
Woohoo! This is just an exciting chapter that takes place before the sports festival, but after the USJ incident.


(Izuku's POV)

So, Kit finally woke up today.

It was two days after the USJ incident, and school was still out for the rest of the week. Today is Thursday. And Shinso, Kit, and I have been planning our next move as Mind Trick.

We were going to gather some information from the so called, 'League of Villains.'

Although Kit had fainted pretty early on, she still was able to gather things like names, and some of the emotions of the villains that attacked the USJ. Shinso and I also were able to gather a few things since we ere so close to the main fight the whole time. Kit also heard a few of their thoughts even when she was unconscious, so that is cool.

So, we know the names Tomura Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Nomu, and League of Villains.

Not a lot to go off of.

This is going to be difficult.

But also kind of fulfilling, considering we can use whatever information we get to blackmail them later, hehe.

(Shinso's POV)

School hasn't been in session for a few days, so me and Mido had been planning and strategizing. Then when Yasu woke up, we told her as well.

Now it is 5pm and I am walking over to Mido's house.

Yasu was already there because Mido's mom wanted to make sure she was alright after her mini 'coma,' especially because Yasu doesn't have anybody at home to watch over her.

We were planning on one of us going out by ourselves tonight. I think it was going to end up being me, considering Mido was still coming up with plans, and Yasu was still recovering.

Fun right?

I mean, yeah it is actually going to be quite fun.

I got to Mido's house and knocked on the door.

"Oh, hi Shinso!" Mido's mom, Inko, greeted me.

"Hi Inko!" I replied walking in.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Izu is in his room listening to music with Yasuko." Inko informed me.

"Ok, thanks Inko, I am going to go hang out with them for a bit." I told her with a smile, she just smiled back and walked back into the kitchen.

"Hi Mi-" I started.

"Shhhh." Mido quietly shushed me. I just gave him a confused look.

He then pointed to a sleeping Yasu who was slumped against the wall in the corner.

"Oh." I whispered.

"Do you want to go over the plan?" He whispered back.

"Uhm, sure. I won't be going out until 8pm though, right?" I asked, still in a whisper.

"Yeah." He answered whispering.

"Ok, tell me the plan." I said still whispering.

"So, since Kit was able to hear their thoughts even though she passed out, she was able to catch the city they went to, which most likely has their base. I need you to go their and just kind of scout out the area, and if you see anything worth investigating then take note. Whatever areas you find sus I will search up and get as much knowledge as possible, and then when Kit is up to it she can investigate using her quirk." Mido explained in a whisper.

"Ok, sounds good." I whispered back.

"Izu, Shinso! Dinner is ready!" Inko called from the kitchen.

"We shouldn't keep her waiting, right?" I whispered standing up.

"Yeah, let's go!" Mido whisper-yelled while running out of the room.

"Hey wait up!" I whisper-yelled back.

(I am tired of writing the word 'whisper.' Also, just a fun fact, every single time I spell a name, it says I am spelling it wrong, lol.)

Nom num nom.

I was eating some delicious sushi right now.

"Yum.." I hummed.

"I am glad you like it!" Inko exclaimed.

Nom num nom-

"Stop saying 'nom num nom.'" A tired looking Yasu told me from the hallway.

"He isn't saying anything though-" Mido told her.

"Well, then he was thinking it or something. My quirk has been annoying ever since the USJ incident. It is harder to tell the difference between thoughts and actual speech." She replied sitting down.

"Oh, I am sorry dear. Well, would you like some sushi?" Inko asked.

"No thanks, I am good." Yasu told her.

From what I know, Yasu hasn't eaten that much since the USJ Incident either.

"Yeah, whatever don't worry about it Shinso." Yasu said aloud.

"Huh?" Mido hummed confused.

"Sorry, I meant to say that telepathically. I think I am just tired, I am going to go to sleep on the floor." Yasu said standing up and walking back to the hallway she came from. She then came back with some blankets and pillows, and half asleep, and walked into the living room.

Then we heard a thump.

"I am going to go check on her-" Mido said standing.

After a few minutes Mido cam back into the dining room.

"She dropped all the blankets and pillows and flopped onto them, so she had a cushioned landing at least." Mido told us.

"Poor Yasu, what do you think is wrong with her quirk?" I asked.

