Chapter 6


The next few days in the camp have felt pretty normal... well... almost, the fact I have satyrs, nymphs and a centaur teaching both me and Percy, well... it's weird.

In the morning, Percy and I took Ancient Greek lessons with Annabeth... he could definitely the huge vendetta we both have against each other, definitely me more to her than vice versa. Something I do admit that we found out was that actually, we can actually read Ancient Greek thanks to our dyslexia. It actually was the reason.

Of course it took a few lessons but we managed to learn... though of course the vendetta between us was still there... wasn't getting worse but wasn't getting better either.

The rest of the day we kept doing outdoor activities, looking for something we were both good at.

Luckily I did found something I was good at, it was Horseback Riding, or well, how they call it here... Pegasi Riding Lessons. Gotta admit, I can definitely ride a horse on ground but on air... had to buckle my seatbelts if there was one at all, cause it was one hell of a ride.

We also did Archery with Chiron. I could hit my shot, not consistently, but well... unlike Percy... I'm hundreds of times better than him since... well... I don't shoot at my allies like he did... shooting Chiron in his tail. Miracle he didn't react negatively.

We also did foot racing and well... I was average, like Percy but the fact that wood-nymphs instructors could just blitz by us was embarrassing... their trees technically. They did say they have years of experience but still... is embarrassing.

Wrestling? I really wasn't wrestling, I was completely going to punch through heads, especially against the instructor herself, Clarisse, she definitely hasn't forgotten the teeth her friend lost. My experience fighting Clarisse did give me a few details of my... well... god like abilities.

I'm stronger than Clarisse, I actually am stronger than her and the rest of Ares' Cabin. I did take self defense with Uncle Tony, but Clarisse is a Daughter of Ares, there was just no way to out skill her. So well... I lost almost... no... I lost every damn time.

In canoeing, Percy was actually pretty good. I admit, knowing how to canoe is pretty worthless... but it's better than nothing, me in the other hand... I'm not that good... like almost at all at canoeing.

I knew many of the campers were trying to decide who was... well... my real father, but Percy was even harder. Percy wasn't as strong at the kids in Ares' cabin, as good in archery as the kids of Apollo or Hephaestus' skill in metalwork or anything related. With me, they knew I was stronger than many people in here, even more than Ares' cabin. I definitely heard people think I was probably the Son of Heracles, making me a quarter god or something like that, but I wasn't much of a good archer like Heracles, and that doesn't still explain the fact I hear people from very long distances and why the fire for a split second turned black for me. It is still theorized that I might be a son of the Big Three, but Zeus can't control fire, neither can Poseidon and Hades... he might be the only one who can to an extent, but there's still so many details that don't lead to any of the three, again... why can I hear specific people?

I kept my questions to myself because of it. Despite all that, I liked camp. I got used to the morning fog over the beach, the smell of hot strawberry fields in the afternoon, even the weird noises of monsters in the woods at night. I would eat dinner with cabin eleven, scrape part of my meal into the fire, and try to feel some connection to my who the hell is my real father. Nothing came. Just that warm feeling I'd always had, his touch... but maybe not even that. I tried very hard not to think of mom or how dad would react realizing mom is... gone. I can't imaging how he would react to it, but if Hades is real, and the Underworld is real... then there might be a way to bring her back to life, her and Sally, there might be a way.

During the days, I slowly started to see that I'm not the only gaining a grudge against my father, Luke did too... to Hermes, maybe we do have that in common. I also managed to have a few minutes sometimes with Kajsa... if I'm bring honest... I think I like her... l-like the crush type way, who am I kidding, of course I do. She's a daughter of Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love... she's extremely beautiful, and compared to the others of her cabin, she doesn't wear make up.

