The Merrical Of Life

I was making dinner when I felt it happen. At first I was confused, then slightly mortified. My first thought was 'Did I really just pee my self?'. I looked down and saw that my pats were wet and that a puddle was forming at my feet. Annoyance and even humiliation swept through me as I glared at the puddle like it had done something to personally offend me. I was about to get something to clean it up when I saw the calander out of the coner of my eye.

It was the 13, one day before my due date. I looked back at the small, clear puddle and relisation dawned on me. Both fear and excitment started to course through me, but I kept it under controll. I waddled my way to the living room where I knew the four of them sat, waiting for me to call them in. I had fought with them to let me do this one chore, and barely managed to get them to stop mother hening me enough to actually start cooking. The deal was they were going to stay only one room over in case I need help. I know I'm never going to hear the end of this.

I groaned out in annoyance and peeked my head areound the corner. "Hey, Mattie. Can you come in here for a second?" I asked him and four heads turned to face me at once. Kinda like a bunch of little gophers. "Man that was creepy."

"What's wrong? Do you need help with something?" Mattie asked as he stood up. Consern shone in mauve eyes.

"Just come here for a miute." I said gestering for him to enter. He entered the room and I pointed at the puddle. "I either peeded myself or my water just broke."

"Oh, yea. I'm pretty sure your water did just break." Mattie said as he looked at it for a moment. "How do you feel?"

"Fine." I shruged nonchalntly even though I was freaking out on the inside.

"Have you felt any contractions yet?" He asked as he started to lead me to living room. I shook my head no, I haven't. The mention of contractions got the attention of the other three residents.

"Fredka! Have you gone into labor?" Ivan asked, rushing to my side. A worry look streached across his face and he took my other arm to lead me to the couch.

"Not quiet yet." Mattie spoke up. "Even though water breaking usually happens after labor starts, it can sometimes happen a little too soon. He should start feeling the contractions with in the next 12 hours."

"Great. 'Cause I am not giving birth to my girls on a thirteenth." I snorted in amusemnt. "Also, dinner is still cooking. Someone needs to go check on that."

"Oh, I'll get it." Kat said rushing into the kitchen.

"Well, you have about five hours untill midnight. I doubt you'll give birth to them in that time." Mattie told me nonchalantly, like we weren't talking about giving birth.

"Wait, how long is this going to last?" I asked him, eyes narrowing.

"Active labor for a first time mom usually lasts anytime from eight hours to eightteen." He informed me with a sympathetic smile.

"Fantastic." I groaned in annoyance. "When should I move upstairs?"

A couple of days ago both Ivan and Mattie turned one of my guest rooms into a birthing room. The bed was stripped of all fabric sheets and had a plastic sheet on it instead. The pillow cases were replaced with plactic ones as well. He had all his tools set up in there as well, ready for when the twins decided they wanted to see the world. He even had Ivan, Nat, and Kat go through a training exersize so they will know what to do when the time came.

"You don't have to go up untill the actual contractions start. So you can stay down here and relax for a while." Mattie told me. Kat chose that time to come into the living room carring dinner.

"Yeah, okay. That sounds good. I just need to change my pants." I reminded him with a sigh while I looked down at my soild streatchy sweatpants..

True enough it only took two hours for the first cntraction to hit. I was walking to the bathroom, with a hovering Russain mother hen trailing me, when I felt it. At first it felt like a intense stomach pain. It felt like every organ in my body was cramping at the same time. I had to grab a hold of Ivan while it passed. I know that my hand squeezed hard enough to leave slight bruising, but Ivan, the amazing guy that he is, didn't say a word to complain. He just held me while it passed, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

It was after the first cantraction that everything dawned on me. "Oh my god. This is actually happening." I panted out, fear coarsing through my veins.

"Hey, you're going to be okay Fredka. Your brother is here to help you, so everything is going to be okay. He is a very good doctor." Ivan whispered in my ear, trying to reasure me. I nodded my head, still scared, but willing to trust him.

I used the bathroom and came out to the living room where the other three were waiting. I let them know of the first contraction, which Mattie marked as a good sign that it happened sooner rather then later. He said I didn't have to move up to the room untill the contractions were thirty minutes apart. So I settled down on the couch, ready to wait out the longest part of labor.

The whole time Ivan stayed by my side. He spent the next three hours holding and soothing me. He did his best to keep me as calm as possible. Normally I would have snapped at his hovering, but right now I really needed him. I stayed snuggled into his side most of the time, occasionally moving around to get in a more comfertable possition. I would also get up every once in a while to walk around a little and he'd hold me close to help support me.

