Chapter 9
Yeah, I've completely given up on chapter names. So I'll just not make any. ;^^
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! <3 <3
*Dipper's POV*
Mabel had just unexpectedly ran off somewhere. I didn't know where she went.
And then I panicked.
I ran around the fair, looking for her in every nook and cranny. But I couldn't seem to find her.
And then I felt cold. Very cold.
I knew what would happen, so I ran as far away from the fair and the Mystery Shack as I could-
I tripped over tree roots, twigs, mounds of dirt and my own feet. I was dirty, exhausted and scared. It began to rain too, and the mud made me slip down a hill.
The golden triangle on my wrist was glowing so bright it was almost blinding.
And then a weightlessness enveloped me. I was flung a bit into the air, staring at my unconscious body.
And it slowly got up, and turned to face me. I stifled a scream.
It had yellow sclerae, and a slitted black pupil.
I knew it was Bill inhabiting my body.
I almost couldn't breathe. It was terrifying to see myself in such a demonic state. No - that wasn't me.
"Well well well, Pine Tree! Looks like Shooting Star's quite far away!" Bill said through my body.
"Yeah! Far away enough so that you'll never reach her!" I yelled.
"Ha! Your efforts are cute, really. Almost makes me want to give you a screaming head as a prize!" He said. "But I'm on a bit of a time schedule so I should get going."
And then he slowly made his way through the woods and pelting rain. Surprisingly, no monsters went over to attack him.
"Kid, monsters fear me, and always know if someone is possessed by me or not." Bill said. I forgot he could read my mind.
But then that means I won't be able to think of a plan to stop him!
"Ding ding ding! Told ya - your efforts are cute and pointless. I'll have my way no matter what you do." Bill replied.
The sun was setting, and Bill was getting too close to the Mystery Shack for my comfort.
I tried misleading him, but that obviously didn't work. He was just completely ignoring me at this point, giggling at times when I was growing desperate.
And then he saw the Mystery Shack. The sun was setting, The fair decorations were being taken down, and I saw a silhouette of Mabel looking through our bedroom window.
I paled.
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!
I couldn't let this happen! Mabel may be in danger, Bill could start Weirdmaggedon, everyone would die...
All because I wasn't able to stay with my own twin.
I'm such a disappointment... I let everyone down...
*Mabel's POV*
As soon as Dipper was gone, I knew Bill had done something to him. So, I immediately headed back to the Mystery Shack, and locked myself in my room with Waddles.
As much as I desperately wanted to go find Dipper, to help him... Bill was demon and would probably be possessing Dipper's body.
Well, it certainly isn't the first time one of us got possessed...
*flashbacks of The Inconveniencing*
Yeah that was not fun. Smile Dip is EVIL.
But I'm getting distracted! I have to stay out of danger, for Dip-
I see him. I see him through the window.
He had so many scrapes and bruises, he was dirty with mud, and I know something was off with his eyes...
He kept stumbled around as if he didn't know how to move his body.
I knew it. Bill is possessing him!
I opened my bedroom drawer and got out my grappling hook. I was pointing it at the window.
I've watched the movies - he's gonna crawl up like Spider-Man!! >:0
I watched in disbelief as he just walked in through the front door. He wasn't gonna crawl up...?
I pointed my grappling hook at the door when I heard creaking floorboards on the other side.
As soon as the door opened I shot my grappling hook-
"AH!" yelped a grunkly voice. Oops.
"Mabel, sweetie, what's gotten into you?!" Grunkle Stan said, clutching his forehead.
"Sorry! I was just aiming for one of my plushies." I said, pointing at one of my stuffed animals next to the door.
"Oh, okay. I was just coming up here to check where Dipper was, he hasn't been back yet." Grunkle Stan said. I tensed.
"Oh, yeah, uh - I think he's still outside-"
"Nope, I'm right here!"
I stared at Bipper (Bill possessing Dipper's body) harshly, but not too harsh, so Grunkle Stan wouldn't notice.
"Oh. You had me a little worried. Especially since that 'incident' 10 days ago. It could've happened again." He said. "Well, time to get back to watching TV!"
Grunkle Stan left the room, and Bipper shut the door behind him.
I pointed my grappling hook at him with a glare.
"Give back Dipper's body!" I demanded. Bipper just grinned.
"Seems like you already know. Well, that won't stop me." He said, blinking one eye at a time. I gagged. "Smarter than you look." He added.
