Chapter 2: A Better Introduction
Trystan's POV
(Tuesday, March 2nd)
I was awoken by my phone's alarm ringing in my ear. My flight-or-flight reflex kicked in, as I sat up in the bed almost exactly like The Undertaker does, and I got ready to kick someone or something's ass, as I am usually not a morning person compared to some. Although, I have gotten a bit more used to it being a pro wrestler and all. Anyways, I grab my phone and turn off my alarm to notice it was only 7:43 AM, so I brought my phone to the kitchen to cook me some Waffles and a Grilled Cheese Sandwich, and while cooking I was rapping one of my favorite rap songs by my favorite rap artist, Gnat by Eminem from Music to Be Murdered By: Side B, on my Beats Solo Pros.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(A/N: This is the part that Trystan AKA Me raps... Skip to 3:17)
Trystan: Then I got into a little bit of an argument with her. So I took a little lick of a Klonopin at dinner. Then I hit her with the motherfuckin' ottoman and bit her. Then I shot her in the liver, delivered her to the bottom of the river. But I'm probably gon' jump in the water with her. With a wad of money 'cause I got a lot of it. And when it come to drippin', I be soppin' like a hundred mile an hour. Never runnin' out of either one of 'em, I gotta get it 'cause. They say these bars are like COVID. You get 'em right off the bat. Infected with SARS and Corona. Like you took a bite off of that. Then it goes from Martian to human. That's how the virus attacks. They come at me with machine guns. Like trying to fight off a gnat.
By the time that Gnat stopped, my breakfast was done as I sat down at the Kitchen Island and ate it all before heading to my bedroom to pack my Beats, Skullcandy Method Earbuds, and some casual clothes to change into after my workout in my gym bag, I went to my bathroom and changed into my workout clothes and also put on some deodorant. Next, I went to grab my Naruto hat, phone, and my sports necklace along with a silver chain with a gem in the front, before leaving my house and heading to my Race Red 2019 Ford Mustang.
I then got into my car, connected my phone to my car's bluetooth, and started up Godzilla (ft. Juice WRLD) by Eminem. Then, I headed towards the gym, and after about 5 minutes, I made it. I walked inside, and there was only about 2 or 3 other guys in the gym, so I didn't have to worry too much about being bombarded with questions and cameras in my face. I went towards the treadmill and started with my workout, after 15 minutes I switched over to the bench press and put on 225 lbs, which was 15 lbs more than the last time I pressed. I was able to do 4 reps before I stopped and headed over to the punching bags to end my workout.
After about 20 minutes on the punching bags, I grabbed my bag and headed towards the showers, afterwards I changed into my casual clothes, which were my Naruto Hat, a Pokémon shirt that is underneath my Eminem X UFC "Higher" Hoodie, a pair of black ripped jeans, and finally my Red Nike Renew Ride 2 shoes. I got back in my car, and as I was connecting my phone's bluetooth to my car, I got a message from someone.
Ash 💣: Hey Trystan! Are you busy right now?
Trystan 🥊: Not anymore, since I just finished at the gym. Why?
Ash 💣: Ok. I was wanting to see if you would want to hang out with me, because I'm SUPER bored at my house. 🥱
Trystan 🥊: I'm down. Besides, I didn't know what to do once I got back to my house, either. Do you know where you want to go?
Ash 💣: Is it fine if you can pick me up and we go to your house?
Trystan 🥊: That's fine with me. 😁
Ash 💣: Ok! I will send you the address. 😊
Trystan 🥊: Alright. See you soon, Ash! 😁
With that, I went back to my house and started to clean it up, while I waited.
(1 hour later)
I had finished cleaning up the place about 30 minutes ago, so I went to the living room, turned on my PS4 and inserted WWE 2K20 and continued on the MyCareer mode as my actual character that is soon to be on NXT TV.
After about 30 more minutes, I felt my phone vibrating, I flipped it over to see a message from Ash.
Ash💣: I have all of my things ready. I'm just waiting on you now, Trystan.
Trystan 🥊: Ok, I'm about to leave my house right now. See ya in a little bit! 👋🏻
Ash💣: See ya!
