Chapter 8: The Truth... PLUS A PIG!!


So... yeah I've officially run out of chapter names XD

But good news is, I'm starting to get a grip on the plot! Things are gonna get REALLY INTENSE soon...


Anyway, enjoy the story! :>

*Mabel's POV*

Grunkle Stan was telling us about some fair he was planning on Sunday. I was super excited! He was probably gonna rig all the games, but it'll still be fun to get rage-induced! :D

Anyway, I was trying to find a dog sticker. I remembered having one...

I wanted to get that sticker because just yesterday I told myself that if I wanted something, I needed to have a sticker to go along with it. And this time I wanted a pet.

Sure, there was Billy the Goat... but he's lonely. And plus he may be offensive to Bill because of their almost-the-same names.

After a few more minutes of rummaging through my sticker collection, I finally found the dog sticker. I plucked it off the animal sticker pack and headed off out of my room.

Dipper passed by me, looking more paranoid-y than usual. So before I went down to talk with Grunkle Stan, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You okay, Dip-dop?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulder away from my hand as soon as I put it on.

"Dip-dop...?" I said, frowning.

"S-sorry, Mabel. I just have a lot on my mind right now." Dipper said. I noticed that he purposely hid his left wrist from me. Just like before...

...I realized that he always hid his left wrist, whenever he talked to anyone.

But without another word, Dipper quickly walked away and into our room, closing the door behind him softly.

I kept frowning at the door, wondering why he was so fishy. I sniffed the air. No, seriously - he smelled like a fish.

Oh yeah! We ate some of the fish we caught during our fishing trip. Fishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I snapped out of my thoughts and went downstairs, and I gasped at what I saw.

Soos was gaping at Grunkle Stan, who looked way more grunklier than usual. He looked really angry.

He was sitting on our musty couch as usual, but I noticed the TV remote was a little dented and was held tightly in Grunkle Stan's hand. Had he been squeezing it too hard and that made him angry?

"Grunkle Stan? What happened?" I asked him. Grunkle Stan grunted and got up.

"Ask your brother." He said coldly, not even looking at me. He dropped the remote on the couch and headed to his room.

Noticing how Dipper was before, I knew he needed space. So I went over to Soos.

"Do you know what happened here?" I asked. Soos was still gaping at where Grunkle Stan was on the couch.

I sighed. Guess I'd have to let everything cool down first before I could ask for a pet. So I stuck the the dog sticker on my strawberry sweater for later, and headed upstairs to talk to Dipper.

And then I saw Dipper twitching, lying on the ground, a pained look on his face. He was mumbling things like 'don't hurt her' and 'why are you doing this'.

I immediately shook him awake.

"Dipper!" I said. "Dipper, are you okay?"

Dipper gasped and got up. He was sweating. I looked at him, concerned.

"Hey, Dipper, it's okay. It's just me, Mabel." I said, trying to comfort him.

He suddenly wrapped me in a tight hug out of nowhere. I was suspicious, but I hugged him back.

Hm... time to activate my skepticals.

*Time Rewind + Dipper's POV*

I was washing the dishes from eating fish, and when I was done, I headed to the living room.

Grunkle Stan was sitting on the sofa, watching The Duchess. I rolled my eyes and walked past, going back to my room, when Grunkle Stan stopped me.

"There's still some leftover wood you need to chop. Soos needs those to fix any rotton boards around the shack." He said.

That's when I got fed up.

"Grunkle Stan, you always make me do these things! The more dangerous the task, the more likely I'm the one chosen to do it!" I yelled.

"I said, go chop that wood!" Grunkle Stan said, gripping the TV remote. I shook my head, glaring at him.

"I'm not doing it anymore!" I snapped. "And I never will!"

Then I marched up the stairs, despite Grunkle Stan's yells and shouts. But I felt a little bad after. He was just taking care of us. Even the chore he just gave me was for Soos to do his job correctly.

And then I noticed the golden triangle's glow fade. And suddenly I realized-

I felt something on my shoulder and lurched away, only to see Mabel.

"You okay, Dip-dop?" She asked me. "Dip-dop...?"

"S-sorry, Mabel. I just have a lot on my mind right now." I replied, going inside our room and closing the door behind me.

