26. Fasting for him
Preeti's Point of view
"Hey... How are you feeling?" I asked Siddharth when he woke up.
"My head is splitting into two." He said while trying to get up from the bed and groaned in pain.
I immediately helped him to sit properly and put pillows behind his back for support. I took the glass of water and give it to him. He took the glass from me and drink it.
"What happened last night?" He asked me while giving the glass back to me.
"A car hit you and run away." I said without looking into his eyes and put the glass back on table.
I can't tell him it hit him intentionally because of my foolishness. Tears welled up in my eyes and it took a lot of me I control them.
"Must be some drunk asshole. Are you fine?" He asked, looking at me with concern.
I nodded my head while sitting beside him on bed. He is still asking about me when he is the one who is lying on hospital bed. I caressed his right cheek lovingly and this time tears streamed out from my eyes. I closed my eyes and cupped my mouth with my palm to suppress my sob. Suddenly pair of strong arms took me in a warm embrace and I cried while putting my head on his shoulder.
"Baby..I am fine now." He consoled me while caressing my hair lovingly.
"Mr. Kapoor..How are you feeling now?" We both parted from hug when Doctor open the door and walked inside.
I stood up from the bed and give a space to Doctor to check Siddharth.
"Just have a little bit head ache.." Siddharth said.
"Well you hit your head pretty hard. So it's normal. After two days rest you will be perfect fine." Doctor said while checking his blood pressure.
I looked at Siddharth concernly and he gave me a soft smile while looking at me with love.
"You look fine Mr. Kapoor." Doctor.
"Doctor..Can I take him home now?" I asked to the doctor and he said 'yes' while nodding his head.
"Hey dude what's up." Nick came into the room just after Doctor left.
"Just take me home." Siddharth said while trying to get up from the bed.
I gasped and immediately rushed to help him when he try to get up from the bed and stumble on his feet.
"Easy tiger... you are still weak." Nick said while helping him sit on the bed.
"I won't leave that asshole who hit me by his car." Siddharth said while groaning in pain and rest his head on my stomach while encircling his both hands around my waist and pull me closer.
"Pretty Preeti you took care of him. I will come after meeting the doctor." Nick said to me.
"There is no need. He already told us to take him home." I said while running my fingers in Siddharth's hair to ease the pain.
"Okay then let's go.."
Nick gave us a ride to home after completing all the formalities of discharge and help Siddharth to reach our room.
"Here you go buddy." Nick carefully laid Siddharth on bed. I immediately went to his side and adjust pillow under his head so he can feel comfortable.
"How are you beta?" Mom asked Siddharth, sitting beside him on the bed and caressed his head.
"I am fine mom. Just a little bit headache." Siddharth said while resting his right hand on his forehead.
"Bhayi I will cook something delicious and healthy for you. So you can recover fast." Keerti said while crawling on bed and sit on the other side of Siddharth.
"Please don't try keerti. I don't want to get sick." Siddharth said tiredly but everyone broke into laugh.
"Bhayi you are so mean.." she pouted.
"Don't make a ducky face. Everyone knows you are a horrible cook." Nick said while making a fun of her.
"At Least I am better than you and bhayi." Keerti said while tucking her toung out.
"At Least we know how to make pancakes. James doesn't even know how to boil water." Siddharth said with a smirk and high five with Nick while still resting his hand on his forehead.
Everyone broke into laugh and keerti cheeks turned into red shade, hearing James name.
"Now let him sleep he must be tired." Dad said while getting up from the bed.
I was seeing all this standing at the corner of the room. Because I am feeling too guilty to converse with anyone.
Blackmailer messaged me and he called me at city mall after an hour with money. Kshama already transfer the money in my account. I just have to withdrawal it and will give it to blackmailer in exchange of Keerti's nudes. But I have to do all this without letting know Siddharth's security guards.
Everyone nodded their head and leave the room. I closed the door of our room and looked at Siddharth. Siddharth was lying silently while resting his hand on his head. He is looking weak and his face is still looking pale because of the blood loss. It pains my heart looking at him like this. He is in pain just because of me and I have to do things right just like before.
"Don't stare me like this. It's creepy." He said while removing his hand from his forehead and looked at me while giving me his toothy smile.
I don't know how he can find humor in such condition.
"Come here..." He called me while stretching his one hand towards me.
I slowly walked to him and helped him sitting when he try to get up. He make me sit in front of him and hold my hand.
"What happen..? Why are you so silent?" He asked me while making small circles at the back of my palm.
I lowered my head and a tear fell from my right eye.
"You are such a cry baby. Always cry for small things." He said while wiping my tears.
I sniffed and looked at him. He was smiling like an idiot. How could he smile when he is injured.
"You will understand me when I am in your place." I said while taking a plate of cutting apples from the table.
"I will never let that happen." He said while stopping my hand in air when I raised it to feed him.
"You never know what will happen in next minute." I said looking at him.
"Preeti I know you are afraid about my accident. But I am fine now and next time I will be careful." He said looking at me lovingly and caressed my cheek.
