Chapter 18


Literally no one is reading this story at all, why I do I even bother posting this?

Oh, yeah, now I remember - because 7 years from now when someone decides to read this, they won't be annoyed. Seriously, it's happened so many times for me.

So... yeah. This fanfic is really trashy and I have no idea where I'm going with this XD

Nevertheless, enjoy! :)

P.S. If you're wondering why this Weirdmaggedon is taking longer than the OG Weirdmaggedon, it's because Weirdmaggedon starts at around the end of the summer - this one starts between the beginning and the middle part of the summer. If that makes any sense, lol.

*Mabel's POV*

A lot of us were hiding back in the Multi-Bear's cave. Apparently after Dipper and I had left, creatures and people alike were looking for shelter in any cave they could find - and they found the Multi-Bear's cave.

Every once in a while, the most agile of the group would go collect some food and water for everyone. There were crafters - people who made beds and seating areas with leaves and sticks and stones, or anything else they could get from the scavengers.

The scavngers - the most agile people. The most agile of the scavengers would be sent out to get food(I already explained this but whatever), and the rest would go and collect the resources for crafters and grinders.

Then there were the grinders. They used the scraps of metal the scavengers gave them to make weapons to defend in case one of the floating eyeballs or other things of Bill's creation came near the cave and attacked them.

Then there were the warriors. They were the true defenders of the place. They patrolled around the outside of the cave to make sure we were safe. Grunkle Stan was one of them. I couldn't help worrying.

Now I know what Dipper feels like all the time. And I tease him for it. I sighed and curled myself up into a ball. Oh, right. I forgot to mention that each class has a leader. I wasn't a leader, but I was a crafter. I was waiting for my selected scavenger to give me my materials to make a blanket for Grunkle Stan.

The Multi-Bear was the leader of the whole survival squad by the way - since, y'know, this was his cave.

There were some injured and sick people too - adult crafters would tend to them while waiting for their scavengers.

Then my scavenger came with the materials. He was one of Wendy's brothers. He looked about Wendy's age, and his messy auburn hair covered his eyes. I was wondering how he was able to see with the hair in his eyes, let alone scavenge. But nothing's impossible.

He sat down beside me while I knitted the leaves together to make a blanket.

"Who are you making that for?" He asked.

"I'm... making it for my Grunkle Stan." I said.

"Oh. Well, I'll go see if the agile came back with the food. My stomach has been earthquaking for at least an hour." And he got up and walked deeper into the cave.

I sighed, my thoughts drifting to Grunkle Stan - and then it suddenly went to Dipper.


The one getting captured multiples times by Bill. The one risking his life to save us. The one who was suffering from his weak body right now! I wish I could do something to help him...

I almost can't believe how just a few weeks ago I was arguing with my brother to burn that journal.

And... none of this would have happened if he did. So... I had been right all along.

Some mysteries aren't meant to be solved.

*Dipper's POV*

I knew that that sweater had to be the work of Mabel. I'd recognize her knitting anywhere.

But where was she now? Could I rely on my magic to help me?

Well, it hasn't failed me yet, I thought. Why stop now?

But still, if there was some way to get rid of someone's powers, and they used it on me, wouldn't that leave me vulnerable if I relied on it so much?

Well, it doesn't seem like anything can do that, so I'm taking this chance.

With that decision made final, I put on Mabel's sweater and closed my eyes.

I did what I assume was the key to using my powers - concentrate.

I focused on my goal - to find Mabel, and Grunkle Stan, and all the others. But mostly the first two.

A glow came from behind my eyelids, and I clapped my hands.

But nothing had changed when I opened my eyes. Because the glow hadn't come from my hands.

Because someone was holding a blue stone towards me - in a way that someone would ward off a beast. And suddenly I understood.

That stone was exactly what I'd feared. Something that could stop magic.

I looked at the person's face, but they wore a mask. All I could see were their eyes.

"I've never seen a dream demon so... human. And I thought Bill was the last of his kind." The person said, still holding the stone out to me. "Or so young."

Their voice seemed male, and was quite gruff and hoarse. Maybe something like a cowboy who'd been divorced thirty times or something, I don't know.

I was feeling pretty nervous. Clearly this guy knew a lot about dream demons from the casual way he talked about them.

"Um... that's because I was raised a human, and only a few days ago I realized I was a dream demon." I said, slowly backing away. The person stepped closer.

"Hmm... where were you about to teleport to?"

"Um... to wherever my family is. I'm trying to find them." I said. I don't why I felt like answering his questions truthfully. Maybe it was because I had no way to defend myself?

I tried backing away again. Maybe if I was far enough, I could get out of the stone's range.

