Chapter 5: the Flower Princess

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. if you have any questions please let me know in the comments, now let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

after the whole event on joining the Rebellion me, Catra, Adora and Glimmer walkting through the halls heading to our new rooms in the castle.

Glimmer:this is awesome! I can't believe Mom agreed to let you three stay in Bright Moon.

as we continue walking we passed two guards who were whispering to each other, but I heard one of them mention not trusting me and the girls.

Y/n: you can say that again.

Adora: yeah, awesome.

Glimmer: okay. you three seen the dining hall, the throne room, the portrait hall. So, the last two stops on our grand tour is your new rooms! *opens one of the rooms door* tada!

Once she opened the room we see a large room with more space than the cadet quarters back in the Fright Zone.

Glimmer: it's pretty standard. *teleports around the room* you got your vanity, bathroom, crystals, bell pull, tea nook, more crystals, bed, desk and of course the waterfall.

Y/n: *whistles* that's pretty big for a standard room.

Catra: bigger than the cadet quarters that's for sure.

Adora: is the waterfall for showering?

Glimmer: Ha! good one, Adora.

Catra: *whispers to Y/n* she does know that Adora wasn't kidding, right?

Y/n: *whispers back to Catra* I don't think so.

Glimmer: "Waterfall for showering." *laughs* 

Y/n: anyways, how are the sleeping arrangements going to be? like are me, Adora and Catra are going to be in the same room or...

Glimmer: well we do have one more room that's not too far from Adora's room, so you'll have to share the room with Catra.

Y/n: that's fine, we shared a room in the cadet quarters so were used to it.

Adora: and that Catra sometimes sleep at the foot of the bed of either me or Y/n.

Catra: [mostly Y/n.~]

Glimmer: well, you two *points to Y/n and Catra* follow me to the room. my room is right down the hall if you need anything.

we then leave Adora's room and follow Glimmer to follow the room that me and Catra will be sharing, but it's not any different than Adora's room. Glimmer then leaves the room to head to her own room to sleep, as me and Catra got near the bed and BD1 hops off and goes on the desk. but as me and Catra feel the bed we feel that the mattress is a bit too comfy that it could sink us into the mattress.

Catra: this bed is a little too comfy, isn't it?

Y/n: well to be fair, the bed in the fright zone were more simple than the ones here.

Catra: true. so what do we do?

Y/n: I think I can do something about this...

Y/n then summons his Keyblade and points it at the bed, the tip then glows a white light and shoots a beam at the bed creating a white flash, but it quickly dies down revealing the bed in a more simple yet comfortable look to it.

Y/n: there we go, now we wont sink into the mattress.

Catra: huh? I didn't think that our Keyblades could do that.

Y/n: well as the old saying goes "nothing ventured, nothing gained"

we then get into the bed while I see BD1 at the nearest window that sunlight would show so he could charge while he powers down.

Y/n: [good thing I made him to be able to recharge himself with sunlight.]

as I got set in the bed I see Catra not going in the bed like me, but sleeping at the foots of the bed resting her head on my legs. which is pretty cute for her, I then rested my head on the pillow and sleep the day away.

-the next day-

as we were all awake me, Adora, Catra, Bow and Glimmer walk to the War room to meet with the other rebellion leaders. we see the room was pretty spacious and has guards standing next to the walls around the table and set of chairs.

Y/n: impressive room.

Catra: yeah.

Adora wow, hehe.

Glimmer: come on meeting's about to start.

Adora: *notices the empty chairs* uh, the chairs are still empty.

Catra: yeah. what's the reason there?

Glimmer: those are for other Etherian Princesses. But none of them have been active members of the Rebellion since I was a kid. The Rebellion had a big defeat years ago and most of the old princesses gave up. now all the Kingdoms keep to themselves. and new princesses do the same.

Bow: other than Spinnerella and Netossa. *wave's to two girls on the other side of the table* Hey, guys!

we turn to see the two girls seeing one with purple colored outfit with lavender hair and the other girl sitting next to her with white and blue colored clothes with silver hair.

A/n: these two are just precious and not mine.

Bow: *whispers to Adora, Y/n and Catra* we're not really sure what they really do.

Y/n: [really? I'm pretty sure the Netossa girl has the ability to make nets and the other probably controls wind.]

I gave a smile and wave at the two, who waved back once that was done I sat at the seat next to Glimmer while Catra sits next to me. but we see Adora sitting in one of the larger chairs near Bow making him, Spinerella, Netossa and Glimmer give scared looks.

