Chapter 42
Happy Jinchuuriki Mondays!
This chapter may be information overload, but at the bottom of the page I will write all of the information again in simpler terms. This is like a weird chapter, so just try and keep up.
I skipped some classes to write this. STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS.
Thank you to GiratinasMistress and Yuukiloveanime for name suggestions.
Don't forget to comment and vote!
I've exchanged my youth for success,
And that monster demands for more wealth.
At times it puts a collar on my neck,
To ruin and swallow me with greed.
- The Last by Agust D (Suga)
The Jinchuuriki Alliance (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 42 - Naruto-Danchou
~Three Years Later~
Sixteen year old Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze was facing his most dangerous enemy yet.
Wiping away the dripping sweat from his brow, he sighed in exhaustion and raised his hand to the position where he would be able to land a final strike.
He knew this enemy was worse than Madara, worse than Obito, worse than Orochimaru.
It was evil, pure evil, and didn't allow Naruto to even stop and think about his next move.
Naruto hated it.
The damn paperwork.
Naruto tapped his fingers and lay down his pen on his desk as he sighed. He was seated on his office chair and was surrounded by paperwork. He smiled slightly and chuckled.
Everything was on track.
It was three years later, they hadn't been attacked yet by the Akatsuki. Throughout that time, they had planned, they had trained, they had cleaned up Uzushiogakure to the point that it was as good as new.
"I really didn't think being a Kage-equivalent was just doing paperwork." He thought, irritated.
Looking up, Naruto felt the chakra signature of someone familiar. Yagura peered around the door and laughed as he saw the pure agony on Naruto's face. He crossed his arms and leaned against the entrance and raise an eyebrow at Naruto.
"Danchou, leave it to me."
Perking up, Naruto smiled, "You sure?" He instantly stood up, asking just as a courtesy but was already pulling his jacket and straightening the buttons.
Yagura rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I've been doing paperwork for years now, I'm used to it." He walked forwards and pat Naruto on the shoulder, "Ah, talk to Bee though about the Kumo trade deal, they have managed to create some great Earth-Chakra staffs that we should have."
Naruto nodded and used two fingers to mock a small salute. "No problem, Daimyo-sama." He grinned and opened the window behind his desk. "See ya!"
"Use the front door for once!"
Naruto walked down the street and watched as the wind blew through the trees all around him. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and noticed Killer Bee and Utakata talking.
He ran up to them and bumped fists with the dark-skinned Jinchuuriki. "Any news from Kumo?"
Bee grinned, "Naruto-danchou! My bro said it's alright, but we should plan a day so that some jounin can come and teach how to use the staffs." Thank kami that Yugito had beaten Bee enough that he used actual sentences occasionally, rather than rapping everything.
Killer Bee was the Ambassador from Kumo in Uzushiogakure, and was the one who trained Naruto during those years when he had to become stronger in order to actually be recognised as one of the strongest in the village.
"It's official." Naruto thought and wiped away the sweat from his upper lip as he pant heavily. "Bee is definitely a demon slave driver."
"I know you're thinking of me as a demon, but look around here, it's just you getting beaten." Killer Bee pointed to Naruto and rapped while bobbing up and down.
It had been a couple of months after retrieving Karin, Suigetsu, Juugo and all of those children from Orochimaru's lab - instantly after that, Yagura called Killer Bee to train Naruto in the ninja arts, while Yagura himself taught him the ways of being a village leader.
Naruto was never good at reading, or anything academic, but eventually he was able to take part in political and fake diplomatic debates against Yagura - for practice in case it would ever come up in the future.
The only issue was that Killer Bee was crazy strong. Naruto wasn't weak, no, not at all, but he was still thirteen. Because of the fact that it would be a year or so until they go and live in Uzushiogakure, he needed to be the best version of himself he could possibly be. And he knew that daily training with Bee would get him there.
Rolling his eyes, Naruto straightened his back and created more shadow clones to surround Bee. He thought of a great way to surprise him and perhaps get the upper hand in their training session.
Naruto pointed to Bee and wagged his eyebrows. "Behind every good ninja, there's a weak heart. But with help from you and Yagura, my body is going to become killer art."
Killer Bee paused and tears welled up in his eyes. "Y-You...! You can rap!" He stretched out his arms and came running towards his student for a hug.
Naruto smiled and held his hands out, the moment that Bee was one metre away from him, he had a shadow clone erupt from the ground and pull Bee's leg so that he was trapped.
In a shunshin flash, Naruto held a kunai next to Bee's throat and whispered in his ear. "I guess that's checkmate, my win was just fate."
He didn't expect Bee to still be crying from happiness when he turned his face around. He was still embedded in the ground, but boosted some chakra into his arms and pushed himself above ground. Naruto blinked as Killer Bee easily got out of the ground.
