Chapter 16


Oh yeah I forgot to add pictures for the chapters... ;^^

Meh I'll add them later, I'm feeling kinda lazy right now. XD

*Mabel's POV*

Dipper went out of the cave a while ago to get some food. He said he didn't trust his magic, and I can see why.

The Multi-Bear was playing some songs to try to cheer me up, and it kind of worked... but not really.

I kept worrying if Dipper was alright, and I'm pretty the Multi-Bear could tell what I was thinking, because he sat down beside me and patted his lap.

"Go on, you can tell me how you feel. It's always good to get out all your worries." He said. I sighed and scooted closer to him.

"I'm just worried about Dipper." I said. I didn't really know what else to say so I just stayed silent.

"It's normal for siblings to care for each other, and worry about each other. But worrying won't do anyone any good." He said. "Think of the positive parts. You know that Dipper can defend himself well."

"Yeah... and I'm pretty sure Bill won't find us in this cave..." I took a deep breath. "Thanks Multi-Bear."

"No problem." He said with a small smile.

Then, Dipper came back, out of breath. He had a plastic bag with some berries in it.

"I got some berries from some bushes." He said, panting.

I got up from the floor.

"Ooh! What kinds?" I asked, running up to him and peeking inside.

I saw blueberries, blackberries, raspberries - all kinds! He got so many that I couldn't count. Who am I kidding I can't count anyway.

"Wow! You got so many!" Then I noticed a scratch on Dipper's knee that I hadn't seen before.

"Dip-dop, what happened?" I asked, bending down to look at it better.

"Oh, I just tripped... and fell. On my knee. From a long distance." Dipper sighed. "Got chased by eyeballs."

I reached into my sweater pocket and got out a plaster with a dog doodle on it. I stuck on top of the scratch.

"Hehe, doggo." I giggled.

The three of us ate some berries together, when I saw something move from outside the cave.

I walked over there and I couldn't believe what I saw.

The Diner was a cannon! And inside that cannon...

...was a giant Waddles! The Diner Cannon was pointed at the triangle palace thingy!

I gaped, but then closed it when I realized I still didn't swallow the chewed berries in my mouth.

"Dipper, come look!" I said, pointing outside. When Dipper came I heard him gasp.

"It's Waddles!" I said.

"Wait, is that a belt around Waddles? There's something on the belt though..." Dipper said. He ran out of the cave and the bottom of his shows glowed, sending him flying through the air towards the cannon.

Then he came back, with wide eyes.

"The other townspeople are strapped to Waddles!" He said.

"Wait, Grunkle Stan and Ford too-"

There was a huge loud boom boom, and Waddles shot towards the triangle palace!

The palace was destroyed, and the belt was gone! It must have gotten inside, and the people must have broken in!

"Mabel, let's just stay here where it's a safe distance." Dipper said.

"But we have to help them!" I said. I got out my broken grappling hook. "Fix it!"


"You have magic, right! Then fix my grappling hook! I can help!" I said.

"Mabel, I told you, I don't trust these powers!"

"But you had no problem using them to get a better look at Waddles!"

Dipper hesitated, then sighed.

"Fine. Here, give it to me."

"Wait! I had a better idea!" I put down the grappling on the floor. "Give me cute anime girl powers!"

"Ugh, seriously?" Dipper groaned.

"Oh come on! Grappling hook's saved me plenty of times, but it didn't help against Bill! But anime girl powers will..." I grinned.

"Fine..." Dipper said. "Um, I guess I just snap my fingers...?"

He snapped his fingers and then nacho earrings appeared on my ears, shining pink.

"Thank you!" I said, squeezing Dipper into a hug.

"Alright, now let's go help." Dipper said, but he turned to look at Multi-Bear. "Thanks for the help."

"No problem." He said, waving us good bye.

We headed out of the cave, Dipper grabbing my hand as we soared through the sky! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-

"Okay, what are we supposed to do to help?" I asked.

"What? I thought you had a plan!" Dipper said.

"You're the brainy one - can't you think of something?" I shot back. Dipper grunted.

After a while, though, he spoke.

