Indigo League Part 11

Indigo League Part 11: Enter the Alolan Painter

"Welcome to the third match of the Top 8 between Neesha from Celadon City & a very special competitor, her name is Mina & she's from Seafolk Village in the Alola Region." The announcer said

"It's an honor having a Trainer from another region competing in the Indigo Plateau Conference." Oak said

"So she's from the Alola Region?" Ash said

"That's awesome, I hope she uses an Alola Pokémon." Serena said

"Go Clefable!" Mina said as she sent out a Clefable

"Clefable." Clefable said

"Go Raichu!" Neesha said as she sent out a Raichu

"Raichu." Raichu said

"Battle Begin!" The referee said


"Raichu, use Charge Beam." Neesha said.

"Raichu!" Raichu said as it fired a beam of yellow electricity

"Clefable, Light Screen." Mina said

"Fable." Clefable said as it summoned a pink curved force field & protected itself.

"Use Brick Break." Neesha said. Raichu hand glowed bluish white, smashed through the Light Screen, & hit Clefable

"Use Moonblast." Mina said. Clefable fired a pink orb of energy from its mouth

"Dodge with Dig." Neesha said as Raichu spun & dug underground with its tail

"Listen to where Raichu is gonna come out." Mina said

"Fable." Clefable said as it closed its eyes & listened, then it dodged when Raichu came out of the ground

"Sing." Mina said.

"Clefable Fable." Clefable sang as multicolored music notes came out of its mouth

"Rai...Chu." Raichu said as it fell asleep

"Now, Wake-Up Slap." Mina said. Clefable's hands glow red & slapped Raichu multiple times which woke it up

"Raichu, Iron Tail." Neesha said. Raichu's tail glowed white & hit Clefable

"Use Shadow Ball." Mina said. Clefable formed three black & purple ball of shadow energy in its hands & fired them at Raichu

"Agility now." Neesha said as Raichu dodged the Shadow Balls & ran around Clefable

"Thunder Punch."

Raichu's hand became surrounded by yellow electricity

"Clefable, Dazzling Gleam." Mina said.

"Clefable!" Clefable said as it became surrounded in rainbow-colored field of energy, which expanded outwards & hit Raichu causing it to stumble back

"Use Thunderbolt." Neesha

"Rai CHUUUUUUUU!" Raichu said as it fired a bolt of yellow electricity & hit Clefable

"Meteor Mash." Mina said. Clefable became surrounded by blue aura & charge at Raichu at full speed

"Volt Tackle." Neesha said. Raichu became surrounded by golden electricity & charged at Clefable

Raichu & Clefable clashed into each other which caused an explosion. When the smoke cleared both Pokémon had fainted.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle, it's a draw." The referee declared

"Raichu return." Neesha said as she returned Raichu

"Clefable, return." Mina said as she returned Clefable "Go Wigglytuff!"

Mina sent out a Wigglytuff

"Wigglytuff." Wigglytuff said

"Go Vileplume!" Neesha said as she sent out her Vileplume

"Vile." Vileplume said

"Wigglytuff, use Flamethrower." Mina said

"TUFF!" Wigglytuff said as it shot fired from its mouth & hit Vileplume

"Vileplume, Energy Ball." Neesha said. Vileplume fired an orb of light green energy from its mouth

"Dodge & use Double-Edge." Mina said. Wigglytuff dodged the attack, became surrounded in streaks of white aura & charged at Vileplume

"Grass Knot." Neesha said

"Plume." Vileplume said as its eyes glowed light green & summoned two green glowing vines tied up in a knot which caused Wigglytuff to trip on the ground.

"Now, use Sludge Bomb." Neesha said. Vileplume fired multiple brown blobs of explosive sludge from its flower & hit Wigglytuff

"Hyper Voice." Mina said

"Wiggly TUUUUUUUUUFF!" Wigglytuff screamed as it released blue waves of energy from its mouth & hit Vileplume

"Use Moonlight." Neesha

"Vileplume!" Vileplume said as it summoned a bright shining moon which healed Vileplume

"Use Ice Beam." Mina said. Wigglytuff fired light blue beams of ice from its mouth

"Dodge it." Neesha said as Vileplume dodged the attack "Now, use Sludge Wave."

