Chapter 7

The Jinchuuriki Alliance – Chapter 7 - Congratulations

The clones of Naruto had poofed out of existence once the missions were completed and it took just under half an hour, Naruto supposed that he should go to the Hokage office now.

Naruto walked out of his door casually and locked it, walking to the Hokage tower, taking his time.

"Naruto! You took too long!" Sakura screeched.

Naruto grimaced, "Well let me apologise for using up my chakra for the benefit of you and the others not having to do manual labour."

Sakura clamped her mouth shut, and she hesitantly turned her attention back at the Hokage.

The Hokage eyed the two but then let it pass, she was annoying, he would admit it.

"Since you have completed your D-Rank missions, do you want a C-Rank?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes please."




The Hokage rolled his eyes and took out a mission sheet, "It's already prepared for you. Iruka? Let the guest in."

Iruka nodded and opened the door, suddenly letting in a stench of alcohol.

Naruto wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"These are the brats who are going to protect me?" The man slurred.

Kakashi smiled, "Yes, but you don't need to worry, I am a Jounin."

The man nodded, "A pink fangirl, a broody boy, and a stupid blond?"

Naruto gave a creepy smile, "This stupid blonde can kill you easily... Wanna find out how...?" He gave an insane giggle at the end just to freak Tazuna out.

The bridge builder gulped, "N-No..."

Sarutobi looked at the genin, "This is bridge builder Tazuna, he needs to gets back to his country, in the Land of Waves, Nami No Kuni."

Tazuna slurred, "You brats better protect me with your lives."

Naruto raised his eyebrow, "I don't think risking our lives is meant for a C-Rank mission, is it Sasuke?" He asked the Uchiha.

Sasuke held a suspicious look, "No, no it isn't Naruto."

Tazuna gulped, they couldn't have already figured it out, could they?

Kakashi payed no attention, "Okay, everyone grab your things from home and meet at the gate in 20 minutes."


Naruto rushed home and whipped out a pen and paper, Nami no Kuni was the Wave country, the Hidden Mist Country! Kirigakure!

Meaning right now Yagura would be there.

Naruto wrote down words quickly.

Dear Yagura,

Good news, I am going to go on my first C-Rank mission right now, and guess what? It's in your territory! We are heading for the Land Of Waves, to guide a bridge builder back to his country.

I don't know why, but I just wanted to tell you, maybe I will see you?

Just in case, I wear all black, it's Anbu style clothes, my hair is sunny blonde, I have clear blue eyes and my most distinctive feature is my whisker marks on my cheeks, three on each. I will be with a group, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke and girl with pink hair.

Hopefully I will see you, maybe it's wishful thinking, but I can hope.

From Naruto

He quickly strapped it on a fox's leg and it ran out, to send the letter to Yagura.

Naruto smiled to himself and got his bag ready, standard C-Rank things, a change of clothes, toiletries, shuriken, kunai and wire, explosive tags and smoke bombs, and many more things which he had found.

Naruto looked up and smirked, 'Lets get this show on the road.'

"Let's leave guys!" Kakashi said happily, Tazuna rubbed his head.

Sasuke and Naruto were talking a bit and Sakura was trying to impress Sasuke with... Nothing... Nothing really...

"I got a feeling Tazuna isn't telling us the truth..." Naruto said in a hushed voice.

"Yeah same here, he always tenses and looked around him, like he's waiting for someone to attack." Sasuke replied.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked,

"Yes Sakura?" Kakashi answered.

"Are there ninja in the Land Of Waves?" She questioned.

Kakashi shook his head, "No, they are mostly in the Mist, they are the same country but the Wave doesn't have ninja's."

Sakura nodded her head, motioning that she understood.

"Why doesn't the Mist help Wave now?" She asked. Naruto's attention snapped to her.

"Because their country is at war at the moment, they are dealing with rebels who want to overpower the Mizukage, Yagura. The leader of the rebels is Mei Terumi. But I don't blame them, Yagura did some pretty horrifying things." Kakashi explained.

Naruto bit his lip from saying anything.

"He is completely heartless, killing innocent people."

Naruto clenched his fists and his nails dug into his skin enough to draw blood. Sasuke eyed him wearily, wondering what was going on.

Kakashi continued not noticing Naruto's anger, "That's why they are called the Bloody Mist, Yagura has completely destroyed the country and-"

"Shut up."

Everything was silent.

"Excuse me?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto gave him a glare enough to kill, "You don't know anything about Yagura, why are you judging people according to the things people say? He probably had a reason for his choices."

Kakashi fell silent, so did everyone, they couldn't think of anything to say, Naruto's anger caught them by surprise, defending someone that he had no idea about, Kakashi couldn't understand it.

Naruto's senses caught something and he saw the puddle on the ground, "Sasuke." He warned.

Sasuke nodded and they both jumped up high. Chains from different directions went under them and caught Kakashi.

"Ugh!!" Kakashi grunted and was slashed to pieces.

Sakura and Tazuna looked in horror at the decapitated Sensei.

