Chapter 17


Hey! It's been a while, huh?

I've just been lacking inspiration (and a bit of motivation) for this story, that's all. To be honest, when it comes to this fanfiction, I have writer's block. I don't know how the others are going to be able to stop Bill now, without copying from the show. So... yeah.

So these chapters might seem a little bland for now, until I can come up with ideas for this. You have been warned. Have a boop for your troubles. *proceeds to boop you*

*Dipper's POV*

I opened my eyes to see a familiar wooden ceiling. I could see a moss patch which I remembered Mabel naming Darrel. I recognized my bed's mattress under me.

I tried to get up but I felt a twinge of pain and I winced, fighting back down the urge to scream.

"Woah, woah, easy, kid." I heard Grunkle Stan say. He was sitting on a stool beside my bed, like a visitor in a hospital. I felt him gently push me back down, and I was reminded of Mabel.

"Mabel... is she okay?" I asked. Grunkle shook his head.

"We don't know where she is."

I tried to get up again. "Then I need... to find her-"

"Kid, are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Grunkle Stan asked, pushing me back down. "You won't be able to find or help Mabel like this. You need to rest."

I didn't fight back, a little voice in the back of my head growing louder and mirroring Grunkle Stan's words.

"Look," He said. "I understand you want to go help your sister, wherever she is. But do you really want her to see that you've completely ignored your own health just to save her?"

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I just... I just want to help..."

I felt his hand on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see his warm smile. "The best thing you can do right now is recover."

And he got up from the stool, heading out of the room.

What am I supposed to do now? I thought. Do I just stay here, or do I try to leave?

I internally shook my head.

Grunkle Stan just explained to me what would happen if I tried to leave. I have to find some other way to help...

But, unable to do anything, I just decided to try and get some rest.

*Mabel's POV*

After Dipper trapped me in that silver bubble thingy, it's been taking me somewhere. At one point, it was starting to get a little wobbly, so I worried that something had happened to Dipper.

Then the bubble popped right as I could see the roof of the Mystery Shack peeking through the trees. I screamed.

Then I remembered Grappling Hook was fixed!

I shot the grappling hook at a branch of a tree and I landed safely on the ground.

I ran towards where I last saw the Mystery Shack, seeing it in its usual shambles!

I knocked on the door, but when no one answered, I shot my grappling hook through the window!

I saw Grunkle Stan.

"Grunkle Stan!" I said happily, opening the door and running inside. I hugged him.

"Mabel, sweetie, you're okay! We were so worried." Grunkle Stan said.

"'We'? What do you mean?" I asked. "Is Dipper still at the palace? Weren't you there, Grunkle Stan?"

"Yeah, I was. But we couldn't find you, so I got Dipper and ran back here." Grunkle Stan said.

"Wait, he's here? Can I see him?" I asked.

"He's knocked out, but sure."

He led me up to our room. So many good memories... and bad ones.

I saw Dipper on his bed, still smoking a little from when he got hit by the gun thingy. There was a stool next to his bed, and I sat down on it.

"Will Dipper be okay?" I asked Grunkle Stan, still staring at Dipper.

"I... I don't know."

After a while of seeing him I looked away. "I don't want to look at him when he's like this. You can stay if you want. I'll just be in the living room."

I got up from the stool and ran out of the room, closing the door behind me. I ran downstairs, ignoring the creaks. Tears were slipping down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them.

I sat down on the musty yellow couch and sobbed. Dipper was hurt, and my powers were gone so I couldn't even do anything to calm down except cry. And I hated crying.

I decided to just... knit a sweater. Maybe that would help.

I got out my knitting needles, and remembered that time when Soos used it for his "drum set". The thought made me smile a bit.

I didn't really know what to knit on the sweater, so I just decided to get some blue and white yarn, and then I started knitting.

I did it without thought. I knitted a sweater that looked like Dipper's hat.