"Well, they probably already have a plan. We'll just serve as a distraction." Dipper said.

"Ooh! Okay!" I said. "Let's do this!!"

I couldn't see Dipper's face, but I'm pretty sure he was smiling.

We got into the palace through a window, and the townspeople were using crossbows against the monsters! Where did they get those??

We saw Bill was zapping some of the people with electricity, turning them to stone!

We landed on the ground and I knew what to do.

"HEY!! YOU EVIL DORITO!!" I yelled.

All of the fighting stopped and everyone looked at us.

"ACTIVATE ANIME GIRL TRANSFORMATION!!" I yelled, my nacho earrings glowing bright.

*cue epic music*

My hair turned pink and in big poofy pigtails, I was wearing a big pink dress with a shooting star on it, with bows and hearts everywhere! And of course, I had my trusty grappling hook! Except the hook was a star, and the wires were multicolored!

The others just looked at me weird- wait, no, they were just so shocked form my fabulousness!

"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! GRAPPLING HOOK MEGA SPECIAL!!" I yelled, shooting my grappling hook at Bill in sparkles and glitter. Synthesized music played in the background because I'm awesome!

Dipper's hands glowed silver and he flew up to Bill, punching him in the eye!

"That was for the townspeople!" He said. He punched him again. "That was for kidnapping me!"

"That was for trapping me!"

"That was for Grunkle Stan!"

"That was for Grunkle Ford!"

"That was for MABEL!!"

The last one was the hardest punch yet, but Bill caught his fist and threw Dipper into a wall.

"DIPPER!!" I yelled. I snapped my fingers and two radical boys appeared. "Take care of Bill for me!"

I ran over to Dipper. He was on the ground, getting up. I help him.

"Dipper, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Dipper said. "But we need to distract-"

Some weird tentacle thingies wrapped around Dipper and floated him up!

"DIPPER!" I yelled. I turned around and shot shooting stars at Bill, but he snapped his fingers and my nacho earrings were gone! I was back in my normal form.

"No!" I said, tears in my eyes.

"Heh! Gotta admit, you had me for a while there." Bill laughed. "But not anymore!"

I noticed the radical boys were now skeletons with spiders crawling through them. I screamed. I heard Dipper's grunts above me as he tried to get out of his restraints.

"You're not escaping this time, Pine Tree!" Bill giggled. I noticed that the monsters were starting to win against the others! No!

"Mabel! Get out of here!" I heard Dipper and Ford say at the same time.

"But I want to help!" I yelled over the chaos. Then I noticed something...

...the throne! It was made of stone people...

...all I had to do was pull the people out!

The new mayor was there, and I figured I should start with him. I pulled him out, and the whole throne was destroyed! The people were back to normal!

"Quickly! Everyone, help the others out!" I yelled. They nodded and punched and kicked monsters. We were winning again!

Ford had some big gun in his hand. He was trying to aim it at Bill, and when he shot it, blue stuff came out! It headed straight for Bill-

Bill levitated Dipper in the way, and Dipper got hit!

"DIPPER, NOOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed. As he was falling down, I raced towards him, determined to catch him-

*Dipper's POV*

Ford was aiming his gun at Bill, shooting it at him-

The restraints moved me forward and I was in Ford's line of shot-

And then I felt excruciating pain.

It was like lightning - a blast of electricity, spiking through me in a mix of flaming hot and freezing cold.

I screamed from the pain. I barely felt the restraints loosen and unwrap around me as I started to feel the rush of wind as I fell down to the ground, too weak to do anything but move my eyes back and forth.

I slammed onto the ground, an added bonus to my injuries. I struggled to even move, let alone get up.

"DIPPER, NOOOOOOOOO!!!" I heard Mabel yell. My vision was starting to get blurry, my ears ringing as every sound started to go muffled.

I could feel my weight wasn't as heavy, so that meant my hat and vest must have gotten off me from the fall.

Ford was going to use that gun to defeat Bill... and I got in the way of that...

I felt Mabel try and get me in a seated position, and I was clenching my teeth from the pain.

