Welcome To UA!
Sorry if this chapter isn't the best, I kind of just wanted to get it out of the way, lol. The next chapter should be more exciting.
(Izuku's POV)
I was finally able to take out the essential wiring for the zero pointer.
Climbing is hard.
But how do I get down?
I will wing it! I slid down the side of the zero pointer to see Shinso and Kit helping a brunette when suddenly Kit collapsed.
She must be exhausted, I mean we all are, but she didn't just fight for her own points, she also fought for Shinso's villain points as well.
Plus, her stamina kind of sucked.
I quickly run over to them when I finally reach the ground. I was tired too for sure, but I could keep going for a bit. Shinso was probably in the best condition right now to be honest. Well, that way if I end up passing out too Shinso can at least watch what happens and stuff.
"Is Kit ok?" I yell running towards Shinso and the brown haired girl. Huh, she actually helped me earlier with her quirk, she stopped me from falling.
'Yeah, she just collapsed from exhaustion. She did fight a lot of robots today." Shinso told me.
"She didn't seem tired.. She just was just really focused, or that is what it looked like." The girl said. I picked up Kit so we could all make it back to the other students.
"Well, Yasuko does that so others don't see her weakness." Shinso told the girl.
"Oh, ok. Also, you're the kid I helped earlier, my name's Uraraka!" The girl, Uraraka, says to me.
"I am Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you!" I tell her with a smile.
As we neared the rest of the applicants a short elderly women came up to us. She was dressed in a nurse's outfit, so I was assuming she is the school nurse or something.
"I am Recovery Girl, are any of you hurt-" She asks us before gasping when she sees Kit.
"Oh, she just collapsed from exhaustion." Shinso tells her.
"Oh, well I can't help with that, but you all should probably get some rest. Are you ok young lady?" She directs her attention to a limping Uraraka who was leaning on Shinso for support.
"Yeah, I think so, my ankle hurts a bit though.." Uraraka told Recovery Girl. Then out of nowhere Recovery Girl gives Uraraka a kiss?!
"It is part of my quirk, I can speed up the healing process, but I need to kiss the person to do it. It also just speeds up the healing process meaning that you will be a little tired." She informs us. My question is, how did she figure out that is how her quirk work?
Then we were left to whatever we needed to do. But we had to drop off Kit at the nurse's office, so we just stayed with her.
I wonder if we made it in? The last last time I checked the points were somewhere around;
I had 32 villain points and an estimated 20 rescue points.
Shinso had around 23 villain points and an estimated 40 rescue points.
And Kit had around 28 villain points and an estimated 30 rescue points.
Hopefully we made it in.
(Time Skip + Shinso's POV)
It is a freaking dream come true for me! And it was all because of Yasu and Mido! Great, now I am tearing up..
We had just ended a group video call. We all took turns opening the letter and we were all ecstatic that we all got in. The only problem was that Yasu was in class 1B but that was ok. At least we all got in.
This was the first step in our grand plan.
1. We needed to get into UA. Check.
2. We need to become villains. That was the next step. We would be training to become heroes at UA to prove society wrong, ad to get vital information. And at the same time we would be villains that would expose society.
Or should I say villain. Not plural.
The plan was to take one identity and make it seem like this one villain had three quirks.
Oh it was going to be so much fun to watch society scramble.
I might actually be able to go to sleep tonight.
So it is double win!
(Kit Yasuko's POV)
The past week had been insane. First, we did the entrance exam and I apparently passed out from exhaustion, then, we formed our villain plan, and finally we actually got into UA!
I feel quite accomplished.
School started in a week, and I have never been more excited to go to school in my entire life.
Although that isn't saying much.
We are going to celebrate at Izuku's house, so that will be fun. We are going to make a blanket fort, which I now know what that is, and we are going to make dumplings for dinner and have some mochi as well.
Now that is exciting.
We will just have to see what happens.
(Time Skippy to the first day of school)
Ok today is the first day.
I was in class 1B.
Hopefully they didn't suck.
I was walking in the building and saw a few other students. One had orange hair in a ponytail, another one with short blonde hair, and the other one had silver looking hair.
I wonder who they are.
Once I got inside I realized just how difficult navigating the school would be. Fantastic.
'I wonder if that girl is lost..'
'I can't believe I got into 1B and not 1A..'
'I wonder if anyone here is manly or not.'
Aww jeez, I need to get used to all these thoughts again-
Wait did one of them wonder if someone was lost, and the other one was in 1B?
I guess I will have to talk to them, I sighed. I wasn't a people person in the slightest. I assume that the three students are the ones who were thinking, I have been training myself to be able to tell where other people's thoughts are coming from.
"Hey are you lost?" The one with orange hair came up to me. Well now you have forced my hand.
"Yeah." I replied in a monotone voice.
"Oh, what class are you in? My name is Itsuka Kendo by the way!" The girl, Kendo, said.
"Class 1B." I answered, my tone unwavering. I wasn't planning on making friends, there is still a part of me that doesn't want people to know I exist. Especially after the rest of the last school year, after the incident where I told off Bakugo I started to get quite a bit of negative attention.
"Oh awesome! We are all in 1B too!" Kendo said gesturing to the two boys next to her.