"That was your win, kid." Bee punched Naruto on the shoulder, who flinched from the strength but grinned.
Naruto snapped out of the memory from three years ago and hummed in appreciation.
"Good work," He turned to face Utakata, "Hunter Brigade have any news?"
"I was actually on my way to see you. Zetsu has been spotted around the outskirts of the village, but is unable to enter due to the chakra seals that you installed. He has been popping up a lot, it might be time to be on alert." Utakata stated, his blue yukata making him stand out against the green of the trees and grass.
Nodding, Naruto smiled, "No problem, thank you."
The Hunter Brigade was the Tracking and Information team, led by Utakata, who were constantly out of the village to spy on any enemies and ensure that they wouldn't be hit with a surprise attack from anywhere. Haku and Kiba, who had joined Uzushiogakure alongside Ino, were also part of the Hunter Brigade.
Team Alpha was the hard-hitting front lines squad which would, in case of an invasion or war, be one of the first on the scene. General Yugito Nii was in charge and trained with them weekly to ensure they were always ready for an attack. Alongside Yugito was Killer Bee, Suigetsu, Juugo, Deidara, Zabuza, Roshi and Han.
Ghost was the Stealth and Assassination Corps, Uzushiogakure's ANBU, in simpler terms. Itachi Uchiha was the captain and general of Ghost. Naruto had initially been wary to allow Itachi to lead them since he had left the Akatsuki and joined Uzushiogakure. However, Fuu and Sasuke were also part of Ghost, and after Itachi had shown that he was capable enough to lead them, Naruto had no choice but to allow him, although he did ensure that Sasuke had eyes on him at all times.
They all started following Naruto, who was walking towards the hospital.
"Any word from Gaara?" Utakata questioned.
Naruto greeted a small child who had run to him and held up a small flower for him. He bent down and took the flower and smiled, patting the small girl on the head and thanking her.
"Yes, he's Kazekage after all, so he's busy, but with the confirmed alliance and all, he might come to visit next week." He smirked, "He said that he just wanted to check the village out but he obviously just misses us." Killer Bee burst into laughter while Utakata chuckled.
When they had reached the hospital, they were greeted by Karin and Akane Uzumaki, who Naruto had met during the Chuunin Exams. They gave Naruto the paperwork for the various abnormal injuries some patients had received lately.
This was important because if a Uzushiogakure ninja had injuries when they went on missions, Naruto had to assess whether or not the injuries may have been from the Akatsuki. If so, he had to find a way to minimise the chance of contact with them.
Sakura was the head medic-nin, and Karin was her second-in-command, although she didn't let anyone bite her anymore unless it was during fights.
Naruto rubbed his temples to calm himself down, it was clear that the Akatsuki were getting closer and closer.
"Utakata, send the Hunter Brigade out and search the eastern land, there shouldn't be many issues but just in case."
The ex-Kiri ninja bowed his head, "Yes, Danchou." He shunshinned away.
"Ahhh~" Naruto sang, "So much to do." He glanced at his watch and groaned.
The main players in Uzushiogakure were required to go to a meeting once a week, this included all of the Jinchuuriki who resided in the village, Itachi and Sasuke (both from Ghost), Team Alpha's Zabuza and Deidara, and Hunter Brigade's Haku. Ino and Sakura were also part of the meetings as Ino was head of interrogation and Sakura was head medic-nin.
It wasn't long until all of them had reached the meeting room after their various duties and sat down in their seats. Naruto, naturally was at the head of the table, with Yagura the closest to him and Yugito on the other side.
"Bee has informed me that the earth-chakra staffs are good to go, I suggest the Kumo ninja to come and demonstrate their usage in two weeks." Naruto spoke, hands intertwined in front of him.
"Absolutely fine," Yagura noted it down, "For the Academy, I want to have a mandatory session where everyone is tested for talent in chakra control and medic abilities."
Sakura leaned forward and quirked an eyebrow, "What for?"
"It would be good to hone the skills of medic-nins from a young age, so once they graduate and become genin, they would already have the skills for basic healing." Yagura countered, causing Sakura to hum and nod.
"I have no problems with that. I can come in and test them, shall we start it next month?" Sakura questioned.
Yagura smiled as his suggestion was praised, "That would be perfect, I'll set the date and let the teachers know."
"Anything else?" Itachi asked.
Yugito clapped her hands together. "What of the Akatsuki?"
"Well," Naruto held up the assessment sheet from the hospital which Karin gave him. "There have been an increasing number of abnormal injuries, presumably from the Akatsuki, as well as sightings of Zetsu around the sealed gates of the village. They cannot get in, but they can come close."
Deidara shivered, "Danchou, are you sure they they can't break the seals, yeah?"