But he kept stepping forward. Should I make a run for it...?

"What is your name?" They asked.

"...Dipper. Dipper Pines." I internally groaned at my voice crack. It was like a curse put on me or something. I heard Mabel's voice in my head. The curse of the voice cracks has been put upon you! The only way to break it is to sing a super girly song to Grunkle Stan!

I tried my best not to laugh.

"No - your real  name."

I sighed. "Mason."

Why did this guy even want to know all this anyway? I needed to get to Mabel and the others, and this guy was wasting my time. Then I realized - where had Ford and the others gone? And they been captured? No, I didn't see any new statues in the throne when I was there.

They probably escaped, but to where? Did this guy know?

And who do I look for? Mabel and Grunkle Stan or Ford and the others? Were they together? Seperated? Dead?

No, stop thinking like that. They aren't dead. I just can't find them. That's all.

He looked lost in thought. So I slowly backed away, and when he hadn't moved a step forward, I sprinted away from him, looking down at my hands as I ran to teleport away as soon as it started glowing.

But I was pulled back by a rope that had latched itself around my waist, and with a tug, I landed on my rear end on the ground in front of the masked guy.

"Don't even try. I want to know more about you... because you are one unusual dream demon." He said. He walked away, tugging on the rope and dragging me as if I were on a leash. I quickly stood up and followed him. I decided I had to stand up to him and say something.

"Look, I get that I'm weird and everything - heck, even don't know much about myself anymore - but I need to get back to my family. We have to stop Bill-"

"A dream demon against a dream demon? Now that's something I haven't seen." He said.

Did he seriously just ignore what I said?

"Kid, I'll let you get back to your family and do whatever once I'm done." He said.

"But I need to stop Bill now, before he hurts anyone else! My twin sister was already turned to stone once before! What will stop Bill from doing it again?" I argued.

The masked guy stopped walking. "A third dream demon?"

I was confused at first, but then I understood and immediately shook my head.

"No, no. She's a normal human. Trust me, if she was a dream demon, she'd find out long before I ever would. She's very energetic and outgoing." I said. "But anyway, I need to get back to her, and Grunkle Stan and Great Uncle Ford."

"Ford? As in - Stanford?" He said, turning around. "When I heard the name 'Pines', I assumed it was just a coincidence. But now I know you are definitely  related to him."

"You know him?" I asked. Then, realizing that Ford could have enemies other than Bill, I got defensive. "...In what context?"

"As in we fought over a bunch of stuff to the point where we parted ways. But I never forgave him for that. Now I can finally get revenge." He said. "Oh, by the way, name's Oliver. But your short dream demon life is gonna come to a close before you're introduced to anyone else."

Okay, this guy was going to kill me. Unlike Bill, who wanted me alive for some plans, this guy wanted to kill me to get revenge on Ford. But then he mentioned something that turned my fear into anger.

"Maybe killing your sister too will make him weep harder-" He said, and then I untied the rope around me quickly and tackled him to the ground, reaching for the magic stone in his hand.

"What the-" He said, clearly not expecting me to jump at him.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my sister!" I hissed, snatching the stone. I got up and ran, planning to throw it away so I could use magic to defend myself. But he got up and grabbed my wrist.

I tried to pry his fingers off of me, but he had a strong grip. So I moved the stone to my other hand and threw it as far as I could.

"NO!!" He yelled.

I may have noodle arms that wouldn't do any damage with a punch, but they could certainly throw far. With stone far away(or maybe broken, I'm not sure), my hands glowed silver and I knew my powers were back.

So, curling my hands back into fists, I punched Oliver in the gut and sent him hurling towards a tree, chopping it down as Oliver rolled off the new log.

I was blinded by anger. All I wanted to do was pummel this guy to the ground for even thinking of hurting Mabel. But I wasn't the type to get too angry, and soon I calmed down.

I can't waste any more time with this guy. I'll find the others and just forget about him, I thought.

But before I left, I had one more thing to say to Oliver.

"Don't you ever get anywhere near my family." I said, before teleporting to the middle of town.

All I saw were ruins and destruction. There were a few weird creatures, but I stayed clear of them and they didn't see me.

At one time a floating eyeball clearly saw me, but didn't go over towards me.

Right, Bill can't turn me to stone if he's got big plans for me.

But once I was sure I was in a safe spot, I sat down for a bit to rest. One thing I'd discovered is that I hadn't let myself rest in a while - and by that, I mean fall asleep. The last time I'd been asleep was when I woke up from being unconscious.

So, I slept in an alleyway.

*Ford's POV*

I was with a bunch of townspeople, walking around the forest for the Mystery Shack. When we found it, all we saw was a bunch of rubble.