Kat and Nat were doing their part in helping by bringing me whatever I asked. Which were mostly ice chips or popsicles from the freezer. Mattie would occasionally brush my hair back or hum our lulluby to me. If I was up walking around he would rub my back while a contraction hit so Ivan can focuse on holding me up. Even Hero was doing her best to help me. She'd rub and lick my hand or knead my thigh in her own show of comfert and support. She has always been my sweet supportive girl.

It was about twelve at night when we moved to the second floor. My contractions were thirty minutes apart and shrinking. They were slowly starting to hurt more and more as the night wore on. The last few had tears pricking at the corner of my eyes, they were so painful. The more frequent they happened the more scared I got.

Ivan must have noticed how scared I was getting because he wrapped both arms around me and just held me close. While my fear didn't go away completly it did help being in his arms. "Every thing is going to be okay, Fredka. You are the strongest nation, you will be fine." He whispered to me, slowly rocking me back and forth. I was sitting on the bed in a hospital gown Mattie barrowed *caughstolecaugh* from a hospital he volunteers at.

"I'm scared. I am so scared right now." I admitted into his chest. "What if something goes wrong?"

"Do not worry. Your brother is here, my sisters are here, and I'm here. Whatever might happen, we'll be right here to help." He spoke to me softly.

"Alfie. We're all here for you, okay. Everything is going to be okay." Mattie told me with a kind smile. He was dressed in scrubs and had his hair pulled back in a pony tail. Natalia and Katyusha both had on similar outfits with their hair pulled back as well. Kat had her hair pulled back with a head band while Nat had hers up in a bun.

"Hey Mattie. Did you ever think that you'd be helping me give birth to your neices?" I asked him jokenly.

"To be honest, no. It had never once occured to me that I'd bee helping my little brother give birth to his kids." Mattie deadpanned, though amusment laced his tone. "And yet, here we are."

"Yeah, funny how things happen." My laugh was cut short when another contraction hit. "Ugh, damn it!" I cursed softly as a few tears trickled down my cheeks.

"Ssshhh. It's okay Fredka. You're doing wonderfully." Ivan soothed, gently whiping the tears from my face.

"I can't wait for this to be over." I groaned out, already done with this.

"Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but we still have several hours to go." Mattie told me, a sympathetic smile etched on his face. It took all my will power to not kick him in the face. I swear if it weren't for the fact that he was needed to deliver my kids, I probably would have.

For the next several hours we could do little more then wait. It was agonizing to wait and watch the clock as long as we did. Minutes felt like hours. I'd get up for a few minutes, sit back down, then get back up again. Nat and Kat continued to bring me ice chips that I ate like candy. Ivan and Mattie would offer support where they could. Unfortunetly their was very little we actually could do for now. For the moment it was a waiting game.

The only thing that changed was how frequently and powerful each contraction hit. The further the night moved on the quicker and more powerful each came. Now they were about ten minutes apart and each one felt like I was being hit by a bus. It felt like my insides were being ripped apart, which actually wasn't too far off the mark.

"Oh my god! Ivan! I'm going to kill you when this is over!" I screamed in pain while another powerful contraction hit. Tears flowed down my cheecks in almost endless trickles now, though I hardly.

"If you do that, then who would father the girls." He said with a some what amused smile, one hand coming up to wipe away my tears. He knew I wouldn't really, or at least he was pretty sure I wouldn't.

"Mattie would. He'd father my girls." I growled, puting up my sharpest glare. I was two seconds from decapitating him as he was the reason I was in this mess in the first place.

"Damn right I would." My brother agreed happily. He gave Ivan the biggest grin he could manage.

"Ha! Strike one for-OH HELL! KILL ME NOW!" I shouted as a particularly strong contraction hit. Fresh tears flowed down my face in steadier streams.

"I think we're gatting close." Mattie said satnding up from the chair he'd been sitting in next to me. "Ladies, positons please."

Nat helped to lift one of my legs while Ivan held back the other. Kat was tasked with helping Mattie at ground zero. She'd hand him tools and would be the one to clean off the baby when she arrives. Ivans job was to help me lean forwared when I needed to push and for me to squeeze the life out of when the pain got too much.

"Alright, Alfie. You're fully dialated now. You can start pushing at the next contraction. Try to only push with the contractions so you don't ware yourself out too quickly." Mattie instructed me, voice firm as he sliped into serious mode.

