A New Friend
Oh, you all have no idea how excited I am.
(Shinso's POV)
It was just another ordinary day. People at school avoided me because I had a 'villainous' quirk, and I was taking a walk on an empty street to clear my mind. Just an ordinary day right?
Well, mostly.
When I was walking a saw a boy with dark green hair falling from a building, i didn't know if they jumped or not, and then I saw a girl with black hair running towards where the boy would land.
I thought I was about to watch someone die to be honest.
But the boy never hit the ground.
So now here I am, sitting in my room wondering what the actual heck I just witnessed. First I saw the boy falling, the girl running to where he was, the boy levitated around 5 feet off the ground, the girl broke down, they hugged and probably comforted each other, and then they both left. I also followed them because I was curious. They went to a house, and I wrote down the address for future reference if I ever saw those two again.
I don't know why, but I felt like we could become friends.
Who am I kidding, since when did I, Hitoshi Shinso, have friends?
Well I will never know unless I talk to them. I sighed. I don't know who they are or where they go to school at though, so I will probably never get the chance to talk to them.
Why am I so hung over them though?
I saw two random teenagers around my age, and one of them almost died.
So why do I want to get to know them so badly?
What if I walked in that neighborhood that they went to? I mean, maybe I would run into them again? I have know idea honestly.
I guess I will just have to try.
(Izuku's POV)
Why do I feel like something is going to happen?
Why do I feel like Kit isn't the only person who saw me use my quirk yesterday?
"Hey Kit, was there anyone else who saw my quirk yesterday?-" I asked Kit, only to realize that she was still asleep. I was on the couch that had two blankets on it, one on me, and I was laying on the other one. She was on the floor which had a bunch of blankets and a few pillows, one of those pillows was the one I was using, but it must have fallen off the couch while I was sleeping.
It was only 8am, and it was Saturday, so I honestly couldn't blame her for sleeping in.
"Hey Kit, wake up." I say nudging her until she wakes up.
"WHA-" She says startled and sitting upright, only to realize that it is just me.
"Jumpy much?" I ask her.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!" She says breathing heavily.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I say truthfully.
"I forgive you, I guess." She says.
"Hey, I have a question for you." I tell her.
"Ok, shoot." she responds.
"Was there anyone else who saw my quirk yesterday?" I asked her.
"If there was someone else who saw they were over twenty feet away from us, because I didn't hear anyone else's thoughts. At least I don't think I did, the whole moment was really overwhelming to be honest." She answered. I sighed.
"What do you want to do today?" I asked changing the topic.
"We could always take a walk." Kit suggested.
"Ok, sounds good. I am going to go get dressed in my room, feel free to use the bathroom to change." I told Kit while walking to my room to change.
I put on a simple white shirt with some jeans. I then grabbed my phone just in case and a dark green coat.
I walked out of my room to find Kit waiting for me. She had black leggings on with a blue sweater.
"Ok, you ready?" I asked.
"Yeah, but shouldn't we tell Inko that we are going on a walk?" She responed.
"Oh yeah! You're right wait one sec, kay?" I told her while running through my house looking for my mom. Only to find a note in the Kitchen.
'I got called into work early today, sorry Izu. Feel free to do whatever you want in the time being, I will be back around 1:30pm.
-Love mom'
Huh, well then.
"She went to work early." I told Kit.
"Oh, well then let's go!" She said heading towards the door.
The walk was nice and peaceful. We ended up leaving my house at 9am, so it was still pretty cool outside. Good thing I brought a coat. Before we knew it, it had already been an hour of just us walking in silence.
That is when Kit saw a boy with lavender hair.
"Hey, I saw you both yesterday, are you ok? I saw what happened." The boy asked, he was wearing a black sweater with black jeans and seemed to be around our age.
"Follow us." I tell him with a serious look in my eyes. I then turned around and started speed walking towards my house. I didn't even stop to make sure they were following.
'This is gonna be a lot of explaining to do isn't it?' Kit asked me telepathically.
'Yeah, maybe we can be friends, well, as long as he isn't a jerk.' I respond.
'Maybe, it would be pretty awesome to get another friend.' Kit thought to me as she smiled, now walking next to me.
"My name is Shinso by the way." The boy with lavender hair told us, he was right behind us. His voice was completely monotone.
"My name is Midoriya, nice to meet you Shinso." I replied, now walking backwards.
"I am Yasuko, nice to meet you." Kit told him without moving.
Why do I feel like this is the start of something big?
(Time Skippy + Shinso's POV)
I saw them! I don't know why, or how, but I saw them again! Then I walked up to them and told them I saw what happened yesterday..
And now I am sitting the house they went to yesterday.
Answering questions,
And getting no answers.
"So... do you think my quirk is 'villainous?'" the green haired one, Midoriya, asked me after explaining the full situation and his quirk, oh and the fact that I can't tell anyone. He must really be trying to avoid quirk discrimination huh?
"No, I don't think any quirks are 'villainous,' only the person that has the quirk can decide if it is used for good or evil. I would know, my quirk is called Brainwash, basically I can control anyone who verbally responds to me." I replied. Neither one of them are probably going to respond after telling them my quirk...
"Cool!" Yasuko said, a genuine smile on her face.
"Yeah, we all have mind related quirks that are considered villainous then, hehe." Midoriya said. I didn't know what Yasuko's quirk was yet, but apparently it is also mind related.
"Telepathy, I can hear the thoughts of anyone within twenty feet of me, I can transmit my thoughts to others, I have 'mind tricks,' and I can give people headaches. I know it sounds overpowered, but all of those things give me a headache. But you can't judge." Yasuko told me. Ohhh, she heard my thoughts, that is why she told me, huh.
"It is kind of creepy at first isn't it?" Midoriya chimed in.
"Yeah I guess, but I think a more fitting word for it would be surprising though." I answered, a small smile on my face.
"Yeah, see? Shinso is nice." Yasuko said elbowing Midoriya.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Well, friends?" Midoriya said.
"Huh, what do you mean?" I asked confused.
"He means, are we friends or not?" Yasuko clarified.
"I haven't exactly had friends before.." I told them.
"Neither did we." Midoriya said.
"Ok, friends." I answered smiling. That's the first time I have smiled this much in a while, it felt good. I feel like this is the start of a good friendship, I really do.
(Kit Yasuko's POV)
I have reached an accomplishment.
I know have not one, but two friends.
I feel proud of myself.
"Well, what should we do now? It is already 11am, and your mom won't be home until 1:30pm, so now what?" I asked.
"Well, I'm new... so I don't really know either." Shinso said.
"Well, we should probably make some food considering we haven't eaten at all today.." Izuku answered.
"Oh, I haven't eaten today either, so food sounds good." Shinso replied.
"I don't think any of us feel like making anything, so why don't we go into the city to see if there is anything good there?" I suggested.
"Sounds good!" Shinso exclaimed.
"We could all pitch in with the check." Izuku said.
"Yeah, but where should we go?" I asked. I didn't go out to eat often, so I didn't really know any good places.
"Why don't we go to the 24hr Cat Cafe?" Shinso suggested.
"Where?" Izuku asked. I had no idea what a 'cat cafe' was either, so I was confused as well.
"Well, it is basically just a normal cafe, except it has cats.." Shinso explains, he looked slightly embarrassed.
"Well if there is cats there then I am down." I said.
"I guess it is settled then, we will go the 24hr Cat Cafe!" Izuku exclaimed.
And with that we all were off to go to the 24hr Cat Cafe.
And then there were three.
I am so excited! I feel like Midoriya, Shinso, and yasuko are gonna make a great team, lol.
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