It was kind of like a raglan shirt, the sleeves and neck thingy were blue, the rest was white, with a blue pine tree up on the front. Maybe I'd give it to Dipper after this whole thing was over.

Grunkle Stan came back downstairs. I put away the sweater.

"I would say that you could watch Ducktective to calm down, but the power's out." He said, sitting on the armchair of the couch.

"It wouldn't have calmed me down anyway. It reminds me of how Dipper loves to solve mysteries..." I said with a sniffle.

I kept thinking about what to do next... when suddenly the Shack glowed bright blue and exploded!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!" I screamed, and Grunkle Stan cried. No, not as in tears.

As I was flung through the air, I remembered Dipper. I tried to think of some way to get to Dipper - but being in the air didn't help and I was falling too fast-

Grunkle Stan grabbed me tight and we hit the ground.

I groaned, trying to get out of his arms, but he wouldn't let go.

"Where's Dipper...?" I asked. Then Grunkle Stan started to get up. Did he really forget about him?

"I think he was somewhere over there." He said, pointing in one direction.

I stood up and ran over to where Dipper would be, pulling wood planks out of the way. Grunkle Stan helped too.

After a little bit I saw the tips of his fingers through the rubble.

"We're coming, Dipper!" I said, searching through the rubble even faster now.

Soon, we were able to pull him out of there. He was coughing and trying to sit up.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah... I'm perfectly fine...*cough*" He said.

"I think we have different ideas of 'perfectly fine'." I said with a frown.

"Anyway... why did the Shack *cough*... explode?" Dipper asked.

I didn't know.

"Well the Shack flashed blue before it exploded... does that mean something?" I suggested.

Then I heard a familiar insane laugh, and Dipper glowed red, being floated towards a familiar isosceles monster.

"Let go of Dipper!" I yelled, pointing my grappling hook at him. Grunkle Stan got out this weird golden knuckle thing that he held in his fist.

"Ha! You think I'd listen to you?" Bill said mockingly. I wanted to scream at him and karate chop his eye, but I knew that wouldn't help things.

Wait, why do people talk about karate more than taekwondo? We need to show more appreciation for taekwondo!

Ugh! Focus, Mabel, focus!

I glared more fiercely at Bill.

"Let him go or I'll shoot!" I yelled.

"It's even cuter that you think you're weapons can do anything to me!" He said with a laugh.

I could see Dipper trying to get out of the telekenosis. Tolokenisis? I don't know what it's called...

"Leave... them... alone...!" Dipper said, his voice sounding weak.

Bill paid no attention to him.

Bill snapped his fingers and my grappling hook broke again! UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

"Hey! Let go of my grand nephew you stale dorito!" Grunkle Stan yelled.

Bill just laughed again.

"The one who's stale is you, Fez! You're sixty years old." Bill said.

"And you're one trillion years old." Grunkle Stan with a grin.

The look on Bill's... eye? Anyway - it made me burst out laughing. Grunkle Stan laughed at his own joke too, and even Dipper chuckled a bit before coughing.

"I'm not even going to comment on this." Bill said, and teleported away... but with Dipper!

"Dipper, NO!!" I yelled reaching out my hand at where he used to be. I felt tears start to streak down my cheeks.

"Don't worry Mabel - we'll get him back." Grunkle Stan said, putting a hand on my shoulder. But I couldn't just cry here and do nothing while Dipper was captured by Bill!

"Why does he even want Dipper?" I asked, almost to myself.

*Dipper's POV*


I was teleported back to Bill, back in his clammy hands! And there wasn't anything I could do about it either, because my stupid body is too weak to do anything!

All of Bill's 'henchmaniacs' were knocked out, but it seemed like the others had retreated. At least they got the townspeople who had turned to stone - now Bill had no human agony throne to sit on.

But he still did have me for whatever I was going to be needed for in his diabolical plans. I'm probably bait or leverage or something like that...

