UA Entrance Exams

The long awaited UA Entrance Exam chapter is finally here!


(Kit Yasuko's POV)

Today is the day that we get into UA. Although I will probably fail.

Because of my quirk I have been able to hear any of Izuku's and Shinso's doubts and I have helped them, but I have my own doubts for myself. I probably won't be able to get in due to my quirk being completely useless in battle.

The plan was to wing the written exam, which shouldn't be too difficult since we are all smart, although I don't usually show how smart I am, I had average grades in school because I just wanted to blend in, but whatever. Then during the physical exams we work by ourselves for half of it, checking in every ten minutes by coming within thirty feet of each other and using my quirk to communicate. Then during the second half of the physical test Shinso would use his quirk on me, so I would get rescue points, which Izuku was sure were a thing, and so Shinso could get extra villain points. Then hope we got into the hero course. Hopefully we all got into the same class, but that is unlikely.

Good thing we already did the written test.

We were currently sitting in a room with all the people applying for UA, Present Mic was giving details on the physical test. I felt bad when he asked for a response, so I telepathically asked Shinso and Izuku to respond all together the next time he wants us to.

And that is why three teenagers were yelling "YEAH!" while everyone else just looked at them like we were crazy.

Maybe we are.

Then a boy with blue hair and glasses raised his hand. 

"Excuse me, but you have only explained three opponents that we will face but the cards you have given us say that there are four, if this is a mistake UA has made that would be incredibly shameful." He said. Well maybe if you let the poor guy talk then your question would be answered. But then he continued, "Also, you three," he points to Shinso, "well, you have been drifting off, if you are going to keep doing that then it is unacceptable!" then he points to me, "And you have been barely paying attention, which is incredibly disrespectful!" Then he points to Izuku, "And you have been muttering this entire time, which can be very distracting to the others in the room." He said while doing robotic gestures with his arms.

"Well maybe if you let Present Mic speak then your question would be answered. I am also paying enough attention to know that as well. Also, why are so focused on what we are doing? That seems kind of disrespectful doesn't it? Paying more attention to other applicants instead of the pro hero trying to inform you about the upcoming test." I spoke up. Blue hair, was being very annoying and I was going to put him in his place. 

"I-" He started.

"She is right you know. I mutter because I think better out loud and it helps me retain information better." Izuku said defending himself and me.

"I have insomnia." Was all Shinso said. Classic Shinso.

"Yeah, I was just about to explain your fourth opponent. And you can't just go and call out everything that you find 'unacceptable,' you came across kind of rude." Present Mic said. Wow, even he was on our side, cool.

And with that everything continued as normal until Present Mic was done explaining everything. Everyone started to walk out of the room. But Izuku, Shinso, and I were stopped by none other than Present Mic.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it little listeners!" He told us.

"No problem!" Izuku replied. Me and Shinso just smiled.

"Good luck on the exam!" He said as we walked out.

We would definitely need it.

(Time Skippy)

I was currently catching my breath while checking in with Izuku and Shinso. Their thoughts were choppy, meaning they were also trying to catch their breath as well. We couldn't see each other, but Izuku and Shinso were within thirty feet of me, although they were probably farther than that from each other, I was just the connecter really.

The physical exam was almost halfway over, I would have to group up with Shinso soon. From what I had heard from Izuku and Shinso, Izuku hadn't 'rescued' many people, but Shinso was doing better on that department surprisingly. His quirk was good while helping people who would freeze up if the robots attacked them out of nowhere. He would get them to say something like "Help" or "What" in response to him and he would get them out of the way safely. It was actually pretty interesting. My way of helping others were telling them when a robot was about to round the corner if I was running close enough to see the robot and the applicant. But that was only with one person, and the staff watching probably didn't even realize that it happened.

Izuku had 30 villain points.

Shinso had 10 villain points and an estimated 20 rescue points.

I had only 25 villain points and an estimated 5 rescue points, if the staff even counted that as a 'rescue.'

We weren't doing too good.

But I had a plan, a crazy, reckless, and dangerous plan, but it was also an effective plan.

I told the plan to Izuku and Shinso, and after some consideration they agreed. The plan was focused mainly on rescue points, and rescue points can easily be divided between three people, right?

"HALFWAY DONE!" Present Mic yelled from wherever he and the other staff were.

I started to run towards where Shinso was when I saw him about to get hit by a robot from behind. You wouldn't expect it, but these robots were insanely quiet.

"Look out!" I yelled jumping onto the two pointer and spinning its head 180 degrees before kicking it off completely.

"Thanks Yasu." Shinso said. I may have forgot to mention that we have nicknames for each other.

"No problem. Now ask me a question so we can get this over with." I tell him.

"Ok. What is your favourite colour?" He asks. I know the second I answer I wouldn't be in control of myself, which is always a weird feeling. Me and Shinso would train with our quirks together, he would improve his concentration by controlling me while I use my quirk to try to get out of it.

"Blue-" I say. Then my mind goes fuzzy and the next thing I know I am watching myself defeat robots with Shinso standing back and watching. Like I said, a weird feeling.

Before I knew it, the exam was almost over. But then we heard screams, and Shinso who knew the plan, stopped using his quirk and ran towards said screams. I quickly recovered and followed him.

There we saw Izuku who was running towards a girl who was trapped under rubble, and right in front of the zero pointer! 

'Izuku, you take out the robot, take out the electrical wiring, if it can't moe, it can't hurt anyone!' I told Izuku telepathically.

'Ok!' He responded.

'Shinso, you come with me and help me save the girl!' I told Shinso.

"Yup!' He thought in reply. 

"Are you ok?" Shinso asked the girl. She had brown hair that was cut in a bob with side bangs that were longer than the rest of her hair. She also had big brown eyes.

"Yeah, I-I think so, but can you get this rock off of me?" She told us.

"Yeah, on it!" I said as I tried to lift the rock, it barely budged. Crap.

"Need some help?" Shinso asked as he helped me lift the rock. We were only able to get it to move a little bit, but it was enough for the girl to be able to pull herself out of there. Shinso and I then dropped the rock as we went to help said girl.

"Thank you!" She said trying to stand only to fall back down. The zero pointer was coming up on us fast, hurry up Izuku. "My ankle.."

"Don't worry, we got you." I said to her, helping her stand with Shinso helping as well.

"My name is Ochako Uraraka, thank you for helping me." She told us.

"I'm Shinso, no problem." Shinso said.

"My name's Yasuko, and don't mention it." I told her. In all honesty, we were helping her to get the points, or at least I was, we were all bound to get a ton of rescue points for this.

"Who was that green haired boy?" She asked us.

"Midoriya, he is going to shut down the robot." Shinso told her,

"What? How?!" She exclaimed in surprise.

"He is going to take out the wires." I told her.

"O-oh. You three are cool!" She said.

"Thanks." I said. I wasn't exactly enthusiastic right now, considering I had been fighting a bunch of robots and I was tired.

The zero pointer stopped.


"ANDDDDDD DONEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Present Mic yelled over the loud speakers.

And everything went black.


Sorry for the cliffhanger! (I am not sorry)

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