Y/n: *whispers to Glimmer* is something wrong?

Glimmer: *whispers back to Y/n* you have no idea.

Adora: what? what? I don't understand.

????: this is not your chair.

I look to see Glimmer's mother Queen Angella although she doesn't seem pleased to see Adora sitting in the chair, but luckily Glimmer teleported to Adora and helped her out teleporting them both to the free chair next Catra.

Adora: *whispers to Glimmer* what did I do?

Glimmer: you sat in my dad's chair.

Adora: oh, I'm sorry.

Agnella: I've asked you here because I received a distress call from Princess Perfuma. The Horde is laying siege to her kingdom. She's asking Bright Moon for assistance. General?

then a woman in higher rank guard armor walks up to the table with her helmet off and activate a holo map. BD1 looks at the map to record the location and mission details incase we need them.

General: Perfuma's kingdom, Plumeria is located near the front lines. The Horde has set up camp in her territory, cutting off their main supply route.

Angella: Bright Moon will provide food and humanitarian aid.

Glimmer: I have a better idea. We-

Angella: Fight the Horde? Glimmer, you propose this idea every meeting.

Glimmer: * with a cutely innocent look* No! was gonna say let's use aggressive fist-to-face sparkles.

Catra: *whispers to Y/n* I'm liking her already.

Y/n: *whispers back* Yeah. plus I admire her determine ways.

Angella: I said no, Glimmer. Now sit down.

she sighs and sits back down, but I have an idea that Queen Angella may approve if she doesn't want to go for the assault move.

Y/n: You should send me, Adora, Catra, Bow and Glimmer to lead the relief mission.

Adora: You can send me as She-Ra.

Catra: While me and Y/n as Keyblade wielders.

Y/n: I'll make sure that everyone gets there safely and protect Bow and Glimmer if the Horde attacks. I promise, we won't disappoint you.

she looks into my eyes like she was reading my, but sighs knowing that it's the best approach then the one that Glimmer wanted to do.

Angella: Very well. You will deliver the food and supplies to Plumeria. And under no circumstances will you engage the Horde. you'll leave at Dawn.

Y/n: *bows with his arm over his chest* of course your majesty. [thank you to all those moments that Obi-Wan was trolling.]

3rd pov

-at the Fright Zone in Shadow Weaver's chambers-

Shadow Weaver is seen charging her powers through the use of the large crystal though she was looking at the clone of Catra with a glare.

Shadow Weaver: care to explain why you haven't brought back Y/n, Adora and Catra?

Altra: please those three are traitors of the Horde. meaning Hordak is no longer interested and replace their position as Force Captain. you also never did liked the real Catra.

Shadow Weaver: that maybe true, but I much prefer the real one over some fake that Hordak wanted me to collect data and DNA from the real Catra.

Altra: careful now. you do know that Hordak gave you that crystal and he can take it away. plus I could have all the fun if I get Y/n alone.~

Shadow Weaver: *intensifies her magic* if you as so much as touch a single hair on his head... I'll make sure to erase you for good.

Altra: ooh. what's this protective tone of yours? if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure Y/n is an orphan.

Shadow Weaver: that may be true, but he is the closest thing I have to a son and I will protect him from you if I have too.

this doesn't phase Altra, but she just chuckles knowing how to get into Shadow Weaver's head to toy with her.

-with Y/n and the others-

As Y/n, Catra, Bow and Glimmer reach Plumeria they see a large tress with a gem in the trunk and the people of Plumeria using tents as housing, but they also see some of the plants are dying.

Y/n: what's going on with the plants?

Catra: they look like their wilting away.

Glimmer: Mom didn't say anything about all the plants dying.

Bow: I don't think she knows. Wait, where's Adora?

Y/n: uhh...?

they both hear something behind them, so they turn around to see Adora behind them in her She-Ra form carrying the cart full of food and supplies.

Catra: *cute smile* Oh, there she is.

Glimmer: are you going to be She-Ra the entire time we're here?

Adora: Y/n told Queen Angella that I would.

Y/n: yeah, but I never said for you to be She-Ra the whole time.

Adora: besides, people like me better as She-Ra. *chuckles* could Adora do this?

Adora then starts to move her arm up and down as she was using the cart as a weight making Glimmer look dumbfounded.

Glimmer: hmm. yep. Very useful to our mission

Bow: hey guys. what is that? *points to smoke in the distance*

Y/n: I can only guess one thing.

