Part 4 (Beacon)(Edited)
3rd POV
Yang: "Oooohhhhh I can't believe our baby sister is coming with us to beacon" She said squeezing the life out of Ruby
Y/n: "Yang your going to squeeze her to death" He said
Ruby: "Yes please *is release* and besides it's not a big deal" She said as Y/n didn't payed attention as he saw the other girls on the aircraft looking at him with disgust interest or lust but he didn't mind it as he summons some wine causing them to be shock as he drinks it and both ruby and Yang noticed
Yang: "Bro you shouldn't drink" She said as Y/n gave her a really face
Y/n: "No" He said as he continues to drink
Ruby: "Please?" She said as she gave him the puppy eyes as Y/n smiles and pokes her forehead with his fingers
Y/n: "Maybe next time" He smiles as Ruby pouts as a blonde girl ran pass them as she threw up
Yang: "Looks like the view isn't for everyone" She said
Ruby: "Eww Yang you got puke on your boot" She said as Y/n walked away and waited to land and once it he did he saw the the same girl throwing up in a trash can as Y/n approach her and summons and herb
Y/n: "Here eat this" He said too her and as she took it and ate it
Jane: "Thanks I'm Jane arc what's*sees y/n standing above her and blushes a deep red* yours?"She said
Y/n: "I'm Y/n Xiao Long" He smiles "And I must say are you sure your name isn't Angel because It looks like you came from heaven" He smiles causing her to blush more
Jane: "I-I uhhhh"
???: "Jane there you are" A voice said as they turned around and saw her sister
Jane: "Jeanne" she smiles
Y/n: "Who is she?" He asked
Jane: "My sister"
Jeanne: "I'm Jeanne arc"She smiles
Y/n: "A pleasure I'm y/n Xiao Long But you can call me Gilgamesh" He said as then saw an explosion and saw rwby arguing with a girl
(Weiss will have short hair and this is what she's wearing)
Y/n: "One moment" He said walking towards ruby and the girl
Y/n: "Hey leave my sister alone!" He shots glaring as Weiss then turns around and instantly blushes
Weiss: "My prince" She said as she blushes red
Y/n: "Do me a favor and leave" He said as Weiss does so blushing a deep red
Ruby: "Thanks bro"
Y/n: "Anytime sis"
Ruby: "Hey isn't that the girl that threw up"
Jane: "All I'm say is Airsickness is a common thing" She said
Ruby: "I'm sorry but Vomit girl is the first thing that came to mind
Jane: "Really how about I call you crater face?"
Y/n: "Do that and I'll bend you over my knee and spank you as punishment" He grins as Jane blushes
Jane: *deep red* "A-anyway What weapons do you have?" She asked as Ruby took out her crested rose
Jane: "Whoa"
Ruby: "It's a scythe that can also transform into a high impact sniper rifle" She explains as Jane was confused
Jeanne: "It's also a gun" She said
Ruby: "So what do you have"
Jane: "I have my sword and shield" She said as she fumbled
Y/n: "What about you Jeanne?"
Jeanne: "I have my trusty flag" She said waving it around
Y/n: "Interesting weapon choice" He said
Jeanne: "I also have a sword but I prefer to use my flag" She explains
Jane: "What about you Y/n?"