I turned off my PS4, grabbed my car keys, and was on my way to get Ash. Thankfully, she had sent me her address, so I didn't have to text or call her. I wasn't really a social person in my life until I dated my first girlfriend in 6th grade, but after she broke up with me and moved on, I had always kept to myself and had always avoided relationships. Anyways, after 15 minutes of driving and singing P!ATD songs, I made it to her house. I walked to the door and knocked, to see Ash in her casual clothes.
(A/N: Just picture her without her helmet...)
I couldn't help but smirk at this, because she looked cute and hot at the same time, which I found to be a rarity when it comes to the looks of a girl. But, for me I felt like I would pass out right here! I eventually broke the silence after about 10 or so seconds of just standing, but one thing that was strange was that Ash was just stared at my chest and arms, like she was admiring my physique. It was so awkward, I just went ahead to talk to her, so I wouldn't feel any more weirded out.
Trystan: So, uh... Do you have everything you need for today?
Ash: I'm like... 93 percent sure that I do...
Trystan: Ok. If you did leave something, you owe me a tank like yours. *chuckles*
Ash: Like I would get you one! *giggles*
Trystan: *chuckles* Anyway, are you trying to impress me or something? *smirks*
Ash: *blushes lightly* Why do you say that?
Trystan: I don't know, maybe because the only place we were going is my house, yet you dressed like we were going on a date or something. *chuckles and shakes head*
Ash: *playfully punches him in the arm* Why would I need to impress you, of all people!? *laughs*
Ash's mind: I hope we will go on a date soon!
Trystan: That's just what I would've expected if I didn't have any context on what you wanted to do! Don't blame me for it! *chuckles*
Ash: Whatever, let's just head to your house. *chuckles*
After that exchange, I opened the passenger side door for Ash, then got into my side. But since I had another person in the car with me, I let her play her music and to my surprise, the song she played was another one of my favorites: Rise by Skillet.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Trystan: No way! You like this song too?!
Ash: Hell yeah!
Trystan: I should've known because of your tattoos, but it's still surprising for me!
Ash: Speaking of tattoos, if you like rock songs, why don't you have any tattoos?
Trystan: Actually, I only have 1 tattoo as of right now. Although, I will get as much as I can, as long as WWE will let me that is.
Ash: Can I see it?
Trystan: Yeah, sure!
After I showed her my only tattoo, for some reason, she just stares at it. Maybe, because of the tattoo itself, or maybe because she didn't expect my physique. I just hope it isn't the latter, because I just made it to the WWE, plus all this stress put on me since moving to California, I just really don't think I need a relationship right now.
Trystan: Uh, Ash?
Ash: ...
Trystan: Hello? Ash? *snaps fingers*
Ash: Oh! Yeah?
Trystan: Are you okay there?
Ash: Yeah. Don't worry about me though, just focus on driving.
Trystan: Whatever you say.
Ash's mind: That was way too close! Why do I even like him though? I should at least wait until he debuts, that way he is more comfortable with me.
Ash's POV
After what seemed like an hour of nothing but silence between us, the sound of Trystan's rap music the only thing separating me and Trystan from conversating, we finally got to his house. The whole ride I never said a word to him after I got lost staring at his six pack after he showed me his chest tattoo, I didn't want him to know I have feelings for him yet, at least not until he gets used to being in WWE. But, we get inside his house and he showed me around, he also showed me his two cats: named Blaze (he's a boy and the black domestic shorthair) and Princess (she's a girl and is the gray Russian Blue domestic longhair).
After he finished giving me a quick tour, he went to his living room and sat on the couch to play with his two cats. Meanwhile, I went to the guest room and put my bag down, before returning to the living room with Trystan. He was playing on his PS4 with Blaze on his lap, so I just sat on his other couch and started scrolling through my Social Media. After a while, we started up a conversation.
Trystan: So, being honest with me, how do you like being in NXT so far?
Ash: Well, so far it is really nice! The only thing that I think sucks is just that there are no Women's tag team titles. (A/N: Yes, a little foreshadowing, haha...)
Trystan: I mean, they must be stupid if they never introduce the tag titles. But, also are you in a tag team yet?
Ash: Yeah, I have one with Ember Moon.
Trystan: Really, I loved her stuff on Raw! You two make a excellent tag team for sure!