"Can you do one thing Please." I said while putting my hand on his which was on my cheek.
"What..?" He asked in a soft voice.
"Will you please increase the security of you and Keerti." I said looking at him with hope.
"Preeti.." He whispered my name.
"Please..." I pleaded him and looked at him with my teary eyes.
"Okey..." He nodded his head and kissed on my forehead. I closed my eyes and finally tears escaped from my eyes which I was holding.
After that I make him eat apples which he eat it like a obey kid because he loves apples. I gave him his medicines and make him sleep. He soon drifted to the sleep because of pain killers and antibiotics.
I slowly put Siddharth's head on bed from my lap and got up from bed carefully without making any noise.
Now this is the time to meet the blackmailer. But I have to be very careful to do anything also I have to get out from house without coming into the sight of guards.
I was walking on the New York street under the heavy rain, holding a paper in my hand, in which clearly written that I was being fooled. He doesn't have keerti's nudes. He doesn't even know how keerti looks. He just want money and I was a easy target to make fool in Kapoor family.
Why everyone take advantage of me. Am I really that dumb who can't differentiate between truth and lie.
Why all this happened to me?
What will I do when Siddharth came to know about the money which I transferred from India's office. One day he will come to know and he will never forgive me to hide things from him.
Why god taking our test?
Why can't god let us happy?
Isn't he happy to kept us apart for two years to test our love and now he testing us again?
Tears are continuously falling from my eyes and I keep walking further aimlessly.
Why can't Keerti tell me about her personal life? If she share things with me, nothing like this happen. No one can take advantage of our differences. Does she not look at me as her sister, just like she looked at me before.
My legs stumbled and I was about to fall when someone hold me by my shoulder to save me from falling.
I raised my head when I heard the familiar voice.
"Preeti..beta...why are you wet?" Mom asked me as soon as I walked inside the house. James gave me the ride back to home and leave after dropping me at the main door of house.
"I went to market to buy apples for Siddharth." I said.
"Okey..but next time send someone else and go to your room. Siddharth woke up and asking for you." Mom said.
"Okey.." I nodded my head and climbed on stairs.
I stop and turn back when mom called my name.
"Your Dad's cousin sister is coming in evening along with her daughter to see Siddharth and especially meeting you. She didn't come in your wedding because of her health. She is kind of old fashioned. So wear saree and cook indian food. She will like it." Mom said with a smile.
"Okey mom.." I nodded my head and walked upstairs to my room.
I don't understand what is happening around me but I knew one thing someone wants to hurt my family and try to create misunderstandings between them. When I focused in past few days incident, Keerti's hatred towards her, attack on her and Siddharth's accident, it was all not just a coincidence. That's all happened in row that it's hard to ignore them.
Someone just not wants to hurt them physically but emotionally too by running their relationships.
I had fooled by blackmailer. He took two millions from her and didn't gave her what I want. He said he didn't have keerti's nudes but how can I believe him when he already fooled me and top of that how I will return the money I took from India's office account.
As I opened the door of our room Siddharth looked at me while talking on phone. He got up from the bed and went to balcony to talk in private. I also didn't disturb him and went to bathroom for a shower. My clothes are all wet and I knew I will soon catch fever.
When I came back from bathroom after shower, I looked for Siddharth. He is still in balcony and talking on phone. So I didn't disturb him and went to downstairs for preparing the food for his aunt and cousin.
"Masii..." A six year old girl run to keerti and keerti picked her up in her arms.
"How are you princess?" Keerti cooed to Krisha, grand daughter of bua ji and nice of keerti and Siddharth.
"Beautiful.." Krisha said in her baby voice and everyone laugh at her cuteness.
I walked to bua ji and touched her feet she blessed me and caressed my head. Then I turn to Reina di Siddharth's cousin and bent down to touch her feet but she hugged me.
"You are more then beautiful in real." Reina di said and I gave her a smile.
I went kitchen and bring snacks and tea for everyone.
"Where is Sid I want to see him. How is he now? I have not been able to sit properly since you told me about his accident." Bua ji (father's sister) asked mom.
"Asked him yourself." Mom said while gesturing towards Siddharth who walked towards towards us.
"Mamu.." Krisha climbed down from keerti's arms and run towards Siddharth. Siddharth bent down to her level and picked her in his arms.
"Namste bua ji.." Siddharth bent down little and touched bua ji feet and hugged Reina di.
"Sid I can't believe you crossed the road carelessly. I didn't expect this from you. Look Neeta he looked pale." Bua ji said while cupping his face.
"I am fine bua ji." Siddharth said while sitting on the couch and make sit krisha on his lap.
"Di come I have so many things to tell you." Keerti hol Reina di's hand and took Reina di to her room.
I served snacks and tea to bua ji and Mom. Siddharth is playing with Krisha and stealing a glance of me when bua ji was talking to me and knowing about my family in India. The site is really heart warming looking at Siddharth playing with krisha. He will definitely be a good father.
