
(Kit Yasuko's POV)

"-and take a swan dive off the roof." 

Oh. I don't get pissed off easily. But this jerk just told my friend to kill himself. And I was ready to unleash hell on him.

"Why don't you keep your mouth shut Bakub*tch, you have NO right to tell anyone that. Do you hear me?!" I say with my head down. My voice was laced with venom and dangerously low. 

"Who are you, AND DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!" He yelled back.

"Who said you need to know who I am? Oh, and for your information, I can tell you to shut your damn mouth whenever I want because what you just said is unacceptable." I was starting to sound like a teacher's pet, jeez.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled.

"Huh, not even a good come back. You really are all talk aren't you?" I said, testing him. He then come stopping over towards me, mini explosions coming from his hand.

"Watch out!" Midoriya yells to me.

Suddenly Bakugo drops to the floor clutching his head. I just walk out of the room, pulling Midoriya out with me.

"What did you just do to him?" Midoriya asks me as we exit the campus.

"I used my quirk to give him a headache, he should be fine now because we are more than twenty feet away from him now." I answer him. I was still mad, so my tone was harsher than I intended.

"Oh. I am sorry." He replied.

"Why in the world are you sorry? He just told you to jump off a roof for god's sake!" I said to him. He is way too nice for his own good.

"I am sorry that you had to intervene." He told me.

"Don't be. I couldn't just let someone tell my friend that." I told him.

"I-  Thank you Yasuko." He replied.



"Call me Kit." I told him.

"Ok, call me Izuku." He responded.

"Ok." And then we began the peaceful walk back home. We apparently lived somewhat close to each other, so we walked home on the same route for most of the way. 

We walked in silence. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't the most comfortable either. I could tell that we were both thinking about what had just happened back at school. I felt good for sticking up for Mido- Izuku, and he was happy that I did as well. But I was still hung over the fact that now Bakugo, the most arrogant person at school, knows I exist now, which means that I will probably be getting more negative attention in the future. But Izuku was thinking of something else, something that concerns me.

'What if I did jump, what would he do then?'

"Don't think like that. Please." I say aloud.

"Huh? O-oh yeah..." He replied looking guilty.

"Don't feel bad, I would probably be thinking that if I were you as well. But I don't want you to hurt yourself." I told him. I didn't want to lose my first friend.

"Ok, I will try! Oh shi- shoot, I said shoot. You didn't hear anything." He said covering for himself.

"Oh shoot what?" I responded, I couldn't help but laugh at his cover up though.

"Kacchan threw my notebook out the window... and I didn't grab it.." He said looking down.

"Don't worry, you keep walking home, and I will go back and grab it!" I told him. I then turned around and starting walking back.

"Wait! I need to tell you where I live first!" He yelled towards me.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that part." I said giggling. I hate giggling, I would rather chuckle, but I giggle every once and awhile.

"Here." He says, he then hands me a note that has his address on it so I could drop the book of at his house.

"Ok, see you later Mido- Izuku!" I yell to him, while slowly jogging back the way we came.

"See you later Kit!" He yelled back. It seems that he remembered to call me Kit better than I am when it comes to remembering to call him Izuku.

(Miniature Time Skip Brought to you by a author that is too lazy to write Kit walking back to the school)

I finally got back, only to find Izuku's notebook in the koi pond. Great.

It isn't only burnt, is also has water damage.

Hopefully Izuku won't be too mad. Who am I kidding, he is gonna be furious and sad. Furious because his notebook is almost ruined, it might be salvageable though. And sad because, well I don't know, Bakugo did this?

I grabbed the notebook, which was titled "Hero Analysis For The Future" with a thirteen on there as well I think, I couldn't tell because of the burns. This must have been the notebook where he writes about quirks, interesting.

Now I am realizing that it isn't too damaged. So, I started to read it on my way to my friends house to drop it off. 

(Izuku's POV)

I couldn't tell if the day was bad or not, I mean Kacchan was really mean back there, but Yasu- Kit was also there and she was nice. Did they cancel out each other? 

Ehh, I think I can just go with, some of it sucked, some of it was good. Half 'n half.

I was walking home, Kit had left a few minutes ago to get my notebook  for me, and I was about to walk through a small tunnel. About halfway through the manhole cover started to shake.(Thank you @anime_fic_writer for telling me what it is called)

Then out of said manhole came a slime thing. It was big and green, and very fluid looking. It then turned towards me. Oh crap.