It was Thursday afternoon, few days after I arrived, well... eight days exactly, if I didn't mess up my math. Percy and I were having out first sword fighting lesson. I will admit as of now, I'm not good in swordsmanship, Percy neither. Gonna admit right now, I really don't like the sword... is not much of my style... maybe something that I can use to attack from a distance... a spear maybe? I'm pretty sure they don't have guns here... aw man... Uncle Tony would've approved that... maybe?

Percy had problems with almost every sword he had, if not all of them. Luke tried to find the correct one, either they were too long, or short, or heavy, or light... none of them fit Percy. Me? I really want to use a spear... do I want a spear? Yes I want one.

We did basic stabbing and slashing using some straw dummies with Greek armor... Spartan... yes I watched 300. Luke decided to mentor Percy and I... he wanted to go in pairs, but he decided to stay solo as he mentors Percy and I since we're quite new... quite? No... very new.

He started to show us thrusts and parries and shield blocks, he first showed us and then let us do it ourselves in a fight, I was slowly getting the hang of it... very slowly... but surely, Percy sadly wasn't getting the hang of it.

Luke says, "Keep your guard up, Percy." I strike him again, with both of us clashing blades but quickly pulling back, but Percy's guard was a bit off. "No, not that far up!" Percy manages to hit me with the blade, luckily hitting my armor, but definitely felt that. "Always eyes on your enemy, Y/N! Lunge!" We lunged at each other, but Percy was now blocking. "Now, back!" I move back and Percy lunges at me... we kept doing that for a while.

By the time it was break, I was bruised, Percy as well, him slightly bit more than me and we were both covered in sweat... that was my new armor. Everybody swarmed the drinks cooler. Luke poured ice water on his head, which looked like a very good idea... so I did it too as well as Percy.

I looked at him... seeing his bruises gone... he was completely healed... now what the hell? Why am I not healed?

"Okay, everybody circle up!" Luke ordered. "If Percy doesn't mind, I want to give you a little demo."

I looked at Percy who definitely looked unease. This is gonna Percy becoming a punching bag... this is training and not some bullying... and Luke is sort of a nice guy... but something about him doesn't feel right... his grudge against Hermes, is the same to my dad, my biological dad if that is a thing.

I saw the Hermes guys trying their best to hide their smirks... typical Hermes kids. From what I understood, Lule will teach us how to disarm a blade. It was all about twisting your enemy's blade and-


Huh? I looked in direction of where that voice came from. I saw a kid... younger than me... much younger... oh my god... Dave? I

I didn't even realized that I got up. Some looked at me... I knew hut I didn't care, and Luke was still teaching. But I just walked and then ran at Dave's direction who also ran. "Dave, wait!"

This shouldn't be happening, Dave was... he was gone since 1st grade. I felt my own tears slowly going down, as I kept following him... it might have taken a minutes or two to reach the canoe lake... just where I was when I sang.

I said, "Dave, please stop... stop." I panted as I saw Dave standing in the lake... in the wood, as I slowly walk to him panting and tearing up. "Y... A... Are you a... half blood? How are you even alive?"

He said," You gotta stop blaming yourself."



I looked back seeing Kajsa... the moment I heard her voice and looked back, I quickly looked forward and... nothing... Dave was gone in the blink of an eye, I cleaned my own tears and kept looking around. "Did you see him?!"

Kajsa said, "See what?"

"T-T-The kid... Dave, there was kid right in front of me, I-I was talking to... him..." I looked back at Kajsa who didn't believe me, she was probably still wondering what I was talking about.

She starter to walk to me, I could hear her walk to me as I slowly looked down... this is probably a trick of someone... I was seeing Dave.

"Do you... want to talk?" I heard Kajsa ask as I look at her... for such beautiful eyes they did show a lot of emotions, she showed worried with them and with her tone of voice... she genuinely was worried.

I felt her arms wrap around my body... I just broke down hugging her back... just to nod at her request... I do want to talk to her... I want to... tell her what happened to him.

Minutes later, we both were seated by the lake, with me cleaning some of my tears.

