Chapter 5: New Superstar, New... Relationship? [Part 2]


I was woken up by non-stop notifications from my Social Media accounts. The fans were going crazy over my debut on NXT last night, much to my surprise because I didn't make too much of an impact when moved to NJPW after I was finished with EAW. I went to YouTube to see that WWE posted the Top 10 for last night, so I watched the video and my debut was number one. I honestly don't know if that's good or bad, but Ash and Adrienne's title win was number two, which is funny, since we just started dating as of last night also... and speaking of the devil, or Badass.

Ash 💣💚 is calling...

(A/N: BTW, whenever Trystan is in a call then the font will be in italics and if it's in-person, it will be normal text)

Ash: Hey, babe!

Trystan: Hey, my Badass!

Ash: Now you're getting use to the nicknames! Haha!

Trystan: Trust me, I didn't feel comfortable saying it.

Ash: Anyways, have you checked your social media yet?

Trystan: Last night I did. Plus, I was actually woken up by social media notification up the ass!

Ash: Eh, you'll get used to it after a week or so.

Trystan: I hope, because I'm not a morning person!

Ash: I had already guessed that ever since we first met, so that just confirmed it. Haha!

Trystan: Yeah... The fact that I had a lot of fucked up things that happened to me in my childhood never helped me either...

Ash: Well, do you want to talk to me about it later?

Trystan: Sure... It always helps me whenever my depression and anxiety gets to me, to vent to somebody.

Ash: And there's another thing that I never knew about you!

Trystan: Get ready for today then. There's a lot you wouldn't expect me to have, done, or gone through in my life.

Ash: Well in that case, I'll see you soon babe. Love ya!

Trystan: Love you too, my Badass!

I ended the call and went to go get a shower. After the shower, I decided that I should go out to get me some lunch in about 30 minutes to an hour. So with that decided for later on, I went to turn on my PS4 to play some WWE 2K17 this time. Upon turning it on and connecting my controller, I got another call...

♏️Ø is calling...

It was my mentor, inspiration, and best friend: Jon Moxley, so of course I answered it.

Trystan: Hey Jon!

Jon: Hey man. Just wanted to call and see how you have been.

Trystan: I've been way better than I was back when I still lived in Japan for NJPW. How have you and Renee been?

Jon: We've been good. Also, I seen your debut. I think it was a good way to introduce you to the NXT roster.

Trystan: Thanks, Mox!

Jon: So, have you gotten a girl yet?

Trystan: Actually, I have.

Jon: What's her name and ring name if she's a wrestler too?

Trystan: Her ring name is Shotzi Blackheart, but her real name is Ashley Urbanski.

Jon: The new NXT Women's Tag Champ?

Trystan: That's her!

Jon: That's my boy!

Trystan: Oh, shut up! *chuckling*

Jon: Well, I'll let you go now. Talk to you later?

Trystan: Yeah, I have to get ready for my date with Ash, anyway. Do you want to meet up with me and Ash this weekend, actually?

Jon: Sure. I'll go tell Renee, too.

Trystan: See you this weekend then!

Jon: See ya.

Then, I hung up the call, and finished my PS4 session.

(30 minutes later)

I was currently sitting on my couch, on my laptop searching around about my debut and how fans and my new co-workers reacted on Twitter. I managed to see a post by my new girlfriend...

@ShotziWWE: One of the most talented wrestlers in NJPW and EAW history, @TKAnarchy_WWE, has made history again after debuting and defeating @JohnnyGargano on #WWENXT last night! #TKAisNXT🔥🥊

I was super relieved that she didn't mention our relationship just yet. I learned not to tell anyone that you don't trust about your relationships when I was 12 and in the 6th grade. But I did reply...

@TKAnarchy_WWE: I went from EAW extremist, to the man who beat @JonMoxley, to a @WWE superstar! After I watched people like Chris Benoit and @RealMickFoley and dreamt of going here I finally fulfill my dream! Thanks to @ShotziWWE for the Too Sweet reply and praise! #TKAisNXT 🤘🖤
🖤 8K  🔃 14K  💬 45K  ⤴️

After I did post it, I got a text from my new girlfriend...

Ash💣💚:  I'm ready babe!

Trystan🥊🖤: I'll be over in a minute, my badass. 😻

Without any hesistation, I jumped up, put on my Adidas', and grabbed my Eminem x UFC 'Higher' Hoodie, just in case me or Ash need it.

(A/N: This song literally came out a few days before I will publish this chapter. And goddamn, can I relate! He just got a divorce with his ex-wife, around the same time that I broke up with my ex, she said we would get back together but no, she had to blow her chance and throw it in a dumpster fire along with my heart and soul. That's the reason I like writing is because it takes all my pain away knowing there are people who believe in me. It never helped with my Depression and Anxiety either...)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Trystan: I swear I've lost my faith! There is toxic waste up in my bloodstream! Every single man in the world only wants one thing! It's not sex, not beauty, not a piece of mind! It's a woman, that's okay if she is weak sometimes! I'm losing it, I swear to God I'm back to do some stupid shit! So many people out there are hurt and we call them lunatics, Because the pain, makes them do something that seems twisted! When all they fucking needed was someone to sit and listen, god damn!

