Chapter 4: Stop The Party!!!


Yes, I know, the name for this chapter is really bad - in fact all of them are. But this is a fanfiction, its fine, I don't have to worry about it.

You guys can give me suggestions in the comments so I can add it to the fanfiction! <3 <3

Without further adou, let us begin.

*Mabel's POV*

Dip-dop was a lot happier now that I wasn't trying to burn the journal at the stake. I still felt a little tiny voice inside me, telling me to secretly steal his book and rip it apart.

But I wasn't about to break my bro bro's trust. Besides, when have I ever returned the favor? I always make fun of him for his nerd stuff, but he never does that to me about my obsession with rainbows and sunshine.

I was feeling pretty guilty, so I'm gonna do the best I can this summer to make him happy!

But Dip-dop was starting to get a little obsessed over the journal. He was always poking his head through the journal, reading every single nook and cranny of every single page.

And whenever Grunkle Stan came by, he'd swap the journal with an encyclopedia and Stan would be none the wiser.



"Hey knuckleheads. So, I'm throwing a party for the Mystery Shack, y'know, advertising it and stuff - oh and also so Dipper here can stop reading all day. I mean come on - how are his eyes not sore already?" Grunkle Stan told us.

I gasped. "GRUNKLE STAN!! Thank you thank you thank you! Now I get to make some besties!" I exclaimed. I kept squealing in excitement.

I could barely keep myself together! I was finally gonna have friends my age in Gravity Falls! EEEEEEEEEEE-

"What's the catch?" Dipper asked, putting away the encyclopedia.

"Oh y'know, the usual - like any big event for the Mystery Shack - you two, Soos and Wendy will be decorating the Mystery Shack for the party while I go type out the flyers and fix the damn printer." Grunkle Stan said. "Nothing too bad."

Dipper groaned. I grinned.

"No problem, Grunkle Stan! The Mystery Shack will be decorated with absolute passion!" I yelled with joy. I grabbed Dipper's hand and we ran out of our bedroom.

*Time Skip - After Mystery Shack is Decorated*

"Alright. Soos will be DJ, Wendy and Mabel will be at the ticket booth-"

"What?! But, Grunkle Stan! This is my chance to make besties! I told you that earlier today!" I complained, crossing my arms.

"Fine, then Dipper will be at the ticket booth. Besides, I don't trust him to actually have fun at the party - he'd probably just get back to his nerd books." Grunkle Stan said.

Grunkle Stan was right - at least this would give Dipper a chance to take a break from the journal.

"Now you knuckleheads, go copy these flyers." Grunkle Stan said, handing us the flyers.

I gladly took them, and me and Dip-dop headed upstairs. We eventually made it to the room with a printer. We opened the lid and I gasped.

"Butterflies!" I said, as I saw the winged insects flutter out of the printer.

I turned the printer on by flicking a switch, and it... went over Dipper arm. A paper went out with a picture of his arm.

Dipper took it. "It works!" He said, showing it to me. "But anyway, I'm so annoyed at Grunkle Stan. Just when I think I'm about to find a clue, Grunkle Stan just has to throw a party."

He took out the journal and flipped through the pages, until it glowed a familiar  blue color. We both went pale.

"Dipper, watch out!" I yelled. Dipper dropped the book and ducked. The blue glow zapped into the printer, but did nothing else. The blue glow faded away.

"Wait... what just happened?" I wondered. Dipper shrugged and put the book back in his jacket. He picked the paper back up too, but it rippled and Dipper dropped it again and backed away.

Dipper's hand from the picture actually came out of the picture and started wiggling towards us! We screamed and I spilled soda over it. It melted away.

"Gross." Dipper muttered. "But anyway - I think because of the journal, the printer can copy human beings!"

"You know what this means?" I asked, an intense seriousness in my eyes. Dipper looked at me.

"BLARG!!!" I said, using a spray can on his face, pretending I was vomiting on him. Hehe, that was good.

*Time Skip to Party*

I was looking down at all the partiers on the dance floor. Even if partiers isn't a real word - it is now! Mabel for the win!!!

Anyway, Grunkle Stan came next to me.

"Your uncle sure knows how to throw a party, huh?" Grunkle Stan said. I nodded.

"Definitely! This party is wowzers! I'm gonna go do a boogey!" I said, and I went down the stairs to join in on the fun.

I got tired after a while, so I sat down and drank some water. I saw two girls next to each other and smiled when I found a lizard on one of the girls' shoulder.

"Wow! You have an animal on your body!" I said, pointing it out with a grin.

"Yeah I do. I'm Grenda, and this is Candy." She said, her voice surprisingly masculine. But I thought that was cool!

The girl behind her was Candy, and she had forks attached to her fingers.

"Woah! What are those for?" I asked. Candy stuck her hand into the popcorn bowl in Grenda's lap.

"Human improvement." She said with a spanish accent. Grenda fed a piece of popcorn to the lizard on her shoulder, and we all laughed.

I found my people!

*Dipper's POV*

Ugh! This was terrible! Now I'd be stuck at the ticket booth! I wouldn't be able to solve this mystery!