"Plume!" Vileplume said as it sent a wave of dark purple sludge at Wigglytuff

"Use Bounce." Mina said as Wigglytuff jumped high into the air & avoided the attack, then it fell down towards Vileplume

"Use Stun Spore." Neesha said. Vileplume released orange sparkling powder from its flower & hit Wigglytuff

"Wiggly...tuff..." Wigglytuff said as it became paralyzed

"Now, Solar Beam."

Vileplume's flower glowed faint yellow, then it fired a yellow beam of energy from it & hit Wigglytuff which caused it to faint

"Wigglytuff is unable to battle, Vileplume wins." The referee declared

"Wigglytuff return." Mina said as she returned Wigglytuff "I have to admit I'm having the time of my life, let's make things more artistic & entertaining. Go!"

Mina sent out a tiny bombyliidae-like Pokémon

"Bombee." The Pokémon said as everyone become surprised & amazed

"Great Arceus, is that!?" The announcer said shockingly

"It is, it's a Ribombee, a Pokémon that comes from the Alola Region." Oak said

"Ribombee?" Ash said as he pulled out his Rotom Phone

Ribombee, the Bee Fly Pokémon, a Bug & Fairy Type, Ribombee gathers up pollen & forms it into a variety of puffs with different effects. Some enhance battle skills & can be used as supplements, while others deliver excellent nutrition

"Oh my gosh, it's so adorable." Serena beamed

"Yeah, guess we get to see Mina use an Alola Pokémon after all." Ash smiled

"Awesome, this'll be my first snapshots of a Pokémon from the Alola Region." Todd said as he took a couple of pictures of Ribombee

"Vileplume, use Stun Spore." Neesha said as. Vileplume released Stun Spore

"Ribombee, use Silver Wind." Mina said. Ribombee's wings glowed white released a silvery wind from them which blew away the Stun Spore & hit Vileplume

"Now Quiver Dance."

"Bee." Ribombee said as it glowed white & danced around leaving behind afterimages of himself

"Use Sludge Bomb." Neesha said as Vileplume fired Sludge Bomb

"Acrobatics." Mina said. Ribombee glowed light blue, dodged the attack by zipping through the air, & tackled Vileplume

"Now, Pollen Puff."

Ribombee fired a ball of yellow sparkling pollen & hit Vileplume which caused it to faint

"Vileplume is unable to battle, Ribombee wins." The referee declared

"Vileplume return." Neesha said as she returned Vileplume "Go Dewgong."

Neesha sent out her Dewgong

"Gong." Dewgong said

"Dewgong, Icy Wind." Neesha said. Dewgong blew a gust of wind with light blue sparkle in it from its mouth & hit Ribombee

"Ribombee, use Energy Ball." Mina said. Ribombee fired a fired an orb of light green energy & hit Dewgong

"Use Blizzard." Neesha said as Dewgong released a powerful blizzard from its mouth

"Use Silver Wind." Mina said as Ribombee released Silver Wind

The attacks collided & mixed together, creating a blustery silver blizzard which blew away both Pokémon

"Use Pollen Puff." Mina said as Ribombee fired Pollen Puff

"Ice Beam." Neesha said. Dewgong fired light blue beams of ice from its mouth which collided with Pollen Puff

"Use Take Down."

Dewgong became surrounded by a golden force field & charged at Ribombee

"Acrobatics." Mina said as Ribombee clashed into Dewgong with Acrobatics

"Use Aqua Tail." Neesha said. Dewgong's tail became surrounded in swirling water & charged at Ribombee

"Use Stun Spore." Mina said. Ribombee released orange sparkling powder from its wings which stopped & paralyzed Dewgong

"Dewgong..." Dewgong said as its paralysis took effect

"Dewgong, time for Rain Dance." Neesha said

"Gooooooong!" Dewgong said as it summoned dark clouds & heavy rain

"Hey, Dewgong's paralysis is gone." Meowth said

"That's because Dewgong's Ability is Hydration, Hydration heals status conditions if it's raining." Leaf said "I know that because that's also my Dewgong's Ability."

"Ribombee Bee." Ribombee said as it was having trouble flying

"Ribombee, use Solar Beam now." Mina said

"Boooomb." Ribombee said as its wings glowed faint yellow

"Dewgong, finish it with Sheer Cold." Neesha said

"Deeeew." Dewgong said as it became surrounded in light blue aura

"Bee!" Ribombee said as it fired a yellow beam of energy

"Gong!" Dewgong said as it fired a powerful light blue beam of energy with light blue snowflake-shaped sparkles from its horn

Both Pokémon got hit by each other's attacks which caused an explosion. The Rain Dance disappeared & the smoke cleared which revealed that both Pokémon had fainted.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle, it's a draw." The referee declared

"Ribombee return." Mina said as it returned Ribombee

"Dewgong return." Neesha said as it returned Dewgong "Go Wigglytuff!"