Bill seemed like he was thinking about something. While he was distracted, I tried to get down to the floor, but it did nothing but make my arms and legs sore from movement and I winced, biting my lip so I wouldn't groan.

I tried again, but it just had the same result, but the new pain mixed with the old one was much more painful and it took everything in me not to scream.

Knowing that Bill could read minds, I mouthed whatever I was thinking. Use your stupid magic, I mouthed. Why am I not using my magic?!

So I quickly (and hopefully silently) made my hand glow silver, hoping that it'd help me get down, and out of Bill's telekinesis...

A thin strand of silver began stringing down the floor slowly, and it attached to the floor. I began to descend, using the silver string as a guide, trying my best to be slow enough so that the pain from my body was bearable.

I was close to the ground now - I was so close that if I reached out far enough, I'd touch the floor-

The silver string disappeared and I was dragged all the way back up. Bill chuckled.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, kid. You'd never be able to escape with that frail body of yours, even if you did get away from my telekinesis!" Bill laughed. I gritted my teeth. So my efforts were for nothing.

"What do you plan on doing with me, anyway?" I asked. I knew he wasn't going to answer, but then again, he might go on some villain monologue.

"Ha! Like I'd tell you!" was the answer I expected and got.

So, I decided if he was't going to tell me, I was going to try and figure it out by mouthing everything that had happened. Maybe I could find some clues as to what he was planning to do with me.

So when he first captured me, I woke up in some dream fantasy world where everything was how I wanted it, I mouthed. And I remember some sort of notebook there where I could communicate with Bill if I wanted... and I asked him why he put me there... and I remember being really confused. I get why I was. Why would Bill put me in such a comfortable place? And his answer. Something about needing to savor it for later. Was he planning some brutal fate for me? None of this is making sense.

Getting frustrated with this particular mystery, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, hoping that if Bill noticed that he'd think it was the pain from my body.

"Why can't I hear anything coming from your mind?" Bill said. I froze, opening my eyes instantly with wide eyes.

"This whole time I've heard nothing from you." Bill said, narrowing his eye.

I was so surprised and nervous that I forgot to mouth my thoughts.

I need to think of an excuse - shoot, I'm thinking! I need to-

"'Think of an excuse?' Hm... were you thinking of me?" Bill said.

"I - what?" I said, confused. "No!"

"Learn to take a joke, Pine Tree." Bill said with a chuckle. I didn't even try to hide my annoyed look. Now was definitely not the time for jokes.

"Anyway, I'm going to keep you out of my way until your body has at least some form of strength for... well, you'll see." If Bill had a mouth, he'd definitely be grinning. He snapped his fingers and I was teleported into a different room in the big castle pyramid place.

It was bedroom. It was pretty small, with nothing but a bed and a bookshelf. The bookshelf wasn't filled with books, but with... some disturbing things that I didn't want to look through.

I didn't even know how I was standing up. I felt like garbage, the effects from the quantum destabilizer still there. I mean, that gun was literally meant to kill Bill... what did I expect? But I'm still a bit surprised that I was able to survive for this long after getting hit...

I looked behind me to see a door. Maybe I could escape if I-

Nope. The door was locked. And there wasn't anyway to lock pick it either. There was no way I was going to search the bookshelf for anything, though.

I moved towards the bed, wincing from the sharp pain that was sent coursing through my body. I was able to lay down on the bed though.

But I still wondered... what did Bill mean by 'I'll need some sort of strength'? What strength will I need for whatever it is he was planning to do with me?

And was there really anything I could do except hope that someone rescues me? With my body this weak, I couldn't do anything to get out of this. Bill could just snap his fingers and I'd be back in this room.

I clenched my fists, knowing that there wasn't anything I could do.

I'M SO DUMB. I HAVE MAGIC. Why do I keep forgetting that?

I slowly got up, wincing from the pain. Why didn't I just use my magic to help with the pain?

I made my hand glow silver and brought it to my chest slowly. As soon as it made contact with me, however, all the effects of the destabilizer were gone. That quickly? I wasn't complaining.