After that, I glared at my triangle tattoo.

Just like how Bill was manipulating Mabel, and how he was pulling me back from telling her, he was also manipulating my emotions.

But why was he doing that? What would he get from that? Or was that just me...?

I felt a little light-headed, and then I noticed the tattoo growing very bright.

Before I could do anything, I passed out.

And I woke up outside the Mystery Shack. The sky was orange, with a big 'X' in the sky, with swirling colors in it. Flying eyeballs turned people to stone, big monsters were crushing buildings, there were these weird multi-colored bubbles...

I was horrified at what I saw.

Bill appeared right in front of me.

"Heya, kid! Like my masterpiece?" He said. I glared at him.

"Eh, you'll get used to it. It's gonna happen soon."

"Wait - what do you mean by that?" I asked. He floated upwards.

"Oh, yeah! Forgot to mention, but I'm gonna make this happen in your world. I call it - Weirdmaggedon!" Bill said.

"I'm not gonna let you!" I yelled.

"Please - you're just a 12 year old. And here I'm a dream demon older than time! What could you possibly do to stop me? Especially since..."

He snapped his fingers and Soos, Grunkle Stan, Mabel and Wendy were trapped in a chained bubble, with a shooting star, fez, ice bag and a question mark on it.

"I've got your family and friends as leverage!" He said, shaking it.

"No!" I yelled.

"But I guess I can't be that cruel." He said, snapping his fingers. Wendy, Soos and Grunkle Stan were gone from the bubble, and the other symbols faded away too.

The bubble turned pink, and the shooting star grew bigger and stayed in the middle.

"I'll only be killing the one person you trust." He said.

"Don't hurt her!" I screamed, trying to move. But I was frozen with fear.

"All you have to do is join me." He said.


"You see, I've noticed something different in you from this dimension. You aren't in love with Red, you've grown to be more... well..."

His grew red. "More like a demon."

"No, I'm not a demon! I'm a normal human!" I yelled. "Stop getting into my head!"

"You can't deny it, Pine Tree. With the stress you're going through, I'd say you could end up like me."

"No, I won't! I'll never be like you!" I shouted. "Why are you doing this?"

He turned his back to me.

"Personal reasons."

Then the ground shook.

"Dipper!" Mabel's voice echoed.

"What's happening?!" I yelled.

"You're waking up." Bill answered.

I sat up, gasping, back in my room, Mabel on her knees next to me.

"Dipper, are you okay?" She asked, frowning at me.

I was sweating. Did I really have the capability of becoming like Bill? If so, I couldn't let that happen.

But... I was scared that I might have lost Mabel...

I hugged Mabel tightly, fighting back tears. After a few moments, she hugged me back too.

*Time Skip*

I knew I was screwed when Mabel told me Grunkle Stan wanted me. I'd explained everything that happened, leaving out the part about my tattoo(because I'm pretty sure I would've burst into flames if I hadn't).

I went downstairs to talk with Grunkle Stan. Mabel decided to come along.

He was sitting at the dining table, and gestured for me to sit in a chair adjacent to him.

"Look, Dipper, I may have been a little too harsh on you... all I was doing was trying to toughen you up, but I guess I must've gotten a bit too carried away." He explained.

"No, I was overreacting. I was just acting a little petty over chores, that's all..." I said.

Grunkle Stan grinned. "Okay, that's good. Now I don't have to apologize."

"Hey, no fair!" I said, but I grinned too.

"Come here, you knucklehead!" He said, and he noogied my head. I heard a snap and saw a flash, and I realized Mabel had taken a picture for her scrapbook.

"Scrapbookortunity!" She said, whipping out her scrapbook, flipping to a new page, and sticking the picture onto a new page using glue.

My smile was fake.

I was still worried about Mabel, what Bill said about me, and Weirdmaggedon.

So, I headed to the bathroom and began to worry myself to death. I had to tell Mabel about this. I had to fight through the pain.

I couldn't just let this happen.

I couldn't become Bill, I couldn't let Weirdmaggedon happen, and I couldn't let Mabel get hurt.

The triangle on my left wrist was glowing profusely, but I managed to keep it hidden all the way to our room.