Sasuke and Naruto went straight into action, Naruto landed a roundhouse kick at one of the attackers necks and swung him over, slashing a kunai across his chest, Sasuke handled the other one, he jumped on his chain and hooked it on his leg, twirling it around and pulling the attacker and kicking his back making him collapse.

They tied up the Attackers and gave each other a high five.

"Looks like you handled it pretty well."

They turned around and met the face (masked obviously!) of Hatake Kakashi.

The boys turned around shrugged, "Yeah I guess." Naruto replied.

"Hn." Sasuke grunted.

Kakashi looked at the attackers and recognised them, "These are the demon brothers, they are missing ninja from Village Hidden In The Mist, they didn't target Naruto or Sasuke, so they weren't after the boys, Tazuna-san, please tell me, why are mid-chunin level ninja after you?"

Tazuna gulped, "Well, I have no other choice than to tell you..."

And so he started the story, about Gatou and how he was targeting Nami No Kuni. Giving an explanation on how he couldn't have afforded a B-Rank level mission.

"Kakashi-sensei, I think we should go back to the village, we are way in over our heads here!" Sakura pleaded.

"NO!" Sasuke and Naruto yelled, Sakura flinched and nodded, tears in her eyes.

Kakashi sighed, "The boys want to proceed with the mission, I'm sorry Sakura."

She nodded in understanding but sadness.

Tazuna smiled, "Thank you!"

Naruto glared at him, "Honestly, this isn't about you, I have another reason for this so, don't get too happy."

Tazuna blinked and nodded.

Kakashi eyed him, 'What is the other reason...?' He thought.

Sasuke nodded, "We should get going."

"I agree." Naruto said.

Kakashi shrugged and shook his head, "What do I get myself into...?"

Suddenly, a fox came running into the clearing they were in.

Naruto blinked and recognised it as one of his, "Sumi?"

The fox licked his face.

"Why... Is a fox licking your face?!" Sakura screamed.

Kakashi blinked, "Foxes... No... It couldn't be because..." 'Of the Kyuubi.'

Sasuke just blinked and shrugged it off as one of the many mysteries of Naruto Uzumaki.

Tazuna facepalmed.

Naruto took the scroll from Sumi's leg, unwrapped it and started reading it.


I have received your recent letter.

Honestly I want to meet you, so I will find you somehow, I am supposing you are still in the Land Of Fire, but nearing the sea.

The war has been stalled a bit, we don't know what's going to happen, so we are on standby. This is one of the reasons I have the time to meet you.

Since you told me about you, I will describe myself, I have sandy coloured hair, a cut under my eye sliding down with stitches, (you don't want to know how that happened) and light violet eyes. I wear green and black clothes and carry a tall staff.

I will see you soon.


Naruto smiled.

Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura and Tazuna blinked, they hadn't seen this type of smile before, this was from the heart, a caring smile, he cared about the contents of the letter, or the sender.

"Naruto, who is it from?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto's eyes snapped to his and he glared, "None of your business."

Kakashi nodded and dropped the subject.

They carried on walking as Sumi the fox ran again, probably going to Yagura to make sure he knows that Naruto received the letter.

Kakashi yawned and spoke, "We should take camp here for tonight, it's getting late and we should rest for the night."

"Good idea." Tazuna agreed

Sakura nodded, her feet felt like they were bleeding! She had walked so much! Her feet were usually moisturised and soft, but by now they were probably rough and hard! She had never walked this much in her life!

Sasuke and Naruto exchanged looks and silently communicated, and both nodded to Kakashi after.

They took their rucksacks off and pulled out their things, making themselves comfortable.

Half an hour later, they were all ready to sleep, a fire was lit for warmth while they ate the food they brought with them from Konoha.

"Well I'm sleeping, you should too soon, night." Tazuna said and rolled over away from the fire.

Kakashi nodded, "He's right."

Sasuke lay his head down, Sakura was already asleep and Naruto closed his eyes.

Naruto dreamt of meeting all the Jinchuuriki.

The next morning they were woken up early, it was sunrise and Kakashi was already smiling.

Naruto and Sasuke were not morning people.

Sakura tried helping Sasuke up when he glared at her with the meanest glare in all of humanity.

Kakashi tried to talk to Naruto about the letter yesterday when Naruto snapped at him, hissing a very terrifying and scary 'shut the hell up or I'll stab a stick down your throat.'

Tazuna didn't even attempt talking to them after what Kakashi and Sakura experienced.

For the next hour they left the boys alone and didn't attempt to talk to them until the boys talked to them.

"What time approximately are we going to arrive there?" Naruto asked irritably, still grouchy.

Kakashi sighed, "Probably in a couple of minutes."

Sasuke and Naruto nodded.

True to his word, in a minute or two they had arrived at the docks, they got on the boat and sailed towards Nami no Kuni.

Naruto looked into the fog, 'So close... Just wait Yagura...' He thought.

They eventually arrived at the  Wave country, and they slowly got off the boat.

"That's as far as I go." The boat guy said.

