Chapter 11


Hey guys!

So I haven't really been getting any comments...

So this fanfiction isn't really getting any attention. :(

I mean, it's fine! Really, it is. But... it motivates me to see people happy with my writing. If no ones comments or votes or anything, it discourages me.

Well, I'm gonna finish the story and all, but I could be a lot less active than I am now. I could even just leave Wattpad, despite me loving to write.

After all, what's the point of writing stories if no one's there to read it...?

Edit: Reading this over, I sound whiny and like a brat who just wants attention. You can ignore this, I was being way too dramatic, I'm not leaving Wattpad. I wrote that during sad hour (what I call a time when you just suddenly have depressing thoughts out of nowhere).

Basically - ignore the thing that isn't the edit. Thanks!

Anyway, to the story!

*Dipper's POV*

Ford and Stan were busy talking about some potion or elixir or whatever, and Mabel was pacing back and forth with a frown.

I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to do, say or ask...

Bill kept trying to switch in and use his fire but I managed to hold him back. But it would only be a matter of time... I didn't know if I could keep this up...

Ford ended his discussion with Stan and headed out of the basement, ordering Grunkle Stan to 'keep him busy'.

"How do I keep him busy?!" Stan yelled, but when he got no reply, he groaned and sat down in front of me, then sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me about the journal?" He asked.

"...Well, if you found out, you'd probably have taken it away, and the punishment would be more severe than last time. Mabel... wouldn't have had the summer she wanted, and I wouldn't solve the mystery behind the book." I explained. I winced and Bill took over, biting the wire of the grappling hook with his teeth.

"Ew... now my grappling hook's gonna have saliva all over it..." Mabel said, gagging once she glanced at him. I managed to get in control again and stopped chewing the wire.

"Look, kids, I'm doing this to protect you. You probably think I'm overreacting and being overprotective, but I have to be - this situation's proof." Grunkle Stan said.

I sighed. "I know..."

"Dipper was just so excited to solve his first ever real mystery, and I was so excited to have an awesome summer. Then we ran into Bill, Dipper found out about him but Bill blackmailed him, then Dipper told me even though he got hurt, and then I lost him at the fair, and..." Mabel said. "You know..."

"Oh, yeah! Also, Mabel, I think you ran off to the pig area? Looking back, if I'd just checked that place first then none of this would've happened." I said. "Did you get anything from there?"

"Yeah, I got a pig named Waddles! He's adorable. You need to see him after this!" Mabel said, smiling for the first time since the incident.

Ford came running back in, holding a bottle of some weird mushy liquid.

"Alright, I have the Severance Elixir ready." Ford said hurriedly. "I would have explained what it consists of, but we don't have much time."

"Why? What's wrong?" Mabel asked. "As much as I want Dipper and Bill to be separated, it isn't really a matter of life and death. Unless it is?"

"I discovered something disturbing-"

"Don't you always do that, pointdexter?" Stan interrupted.

Ford groaned. "Stanley, we don't have much time! I need to give him the elixir before-"

Suddenly I felt a weird surge of energy. Ford and Stan were still arguing, with Mabel trying to calm them down.

"Um... guys..." I said, but they didn't hear me over their own shouting.

It felt like my head was splitting two. Somehow, I managed not to scream from the extreme pain I had to endure.

Then my eyes widened when I felt a tingle on my forehead, and my hair floating to reveal the birthmark on my forehead.

A blue glow surrounded the grappling hook wire trapping me on the chair, and slowly unraveled.

"Guys! Somethings happening!" I yelled to get their attention, with the usual voice crack.

This time they heard.

They all spun towards me, tehir eyes dawning with horror.

"Your birthmark is glowing!" Mabel said, pointing at my forehead.

"Get out of grand nephew you evil triangle demon!" Grunkle Stan yelled.

"The weird thing is that Bill's not the one in control!" I said. The grappling hook wasn't glowing anymore but wasn't restraining me anymore.

My hair fell back down and I no longer felt a tingle on my forehead.

