Chapter 6: The sea gate
A/n: Hello! My fellow readers, here is the next chapter to this story. Now the idea of adding double trouble to the harem I have asked in like what, two or three years ago? But I'm adding double trouble to the harem, plus the character in general does seem to be a fun one to do and include some very comedic moments. Now let's get the chapter started!
Y/n's pov
After Liberating the Horde troopers from poisoning Purfuma's land and her joining the Rebellion against the Horde, which was 2 weeks ago maybe three. Right now Queen Angella called in a meeting with me, Bow, Catra, Glimmer and Adora but we weren't the only ones since Spinnerella, Netossa and a Bright Moon soldier at the table.
Angella: Council, we're looking for plans to strengthen our defenses against the Horde. Who would like to go first?
Before anyone else could answer, Glimmer was the first to raise her hand to get her idea put on the table, which was kinda funny yet cute how she was going about it. But Angella does seem to want to at least know anyone else at the tables ideas first, before hearing Glimmer's idea.
Angella: Who besides Glimmer would like to go first?
Glimmer: *stands up* Mom- Uh, your Majesty. You should let me, Bow, Adora, Catra and Y/n continue our princess recruitment mission. If we can form a new Princess Alliance, the Rebellion would actually stand a chance for once.
Angella: The Princess withdrew from the last Alliance. They chose to focus on protecting their lands.
Glimmer: So, are we supposed to just give up? Please, let me try. All I'm proposing is a diplomatic mission.
Y/n: I'm willing to hear her idea out.
I look to Glimmer with a nod, which she returns one with a smile seeing I'm supporting her with proposing a mission to recruit another Princess to help fight the Horde.
Angella: So, what do you propose?
Glimmer then brings up a holographic map that shows both emblems of Bright Moon and The Horde, then an arrow that leads the Fright Zone to a part of the map that I have read reports on.
Glimmer: Anyone approaching Bright Moon by sea, needs to pass through the Salineas Sea Gate. It's controlled by Princess Mermista now that her father's retired. With her on our side, the Rebellion could control the seas. We need this alliance with her, Mom.
Angella: The journey is treacherous, Glimmer. I'm not sure.
Glimmer: Don't worry, Mom. With She-Ra along with Catra and Y/n being Keyblade wielders, we can conquer anything.
Catra: *tails shoots up* Say what?!
Adora: Uh, we're also gonna need a boat.
Glimmer: With She-Ra, the Keyblade wielders and a boat, we can conquer anything.
Bow: And an experienced sea captain.
Y/n\Catra: *struggles not to laugh*
Glimmer: *groans* With She-Ra, The Keyblade Wielders, a boat and an experienced sea captain, we can conquer anything.
Catra: *whispers to Y/n* Do I really have to go? You know how I am around water.
Y/n: *whispers back* Well, you could stay at the castle with Glimmer's mother or come with us and finish what you and your clone left off.
Catra: *faulters with a sigh* I hate it, when you make a valid point.
Angella: Very well.
Glimmer: Yes! *teleports to her mother and kisses cheek and teleports back to her seat*
Angella: I mean it, Glimmer. No violence and no collateral damage.
Glimmer: Thanks mom, you won't regret it!
She then teleports me, Bow, Adora Catra and herself away so that we can prepare to travel to Salineas, which might be a very interesting travel if you ask me.
-small time skip-
3rd pov
As Y/n and his friends arrived at a seaport that also doubles as a pub, they enter to see filled with people partying and having a good time, with each individual being fish like humanoids. Like two at a table playing cards, until one gets mad and flips the table on the opponent's side, while Bow is star struck at what he's seeing.
Bow: This is so cool. Seaworthy is just like I imagined it. Everyone here looks like a pirate.
Glimmer: Focus, Bow.
Catra: Come on, he's not wrong.
Glimmer: I know, but we're here to just fine a sea captain.
Bow: No pirates?
Glimmer: No pirates.
Bow: *disappointed tone* Arr.
Y/n: *pats Bow's back* Need not worry, there will be time for that.
Catra: True, plus as much as I hate water. I can respect some pirates.
Adora: *looks around the room* None of these people look qualified to sail a ship.
Y/n: Kinda harsh, Adora.
Catra: Right? This is our first being in a port, to you they do not seem qualified. But looks can be deceiving.
Glimmer then walks up to the booth to as the person behind it, who works with serving drinks for the patrons in the pub.
Glimmer: Excuse me... *nervous chuckle* Uh, we're looking for a sea captain to take us to Salineas.
