Chapter 4: Razz
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter of this story now in my last chapter I ask if you guys wanted double trouble in the harem so far I have not gotten anything about it so I might drop that for now now enough of me let the chapter begin.
3rd pov
as Y/n, Bow, Catra, Adora and Glimmer who is on the horse looking rather exhausted were making their way to the Kingdom of Bright Moon.
Bow: hey, we made it.
Y/n\Adora\Catra: whoa....
Glimmer: welcome to Bright Moon.
the see a golden castle rested near a mountain that has water flowing out from the top of the peak the center of the castle has a bright crystal near the castle.
Adora: it's so beautiful.
Y/n: you got that right. *looks around the layout* the layout is amazing that I could look at it till sunset.
Catra: tell me about it a much better view than the Fright Zone.
Glimmer: okay. I just need to go in there, recharge and deal with my mon. *sighs* this will be fun.
she goes on ahead on the horse, but stops realizing that Y/n, Catra and Adora are with them as she turns to look at them.
Glimmer: uh Bow, maybe you should take Adora, Catra and Y/n in the back way?
Bow: oh, yeah good call.
Adora: what's the back way?
-quick scene change-
Adora: this is the back way!?
Bow: *helps Adora in through the window* it might seem weird, but we totally come in this way all the time. wait *looks for Y/n and Catra* where's Y/n and Catra?
before Adora could answer both Y/n and Catra jump in through the window with a glowing light around them. once they got in side they both land on the ground laughing high and low fiving then pressed their backs together.
Y/n: that was so fun!
Catra: yeah we can literally scale the walls!
Bow: uh what do you guys mean?
Y/n: this.
Y/n jumps up pressing his feet against the wall making Bow look scared at first, but then a light glowed around Y/n's body. he then jump towards another wall soaring through the air and land on the wall then jump back to the ground letting the light fade away.
Y/n: pretty cool right?
Bow: yeah that is cool is that a power that a Keyblade wielder can do?
Y/n: I guess I'm still new to this Keyblade wielder stuff.
Bow: right oh! *throws a robe at Adora* hey here. why don't you put this robe on? no reason.
Adora: your trying to hide me.
Bow: what? no!
-back with Glimmer-
as Glimmer got to the grounds of Bright Moon she get's off the horse while a guard of Bright moon takes it to the stables to rest.
????: Glimmer!
Glimmer turns to see her mother the Queen of Bright Moon Angella walking towards Glimmer.
Angella: where have you been?
Glimmer: hey mom.
Angella: all of Bright Moon has been worried sick. what where you thinking?
Glimmer: mom!
Angella: how could you be so selfish and disobedient?
as Angella got close to Glimmer the said girl started to feel dizzy and fall forward making her mother catch her.
Angella: *gasps* Glimmer.
thinking quickly she flies up to the crystal carrying her daughter with a worried look while Glimmer looks at her mother before passing out. after awhile of letting Glimmer rest under the giant crystal Glimmer begins to open her eyes regaining her strength Angella looks at her daughter with a smile.
Angella: are you all right?
Glimmer: *gets up* I'm fine mom.
Angella: don't think your still not in trouble. you didn't even take the time to charge up before you left?
Glimmer: *giving her powers a little test* I didn't think I'd be gone for that long.
Angella: where did you go anyway?
Glimmer: okay. *stands up* bow and I found some old super powerful First Ones tech in the woods. we knew it would help the Rebellion, so we went to get it and bring it back, but we got a little sidetrack. it was find though, I totally had it under control and while we were out there we found something even better!
Angella: what did you find?
Glimmer: I can't tell you yet. But you're gonna love it. I promise!
Angella: Glimmer.
Glimmer: ah! wait here, I'll be right back. *teleports away*
Angella: we are not done talking about this, Glimmer. Glimmer!
Y/n's pov
as we sit around in the room waiting for Glimmer while Bow was opening and closing the door over and over again.
Adora: *sighs* okay, we get it.
Y/n: I'm guessing the people of Bright Moon are gonna be less welcoming of three Horde soldiers than you led us to believe.
Bow: maybe a little.
Catra: how little?
Bow: think pitchforks and torches.
Adora\Catra\Y/n: *gorans*
Bow: it's just that the people of Bright Moon have been really hurt by the Horde. everyone here has lost someone in the war. you guys can't blame them for being a little suspicious.
Adora: sorry.