Then I coughed.

And I kept coughing.

It wouldn't stop.

"What's going on with him?!" Stan yelled to Ford.

Mabel rushed over to me, trying to help. Ford was pale during the whole ordeal.

"It's too late... because..." Ford didn't finish.

"Because what?!" Stan screamed.

"...because Bill wasn't the one who did that."

Hearing those words shocked me. I heaved one final, belching cough, and then a puff of blue fire heaved from it.

I started twitching, and then I was back in the mindscape, watching as Bill came out too.

"What's going on?!" I yelled, scrunching up my face so the blow glow would at least show my hand.

Ford noticed it.

"Dipper must be in the mindscape again, began his hand is up there." He said, pointing.

"That explains why Dipper's body isn't moving. Maybe Bill left?" Mabel shook her head. "No way! Dipper couldn't do that magic thingy. It had to have been Bill. Right?"

While they were in confusion, I was glaring at Bill, who still wasn't answering my question.

"Jeez, fine, I'll give you a hint to make it easier for you to put two and two together." Bill said. "I thought you were supposed to be smart, Pine Tree."

I ignored his insult and waited for him to say it.

"Ever thought much about your unusual birthmark?" He said. "It's uncommon for meatsacks to have something like that."

"Well, yeah, it's unusual, but it's just a coincidence. " I said. But then I thought more on it.

Then suddenly it made sense.

Mabel said my birthmark was glowing.

And usually anything Bill does is blue, right?

That glow wasn't blue.

That was me.

I did that.


I'm a human! Humans don't have magic like Bill does!


Bill's laughter echoed in the mindscape, getting more maniacal by the second.

Not knowing what to do, I just floated back into my body.

The others were still confused. Then they saw my body moving and assumed I was back.

But then they noticed how scared I was.

"Dipper, what's wrong? Bill isn't in your body anymore!" Mabel said, frowning.

I was breathing heavily. I didn't have the strength to tell them.

I ran, getting into the elevator and spamming the top floor button.

Then I tried to spam the close door button as I saw the others running to the elevator.

Luckily it closed before they got in.

As the elevator went up the floors, I sat down on teh floor of the elevator and tried to calm myself down.

But it didn't work, obviously.

The door opened and I ran out, scrambling up stairs and pushing the back of the vending machine to get out.

By now it was dark outside, the lights not on.

I closed the vending machine behind me and ran out of the Mystery Shack, not knowing where I was going.

It was pitch-black. I tripped on a tree root and fell, screaming and yelling as I rolled down a hill, hitting against trees like I was the ball in plinko.

I finally stopped rolling and got up to my feet.

My fear only grew more as I heard a roar.

There was a cave in front of me.

I'd woken up a bear.

The bear emerged from the cave, its silhouette barely visible.

Then I felt a familiar tingle as my fear spiked.

I took in breaths fast and quick, hyperventilating.

What do I do?!


I collapsed on the ground in fear, scrambling away backwards, desperate to get away. I wasn't covering any ground.

And then, just as the bear was about to maul me to death-

I heard a swish and the crackle of flames, and watched as the bear was covered in milk-white flames.

It rolled along the grass, trying to extinguish it, but the flames only spread across the forest, creating a forest fire.

As I watched the bear get brutally burned to ashes, I looked at my shaking hands, fearing the power I now had.

But I'd always had it.

I'd always had it from the beginning.

I should have known from how I was bale to make myself visible in the mindscape when Bill tried to burn down the Mystery Shack.

I had no plan, I had no idea how to control my powers, I didn't know what to do.

All I knew was that I couldn't go back to the Mystery Shack when I could hurt my friends and family.

I needed to survive in the wild.

*Mabel's POV*

After Dipper had just run off like that, I was worried.

What had happened? Why did he run away?

Bill was out of his body, so why was he still scared?

I was in my room cuddling Waddles, these questions spinning in my head.

Grunkle Stan was making dinner while Ford went outside to search for Dipper.