"Who's Dave?" Kajsa asked, forcing me to take a deep breath... and quickly released it.

"Dave... was a kid in my school... I was in 2nd grade by that time. Dave was your normal... but troubled kid with ADHD, not like us though. But he was kind and nerdy and... he was just nice. But he was bullied... he was just bullied for being a nerd." I felt like playing with my fingers, as I felt my breath getting heavier, bit too much.

"I-I saw him get bullied in the halls, knocking his books down, slamming him, he cried... and I just... did nothing. One day he didn't go to school, and the next? Neither? Weeks later? He hasn't gone to school. It took me an entire year... to find out that... he..." I stopped talking after that, like if my throat was tied, but Kajsa knew what I meant. I looked at her, closing my eyes.

I said, "I watched him get bullied so many times... and I did nothing, the teachers did nothing... I felt so... angry... but more exactly... regretful, I watched him get pushed around and nobody did anything, I did nothing. I just... lost control and I got expelled... after blindly entering a classroom with the two bullies and... I didn't remember what happened next."

Kajsa stayed looking at me and sighed... she looked a bit ashamed but also shocked... so many emotions going through her head.

Kajsa said, "Well... this anger, it definitely looks like Ares. But... there's more to that anger... your fear... is that why you became with Thomas?"

When she asked that... I couldn't lie to her. I didn't pity Thomas, I was worried of him knowing how people are. "I didn't know he was half goat, always thinking that he was disabled, I thought people would get advantage of that and make his life miserable, at first I just... defended him from bullies, we become friends after that... good ones."

"So what you have for bullies, why you attacked Clarisse... you... have a grudge against bullies? I mean... they haven't done anything to you directly but-" I stop Kajsa and I return to talk.

"I just... Dave had nobody to help him get up at least, nobody did and not even me. How would you react knowing that by just lending a hand, you could've saved a boy's life?" I expected Kajsa to say something... but she didn't say anything, not a word.

Kajsa looks away and slowly gets back up, offering me a hand. "Let's go, you still have your sword lesson's with Luke."

I nodded at her, though still shaken up, I accept her hand and she helps me get up. She walks away pulling me and making sure I did stay alone in the lake.

Kajsa said, "Hey... what did you tell Annabeth after the whole fiasco? She seems a bit mad and... scared, what did you tell her?"

"A few things regarding Athena, on how Annabeth is being selfish due to a prophecy and some other awful stuff... I think I got to carried away." I don't even know why I said that... like... I do feel a bit of regret telling her that... but I feel like some kind of grudge against her... a huge one.

"An angry Annabeth is something a lot have seen regularly, but a scared one? That's something else I really did not think was possible, unless your a spider, or a cyclops, mostly a spider." I looked at her in... quite the shock actually... Annabeth is afraid to spiders? How comes that?

"How and why is she afraid of spiders?" I asked her.

Kajsa made a face, she definitely was trying to not laugh to the reason but she says, "Every Child of Athena has... arachnophobia. That's what they get due to Athena and Arachne's story... I call it, 'unreasonable fear'. Some children have specific fears due to their parents, I sadly... have one."

"Do tell, n-never mind, y-you don't need to if you don't want to-"

Kajsa giggled at my stuttering... it was hard to not blush against her. "It's fine. So... Children of Aphrodite like... we love beauty, some in different ways than others, and we can well... change our look." After that, I just see her change her hair color and style completely... she had a braided platinum hair, now a curtain bangs haircut with black hair, also her eyes were changing color, brown, grey, hazel... wow. "I mean... I'm not mom but, we can all do that to a degree."

"That's... wow..." yep... that's all I could say, I couldn't say more. She quickly returned to her dark/dirty blond hair and blue eyes. "That's a neat trick."

"Thanks, although it is quite flashy, it isn't good for missions."