"That - that line doesn't work here." I said. "Now anyway - leave Dipper alone! Nobody possesses my brother and gets away with it!"
"Pffft - as if you can stop me. You're just a petty child." He said. I shot my grappling hook with no hesitation.
But Bipper caught it right before it hit his face.
"Y'know," He said, throwing the hook aside, "I was originally just gonna snag the journal and destroy it, but just for that... I think I'm gonna enjoy torturing you instead."
And that's when I got truly scared.
*Dipper's POV*
I was desperately floating in front of Mabel, flinging around my arms and desperate pleading for Bill to stop. He just laughed at my puny efforts.
"Don't devils make deals? Why would Dipper make a deal with you?!" Mabel yelled. I could see beads of sweat trickle down the sides of her face.
"Heh! Seems in this dimension I don't need to make deals. Great buff for me!" Bill said.
Mabel was just looking around the room. Did she know I was there...?
"Dipper! You know that time when I got possessed at the convenient store? Y'know, the second day after we first arrived in Gravity Falls? The day before we found the freaky journal! " Mabel asked.
She wouldn't be able to hear me though... why was she asking me that? Well, yes, I remember, but
I just stared at her blankly. Mabel stared at Bill.
"What did he say?" She asked.
Why was she relying on him? He could easily just lie to her.
Bill seemed to be just as confused.
"Uh... yeah, he remembers." He said.
"Okay! So, I know that you're in some ghosty spirit world thing! Just hang tight! I'm gonna defeat Bill!" Mabel called.
"No no no no no no!!" I yelled. "Don't do that!! Just run away!!"
I knew she couldn't hear me. Bill laughed at my frantic response.
"Oh boy, you sure put him in a worried frenzy after that! Heh!" Bill said.
Blue flames appeared in his hands.
"But now it's time we get to business." He said, grinning.
"Nope!" Mabel grinned back, lunging for him.
Bill dodged.
"You're not gonna use those body spasm activators on me again, Shooting Star!" He yelled. "You did that same thing to me in that other dimension! And now that Pine Tree's body is more energized, you can't make me get exhausted without feeling exhausted yourself!"
That's why he was so confident. Because... he knew all our tricks.
"Exactly, Pine Tree! I'm not gonna let another twin stop me!" Bill said, and punctuated his sentence with maniacal laughter.
He set the wall on fire with his blue embers, and Mabel screamed.
By setting the Shack on fire, he'd be destroying the journal, as well as torturing Mabel.. Grunkle Stan... Wendy... and Soos!
And I'd have to watch it all. This is what Bill wanted from the start...
I couldn't do anything. It was up to Mabel, but I knew there was nothing we could do.
We'd lost.
*Mabel's POV*
I clenched my fists and charged towards Bipper, attacking him and trying to dodge the blue fire.
"Get out of my brother's body, you evil triangle!" I yelled.
"Funny! That's exactly what you said in my dimension!"
The blue flames were raging and spreading out across the room, but I didn't care. When Bill was out of this body, maybe the fire would go, too!
I reached for the grappling hook and shot it at his forehead, and he yelped in pain as I tackled him again.
His caught on those blue flames again, and he held it up to my face. But I kicked his face and the brawl continued.
I felt wispy hands clinging to my sweater, slowly pulling me away. It must be Dipper trying to help.
"Dipper, it's fine! I can handle him!" I yelled, but then I heard a bonk, a searing pain in my head, and everything went black.
*Dipper's POV*
Mabel was unconscious. The Shack was on fire.
This was all my fault.
If I'd tried to stop him more... If I'd done something else... maybe we wouldn't even be in this mess...
Mabel was right.
I should've burned the journal.
And now my friends and family were going to die. All because of my stupid obsession over the paranormal!
Bill was grinning widely, and continued to help the fire spread.
All I could do was just stare at it all, and my last sparks of hope faded away.
Tears glistened in my eyes.
I noticed Bill's grin was a little pained. Like... understanding.
But the tears were making my vision blurry, so I was probably just seeing it wrong.
I floated down to Mabel, trying to hold her hand. It ended up passing through, but that didn't stop me trying.
Was this really how it was all going to end...?
After Mabel and I were so excited to be teenagers...?
I wasn't gonna let it end like this.
I wasn't gonna let this happen.
I looked up at Bill with a fierce glare.
"The first step of grief is denial, kid. You'll get over it soon." Bill said, not looking at me. Half the room was engulfed in flames by now.
