This is really just a sweet chapter where Kit Yasuko and Izuku Midoriya really get to know each other and bond.
(Kit Yasuko's POV)
Izuku and I were walking to my house so I could get some clothes because I was spending the night at his house, he kept referring to it as a 'sleepover.'
"Are you excited!" He asked happily.
"Hmm, I don't know..." I said with a smirk.
"I see you're back to normal, heh." He said with a slight chuckle.
"Oh so what, I wasn't 'normal' before?" I asked, I was just playing at this point.
"I didn't mean it like that!" He yelled.
"I'm joking." I told him as we both started to laugh.
"I know." Was his reply.
We continued to walk towards y house, which was a small dark grey two story house. When we got there we both went inside and I watched as Izuku looked around my house.
"It is so homey!" He said, his brightness could rival the sun.
"It isn't that much, the first floor just has a small kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and my parent's bedroom, which wasn't used much. And the second floor was just my room." I told him.
"Woah." He said.
"I am gonna need to buy sunglasses." I comment, he then looks over with a look that screamed 'seriously?'
"Uhm, I will stay in here while you go get your stuff, sound good?" He asked.
"Yeah, I will be down in a sec." I say while walking up the stairs to my room.
Once I got in, I changed into some casual clothes which was a plain purple t-shirt, dark blue leggings, and a slightly oversized light grey hoodie. I then got a change of clothes for tomorrow which included a blue sweater and black leggings. I then grabbed anything else I would need and headed back down stairs.
"Ok, let's go!" I told him standing by the front door.
"Yeah!" He replied running out the door. I walked out after him.
"What should we do so the walk isn't boring?" I asked him.
"Hmmm, I wonder." He started to say, and then a lightbulb went off in his head, "first one to my house gets to say what they want for dinner!"
"You're on!" I say as we both start running back to Izuku's place.
(Mini Time Skip + Izuku's POV)
"How- *huff* do you- *huff* run so- *huff* FAST?!" I yelled trying to catch my breath. We had gotten back to my house in like, three minutes, and Kit barely won.
"I- *huff* don't- *huff* know-" She replied. In all honesty she looked more out of breath than me.
"You two got here quick." My mom said as we walked through the door.
"Yeah.." I said finally done catching my breath, but Kit was still huffing.
"So- *small huff* you said- *smaller huff* that I could say what I want for dinner, right?" She said, catching her breath.
"Only if it is ok with my mom!" I told her.
"Wait- your telling me I sprinted here so I could maybe say what I want for dinner?!" She yelled, she looked so irritated.
"Well, what do you want for dinner?" My mom chimed in. My mom is so nice, like her amount of niceness can't be put into words or numbers. She wins best mom award for sure.
"I was gonna say ramen to be honest. But now I a realizing that you probably can't do that." Kit said. I remember her telling me that she liked ramen, so I wasn't surprised.
"Well, we actually have a big package of ramen that I could make, I would just have to boil it and throw a few veggies in, maybe some chicken or fish, oh and eggs!" My mom said. Wow, she was going all out.
"That actually sounds good!" I exclaimed, not gonna lie, I am now very hungry.
"Really?!" Kit asked, she practically had sparkles in her eyes.
"Of course!" My mom said.
"THANK YOU!" Both me and Kit said at the same time. 'Great minds think alike.' Kit thought to me, 'That must be pretty literal for you.' I responded.
"Ok, I am going to go get that started, feel free to do whatever you want for now." My mom said as she walked to the kitchen.
"So, what should we do?" I asked Kit once my mom had left.
"I don't know? Do you have any board games?" She asked.
"No, but we have Uno!" I replied.
"You do know how destructive Uno can be right?" She asked me with a brow raised.
"Good point. Do you have any better ideas?" I asked.
"Do you like drawing?" She asked, a smile forming on her face.
"Uh, YEAH!" I yelled.
"We can draw then! I even brought a few sketchbooks with me." She said digging through her bag of stuff. I forgot, no only did she beat me here, but she was also carrying stuff and beat me.
"Do you want to listen to music while drawing?" I asked her.
"Sure! I actually have two songs I wanted to show you as well.." She said finally grabbing her sketchbooks, her phone, and headphones.
"Ok, let's draw in my room!" I say running to my room. She didn't know where anything was yet, so she had no choice but to follow.
Once we got to my room we sat down on the floor and Kit gave me a sketchbook and some color pencils that she had also brought with her. I also grabbed my headphones.
"Ok, so what songs did you want to show me?" I asked, to be honest I was really curious.
"Well, I like them for one, and fo two, I kind of feel like they kind of go with you and somewhat me I guess? I don't know." She said, not answering my question.
"Just tell me what they are called so I can listen to them!" I exclaimed.
