Chapter 6: Answers and Doritos


So, again, in my announcements, you should know; I'm writing a full chapter in one day. For you guys.

You might be wondering - why is Xelia doing this to herself? No one can write a chapter in one day!

Well, you see, that is where you're wrong :3

For centuries, the chapters I've been posting...

...have all been done in one day. Wait, not all of them written in one day, just one day each. I'M NOT THAT FAST-

Due to me forgetting to post my chapters, I hyperventilate and write chapters at superhuman speed. And I don't even edit them.


Some might think I'm lying but I'm not. You are free to think so, however - it's not like I have any proof.

Except... this chapter is now my proof! :3

Now you will see I am THE SPEED OF KIRB-

Anyway, let the story begin!!!!

I have BIG plans... lets just say that 'timelines' and 'screams' will be mentioned quite a lot.


*Coughs* *coughs again* was worth it.

*Dipper's POV*

I was trying out different decoding sites on the Internet to help decipher the codes on the scroll. I tried Columnar Cipher, Atbash, Combination Cipher, ASCII, A1Z26, Binary, Braille...

"These codes remind me of Romans - wait wait, that made me hungry. Wait - no, Caesar Salad is not a Mabel-friendly food! It's ew! It can't be salvaged by glitter, therefore it is not Mabel-friendly." Mabel voiced her thoughts aloud.

And then it clicked.

"Mabel! You're a genius!" I said. I quickly typed in 'Caesar Cipher' into the search bar, and I managed to decipher the code!

"I already know I'm a genius when it comes to food." Mabel said. She frowned. "For some reason I have this urge to say uwu. *Gasp* maybe its a message from the future! UWU MUST BE LEGENDARY!!"

I cringed. I could already tell uwu was probably some kind of overrated trend. Well, it'd probably be overrated to me, anyway.

The message on the screen baffled me. I just gaped at it. The answer to one of my big questions was revealed.

"M-Mabel..." I stammered. Mabel came over, and once she saw the message, she gaped too.

"No way..."

I read it aloud, hoping it would make more sense if I did.

"'When I was traveling through the multiverse, searching for the parts needed to create the portal, I stumbled upon a different timeline similar to my own. At first I waved it off - I didn't want to meddle with it. But then I noticed that this version of Gravity Falls didn't have any weirdness. None at all.'" I read. That wasn't all, but I needed to sort through my thoughts first before I continued.

Luckily, Mabel read the rest for me:

"'It was as if my life had gone right the whole time - Stanley didn't break my machine, and I went to my dream college. However, I had no interest in the paranormal. I never wrote the journals. Instead, I took interest in biology - as if that could ever be more interesting than supernatural creatures.'" Mabel read. This time I began to read the last part:

"'But then I dropped my journals into that dimension! And before I could get into the timeline to retrieve them, it abruptly glowed a bright blue and closed right in my face, and I wasn't able to get them back! So now I will try to find that timeline again, and - if I do - I'll drop this scroll in that timeline so whoever finds the journals can return them to me. Well, if they can even get to the multiverse.'" I read.

I was filled with so many questions, and I could tell Mabel was too because she shifted on her feet and was nibbling her nails.

"What does this mean? Could the author of the journals be someone from a different timeline? Does that mean this journal is acting up because it's in the wrong dimension? And what did it mean by 'journals'? Are there more than one?" I asked, clutching my head.

Mabel just shook her head, not knowing how else to reply. It was unlike her to just be speechless at mysterious things, but I guess another timeline is not something you see everyday.

After a few moments, she finally spoke up.

"This is so awesome! We get to travel the multiverse to return the journals to the author! And then with no more danger, I could finally have a summer romance as well!" Mabel exclaimed, flopping onto her bed on her back and cuddling with her cat and unicorn plushies.

I slumped. I know this was still a great adventure, but to think that originally none of this would've happened just made me disappointed.

And when all of this was over, and we returned the journals, what would I do then? Would we just return to our normal lives?

I knew that without these paranormal happenings, I'd be miserable and bored.

But then again, I did want to let Mabel have her 'summer romance'. So far she had been forced to abandon some guy named Norman, then she had a psycho Gideon who she only thought of as a friend - yeah... her love life wasn't the best.

"Yeah, but the problem is - how are we gonna reach the multiverse?" I asked. Mabel stopped cuddling the plushies and she sat up.

She looked up at the ceiling and rested her chin on her hand, squinting at a moldy spot.

"Darrell, any ideas?"

When there was no reply, she giggled. "Oh, Darrell. Keep being the moldy spot you are."

I was starting to get a little frustrated, so I followed Mabel's advice (for the 100000000000000000th time) and headed out of the room, looking for a snack.

