Chapter 6 Seein' Red

Angel POV

*Ring Ring*

I looked down, and I saw that it is my dad, should I answer it? I looked to Mikoto, and he gave me a, "Answer it." Kind of look.

I tapped the answer button, and I heard my dad's voice for the first time in ages, I was so happy, there were tears in my eyes. We talked for at least half an hour, and I think it was more, but I lost track of time.

"So I heard that you've been trying to call me."

"Yes I have been. Who told you?"

"My messaging machine." he said but not really wanting to say who really told him.

"So... dad, what do you want to say?"

"Happy birthday! Are you staying at a friends house tonight?"

"Thanks dad. And yes I am. Kind of."

"Okay, have fun. Love you bye."

"Love you too, bye daddy." I said as I heard the other end of the line hang up, and I had finally let the tears fall, in happiness of finally talking to my father.

Next thing I know is I was almost asleep when Mikoto walked in and said:

"Hey, we have a surprise for you."

When I was going to the front of the bar Mikoto's shirt got caught on the wall, and left a huge hole in his shirt. I rounded the corner, and everything is dark, and deadly silent, it was actually quite scary.

"Ready?" Mikoto whispered next to me in the dark.

"Ready for what?"

"SURPRISE!" Just then, the lights turned on, and everyone was in here with balloons and the bar was decorated as a small party for me.

"Happy Birthday Angel!" They all say to me.

"How did you guys know? I didn't even tell you."

"We heard your dad on the phone, so we knew we had to do something special. Considering that we kind of kidnapped you on your birthday and almost ruined your birthday in the first place."

"Awe. Thanks guys." I hugged them all, and thanked them very much.

Then Anna gave me a couple of gifts that she had made herself. I opened the bag, and there was a red and a blue dress, and she handed me shoes that went with each then red lipstick. And Mikoto handed me a small, velvety box (and at first I thought that it was going to be lingerie), and I opened it, revealing a small, golden locket.

"Is this, real gold?"

"Yes, but only like 14 karat gold."

"Wow, I still love it though."

"Go try on one of the dresses."

"Okay." I say to Anna, and I grabbed both of them and went to the bathroom. I changed into the red dress, and heels, and I also put the lipstick on and then I went back into the bar. Everyone was completely struck in awe, and Mikoto came behind me and put the locket around my neck.

And he whispered sweetly "You're very beautiful...Angel Munakata."

I walked forward a little, a little uncomfortable of Mikoto's closeness. And then Izumo whispered in my ear, but everyone could still hear him:

"You are a very hot kid, especially when you wear red. You know that right?" and everybody smiled and laughed because he said what they all wanted to say.

"No I didn't know that because I'm not supposed to wear red."

"Who said?" Izumo said a little angry.

"My dad."

"When did your dad say that?"

"When I turned 10."

Then I looked at Mikoto like, "please get him away from me" then he came over and asked me if I wanted to dance with him.

Mikoto POV

Angel came out of the bathroom, with the red dress, and she looked more beautiful than ever. I put on her locket, and when she moved away, probably because I might have made her uncomfortable. Then Izumo came close and whispered something in her ear, and her face pleaded to me either, "Get Izumo away from me," or, "dance with me", so I went over to her, and I asked her to dance after turning soft, lovely music on.

"Uh, sure. I'd love to."

'Yes! I was right! She did want to dance.'

I grabbed her waist gently, and I led her to the beat of the music, and as we were dancing, the others were dancing too, taking turns with Anna. Then, the lighting shone just right on Angel's face, and I had to do it, but I saw someone about to come in the bar, and I quickly jammed my lips on hers, and made sure she didn't see what I saw, I didn't want her to see the enemy.

*Jingle* The door flung open, and in they came.

"The Black Dog." Misaki muttered under his breath, "What are you doing here?"

Then Kuroh Yatogami also known as The Black Dog says angrily, "What do you think you're doing? Kissing my girlfriend like that, even after you kidnapped her."

Then I said. "How about you stop being rude! To be honest we didn't kidnap her, we are keeping her away from the danger that is following her in the shadows."

"Okay you know what, I'm not being rude! Now, give Angel back to me, and I won't mess anything, or one's face up."

"Well, what if Angel doesn't love you? Have you ever considered that?"

"Yes, I have. Countless times, but I know she loves me, Angel?"

"Yes, I do." She was walking towards him, and I grabbed her arm, holding her back.

"What are you doing?"

"Keeping you away from that monster."

"He's not a monster, thank you very much. And just so you know, if you ever kiss me again, I'm going to slap you silly." even though I kind of liked it she said only in her mind.

"Okay, sorry. And anyways," I say turning to the dog, "have you noticed that when you text her that you say that you love her, and she just says, okay, well bye?"

"Yes, but I know her, and she doesn't really type I love you all the time. What does that have to do with anything anyway?"

"It doesn't, but that probably means that she doesn't love you."

"Actually, I do lo-"

"Angel, you stay out of this!"

"Well......has she ever said it to you? Mikoto."

"Well no, but..."

"Ah, so she didn't say she loves you to you. Ha!"

"Ok. Fine, but she said she likes my eyes. She hasn't told you that, has she?"

"Actually, she has."

"Okay, you know what? Instead of fighting, why don't we let her choose."

"Okay, but first, you go put on a shirt."


"Because sometimes when guys have their shirts off, the girls tend to lose focus on what she is doing."

"And how do you know this?"

"Um when we first met. I had no shirt on. And before you ask I don't remember why I had no shirt on."

"Fine, alright."


"Hey, where's Angel?" I ask as I turned around to find that she wasn't there.

"I don't know, I'll go look in the rooms."



"Hey, I'm back. With Angel."

"Alright. Angel, between me, and Kuroh, who do you choose?"

"I choose..."

To Be Continued..........

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