The employee motions their hand towards a table, that had a male fish person arm wrestling with a Human male and ends up losing to the ladder.
male human: I won! Drinks all around. Put it on my friend here's tab.
The five friends walk to the table, to see the Human captain to see that he has purple hair and a purple gentleman's styled mustache.
Glimmer: Uh, hi. We were told you're a sea captain?
Human sailor: I am the one and only Sea Hawk. *stands up on the table* Has my reputation preceded me?
Bow: your name is Sea Hawk? That's the coolest name I've ever heard!
Glimmer: Captain Sea Hawk, we're interviewing potential captains to take us to Salineas.
Glimmer says as she and the others take a seat at the table, and Sea Hawk climbs down the table to return to his seat.
Glimmer: would you like to apply for the position?
Sea Hawk: *laughs* Apply for the position? I am the one and only Sea Hawk. I'm offer only.
Y/n: I can see what he means.
Catra: Same, the type that will work for you as long as you paid them.
Adora: Okay. Just because "Sea" is in your name, it doesn't tell us anything about your actual qualifications.
Catra: You tell him sister.
Sea Hawk: Qualifications? I once ran the 50-klick Galebreath Gauntlet in less than 20-klicks.
Y/n: [Why does that sound so famlilar?]
Sea Hawk: I maneuvered the Serpentine with nary a chip in the paint of my bow. My shanties are considered so desirable, that sirens fling themselves into the sea at the sound of them.
Catra: *whispers to Y/n* Sounds like the opposite of "desirable."
Y/n: *stifles a laughter*
Sea Hawk: And because I can tell your wondering, my mustache is naturally shiny. * shows off his mustache*
Bow: It is shiny.
Y/n&girls: [No one asked or cared.]
Bow: Your hired. Ow.
Glimmer pushes Bow out of the way as the rest didn't agree to hiring Seahawk yet, while the said Captain breaks it up.
Sea Hawk: Whoa there, kids. What makes you think you can afford me?
Glimmer: *smiles proudly* I can assure you, Captain Sea Hawk, money is no object.
Y/n: Uh, Glimmer you might want to rephrase that, since he hasn't really given us a price for his services.
Sea Hawk: Right, you are my h/c haired fellow. *pulls out a piece of paper from his shirt's pocket*
Once h3 hands it to Glimmer, while the said girl reluctantly takes it to look at the price with Y/n, Adora, Catra and Bow. Glimmer gasps at the price while Adora holds a hard gaze, Bow with a neutral, Catra's eyes widen with her jaw slacking down and Y/n was unimpressed as he knew it was going to be high.
Glimmer: Money might be an object. You know what? Fine. We'll just find another sea captain.
Sea Hawk: Good luck with that. You won't find another soul, who knows the treacherous route to Salineas as well as I do. I brave it often to visit my close personal friend, Princess Mermista.
Y/n\Catra: Say what now?
Glimmer: *gasps* You know her?
Sea Hawk: Do I?
This causes Adora to laugh and walk up to the table with a more determined look on her face.
Adora: Okay. Well, here's the deal. We go one round, winner takes all. You win, we leave you alone. I win, you take us to Salineas. At no cost.
Adora brings up her arm challenging Sea Hawk in arm wrestling, while the said Captain takes a moment of Adora's deal she mention.
Sea Hawk: That's a terrible deal. But I am undefeated at arm wrestling. Let me show you how it's done, lassie.
Y/n\Catra: Oh, boy.
Both Adora and Sea Hawk start the game off with both parties trying to overpower the other, while Bow was hyping up his friend while Glimmer was thinking how stupid it was, while Y/n and Catra just watch on knowing Adora got this match in the bag.
Sea Hawk: Ha! This is the best you've got? I once beat a Tyrosaur with biceps the size of my head in an arm-wrestling match that lasted two weeks.
Then in that moment Adora beats Sea Hawk, by slamming his arm down on the table winning the match, with Bow cheering, Glimmer giving a "really" look while Y/n and Catra smirked and low fived each other.
Sea Hawk: Well, truth be told, I let you win so as to, ahem boost your confidence.
Y/n\Catra: Sure...
Sea Hawk: I've been wanting to go to Salineas anyway. Come on, kids, with me! Forward to adventure!
What the six did not know was that a shadow like figure was watching them, and descends back into the shadows. As it was revealed to be one of Shadow Weaver's specters she sent out, to find Adora, Y/n and the real Catra.