"It can be. S-Something like gathering information, l-like... you can use it as a disguise to enter unknown places with people not thinking is... well... you, u-unless your not capable of changing clothes, jewelry or-"

She laughs again... this is too wholesome. Kajsa says, "Yes... yes I can, though thanks for the options. Back to topic, the Children of Aphrodite's unreasonable fear is... la laideur."

I could definitely tell that wasn't Ancient Greek... what does that mean? "Um... la-la what now?"

"La ladeiur means ugliness or monstrosity in French, the tongue of love. I really don't care much, I can be under the rain or sweat, I don't were makeup at all... but I just can't handle mud, or ridiculous jewelry, it makes me... a little nauseous."

"That's... I'm not that surprised at this point. Hold on... Annabeth is scared to spiders but what the cyclops?" I asked though now this time, Kajsa stays quiet and sighs.

"That's... not for me to tell. I can tell you that even us demigods can develop a unique fear, like yours for death."

"M-M-Me? Scared of death? That's obvious-"

"I wasn't talking specifically about you. We all are scared of death... but you fear that you can't save those around you... you hate bullies but... your more afraid of losing someone... of failure." I stood quiet after that, but she wasn't wrong... not really... or... not at all. "M-Maybe is better we-"

I answered back, "Yeah, back to sword lessons."

That night after dinner, there was a lot more excitement than usual.

At last, it was time for capture the flag.

When the plates were cleared away, the conch horn sounded and we all stood at our tables.

Campers yelled and cheered as Annabeth and two of her siblings ran into the pavilion carrying a silk banner. It was about three meters long, glistening grey, with a painting of a barn owl above an olive tree. From the opposite side of the pavilion, Clarisse and her buddies ran in with another banner, of identical size, but gaudy red, painted with a bloody spear and boar's head.

Percy yells to Luke who was also cheering. "Those are the flags?"


I said, "So is Team Ares vs Team Athena? They lead the teams?"

"Not always, but most of the time."

Percy asks, "Who's side are we one?"

He gave us a sly look, as if he knew something I didn't. The scar on his face made him look almost evil in the torchlight... oh. "We've made a temporary alliance with Athena. Tonight, we get the flag from Ares. And you two are going to help."

"Your insane!" I screamed after what he said.

The teams were announced. Athena had made an alliance with Apollo and Hermes, the two biggest cabins. Apparently, privileges had been traded shower times, chore schedules, the best slots for activities, in order to win support.

Meanwhile, Ares had allied themselves with everybody else: Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite and Hephaestus. From what I'd seen, Dionysus's kids were actually good athletes, but there were only two of them. Demeter's kids had the edge with nature skills and outdoor stuff, but they weren't very aggressive. Aphrodite's sons and daughters I wasn't too worried about. If I learnt something from Kajsa... is that all they do is gossip at their looks, though not sure of Kajsa. Hephaestus's kids weren't pretty, and there were only four of them, but they were big and burly from working in the metal shop all day. They might be a problem. That, of course, left Ares's cabin: a dozen of the biggest, ugliest, and most stupid kids in this goddamn camp.

Chiron hammered his hoof on the marble.

"Heroes!" he announced. "You know the rules. The creek is the boundary line. The entire forest is fair game. All magic items are allowed. The banner must be prominently displayed, and have no more than two guards. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged. No killing or maiming is allowed. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. Arm yourselves!"

The moment he spread his hands, the tables were covered in weapons and armors, helmets, swords, spears, shields, like damn.

"Whoa." Percy said. "We're really supposed to use these?"

Luke looks at Percy and I, though I already had my weapon... full on Spartan shield and spear... even though I have never used on, watching 300 might have taught me something about spears... I'm so dead.

"Unless you want to get skewered by your friends in cabin five. Here. Chiron thought these would fit. You two will be on border patrol"

Percy's shield and mine was the size of an NBA backboard, with a big caduceus in the middle. It weighed a huge ton... like so much. I could use this shield as a slide. Our helmet, like all the helmets on Athena's side, had a blue horsehair plume on top. Ares and their allies had red plumes.