Ruby: "Well Y/n don't necessarily have a weapon"
Jeanne: "That's right his semblance is his weapon correct"
Y/n: "Indeed I can use it to fire projectiles or summon treasures to fight with" He said
Jane: "Cool" She said as they finally get to the atrium
Yang: "Ruby! Bro! I saved you a spot" She said waving to them
Ruby: "Got to go later" She said as her and Y/n walked away
Jane: "Wait! Great now where am I going to find the perfect guy to talk to and have his children" She said in defeat as Jeanne chuckles and pats her shoulder
Jeanne: "Do worry I'm sure you'll get him*in head* Not if I get to him first" She thoughts
Timeskip at night
Y/n walked in only wearing some pajama pants as all the girls blushed as it He walks to find a spot and found in next to a girl
Y/n: "Pardon is this spot taken?" He asked
Saber: *blushes red* "No it's completely free" She said as Y/n summoned a futon and sets up next to her
Y/n: "I'm-"
Saber: "Y/n Xiao Long"
Y/n: "So you know me?" He asked surprise
Saber: "Of course the first both with a semblance and #1 Hottest bachelo 3 time in a row about to be 4 your a celebrity and your not even 17 also I'm Artoria but I prefer to be call saber"
Y/n: "Fair enough" He said summoning some wine and drinking it
Saber: "What's That?" She asked
Y/n: "One of my treasures the greatest of wine from my collection" He smiles
Saber: "M-May I try?" She asked blushing
Y/n: "Of course *hands her the cup* Also think of it as a indirect kiss when you drink" He smiles as Saber blushes more as she slowly drinks as she blush slightly from the amazing taste as two more girls came
Mordred: "Hey sis we're back Huba Huba Who's this hottie~?" She asked in a seductive tone
Saber: "Y/n there are my sisters Mordred and Nero"
Y/n: "Hello" He smiles
Mordred &Nero: "Hi" They said
Y/n: "A pleasure to meet two more beautiful women" He smiles
Nero: "UmU Thank you praise me more" She she smiles blushing laying on her bed to got to sleep
Y/n: "Welp it's getting late anyway goodnight girls"
S/M/N: "Goodnight/Night Handsome~/ UmU night" They replied back as Y/n falls asleep
Y/n groans as he woke up to a girl singing
Y/n: "Excuse umm"
Nora: "Nora" She smiles
Y/n: "Yes what will it take for you to be quiet?" He asked as she grins
Nora: "Hmm~ To be my King~ and a kiss" she said as Y/n kissed her
As the kissed lasted for a few minutes until they parted leaving a trail a saliva
Nora: "W-Whoa" She blushes
Y/n: "Remember our deal" He said as he walks off to prepare
Y/n finished putting on his armor as he walks as he saw an old friend
Y/n: "HelloPyrrha"
Pyrrha: *blushes* "O-oh Y/n long time no see" She smiles
Y/n: "Yes how you been?"
Pyrrha: "I've been fine *in head* would be better if you were with me" She thought
Weiss: "Say Y/n would you like to be on a team with me and Pyrrha"
Y/n: "If we're allowed to but I prefer my sisters" He said
Weiss: "But If you had a chance?" She asked
Y/n: "Then I suppose" He said
Weiss: *in head while grinning* "This is perfect the untouchable queen and the first boy with a semblance who is also my future husband on my team I will be unbeatable" She thought as Y/n then walked off as bumped into the malachite twins again
Y/n: "Ladies" He said smile
Twins: "Hi Y/n"
Y/n: "So you were offer to go to beacon"
Milita: "Yep"
Y/n: "Oh What about jr and work"
Melanie: "We work part time now"
Y/n: "Well I'll leave for you two to prepare" He said but the twins grins and grabbed him
Milita: "Or we can have some fun before our initiation" She grins
Y/n: *smiles* "Lead the way lovely ladies" He said as they dragged them to a empty dorm room
Lemon warning and graphic images ageism I better NOT get flagged for this bullshit
As the twins pushed Y/n on a bed as Melanie kissed Y/n as he gladly kissed back while squeezing her ass causing her to moan and Y/n thrust his tongue inside her mouth violating it then part as Y/n then did the same for Milita But was met with more resistance from the other twin than her sister but Y/n easily won after a few seconds
Milita: *pants* "Wow your amazing kisser"
Y/n: *grins* "You haven't seen nothing yet" He said as a bulge form in his armor as both girls striped showing there both wearing a sexy set of lingerie