I grit my teeth but continued to manage the ticket booth with Wendy. But then I had a brilliant idea.

"Hey, um... I'll just go get us some popcorn from the party since we ran out." I said. "Cover for me?"

"Sure, man." She said.

Yes! Now all I had to do was just copy myself using the printer, tell it to stick with Wendy at the ticket booth, and then I could focus on the journal.

I got up from the ticket booth and headed back into the Mystery Shack, making sure I didn't run into anyone else.

After I made it into the printer room undetected, I laid down on top of the scanner. And pressed the button.

"This feels like a bad idea... but no going back now." I muttered. The printer was done scanning and I got off the printer and set the paper on the ground.

The paper rippled. A Dipper got up from the floor, but the colors were slightly faded.

"Woah!" I said, staring at myself. I frowned. "I have a really big head."

"So, uh - sorry, you go first." Me and the other Dipper said in unison. "Stop copying me!" We said at the same time, laughing.

The other Dipper accidentally hurt his funny bone, and I got a black marker and wrote a number 2 on his hat, instead of the missing pine tree.

"You will be called number 2." I said.

"Definitely not. You know a name I wish I had though." My doppelganger said.

"Tyrone." We both said at the same time.

"Alright, so I'm thinking; you go manage the ticket booth - make sure to grab a bowl of popcorn - and I'm gonna be here reading the journal." I said, taking it out. My duplicate took one out as well.

I squinted at him. "Hey, you aren't going to betray me, are you?"

"Dipper please - this is you you're talking about. Plus, you can always disintegrate me with water." Tyrone said.

"Ehh! Ehhhhh!" We both said, pointing at each other's temples. I handed him a walky talky.

Tyrone headed out to manage the ticket booth, while I opened the journal and started reading.

But the music from the party was starting to irritate me. I couldn't concentrate.

"Ugh! There has to be something I can do to stop this music from distracting me!" I said. Then I got an idea.

What if I just stopped the party all together? That would be perfect!

"Hey, I just had the same thought you had, and that plan's gonna need more help than just me." Tyrone said from the walky talky.

So Tyrone headed back, and we... kinda got ten more Dippers.

We were all creating a plan to stop the party. It was incredible! It had to work!

Tyrone would make the dance floor malfunction, number 6 would put black food dye into the Pitt Cola, number 7 would tell Soos to rick roll everyone, number 5 would start fights by 'passing messages from someone else', number 3 and number 4 would steal some random person's bike, and number 8 would alert Soos about it.

Number 9 would tend to the ticket booth with Wendy, and number 10 would be backup.

While the rest of the Dippers did their jobs, I was finally left in peace to read my journal. But then I had to go to the bathroom. Ugh...

I opened the door to the hallway and checked to see if anyone was nearby. When the coast was clear, I headed towards the bathroom, and saw Wendy there.

"Um... hi." I said. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm just waiting for the bathroom." She said.

This was annoying. Someone else was in the bathroom, and now I found out that Wendy will go after that person finishes.

We had a bit of an awkward silence.

We heard the toilet flushing and an angry blonde girl came out. She noticed us and glared at us.

"Ugh! What the heck is wrong with you two?! The soda at the party is just some disgusting black sludge in Pitt Cola bottles! I nearly choked from my gags! If you don't fix this I'm going to sue you!" The girl said, and then she stormed off.

"What's her problem? Last I checked, the Pitt Cola was normal." Wendy said. "Anyway, I gotta pee. See you later!"

And the she headed inside the bathroom.

I panicked. I think I saw that girl once on Gravity Falls News - apparently she was the daughter of some rich person named Preston Northwest, and if she sued us... we'd be broke.

I broke a sweat. I needed to do something to fix everything!

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be reading through the journal now." My own voice said.

I turned around to see Tyrone and the other Dippers. "Right now is the perfect time to go through it and investigate - the loud party won't bother you anymore, and we did it all undetected." He said.

"Yeah, I just started to read but then I had to go to the bathroom. Listen - some rich girl named Pacifica Northwest will sue us if we don't fix what we just did to the party!" I said.

"Yeah, but that's gonna ruin our plan. You need some silence to read the journal in peace. Do we have to remind you?" Tyrone said. All of the Dippers started reading the plan out to me.

"Well, guys! Maybe we've just been a little obsessed over this whole mystery thing! We should just have a night to enjoy ourselves!" I protested. All of my doppelgangers gasped.

"You bite your tongue!" Number 7 yelled.

"If you're not gonna do it, we'll force you to." Tyrone said.

"Uh... guys... we agreed we wouldn't turn on each other!" I yelled, but the Dippers kept getting closer.

"I think we all knew we were lying." Tyrone said, glaring at me. The Dippers dragged me away to a closet as I screamed.

They locked me in it despite my protests.

"Ah! I can't breathe in here!" I lied.

"Yes you can! There's also some food and some chewing pens for you!" Tyrone yelled from behind the door.

I groaned, but ate the cheese and crackers they had provided.

"Alright, now that the original Dipper - or, 'Dipper Classic', is taken care of, I propose that I'll be the one covering for him at the party, because I've been here the longest." Tyrone said, his voice muffled behind the door.