"Kay. Got it." I nodded my head. I didn't have to wait long for another contraction to come. When I felt it I leaned forward with the help of Ivan and pushed the best I could. I let out a loud scream when the pain it. I could have sworn I was actually being ripped in half. I barely noticed the tears flowing out of my eyes. I all but fell back when it was done.

"That's it Fredka. You're doing so well." Ivan whispered in my ear.

I responded with a scream when another contraction hit. I pushed with all the strength I had, swearing all the while. Every mucle from my waist down squeezed and contracted agonizingly. After what felt like forever it passed. I fell back panting, trying to catch my breath. This repeated several more times, each contraction worse then the last. With each passing one they grew more intense as my body tried to deliver the baby. Sweat dripped down my face, mixing with the tears. Nat did her best to frequntly wipe my face to keep the salty liquid out of my eyes.

"You're going to hate me for saying this, but you need to try to calm down. Relaxe." Mattie told me, sympathy clear in his tone of voice.

"Relaxe? Lets see you relaxe when you have to push a watermellon out of your body!" I snarled as I fixed him with my fiercest glare. After years of being my twin it didn't faze him one bit. I let out another shout when another contraction hit, forcing my muscles to clench. This one ended with a choked sob as I collapsed back on to the bed. "Ivan! I can't do this! I can't do this! Vanya! I can't!" I sobbed out, tears flowing down my cheeks like waterfalls. "I'm not strong enough, Vanya!"

"Hush Fredka. You can do this! You are the strongets nation in the worled. You are the strongest person I know. If anyone can do this, you can." He told me firmly with all the confidence he had. I looked in to his eyes, looking for a sign of doubt or uncertinty, but I never saw a shread. I only found adoration, hope, confidence, and unconditional love. Seeing the faith he had for me in his eyes calmed and chased away all my fears. I nodded my head, a fresh wave of determination flowed through me.

When the next contraction hit I pushed with renewed vigor. I cursed loudly and creativly enough to make even Romano blush. When Mattie told me he could see the head I braced my self. I met the next contraction head on with everything I had. I threw my head back and screamed, but I did not relent. It stoped for a moment, just long enough for me to take in a breath. I started pushing again, knowing I was close. I leaned forwared as much as I could, trying my hardest to give birth to my daughter. From all around me my family excitedly urged me on, words of encouragement spilling from them in never ending streams. Ivan and Nat helped to suport my back so I could lean forwared, and for a breif second, I though I felt a third hand. I paid it no mind though as I was more focused on bringing my girl to the world. I took in a deep breath, gave a final push, and then I heard it.

A scream.

And everything else seemed to have come to a stop. All the pain I felt melted away when I heard her cries. The world could have exploded just then and I wouldn't have noticed nor cared. Then Mattie held her up for me to see. She was covered in blood and other fluids, but she was beautiful in my eyes. He handed her to Kat so he could cut the cord. Once he made the snip she quickly brought her over to me.

I reached my arms out and gently took my baby girl from her. She was still crying, but calmed when I gently shushed her. Not quiet knowing what to do I followed my instincs. I started trying to clean her the best I could, earning a chuckle from Ivan. I was so focused on the babe in my arms I almost forgot he was there.

"Look at her." I whispered to him. Kat handed me a baby wipe and I started to clean her face. Her face scrunched up slightly, but she made no fuss.

"I am. She's so beautiful. You did a very good job." He praised me quitely. He brought one hand up to gently stroke her cheeck. She cooed and her cheek twiched like she was trying to smile.

"Alright Alfred. It might be a few minutes before your body tries to give birth to the other one. Take these few minutes as a chance to rest." Mattie told me. "Also, she was born at 6:36, about two minutes before sunrise. Fun fact I thought you might like to know."

"Thanks bro." I said with a smile, still panting slightly. I let him get back to doing his thing while I focused on my little girl. "Oh my god, Vanya, look at this. It's a baby. We have a baby."

"I know Fredka." He chuckled, a big grin streached across his face. "You did well. I told you, you are strong enough." He kissed my cheek. I turned my head to give him a proper kiss. It was cut of when I felt my contractions start to come back. My sudden shift in posture startled the babe in my arms, making her cry out.

"Looks like round two is about to start. Kat, if you'd please." Mattie gestured to the baby in my arms. She nodded and carefully took her from me. She retreated to the other end of the room to clean the new one while Ivan took over holding my leg back. "Alright Ivan, Nat, you two ready? Good. Alfred?"