See this sight cause Y/n to lick his lips as both twins got on their knees in front on him and undid his armor and they were shock by the size of his cock it being 18 inches long and 12 inches thick as they started to drool for it
Melanie: "Oh my god~"
Milita: "We're going to enjoy this~" She said as they both took turns stroking Y/n off earning a few soft moans from the blonde as they both started licking the shaft before Milita took some of Y/n in her mouth as Melanie sucks on his balls causing him to moan and grunt more as his dick throb and twitch from the pleasure
Y/n: "Fuck I'm going to cum" He said as the twins went faster and he then cums in Milita's mouth as her eyes widen and swallows what she could as the rest over and went on Melanie face as the three of then pants in pleasure
(I better not be flagged for this)
Y/n the got up as he lays Melanie on her back and positions himself
Melanie: "Please be gentle this is my first time" She said blushing
Y/n: "I will" He said as he slowly thrust inside her causing the ravennett clawing Y/n's back as he thrust more as he then felt blood leaking Y/n then realized as he gave her a moment to adjust a few seconds later Melanie nodded as Y/n started moving at a slow pass causing them to both moan in pleasure
Melanie: "P-Please~ Y/n faster~"She moans out while pulling the blonde into a kiss as Y/n obey and went faster as he hits her g-spot causing Melanie to yelp and moan in surprise while they kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck and legs around his waist causing him to go faster they then break the kiss for air as Y/n then starts biting her neck leaving marks as Milita was fingering herself at the sight of her twin being fucked
Y/n: "Let those marks show everyone your mine~" He smirks
Melanie: "Yes~ I'm yours please keep fucking me~" She moans out as Y/n went harder and faster as he kept hitting her g-spot repeatedly
Melanie: "Fuck~ I'm Going to cum~" She moans
Y/n: "Me too~" He said going to pull out but Melanie stop him
Melanie: "Inside Knock me up please" She said after a few minutes Y/n came inside her as she came on his dick and waist y/n pants as he pulls out he turns to Milita and saw her fingering herself before cumming on her finger
Y/n: "Now ready~?" He grins
Milita: *grins* "Yes also *whispers in his ear* I'm a Masochist so fuck me as hard as you can~....Daddy~~~*licks the inside of his ear" She said as Y/n then pins her arms above her head as he fully ram inside her causing her to moan loudly in pleasure as he thrust hard and grasp his hand around her neck applying pressure causing Milita to feel more pleasure as she cum quickly and after a few minutes of punishing her and her pussy Y/n finally cums inside her causing her to cum a 16th time as she pants and Y/n pulls out and put on his gear as he heard an announcement
Glynda: "All first years report to the cliff for initiation" She said as the twins got dressed and three of them went there
Y/n: "This is ridiculous" He growls as everyone looks at him
Ozpina: "I'm sorry mister Xiao Long?" She asked as Y/n snaps his fingers and a machine appeared shocking them
Y/n: "I am a king and as such a deserve the most luxurious things in life that include modes of transportation" He said taking a seat then taking off
After a few minutes of fly Y/n decided to jump of and he used the chains of heaven to land safely as he bumps into a girl with white and pink hair and a huge buster sword
Rose: "Watch it!" She glares
Y/n: "You watch where you're going you mongrel" He glares as he whistles and calls for Cerberus
Rose: "Whoa!" She said taking out her weapon but Y/n stops her
Y/n: "Relax Hey there son"
Cerberus: "Hi dad!" They smile as they lick him as he smiles and laughs as he got on them
Y/n: "Come on!" He said as Rose got on behind him and then took off but as they rode Y/n and Cerberus felt something as they went a different direction
Rose: "Hey that's not the direction to the temple!" She yells annoyed
Y/n: "Relax we're making a detour" He said they then encountered three creatures
Bird: "Humans Well this is new" He said as the panther growls while Y/n got off
Y/n: "Hello I sensed powerful yet depleting strength and it's coming from you can you explain?"