Pursing his lips, Naruto put the paper down, "I made the seals myself, and as far as I know, the Akatsuki doesn't have any seal masters." He glanced to Itachi who nodded in agreement, "It's unbreakable for them. Only Jiraiya would be able to perhaps break them."
Comforted, Deidara grinned and let Ino sigh and push his fringe away from his face. They had similar hair-styles, so when they met, they became instant friends.
"Alright," Naruto straightened his back and turned to Zabuza, "Onto the alliance with Kir-"
There was a brief flash in front of the grand table.
Haku and Kiba fell to the ground in a hunched-over bundle. Akamaru lay motionless next to them as Kiba rolled on the ground and clutched his belly in pain. There was blood leaking on the marble floor of the meeting room.
Haku's eyes were unnaturally wide and rabid, he gasped and panted as he pulled Kiba on top of his lap, crimson was dripping from his forehead. "Medic! MEDIC!" He screamed.
Naruto fell to his knees and held Haku's face in his hands as he covered the boy in his chakra to calm him down. "What happened?" He asked in a soft and calm voice.
Slick black hair was stuck to Haku's head as the mix of blood and sweat was unwilling to let it go. Haku cried and yelled until Sakura called Karin, who them both came running to Kiba to hoist him up onto the stretcher.
"Haku." Naruto spoke again, the feminine boy's eyes snapped to Naruto and tears welled up in his eyes. "Haku, tell me what happened."
There was a small moment of silence until Haku's bottom lip started shaking and more tears fell from his face.
"The Eastern Gate..." Haku sobbed.
Naruto's eyes widened when he realised that Utakata wasn't there with them. As the General of the Hunter Brigade, he should always be with his squad.
"The Akatsuki..." Haku continued and held Naruto's hand against his cheek. "The Akatsuki took Utakata!"
Naruto froze for a second and then let Zabuza pick up Haku and take him out of the room, presumably to the hospital to be treated.
The Danchou of Uzushiogakure stood up, he clenched his fist and grit his teeth.
"Danchou?" He heard Sasuke ask behind him.
Relaxing his fist, Naruto breathed out and in again as he heard one of his most trusted friend's voice.
"Naruto-danchou." Yagura's voice was low and monotone. "What would you have us do?"
Naruto snapped his eyes open again and he turned around with a serious expression. Everyone was standing behind their chairs, backs straight with their hands behind their backs, waiting for orders. He looked to Itachi.
"General Uchiha, you know the Akatsuki, you and Ghost go to the Eastern Gate and hold them back." He glanced at Fuu, "Fuu, you stay here."
Naruto's eyes blazed, "Fuu. You stay here. They are after the Jinchuuriki, why would the first thing I do be to hand them over on a silver platter?" Fuu swallowed and nodded, lowering her head.
The members of Ghost, Itachi, Sasuke, disappeared in a shunshin to find their other members; Kaoru, Akihiko and Haru, who were the team from Kiri in the Chuunin Exams all those years ago.
"Deidara, you use your bird and hover far enough where you can see them, but they can't get to you. After five minutes, report back."
Deidara nodded and jumped out of the window, using his jutsu before he fell to the ground so he could jump on top; his old tacky outfit long gone, Deidara was now wearing a green vest with black trousers, a Uzushiogakure symbol on the headband around his forehead.
"Ino." The said girl's head snapped up, "Notify Kirigakure of a 50/50 chance of required assistance, they are the closest and can get here the quickest." Ino nodded and ran out of the room as fast as she could to complete Naruto's orders.
"Team Alpha," Naruto raised his arm, "When Deidara reports back and tells us who exactly is invading-" He paused, "General Nii, Bee, Han, Roshi, Zabuza, Juugo, Suigetsu," He noted everyone.
They all raised their heads and were ready for their leader's command. Naruto crossed his arms and looked at everyone in the eye.
"Prepare for attack."
Leader: Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze (nicknamed 'Danchou'.)
Daimyo: Yagura (also is Naruto's Advisor, so resides in Uzushio.)
Team Alpha, Front Lines:
Members: General Yugito Nii, Killer Bee, Zabuza, Han, Roshi, Juugo, Suigetsu, Deidara
Ghost, Stealth and Assassination Corps:
Members: General Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, Fuu, Akihiko, Haru, Kaoru
Hunter Brigade, Information and Tracking Corps:
Members: General Utakata, Haku, Kiba (+ other unnamed extras.)
Interrogation - Ino Yamanaka (+ other unnamed extras.)
Medics: Sakura Haruno, Karin Uzumaki, Akane Uzumaki (+ other unnamed extras.)
- Sunagakure - Gaara
- Kumogakure - A, Killer Bee is Ambassador
- Konohagakure - Tsunade, as Hiruzen Sarutobi retired.
- Kirigakure - Mei Terumi
The Akatsuki
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