After I emptied my feelings in the form of his song, I made it to Ash's house and I went to knock on her door. The door opened to reveal her, wearing the outfit from when we had our first hangout, which turned into a sleepover.

Trystan: If I didn't know any better, I would think you're trying to turn me on already!

Ash: Shut up!

Trystan: I'm just messing!

Ash: Honestly, I might be. You never know~

Trystan: Already teasing me, huh?

Ash: Don't lie! You like it when I do it to you!

Trystan: *blushing a light red* Whatever...

Ash: Don't think I didn't see that blush either!

Trystan: Let's go... I will become a blushing mess soon...

Ash: *giggling*

After she embarrased me I quickly escorted her to my car and we both got inside.

Ash: Wait what's this song?...

Trystan: Oh, it's just a song that really speaks to me and my past. Hopeless Romantic by Mac Lethal.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ash: You don't have suicidal thoughts though, right?

Trystan: I used to. It never helped because I had Anxiety and Depression along with it.

Ash: That's a relief! Please promise me you'll never attempt to hurt yourself for me babe...

Trystan: ....I can't say I won't forever.... But I'll try my best...Only for my beautiful badass.

Ash: Thanks...

Trystan: Hey, don't go all soft on me now! Here let me play a song that my dad used to sing to me...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I started to sing along to the song to let her know that I will never leave her side. After the song ended she was staring at me with a shocked expression on her face.


Trystan: What?

Ash: You're hot, you can rap, and you can sing too? I must be the luckiest girl in the world!

Trystan: *blushes, then looks away*

Ash: Hey, it's the truth!

Trystan: I know. I'm surprised you think I am hot...

Ash: If I didn't think that, I wouldn't say it to you babe!

It was true! He was super hot to me! I did try to turn him on earlier too. Guilty as charged! So what?


I knew she loved me but not say that I'm HOT! I mean, I know I have a pretty good physique, but damn! Calling me hot!? Anyway, we got out of my car and found a bench to sit on, then we continued the conversation from earlier

Trystan: Okay, whatever you say, baby...

Ash: Just curious. Are you doing something this weekend?

Trystan: Oh fuck! I meant to tell you that I invited Jon and Renee to go somewhere special this weekend.

Ash: Hell yeah! I was wanting to go maybe to a karaoke bar or play some mini golf, or maybe even go to Universal Hollywood!

Trystan: I'll be down for those! Especially Universal because I have only been to the one in Orlando back in 2013, and finally was able to finally ride the Jaws Ride. It sucks that they got rid of it, but at least there's still the one in Japan!

Ash: That's a place I was wanting to go to also! Tokyo, Japan!

Trystan: Well I guess there's something special about us two being together. We are just alike!

Ash: We need to get a tattoo to symbolize our love for each other!

Trystan: Again, I'm down!

Ash: Well besides that, did you want to talk to me about your childhood?

Trystan: Actually I would rather talk about that later...

Ash: Whatever you say, babe...

Trystan: But, I am just wondering. How did you know if my past in EAW and NJPW?


Fuck me!

Ash: Uhhhh, Adrienne...


Something didn't seem right about that answer from her. It felt like she was hiding something from me, and when people do that, I can't help but basically interrogate them until I find it out...

Trystan: Are you sure? It doesn't sound like you are telling the truth. So how did you?

Ash: *sighs* Alright... I have kind of been watching your whole wrestling career even before we met... From EAW to NJPW to NXT, I watched ALL of it...

I didn't expect that!

Trystan: .........WHAT?!....

Ash: Look, I have liked you even before you were in WWE! I'm sorry... *looks down in disappointment*

Trystan: I'm sorry for yelling, baby... I just never knew someone would care about me or love me that much...

Ash: Aww. Come here, my kickass!

She pulled me over into a hug which I happily returned this time. I almost felt like crying tears of joy, but I kept my cool.

Trystan: Anyways, are you getting hungry?

Ash: *stomach growls on queue* Apparently so! *laughs*

Trystan: Do you want Chipotle?

Ash: Hell yeah!

Trystan: Well let's go then! *chuckles*

We then, got up from the bench we were on and headed back towards my car, chatting some more on the way.

Ash: I honestly didn't expect you to be the Chipotle type of guy.

Trystan: That's not even though tip of the iceberg! Wait until we start carpooling together, then you'll see how weird I get, and why I drive to the events alone! *laughs*

Ash: Now I am starting to wonder what I got myself into. Haha!

Trystan: Most of my childhood friends said that when they seen my weird side, so you're not alone.

Ash: Even if you are weird, you will still be my man and my kickass!

