Chapter 6: Double Date Night [Part 1]

(Real quick, I just want to give credit to alexrelatado for some of the scenarios and details in this chapter. They were inspired by his two Alexa Bliss x Male Reader stories titled Pure Heart. Thanks for inspiring me and many others man!)


(Friday, March 12th | 11:34 AM)


I awakened to see nothing but green hair in my face and immediately know who the culprit is. None other than the Ballsy Badass girlfriend of mine, Shotzi Blackheart. Seeing that she was asleep was enough for me to get up and head downstairs to cook us some waffles. I put my Beats Solo Pro headphones on and started up Biterphobia by Soul Intent, and started cooking... and also performing a mini concert like I always do when I listen to my music.


I wake up and quickly realize that Trystan had already woken up and left the bedroom, only to be hypnotized by the smell of waffles. I instantly got out of bed and went straight to the kitchen and stop right in my tracks upon seeing my boyfriend with his headphones on and without a shirt on. I couldn't even take my eyes off of his toned abs and his well-defined six pack. That is, until he asked me a question that took me out of my trance.

Trystan: Do you like what you see?~

Ash: *notices what she was doing* Oh!...No!

Trystan: It's ok babe. I'm just getting some payback for all of the teasing you've done to me. *chuckles* Oh, and the waffles are done. Do you want some bacon?

Ash: *visibly blushing* Sure.

Sometimes, I wonder how I got so lucky with him.


I love teasing her, even if she is the one who teases me first. No, actually I love her. I can't really remember the last time I was as happy as I am when I'm with her. I just hope that she will be happy during the double date tonight. After I finished making her plate, I brought both plates to the table and started to eat before started a conversation.

Trystan: So Ash?

Ash: Yes, babe?

Trystan: Are you ready for the double date with Jon and Renee tonight?

Ash: Definitely! Do you know where we're going?

Trystan: He never told me where yet- speaking of the devil.


Conversation with Ø

♏️Ø❌: Hey dude. Just wanted to let u know that Renee wanted the date to be at a Olive Garden. after that she wants to go to a Karaoke Bar too. u down?

Trystan🥊: I just have to see if Ash is down but yea Im down for showing you some of my rap skills. 😂

♏️Ø❌: Yeah yeah yeah man. just let me know what she says.

Trystan🥊: Will do man.


Ash: What did he say?

Trystan: He said that Renee wants the date to be at an Olive Garden and after we finish eating together, we will go to a Karaoke Bar.

Ash: I've actually never been to an Olive Garden before. Also... A KARAOKE BAR?!

Trystan: Yep! I knew all the time I spent practicing my rap skills would pay off, haha!

Ash: I don't really sing unless if it's at my house or a friends house, or at my new boyfriends house.~ *stands on her tip-toes to peck him on his lips*

Trystan: Well, I can't wait to hear that beautiful voice that I know you have tonight baby.~

Ash: I can't wait to hear you rap again tonight too.~

So we both finished eating our breakfast before Ash headed to shower. I let her borrow some of my clothes and my Axe 3-in-1 body wash, shampoo, and conditioner since she didn't bring anything except her phone and house key. After she did finish she walked out in my Naruto shirt and a pair of my workout shorts which made her look like Billie Eilish.

Trystan: You look too cute with my clothes on baby! Haha!

Ash: Oh, shut up!

Trystan: What? I was just telling you the truth! *chuckles*

Ash: I won't be wearing this for too long, thank god...

Trystan: I suppose you're ready now?

Ash: Yes, I am.

Trystan: Alright. I just have to put a shirt and some deodorant on so I'll be right back.

I went to my room and grabbed my mentor's shirt and put on my Axe Anarchy Deodorant before returning to Ash.

Trystan: You ready babe?

Ash: Yes, lets go.

Trystan: *holds open the front door for her* After you, ma'am

Ash: You're such a dork sometimes. *giggles*

Trystan: Correction: I am a geek sometimes.

Ash: How many more things will I find out about you that are unexpected of you?

Trystan: Trust me, there is a lot you don't expect about me.

Ash: Well later I will be asking more questions about you. Just a heads up.

Trystan: Alright, just whenever you want to.

By that point, we were already in my car and heading towards her house. I decided to play the song I was going to rap later tonight, which was another Eminem song: Killer (feat. Jack Harlow & Cordae) [Remix].

(A/N: Fun fact: I can actually rap Eminem's verse in that song.)

Ash: Oh, by the way babe, do you know what song you will rap tonight?

Trystan: Actually, I am thinking about rapping this one.

Ash: Alright. I don't really know what I will sing yet.

Trystan: No matter what song you pick, I know you will sound beautiful baby. *pecks her forehead*

Ash: *blushing* You always know how to make me feel better about myself babe.

Trystan: *chuckles* I try.

After another few minutes we made it to her house, and to make sure she was safe, I walked her to her door before giving her a kiss goodbye. I then went back to my car and realized I had 6 or 7 more hours left until I had to come back and pick up Ash and go meet Jon and Renee. I changed my song to the second song I would rap/sing, hopefully to Ash's surprise or shock, it depends on how she might take the lyrics.


I was sitting on my couch playing my PS4, before my phone vibrated as I received a text from Jon.


♏️Ø❌: Hey dude. Just letting u know that the double date is in 2 hours

Trystan🥊: Alr. Im gonna start getting ready then see u there

♏️Ø❌: see u 2 there


So then I headed to my bedroom to change into a surprise outfit that I bought for this occasion.