I speed-floated towards him with a fist, trying to punch him, but I passed through. Obviously.
"Gosh, why do you keep trying? It's obvious that you can't do anything about this. It was inevitable." Bill snickered.
Again, my spirits died. But, looking at Mabel again, how close the fire was to her-
I looked down at my hands and noticed they were glowing a bright blue. My eyes widened.
"What...?" I muttered. I looked at Mabel and my determination to save her grew. And so did the glow on my hands.
Was this... from my emotions?
I didn't care right now. I balled up my fists and lunged towards Bill, ready to strike-
I punched him. I managed to do it.
Without a vessel.
"WHAT?!" Bill screeched. "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!"
His ecstatic demeanor turned deadly. Way too quickly.
His eyes turned red, his slitted pupils turned white, and his flames turned orange.
There was no going back now.
We both charged.
I kept punching him, closing my eyes and just doing whatever felt right.
I felt a blow to the face, and it was flaming hot. When I opened my eyes I could only see orange, but it slowly faded to blue as Bill took delight in my frenzy, trying to put out the fire.
Then I realized it didn't hurt.
"Unfortunately, I can't do anything to someone in the mindscape. Except for putting you on fire. But you don't feel anything so it's a waste." Bill explained.
The fire raging on me burned out quickly. I was able to see again. I lunged for Bill again but he put up a barrier.
"As much as I love pain, I gotta finish this. Say your last words to Shooting Star while you can!" Bill said, as blue flames started creeping up onto Mabel's body.
I screamed and rushed over to her, trying to blow the fire away.
Then I heard creaking floorboards. I welled up enough determination to make my hands glow, and I quickly unlocked the door so whoever was there could come in.
Grunkle Stan barged in.
"MABEL!!" He screamed, and rushed over to her. He put out the blue fire. There were burn marks on her hand and her left sleeve was a bit scorched, but other than that she was fine.
I sighed in relief.
"Dipper! What the heck's gotten into-?!"
Bill turned around with a grin, and Grunkle Stan paled.
"What have you done with Dipper?!" He yelled.
"Oh, him? He's perfectly fine! He's floating right next to you, in fact!"
I mustered up enough determination for my hands to glow, and I waved at him before it immediately dimmed.
"Yeah, I saw a bit of his wimpy hands before they disappeared. Now anyway - why the heck are you doing this?!" Grunkle Stan yelled.
Grunkle Stan tackled Bill and they got into a fist fight.
Mabel was slowly waking up, I noticed. I concentrated, and my hands glowed again. And I held Mabel's hand.
A good three seconds passed before Mabel woke up, just as my hand was losing its glow. It passed through her.
"Dipper, I'm okay... you don't have to worry..." She said. She slowly got up and noticed Grunkle Stan fighting Bill.
She ran over to help, but I tried to stop her by pulling her back with my glowing hands.
She looked over her shoulder and saw them.
"It's okay. You can let me." Mabel said. The tears started to well up again as I shook my head.
I clung onto her as much as I could, my arms glowing. What if...
I concentrated as hard as I could, and the glow slowly made its way across the my whole body...
I scrunched up my face to do that, and Mabel could actually see me.
But I breathed out and nothing but my arms could be seen.
"It must be hard to do that glowy thingy. Please, you can let go. I need to help." Mabel said. I just held onto her tighter.
She gently pushed away my arms and ran away before I could grab her again.
"Mabel, no!!" I yelled.
And that's when I charged for Bill, not glowing at all, and I managed to... get in...?
But Bill was in too.
I forced both arms to go up, against Bill's will.
Grunkle Stan and Mabel both gasped.
"Your eyes..." Mabel said.
Through a conveniently placed mirror, I saw that one of my eyes was normal - and the other one was like Bill's eyes. Eye. Whatever.
"I'm inside this body, but Bill is too. S-" I was cut off as Bill started to speak.
"Ugh, Pine Tree you're ruining everything!" He yelled. Blue flames appeared in our hands, but I forced myself into control and made sure the flames diminished.
"I'm not sure how long I can hold him in..." I said, grunting.
I lost control and Bill charged towards them, snarling.
Grunkle Stan grabbed our arms and I regained control.
I was breathing heavily.
I scrunched up my face, and the blue flames raging in our room started to put itself out. The walls were left spotless.
And that's when I got dizzy and lost my balance.
And before I knew it, I'd blacked out.
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