Ash: Thanks! I will have to introduce you to her soon, for sure.
Trystan: I really look forward to it!
Ash: Anyways, do you have any ideas for your ring attire, yet?
Trystan: Definitely! I made it in WWE 2K20, actually. I can show you if you want me to?
Ash: Sure!
Trystan: Here it is.
Ash: I love that attire, especially the tights! I guess you like hardcore wrestling, too?
Trystan: Hell yeah! Most of my matches from EAW were Hardcore matches, so I embrace it within my gimmick.
Ash: I am a huge fan of hardcore wrestling too!
Trystan: I think if we make it to the main roster, and WWE starts another Mixed-Match Challenge, that we would win the whole damn thing together!
Ash: Wait, does that mean you plan on staying in WWE?
Trystan: I plan on that at least.
Ash's mind: YES! That means I have a chance!
Trystan: You okay there, Ash?
Ash: Yeah! I am just thinking... *looks away*
Trystan: Are you sure? *looks deep into her eyes* If anything is troubling you, you can always come to me. I don't mind at all.
Ash: I'm fine, honestly...
Trystan: *sighs* Alright, whatever you say.
I was definitely sure that he knew that I was thinking about getting together with him, but I still could be wrong. God that was the weirdest event in my life! I just hope to god nothing like that happens again to me. I just decided to move onto another subject to avoid the whole thing.
Ash: So... have you made any other friends from NXT backstage besides me?
Trystan: Yes I have. I met Adam Cole, Bronson Reed, Finn Bálor, Kyle O'Reilly, Mercedes Martinez, Tomasso Ciampa, and Toni Storm, so far.
Ash: That's nice! Do you know how you're going to debut next week?
Trystan: So far, all I have been told is that I will interrupt a promo from Adam, which will lead into a match with him.
Ash: That's a good way of debuting for sure. It sounds really entertaining, so don't think I won't be watching your match! Haha.
Trystan: I'm glad you think so. It means a lot from you.
Ash: Don't mention it. What time is it, by the way?
Trystan's POV
I look at my phone to realize it is already 11:02 PM.
Trystan: Damn! It's already 11:02 PM! Do you want me to take you back to your house or no?
Ash: Is it fine if I stay here for the night?
Trystan: I don't mind. My room will be on the right of the guest room, just wake me up if you need something.
Ash: Okay. Thanks, Trystan.
Trystan: No problem.
So, I then went to my room to get clothes for a quick shower. Once I was out I noticed that Ash wasn't in the guest room anymore, so i dried off and went to look for her. Not that I was extremely overprotective or obsessed with her, but I just don't want her to go outside by herself and get kidnapped or robbed.
Trystan: Ash?
Ash: Yeah, Trystan?
Trystan: Fuck! You scared me so much!
Ash: Sorry! I was just going to get me a snack.
Trystan: That's fine. I am probably going to head to bed now, though.
Ash: Alright! See ya tomorrow.
Trystan: See you tomorrow.
I headed back into my room and jumped onto my bed. After about 15 minutes of laying there with my eyes closed, I felt someone shaking me, to which I look up at and see Ash looking at me.
Ash: Hey Trystan. I was wondering if I could sleep with you, if you don't mind? I can't sleep
Trystan: Sure! I couldn't sleep either so it would help me too.
Ash: Thanks a lot Trystan!
Trystan: Don't mention it.
I slid over to let her in the bed and kept a good amount of space between us, because it was awkward for me. Ash eventually slid over to me and cuddled with me instead. Leaving me with no where to go, so eventually I gave in and cuddled her back. It no doubt felt weird deep down inside of me, but it also felt like it was inevitable.
Ash: Don't think I came here to just lay alone, I needed a cuddle buddy after all!
Trystan: I-I don't know what I should do anyways...
Ash: *giggles* You're perfect like that.
Surprisingly, after 5 minutes, I fell asleep easily, all thanks to Ash... Is it meant to be after all? Probably not... But, being the nice guy I am, I did wish her a good night.
Trystan: Good night, Ash.
Ash: Good night, Trystan.
Then, I fell asleep, like I already mentioned, with my debut next week the only thing on my mind.
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