I started writing this while still writing the "Welcome to UA" chapter, and kind of saved it for later, lol. Oh and a warning, this is all from memory. And there will be fighting in this chapter. This chapter is also probably going to be kind of long, lol.
(Izuku's POV)
We were told that we would be going to a training facility called the USJ where we would practice rescue procedures. Aizawa was taking the entire class there, but it was just 1A, which means that me and Shinso weren't gonna be able to train with Kit.
It still frustrates me that we can only talk during lunch and when the two classes train together although that isn't often. She was also trying to improve the range of her quirk so she could talk to us telepathically during class.
I sighed, I felt like something bad was gonna happen but I don't know why.
(Aizawa's POV)
Something bad is gonna happen.I just have a feeling.If any of my problem children get hurt I swear-
I need to stop.
We had gotten to the USJ and we walked inside. There I saw Thirteen, All Might was supposed to be here as well, but he ran into some complications.He was really unreliable if you thought about it.I just wanted to go to sleep in my sleeping bag.
I was talking with Thirteen when one of my students, Kirishima, spoke up, "Woah, those villains look so real."That isn't right, I looked over and low level villains were pouring out of a purple and black portal.
"Those are real!" I said as I activated my quirk and readied my capture weapon.
"I will get the students to safety!" Thirteen told me.
"But, you are an underground hero, you don't do fights like these!" Shinso yelled to me.
"You can't be a good hero if you are a one trick pony." I said while jumping into action.
The villains were low level as I thought, but I saw a man with blue hair and a hand on his face along with the portal person, those two are higher level then these guys.I continued to fight the low lever villains unaware as to what was happening to my students and if they even got out or not.At least they had Thirteen to protect them, right?
(Shinso's POV)
We had all been split up by the portal guy, his name was Kurogiri I think.
I was on the boat in the water zone with Mido and Tsuyu. We had been in the water but Tsuyu was able to get us out.
To be honest I was scared.
But I know that Mido would be able to make a plan, and by thinking about that I felt bad for the villains that were attacking us.
Poor, poor villains.
"What should we do? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked.
"Well, the fact that they teleported you here means that they teleported people at random, considering that you are strongest in the water. This means the villains have no idea what everyone's quirks are, well except me because I don't have a quirk." Mido said, I always forget that he has to keep up the whole 'I don't have a quirk' facade. "This means with a plan, we can catch them off guard and help Aizawa and Thirteen."
"Well, do you have a plan?" I asked him. He was the man with a plan after all, ok, maybe not 'man' but you know what I mean.
"Well, if you can get them to respond to you then you could make them swim as close together as possible, then we can take the rope from the ship and wrap the up. Then Tsuyu can get us out of here quickly." He said.
"Call me Tsu, ribbit." Tsuyu told me and Mido.
"Sounds like a plan!" I exclaimed. I could feel myself calming down, a small smile coming on my face.
These villains picked the wrong heroes in training, and villains, to mess with.
And so the plan started.
"Hey villains?! What is your problem? Afraid of some teenagers?!" I yell to the villains in the water.
Almost all of them replied. Good.
I activated my quirk and told them all to swim towards one area where Tsuyu and Mido wrapped them up with the rope as they also took out the remaining villains.
Then Tsuyu jumped over and grabbed me with her tongue, which is kind of gross not gonna lie, and jumped towards where Aizawa was fighting.
"We have to help him." I whispered to Mido and Tsu.
"We can't, we would just distract him. We will jump in if he is down and NEEDS backup." Mido said with a calm and calculated voice. I looked over, and despite his tone, his face was filled with worry.
"Midoriya is right, ribbit." Tsu backed Mido up.
I guess we are stuck watching for now.
(Kirishima's POV)
Bakugo and I were teleported to the fire area where a bunch of the villains that appeared earlier. I activated my quirk, not only for defense, but so my own punches were also harder. Bakugo actually didn't use his quirk which surprised me. We were able to defeat all the villains that attacked us in only ten minutes. (Yes, I know Bakugo and Kirishima are supposed to be in the ruins zone, but I wanted them here, lol)
"Hey, why aren't you using your quirk?" I asked Bakugo.
"The building is already unstable and on FIRE. Do you really think explosions are the best idea right now?!" He answered. Woah, he is smarter than I realized.