Meanwhile, I tried to find a way out. The door was locked, so... maybe I could lockpick it?

"I have another proposition - how about I'm the one who covers for him at the party, because I've been here the least!" Number 10 said.

I searched around the closet until I found a hair pin. This would do perfectly.

"That makes, like, zero sense!" Number 5 said.

"You make zero sense!" Number 10 said, and I heard shoving sounds. He probably shoved Number 5.

"Hey! Don't shove people!" Number 6 said, shoving Number 10.

I bended the hair pin so that I'd be able to use it for the lockpick. I jumped at some scream like sounds.

"NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH-" Oh yeah, we also have a Paper Jam Dipper.

While they were distracted with him, I managed to lockpick the door (after 10 attempts) and I sneaked away. I heard them talking faintly.

"Hey, what you guys do if you were trapped in a closet?" Tyrone asked.

"Break out." All of the others said in unison. I heard Tyrone face-palm and I knew that they realized I broke out.

I ran, but the other caught up with me.

"Hey! There he is! He's getting away!" One of them yelled.

"Hey, wait! If we attack each other, we all have the same intelligence and strength. If we fight each other, it'll just go on for infinity!" I yelled. The other murmured in agreement.

But then I just punched Number 8 in the face. And then the Dipper Brawl began.

In the midst of all the battling, I taped a number 7 on top of my pine tree hat, and began to slip away-

"Hey! Classic Dipper's getting away!" Number 9 yelled.

"No, it's me guys - Number 7." I lied, pointing to my hat. All of the Dippers turned to the real Number 7, thinking it was me.

"That's not me, guys! That's not me!" Number 7 protested.

And then the number 7 slipped off to reveal a pine tree. I set off a fire-cracker, and the smoke detectors let out some water. All of the Dipper copies melted, and when the smoke detectors were done, there was only me and Tyrone.

"You!" He said, pointing at me. I yelped.

We then noticed that the party was still going on - the Pitt Cola was back to normal, much to Pacifica's relief - the music wasn't 'Never Gonna Give You Up' anymore, and the dance floor was fine. But... I didn't see the bike anywhere.

Number 3 and 4 rode off into the forest and never actually came back.

Tyrone slumped behind me and fell to the floor. "I blew it, man." He said.

"Hey hey hey - it's okay. C'mon - lets have a drink together on the roof." I said. Tyrone nodded.

"I'll meet you there." He said.

I headed down the stairs to the dance floor, and I grabbed two cans of Pitt Cola. After that, I headed upstairs to the roof.

"Hey." Tyrone said once he saw me.


We sat down together on the roof, staring at the stars in the sky as we listen to the faint music from the party.

I saw a shooting star in the sky, and I closed my eyes and wished.

I didn't wish for me to know who the author was, I didn't wish for the answers to the questions - but instead, I wished for a great adventure with Mabel by my side.

Me and Tyrone opened the cans at the same time.

"Bottoms up!" He said, and both drank the soda. But then there was bubbling from his stomach, and he began disintegrating from the inside-out.

"Oh no! Tyrone!" I said, watching him melt in front of me. He looked at me.

"Don't forget - have the great adventure with Mabel!" Tyrone said, and then he melted away completely.

"No! Tyrone!" I yelled, then sighed. "You were the only one who understood."

I poured some soda on what was left of Tyrone, then I drank the rest.

I decided to head back to the party - but then I looked at one of the flyers and realized the party had already ended.

But... that was fine. I headed back down to the Mystery Shack.

*Mabel's POV*

I can't believe I just let my girls down!

Me and this blonde girl named Pacifica Northwest went in an epic party duel! We needed to see who could party the best! Whoever won got the party crown.

I danced the hardest I could, and I sang karaoke with all my heart! But Pacifica took a more... uh...

CHEATING approach.

She glared at the people to clap for her, and she waved a dollar at some old hobo to get him awake to start clapping for her!

But even with my anger towards her, my sadness took over.

"I'm sorry I let you down." I told Candy and Grenda.

"That is okay. In fact, we'll be staying for a sleepover, if you don't mind." Candy said, adjusting her glasses.

"Wait, really?! Even after I failed?" I asked.

"Even just standing up to Pacifica is enough for us! And plus, now we get to talk about hot boys more often!" Grenda said with a  grin.

"Hey Soos! Give us another track of dance music! We'll be partying all night!" I called. Soos nodded and changed the disc.

We all danced together happily.

Then, the front door opened and Dipper came in.

"Dipper! You missed so much! Meet my new girls!" I exclaimed, showing them to him.

I was happy that this day was the best! Dipper got a break from his journal, I got besties despite losing the party competition to Pacifica, and absolutely nothing weird or crazy happened!

Gravity Falls is the best place ever! :D


Hi, it's me again, Xelia.

So... like I said in the last author note, please do leave suggestions in the comments! I'd love to see what you guys want to see in my fanfiction.

I've never actually made a fanfiction before, so I hope this one is good.

Other than that, I have nothing else to say.

Stay safe and well! <3 <3


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