I'd went to my room in search of Dipper as well, but every time I tried to pull myself together and go outside with Ford to help, I glimpsed Dipper's side of the room and tears started to well up.

So now I was sitting on my bed, cuddling Waddles while trying to fight back tears.

Summer vacation was supposed to be fun - to be happy and thrilling - with an epic summer romance.

But all I'd found was pain.

Pain, pain, pain.

If this was what growing up feels like...

...I never want to grow up. I want to stay in the happy times of childhood.

And I want Dipper to be there with me.

Finally, I managed to work up the courage to get out of my bedroom, cuddling Waddles the whole time.

I kissed his cheek.

"I'll be back soon. I need to help Grunkle Ford find Dipper." I said. "Guard my plushies well."

Waddles oinked.

I headed downstairs, wiping my tears, and headed outside to join Ford.

"I'm here to help." I said, sniffling.

"Alright. We should-" He stopped talking.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you see... smoke?" He said, squinting in the distance.

Before I could find the smoke, Ford took off into the forest.

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled, running after him.

As we got closer, I could see the smoke, getting clearer, and clearer.

Soon, we were close enough to smell the smoke-

The first thing was saw was fire.

But it was milk-white.

A burning bear skeleton was in the middle of the raging inferno.

"Mabel, stay back. I'll go investigate." Ford said, getting closer.

"Be careful!" I said.

What's happening...?

*Ford's POV*

As I looked through the silver flames, I saw a faint glow.

I got out binoculars and saw that that faint glow were eyes.

Scared, glowing eyes dawning with realization. The same color as the flames.

And above the eyes was a certain constellation birthmark, also faintly glowing.

I knew it was Dipper instantly. Putting away my binoculars, I turned around and hoisted Mabel onto my back, running towards him.

"I see him!" I yelled up to her.

I knew I'd been sudden, but if she wanted to come along to find Dipper, she'd need to understand situations quicker.

As Mabel clung on tight, I took out my binoculars again and saw Dipper running away, faint trails of white embers coming from his hands.

There he was.

*Dipper's POV*


Ford and Mabel were right behind me! How did they find me so quickly?!


I can't let them get hurt!!

Ignoring the scratches I got from the tree branches, I closed my eyes so they wouldn't get scratched as well-

I heard metal underneath me.

I opened my eyes to see no trees around, and I was standing on a lone hill.

Shoot, I thought. They'll obviously be able to spot me from here!

So I started running down - but then a handle was on the ground and it glowed white.

And my forehead and eyes never stopped tingling.

A hatch opened, and I decided that maybe I could hide in there.

So I jumped in, climbing down the ladder quickly, closing the hatch behind me.

The silver glow from my forehead and eyes were the only source of light as I climbed down.

Eventually a was on a platform and there was a massive pillar in front, and a floor at the bottom of it.

There wasn't any stairs, or any sort of way to get down.

So, hoping I could use my magic or something, I jumped down.

My hands glowed brightly, spiral stairs leading down the pillar.

I managed to land on my feet, and I ran down the stairs, my hand losing its glow, the stairs disappearing behind me.

The walls were all made of metal. It all looked alien.

Maybe it is alien, I thought.

I made it to the floor, thankful this place had its own fluorescent lights.

I slowly walked through a hall, looking for a suitable room to sleep in.

Yeah, I was gonna stay here.

None of the townspeople would know about this place, and I doubt my family would either-

Then I remembered Ford.

Ford would probably know about something like this... wouldn't he?

Then I heard an alarm.

Two big orbs floated towards me.

I yelped and ran.

I ran away from it, my heart racing as it sent out tentacles to grab me, as it opened a confined space to trap me in.

I screamed, stabbing out my hand towards it, hoping it would do something-

I felt a tingle on my hand as I saw a white zap of lightning shoot at the orb, making it malfunction and fall to teh floor, destroyed.

The other orb managed to grab me in its tentacles, pulling me inside.

I struggled against it, trying to escape-

I failed.

I banged against the reinforced glass, trying to break free, but nothing worked.

I was trapped.

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