"Oh, well, we still make a good team!" I told him.
"Yeah whatever." He replied walking out. Oh wait, if his sweat makes the explosions then that means if any of this fire came in contact with it then...
"Hey wait up!" I yelled running after him. He was going back towards the center of the USJ, where Aizawa might still be fighting villains.
So far, everyone has been really manly!
(Jirou's POV)
Momo, Kaminari, and I were teleported to the landslide zone I think. I wasn't really sure, I just knew that the terrain was rocky.
Oh, and there was a bunch of villains there too.
"What do we do?! We can't send out a signal because of one of these guy's quirks!" Kaminari said pointing out the obvious.
"We will have to fight them." Momo said while pulling a metal pole out of her arm, she gave one to me as well.
"Let's kick some villain butt!" I yelled getting into a fighting position, Momo and Kaminari doing the same.
We had been fighting the villains for around ten minutes at this point and were doing much damage.
"This isn't working!" I yelled to my classmates.
"What if I use my quirk?" Kaminari suggested. Actually, that might not be the worst idea.
"But what about us?" I asked realizing we wouldn't have any protection from the electricity either.
"I can make a tarp that can protect us!" Momo said.
"Good idea!" Kaminari said.
"Ok, just give me a sec to make it, then me and Jirou will get under it then you use your quirk." Momo told Kaminari as she walked over to a rock that was behind us.Then she created the blanket like thing and we hid under, then Momo yelled, "NOW!"
And then we saw a bright flash as me and Momo covered ourselves as much as we could. When Kaminari's attack was over we peeked out from under the tarp to see him in his 'zero braincells' state.
I then looked over to Momo only to realize-Her shirt was completely torn exposing her chest.
"Uhm, Momo that is quite the tear in your outfit there." I said hiding my face.
"Oh, I will just make new clothes!" She replied. How is she so calm right now?!
Just then another villain came out from underground, he must have missed Kaminari's attack because he was underground. Dangit!
He then grabbed Kaminari while Momo was still making a new shirt for herself.Crap.
"Let him go!" I yelled.
"Heh, if you move he is dead." He threatened.
Just then Momo came up to me with a new shirt on."Kaminari!" She yelled.
"If you trade places with him then he lives, but you die. But if you don't, then he dies." He told us.
Crap, crap, CRAP!
I then went to make my earjacks plug into the device on my leg, that way I could at least use an attack.
"Don't even think about using your quirk!" He yelled at me.
What do we do?!
That is when none other than Ojirou, Tokoyami, and Shoji knock out the villain from behind.
"Where were you all?" I asked them relieved.
"The windstorm zone." Tokoyami said as Shoji nods in agreement.
"I was in the ruins zone." Ojirou told us.
"Thank you, I don't know what we would do without you three." Momo said thanking our three classmates that saved Kaminari.
"No problem, we have to look out for each other, right?" Ojirou replied.
"Let's go back to where Aizawa-sensei was fighting, that way we can help him!" Momo exclaimed walking in the direction of fight.
(Uraraka's POV)
Thirteen had been using her quirk to suck up the portal guy, Kurogiri he said his name was, but he used his quirk in an uno reverse card manor and now Thirteen was hurt.
"You! Go get some help!" She said pointing towards Iida.
"Iida, use your quirk and get some backup!" I yelled.
"I can't just leave you!" He yelled back.
"GO!" I replied pushing him away. He then activated his quirk and started to run out of the USJ. But then Kurogiri went to stop him.
Not on my watch.
I was able to touch Kurogiri and activated my quirk, making him float and temporarily unable to get to Iida. But he used his quirk again and almost got to him but the other people with me used their quirks to try to stop him.
Then I saw an explosion.
It was Bakugo and Kirishima!
That means that the others are still here! I can't believe it. I looked over to where Iida was, and I saw him get out.
Yes. Things are starting to look up after all!
Then I saw Momo, Jirou, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Shoji, and Ojirou running over from the landslide zone.
But all my hopes depleted the second I looked over to Aizawa-sensei.
(Izuku's POV)
Aizawa had taken down all the lower level villains, but the dude with a hand on his face, now titled handjob, ordered the weird monster thing to destroy him.
I was scared.
The monster thing, which had been called Nomu, went over to Aizawa and started to beat him up. I couldn't tell what his quirk was, but Aizawa was able to activate his own quirk.
