The Tranquil Ending

Start music when it says.

Jotaro shook your body, but you weren't responding. You didn't even move. Gold Spirit formed at your side, but she didn't look right. She looked like she was turning into a crumpling rock, and she was slowly falling apart.

   " No. . .No! Y/n! Wake up damn it! "

Smoke started coming from your body and your stand finally crumbled to pieces and burned away. Gold Spirit left nothing behind, as it all crumbled away, and the dust flew in the wind. Jotaro placed his hand over your mouth, but he couldn't feel any air hitting his hand. He placed Star Platinum's ear to your chest, but he could hear no heartbeat. 

   " Y/n! Wake up! "

But it was too late. You were already gone.

   " You were supposed to stay this time! I promised to protect you! I promised that you would live after defeating Dio! "

Flashbacks of all the time he talked to you came back to him. When you first met, when you became someone he was interested in, when defeating The Lovers' he confessed, how he thought he lost you with Wheel of Fortune, kissing you many times, how you two were always in a happy place together, and how you cried to him about wanting to live so you could properly grieve. All of the memories came back to him along with the guilt of not stopping time at the right moment to save you.

   " Y/n. . .I promised. . ."

A whisp of gold dust flew from your body, and Jotaro could see it. It resembled the same wind that left Joseph when he saw his soul leave. Your soul floated in front of him, and just like the others it was in the sky, and it formed your upper half. You turned around and smiled at Jotaro.

   " Well, looks like I've finally died, it took this long. Don't be sad, JoJo. I completed my purpose and that was to keep you safe. I fulfilled my duty and I can't come back for the future generations, even if you put your hand on my birthmark. You did a good job and you defeated Dio along with many others. I think you're the strongest Joestar yet. "

   " Y/n. . ."

   " Hey, don't be so down. I'm free now. Of course, I'm not alive, but I'm free. I can be at peace with Dio dead, among the others. "

   " I'm sorry. . .I tried protecting you and I-"

   " Jotaro, don't blame my death on you. I made the deal with my stand to engage with Endgame. Once Endgame starts she doesn't stop until the objective was met, and the objective was to keep you safe at all costs. I did it all. Now, it's time for me to go. You were my last JoJo, and the best one at that! "

JoJo had no words to tell you. He was left speechless starring at your soul in the sky. You just smiled at him and gave him a few last words before the dust started to disperse.

   " It's been fun, JoJo. It really has, and if I could I would do it all over again. Don't forget about me, Jotaro. . .goodbye. . ."

Then your soul was gone. Jotaro's eyes stayed on the spot where it once floated, before disappearing. He looked down at your body, and he felt an immense amount of grief wash over him. He held your body close to his, never wanting to let go, and wishing it was all a dream. 

   " I love you. . ."

He called the Speedwagon Foundation and told them the situation. But he requested that Dio and Joseph be put in the same ambulance. This resulted in your body being placed in an ambulance with Polnareff. The Speedwagon Foundation came and picked him up and dragged Dio's body into the ambulance with Joseph. They carefully took your body into Polnareff's car. They started driving off, but when Jotaro brought back Joseph, he was slightly happier, but he couldn't fully feel himself coming back from your death. Even the joke Joseph played didn't work

   " Jotaro, where's Y/n? "

Hearing your name made his heart jump. Joseph looked around the ambulance but didn't see you, then he looked at Jotaro's grief-stricken face.

   " She. . .She's dead. . .isn't she? "

   " . . .Yeah. "

   " Stop the ambulance! "

   " But, Mr. Joestar! "

   " I said stop the ambulance right now god damn it! And stop the other one too! "

Both ambulances stopped and Joseph unplugged himself from all of the wires and walked to the ambulance that contained your body. Jotaro followed him, and when Joseph threw open the doors to the other ambulance, he saw Polnareff awake and holding your body to him.

   " Mister Joestar. . .She heald me, before Dio tossed her away. "

Joseph's eyes watered and he felt completely overcome with sadness. He took your body from Polnareff and held you in his arms. His legs were shaking before they gave up underneath him and he fell to sit on his legs. His tears hit your cheeks and slid down your neck.

   " Y/n. . ."