Bow: hey, it's not your guys fault. once they get to know you guys, the people of Bright Moon are going to trust you guys. just like Glimmer and I already- gah!
Glimmer: *teleports in the room* I'm here!
Y/n: hey good to see ya back in action glitters.
A/n: yeah you guys call her that just to tease her
Glimmer: *pouts* I told you not to call me that, but okay my mom's on her way, but no one panic.
Adora\Catra\Y/n: what?
Glimmer: I said no one panic! don't worry, she'll love you guys. all you have to do Y/n and Catra is put your hands out and summon your Keyblades. while Adora has to do is use the sword to transform into She-Ra before she gets here. *light laugh*
bow: wait, we're jumping straight to She-Ra and summoning the Keyblades with your mom? are you sure?
Glimmer: yeah. I don't think my mom is going to buy, "hey mom we found three Horde soldiers. can we keep them?" my mom is gonna love She-Ra and the Keyblade Warriors. we can ease her into the Horde stuff later.
Adora: uh, Glimmer, look I don't know if I can just turn on She-Ra. I've only done it when someone was in danger before and it felt a little out of control last time. *picks up the sword* I'm still figuring out how all of this stuff works.
Y/n: she's got a point there.
Glimmer: how hard can it be? sword, magic words, poof! She-RA.
I then see Adora looking at her sword with an unsure look as me and Catra put our hands on her shoulder to reassure her.
Glimmer: hey. your gonna do great, okay? Bow and I will go buy you some time. just hang out here with the sword and think She-Ra thoughts. I believe in you. *teleports away with bow*
Y/n: got to admit that ability to teleport is pretty useful...I'm jealous.
Catra: *teasing tone* oh there, there~
Adora: right. okay, sword, it's just you and me now. so...let's do this. *chuckles*
she then tries to transform like she did last time but loses her balance accidently cuts the curtain in half. then slips on a piece of cloth on the ground making her slam her back on the wall in which that caused some fragile looking objects fall, but Adora was quick enough to catch them. she groans and lightly drops the objects and stands up fixing her hair, we then look out the window to see the horse we came here with. she then look a the cloth Bow gave her and puts it on the hide the Horde mark on the back of her shirt we then sneaked out of the room and heading to the horse.
3rd pov
as Y/n, Adora and Catra finally got to the horse Adora was the first to approach and hugs it.
Adora: horsey!
Y/n: really horsey? I would have thought a better name than that.
Catra: oh yeah *playful smirk* what name?
Y/n: I don't know Swift Wind maybe.
Catra: okay your right that is a better name.
Adora: oh! this is much better. there's actually room to move around here.
Y/n: your right about the more space part it would suit better than a cramped room.
Adora: *looks at the horse* ready to see something cool? *points her sword up* for the honor of Grayskull!
we waited for a second until nothing happen the horse looked unimpressed while me and Catra tried out best not to laugh.
Adora: okay, let's try that again. for the honor of Grayskull!
as the same thing happen the horse turns around to eat while Adora tries to transform. which after a couple of tries and methods of doing it Adora fell on the ground while the horse rubbed it's back on the grass.
Adora: come on! Glimmer's counting on me. don't leave me hanging here. *get's up lifting the sword in the air* for the honor of Grayskull!
but then this time the sword began to lit up, but instead of Adora transforming into She-Ra the sword began shooting bright gold laser around making Y/n and Catra duck in cover. but then the light hits the horse making it go wild.
Adora: horsey no!
as the horse was glowing a pair of blue glowing wings appear on the horse along with a horn coming out of it's head. after the flash has ended Adora opens her eyes as Y/n and Catra look from their cover to see the horse's new appearance with bright orange mane and tail, rainbow colored wings with pure white body.
Y/n: woah okay that's a new look.
Adora: okay.
as the horse then opens it's eyes it then starts to look at itself to see wings and a horn. next thing it starts freaking out at what just happen to it as Adora runs up to it to calm it down.
Adora: horsey, it's okay!
Y/n: easy! easy boy!
then the horse runs to an area with people and a couple of tents either talking to each other or working on something, but once they saw the horse freaking out they were shocked to see it have wings and a horn. once Adora, Y/n and Catra got to the horse they try to calm it down, but it then starts to take flight making the three chase it.