It didn't work.
The Nomu continued to beat Aizawa up, I was frozen with fear, so was Shinso and Tsu. Should we step in? No we would be killed. But we can't just let one of my favourite heroes, no my teacher, get killed either!
Aizawa was almost out when Handjob went in and started to disintegrate his arm. Holy sh-
That is when Shinso stepped up.
"Hey! Get away from our teacher!" He yelled as he took out his electrical blaster, the ones that we use as villains, and tried to blast Handjob. He missed. Luckily, no one saw Shinso use the blaster other than Handjob himself.
Handjob then lunged towards Shinso, his hand outstretched, and if what he did to Aizawa was his quirk, then he was about to disintegrate my friend's face.
"No!" I yelled, pushing Shinso out of the way, taking his place instead.
Handjob touched my face with all five of his, rather chapped, fingers, but nothing happened. Then I looked over Handjob's shoulder to see Aizawa, with his quirk activated.
He saved me...
"Huh, so you still saved your student, even though you can't save yourself, how unfortunate. Nomu, finish him." Handjob said.
The Nomu thing then started to bash Aizawa's head into the ground repeatedly...
M-make it stop...
Somebody, help...
Then I saw something, a bullet, whiz past me and into Handjob's leg.
(Kit Yasuko's POV) (You weren't expecting this were you?)
'I have to get the teachers!' I heard someone think urgently. I had trained my quirk ever since the night we got the information from the police department and hero agency, and my range was now 43 feet, and 62 feet at night.
The person sounded familiar..
Blue hair. What did Izuku and Shinso say his name was again?..
Iiduh or something?
Focus Kit! Why would he have to get the teachers? Weren't they supposed to be at the USJ?..
That is when his thoughts converted into recent memory flashbacks..
"Vlas Kind-sensei! Class 1A needs our help, get the other teachers they were attacked by villains at the USJ!" I yelled out, forgetting to use my quirk to telepathically tell him.
"WHAT?!" Half the class including the teacher said.
"I- a friend of mine in the class told me, we have communicators that we use every once and a while! We have to help them!" I yelled once more.
"I will gather the other teachers, Yasuko, since you know the most you will join us." My teacher yelled running out of the room to get more pros.
I ran after him and into Iida, he hadn't been able to warn the teachers yet.
'I heard your thoughts, I lied about my quirk range to everybody so they wouldn't judge my quirk anymore than they already do, and I already warned the teachers. My cover story is that a friend of mine warned me on a communicator we have.' I told Iiduh telepathically.
'What?! H-how-' He thinks before seeing me, and then he nods. Good he was on my side.
We both ran to the teachers that had been gathered and got on a bus that would take us to the USJ.
The scene we saw wasn't pleasant.
Uraraka and a few other students were helping a have torn apart Thirteen, Bakugo and a red haired guy were fighting a purple portal guy, and Aizawa had his face in the ground with a monster on top of him.
And Izuku, Shinso, and a green haired girl were next to a blue haired guy with a had on his face.
Then BANG!
One of the pro heroes that came along shot the man with a hand on his face in the leg, the man in question will now be called Crusty, because that seems fitting. The pro shot Crusty a few more times before stopping, Crusty was still alive and conscious though.
Then All Might went in and attacked the monster.
The thoughts in the room were overwhelming. And the amount of emotion behind them affected me, I felt the hatred emitting from Crusty, the worry and fear from the students, the panic from everyone else, then the confidence from All Might. It all hurt so much.
I clutched my head, desperately trying to block out everything.
'How did they get in here?!' Panic and confusion.
'Why weren't we alerted?' Shock and confusion.
'There he is now we will destroy him!' Hatred.
'I need to get Tomura Shigarki out of here soon.' Worry
'DeStRoY aLl MiGhT-' Obedience.
'...' Pain.
'A-aizawa... no..' Sadness, worry, and fear.
'We have to get Thirteen to safety!' Worry and determination.
'Thank god the pros are here.' Relief.
'Will someone die?..' Worry.
'I am scared!' Fear.
'H-how did this happen?!' Panic and confusion.
I started to cry as I fell to my knees, some of the pros near me saw this and started talking but I couldn't hear them over the thoughts in the building.
'Someone help Aizawa!' Panic, worry, and sadness.