"Dipper... okay?!" I couldn't hear the in between of Mabel's sentence, my hearing proving unreliable.

I tried to get up to my feet, tried to help, but I collapsed on the ground, and I had to restart an try again.

"I'm okay, Mabel, but I need to help..." I couldn't hear my own voice very well, but I know Mabel would be able to.

I wasn't able to hear her response.  I still kept trying to get up, but I felt Mabel's hands try to push me back down gently. For some reason the moment reminded me of when I tried to stop Mabel from going against Bill when he was possessing my body, and trying to burn down the Mystery Shack...

My body was too weak to do anything... so what was I supposed to do...?

I felt a faint tingle in my fingertips, and I knew the answer to my own question.

I reached out my hand to Mabel, the silver glow of my own hand blocking out anything else my eyes could see.

A bubble was around her, floating to a safe distance, out of the palace.

"No! Dipper, I can't leave you! No!" I heard Mabel yell, her voice sounding like she was crying. That was the only clear thing I heard before my hearing turned muffled again.

I tried to get up again, but still, I failed. I felt another pair of hands grab me, this time carrying me into their arms.

I looked up to see it was Grunkle Stan. "I got... where's Mabel?"

"Not sure..." Ford's voice.

They were all risking their lives, and I wasn't doing anything to help...

"Get... out of here..." I muttered. "I can... hold Bill off..."

Grunkle Stan's response was too muffled, I couldn't figure out what he said.

The dark edges rimming my line of sight seemed to grow thicker... I could tell I was going unconscious...

I tried to stay awake as long as possible.

I pointed a shaking finger towards Bill, and shot a measly spark of silver magic at him. Bill didn't even notice.

That was pathetic, I thought bitterly. I'm on the verge of unconsciousness and even I thought that was weak.

I felt movement - Grunkle Stan was running. Running where, I didn't know. From my field of vision I couldn't see much.

But I couldn't stay conscious any longer... even though I desperately wanted to help...

...the world went black.

*Ford's POV*

"I got Dipper!" Stanley yelled. "But where's Mabel?"

Stanley was holding Dipper in his arms, who was gravely injured. I felt such guilt knowing I'd caused that damage...

"I'm not sure... I heard her voice earlier though..." I said.

"Get... out of here..." Dipper muttered. I could tell from the strain in his voice that he could barely speak. "I can... hold Bill off..."

"Dipper, have you even taken a look at yourself?" Stanley said. I nodded.

"You're in no condition to deal with Bill-" I started, but it appeared Dipper didn't hear because he pointed at Bill and tried to shoot a blast at him, but only a tiny spark shot out. Bill didn't even notice the attack.

"Stanley, get Dipper somewhere safe. I added some installments to my Quantum Destabilizer so I should have two more shots." I said quickly. I made sure Stanley and Dipper were far enough away before I started aiming at Bill.

Bill was still shooting blasts at some of the townspeople, who were narrowly avoiding his attacks.

I shot a blast at him just when I got a good grip, but Bill moved out of the way before it could hit him and blasted a hole in the wall.

Just one more shot left, I thought.

"Looks like Fordsy's trying to defeat me, huh?" Bill said with a laugh. He snapped his fingers and the same restraints that once held Dipper were now tying itself around me. I quickly threw the Destabilizer towards Wendy before I couldn't move my arms anymore.

"Take this! Quickly! Shoot him!" I yelled. I made sure she got the gun in her hands before I turn to look at Bill with a defiant glare.

"Stop this, Bill!" I shouted at him.

"And why would I do that?" He said, giggling. I ignored his witty remark and bared my teeth.

"Why did you capture Dipper in the first place?! Why not just turn him to stone like the rest?!" I asked.

"What's the fun in telling you now when I can show you?" Bill said with a laugh. I gritted my teeth.

"Dipper's been taken somewhere safe, you won't lay another finger on him." I said resentfully.

"Hmm... but weren't you the one who shot that blast at him?" Bill asked.

"Stop with the mind games Bill! You put him in my line of shot!"

He just laughed. "Oh, big things are coming for you!" His eye turned red.

"Just watch."

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