
March 13th, only a couple days from St. Patrick's Day. She had told Nick that she could watch his sister's daughter Aliena Alden. He gave her the address and she showed up there that Sunday.

A beautiful, brunette woman with bright hazel eyes opened the door. She smiled.

"You must be Juliet Hunter." She said.

"Yep! That's me!" Julie beamed.

"Good, I need someone to watch him. I'm Viola Alden, by the way. I have to go, but he knows what to do. Aliena is currently taking a nap, but she should be up in ten minutes. Okay, thank you so much!" She said in a hurry.

Julie heard the door shut before she could even ask who 'he' was. She sighed. This day was going to be a surprise wasn't it?

"Hiya, Juliet!" A familiar voice said from behind her. She nearly jumped.

"Romeo Cameron!" She exclaimed, wiping around. Her blonde hair flashed through the air as she spun to face him. "Did you have to sneak up on me?" She screeched.

The familiar brunette boy with the messy hair, bright bottle green eyes, and classic red hoodie was indeed there, leaning against the wall. He cracked a grin that was oh-so familiar.

"Hello to you too." Romeo said walking over to her.

"I thought you couldn't be trusted to watch your cousin?" Julie folded her arms across her chest.

"Alone, I can't watch her alone." Romeo rolled his eyes. "And just so you know I'm actually great with kids."

"You can prove that true in ten minutes when Aliena wakes up." Juliet smiled. She sat down on the living room's navy blue couch. Romeo sat down next to her.

"So what's up?" Romeo asked.

Julie remembered what she had been dying to tell him.

"I went to the prison yesterday." Juliet began.

"Oh yeah?" Romeo leaned his head on his knuckle against the couch. Julie stared into his lively green eyes and smiled, softly.

"Yeah, I finally got some closure with my dad." Julie said. "I'm sorry I freaked out about it. I never would have done it without you. I probably would have just held my resentment for him inside until it killed me. So thanks..." Julie blushed, leaning in closer towards him.

Romeo grinned. "So you forgive me?"

"I blew it out of proportion. Yes, Ro, I forgive you." Julie put her arm on the couches rest.

"You actually talked to your dad. You moved on?" Romeo stated, double checking.

Juliet nodded. "Yeah-"

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her in seconds and engulf her in a hug. She was taken momentarily by surprise, before wrapping her arms around his stomach. He was so close to her... He smelled like pine trees.

"I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it. You're amazing." He told her, letting go.

Julie blushed and nodded some more. She wanted so badly to get closer, to kiss him. They were so close. She knew he wanted to move on and she remembered Ivy's advice. She leaned in anyway, but didn't close her eyes.

Romeo blushed and almost leaned in, but thought better of it when he heard a small voice.

"Ro, where's my mom?" A little seven year old wondered. She had dirty blonde hair and big, green eyes. She was wearing a green t-shirt and small, blue shorts.

"Aliena!" Romeo ducked to the floor and scooped the little girl into his arms. She giggled. "It's your mom and dad's anniversary so we'll be watching you for the next couple hours."

Aliena seemed quite fine with it. "Okay! Who's she?" She asked politely, pointing at Julie.

"That's Juliet. She's my friend. She's going to watch you with me." Romeo stated.

"Hi, I'm Aliena!" The young girl said, sweetly, speaking only to Juliet.

"Hi!" Julie waved.

"So, Aliena, what do you want to do? Are you hungry?" Romeo asked, still holding his cousin.

"No," Aliena shook her head.

"Okay so what do you want to do?" Romeo wondered.

"Can we go to the park?" Aliena asked. Her big green eyes were irresistible.

"Isn't a little cold to go to the park?" Julie wondered.

"Nah, it's just a little breezy. Sure, Aliena, go grab your coat." Romeo said, letting the little girl run off to her room.

It was long before the little girl came back with her coat and shoes. She nearly tripped over her untied laces.

"Here, let me help you." Juliet kneeled down and grabbed the young girl's untied laces, creating a bow.

"Thank you! Mommy usually does it." Aliena said. Julie noticed how polite and sweet she was and smiled.

"Now let's go!" Aliena grabbed Romeo's left hand and Julie's right, excitedly. She dragged them out the door.

Some patches of snow still laid on the sidewalk. Aliena skipped down the sidewalk holding her babysitters' hands.

Julie gave Romeo a smile that showed how much she was enjoying the young girl's energy. Romeo smiled back, honestly enjoying himself.

The park was nearly empty. Not many parents would bring their kids to the park on a breezy March day.

"Push me, please!" Aliena hopped on a swing.

"Yeah push us, please!" Romeo plopped onto the swing next to the seven year old.

Julie threw her head back and let out an honest laugh. She let Aliena fly through the air as she pushed the girl. Julie went back and forth between Romeo and Aliena, laughing throughout.

Thump! Romeo soared through the air only to land on his feet.

Aliena attempted to copy her older cousin's movements but she didn't land very far.

After a couple times sliding down slides, climbing over everything, and doing the monkey bars Aliena was ready to go home.