Adora: stop!
but the horse then turns at their direction, but stops in time not crashing in to each other, but unfortunately for Adora the clothe she was wearing comes off as the horse flaps it's wings. the horse then flies off into another direction then Y/n notices the stares and looks at Adora tosee that the Horde mark is exposed.
Y/n: oh crap baskets. Adora.
woman: a Horde soldier.
armored woman: Horde soldiers!
Adora: wait, you don't understand. stop! we're not with the Horde! just Listen!
the armored woman then brings up her sword, but Y/n summoned his Keyblade to block the attack. Catra did the same Y/n then knocks the armored woman away not harming her, but a horned woman comes charging at the three making Adora and Catra dodged in the same direction while Y/n jumps over the woman making the said woman crash into some barrels.
Y/n: girls I think we should run!
Adora then cuts a piece of clothe as her, Catra and Y/n make a run for it while a group of the people chase after then. but Adora and Catra fall form a ditch into some water as Y/n jumps down to them they look back to see the group still after them as they make their away avoiding some arrows.
-meanwhile with Bow and Glimmer-
Angella: for the last time. what is this grand surprise that I'm supposed to be impressed with?
Glimmer: you'll see it in just a minute, mom, I promise. Bow can you go check and make sure that the surprise is ready for us?
Bow: you got it princess.
he then solutes to Queen Angella then makes his way to the room that Adora, catra and Y/n were supposed to be in. while Glimmer and her mother wait to enter.
Angella: I like that boy.
Glimmer: I know you do, mom. you'll like this surprise even more.
Glimmer then smiles at her mother then Bow runs back to the two girls with a look of worry and stands next to Glimmer.
Bow: *whispers to Glimmer* so...problem.
Glimmer: *whispers* what?
Bright Moon guards: your majesty three Horde spies has been discovered on the Bright Moon grounds. one attacked our troops with a sword while two others carried two key shaped swords and then fled with the help of a winged beast.
Angella: *looks at Glimmer and Bow* what did you do?!
-meanwhile in the Fright Zone-
Lonnie: I'm telling you guys. this new princess is no joke. she wiped the floor with our recon squad. twelve feet tall at least! took out every one of our machines with nothing but a sword.
female cadet: did you actually see her and weren't there two others with key shaped swords?
Lonnie: for seeing the princess no, but the two others with key shaped swords yes they were there, but we didn't get to see them and it's a good thing, too. we were lucky to get out of there alive.
????: oh please.
the cadets in the room turn to see Catra's clone Altra, but to the cadets they assume it's Catra by in a different outfit.
A/n: that's what Altra will look like for this story and her eye color is the opposite of the real Catra and ignore the other girl and I don't own this.
Altra: she's like every other princess: all sparkles, no substances. while the two with the key shaped swords are nothing more than just people with fancy swords. they caught us off guard. that's all.
Lonnie: sure, you were the only one who saw them up close and you didn't even land a hit on them. what did you freeze up? *smirks*
in an instant Altra gets up close pointing her finger at Lonnie trying to intimidate her with a glare and making a point.
Altra: you think I'm scared of some princess ant people with fancy swords? I could take them out whenever I want and to let you know those three are people you were close to.
Lonnie: *scoffs* oh yeah? who are they then? *pushes Altra back*
Altra growls at the cadet, but stops seeing two other taking Lonnie's side which makes Altra laughs knowing the new princess and the two fancy sword users.
Altra: like I tell you it would be more fun for me once you see for yourself.
Lonnie: easy Catra. Adora and Y/n are not here to protect you and I'm still having a hard time what Y/n sees in you.
Altra: *chuckles sinisterly and turns to lean in Lonnie's ear* you think I'm Catra? what a laugh I'm nothing like that weak kitty. plus look closer into my eyes.
once Altra separates from Lonnie's ear she let's the said girl get a closer look which makes her eyes widen. seeing that Altra's eyes are the opposite side to Catra's usual eye color once Altra got the message she leaves the room leaving the other cadets curious on what she told Lonnie.
Y/n's pov
as me, Adora and Catra ran in the woods we vault over a log and looked behind us to see we've lost the group that was chasing us.
Y/n: okay looks like we've lost them.
Adora: *hits her heat* stupid. you just had to go out there.
Catra: even after Bow warned us about the pitchforks and torches.
Y/n: more like swords and arrows to me.
????: *beeps* (agreed)
Y/n: what the? *looks over his shoulder to see BD1* BD1 where have you been?