-in Shadow Weaver's chambers-
Shadow Weaver: Adora, Y/n and Catra are in Seaworthy. I'll give you one more chance to bring them back and to be rid of you... Fake. *glances at Altra*
Altra: 1. Hordak ordered you to stop going after those three, especially after Catra, I'm better than her in everyway. 2. Getting rid of me? Ha! You don't get to make that call... Hag.
Shadow Weaver: And whose going to tell him? You? You might want to watch that tone of yours clone, even if Hordak made you. Doesn't mean you have power, even you should no better than to underestimate Catra. *glares at Altra*
Altra: Tch. Fine, about time you start treating me like a Force Captain. But I won't promise that I'll be bringing back Catra.
Shadow Weaver: Not so fast. You won't be going alone. You'll be joined by Force Captain Scorpia.
As she said that Altra turns behind her to be met with a tall and muscular woman with short white hair, scorpion like claws and tail.
With an intimidating smile like stare, Altra gives a raised eyebrow and looks back at the Force Captain in front of her, until the intimidating stare was instantly replaced with a more innocent look.
Scorpia: Kitty!
Altra: Huh?????
Scorpia: *hugs Altra* Just so you know, I'm a hugger.
Once being hugged by the taller Force Captain, Altra instantly struggles to get out of Scorpia's grasp and move away from her, showing clear signs that she did not liked being hugged by her.
Altra: Is this some kind of joke?
Shadow Weaver: Scorpia will see that you are kept in line.
Altra: grgh. *sighs* Fine, whatever. You're at least giving me a vehicle, right?
Shadow Weaver: *smirks under mask* Something like that.
A/n: I just added that bit, cause I'm pretty sure Shadow Weaver was grinning under her mask even if you can't see your face.
-small time skip-
Altra: *growls uncomfortably* I hate her.
The vehicle she was using was a boat, which due to being a clone of Catra and adopting similar cat like traits from her, that also included hating being near bodies of water.
Altra: I'll get back at her one of these days. *sees Connie, Kyle and Rogelio standing around* What are you two doing get back to work!
Y/n's pov
During our time traveling through the water towards Salineas, Sea Hawk has been trying to impress us along the way and even tried to tell us on how to work around the ship, but we showed him we are very much good at doing so. He even tried to impress us by fighting a giant sea monster, but Adora was enough to beat it on her own, while we resume course I looked after Catra due to her cat like traits hating being near bodies of water.
Y/n: Don't worry Catra, we'll be there in no time.
Catra: Easy for you to say. You don't have to worry about water.
Y/n: True, but here's a funny thought. Think on how rough your clone is having.
This brings up silence as I see Catra put some thought into it, then begins to laugh as her clone has things rougher than her. Once she had a good laugh, we turn to see a kingdom coming into view and we came up to the beach end of the kingdom. Once we made a complete stop, we leaft the ship and look around the kingdom of Salineas, and noticed that it was like a ghost town with no one in sight.
Bow: Where is everyone?
Y/n: Yeah, for a kingdom it's lacking its citizens.
Catra: It's practically a ghost town here.
Sea Hawk: Hmm. Very odd indeed. If I know the Princess Mermista, and I do, something's amiss.
????: Halt! Halt! Halt, I say
We turn to see a guard far off in the distance and quickly runs to us, but once he was at our feet he was panting from having to run, the distance where he was to where we are at.
guard: What's your business in Salineas?
Glimmer: We've come to speak with Princess Mermista.
Sea Hawk: And tell her Sea Hawk is with them. She'll be excited to see me.
-small jump cut-
Once we got to the throne room to be in front of Princess Mermista, though she looked rather relaxed with a stoic expression and wore light blue attire with gold accents, with blue hair and dark skin. But then looked rather unamused from seeing Sea Hawk.
A/n: not mine credit goes to the artist.
Mermista: Ew, who let him back in here?
Sea Hawk: *kneels in front of Mermista* Princess. Oh, it's been too long. I've dreamed of you night and day since we parted.
Mermista: Uh-huh. *looks to see Y/n and his friends*And you are you?
Glimmer: My name is Glimmer of Bright Moon. We've never met, but our parents fought in the Rebellion together.
Mermista: Oh, yeah. I remember hearing about the old Princess Alliance. My dad said it was a total disaster.
This comment made Glimmer look down, which made me think on how bad things ended with the Rebellion before me and the girls came along.
Sea Hawk: But I didn't think it was possible, but your beauty grows greater with each passing day. *gets lightly elbowed by the guard*
Mermista: Will you quit it? I'm trying to talk to my new friend Twinkle.