Annabeth yelled, "Blue team, forward."

We cheered and shook our swords and spears, and followed her down the path to the south woods. The red team yelled taunts at us as they headed off towards the north.

I stayed a bit back, but Percy ran as fast as he could, barely catching up to Annabeth.


She kept marching.

"So what's the plan?" Percy asked. "Got any magic items you can loan me?"

Her hand went to her own pockets, like if Percy has stolen something, but the moment she talked, it was again... like if she was whispering to my ear, but this time... it was slightly more hollow.

"Just watch Clarisse's spear." she said. "You don't want that thing touching you. Otherwise, don't worry. We'll take the banner from Ares. Has Luke given you your job?"

"Border patrol, whatever that means."

"It's easy. Stand by the creek, keep the reds away. Leave the rest to me. Athena always has a plan."

I leave a groan and look at them again... they were so far away... how did I hear them? Hear... her. She later marched away, leaving Percy alone... with me who was still in distance.

"Okay. he mumbled. "Glad you wanted me on your team."

I walk to him as he takes a deep breath. If we're being honest, I thought the night would be darker, but it was pretty bright still.

"So, we have to stand by the creek-" I then interrupt Percy.

"I know, I heard. Let's just stand by there."

We both walk to the creek, and again... we stood like idiots, big shield, Percy with a sword and me with a spear, I so hated this, Percy did too. We were right now an easy target for anyone, I hate this.

We then heard the conch horn blow, as well as many whoops and yells within the woods, a kid of Apollo passed by us, leaving us dumbfounded.

"This is a mistake." I said a bit annoyed but also scared and ashamed, god I was hating this camp a lot now, way too much.

Then we heard a sound that sent a chill up our spine, a low canine growl, somewhere close by.

We both raised our shields and weapons... but from the other side of the creek, I saw them, five people from Ares' cabin, but Percy didn't seem to realize... or even saw them.

"Oh god, Ares' kids!" I exclaimed as Percy looked at me confused... didn't he saw them?

"Cream the punks!" I heard that yell... Clarisse.

Her ugly pig eyes glared through the slits of her helmet. She brandished a two-metre spear, its barbed metal tip flickering with red light. Her siblings had only the standard-issue bronze swords, not that that made me feel any better. They charged across the stream. There was no help in sight. We could run. Or we could defend myself against half the Ares cabin.

Holding my shield, I managed to sidestep one of the children and using my spear as some kind of staff, I swing and hit the back head of one, then I block another, but from behind, someone pushed me, as Percy dealt with one also, but was struck by Clarisse' spear which hits his shield. I saw how Percy jolted for a split second.

Electricity, that son of a bastard had electricity on her spear.

I slowly tried to get up, but the two of us see how they were just... laughing at us.

"Give them a haircut." Clarisse said. "Grab their hair."

Percy gets on his feet again, with sword in hand, but Clarisse slammed it aside with her spear as sparks flew. Now both his arms felt numb.

"Oh wow," Clarisse said. "I'm scared of this guy. Really scared."

I try to get up, but I was next to get jolted by her damn spear, as I fall face first, groaning a little.

"The flag is that way." I exclaimed with anger, a lot of anger but I was also in a bit of pain, I'm pretty sure I couldn't feel my back.

"Yeah." one of her siblings said. "But see, we don't care about the flag. We care about a guy who made our cabin look stupid, and the one that broke one of our sister's tooth."

"You do that without my help." Percy said that... gonna admit, that was pretty dumb, even from him.

Two came at him, as Percy backed towards the creek and tried to raise his shield, but Clarisse stuck him straight in the ribs, Percy couldn't even react, as I tried to get up, blocking a sword and then with the spear, I block another, quickly kicking the bastard back, it hit the shield but he still was slightly pushed back. Went to block another swing, but it cuts through my cheek... I haven't realized my helmet was taken off.