BD1: *beeps* (someone keeps forgetting to add me in the story?!)
A/n: okay that one was one me. my bad.
Adora then slumps back on the log as the sword glowed catching all of their attention.
Adora: *scoffs* what do you want from me now? haven't I done enough for you? *stands back up* for the honor of Grayskull. *sighs* what is wrong with you?
we then start to hear metal clanging sounds from a distance making us duck behind the log. we then glance up to see no one that was chasing us and start to investigate where it's coming from.
Adora: horsey, is that you?
we then came a cross to what looks like a hut made of branches and other forest things. then an elderly looking woman comes out of the hut with a broom stick and starts sweep it across the ground.
elderly woman: did you hear something? yes, I did too. *looks around* who's there?!
we then came out to talk to this old woman and to make sure we weren't a threat or anything like that.
Y/n: sorry for intruding on your home.
Adora: yeah, um but have you seen a flying horse around here?
elderly woman: *adjust her glasses* oh, Mara dearie and Cheetara dearie along with young Yazora. is that you three?
A/n: yeah if you know Razz she'll call Adora Mara, Catra Cheetara and Y/n Yazora.
elderly woman: about time you three got here. come on now, no time to waste. let's get going.
Y/n: what was that all about?
Catra: no idea.
BD1: *beeps* (maybe you three should follow her)
we then did what BD1 told us and enter the woman's hut as we were curious why this woman called Adora Mara who was the previous She-Ra, Catra this Cheetara person and me Yazora who was the previous wielder of the Keyblade I have.
Adora: uh you were waiting for us?
elderly woman: *laughs* we made plans to go berry-picking today.
Adora: look I'm sorry, but I think you have us mistaken for someone else.
Catra: yeah we don't know who you are.
elderly woman: no, you don't know Madame Razz, do you? ypur not quite the same. this is the wrong time for my Mara, Cheetara and Yazora, isn't it? now you got the sword and Keyblades instead.
Y/n: wait, what?
Razz: ha! well, never mind. your here now and there's berries to be picked.
she says as she gave each of us a basket I look at BD1 as he gave me a head tilt not knowing what Madame Razz was talking about. so we followed Madame Razz to where she was going as we were curious about what she might know about the sword Adora has and the Keyblades me and Catra have.
Adora: hey, uh you've said something about the sword and the Keyblade. have you seen them before?
Razz: *chuckles* don't ask silly questions Mara. you know you bring that sword around here all the time. same goes for Cheetara and Yazora for their Keyblades.
Catra: we're not--okay. how long have you been living put here in the woods alone?
Razz: alone? me? oh no I'm not alone. I've got Broom here, and my friend Loo-Kee too, but he's alwayd hiding.
we nervously chuckle with Razz and continue on ahead this Razz person must have been here for a long while. we then came across another First Ones temple that is hidden by the trees and vines.
Y/n: another First Ones temple
Catra: let's just hope things don't turn out like before.
Y/n: BD1 see if you can get some scans
BD1: *beeps* (you got it bro)
Razz: ah! here we are.
Adora: I think we've seen a place like this before. this is a First Ones ruin, isn't it?
Razz: and the best place to pick fresh berries!
we look up to see Madame Razz climbing on the First Ones ruin by using the vines to climb which surprised us.
Y/n: how did she managed to get up there so fast?
Adora: hey be careful up there!
Catra: yeah that thing's not safe.
as we see Razz climbing further up we see lights light up after Razz goes passed them. she then almost reaches the top, but in doing so also makes another light come out and shocks her making her fall. Adora was quick to jump up and catch Razz just before she could hit the ground me and Catra go up to them to make sure they were alright, but we see a holographic projection appear the show the ruins when they were in peak condition.
Razz: *chuckles* oh, dearie me. that was quite a tumble, eh?
Y/n: *looks around* woah
Adora: stars?
Catra: incredible
Razz: oh, we used to come here to look at the stars. do you remember, Mara, Cheetara and Yazora? they're all gone now. what happen to the stars?
Adora: I've seen them before. I know all of this somehow
Y/n: your not the only one.
Catra: ditto.
I then get a couple of visions one with Yazora like from when we first met Bow and Glimmer then follows up with a portal, a meteor crashing down then a sight of two planets with stars followed with baby sounds. after that we look at Razz who eats a berry while looking at us.