"What happened to the shack?" One of them asked.

I saw footprints in the dirt beside the rubble. I discovered that they were from Stanley and Mabel. And if Stanley was here, then that meant Dipper had been here too. Were they under the rubble?

I took out my heat detector device, but I didn't see any living organisms under the debris. But when I took out another device of mine, I discovered that Bill had been there.

Bill must've destroyed the Shack and taken Dipper again,  I thought. But then I noticed something in the distant trees - a chopped tree. But that tree wasn't chopped cleanly. Almost like someone was thrust against it with such force that it was cut off from the stump.

And then I saw him - Oliver. I hadn't seen him in years.

"Oliver." I said with a glare. He slowly got up. He was very injured.

My curiosity was more powerful than my caution. "What happened to you?"

"Your grand nephew happened, that's what." He said, taking out a teleportation gun and pointing it at himself. "See ya." And he pulled the trigger.

He teleported away, leaving me with questions. Dipper was here... and had attacked Oliver?

Oliver must have said something he shouldn't. But Oliver has this stone this wards off magic - how could Dipper have done this without magic?

"We need to find a place to keep safe." Susan said.

"I know a certain bear we can stay with." I said, a metaphorical light bulb above my head.

*Time Skip*

"Stanford Pines, good to see you! Say, you wouldn't have any way to get back to my original dimension, do you?" The Multi-Bear said.

"I do, but I'm afraid it's a one time shot. I'll have to deal with Bill first before I grab you and head back. If I used it on you now, I wouldn't be able to get back, and there'd be two Stanfords in this dimension." I explained.

"I see... I'll have to endure this for now. Come inside." He said, leading me in the cave.

And that's when I found Mabel.

"Great Uncle Ford!" Mabel said, getting up to her feet and hugging me tightly.

"Mabel, you're alright!" I said. A weight I hadn't known was there was lifted off my shoulders. "Where's Stanley?"

"He's out patrolling. He became one of the warriors - basically guards." Mabel said sadly.

"Oh." I replied. "Well, I'll go talk to him after I do something really quick."

I went with the Multi-Bear to the very end of the cave where everyone could see us.

"Everyone, everyone! Quiet down!" The Multi-Bear said. Everyone's attention was on him.

"Now, I'd like to say that the warriors will be able to have a rest, with Stanford's plan! We can make a better protection around the cave, that will ward off all of Bill's magic!" The bear explained. "Stanford can explain what the ingredients are."

I stepped forward.

"We're going to require some moonstones, mercury and unicorn hair. If we put some moonstones in three different areas and sprinkle some mercury around it, and adding the unicorn hair, then we should have a barrier around the entrance of the cave, protecting us from anything Bill does." I stated.

"Then we'll send out some scavengers. Marcus Corduroy, you're to gather the moonstones. Susan, you should go get the mercury-"

"You can get it in the basement underneath the rubble we saw earlier." I said quickly, before the Multi-Bear continued.

"And Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland will get the unicorn hair-"

"I already have some in my pocket! I don't know how, but it was just there!" Deputy Durland said, pulling it out.

"You know why? Because you're special." Sheriff Blubs said.

"You're special too!" Deputy Durland said, tears welling up in both of their eyes. They had a heartfelt embrace as everyone clapped, happy for them.

But my mind wasn't on them.

I was hoping that I could come up with a plan by the time the barrier was up.

I thought back to the quantum destabilizer. And when I'd accidentally hit Dipper with it. I realized that I forgot to ask Mabel where Dipper was.

I walked over to her. "Mabel, do you know where Dipper is? I haven't seen him since Grunkle Stan got him out of Bill's palace."

Mabel frowned at the floor. "Bill got him, again. He exploded the Mystery Shack before taking him."

"Then how come someone told me they got attacked by him?" I muttered to myself. Mabel heard.

"What! Dipper wouldn't do that! Besides, after he got hit by the quantum destabilizer, he'd be too weak to attack someone!" Mabel said.

"I don't know, Mabel - Oliver seemed pretty injured, and from the looks of it, he got knocked into a tree with a fore so strong it collapsed. Oliver isn't the type to lie about these kinds of things." I said.

Mabel still looked unsure. I sighed. "We can talk about this later. I'm going to go find Stanley now."

And when I walked away, I started to feel uncomfortable about everything.

And that feeling hasn't come to me since I was young.


Yep! That's the end of this chapter!

The Pines family still have absolutely no idea that Dipper doesn't have the effects of the quantum destabilizer, lol.

Anyway, goodbye my non-existent readers because I don't have any! :D

Stay safe and well, and have a great day/night! <3 <3

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