Catra: same here.

Adora: must be coming from the Horde camp.

????: you're here!

the group turn to see a girl around their age wearing colorful robes and blonde hair with other people next to her.

A/n: not mine.

the girl then runs to the group, while Glimmer goes to introduce herself to the girl.

Glimmer: Princess Perfuma. *offers a hand shake* I'm Commander Glimmer of-

she was cut off as Perfuma then used her magic to make a bundle of flowers appear in Glimmer's hand and a flower crown around Bow's head.

Bow: ooh, I get a hat.

but once Perfuma's eyes laid on Adora in her She-Ra form she gasped in shock, but then sees y/n and Catra who wave their hands to her.

Perfuma: oh, my. Everyone, come quick! it's... oh, it's...

the Perfuma and her people then gather around Adora knowing that She-Ra has come to help them in their time of need.

Perfuma: Look! The universe has heard our pleas and sent the legendary She-Ra to help us save our home. but where are the Keyblade Wielders that accompany She-Ra?

Y/n: over here.

as Y/n said Perfuma and her people face them as both him and Catra summon their Keyblades making Perfuma and her people gasped in shock. they thenv gather around Y/n, Adora and Catra who look confused on what to do, but Bow gives them a thumbs up and Adora puts the cart down.

Adora: *clears throat* we've heard about the blockade and we've come to help.

Perfuma: welcome to Plumeria, She-Ra and Keyblade wielders.

After the people got close to She-Ra and the Keyblade wielders Perfuma then shows the group around her Kingdom.

Perfuma: Our people  have lived here in tranquility for thousands of years. We're known for our beautiful flowers, our majestic trees.

she says making flowers and small trees grow, only to whither away as soon as they appear making the group grow even more curious on what's going on.

Perfuma: And this is the Heart-Blossom, the center of our kingdom and the source of all my magical powers.

she motions group to the large tree with a crystal imbedded into the tree, they saw earlier upon arriving to the kingdom.

Bow: at least this tree is fine. what happen to everything else?

Perfuma: We're going through a little rough patch, but I'm sure the universe will show itself soon.

Glimmer: everything is dead or dying.

Catra: yeah, If this doesn't have the Horde's name in it, then pigs will start flying.

Perfuma: Look, the blight hit right after the Horde arrived. We don't know why and we nothing I do stops it. But we don't dwell on the negative. Look at the positive. the Heart-Blossom's still healthy and the She-Ra with two Keyblade wielders are here. and the celebration's about to begin!

she says throwing flower crowns on Adora's and Y/n's head, while Catra get's a flower necklace around her neck. then a bundle of flowers flies right into Y/n's arms making the three heroes confused about something.

Adora: Celebration?

Adora then get's dragged off with Perfuma holding her hand while Y/n, Catra, Glimmer and Bow watch. Then Y/n gets an idea on what to do and knows who to send.

Y/n: Catra. I want you to scout on where the Horde set up camp and see if anything there is causing the plants to die.

Catra: you got it.

Bow: But Queen Angella said-

Y/n: she said not to engage the Horde. She never said anything about recon, now did she.

Glimmer: *smiles* ooh, I know where your going with this.

Y/n: also Catra take BD1 with you. He'll mark on the direction with the map installed in him and record anything.

Catra: got it.

BD1: *beeps*

BD1 then jumps off Y/n's shoulder and climbs onto Catra's shoulder, who let's out a slight giggle seeing how cute the little robot is on her shoulder. the two then leaves the area scouting on the location of the Horde while the others go to where Adora is sitting near the Heart-Blossom, while Y/n joins her. the two were offered food by an elder and young woman.

Adora: No, it's okay. You need this food more than we do.

elder: nonsense. it is our honor to serve the She-Ra and Keyblade wielders.

young woman: actually I only see one of them. where's the other wielder?

Y/n: she is just making sure the area around the kingdom is fine.

Y/n and Adora then kindly accept the food that the two members of the kingdom offered, then Perfuma goes to the two with a kind smile.

Perfuma: We are so honored to have you.

young woman2: Whoa. That's She-Ra and the Keyblade wielder!

Perfuma: I know. The She-Ra, right? *stands up* I'm so happy that after all these centuries of being gone you've finally returned. *to another young woman* I said break out the party kale. And at our hour of greatest need, just like in the stories.

Y/n: stories?

Adora: what stories?