"Mamu..who is this pretty girl?" Krisha whispered in Siddharth's ear but we all can hear that. Siddharth raised his eyebrows and looked at me.
"I'm your mami.." I said with a smile and everyone looked at her with curious eyes.
"Mamu is she saying truth." She asked to Siddharth.
"Yes, she is your mami and my wife." Siddharth whispered in her ear like krisha.
"Are you also gave her good night kisses like daddy give to mumma."
We all looked at her with surprising eyes.
"Tell your horny dad to control his hormones in front of you." Siddharth said while pinching his nose playfully and she giggled. We all giggled looking at both of them.
"Preeti...I want you to do fast for Siddharth at least a month and do puja daily. I know it's hard but it's all for Siddharth's health and till then you both will live in separate rooms. No lovey dovey at all. I will sleep with you to make sure that because I can't trust my nephew. " Bia ji said and I nodded my head as yes.
"What..? Bua ji it's not fair. We are newly married. You can't do this to us." Siddharth argued with bua ji.
"I don't want any argument in this topic. If you argue, I will extend the time period." Bua ji said in stern voice.
"But bua ji.."
"Two months.."
"Three months.."
"Uuggghhh...fine..you win." Siddharth groaned and got up to leave and took krisha with him.
Sid's point of view
"I check all the reports of our Indian clint and they seems fine to me. We will sign contract with them tomorrow. Order the architect team to start working on this project design and tell them also they have only one week." I said to Nick.
Mom and Bua ji didn't let me go to office so I called Nick to bring work at home and now we both in a study of our home. Nick also have something very important to show me. Preeti, keerti, Reina di, Mom and bua ji are siting in living room doing the presentation of yesterday's puja. Bua ji is a religious woman so she held a puja tomorrow for me.
"This is the cctv footage of prison, where Anna smith had caged." Nick said while sliding a pen drive on table towards me.
"I checked the CCTV footage and you are right there is something fishy. But Anna is dead in real. She was murdered by someone." He said.
"What..?" I looked at him with shock.
"Killer was well aware of the position of the all cctv footage. I can't see his face properly but his face captured one of the rooftop cctv camera and according to the new report of FBI, gas pipe line was cut by someone." Nick said.
"Did FBI find who was the killer?" I asked him while playing the CCTV footage in my laptop.
"No, After your petition, they reopened the case but didn't catch the killer yet." He said.
I nodded my head and watched the footage. A man went inside the kitchen and came out from it just five minutes before the explosion but something caught my eyes. I rewind the video and play it again. I paused it when I noticed the tattoo on his arm and the piercing in his ear. This man is looking familiar. I have seen him somewhere.
"What happened..?" Nick asked me.
"This man.. I have seen him somewhere." I said while looking at my video.
Nick got up from his chair and came behind me to look at the man.
I zoomed it and looked the footage closely. I am damn sure I have seen him somewhere.
"Isn't he the same man whom we beat up at that night when he and his friends try to kidnapped pretty Preeti?" Nick said.
I looked closely and yes Nick is right he is the same man who try to kidnapped Preeti. But how he relates to Anna and why he killed her?
My head spun to the door when someone knocked it.
"Come in.." I gave the permission to the person and Preeti opened the door with a coffee and snacks in her hand.
My accident affect Preeti. She looks upset and doesn't talk much. I tried to talk to her but she seems lost and avoiding the eye contact with me, like she is feeling guilty of something. I don't why she get agree with buaji to be fasting for a month only just for me. She is already week and bua ji make her fasting. I try to convince her, not to fast but she didn't listen to me. I know she is worried for me but it affect her health if she eats only one time in a day.
Our eyes met for a minute before she averted her gaze from me. She put the tray on table and give me the glass of milk and coffee to Nick.
"Preeti.." I called her when she was about to walk out from the room. She turned and looked at me.
"Prepare the bath for me I want to shower." I said softly, looking at her lovingly.
"Okey.." she replied in a soft voice while giving me soft smile.
I gave her smile too and she walked out from the room.
"Is she fine?" Nick asked me.
"My accident effects her. She is afraid." I said looking at the close door and then him.
"You should have seen her when you were on a hospital bed she was crying and praying to God for you. One of nurse told me that she didn't even sleep for second until you didn't get your consciousness back." Nick said looking at me.
"This stupid girl love me so much that she got ready to fasting for me for whole month." I said looking at him.
I don't know how will I able to sleep at nights without her in my arms.
"Love is crazy.." he said.
"It's crazier than we thought." I said while thinking about her.
I don't know if you guys like this chapter or not. I am posting it with my trembling hands and crazy heart beats.
My few readers complained me that they are losing the interest in this story but guys Please have little patience. I am working on my mistakes and try to make it interesting with a suspense.
Please support me little bit more because this story coming to it's end. Ten or fifteen chapters are left.
Leave your comments about the chapter and criticism is also welcome whole heartedly because they help me to find my mistakes.
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