Adora: what is this? what's happening to us? look I know you brought us here for a reason. if you know something about the sword, about the Keyblade, about us you need to tell us!
Razz: I brought you here to pick berries and your baskets still empty. so come on sillies.
we then grabbed our baskets and BD1 climbed back on my shoulder and followed Razz while she grabs Adora's hand so that we could pick Berries.
-timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n using a laser pointer making chibi Catra chase the red dot like a cat-
as we continued to follow Razz trying to keep up with her as she was ahead of us even in the forest.
Y/n: man this lady is quick on her feet even on the woods she's quick.
Catra: tell me about it
Adora: wait! will you slow down?
Razz: eh? what's that dearie? I don't have my glasses, you'll have to speak up.
Adora: oh I know you can hear us. I just-- I need you to tell us what to do!
Razz: *laughing* how would Madame Razz know what you should do?
Adora: look we left our whole life behind, looking for answers about where we came from and who we are supposed to be.
Catra: yeah the Rebellion hates us, and we can't go back to the Horde. especially with my clone running around there.
Y/n: and we want to do the right thing, but we don't know what that is.
we walked up to Razz to see Horde tanks parked with several trees cut down. we walked up to see what the Horde is doing around here then look back at Madame Razz.
Razz: ah. it's the same old story, dearies. wicked people destroy what they cannot control.
Adora: they can't just do this.
Razz: once the princesses would have protected us along with the warriors of the Keyblade. but these days, they-- the princesses stay in their castles, protecting only their own lands and the warriors of the Keyblade are now so few. meanwhile the Horde creeps ever closer. your very young like my Mara, Cheetara and Yazora, you know. brave, loyal, but afraid.
Adora: I'm not afraid.
Catra: me neither.
Razz: dearies....*chuckles* you ran into the woods and asked the first old lady you could find what should you do. no one is going to make this easy for you, dearies. stop waiting for someone to tell you what the right thing to do is. you are smart girls and boy. what do you think?
Adora: I think....this is wrong.
we then heard a familiar sound of a horse we went over to the cliff side to see the same horse that Adora turned being held down by Horde soldiers with a net. we then look up to see a Horde base right in front of us Adora looked at her sword as we then look at each other knowing what to do.
Adora: for the honor of Grayskull.
3rd pov
higher up soldier: keep those lines taut.
then a now transformed Adora in her She-Ra appearnce along with Y/n and Catra with their Keyblades jump down near the soldiers. Adora used her sword to free the horse as it flies away as Y/n and Catra point their Keyblades at the soldiers.
Adora: turn off your machines and leave this place now!
higher up soldier: it's the Princess and the two key sword users get them!
as the sldier grabbed their weapons, but Adora swings her sword sending a wave knocking them back as they then begin to attack and destroy any of the Horde's equipment in the area. Adora then throws her sword at a Horde machine making it explode as Y/n and Catra take out either soldiers or machines with swings of their Kyeblades. as the higher up Horde soldier goes to a door to open it as more soldiers come out and he enters the base making Adora, Catra and Y/n fight them while Madame Razz watches from a tree.
Razz: that's my dearies.
she then jumps down grabbing the sword and passing it to Adora as the said girl catches it Y/n then swings his Keyblade at some soldiers then slams it into the ground making three glowing orbs appear around him knocking the soldiers back while Catra jumps from the wall as her body glows gliding through the air and spin attacking the soldiers. both Y/n and Catra felt a the same feeling as before and smirked knowing what to do.
Y/n\Catra: Ultimate form!/Gazing Tiger!
in a flash Y/n's clothes change to white and black while Catra's changes to the same color scheme as her keyblade as both their Keyblades took the same form as the first time they done it. Adora was blocking and knocking the soldiers with her sword and fist while Y/n teleports attacking a group of soldiers with many blades appearing and Catra was punching and kicking each soldier knocking them out in the process. then Adora turns to see Razz hitting a soldier with her broom
Razz: Razzle Dazzle!
Adora: Razz, no! you can't be here.
Razz turns to Adora as the soldier was about to hit Razz, but get's knocked down by the flying horse then flies away. Adora looks at the flying horse then notices a tank aimed at the horse about to fire, but she cuts down the barrel in half as the higher up soldier was controlling it. he then slams his fist on the controls as the tank fires hitting Adora knocking her way as Y/n, Catra and Razz took notices
Y/n\Catra: She-Ra!