Bird: "Well our previous master became whole again and we failed to kill the one person we wanted for our whole live so here we are" he explained
Y/n: "How about I give you three a new purpose" He smiles
Bird: "Oh and what's that? Serving a male stripper with a Beastiality fetish" He snickers
Y/n: "No in helping me gain my goal I am Y/n 'Gilgamesh' Xiao Long the first Male with a semblance king of huntsmen" He announce
Bird: "You caught our interest kid names Griffon the kitty is shadow and the big guy is Nightmare" He said
Y/n: "A pleasure so will you serve me?" He said smiles holding out his hand
Bird: "Kid you have a deal" He said as they touched his hand as they became tattoos and Y/n's hair became a black and blonde swirl
Y/n: "I feel stronger" He smiles climbing back onto Cerberus and heading to the temple as he saw others there
Yang: "Bro!" She smiles hugging him
Y/n: *groans* "Hello sister" He said
Rose: "Yo Y/n is it what piece do you want to take"
Y/n: "I am a king and as such I will always take the king piece and every king needs a queen" He said as Y/n took the gold king piece and Rose the gold queen
Rose: "Whatever" She said as they then heard booming sound until a monster came out of the clearing
Goliath: "Haha tremble before my might weaklings!" He said trying to hit six girls one of them including Hinata
Hinata: "God he's annoying" She said unfortunately getting thrown back to the others
Dana: "Tell me about it"
As the others fall back
Yang: "Great now we can all die together"
Ruby: "Not if I have anything to say about it" She said charging at the demon
Goliath: "Ha! You foolish girl!" He said as he threw a tree at her which Ruby barely misses a She trips and falls dropping crescent Rose a few yards away as Goliath about to smash his fist one her
Y/n: "Nightmare go!" He said as the Gollum burst out the ground infront of the sliver eyed girl as she was shock and amazed at what she saw while the Gollum punch the gorilla demon causing it to stumble
Y/n: "A abomination trying to harm my sister I hear by sentence you to death" He screams in anger as his gates opens and fire at the beast as he scared Griffon came out and blasted it with lightning causing Goliath the scream more
Dana: "Those are your old familiars sis"
Valerie: "So it seems and that boy is controlling them"
Lady: "Got to admit he is cute"
Nera: "Agree he's mine"
Trish: "You mean Mine"
Dana: "Naw he'll prefer me"
Valerie: "You mean me"
With the others
Ruby: "Whoa bro is so cool!" She yells in amazement
Weiss: "Your brother is amazing also he's my future husband"
Saber: "Back off ice queen he's mine"
Blake: "Actually he's mine"
Nora: "No mine!"
Ren: "Nora calm down. And besides he's mine" She said nonchalantly
Pyrrha: "I think he would prefer me better"
Jane: "I was the first girl he met!"
Pyrrha: "He was the first person to beat me!"
With Y/n
He then summon a pair his twin swords
And he then form them into a bow
Y/n: "This is the closing act mongrel" he said forming his swords into a bow then aiming it as weapons rain down from space
Goliath: "I-impossible how can a mere human defeat me"
Y/n: "Hehehehehahahahahahahah! Y-you honestly believe I'm a human" He grins evilly
Goliath: "What? You have to be human"
Y/n: "Well you're wrong mongrel I am actually 2/3 god and I actually found out I'm 1/3 angel so I'm far superior than a pathetic demon like yourself" He said as he summons Shadow turns into a blade and slice Goliath chest and he became a purple color and he falls to the group shocking everyone from this huge revaluation
Y/n: "However I must thank you for giving me some entertainment though it was short live it was fun and amusing to watch you squirm," He said as he stabs his blades bow into his head before pulling out as he his weapons disappeared and Goliath body turns to dust as the blonde black hair teen pants heavily
Ruby: "Bro that was so cool!" She said hugging him
Yang: "You show that thing whose boss"
Blake: "That was quite amazing" She smiles as Weiss walked up to him and pulls him into a kiss shocking everyone
Weiss: "Don't ever scare me like that again my king" She blushes and hugs him
Everyone: "King!!!"
Y/n: *pants* "we have a lot to talk about but we need to head back" He said as everyone got their pieces and began walking back talking about what they just saw as Y/n was slower than the others as he came to the realization he used up too much mana
Cerberus: "Dad you're ok?" They asked worried
Y/n: "Yes boy I'm fine" He said petting him before collapsing
Cerberus: "DAD!!" He yells
Girls: "Y/n" they yell as everything went dark and then silence
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