The blood running down by cheek made me feel dizzy, as I tripped and fell on my ass, groaning.

"No maiming!" I exclaimed in anger as another of the kid's just shrugged it off.

"Oops." the guy said. "Guess I lost my dessert privilege."

I was pushed away and Percy to the creek, landing on a splash. I groaned even more, as I put my hand on the ground.

I was panting... I was hurt... but when I put the hand in the ground, all I could see was the grass slowly changing... it was decaying... dying, the ground and dirt... it was cracking... turning black. I looked forward seeing the trees losing their leaves, at least the two tress in front, it was decaying as well.

I grab my spear and slowly get up, as I could see black energy surround my hand and the spear slowly. I use the spear to get up and grab the spear with both hands. I saw two of Ares' children go to me, but I just impale the spear to the black and cracked ground, as when they started to dash at me... bones started to appear... as some of the bones started to grab their feet in the form of hands.

They were shouting in shock, none of the demigods have the ability to manipulate bones to this level... and none of the Olympians either... but there is a god that can... my father can... I know who he is.

I looked forward seeing Percy, he managed to catch Clarisse's spear with the edge of his spear and sword... and snapped it like a twig... he snapped Clarisse's spear. I looked at his footing... he was in the water still. I looked at my hand which had this black energy still... as it runs to my cheek... healing it.

"Ah!" Clarisse shouted. "You idiot! You corpse-breath worm!"

Percy shuts her up by hitting between her eyes using the butt of the sword. Then I heard yelling, elated screams, and I saw Luke racing towards the boundary line with the red team's banner lifted high. He was flanked by a couple of Hermes guys covering his retreat and a few Apollos behind them, fighting off the Hephaestus kids. The Ares folks got up, and Clarisse muttered a dazed curse.

Thing is... I lost focus when I saw Luke racing to the line... I looked to the two child of Ares, they were slowly walking back... walking away from me.

"A trick!" Clarisse shouted. "It was a trick."

They staggered after Luke, but it was too late. Everybody converged on the creek as Luke ran across into friendly territory. Our side exploded into cheers. The red banner shimmered and turned to silver. The boar and spear were replaced with a huge caduceus, the symbol of cabin eleven. Everybody on the blue team picked up Luke and started carrying him around on their shoulders.

Chiron blew the horn as he cantered out of the woods.

We won, game was over and we won.

I sighed as I stumbled to the ground, bit tired... more than normal. I put a hand in my cheek, the blood was gone... thank god. I stumbled to Percy to who didn't look tired at all.

"Dude... what did you do?" I asked him as he was about to shrug, we heard a voice... one that angered me.

"Not bad, heroes." we looked back, seeing no one, but I knew the voice.

"Where the heck did you learn to fight like that?" I saw the shimmer and she materialized, Annabeth was the person who talked. She was talking about Percy... but if she was invisible, and she knew how she fought... she was there the whole time.

"You set us up!" I exclaimed in anger. "You knew we would be attacked by Clarisse! How long were you watching?! Was everything planned in your mind? Luke's flank? Clarisse?"

Annabeth just... shrugged. "I told you. Athena always, always has a plan."

"I don't give a hell about your mother, Percy got attacked, I got attacked, they didn't care about the banner, they wanted us, and you stood by watching as we were about to get screwed over!"

"Hey! I came as fast as I could. I was about to jump in, but... he didn't need any help, couldn't find you though."

I can't believe her! Was this also part of the plan? Just watch Percy and I being played around, she found Percy but not me?

"I was starting to feel bad about what I said... I don't anymore. Athena's plans seemingly seem to favor her, not those around in danger! Percy was slashed in his shoulder and you stayed watching-"

"What slash?"

I look back at Percy, he looked confused, as he saw that the slash he gained in his shoulder was gone, I looked slightly shocked and I looked at Annabeth, bit angered and she looked back annoyed.

"I... I don't get it." Percy said.