"My name is Neito Monoma." The blonde said. His personality didn't match his thoughts. He was mad at himself for not getting into 1A, but his personality screamed that he is better than everybody else. Interesting..
"I am Testutetsu Tetsutetsu!" The one with silver hair told me. I am not going to remember that.
"Kit Yasuko." I replied.
"Ok Yasuko, let's all go to class." Kendo said walking away, Monoma and Tetsutestu following her, so I did as well.
Today was going to be a very long day.
(Izuku's POV)
Ok, so it is the first day of school and I was walking inside with Shinso since Kit had alread split up with us.
I am not ready.
"So do you think our class will be nice?" Shinso asked.
"Well, hopefully. I mean, this is UA we're talking about. The students better be nice." I replied. I was not facing another year of bullying, and neither was Shinso and Kit.
"Yeah, you're right. Plus, the teacher are all pro heroes, so if there are any mean students they will have to intervene, right? Except for All Might, he might not considering well.. you know." Shinso said. He was right, the pros, other than All Might, would intervene for sure. all Might was a different case, and Kit, Shinso and I have never looked at him the same since the day he left me on the rooftop.
"Hey Shinso, do you by any chance know where the classroom is?" I asked Shinso.
"Actually, I got the map memorized in case this happened." He said chuckling, I joined in as well. Then I followed him to a giant door saying '1A.'
"Well that is a large door." I said looking at said door.
"Yeah, why would they even need it to be so big?" Shinso asked.
"Well, if someone had a quirk or something... but that can't be right, if you have a mutation or transformation quirk you still wouldn't need a door this size.." I started to mutter.
"Mido, you're muttering." Shinso pointed out to me.
"Oh yeah, sorry." I said laughing.
"Well, I guess we have to go in. Hopefully the guy with glasses and blue hair isn't here, because that will get annoying very quickly." Shinso said.
"Hopefully Bakugo isn't in this class, but then again I wouldn't want Kit to deal with him alone." I replied. I only call him 'Kacchan' when I am around others. I have grown out of that, and Kit and Shinso know that.
Then we walked in...
Just to find Blue hair and the walking bomb arguing.
This year is going to be absolutely swell.
Did you hear the sarcasm?
(Time Skippy + Shinso's POV)
So everyone got settled, right?
Then everyone saw the teacher who was ERASERHEAD, just my favourite pro hero of all time!
Then we all introduced ourselves and our quirks.
Everyone kind of didn't talk to me, except for Mido of course.
Everyone was kind of wary of us both actually, the kid who could brainwash people and the kid without a quirk.
And now we were outside doing a test instead of going to the assembly that Yasu was most definitely at.
and it was a quirk demonstration test, something Mido didn't even have.
And whoever got last place, was expelled.
You could say I am just a bit nervous that my friend was about to get expelled.
Who am I kidding, I am terrified.
Wait, I just realized three things;
This is a physical test.
I have a mental quirk.
I have more chances of being expelled than Mido...
I guess I just have to try my best...
We had all already seen Bakugo throw the ball over 700 meters. And now we had to actually start the test. I was going to give it my all.
There is no way I am getting expelled the first day.
And so the tests started and I realized something, Mido was using his quirk. He was using it too give slight boosts to both me and him without making it obvious. The only reason I even realized it was because I know my capabilities and I am going past them, just like he was.
Our long jump scores were slightly longer than usual.
The ball throw results were also further than expected.
Thank you Mido!
At the end of the test, the person in last place was Hagakure. Poor girl..
"No one will be expelled." Aizawa-sensei told us. What?!
"But you said-" A classmate with electric blonde hair started to say but was cut off.
"It was a logical ruse to make sure you all did your best." He said in a tired voice. HE SCARED US FOR NOTHING!
"That is what I thought.." Mido muttered from beside me.
He knew too?!
And so class ended and I was still recovering from what had just happened.
Well that is one way to start off the year.
(All Might's POV) (Very short)
I wonder why Aizawa didn't expel anyone.
He did expel his entire class from last year according to the school records.
I also couldn't help but notice that a certain green haired quirkless boy got in.
Good for him!
(Kit Yasuko's POV)
Class 1B was interesting to say the least.
They were all pretty wary of me ever since they discovered my quirk. I also lied and said that it's range is ten feet. Couldn't have them knowing my full capabilities.
But a few students, namely Kendo, Monoma, and Tetsutetsu, were actually still talking to me.
I was thankful for that, but then again, I wouldn't mind not talking either.
But it was nice to know that they weren't judgy or anything.
I could also relate to Monoma to a certain extent, well at least the fact that his quirk was also considered 'villainous.'
We had went to an assembly, but no one saw Class 2A or 1A, I knew that class 2A had been expelled last year, but where was class 1A?
I decided to listen to our teacher's, Vlad King, thoughts.
'Aizawa must be doing his usual quirk demonstration test. I wonder who will get expelled.'
Crap. Shinso and Izuku could get expelled.
Also, I feel bad for listening in on Vlad King's thoughts, I respected him because of his quirk and how some could see it as 'villainous.'
Those two better be alright.
(Time Skippy)
Update; nobody got expelled.
Thank goodness.
Heh, I actually kind of like this chapter, it is pretty long too. But yeah, the next chapter will have some cool stuff in it.
And no, it isn't the USJ incident, not yet.
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