'Can All Might deeat him, ribbit?' Doubt.
'We might be able to take this guy down!' Determination.
'All Might can't take my Nomu down. He will die!' Hatred.
'We aren't going to win.' Doubt and worry.
'We need to hurry!' Panic.
'What if we die?...' Fear.
'Why can't I hurt this thing?!' Shock, panic, confusion, and anger.
'P-please, just stop...' Fear and sadness.
'What if he is dead?...' Worry, fear, sadness, hoplessness.
Help me...
And everything faded to black.
(Present Mic's POV)
Everyone was scared.
The students.
The villains.
And the pros.
This is insane!
I used my quirk to distract the villains near Shota. I can't believe they got him that bad..
What if he is dead?...
No, don't think like that Yamada!
Then I hear the student next to me, Kit Yasuko I think her name was, clutch her head while crying.
"Are you ok? What's wrong little listener?" I said, there were a lot of things wrong right now to be honest.
Then she fainted.
I stopped her from falling, and now I was holding a fainted student. Then it hit me.
Her quirk. She can hear thoughts, and she can't turn it off. From what I remember, her range was twenty feet, although she told Vlad King that it was only ten feet. She probably lied so no one would judge her anymore than she already gets judged. Shota had a 'villain' quirk too, and I watched him get judged, and I felt bad for this little listener.
I wonder if her range has improved, because if so...
Then who knows how many thoughts she just heard.
From villains and heroes alike.
Poor kid...
"Hey, I am going to take this student back outside, they fainted!" I told a fellow teacher of mine before taking one last look at Shota before running out of the facility.
Hang in there kid, if Shota can, then so can you.
(Shinso's POV)
I was breathing heavily, I felt like I could barely breath, there was so much going on. I was panicking and I need to calm down.
But All Might, although I didn't like him, was my only hope at the moment.
That is until hand guy, now titled Hand Monster, told All Might about Nomu's quirks.
Then my hope was gone.
I felt arms wrap around mine, they were none other than Mido's. Tsuyu had already ran towards Thirteen and the others but Mido and I were still on the sidelines watching.
The main people on the 'battlefield' were All Might, Nomu, Hand Monster, Bakugo, Kirishima, Mido, and myself.
Things weren't looking good for anybody.
I looked over to the other pros to see Yasu, why is she here? She looked pained before clutching her head and collapsing.
Her quirk.
She probably heard almost everyone's thoughts including mine, and the amount of emotion going on right now...
No wonder she fainted.
I hugged Mido back, hoping everything would end up ok.
Hand Moster was about to attack All Might from behind while he was occupied with the Nomu. Both Mido and I saw this but no one else did. Then the arms around me were gone.
And Mido was intercepting Hand Monster.
I then did something equally reckless.
I jumped in after him.
So now Mido and I were fighting Hand Monster, Bakugo and Kirishima were fighting Kurogiri, and All Might was taking care of the Nomu.
Everything was decent until Hand Monster started to disintegrate Mido's arm, which distracted me, allowing him to the same to my shoulder.
It hurt so much.
I blasted him with my electrical blaster and Mido kicked him in the stomach.
Then from behind us, All Might punched the Nomu through the ceiling after dealing multiple punches at over 100% of his power.
Kurogiri made another portal which him and Hand Monster fled through.
The fight was over.
So this was what a villain attack looks like.
Mind Trick will never ever do this.
I promise.
(Time Skip)
It had been a day. We were at school, not because it was in session, but rather because I was in the nurse's office along with Mido to check up on Yasu, who still hadn't woken up.
I couldn't help but wonder if Aizawa-sensei was ok as well.
I will make Hand Monster pay.
'His name is Tomura Shigaraki, I heard someone think that.' Yasu's voice filled my mind.
'You're ok!' I thought happily.
'My head hurts, and I can't open my eyes, but sure, I am ok.' She responded.
'Do you need anything?' I thought.
'Sleep.' Was her answer.
'You have been asleep for the past day already.' I tell her with my thoughts.
'I think I am going to do that again.' She thought to me.
'Yasu, that's a coma.' I thought jokingly.
'Sounds festive' She replied.
'Yasu nO-' I thought.
But I got no reply.
Well then.
Ok, I am going to end it here because I need to brainstorm ideas for the next chapter, lol.
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