"Thanks for risking it this far." Tazuna thanked.

"Good luck Tazuna."

They nodded and Tazuna looked at the ninja and grinned, "Now, get me home in one piece!"

Kakashi rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah."

They were walking through the path when Naruto's eyes narrowed and he threw a kunai at the bush.

"Naruto!" Sakura screamed.

Naruto rolled his eyes and looked at what he hit, it was a Snow White bunny.

His eyes widened and he exchanged glanced with Sasuke who nodded.


A sword came slicing through the air and attached itself on the tree, there on top of it was none other than Zabuza Momochi.

"Sharingan no Kakashi, what a pleasure to meet you." Zabuza said.

Sasuke's eyes widened, 'Sharingan-?!"

"Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the Mist. I've heard of you." Kakashi spoke.

"The famous Kakashi Hatake knows me? So I was in your bingo book too." Zabuza chuckled.

By now, Sakura's heart was pounding with fear, Tazuna was scared out of his mind, Sasuke was confused and Naruto was calm.

"Sorry for you, but I need to kill the old man." Zabuza told them.

Kakashi shrugged, "Well I apologise but that won't happen, we were hired to protect Tazuna, and obviously you are standing in our way."

Zabuza took out his sword from the tree and looked at Kakashi intently, "I can kill you easily."

Kakashi smiled, "Guess I'll be needing this then." He raised his headband and the Sharingan spun to life.

"To see the Sharingan so early in our battle, I truly am honoured." Zabuza grinned.

Kakashi yelled, "Manji formation, protect the bridge builder! Stay out of this battle!"

The Genins instantly surrounded Tazuna and glared.

Zabuza put his hands in a hand sign, "Ninpou, Kirigakure no Jutsu."

The air went foggy, nothing could be seen, they could only hear, because their senses were being disrupted.

He started scaring them, however Naruto had been through much worse so he was only feeling like his senses were tingling.

"He uses the silent killing technique, you don't even know that your dead until it happens." Kakashi said.

Sasuke snorted, "That's reassuring..." But he was scared.

Sakura was already trembling. Tazuna was on the edge of breaking down. Even Naruto was intimidated.

"Which vital point shall I choose...?" Zabuza chuckled.

The Genins and Tazuna felt a shock, they turned around and he was right there, grinning in their faces.

He pushed them back and they fell and grunted from the impact, Naruto cursed.

He stood up when the fog instantly vanished and he started making some hand signs until he was interrupted.

"Zabuza Momochi. What a pleasure to see you again." A voice rang through the clearing.

Zabuza froze, "No..."

A boy who looked about Naruto's age with sandy hair kicked Zabuza's back and he groaned as he hit the ground hard.

Naruto and the boy's eyes met and instant realisation hit them.

Zabuza growled, "This isn't over Kakashi."

Kakashi lowered his headband, "Wouldn't dream of it."

Zabuza shunshined away and the fog was gone by now.

Kakashi looked at the mystery boy, "Who are you?" he asked, and looked at Tazuna who trembled, Kakashi looked at him, "Tazuna-san? What's wrong?"

Tazuna looked up, "This is the Mizukage."

Kakashi's eyes widened and he stood in front of Yagura.

Yagura rolled his eyes and approached them.

"Mizukage-sama, what are you doing helping Konoha ninja like us?" Kakashi asked with respect but fear.

Yagura briefly looked at him, "I was meeting someone, Sharingan Kakashi."

Kakashi tensed, "Who? If I may ask."

Yagura felt footsteps approach him and he saw the blond of the group step towards him.

Sasuke and Sakura exchanged glances, fearful.

Tazuna was clenching his fists in anger and hate.

Naruto was staring with at the Mizukage's eyes.

Yagura was staring at Naruto's eyes.

Naruto spoke first with a small smile, "I wonder how you got that cut under your cheek."

Yagura chuckled, "I told you that you don't want to know."

Yagura raised a brow and Naruto grinned.

"Yagura." Naruto tapped his chin in fake wonder.

Yagura crossed his arms and smirked, "Uzumaki Naruto."

Kakashi's eyes widened, what was going on?! Did the evil Mizukage and Naruto actually know each other?!

He stepped forward, "Naruto? What's going on?"

Naruto looked away from Yagura, "The letter from my fox? Yeah, that was from Yagura."

Kakashi was in shock, no wonder he got all defensive about Yagura when they were talking about him earlier.

Naruto looked back at the smirking Mizukage, "So, what do you wanna do now?"

Yagura thought, "We should get the bridge builder to his house, and when Zabuza gets back then I will punish him for becoming a missing ninja and disgracing my village."

Tazuna snorted and said quietly, "You already disgraced your village ages ago."

Naruto and Yagura glared at him, "Shut up."

Kakashi tried to stop an argument, "Now now, lets go to Tazuna's house shall we?"

Yagura rolled his eyes, "You are, but I have to talk to Naruto here, I will allow him to come back to you tomorrow. Naruto? Is that okay?"

Naruto smirked, "Hell yeah."

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