Now to unlock the door.

I stood up, automatically wincing, but then realizing that there was no reason to. I almost jumped in the air with joy, but I contained myself. I can do that after I get out of this place... again.

Manifesting a key from thin air, I clicked it into the lock and it opened! I opened the door a peek so I could see what was going on outside of my room. All I saw was a hallway though.

So I opened the door a bit so I could walk through, and, looking around, still saw no one. So I ran.

I ran through the corridors, looking for some kind of exit or a way out of this place. I could teleport, but I was still getting the hang of my powers, so teleportation might be a step too far.

I was about to turn around a corner when I heard Bill's voice and stuck to the wall instantly, hoping I wouldn't be seen. But then I overheard his conversation with one of his henchmaniacs.

"Are you sure the boy isn't just going to die?" The henchmaniac said.

"No. The quantum destabilizer was meant to kill me. It might weaken him, but it won't be lethal. Dream Demons are like that." Bill said.

I remembered how Bill had told me once in a dream that he told me I was a dream demon. I didn't believe him.

Now that I had these powers, it was a lot more believable. But wasn't this universe not supposed to have anything paranormal? Was I from some third universe where I was a dream demon?

Then I realized that Bill could read the minds of anyone who was nearby...

Uh oh.

"Wait. Someone's here. I can hear their thoughts." Bill said.

"Should I go find them?" The henchmaniac asked.

"No, I'll find them. You guys stick to the plan." Bill said.

It was time to run.

I ran away from the corner as fast as I could, looking behind me. I saw a bit of yellow peek from behind the corner, and it was at the moment one of my shoes untied itself and fell of my foot. But I didn't have time to get it back.

I continued to run, and I took off my other shoe, deciding that it would be easier to run if my both my feet were on the level.

With nothing but socks on my feet, the ground felt cold, like when you walked barefoot in a shopping mall.

I kept running, trying to find an exit, some way to get out of there. Eventually I came to a dead end. I panicked.

No no no no no! How do I get out of here?!  I thought, not even caring if Bill would hear. I tried banging on the wall in front of me, but a shadow passed over me.

I turned around and saw Bill.

"Oh... heheh... hey..." I said nervously, my back to the wall.

"Aw, Pine Tree thinks he can escape! I'd know those shoes anywhere." Bill said with a laugh.

"...Ew." I gagged at his comment on the shoes.

"So you think with a little magic you can escape? Hah! I planned for that by removing all the exits. You would've escaped if I hadn't put that wall behind you." Bill said. "But now that you removed the effects of the destabilizer, your suffering will come early!"

"What do you mean...?" I asked.

"You'll see!" Bill laughed, about to snap his fingers.

Okay, forget about what I said about teleporting, I need to get out of here!

My hands glowed silver and I clapped them, closing my eyes tight as a flash of colors seeped through my eyelids. I didn't dare open them.

I felt familiar wood under my feet. There weren't any bright flashes anymore. I felt it was safe to open my eyes now. Slowly lifting my eyelids, I realized I was standing on top of the ruins of the Mystery Shack.

Wooden planks everywhere... but Mabel and Grunkle Stan were nowhere in sight. Where were they?

I noticed something amidst the debris... something like cloth.

Digging through the rubble, I unearthed it. Tears welled up in my eyes as I took it in my hands.

It was a pine tree sweater.


So... this chapter is longer than the others! That's because now I can actually make chapters longer than 2000 words, lol. Now I'm doing 3000 (4000 for my Harry Potter fanfic because... Harry Potter books have chapters that long), so hopefully you'll enjoy it more! I still have no idea what I'm trying to do with this fanfic.

That means I'm doing something right, right? Because fanfics are random and weird?

I'm desperately trying to redeem this chaotic fanfic XD

Anyway, hopefully you enjoyed this! :D

Stay safe and well, and have a great day/night! <3 <3

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