"Let's get this over with." I nodded my head, getting ready to push at the next contraction. Now experienced I quickly got back into the flow. I noticed that it hurt a little less this time, but it still brought tears to my eyes. This time I tried my best to hold in my screams to not frighten my already born baby. It was hard, but I kept quite for her.

It was much faster this time too. While the last one lasted a good forty minutes or so, this one flew by much quicker. It only took a few contractions to get close. I gave another big push and this time instead of hearing a scream I heard giggles. As much as I wanted to lift my self up again to see her I was much too tired. I instead waited for Kat to bring her to me. She noticed that I needed a minute to breath, so she took those few minutes to clean her. By the time she had cleaned her I had regained enough strength sit proped up. Ivan placed a few more pillows behind me and I was ready to hold my girls.

Kat and Nat came over, each holding a baby. I reached out to take them in my arms. Once I had both of my girls in my arms I felt a restless part of me finally settle down. I looked down at them, taking in their soft featchers. Once had a small tuff snow blond hair, just like Ivan. Perhaps even a little bit lighter. She was bigger then the other, though not by much. The other had light gold hair that shone in the early morning light. It was similar to my own darker wheat gold. Her hair was slighty longer, but still no more then just enough to cover her head.

I felt the bed dip slightly as Ivan clibed up next to me. I leaned against his side, tired, but happy. He reachd over to gently stroke the nearest ones cheek, which happened to be the snow blond one. She giggled and slowly opened her eyes. I looked into her beautiful eyes that ringed blue on the outside and red at the pupil, melting to a beautiful lilac that made up most of eye. The other at hearing her sisters giggles, giggled herself while she opened her eyes too. Hers were a beautiful sky blue with flecs of silver and yellow. Like shavings of silver and gold amongst sapphiers.

"They're both perfict Fredka. Absolutly beautiful." Ivan softly told me, eyes never leaving his daughters faces. "I'm so proud of you."

"Hey, you helped." I laughed quietly.

"No, this is all you. They have your beauty." He argued half heartedly.

"Do you really think I could have produced a snow blond with out you?" I raided a brow at him. "Everyone in my family was either a light golden or darker. This one is all you." I said as I gently moved the snow blond up and down. She whimpered unhappily at the movement, so I stoped.

"So, what are their names? I kinda need it for the birth certificate." Mattie asked us, sheepish that he had interupted our moment.

"Which one came out first?" I asked him.

"It was the snowy haired one." Kat informed me.

"Well, she'll be Whice. Whice Dawn Jones-Braginsky. She was born at dawn, so that'll be her middle name." I said looking down at my eldest. I turned to look at my youngest, her blue eyes focused soley on me. "And this one will be Alice. Alice Jules Jones-Braginsky. Jules because she was born in July."

"Those are wonderful names, moya lyubov." Ivan praised. "Our little Whice and Alice. Our little angles."

"I can't believe they're actually here." I laughed softly and leaned further against the love of my life. Exshoution was finally starting to claim me, making my eyes heavy with sleep.

"Thank you so much Alfred." Ivan said wrapping his arms around me.

"For what?" I asked tiredly.

"For giving me the best gift ever." He chuckled softly, refuring back to last christmas when I gave him the positive pregnancy test.

"Hehe. You're welcome big guy." I whispered, barely fighting sleep.

"Here, let me take the girls. You rest my love. We'll be right here waiting for you." Ivan told me softly as he reached for the girls.

I gave them each a kiss on the forhead before letting their dad take them. He moved so he was on a chair next to me, but still in perfict veiw. He held the girls in each arme, just like how I just had them. Nat and Kat stood on one side and Mattie stood on the other, all three cooing over the girls. I blinked a few times before I finally stopped fighting sleep. The last image I saw before sleep was of my whole family, all in one place, and that's how they'll stay. All of us together.


Boom! Book done!
I hope you all enjoyed this book along with the series.
A special thank you to RubiCrystalline and OliviaGuardabascio, contest winners of those riddles I had back in chapter Week 18! They each picked out the middle names for the girls. Rubi had Alice and Olivia had Whice. So once again, thank you to the two of you!

I don't think I made any refernces in this one, so we can skip that part.

I hope everyone is enjoying the series and, like I said in the last chapter, I will be continuing it for two more books, so stay tuned! As always I'll update this one with an A\N when the other one is out, though it might not be for a minute. Sorry about that.

Anyways, thank you all for reading!

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