"Well, she probably heard at least twenty people's thoughts in the USJ, and there were a lot of emotions behind everything and her brain probably overloaded. Now her brain is most likely just trying to take a break, so her quirk isn't working like usual." Mido theorized.

"You have a point, not only did she hear the thoughts of the heroes who were worried for the students, but also the students who were scared, and then th e rage of the villains." Inko mused.

"Yeah." I agreed. I had finished my food and I looked over, realizing that Inko and Mido had finished as well.

"I have mochi for desert!" Inko exclaimed also realizing everyone was done.

"Mmmmmm." I hummed.

"We have to save some for Kit though, she really likes mochi." Mido said running into the kitchen.

"Hey wait up!" This is the second time he left me to catch up dang it.

(Time Skip + Izuku's POV)

Ok, so Shinso just went out to investigate the city that the League of Villains went to, perfect.

I had to wait here and hope he doesn't get caught. If Kit had been in better shape, we all could have gone, or at least she could have went with Shinso for communication purposes. But since she wasn't in the best condition, aka she was half asleep while watching a movie with my mom. We also can't use communicators because if someone were to track the signal it could lead to us, exposing the fact that we are villains, which would be bad. (Listen to a person who knows nothing about technology write about technology)

"Hey Izu, could you stop taking, or thinking, or whatever you're doing please?" Kit asked, poking her head into my room. She looked sleep deprived, even though she had slept at least 9 hours today.

"Sorry, I will try to not think so much, I will just listen to music and draw or something." I told her. She mumbled a "Thanks." before leaving the room.

I put on my headphones and started playing some music, I decided to listen to "Blood // Water" by grandson. I also grabbed my notebook and started to draw.

I started to sketch out the helmet thingies we where when we are Mind Trick, the helmets in question were totally inspired by Star Wars since all three of us like the series.

I hope Shinso is alright.

(Kit Yasuko's POV)

Have you ever wished that you could just turn your quirk off?


Have you ever wished that you didn't have a quirk at all?


These are the questions I ask myself, it is night time so my quirk has been enhanced and I have an extremely painful headache.

I have not only my own thoughts and worries running through my head, but also Izuku's, Inko's and all of their close neighbor's thoughts as well.

It sucks.

"Hey Inko, I'm gonna go take a walk." I told Izuku's mom.

"Be sure to wear a coat and a hat, it is cold outside, especially during this time of the year. Also, make sure to take your phone, along with a form of defense or something since it is late at night." She replied.

"Ok, see you later Inko." I said after putting on my coat and a beanie, and putting my phone and the little laser blaster in my pockets.

"See you later Yasuko!" Inko exclaimed as I walked out the front door.

I liked walking in the cold night air, it cleared my head. There was also no one else out since it was almost 9:30pm. 

I wonder if there are any good stargazing spots.

(Shinso's POV)


I couldn't find a single thing about any 'League Of Villains' around the city. Just a few abandoned buildings, which I marked down since any of them could have been used as a secret base. I also made a simple hand drawn map as well.

So, it wasn't a complete waist of time.

I started to walk back, but I took a detour that lead through a park near Mido's house. I saw Yasu laying on the grass on a hill in said park.

'Hey Shinso. What'cha doing?' She asked me telepathically.

'Just walking back to Mido's place. What are you doing?' I thought.

'Stargazing, it helps me calm down. Probably because my mother's quirk is connected to the nighttime and stuff.' She responded with her quirk.

'Cool, I should probably go though, don't want to get caught with a student from UA right?' I thought.

'True, I should be back by 11pm, see you later Shinso.' She said telepathically as I continued my walk back to Mido's house.

Eventually thing will get more interesting, I am sure.

Speaking of interesting, I wonder if the Sports Festival was cancelled or not.


I am going to end the chapter here. Oof, I am sorry for being a bit inactive, I have just been busy doing other stuff irl, like drawing, hanging out with family, stuff like that.

This chapter also took a while to write because I became re-obsessed with FNaF and I have been doing some stuff for that, but I decided to continue writing this story as well since I still have plans for it.

Also, I am so very sorry for not updating in so long! I didn't have access to a computer, where I write, and was unable to. This chapter was supposed to be posted before I left for a bit, but I forgot to and wasn't able to post it until now..

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