbed their heads, and slammed them against each. Getting them to let go of Luz and King.) 

Adrien: Luz! (Adrien tossed Luz the staff and she caught it.) Grab King! We're leaving! (He picked up Eda's head.) 

(Together, they got on the staff as the owl's wings opened. Luz was in the front, holding the witch's head on her lap. Adrien was behind her, having King on his shoulder. Eda's body was in the back.) 

Luz: Expecto... flying? Magicus... escapicus! (Luz tried to get the staff to take off, but it didn't.)

(Eda looked back at Wrath and saw him getting back up again.) 

Eda: Gun it, magic stick! (The staff lifted off the ground and started flying out of the room. Just as Warden Wrath stood back up.) 

Wrath: Owl Lady, I won't let you get away again!

(Wrath transforms both of his arms into large masses of tentacles and used them to carry his body forward. Chasing after them at fast speeds. Adrien looked back and saw Wrath following them. He then turned back and as they passed multiple other cells, he saw they were coming upon three familiar ones.) 

Adrien: Luz, look! (Pointed ahead)

(Luz saw what he meant and nodded.) 

Luz: Eda, lend me a hand! (She raises her hand up.) 

(Eda placed her hand on the back of Luz, and together, the two of them pushed up the levers to the three cell doors, releasing the prisoners. Soon, they slammed the tower entrance doors open and flew out of the prison. The staff pitched up, before nosing down in a dive. Warden Wrath rushed out of the tower and jumped down to follow after them. He lashed out his tentacles at them, and hit the back of the staff, knocking them off and sending them crashing. Adrien yelled in pain as his back hit the wall, while holding King tightly to protect him.) 

King: Adrien! Are you alright? (Adrien set him down.) 

Adrien: I'm fine.

(Warden Wrath landed on the ground and transformed his hand into a scythe. Eda dug into her hair and pulled out the interdimensional door.) 

Eda: Adrien... Luz... go back to the human world. (She tosses them the key.) 

Luz: What about you guys?

(The rest of the guards were starting to come out to watch the fighting.) 

King: If you think this guy is bad, you shoulda seen her last boyfriend. (King ran to help Eda as she dodged some attacks from Wrath.) Not my boyfriend. 

(Eda grabbed King and rolled out of the way from a double attack from Wrath. She then rushed over to the teenagers and pushed them onto her staff.) 

Eda: Go! Go! And Adrien, remember these words! "Magical Source, Mystic Force!"

Adrien: Magical, what?!

Luz: But-- But I--

(Eda didn't give them a chance to speak as she slapped the back of the staff, and it took off with the kids on it.) 

Adrien: Eda! 

(They took off into the sky. From up above, they watched the fight as Wrath removed his mask, revealing a huge mouth of large sharp teeth, as well as almost tiny eyes. From that mouth, he fired a breath of fire. Eda countered this by forming a ring of light before moving to the left. The fireball entered into the first ring and disappeared, before Eda made a second one. From the second one, the fireball came out of it and hit Wrath in the chest. Knocking him back, into a wall. The teenagers watched as Wrath got right back up, shapeshifted his hands into scythes, and rushed at Eda. However, from that wall, Adrien and Luz saw the prisoners they met peeking out.)

Adrien: Get the others out of here.

(Adrien directed the staff to the ground. When they landed, he got off and turned towards where Eda and Wrath were fighting.) 

Luz: Wait! ( Luz rushed over and grabbed his arm.) 

Adrien: What are you going to do?

Adrien: (Turned to her and smiled.) Whatever I can. (Pulls out the Solar Cell Morpher.) 

(Eda grunted as she was thrown against the ground. He was too powerful. King was tossed to her by the warden and she safely caught him.) 

Wrath: No more running away, Owl Lady. (Wrath raises both of his scythe hands.) Today I capture you once and for all! 

(Adrien saw the scene and his eyes shifted of a vision.)

(He sees a man doing some kind of sequence with the morpher and what was weird, he was holding the ticket Adrien always carries around. Adrien shifted back and was shocked by what he saw, but he didn't dwell as Eda was still in danger.)