You didn't respond. Joseph laid his head on your shoulder and wept. Polnareff sat with Joseph and wept with him over your body and Jotaro. . .Jotaro never cried in front of people, but he made an exception this time. It just couldn't be possible for the original Joestar enemy and protector to live after centuries of being alive.

Start the music now. And I recommend putting it on repeat.

I felt at peace. It was warm and calm. Everything seemed lighter and it felt wonderful. When I opened my eyes I found myself standing in front of the Joestar manor from the 1880s, the sun was shining through the clouds and the colors were bright. I rubbed my eyes and I couldn't summon my stand or my Hamon. 

   " Where am I? "

I rubbed my eyes once more, and when I put my hands down there was one figure in front of me. The figure was tall but he had long blonde hair that touched the bottom of his shoulders. On his face was a scar that I recognized, and he was smiling brightly.

   " Speedwagon! "

   " Lass! Get over here! "

I ran to Speedwagon and jumped in his arms, hugging him. I felt like crying but I held it in. He hugged me back and his embrace was just how I remembered it, warm and caring. He didn't have one age spot on him and he looked young. There wasn't a grey hair among the blonde strands and his eyes were shining with youth. The same brightness from when we first met.

   " It's good to see ya, lass! "

   " It's good to see you too, Speedwagon! But where are we-"

   " Signorina Y/n! "

I pulled out of the hug with Speedwagon slightly and saw Barron Zeppeli coming my way. He wasn't split in half and he was still wearing the white suit and checkered hat that he died in. I ran to him and embraced him. He hugged me back, and I could feel the proud smile, that he was wearing, shine down on me.

   " I am so proud! You have perfected your Hamon and bested the masters! "

   " I learned it all from you! "

   " And I must thank you for passing my message to my grandson and following through with the wishes. "

   " Caesar? Is he here? "

   " Follow us, we'll take you to everyone! " Speedwagon said slapping your back.

I walked between them around the mansion and to the back. The grass was the color of limes and everything looked like a bright and colorful picture. When we reached the back of the mansion there were many figures standing around. Some were tall and small, but I recognized them all.

   " Amore! "

A blonde man spotted me and ran towards me. I recognized the Italian accent along with the purple triangles under his eyes. He was just as I knew him when we were training with Joseph and fighting the pillar men, but his clothes were comfortable instead of his battle clothes. He even wore the same mirror shoes he would use to cheat Joseph out of a poker game.

   " Caesar! "

Caesar picked me up and spun me around. We hugged each other tightly, not wanting to let go. Caesar set me down, back on my feet. I pulled my head slightly away to look at his face, and his eyes were shining with happiness. Caesar held my face in his hands and his smile seemed to stick to his face.

   " Amore, I've watched over you, and you did amazing. "

   " And Joseph? "

   " That englishman is still lazy. . .But, he did good. "

   " Is everyone here? "

   " Yes, come. Say hi to coach, Loggs, and Meshina. "

Caesar grabbed my hands and led me to where they were standing. Loggs and Meshina wore their fighting clothes, but Lisa Lisa was wearing a red dress, and her hair was flowing behind her. 

   " Coach! "

Lisa-Lisa turned around and spotted me. A smile came to her lips and she hugged me to her. I hugged her back and then hugged Meshina then Loggs.

   " I missed you guys. "

   " We missed you too, Y/n. But you're with us now, you did all you could and protected those who needed it, to the best of your abilities. " Lisa-Lisa said.

   " Thank you, Master Lisa-Lisa. "

   " You're welcome, Master Y/n. "

   " Y/n! "

I turned and spotted Kakyoin, waving at me. I ran to him and enveloped him in a hug. He hugged me back and chuckled at my response. I pulled my head off of his chest and looked at him in the eyes.

   " Kakyoin, I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I'm so sorry. "

   " Y/n, please don't apologize, I put my life on the line to put Dio away. I'm glad you were able to decipher my message. "

   " You're very clever for doing that. "

   " Why, thank you. "

   " What are we thanking each other for? " A new voice joined in.

I looked over and saw Avdol smiling down at me. I hugged him and he hugged me back with his warm hug. I felt scratching on my leg and I looked down to see Iggy. I got on my knees and picked him up, hugging him close to me. 

   " Iggy, I told you not to save me. You didn't have to-"

Iggy barked at me, interrupting my sentence. Avdol chuckled and patted my head. 

