The Unprepared
*Thorin's POV*
Summoning the Eagles, Gandalf had them aid us in arriving at Rivendell as quickly as possible. The Eagles flew all into the night not stopping for rest or any other reason. As the sunrise crested over the horizon, I could see the city of Rivendell still smoldering and parts of it in shambles. A knot forms in my stomach anticipating what we are to find. I worry for Lord Elrond's safety as well as his kin's. I hope that Amara has not yet made it to Rivendell avoiding the attack. Looking at the destruction of Rivendell we see remaining Elves of the army removing Orc corpses as well as tending to their own dead and wounded. The Eagles circle before swiftly landing in the main courtyard. As soon as my eagle touches down, I jump off and race up the stairs inside the Kingdom. Gripping my sword, I go inside Elrond's home seeing disarray furniture, broken glass, and a handful of dead Orcs. Not seeing any movement or sign of anyone I head out to the back to Molly's resting place.
"Thorin, wait!" Gandalf calls following behind me with the rest of the Company and a few Erebor soldiers. Ignoring him I press on deeper into the Kingdom until I'm outside again near the courtyard gardens. I feel sick to my stomach seeing the bodies of Elves and Orcs splayed about. The fight must have lasted well into the night only ceasing until before we arrived. Dwalin steps to my side looking around at the new battlefield "What happened here?"
"An Orc raid." Fili mutters "They weren't prepared."
I shake my head "No, we weren't prepared."
Commanding the Company and soldiers to aid Lord Elrond and his people, I look out over everything as Gandalf stands to the other side of me. I can't help but feel the turmoil within the wizard.
"Did you foresee this? Is this why you came to me after all this time?"
Looking into the wizard's eyes I can see the fear, self-loathing, and secrets. Gandalf has always had his secrets as well as others, but I can see the one he harbors will shift the lives of the others around us, including my own. Just as I take a step to Gandalf I freeze.
"Thorin...!" I hear a weak voice cry out.
Looking in the direction it came from my eyes widened seeing Amara lying on the ground a few feet in front of the door to Molly's tomb. Amara's pale hand is lifted as high as she can manage to signal me. I see the dead Orcs around her and the blood leaking down her hand. Quickly I race to her praying to be able to help her. When I reach her I kneel by her side. I gently lift her in my arms as she gasps for air. My eyes look along the black shard arrow piercing her in her chest. I know the wound alone will kill her, but the poison ensures death takes her.
I clasp her bloodied hand tightly and hold her close "It's alright Amara. You're going to be alright."
Shaking her head, the young Elf woman cries seeing through my lie. Trembling and clawing for breath she tries to speak.
I shake my head forcing smile "No, save your strength, my friend. Don't try to speak just yet."
Narrowing her eyes up at me she forces herself to speak "They-they came...f-for her...!"
My eyes look up to Molly's tomb seeing the arrows embedded in the door and the scratch marks where the orcs must have tried breaking in. Now looking back down to Amara I realize she stood guard at Molly's tomb protecting her even though it meant her life.
I faintly hear Amara mutter but can't make out her words as she grows weak.
"I'm sorry Amara-I-I don't understand," I say regretfully as Amara looks at me desperately.
With all her strength she grips the collar of my tunic pulling me down to her. I bend my ear to her as her lips reach up. In a breathless voice, she whispers "Sh-she's alive!"
My eyes widen at her words and my body seems to numb. Staring wide-eyed I look back to Amara who weakly nods looking back up at me. Desperately she nods confirming her words. Tears brim in my eyes at the impossibility, but Amara lifts her hand to my cheek stilling my tears.
Fading quicker by the second she manages to gasp out her final words "Tell Lindir...I love him. I have always...loved him."
Swearing I nod holding the dying Elf in my arms until her body fails her. Her breathing slows, her strength falters, and her eyes close. Her hand falls from my cheek and the life inside of her is gone. The death of the young Elf reminds me so much of when I held Molly the day she died on the mountain top. It hurts my chest and I grimace in the guilt and loss. Now absent from her body, I lay Amara's limp and small frame back on the ground folding her hands carefully. Hearing a voice calling I stand and take a step back as Lindir comes running. Throwing his bloodied sword to the ground he kneels next to Amara's lifeless body gathering her in his arms desperately. As tears fall from his cheek, he clutches Amara tightly speaking to me "What were her final words?"
I hesitate for a moment finding myself in an almost state of shock. Finally, I manage to speak "That she loved you. She had always loved you."
Lindir falls silent for a moment but looks up at me "Did she say anymore?"
I look from Lindir to the cobblestone pavement. I stand in the midst of Amara's blood staining the stone and now my boot. Her words play over in my mind again and again until I come to grips with Amara's words. My eyes lift and I look at Molly's tomb. The overgrowth of vines and flowers seems to bloom as a sign of life and flourishment. As the overwhelming tears of joy and hopefulness threaten to spew from me, I whisper, "Molly is alive."
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