I opened the fridge downstairs and ate some doritos. Nom nom.

Grunkle Stan came in and took a can of Pitt Cola, and noticed by stressed look.

"Whatcha up to, knucklehead?" He asked. I sighed. I knew if I told him about what was really happening he'd call me paranoid and not believe a word - or worse - he'd ground us again.

"I'm just really frustrated with a book - the main character still hasn't figured out who stole the capers." I lied. I'd finished that book a while ago - I already knew who stole them. I just hoped Stan was dumb enough to believe it.

"Alright then." Grunkle Stan said. "Try not to frustrate yourself to death."

He took a sip of the cola while walking away.

Within minutes I finished the doritos and threw the plastic bag in the bin (recycling bin, mind you) and I headed back upstairs to hear a scream from my room.

I burst through the door to find Mabel watching the journal surrounded by an almost blinding blue glow.

"Mabel! What's going on?!" I asked her. She ran over to me, shielding her eyes from the light.

"I don't know! All I did was change into my favorite sweater!" Mabel said, pointing to the shooting star on her pink sweater.

Soon, I couldn't see anything but bright white light-

And then everything faded to black.

*When They Wake Up*

I slowly got up from the ground. It felt smooth - and not at all like the wooden floorboards at the Mystery Shack.

I opened my eyes and rubbed them with my hands so they could adjust to the light faster. After a few minutes, my eyes adjusted, and I knew we weren't at the Mystery Shack anymore.

Mabel was on the ground next to me, her face looking distressed. I woke her up by shaking her lightly.

"Mabel, wake up!" I said. Mabel stirred to life and look around, rubbing her eyes just like I did.

"Where are we...?" She asked, getting up.

We were in some sort of... white platform? And the sky was filled with a bunch of colors mixing together:

Red, Blue, Orange, Green, White, Yellow, Brown, Pink, Grey, Purple, Black-

And then the color was drained away, except for the sprays of yellow.

"Dipper..." Mabel whispered, holding my arm tightly. The splotches of yellow formed together to make a... triangle?

"Well well well well well well well!" The triangle said. He had a black bow tie, black top hat, black arms and legs - and an eye. But the pupil was a slit.

He hovered over to us and a black cane materialized in his hands.

"If it isn't Pine Tree and Shooting Star." He said. Although he had no mouth, I was sure he'd be grinning right then and there.

"Who are you?! And what do you want with us?!" Mabel yelled. The triangle seemed surprised.

"Uh... Pine Tree, what happened to Shooting Star? Did she get hit by that memory-erasing gun or something?" The triangle said, directing the question at me.

"What do you mean? Are we supposed to know you?" I asked. The triangle looked even more surprised and turned his back to us, thinking.

Who was this triangle? Why was he calling us 'Pine Tree' and 'Shooting Star'? Were we supposed to know this guy?

But then it hit me like a train.

The journal was from a different timeline, right? And in our timeline we're not supposed to have paranormal activities in this town, right?

Then maybe the triangle is from the timeline that this journal comes from!

"Hey, uh... do you come from some different timeline or something? Because you kinda popped out of this journal that comes from a different timeline." I said. Mabel looked at me, confused. But then I saw in her eyes that it slowly dawned on her what I meant by that.

The triangle turned around. "Maybe..." He said. "If so, then allow me to introduce myself! Name's Bill Cipher."  He twirled around us while doing so.

"So... how did we know you? Were you a best friend?! That would be so awesome! We could pull pranks on our friends!! OOH THIS WILL BE AMAZING!" Mabel said, jumping up and down with glee.

Bill chuckled. "Well... I guess you could say that, yeah." He said. "Well, since I've got nothing to do..."

I wondered what he'd say next. Would he ask us to play some more pranks on others, or-

"REALITY IS AN ILLUSION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYE!!!" Bill screamed at us, and then blue light flashed.

Me and Mabel fell onto the wooden floorboards of our room - on our butts. Ow. My butt is sore.

"I'm so excited to be friends with the isosceles triangle guy!" Mabel squealed.

"He has a name y'know." I said. Mabel nodded.

"I know. But I'm gonna call him Razzle Dazzle Dorito!"

And that reminded me of something earlier today. I ate a bag of doritos. Was that some small form of foreshadowing...?

And what even was this Bill guy?

Seems like we got answers - but a lot more questions too.


Hey guys! I added the Razzle Dazzle Dorito. :3

I hope you like this chapter! I made all of them with my blood, sweat, tears - and other fluids. Oh, and don't forget the imagination smoothie along with Mabel Juice!

And there's even more to come... *cue maniacal laugh*

Anyway, stay safe and well!

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