Annabeth was thinking hard. I could almost see the gears turning. She looked down at his feet, then at Clarisse's broken spear, and said, "Step out of the water, Percy."


"Just do it."

He came out of the creek then, and he just sort of lost balance, I saw his arms sort of lose strength and he was again tired.

"Oh, Styx." she cursed. "This is not good. I didn't want... I assumed it would be Zeus...."

Percy was about to ask, but we heard a growling... this WAS an animal's growl. I looked around the forest, and I saw a dog... a huge... black dog with red eyes, glowing and smokey red eyes and fangs like daggers.

"What the hell is that?!"

"What's what?!" I heard Percy ask... he can't see the giant dog in the room?

Nobody moved except Annabeth who yelled, "Percy, Y/N, run!"

She tried to step in front of us, as the dog went towards us, leaped over her and in a quick reaction, I just pushed Percy.

"Percy, run!" I screamed when I pushed him, as the giant dog completely tackled me... but he just ran over me and quickly looked at Percy... is it... ignoring me? I saw the dog completely go to Percy, starting to try and maul him, claws ripping his armor and trying to bite him. That was until he earned a barrage of arrows to the neck.

I quickly get up, as I see Percy panting, just to see blood going out of his armor, it wasn't awful but it was definitely a bad view, as I asked, "Hey, your okay?"

"Di immortales." Annabeth said. "That's a hellhound from the Fields of Punishment. They don't... they're not supposed to..."

I saw the person who shot the arrows, good lord it was Chiron.

"Someone summoned it." Chiron said. "Someone inside the camp."

Luke ran without the banner, looking around in confusion, there was no more glory, but worry.

Clarisse yelled, "It's all Percy's fault! Percy summoned it!"

"Be quiet, child!" Chiron told her.

The Hellhound turned into shadows... shadows that looked similar to the black energy that was around me... no... the black energy WAS shadow energy. I looked to my shoulder, seems the Hellhound slashed my shoulder a little.

"You're wounded."Annabeth told me. "Quick, Percy, get in the water."

"I'm okay."

"Percy, your bleeding, come on." I told him.

"Chiron, watch this." Annabeth said.

I helped Percy into the creek, as the campers surrounded us, when he touched water, I took a step back. The cuts in his chest were healing and closing, until I saw a green glow appear in front of me... one that appeared above Percy's head... the glow took shape after... shape of a Trident.

"Look, I – I don't know why." Percy said, trying to apologize. "I'm sorry..."

"U-Um, Perc... you might wanna look up.

The light was slowly dispersing, but Percy did get the glimpse... the Trident... it was Poseidon's... that's his father... Poseidon.

"Your father." Annabeth said. "This is really not good."

"It is determined." Chiron said.

I saw everyone kneel, including Ares' children at Percy... the glow that he was emitting disappeared but at this point, they were kneeling to the son of Poseidon.

"My father?" Percy asked in shock.

"Poseidon." said Chiron. "Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God."

Percy was in shocked, until he looks at me... more shock enters his body.

"Y/N?" I look up after he said my name... there was a black symbol... not glowing, if not it was close to sucking up the light, it was a spear with two forks... and a circle in between.

Chiron looked forward and in utter shock, as well as Annabeth... this... this is horrible. Thomas told me the Big Three made a deal to not have more kids... I am... one of them.

"Oh no..." Annabeth said under her breath.

"Hades." is all Chiron said, I looked around some in shock and some in fear... other angry. "The Rich One, King of the Underworld, Silent one. Hail, Y/N Galanis, Son of the God of the Dead and Riches."

He is our father... it was always Hades folks, and no it wasn't a last minute change, I always intended to be Hades. At first it was between him and Morpheus, but I would end up doing a character similar to the one in Sandman.

I know about the deal that the Big Three did... so I'm gonna say it before some people start crying... Hades didn't break the oath.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, vote for it, leave a comment of you want and later.

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