   " I think he understands, but Y/n know that no one here is upset or mad that you couldn't save us. Things happen, and you can't always save everyone, but you can protect them from everything you can. Joseph, Polnareff, and Jotaro will learn that now. "

   " Still a wise owl aren't you Avdol? "

   " Always. If I wasn't then I wouldn't be Muhammad Avdol. "

   " You're right. " I said laughing.

   " Y/n! You're here! "

I turn towards the new voice and saw Erina running towards me. Her hair was long to the point it went past her shoulders a bit and the blonde color bounced off of her hair with the help from the sun. She wore a blue and white dress that matched her baby blue eyes. I put Iggy back on the ground and ran towards her. We met in the middle and enveloped each other in a hug.

   " Erina. . .you're here. "

   " Yeah, and so are you. "

   " And you're younger. "

   " Hey! I can still hit you! " She yelled pulling away from the hug.

   " Where's Dire, George, and Jonathan? "

   " I'll take you to them. Jonathan is still observing the situation on Earth wondering if you're alive or not. He hasn't seen you yet so he can't tell if you've made it here or if not. "

Erina took my hand and led me to a group of men that stood looking out at the trees, fields, and woods. George was the first to turn around. His smile was so warm and welcoming that I felt tears pool out of my eyes. He opened his arms and walked towards me. He brought me in a hug and I slowly wrapped my arms around him.

   " Y/n, you were a wonderful young lady. Of course, that Jotaro did influence you a bit. "

   " Just a little, and Joseph did it too. "

   " I know, but no matter, I can hold you again my daughter. "

   " Daughter. . ."

   " Yes, my daughter. . .even though you were never my blood child, I always saw you as my own. "

   " Thank you. " I whispered and hugged him a little tighter.

George left me and two more men walked up to me. I recognized them as Dire and TonPetty. They passed me and patted my shoulders as they walked by. The next person to come to me was a man I never met, but I recognized him from pictures and from the way he looked.

   " Hello, I'm George Joestar the second. We never met but I grew up hearing stories about you. "

   " I've heard a lot about you from your mother and wife. "

   " All good things I hope. "

   " They, are. I promise. "

   " I'll leave you to talk with my father then, he's been worried about you."

George Joestar the second left me alone with one person left. Danny was running around his legs, and he turned towards me with a warm smile on his face. His clothes were fancy and comfortable. His battle clothes were not on his body and instead, he wore fancy clothes made for a gentleman. His pure blue hair was still wild and his eyes were happy and bright.

   " Jonathan! "

   " Y/n! "

I ran up to him, making sure I didn't trip over Danny and I hugged him as tightly as I could. I could feel his arms come around me and pull me to him in a hug, making my heart swell in happiness. More tears streamed down my face, as I hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go.

   " It's good to see you Y/n. "

   " I'm glad I can see you. I didn't know your ship blew up, and that-"

   " Don't worry about that, Y/n. That's all in the past. I'm glad we could reunite after all these years. I waited years to just hug and talk to you again. "

   " I'm glad you waited for me. "

   " Always, I would never leave my little protector behind. "

I leaned back, and Jonathan wiped the tears from my cheeks. I didn't know what else to say. All the people who had left me were here with me. And they all waited for me.

   " JoJo, where are we? I don't exactly know where we are. "

   " We're home. "

   " Home? "

He nodded at me and we turned to look at everyone at the back of the Joestar Manor. I spotted the tree and bench that was always the meeting spot for Jonathan and me. I remember my memories there with Dio and with Jonathan. I felt my smile settle into a small one. Everyone was socializing, and they all seemed happy. Everyone had a smile on their face and they conversed with one another, happy and not worried about their safety.

   " Yeah. . .I'm home. "

   " Let's go and join everyone. Caesar and Barron were excited to always see you use your Hamon and see it grow. "

   " I bet they were. Let's go, Jonathan. "

   " Let's, Y/n. "

Jonathan held your hand between you both, and you started making your way to everyone else. You know it's funny how sometimes things go in a circle, and you end up back where you started. Just like how Jotaro and Dio went in a circle back to Joseph's body. Or how you started at the Joestar manor with Jonathan, and now you're ending your journey still standing by Jonathan at the Joestar manor.

Maybe destiny wasn't all that cruel in the end.

The End

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