I figured since I would be rapping in both songs, and the first one was made by my favorite music artist, that I should take some inspiration from his live performance of Lose Yourself at the Oscars last year by dressing as he did.

Trystan: I hope that those three have seen Em's performance last year. *chuckling to himself*

I then headed to my bathroom and put on my Axe Black Cologne and Axe Phoenix Deodorant, since I had already taken a shower an hour ago. I checked the time on my phone and seen I had another hour and a half until the date, so I layed down on the couch and started scrolling through Instagram. After about 45 minutes of scrolling through Instagram, Twitter, and posting on my Snapchat story, I decided to start working on a new YouTube video for my channel.

Trystan: Hey guys and girls, it is me: 'The Kickass of Anarchy' TKA! Yes, I am back again with a new vlog, and today is the weekend after my debut in NXT and you all know that I haven't been uploading ever since my last match in NJPW against KENTA after which I dropped the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship to him. But nonetheless, I have returned to YouTube and I have achieved one of my wrestling dreams, which is getting signed to WWE!

After I finished the last few parts of the vlog, which was just me letting everybody know what has been happening after NJPW, me talking about my return, what I would be doing later tonight, and a few parts of the video had Blaze and Princess in it.

Trystan: So, I hope I helped all of you guys catch up with my personal life. As always, thanks for watching and I will catch you in the next one!

By the time I finished I had about 20 minutes left until the date. Since the drive to the Olive Garden is about 10 to 15 minutes I texted Ash to leave her know.

Trystan🥊🖤: 5 mins til we have to leave babe 😘

Ash💣💚: ok r u picking me up

Trystan🥊🖤: ofc baby im just about to head over so make sure u have everything u need

Ash💣💚: i already did see u when u get here babe 😍

Trystan🥊🖤: see u in a min baby 😻


I got out of my car and walked to the door before knocking as usual. Upon her opening the door, we sat there for a minute in awe of each other's outfits. I honestly don't know why she was shocked by mine, because I normally wear stuff like this. But for me, I really was in awe.

Trystan: Damn...

Ash: Wow... You look almost exactly like Eminem, especially with the stubble.

Trystan: You went all out too. Only you dressed as yourself and I dressed as Em, but again damn you look beautiful.

Ash: I try my best. Anyway, are you ready?

Trystan: I'm ready for anything when I'm with you baby. Hopefully there's no douche flute using paparazzi around to ruin this though.

(A/N: Another reference to another one of my inspirations in MrC1997, with his Rhea Ripley story "Breaking All the Rules". 🤘🏻🖤)

I walked with her to the car so we could start the drive to the restaurant, opening her door before getting in on my side. After I start the car, put it into drive and pulled out of the garage/action figure room of my house, Ash had already started a conversation again.

Ash: And you won't have to worry about paparazzi much longer babe.

Trystan: What do you mean?

Ash: I mean that tomorrow morning we can reveal our relationship to the universe on social media.

Trystan: Alright. As long as my beautiful badass is happy, then I'm happy too.

Ash: That's the man I wanted to see tonight! Now let's not keep Jon and Renee waiting.

Without a second to spare, I darted out of my driveway and towards the Olive Garden they would be meeting us at. I also decided to call Mox and let him know we were on the way, while I had my phone on the car's bluetooth audio.

Trystan: Hey Mox.

Jon: Hey man.

Trystan: I just called to let you know we were on the way there and have about 5 minutes til we make it there.

Jon: Alright. Me and Renee just left and will be there in 10 minutes so you guys have some more time to makeout.

Ash: I heard that!

Jon: Oh shit. I plead the fifth. *laughs*

Trystan: Honestly, sometimes I just have to tell you: Fuck you. Y'know that Jon?

Jon: Renee feels the same way, trust me.

Trystan: I feel for her and you guys' new baby. Anyway, I can't wait to see you two in person after nearly 5 years!

Jon & Renee: We can't wait either!

Trystan: Well, text me when you make it because we just pulled in the parking lot and now we're waiting on you guys.

Jon: Alright see ya.

Trystan: See ya.

As soon as I hang up, Ash leaps into my lap and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me in a passionate kiss.

The kiss went on for 7 minutes, with us taking small breaths in between, all before stopping and Ash laying on my chest and abs with me wrapping my arms behind her back to keep her close, before recording a short video of us two together to post tomorrow, confirming the small rumors within the WWE Universe.

Trystan: Now I have a video to show the fans tomorrow.

Ash: I'm sure they will accept it too babe, so don't worry.

We stayed like that for about 5 minutes, with Ash falling asleep on me after I let the back of my seat down. Too bad we were waiting on the most annoying person in Jon, as he hit the window lightly enough to not break it, but for us to still jump like hell.

Jon: *laughs* Look at you two jumpers!

Trystan: Yeah yeah, laugh all you want, you woke up Ash. Fuck you, Moxley.

Jon: *in a mocking tone* Awww, is the Kickass angry over his Badass?

Trystan: Like I said, Fuck you.

Ash: Honestly, Jon...

Jon: Alright, let's get inside to eat.

Ash got off of me and sat back in her seat to wait for me to open her door for her. Then I hugged Renee and fist bumped Jon, before we all went inside to eat.


Me and Jon both split half the price of the food, before all of us left and got into our respective cars to head toward the karaoke bar. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I have had this much fun. One thing I do know....

I love Ash!

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