Neesha sent out her Wigglytuff

"Wiggly." Wigglytuff said

"Hm." Mina smiled "Go Ninetales!"

Mina sent out a Ninetales, but this Ninetales was different. This Ninetales had pale blue fur instead of golden-white fur & had blue eyes instead of red eyes.

"Ninetales." Ninetales said

"Holy smoke, it's an Alolan Ninetales!" The announcer exclaimed

"Indeed it is." Oak said

"Wow, it looks so beautiful & graceful." Serena commented as Ash pulled out his Rotom Phone

Ninetales, the Fox Pokémon, Alolan Form, an Ice & Fairy Type. In its frosty coat, Ninetales creates ice droplets that can be used to shower over opponents. It's generally calm & collected, but if it becomes angry, it can freeze the offenders in their tracks.

"An Ice & Fairy Type?" Leaf said surprisingly

"Y'know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Mina is a Fairy Type Trainer." Ash said

"I think you may be right, Ash." Serena said

"Pika." Pikachu agreed

"Vee." Eevee agreed

"This keeps getting better & better." Todd said as he took a couple of pictures of Mina's Ninetales

"Ninetales, use Hail." Mina said

"Niiiiiiine." Ninetales said as it summoned dark cloud & snow

"Wigglytuff, use Gyro Ball." Neesha said. Wigglytuff's ears glowed light blue & charged at Ninetales while spinning rapidly

"Aurora Veil." Mina said

"Tales!" Ninetales said as it became surrounded in a veil of rainbow-colored aura & protected itself from the attack

"Now, Ice Beam."

Ninetales fired light blue beams of ice from its mouth & hit Wigglytuff

"Use Hidden Power." Neesha said. Wigglytuff fired a light blue ball of energy from its hand, but the Aurora Veil protected Ninetales again

"That didn't work either." Serena said

"Aurora Veil halves the damage from Physical & Special attacks." Daisy said

"Use Ice Shard." Mina said

"Ninetales!" Ninetales said as multiple shards of ice appeared around it & fired them at Wigglytuff

"Wigglytuff, Wake-Up Slap." Neesha said. Wigglytuff's ears glowed red smashed the shards with them

"We need to get rid of that Aurora Veil, try Brick Break."

Wigglytuff's arm glowed bluish white, smashed through the Aurora Veil & hit Ninetales

"Ninetales, use Nasty Plot." Mina said

"Nine." Ninetales said as a cloud with a question mark in the center appeared above its head

"Use Play Rough." Neesha said. Wigglytuff jumped towards Ninetales and cloaked it with a thick, white smoke surrounded by stars while hitting it repeatedly.

"Use Dazzling Gleam." Mina said.

"Tales!" Ninetales said as it became surrounded in rainbow-colored field of energy, which expanded outwards & hit Wigglytuff causing it to stumble back & faint

"Wigglytuff is unable to battle, Ninetales wins." The referee declared

"Wigglytuff return." Neesha said as she returned Wigglytuff "Go Ninetales!"

Neesha sent out her Kantonian Ninetales

"Ninetales." Kantonian Ninetales said as the Hail disappeared

"There it is, a Kantonian Ninetales & an Alolan Ninetales, your thoughts Professor?" The announcer said

"Here's a poem I just made up." Oak said "It's a battle between Kanto & Alola, Fire & Ice. Who will win? The answer will be precise."

"Ninetales, use Nasty Plot." Neesha said

"Nine." Kantonian Ninetales said as a cloud with a question mark in the center appeared above its head

"Use Extrasensory." Mina said.

"Taaaaaales." Alolan Ninetales said as it fired a multicolored circular beam with white crescents around it at Kantonian Ninetales

"Dodge it & use Flamethrower." Neesha said. Kantonian Ninetales dodged the attack, shot fire from its mouth & hit Alolan Ninetales

"Use Aqua Tail." Mina said. Alolan Ninetales' tails became surrounded in swirling water & hit Kantonian Ninetales

"Use Incinerate." Neesha said. Kantonian Ninetales shot a white centered fireball with black highlights from its mouth.