Well now I am wrapped up in this slime thingy, which is obviously a villain, and it is suffocating me while saying that I am going to basically become a bodysuit. I wanted to scream, and I was struggling, but nothing was working. 

I was going to die.

My vision started to fade and I was struggling less. I didn't have the strength to keep fighting, or keep my own eyes open for that matter. But just as I was about to fade into unconsciousness I saw something, I could make out the colors yellow, blue, and red. 

"All.... Might?...." Was all could barely get out before I fell into unconsciousness.

I woke up to a rapid slapping sensation on my cheek.

Alright, who the hell is slapping me right now?

I slowly sat up. When my eyes finally adjusted I was met with none other than my favourite hero.

"A-all M-might?!" I stutter out.

"I thought I lost you there for a sec." He exclaimed. Was I that close to dying?

"I-I- can I have your autograph?" I need to get my sutter under control, but can you blame me? I am talking to the All Might!

"Uh, sure do you have anything for me to sign my boy?" Did he just call me 'my boy?' Ugh, get your thoughts straight Izuku! I went to grab my notebook only to find it not there...

Oh yeah, Kit was grabbing it for me.

"O-oh uh.. I don't have it with me right now.." I say sadly.

"Izuku!" I heard none other Kit as she came running through the tunnel, my notebook in hand, and a concerned look on her face.

"Huh, who are you young lady?" All Might asked her.

"I am Kit Yasuko, Izuku's friend. I left to grab his notebook like twenty minutes ago.." She said while huffing. I guess she wasn't a runner.

"Thank you so much Kit!" I say to her. Huh, I guess I don't stutter when talking to her, maybe that is a sign of being friends with someone, I wouldn't know. 

"Now, why is All Might here?" She asks after she caught her breath.

"He was attacked by a villain, but I got the situation handled!" All Might told her for me, while signing my notebook! 

"T-thank you All Might!" I exclaim.

"No problem kiddo, but I gotta bounce now." He informed me and Kit.

"No you can't!" I say chasing after him. He was about to do his cool super jump thing, I didn't have time to think, but I needed to ask him something. So I did the unthinkable-

I grabbed on to him when he jumped. 

"IZUKU!" I could hear Kit's worried yells in the distance, but I eventually couldn't hear them anymore. 

"I think I just saw my life flash before my eyes.." I mumbled after we landed.

"Are you crazy?!" All Might asked me.

"No..." I mumbled, still slightly in a daze.

"Well, your actions say otherwise." He replied.

"I need to ask you a question!" I yell as he starts walking away. The question I have isn't really true, and it feels weird saying it, but it isn't like I have a chance at becoming a hero with my quirk.

Suddenly, All Might started coughing up blood, and deflated?!

"Wha-wha-WHA?!" I exclaimed in surprise. 

"Yeah, now you know the truth." He said, his smile was gone, his voice as deflated as his body.

"H-how?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"I got an injury about five years back in a fight." He said lifting up his shirt to reveal a nasty looking scar on him abdomen. "It took out one of my lungs and my stomach isn't in the best condition, hence the blood I just coughed up. All the surgeries left me worn out, educed to this skeletal form."

"O-oh, then how do you look all buff all the time?" I asked, still confused.

"You know those guys at the pool who suck in their guts to make them look buff, yeah, I am like that. And I can only hold that form for around three hours." He explained. I was still confused but whatever.

"I need to ask you something." I said desperate.

"Ask away kid." He replied. He wasn't a fraction of how enthusiastic he was when he was in his 'buuf form.'

"Can I become a hero, without a quirk?" I ask. I am so incredibly scared of what his answer would be, but he is All Might, he has to say yes, right?

"Sorry, but it just won't happen. In some fights you just need a quirk. You could always become a police officer though, that is pretty well paying." He responded. And then he walked towards the door that leads to the inside of the building, but before he walked through he added, "Don't tell anyone about my secret. Oh, I am sure someone will let you in if you ang on the door a few times."

And with that he left...

me in pieces.

I collapsed. My dreams shattered. My life meaningless. Tears in my eyes. I was worthless. Kacchan was right. Huh, I am on a roof.

How convenient.

I started walking towards  the edge, I looked down, the building was placed next to a busy street. I decided against jumping from that edge, but I still have three more options. I found that the edge on the opposite side of the one I first checked had an empty street below.

I was going to do it.

And I did.

I was falling.

And then I heard something, no, someone.



I am evil. Also feel free to guess what Izuku's quirk is, for it shall be revealed in the next chapter. 

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