"That was fun! Thank you!" Aliena said. She looked up at Romeo and used her cuteness power. "Ro, can I have some hot cocoa?"

"Alright, sure." Romeo started making the drink right away.

Aliena flashed Julie a grin at the manipulation using cuteness. Julie smiled.

"That'll be useful later." Julie whispered and Aliena giggled.

Aliena climbed onto one of the green stools and sat at the counter as Romeo created the chocolatey drink. Juliet sat next to her.

"So you said Julie is your friend, right?" Aliena wondered.

"Yeah, what of it?" Romeo questioned, pouring the fresh hot chocolate into three mugs.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Aliena asked innocently.

Romeo started coughing in surprise and Julie's face turn bright red. Romeo's face quickly changed to match the color of his hoodie.

"W-why would you think that?" Romeo tried to recover from the shock of the question.

"Well she's a girl and she's your friend." Aliena stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh, well I have plenty of girl friends, er... I have plenty of friends who are girls." Romeo handed Aliena a little green mug. He set a blue on next to Julie, before sitting down next to them at the counter.

"Well, are you going to marry her?" Aliena asked, again with complete innocence in her voice.

Julie didn't know whether not to laugh or to be absolutely embarrassed by her question. She choose both, due to the hilarious expression on Romeo's face.

He looked as if he had been taken by surprise and hit in the back with a baseball bat. He coughed on his own hot chocolate.

"Marry her? W-where'd you get that idea?" Romeo spluttered.

"Well Dad says that him and mom started off as friends but they liked each other so they got married." Aliena stated.

"We aren't getting married." Romeo and Julie stated in unison. They gave each other a look before blushing.

"Okay!" Aliena stated. "Thanks for the cocoa, Ro."

"Yes, thank you." Julie's face was still red.

"You are both very welcome." Romeo smiled, his blush fading.

Aliena's mug was so empty. She yawned after finishing the drink.

"Tired?" Romeo wondered.

"No," Aliena said. "I already took a nap today!" She crossed her arms.

"Well then maybe we should have quiet time. It's getting a bit late." Romeo glanced at the clock. "How about we watch a movie?"

"Okay!" Aliena ran to her room.

Romeo smirked at Julie. "What did I tell you? I'm great with kids."

"Yeah, perhaps you were right, but she is your cousin. You don't even need me here at all." Julie commented.

Romeo's face fell slightly. "No I need you here. Sometimes I get carried away and forget that someone has to adult. You keep me in check, Hunter."

Julie grinned. "Aw thanks, Cameron. Hopefully you're stretching the truth a bit, because that'll suck for you later in life." She joked.

"What? Why? Are you going to stop hanging out with when we get old? Aw, Julie!" Romeo whined.

"Nah we'll still be friends, doofus. I just won't babysit you every day when we're adults." Julie teased. Romeo, maturely, stuck out his tongue. Juliet rolled her eyes. A sudden, curious thought struck her and she felt intrigued to where she had to ask. "Uh, Romeo?" She began.

"Yeah?" He said.

"I found it!" Aliena chirped, dashing out of her room holding a movie case. She handed it to her cousin.

"The Princess Bride," Romeo stated.

"Ooh, that's a classic!" Julie remarked.

"Please, Ro!" Aliena's eyes grew wide and hypnotizing once more.

"I don't see why not. It's a good movie." Romeo got up off the stool and moved to the living room where he popped the disc in the DVD player.

The three of them sat on the couch and the classic movie began.

Aliena was hypnotized by the screen until halfway through the movie where her eyes began to droop. She fell asleep in Julie's lap at the wedding scene. Julie had begun to feel a bit tired too and she leaned her head on Romeo who didn't seem to mind.

"She's asleep." Julie whispered Romeo who smiled at the tired little girl.

"So what was it that you were going to ask earlier?" Romeo wondered.

"Oh!" Juliet blushed. "Well, I was just wondering... You seem to like kids and well, do you want to have some when you grow up?"

Romeo looked surprised by the question. "Well, yeah. I'd like to have kids someday. Two to be exact. A girl and a boy."

"Oh, cool." Julie said. She didn't quite know why she asked.

"What about you?" Romeo wondered.

"Oh I guess I haven't really thought about it..." Julie began. "But I think two is the perfect number. It's balanced." Her face turned bright red as she spoke.

"You're so weird. You know that?" Romeo teased.

"I am not." Julie said as she snuggled closer to the hoodie wearing brunette.

Ten minutes later the door to the house opened revealing Romeo's Aunt Viola and Uncle Liam. Julie straightened up.

"Thank you so much for watching her." Liam said, scooping his daughter off the couch. "I hope she wasn't too much trouble."

Romeo and Julie shared a smile. It had been a fun day with the seven year old.

"Oh no, she wasn't any trouble at all. It was rather fun." Julie admitted. "Aliena is a sweet girl.

Romeo's aunt and uncle smiled.

"Well, I think it's time that I got home. My job is done." Julie stated, getting off the couch.

"Yeah, me too. See you, Aunt Vi. Bye, Uncle Liam." Romeo said.

They were thanked and paid before they left. It had been a good day.

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