"Use Dig." Mina said. Alolan Ninetales dug underground & dodged the attack, then it came out & tackled Kantonian Ninetales

"Iron Tail." Neesha said. Kantonian Ninetales' glowed white & hit Alolan Ninetales

"Now, Will-O-Wisp."

Kantonian Ninetales fired a pink, light blue, & dark blue fireball from its mouth

"Use Safeguard." Mina said.

"Ninetales." Alolan Ninetales said as it glowed white, summoned a silver force field, & protected itself

"Now, Icy Wind."

Alolan Ninetales blew a gust of wind with light blue sparkle in it from its mouth

"Use Overheat." Neesha said. Kantonian Ninetales fired a powerful stream of red & yellow fire from its mouth which melted through the Icy Wind & hit Alolan Ninetales which caused it to faint

"Alolan Ninetales is unable to battle, Kantonian Ninetales wins." The referee declared

"Ninetales return." Mina said as she returned Alolan Ninetales "Go Mr. Mime!"

Mina sent out a Mr. Mime

"Mime." Mr. Mime said

"Mr. Mime, use Calm Mind." Mina said

"Mime." Mr. Mime said as it closed its eyes & blue green ripples entered its mind

"Use Shadow Ball." Neesha said. Ninetales fired a black & purple ball of shadow energy from its mouth

"Use Light Screen." Mina said

"Mr. Mime." Mr. Mime said as it summoned a pink curved force field & protected itself.

"Use Flame Charge." Neesha said. Ninetales became surrounded by red flames & tackled Mr. Mime

"Use Psyshock." Mina said. Mr. Mime fired a stream of purple energy from its hands & hit Ninetales

"Use Iron Tail." Neesha said as Ninetales charged at Mr. Mime with Iron Tail

"Use Psychic." Mina said

"Mime." Mr. Mime said as its eyes glowed light blue, telekinetically stopped Ninetales in its track & lifted it in the air

"Now, Hyper Beam." Mina said. Mr. Mime fired an orange beam of energy from its hands & hit Ninetales which caused it to faint

"Ninetales is unable to battle, Mr. Mime wins." The referee declared

"Ninetales return." Neesha said as she returned Ninetales & pulled out her final Poké Ball "Looks like it's up to you, Go Shellshocker!"

Neesha sent out her Blastoise named Shellshocker. Everyone saw that Shellshocker had a headgear with a Blastoisinite in it

"Blast." Shellshocker said

"Shellshocker, use Flash Cannon while Mr. Mime's recharging." Neesha said. Blastoise fired white & light blue beams from his cannons & hit Mr. Mime

"Mr. Mime, use Magical Leaf." Mina said. Mr. Mime released multiple light green glowing leaves

"Use Rapid Spin." Neesha said. Shellshocker went into his shell, spun around rapidly, & broke apart the Magical Leaf

"I guess Neesha learned that technique from Mewtwo." Serena whispered

"Yeah." Ash nodded

"Use Dazzling Gleam." Mina said.

"Mr. Mime!" Mr. Mime said as it became surrounded in a rainbow-colored field of energy, which expanded outwards.

"Gyro Ball." Neesha said. Shellshocker's cannons glowed light blue, cut through the Dazzling Gleam & hit Mr. Mime

"Now, Hydro Pump."

Shellshocker fired powerful blasts of water from his cannons

"Use Light Screen." Mina said as Mr. Mime protected itself with Light Screen

"Use Brick Break." Neesha said

Shellshocker's hand glowed bluish white & smashed through the Light Screen, before he could hit Mr. Mime

"Psychic." Mina said.

"Mime." Mr. Mime said as it stopped Shellshocker with Psychic.

"Blast." Shellshocker said as his fist was an inch apart from Mr. Mime's face before he was lifted into the air by Psychic

"Shellshocker, use Surf." Neesha said

"Blaaaaast!" Shellshocker said as it summoned a huge tidal wave & hit Mr. Mime which caused it to faint

"Mr. Mime is unable to battle, Blastoise wins." The referee declared

"Mr. Mime return." Mina said as it returned Mr. Mime "Go Kangaskhan!"