As she says this she leans towards me a pecks me on my cheek, to which a chuckle and shake my head playfully.

Trystan: I love you too, babe.

Ash: You will never know how much I love you, baby.

I respond by lightly stroking her thigh which made her melt from my touch.

Ash: You have a hell of a touch, babe...

Trystan: I guess I do. *chuckling*

So after a 10 minute drive to Chipotle, I put on my aviators and we both got out. As soon as we got inside, we realized that it was pretty packed. But nonetheless, we still ordered our food and sat down. Just when we thought nobody would see us because we sat in the very back of the restaurant, a few fans came up to us asking for autographs, pictures, other shit like that. While I do like meeting the fans, I don't like them coming up to me in my personal time. But I still signed their stuff and went back to finishing up my food, before Ash did the same, and we headed out again. After we left and were in my car, Ash was quick to notice that I looked pissed off and stressed out.

Ash: You okay babe?

Trystan: Yeah. I'm just stressed the hell out.

Ash: Will this help?

Without hesitation, she leaned towards me and kissed my cheek. I couldn't really get anything out of my mouth, so I just grinned.

Trystan: That helped a ton babe. Thanks baby.

Ash: Anything for my man!

Trystan: The fans will flip whenever we go public, that's for sure.

Ash: You can say that again.

Trystan: So, do you want me to drop you off or do you want to come to my house?

Ash: I want to stay with my man! *pouts playfully*

Trystan: Okay then. *laughs*

So, after another few minutes of chatting about personal things, we made it to my house. I unlocked the door and held it open for Ash. After I got inside, I went to feed my cats before heading to the living room and starting yet another conversation.

Trystan: So, Ash.

Ash: Yes, babe?

Trystan: Did you have any friends from NXT that were called up to the main roster?

Ash: Oh yeah. The current Raw Women's Champion Rhea Ripley is one of them.

Trystan: Okay, not gonna lie, but I used to have a huge crush on her before I made it to WWE and before I met you. To be honest, I can't help but fall for a woman who is from Australia or New Zealand, or who likes dark and gothic stuff like I do.

Ash: You wouldn't cheat on me or leave me for someone else though, right?

Trystan: Of course not baby! To quote one of my favorite songs from Eminem: "You're my Xanax and my Valium. I'm an addict, you're a downer."

Ash: Aww! That's why I love you!

Trystan: Why is that? *smirking*

Ash: You're so damn sweet to me!

Without a moment of hesitation, she jumped onto my lap so quick that I didn't have time to flinch, before straddling me and smashing her lips onto mine. She then wrapped her arms around my neck, making the kiss deeper and more passionate as she slid her tongue into my mouth, catching me off guard. But, I just accepted it, and we made out for 2 more minute before pulling back.

Trystan: Can I ask you somethin' baby?

Ash: Anything.

Trystan: Do you think we are going a bit too fast?


As he said that, I realized that I was straddling him, so I immediately jumped off before laying my head on his shoulder.

Ash: Yeah, good catch. I guess I can't resist a Kickass!~

Trystan: And the teasing begins...

Ash: Get used to it!

I will take any opportunity to tease him when it comes to me!


After she started to tease me again, which turned me on just a little bit not gonna lie, I turned on the TV so we could watch a horror movie that I was always wanting to see, that being A Quiet Place 2.

Trystan: You like horror movies right?

Ash: Of course!

Trystan: Well, guess what we're gonna watch!

Ash: Uh.... I don't know...

Trystan: A Quiet Place 2!

Ash: Fuck yeah!

I then started the movie and went to grab some popcorn for us.


After the movie finished, I looked over to see Ash yawning and clinging to me like a koala would with a tree, making me blush a bit.

Trystan: Aww, is my baby getting tired?~

Ash: Yep.

Trystan: Well, hang on then, baby.~

I was finally able to get some revenge by teasing Ash! Anyway, I turned off the TV and put the popcorn bowl in the sink, which I will wash tomorrow because I am getting a bit tired too, and I went back to Ash and picked her up bridal style and took her to my bedroom before putting her down on the bed.

Trystan: I will be right back babe.

Ash: Where are you going?

Trystan: Just to get me some flavored water, then I'll be back.

Ash: You better! I still need my man to keep me safe!

Trystan: I will, don't worry baby. *putting his hands up*

I never break promises, and for proof, I walked right to my fridge and grabbed a Propel Grape Water, and then went straight back to my beautiful and badass girlfriend.

Trystan: See baby? I'm back.

Ash: Good. Now come here! *patting the spot next to her*

Trystan: I'm comin'!

With no hesitation, I got into the bed before taking a drink of my water.

Trystan: You want some, baby?

Ash: Sure!

She took the water from my hand and wasted no time drinking the whole bottle.

Trystan: I didn't say chug the whole thing! *laughs*

Ash: *giggles*

After she finished it I threw away the bottle, got back into bed and wrapped my arms around Ash which she did the same to me. After about 5 minutes we both fell asleep...

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