Adrien: Magical Source! Mystic Force!

Adrien: (Draws Dagger)

(Adrien let out a battle cry as he slashed the back of the warden. Making him scream in pain and fall to one knee. He then turned to the teenager and swung one of his bladed hands at him, but Adrien parried the attack.)

Eda: He's......the-

Wrath: Solaris Knight! (Swings his bladed arms wildly at Adrien)

Adrien: (Still Dodging) Okay, I've done enough dancing around for the day. (Leaps up and-)

(The warden slams into the wall and groans in pain. He lunged to attack the warden when, but he was soon hit in the chest by the warden's hand turned into a hammer. Pain shot all throughout his body as he hit his back against the wall. Wrath then turned his hand into a fork and lashed at Adrien. Pinning him by his neck against the stone wall. Walking towards him while shrinking his arm back to normal length.)

Wrath: I've grown tired of you, Solaris Knight.  (He raised his scythe hand.)  It's time to put an end to your-

Luz: Go, go, go, go!

(Adrien turned to see Luz flying towards them with her cat-ears hood up, leading the other prisoners to attack him. Together, the misfits tackled him to the ground and tried to pin him to the ground. However, it would prove to be in vain, as the tentacles lashed out and knocked them all back.) 

Wrath: You little brat! Who do you think you are? (He growled at Luz. )

Luz: Do not underestimate me, Warden Wrath, for I am Luz, the human, warrior of peace. (The wind blew in her hair.) Now eat this, sucker! 

(She pulled out the fireworks from her backpack, threw it into the air, and then hit it with the staff towards Wrath. Wrath just cut it in half. There was an awkward silence in the air as Luz saw her plan apart.) 

Luz: Uh, oh. (She was grabbed by Wrath.)

Wrath: Well then, human, I'll rip you to pieces and feed on you.

Adrien: Don't you hurt my sun!

(Adrien let out a battle cry and charged, swung his dagger down, and cut his arm clean off. Wrath screamed in pain as his arm released Luz and she dropped to the ground. Adrien didn't give him a chance to recover and stabbed the warden in the stomach.) 

Adrien: And I am Adrien the Halfa, and apparently the Solaris Knight! 

(Wrath growled and then to Adrien's shock, grabbed Adrien's arm and pushed the dagger into his body even more. All the way until the handguard was against his chest and the tip was stabbing out his back. He opened his mouth and got ready to unleash another breath of fire. Adrien glared at him as he tried to pull out the dagger.)

(Suddenly, his armor started glowing, and the mark that appeared on his hand returned on both of them now. Then the symbols on the morpher started glowing. He managed to pull his arm and dagger out of Wrath's grip and pull it out of his body before leaping into the air and-)

Adrien:  Off with your head!

(Cutting his head clean off. Wrath's head rolled off his shoulders and thumped onto the ground, before his body fell to his knees and then collapsed. Blood splattering across the floor. Luz, Eda, King, and the misfit prisoners all looked toward the armored teenager as he was panting like crazy. The Solaris Armor suddenly disappeared and Adrien was back in his normal clothing. Adrien then turned to the other guards and saw them running away back into the prison. Such a sight of their oppressor's death and the retreating of his minions had fanfic writer, eye-ball monster, and Tiny Nose cheering for victory.) 

Luz: Adrien! 

(Luz ran over to him and hugged him tightly with a giant grin on her face.)

Luz: That was incredible!

Eda: It certainly was. 

(Eda walks over to them with a smile. King climbed onto Adrien's shoulder.) 

King: That was actually one of her better breakups. 

Eda: Not a breakup. Anyway, let's bounce before any more monsters fall in love with me.

(When they returned to the to Owl House, both Adrien and Luz were gushing over the events of the battle.) 

Adrien: I can't believe you actually got those guys to team up with you like that. 

(They entered the house.) 