Mina sent out a Kangaskhan

"Kanga" Kangaskhan said

"How about we take things to the next level?" Neesha said as she touched her Poké Ball necklace which had a Key Stone in the center

"Right." Mina nodded as she lifted up her arm revealing a Mega Ring around her wrist

"Kanga." Kangaskhan's Baby said as it had a collar around its neck with a Kangaskhanite in it

"Mega Evolve!" Neesha & Mina said as they touched their Key Stones which shined in a bright white light

Kangaskhan's baby jumped out of her mother's pouch, then she & Shellshocker glowed bright red-orange & mega evolved into Mega Blastoise & Mega Kangaskhan

Mega Kangaskhan's baby had patches on her knees & waist with a larger patch on her belly. It also had small spiked growths underneath her ears

"Blastoise!" Shellshocker roared

"Kangaskhan!" Mega Kangaskhan & her baby roared

"That's a Mega Kangaskhan?" Meowth said confusingly "It doesn't look much. Only the baby mega evolved & not Kangaskhan herself."

"Well, maybe that's a good thing, because the baby looks grown enough to fight alongside her mom." Serena said

"So, it's like a two against one kind of thing?" Meowth asked

"It seems that way." Serena said

"Kangaskhan, use Work Up." Mina said.

"Kanga!" Mega Kangaskhan & her baby said as they became surrounded by light red aura

"Now, use Thunder Punch."

Mega Kangaskhan & her baby's fists become surrounded by yellow electricity & charged at Shellshocker

"Shellshocker, use Ice Punch." Neesha said. Shellshocker's fist became surrounded by icy blue aura & clashed with Mega Kangaskhan, but Mega Kangaskhan's baby went beside Shellshocker & punched him

"Now, that's the bond of a mother & child." Delia said

"Use Hydro Pump." Neesha said. Shellshocker fired Hydro Pump & hit Mega Kangaskhan

"Use Mega Punch." Mina said. Mega Kangaskhan & her baby's fists became surrounded by red energy & charged at Shellshocker

"Iron Defense." Neesha said. Shellshocker went into his shell, turns a shiny metallic color, & got punched

"Now, use Bubble Beam."

Shellshocker fired beams of blue bubbles from his arm cannons & hit Mega Kangaskhan & her baby

"Use Crunch." Mina said. Mega Kangaskhan & her baby opened their mouth, created yellow teeth-like aura & bit down Shellshocker

"Use Skull Bash." Neesha said. Shellshocker became surrounded by silver aura & charged at Mega Kangaskhan with his head

"Use Mega Kick." Mina said. Mega Kangaskhan & her baby's feet became surrounded by red energy clashed into Shellshocker which caused an explosion & the Pokémon to skid back

"Use Rain Dance."

"Blaaaaast!" Shellshocker said as he summoned dark clouds & heavy rain

"Use Hidden Power." Mina said. Mega Kangaskhan & her baby fired light blue balls of energy from their hands

"Water Pulse." Neesha said. Shellshocker fired orbs of water from his arm cannons which collided with the Hidden Power.

"Use Thunder."

"Kangaskhan!" Mega Kangaskhan & her baby said as they fired powerful blasts of yellow electricity

"Use Whirlpool." Neesha said.

"Blastoise!" Shellshocker said as he created a large whirlpool which protected him from the Thunder & the Whirlpool turned yellow & became surrounded by yellow sparks

"Now, let them have it." Neesha said as Shellshocker launched the electrical Whirlpool which caught Mega Kangaskhan & her baby & shocked them

"Let's finish this right now, use Aura Sphere." Neesha said. Shellshocker fired a blue sphere of aura from his back cannon & hit the Whirlpool with Mega Kangaskhan & her baby in it which caused a huge explosion.

The Rain Dance disappeared & the smoke cleared, revealing that Mega Kangaskhan had fainted with her baby reverting back to her previous stage

"Kangaskhan is unable to battle, Blastoise wins." The referee declared "So the victory goes to Neesha of Celadon City."

"& there it is, Neesha has won the match & will be moving on to the Top 4." The announcer said

Neesha & Mina shook hands

"You did great, Mina." Neesha said

"Thank you for the praise & thank you for giving an inspirational artistic battle." Mina said gratefully

"Even though Mina lost, she sure is strong." Ash said before thinking "I hope I get to battle her someday."

Hey Everyone, I switched Corey & Otoshi's battle with Neesha & Mina's battle in the third match of the Top 8. Having Mina from the Sun & Moon series compete in the Indigo Plateau Conference was dedicated to her appearing in the Let's Go series. I hope this was worth the wait, stay tuned for another chapter, Morpho Out!

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