This caused me and Catra to resisting from laughing at Mermista's nickname for Glimmer, who looked rather slightly annoyed by the nickname.
Mermista: Butler, bring us some Hors d'oeuvres.
The guard leaves his spear and pulls out a cloth from his back pocket and leaves to get, what I assume was probably some type of food or snack.
Bow: The guard is also your butler?
Mermista: I'm a little understaffed right now. Everybody fled because the gate is falling apart or whatever.
Adora/Bow/Glimmer/Catra: What?!
Y/n: If it's falling apart, should you be trying to find away to prevent that?
Mermista: Yeah, I know, right? I've tried what I could to keep it up, but with little luck. It figures I'd inherit a kingdom that's crumbling, but it's totally fine. I'm handling it. *looks out the window* It's just kind of inconvenient, because the Horde won't stop attacking us.
Glimmer: Why is the gate falling apart?
Mermista: I mean, who knows? But it's getting weaker every day. And if the Horde tries to attack us again, we're pretty much dead.
Catra: If I remember correctly, kingdoms with a princess like Glimmer has a Runestone wouldn't the gate be powered by it?
Mermista: Maybe...
Glimmer: The Horde is the reason we're here. We want to rebuild the Princess Alliance. None of us stand a chance on our own, but we might be able to stop them together.
Mermista: *light chuckle* Sure, because that went so great the first time. Why should I help Bright Moon? It's not like they've ever done anything to help us.
Sea Hawk: Mermista, if I may. Hmmm....
Mermista: No. No more shanties. Why did you bring him here? He is so annoying!
Bow: I though you said she liked you.
Sea Hawk: We have a rich, complicated past.
Mermista: If by that you mean you got us kicked out of the Dolphin Social for challenging the doorman to a duel, then sure.
Y/n\Catra: *mutters* Challenging the doorman?
She then goes on to bring up of Sea Hawk of setting the gondola on fire in the tunnel of love, which I'm starting to question Sea Hawks' habits of setting his ship on fire. But then I notice Adora looking at a something with First Ones' writing, which me and Catra went to her also looking at it.
Catra: Hey, isn't this First Ones' writing?
Mermista: Yeah, and who are those three again? What are they doing?
Bow: The blonde girl is Adora, the cat is Catra and the h/c boy is Y/n. Adora has a magic sword, while Y/n and Catra have magic key shaped swords.
Mermista: Key shaped swords...?
Glimmer: What does it say?
Adora: *starts to read it* Uh, it's something about the gate. The First Ones must've built it. Looks like the gate get its power from the Salineas Runestone.
Y/n: If the gate is falling apart, could probably mean it's not getting a good connection with the Runestone.
Adora: That does seem so.
Glimmer: Do you think you guys can fix it?
Adora: I can try.
Y/n: I mean... Maybe...
Catra: We aren't exactly sure if our keyblades are capable of that... But nothing ventured nothing gained I guess.
Glimmer: *turns to Mermista* Look, Mermista. You need our help and we need yours. If Adora, Y/n and Catra can repair your gate, will you consider joining us? Please?
Mermista seem to groan, but agrees to join in her little way of speaking. Which most of us stand in front of the gate, while Sea Hawk tends to his ship Adora has her sword in her hand while me and Catra summoned our Keyblades. I noticed that Mermista seemed to be surprised by them, but hoes back to her calm expression.
Mermista: I really hope you three know what you're doing.
Adora: Uh... Yeah, totally. *chuckles* We got this.
Catra: Don't worry Adora, me and Y/n are helping too.
Adora: Right. For the honor of Grayskull!
Adora transforms into She-Ra, while me and Catra get into position with our Keyblades in front of us. We then focused on the gate, which I feel magic being channeled into my Keyblade and on instinct I aimed it at the gate with Catra and Adora doing the same. We noticed three beams being shot out of our weapons and seemed to make the gate glow, while me and Catra focused on what we're doing until Bow distracted Adora.
Bow: Is it working?
Adora: *gasp* Don't distract me, this is harder than it looks.
This was going to take awhile for us to finish to bring the gate back to full strength, I then hear Glimmer using her teleporting powers, which means she might have noticed something that I am too busy to take notice. I then hear Bow call out to us.
Bow: Uh, guys... It's the Horde!
We turn to see a Horde vessel charging up its cannon with Altra and a humanoid scorpion lady, the cannon fires the blast damaging the gate, while making me and the girls recoil and breaking the link. I turn with Catra looking directly at the Horde ship, with a plan in mind.