Perfuma: the stories we've been telling for thousands of years. *moves a bundle of leaves to reveal a picture of She-Ra fighting a monster* She-Ra, the warrior who tamed the beasts of Beast Island with a single word. *moves another bundle of leaves to reveal a picture of a person with a Keyblade pointing at a locked door* and the power of a Keyblade wielder capable of not only doing magic, but also unlocking and door with his weapon.

Bow: that's nothing. What about the time She-Ra defended a squad of Horde soldiers on a flying horse and Keyblade wielders transforming their Keyblades into vehicles? Or the time they saved Thaymor from a legion of Horde soldiers? Or the time she borrowed my toothbrush... *grabs a small branch* and used it to beat an army of Horde soldiers.

Adora: Bow, that's not true.

Y/n: Yeah.

Bow: You're right. It was two armies!

this makes Y/n facepalm while the people around them cheered and give some food to Adora along with a baby, which y/n look towards the readers then at the baby. looking back at the two with just the most utter confused face he has.

Y/n: *to the readers* Who the hell gave her the baby?


Glimmer: Hey, now calm down.

Glimmer takes the baby off Adora's hands and gives it back to the person who gave Adora the baby and making distance between the people and the Princess of Power.

Glimmer: Give her some space. One at a time. *points to a kid* You first.

Y/n: [Oh boy, this is going to be awhile. I wonder how Catra and BD1 are doing?]

-with Catra and BD1-

Catra and BD1 arrived at the camp hiding in the trees seeing quite a handful of machines and a large building in the camp.

Catra: Looks like we found the place.

BD1: *beeps*

Catra: So, where do you think would be the most likely place to have a machine that kills plants and trees?

BD1: *beeps*

the little robot motions his head towards the biggest building marking it down on the map, once the two got their recon done they quickly make their way back to the others to report.

-back with the others-

as Y/n, Adora, Glimmer and Bow were still with Perfuma and her people, the Princess mention that She-Ra has the power to heal anyone and anything.

Y/n: so She-Ra can heal people and things?

Perfuma: Right! Like in the ancient story, "She-Ra Heals The Forest and Brings The Trees Back To Life."

Glimmer: I've seen her do way weirder stuff. This'll be a snap.

Y/n: Umm, Glimmer...

Adora: *stands up* Wait, it's not that simple. Plus, I don't like the look of that smoke. *looks around* And where is Catra?

Y/n: She'll be here.

Adora: Anyway. The Horde's up to something big. We should investigate.

Y/n: I'm already ahead of you on that Adora.

Adora: what?

Perfuma: We?

Perfuma then looks around at her people, then turns to Adora and the others summoning a flower in her hand.

Perfuma: This is my power. I grow plants.

she passes the flower to Adora who holds it in her hands, but the flower then wilts away in her hands.

Perfuma: We're not strong enough to go up against the Horde. All we want is to live peacefully in our ancestral home.

Bow: And then She-Ra and the Keyblade wielder saved the day once again!

Perfuma: We need you, She-Ra and Keyblade wielders.

this makes Y/n, Adora and Glimmer look around at the people and back to Perfuma, while the people chant She-Ra. Y/n then sees Catra back with BD1 on her shoulders and wave at him, while Y/n waves back and turns to Glimmer.

Y/n: I'll be right back.

Y/n's pov

as I leave Adora with Bow and Glimmer I went to Catra to see what she had discovered with BD1, once I got close to them Bd1 hops off Catra's shoulder and on to mine.

Y/n: Hey little buddy. *rubs BD1's head* so what did you two find?

Catra: Well the Horde has set up camp like Perfuma said, but they also have some serious equipment to tear down the trees. Also they might have some kind of machine inside one of their buildings in the camp. *to BD1* Show him.

BD1 then shows us a holographic map and layout of the Horde camp, I also see the mark that BD1 placed on one of the more larger structures deemed as priority one.

Y/n: Nice find you two. *head pats Catra*

Catra blushes from the head pat that I gave her, but smiles and tries not to purr but sadly the moment was interrupted by another exploding sound which catches both their attention.

Y/n: Horde?

Catra: Horde.

we then race back to Perfuma's kingdom to see everyone gathered at the  giant tree with the gem imbedded, but also Adora out of her She-Ra form.

Adora: I'm sorry. I don't know how to heal.

male: Who are you? Where's She-Ra?

Adora: My name is Adora. I was chosen to carry the sword of She-Ra, but I haven't been doing this for very long, and... I don't know exactly how it works yet.

elder: She's just a girl?!