A/n: they said that so that the Horde doesn't know who it is
Razz: Mara, dear.
the horse then kicks the soldier on the tank as Y/n and Catra regroup with Razz covering Adora while more Horde soldiers start to come out. then Razz pulls out more berries and looks at them and throws them on the ground.
Razz: Razzle Dazzle!
Adora starts to wake up back into her normal appearance as the horse rubs his muzzle against her cheek. once she opens her eyes she sees Razz and the horse along with Y/n and Catra behind them looking releifed and their clothes in their normal colors.
Razz: hello dearie.
Adora: ow.
Y/n: easy there Adora you did took a shot from a tank.
Razz: Swift Wind and I have been talking while you were asleep while Y/n and Catra were worried about you. he thanks the three of you for coming to his rescue.
Adora: Swift Wind?
Razz: that's what he prefers to be called thanks to Yazora for the name.
Y/n: no problem thought it would be a better name than "Horsey".
Razz: also, he wanted me to make sure that you know that "horsey" was a stupid name.
Y/n\Catra: *laughs* told ya!
Razz: how do you feel?
Adora: I'm....I'm okay. I think I know what I need to do *looks at Y/n and Catra* what bout you two?
Y/n: yeah we're way ahead of ya
Catra: heck yeah! this Keyblade stuff is awesome!
Adora: if the princessess won't defend Etheria, then we will. we need to get back to Bright Moon.
Razz: ah. that's the spirit, dearies.
Adora: well we see you again?
Razz: if you need me, you will always know where to find me. *enters her house while mutterin* who were those three?
Adora: *looks at Swift Wind* um...any chance we can get a ride back to Bright Moon, Swift Wind? please?
he nods allowing the three climb on with Y/n in the middle, Catra behind him and Adora in front. as Swift Wind takes to the skies the three on his back cheer from the excitement of the flight.
-back at Bright Moon-
Angella: how could you possibly think this was acceptable?!
Glimmer: mom, you don't understand. your not listening!
Angella: you've shown remarkably poor judgment! allowing three Horde soldiers into Bright Moon without telling me?
Bow: your majesty, it's not all her fault.
Angella: Bow, I think it's time you went home. Glimmer and I have lot to discuss.
Glimmer: mom!
then a bright golden light appeared from behind Glimmer and Bow as everyone turn to see Adora in her She-Ra form with Y/n and Catra with their Keyblades in hand making their way to Bow and Glimmer. everyone gasped upon their sudden appearance as Angella looks at the three in front of her being surprised to see She-Ra and two Keyblade wielders/
Angella: it can't be.
Glimmer: I was trying to tell you. momm meet-
Angella: She-Ra and the Keyblade wielders.
Adora: your Majesty, we've come to pledge ourselves to the Rebellion. but first, there's something you should know.
she then releases the form to reveal her true appearance making the people and Angella gasp seeing that she along with Catra and Y/n were Horde soldiers.
Glimmer: mom this is Adora, Catra and Y/n.
Adora: *kneels* I know you have no reason to trust us, your Majesty.
Y/n: *kneels* but we've seen for ourselves the atrocities the Horde has committed against the people of Etheria and we're ready to fight to stop them.
Catra: *kneels* if you give us the chance. we know we can help the Rebellion turn the tide of the war.
Angella was taken back by this as Glimmer smiled and nods to her mother to give them a chance to prove themselves as Adora presented the sword to Queen Angella. as the said Queen looks at them then takes the sword looking at it and looks at the Keyblades that Y/n and Catra have.
Angella: I know the legend of the warrior the First Ones called She-Ra as well the legend of the warriors of the Keyblade. they said she would return to us with two Keyblade wielders in the hour of our greatest hour of need and to bring balance to Etheria. I never thought they were anything more then a myth and yet here you three are now. in a uniform of a Horde soldier, no less. you three would pledge to stand with us against those you three once served?
Adora\Catra\Y/n: *sighs* yes.
Angella: Glimmer, you would vouch for them and take responsibility for them?
Glimmer: yes.
Angella: then rise. the Rebellion accepts you allegiance, She-Ra, Princess of Power, Y/n and Catra of the Keyblade.
the crowed cheered for the three as Glimmer and Bow hugged the three as they are now fully accepted into Bright Moon making the three smile.
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed tis chapter please let me know what you guys thought of it in the comments. I will catch you guys in the next one
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