Y/n: Adora, keep repairing the gate. Bow and Catra with me, Mermista think you can lend a hand?
Mermista: *lightly blushes* I mean... sure whatever.
We jump off the pillar and into the water, with the water princess turning her legs into a mermaid's tail. Bow used a sling shot arrow to get on the ship, while me and Catra used out flow motion to get on, Bow then used an arrow to pin Kyle and I clashed with my Keyblade with Lonnie's stun baton.
Y/n: Sup Lonnie.
Lonnie: Y/n! You got lots of explaining to do.
Y/n: Which, I would love to do. But not with a certain clone nearby.
Lonnie You mean the other Catra?
Before I could continue, Bow shot an arrow which makes me separate from Lonnie and hits the cannon with green slim, which cause it to shut down. Then Lonnie and Kyle who was charging with his eyes closed gets knocked off the ship by Mermista using her water powers. I took a step back to be met with an oddly shape wall, which I look up to see the humanoid scorpion lade looking right down at me.
Y/n: *mutters* Mommy...
scorpion lady: What?
Y/n: What.
Catra's pov
I was busy fighting my clone, which we were pretty much match in skill for close courters combat. But I smirked getting an idea that she'll most definitely hate.
Altra: Come on, Catra. Is this the best you got. *dodges a strike* I will show you that I'm more superior than you!
Catra: Oh really, then try this on for size!
I jumped on the wall of the ship and used flow motion and delivered some swings with my Keyblade, and used the final strike to knock the clone off her feet and followed up with a blast of water magic. Which is enough to knock her back towards the edge of the ship and her glaring at me, with a bundle of anger. I then turn to see Y/n and Bow fighting the scorpion force captain, with the said archer getting thrown off the ship.
Catra: Bow!
Altra: Don't turn your back to me!
I quickly turn to take a defensive stance, but my clone gets interrupted by a stream of water from Mermista, I turn to see Bow getting saved by Sea Hawk with Glimmer on the ship, I take notice of Lonnie and Kyle back on the ship manning the cannon. While Y/n is too busy with the Force Captain, so I took the chance to prevent Lonnie and Kyle from firing the cannon. But of course my clone gets back on the ship to continue our fight.
3rd pov
As the fight continues on with the Horde ship drawing closer to the gate and firing, making it difficult for Adora to repair the gate. Then Sea Hawk's ship goes on a collision course towards the Horde ship, which both Sea Hawk and Glimmer look at one another.
Sea Hawk/Glimmer: Adventure!
The two then teleport away, while the Horde troops distracted and see the ship catch on fire which makes Scorpia, Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio jump off the ship. While Catra knocks her clone back, then Y/n knocks Altra off the ship with a kick and into the water, which Glimmer teleports to both Y/n and Catra. Then teleports them off the Horde ship, which the said ship and the burning ship collied that leads to an explosion.
Back on the pillar with Adora, while the said girl along with Y/n and Catra point their respective weapons at the gate, which then the gate gets repaired and powered up as it's connection with the Runestone. While Scorpia, Altra, Kyle, Lonnie and Rogelio swim away to return to the Horde, while the group looks on at the gate.
Mermista: Huh, what do you know? You three actually fixed it.
Adora: It's beautiful.
Y/n: I'm glad that the Keyblades were a capable to fix it.
Catra: Yeah, and I got to launch water at my clone.
Mermista: *turns to Sea Hawk* I guess you're gonna be needing a new ship? *groans* I suppose you can have one of mine.
They turn to a shiny new ship with the butler smashing a glass bottle against it, which Sea Hawk gasps from the sight of the new ship.
Sea Hawk: She's gorgeous.
Mermista: Don't set it on fire.
Sea Hawk: No promises. But, Princess if I might ask for one more favor.
Mermista: *groans* You're always ruining it.
Sea Hawk: You should think about joining Glimmer's Princess Alliance. She is a brave and strong captain. With her at the helm, she is sure to lead the Rebellion to victory.
Glimmer: Aw, Sea Hawk. You even got my name right.
Mermista: Okay, I'm in.
Glimmer: Really?
Mermista: Yeah. The Horde almost destroyed my home. I wanna help fight them. *points to Adora, Y/n and Catra* Plus, your blonde friend over there can turn into an 8-foot tall lady with a sword, the cat and hot guy use powerful magic weapons and I want them on my side.
Everyone cheers with Glimmer hugging Mermista, which she may look rather unpleased by the sudden acffection, but really enjoys it which both Bow and Sea Hawk sing a shanty together about being the "Best Friend Squad."
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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