Luz: And I can't believe you were able to chop that guy's head off like that. (She swung her arm pretending to be holding and swinging a sword. She then opened her eyelids wider.) And when your eyes were wearing that golden armour, it was so cool!

Eda: Well, a deal's a deal. Let's get you home. [Snaps fingers.]

[The key flies out of Luz's bag and into Eda's hand. She presses the eye, and the portal door unfolds itself in front of the fireplace. Luz walks up to it, then hugs herself and turns back to look at Eda and King. King looks at the ground, visibly sad. Luz reaches into her bag.]

Luz: Before I go... [Holds out the head of her Azura doll.] I know it's not the same, but... [Removes Azura's crown.] a king shouldn't be without a crown.

King: [Accepts the crown and places it on his head.] This shall suffice. You there, plant! You are now under my command. [He points to something and walks off screen.]

(Adrien chuckles at this since this is going to be the last time he sees King.) 

Eda: Oh, and don't forget this. (Eda hands them both the pamphlets for the summer camp they are being sent too. They were walking to the door until they stopped, and turned to Eda and King.) 

Luz: Okay. I know you got your head cut off, and we started some kind of prison riot, but this was the most fun I've ever had. I don't fit in at home. You don't fit in here. 

Adrien: And since we both don't want to go to summer camp, how about us weirdos stick together? 

Eda: Summer camp? What are you talking about. 

Luz: I want to stay and become a witch like you.

Adrien: And I want to learn more about being a halfa, and maybe become a wizard while I'm at it. (Muttering) And maybe this we'll give me a chance to find out what happened to my parents.

Eda: What, that is crazy. Humans can't become a witch and nobody has seen any halfas. They have been gone for years staying here will be pointless. 

Adrien: As true as that may be, staying here means we have a place to be welcomed at. Plus you never know Luz and I may become one of the greatest magic users in all of the Boiling Isles.

Luz: If you let us stay, we will do anything you want.

(King then pulls on Eda's dress and whispers something to her.) 

King: Let them stay, they can make snacks for us.

(Eda looks down at King then smiles then picks him up, she looks at the teenagers in front of her with a smile.)

Eda:Well, I could use a hand keeping this goofball out of the cupboards. All right. I'll teach you how to be a witch and I will tell you all I know about halfas. But you have to work for me before you learn any spells and knowledge. Deal? 

Adrien/Luz: Deal. 

(Luz goes to hug Eda and he laughs as she hugs them, then Luz pulls Adrien into the hug making him sigh. Later Luz and Adrien open a door to see a dusty and darkroom, they smile. Luz lays her sleeping bag on the ground and, Adrien finds a place to lay down in the room. Luz was in a tanktop and purple-gold shorts, while Adrien was wearing tank top and pajama pants. Luz looks at a picture of her mother and she then looks at her phone seeing a text from her mom. Before she could reply, she heard something Luz looked at the doorway to see King holding a teddy bear.)

King: Your sleep cocoon looks fluffy. 

(Luz smiles and pats a spot by her feet this makes King happy and runs over to lay down on it. Luz smiles and replies to her mother before she goes to sleep she sees that Adrien is laying down by the window.) 

Luz: Um, Adrien, back at the Conformatorium. Did you mean what you said. About me being your sun.

(This causes him to blush and look away before nodding to her slowly, she chuckles and walks over to him. She leans down and kisses him on the cheek this makes them both blush.) 

Luz: That is a thank you, and also if you don't say anything you won't know my answer.

(She giggles then goes back to laying down, while she lays down she tries to fall asleep but couldn't.)

Luz: Adrien are you still awake?

Adrien: Yeah.. 

Luz: I know this may sound weird, but can you sleep next to me? 

(She gets no answer, and this makes her sigh but before she knew it. Adrienn was now lying beside her this made her smile and him as well.)

Luz: Thank you.

Adrien: No problem Luz, good night. 

Luz: Good night, (whispering )my knight. 

(She says the last part quietly making sure he couldn't hear it, they both soon fell asleep and without realizing it they fell asleep with Luz arms around Adrien and the latter hugging her close.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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