Adora: I never meant to deceive you. I am She-Ra, I'm just not the same She-Ra.

Perfuma: then you can't save us?

Y/n: that's not what's she saying.

Me and Catra walk towards them and stand by Adora's side while I put my hand on her shoulder and have my Keyblade in my other hand.

Y/n: we still can help your kingdom, just not the way you expect. Adora is still new to being She-Ra. The same can be said for me and Catra, we are Keyblade Wielders, just not experienced ones.

we then heard another explosion sounding like it's getting close to the kingdom, me, Catra and Adora turn to the tree and see strange black and yellow vines spread around the tree while the crystal is black like it's low on power. we then turn to see the people in distress knowing one thing we can do.

Adora: Wait. There might be another way.

Catra: Me, Y/n and Adora know the Horde. we think they're using one of their machines to poison your land.

Y/n: If you wanna save your home, we have to stop them!

male: You're not the She-Ra from the stories or the Keyblade wielders. You were supposed to save us.

Y/n: Sometimes you can't always depend on facts from the stories.

Perfuma: It will be all right. I promise. we'll rebuild. we have to believe the universe will repay the Horde for their evil deeds eventually.

Glimmer:  The universe won't protect you! You want She-Ra and the Keyblade wielders to fix everything, but you won't even try to save yourselves? At least Adora, Y/n and Catra are trying.

Perfuma: If She-Ra or the Keyblade wielders can't save us, no one can. *turns to Y/n and his friends* Right now, we just need to make sure our people are safe. We leave today.

Perfuma and her people then turn and leave to pack up what they need, I just let out sigh that their not even going to try and protect their home. I then see Adora go on her knees most likely thinking she failed.

Glimmer: are you okay?

Adora: I just wanted to help. But all I've done is disappoint and entire kingdom. I'm sorry I let you guys down after you talked me up.

Bow: We just wanted everyone to see what an awesome person you guys are. I thought I was being supportive, but I was actually being terrible!

Y/n: now, now Bow. no need to be dramatic about it.

Glimmer: Adora, Catra, Y/n. She-Ra's or being Keyblade wielders is not the reason we like you guys. We like you guys because you are our friends.

then another explosion was heard as we turn to see more smoke, but then I noticed Adora with a smile on her face meaning only one thing.

Glimmer: you have a plan, don't you?

Y/n: when you see a smile like that. it means she has a plan.

Adora: yeah. I think I do.

3rd pov

as the group got to the outside entrance of the Horde camp Adora, Catra, Y/n, Bow and Glimmer reveal themselves from the tree they were hiding in Horde soldier uniforms.

Y/n: Man, I always hated wearing these things.

Catra: Ah, suck it up. besides it's only for the mission. *looks at his butt* [Damn he has a nice butt in that uniform.~]

Adora: All clear.

the group then run to hide behind one of the barricades that was around the Horde camp, while Adora then peeks out to see if there were any guards.

Adora: Okay, we need to find that machine. Every Horde camp is laid out the same.

Y/n: yeah, plus thanks to Catra and BD1 scouting out the area we might know where that machine is.

Catra: Yup.

Adora: Guard duty's always in half-hour shifts. So we walk in when the shift changes, in three, two, one.

Adora: *wearing Horde soldier helmet* Shift change!

male Horde soldier: Finally! I sear, these shifts go by slower.

Y/n: *in a Horde soldier helmet* I hear ya, plus I wish these helmets were a bit more breathable.

male Horde soldier: You are not the only one.

once the Horde soldier leaves and is out of sight Adora looks and removes her helmet and looks inside the building. she gasp upon seeing a large machine pumping some sorta fluid into a large root with steam coming out.

Glimmer: You guys were right. The Horde is poisoning the land.

????: Hey!

the group turns to see a Horde soldier behind them aiming a shock weapon at them.

female Horde soldier: What are you doing here?

Adora: What are you doing here? We have security clearance, password 5-echo-niner. Now be on your way.

female Horde soldier: *lowers her weapon* We haven't used that password in months. *sets off the alarm and aims her weapon* Hands up!

Bow: Adora. What do we do?

Adora: Run!

with that the group run passed the Horde soldier with Catra knocking her down, then both Y/n and Catra summon their Keyblades to block any incoming fire from the Horde soldiers weapons. as two more Horde soldiers come out of a corner, they fired their weapons making Adora, Bow and Glimmer to dodge out of the way while Y/n and Catra block and deflected the shots, once Adora, Bow and Glimmer taking cover behind barrels Catra and Y/n stay near their friends blocking the shots, then Adora grabs a nearby box and throws it at a Horde soldier with a lizard tail knocking them down.

this gives Adora and the others a chance to run again, once they reach a Horde soldier structure they climbed on it and slide down on the wall hiding behind it.