It started to hurt a lot, but I still tried to push my way through. Mabel was probably glittering the new addition to her scrapbook.

I was just barely able to reach the door knob, open the door, and stumble through. I didn't try to hide my left wrist anymore.

"Mabel! I have something I have to-" I said, but then a cried out in pain as the triangle suddenly burned searing hot.

Mabel gasped and closed the door, to make sure no one else heard or saw what was happening. She helped me on my bed.

"Dipper, what's going on? What's that triangle thing on your wrist?" Mabel asked.

"It's something Bill put on me a few days ago. It burns whenever he doesn't want me to do something. He doesn't want me to tell you that-" And then I cried out in pain again.

"Why would he do that? He's our friend!" Mabel said. I shook my head.

"He's going to destroy the world, Mabel! He calls it Weirdmaggedon! I've seen it, and he threatened to kill you if I didn't listen!" I said.

"So that's what that hug was about..." Mabel said.

She frowned, and hugged me tightly. "Don't worry, I won't ever leave you. Promise."

I knew it was a promise she couldn't keep, but it was the best I could get. Exhausted from what had just happened, I fell asleep, trying to gain the rest I needed.

Luckily, Bill didn't bother me that night.

*The Next Day + Mabel's POV*

After that night, I made it a point to check up on Dipper whenever I got the chance.

The fair was coming up, and I was thankful - he'd be able to have something to take off his mind from that whole Bill stuff. Hopefully we could remove that yellow tattoo from his wrist too.

I managed to ask Grunkle Stan for a pet, but all he did was grin and say that we're about to have one after the fair.

I was confused, but I shrugged and walked away.

I was in my bedroom, sitting next to Dipper on his bed.

"This will give you a break from Bill! All you have to keep in mind is that we need to stay together at all times!" I said happily.

"But... what if one of us needs to go to the bathroom?" Dipper asked.

"Then the other one will stand outside the bathroom! Trust me, this is a genius plan!" I said, standing on his bed.

"Don't do that - ever heard of what happened to the monkeys when they jumped on the bed? You could get hurt." He said, pulling me down.

I frowned. He wasn't usually this clingy and protective. Must be because of that dream...

Anyway, I removed my headband and instead wore a pink flower, and I also changed into a music note sweater!

And then I put on my nacho earrings. What? If I was gonna get a pet, I want to be able to feed my pet and be fashionable at the same time!

After that, I knew I was ready.

I walked out of the room with a happy smile on my face, skipping down the stairs.

Dipper was sitting on the last step, staring down at his left wrist - he was obviously staring at the triangle thingy.

I sat down next to him.

"Bro-bro, you need to stop worrying! I'll be completely fine!" I said. He looked up.

"That's not what I was worrying about, although that is another thing on my worry list." He said. And immediately after he said that, he tensed, as if he didn't want to reveal that. I'm gonna add that to my skepticals list.

"You mean the Weirdmaggedon thing?" I guessed. I knew it wasn't that, otherwise he wouldn't have tensed.

"Uh, yeah! Yeah - that's what I was thinking about." He said, voice cracking.

I knew there was something he was hiding...

Well, I can figure it out later! Besides, the announcement is about to start!

I grabbed Dipper and ran outside, dragging him along with me.

"Welcome to the Mystery Shack Fair! You can play these totally not rigged games - at a price - and win some prizes that were totally not stolen!" Grunkle Stan said. "And you can also try to dunk me if you want. And guess what; you'll never be able to!"

I grinned at all the amazing rides and stalls packed with minigames. And then I laid my eyes on a pig in a pen.


I raced over there, zipping up to the farmer at the pen.

"Anyone who can guess ol' 15 Poundie's weight can earn him!" He said in his folksy accent. He noticed me. "You there! Care to take a guess?"

"Uh... 15 pounds?" I guessed. The farmer looked shocked.

"Are you a witch?" He asked me.

"Um... no!" I said with a smile.

"Alright then, here's your pig." He said. Wow. Easily convinced.

As the pig was brought into my arms, I squealed in delight.

And the name hit me.

"I'm gonna name you Waddles!" I said, holding him up to the sky. I hugged him tight, and then I remembered Dipper.

I looked around but couldn't find him.

Oh no...

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