"Ok, so they are both by the artist 'grandson' and one is called "Blood // Water" and the other is called "Darkside" in all honesty, I feel like "Darkside" is just describing you." She said chuckling.
"Hmm, well I think a song that reminds me of you is "Therefore I Am" by 'Billie Eilish.'" I told Kit, not gonna lie, she does kind of remind me of said artist.
"Ok, I am going to listen to those while we draw then. Uhm, what should we draw?.." I said realizing that we hadn't thought things through.
"Let's draw cats." She said. I was about to ask her if she was serous, but when I looked at her she just had a dead serious look.
"Sure!" I say, I wasn't going to argue.
(Time Skippy + Inko Midoriya's POV)
Kit Yasuko was kind. She obviously cared for Izu, in a friend way of course, and she also didn't judge his quirk, and for that I am grateful.
I started to boil the water that I would use to make the ramen. (SHUT UP TODOROKI)
I still can't wrap my head around today. I almost lost Izuku, my own son. I had no idea that it was that bad. And then I also met Kit Yasuko, who was very supportive and understanding. But it doesn't stop there, Kit Yasuko also knows about Izuku's quirk. Thankfully, she didn't judge.
"I never found out what her quirk is, I will have to ask her.." I thought aloud. Just then I heard someone walk into the kitchen.
"Oooo, you have fancy ramen!" Yasuko said with a smile on her face.
"It really isn't that fancy or anything, it is just the noodles." I told her, her standards were incredibly low.
"Well, I kind of live on Top Ramen, so this is a sight for sore eyes." She replied rubbing the back of her neck.
"Well, I have another package, so if you want it you can keep it." I said.
"Nah, you should keep it. That way I can have a reason to come back, hehe." She told me.
"Ok then." I said with a smile on my face, I then decided to ask her, "What is your quirk? I was just wondering since you never said anything about it."
"Well, it is considered a 'villainous' quirk..." She said trailing off.
"A lot of quirks are, but that doesn't matter. The user being a good person is the only thing that matters." I told her, hopefully that will make her feel somewhat better.
"True." She said with a small smile appearing on her face. "My quirk is called Telepathy, it allows me to read minds, send my thoughts to others, and give others hallucinations and headaches."
"Cool!" I reply. She had a powerful quirk I must admit, but I know she didn't use it for evil.
"You really think so?" She said looking at me with a look in her eyes that made me sad. it was a glimmer of hope, a sign that she had probably never heard someone compliment her quirk before, or at least not often for I am sure that Izuku also complimented it.
"Of course! There is no such thing as a villainous quirk in this house." I tell her, she just beams in response.
"I am happy to hear that then." She said giving me smile before walking back Izuku's room.
I wonder if this is her first sleepover, she does seem new to the concept.
(Kit Yasuko's POV (again))
"So, what do you think of the music?" I asked Izuku.
"It isn't the type of music I listen to often, but I like it!" He said with a smile. "What do you think about the song I told you about?"
"I like it. I actually listen to this artist quite a bit, so it cool to know that you have listened to them before." I replied.
"Cool!" He responded.
"Welp, I am done with my cat drawing." I told him.
"Really? Me too." He said.
"Ok, so on three we show each other, sound good?" I asked.
"Yeah!" He exclaimed.
"THREE!" We said at the same time as we swapped sketchbooks.
His drawing was really realistic and really captured the fuffliness of a cat. I liked it! The cat he drew was a tabby by the looks of it as well.
"Woah, your's is so cute!" Izuku told me.
"Your's is really realistic!" I told him.
"Your's looks like a siamese and it is almost like an anime art style, which I think is hard to do, so good job!" He complimented.
"Thanks, but I couldn't dream of drawing this realistic." I replied.
"Heh, thanks." He said.
"Dinner is ready!!" Inko Midoriya yelled from downstairs.
"COMING!" Izuku said running out of his room with me following.
(Time Skip to after dinner)
"That was so good! I haven't had that authentic ramen in a long time!" I told Inko.
"It really wasn't authentic." She replied.
"Just take the compliment please? I don't think I have ever had suc good ramen before." I responded. I find it annoying when people don't accept compliments, although I am no better.
"I agree with Kit!" Izuku chimed in.
"Well, should we watch a movie before bed?" Inko asks us. Oh wait, that reminds me, where am I going to sleep?
"A movie sounds fun!" Izuku said answering Inko's question.
"I agree with Izuku, but I have a question of my own." I told Inko.
"Ask away!" She exclaimed.
"Where am I gonna sleep?" I asked her.
"Why don't we make a blanket fort in here." Izuku suggested.
"Good idea!" Inko said.
"What is a blanket fort?"
Heh, the rest of the sleepover is up for your interpretation. I hope you liked it! It took me a while to write this chapter, no because I lost motivation or anything, but rather because I wasn't on the computer as much.
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