Adora: How many soldiers can you guys take on?

Bow: Between one

Glimmer: I'll take on them all, *panting* if you give me a minute.

Y/n: me and Catra can take on a good amount, but I don't know how long we can hold them off on our own.

unfortunately for them two groups of three Horde soldiers come out form the corner aiming their weapons at them, while Y/n and Catra readied their Keyblades and Glimmer readies her magic. as the Horde soldiers get close to them a horn was heard which got their attention as vines come out from the other side of the wall of the Horde camp and breaks down to reveal Perfuma standing on the vines.

Perfuma: I've always said the universe will repay the Horde one day. well, I guess that day is today!

behind her the people of Plumeria charge with what they had for weapons Y/n and Catra took out the soldiers closest to them with their Keyblades and kick them back, while Perfuma wraps vines around one of the Horde soldier while other soldier get taken down by Perfuma's people one by one. Glimmer is teleporting around one of the Horde soldiers making him look at her.

Glimmer: Hey. *waves*

the soldier goes for a punch at Glimmer, but she teleports out of the way and appears behind him, which he goes for another punch, but Glimmer again teleports away making the soldier punch one of his fellow soldiers. then Glimmer appears behind the soldier with a mocking smirk on her face.

Glimmer: ooph. *chuckles*

she then used her magic and launch it into the Horde soldier's face making him be temporarily blinded by Glimmer's power. then Perfuma's vines ram into the soldier taking him out with Perfuma still riding the vines.

Perfuma: I've never been so alive!

as Adora was seeing this she notice to Horde soldiers charging right at her, she then grabs the nearest one from her by the wrists and knock the soldier down to the ground and kicks the second soldier knocking him down. she then looks around to see the soldiers being preoccupied with everyone else, she goes to a place secluded from the fight and pulls out the sword from her back.

Adora: For the honor of Grayskull!

as Adora transformed into She-Ra Y/n and Catra were taking on soldier after soldier with their Keyblades, but they noticed their weapon glowing smirking knowing what to do.

Y/n: Ultimate form!

Catra: Gazing Tiger!

as both of them glow bright they now appeared with a transformed version of their Keyblades, but their clothes also match the colors of their Keyblades. Y/n with a black and white version of the Horde soldier uniform he wears and Catra in the same uniform but with orange and black, as the two took out soldier after soldier with either Y/n and his colorful blades or Catra with her gauntlets and boots.

Adora threw her sword at the door that had the machine poisoning Perfuma's trees and breaks it open. she then jumps on top of the machine and readies her sword.

Adora: for Etheria!

she then stabs her sword into the machine as Adroa received shocks of electricity, but then focused her power into the machine making a light blue aura flow through the machine and into the roots that then reached the Heart-Blossom tree healing it from the poison. as the light blue aura reached Perfuma she felt her magic replenished and made a flower appear. with her magic resorted she used it to bring life back to the trees and various other plants grow rom the ground along with making flower crowns and necklaces appear on the Horde soldiers.

this gives the soldiers to retreat from the camp as Perfuma waves them goodbye and turns to Adora in her She-Ra form, Y/n along with Catra back to their normal states with Glimmer and Bow.

Perfuma: *hugs Adora, Y/n and Catra* Thank you so much! *separates from them* You inspired us to save ourselves. How can we ever repay you?

Glimmer: Join the Rebellion and help me reform the Princess alliance.

Perfuma: Um, are you sure? Didn't that go horribly the first time?

Glimmer: It went horribly for our parents. But we have a chance to do it right. We're clearly stronger together. Think what all the princesses united could do.

Perfuma: *thinks about it* Would I get to hit more people with flowers?

Y/n: First off cute. *makes Perfuma blush from the comment* And yes.

Glimmer: Absolutely.

Perfuma: then you have a deal. *claps her hands* Hey, everyone! Look at us. We're mighty rebels now!

this gives cheers to the people while Y/n smiles to see they have a new ally on their side to fight against the Horde.

Y/n: [Things will get even more interesting.]

To be continued

A/n: and done! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. now please let me know what you guys think and I might add Double-Trouble to the harem making them where their gender is opposite to the reader. please let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one.   

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