Chapter 24

Yo everyone! I realised that I kind of left the previous chapter on a cliff-hanger and haven't said much about the newest chapter, which is going to be written below. So here!

Also, just a thought - but if you like EXO and want to read a fanfiction read mine; It's on my page, called 'Pieces'. It doesn't have any original characters, but is all EXO members. Read? #shamelessselfpromotion

I'm right now on a plane to Turkey for a beach holiday, which I believe will be enjoyable since it will consist of me lying down and relaxing and 'tanning my cheeks'. I'd better not burn.

Also, there is a Wicked (The Musical) reference here. And also a 'Harry Potter'  reference so if you can guess which lines they are, you get a special mention.

So without further ado,

The Jinchuuriki Alliance

~ Wolfie


I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the dawning of the rest of our lives

On holiday

~ Holiday by Green Day

The Jinchuuriki Alliance (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 24 - Enter

Naruto stared at Gaara, who in return stared at him with a blank expression. The two Jinchuuriki were sitting atop Naruto's bed with multiple letters amongst them, scattered around.

Naruto was the first to break the silence with a cough which spluttered from his throat, allowing Gaara to blink and furrow his eyebrows.

"I believe..." Naruto started, biting his lip. "That we are all ready."

Gaara's lips elongated into a rare smile until he wiped it away quickly and replaced it with a blank expression with his eyes twinkling. "I believe we are."

There wasn't much to say, they just sat in silence, with their minds roaming around with the possibilities of what could happen.

"How will this work?" Gaara asked simply, awaiting and automatically assuming that Naruto would know.

Naruto breathed and exhaled, "There is a statue just outside Konoha, the statue of Hashirama Senju, it is opposite the statue of Madara Uchiha." He paused to let Gaara consume the information he was providing.

"Okay." Gaara motioned for him to continue.

"Well," Naruto nodded. "Not many people know, but Kurama told me that Hashirama Senju's statue is actually hollow, it used to be used as a planning area in the middle of wars, the control station, so to speak. My father – Minato – used it during the Third Shinobi War."

Gaara raised a non-existent eyebrow. "And you propose...?"

"The only people who know of the statue's uses are the Sandaime Hokage, and a few other people who were trustworthy to my father. So we use it."

Both of Gaara's eyebrows were raised now. "How do we access it?"

"Blood seal." Naruto replied. "Accessible to my father's blood."

Gaara let a small smirk cross his features. "And you are your father's blood."

Naruto nodded with a smirk. "Exactly." He paused. "We can somehow let the other Jinchuuriki be able to access it too, eventually."

"Fine by me." Gaara said. "When?"

"We have a month until the finals; it will be mixed with training but also the meeting." Naruto reasoned.

"Let's call it something cool!"

Naruto and Gaara turned to the side and smiled (a soft expression on Gaara's face, not a smile) when they saw Fuu.

"Something 'cool'?" Gaara questioned incredulously.

"Hmm, 'meeting' does seem kind of bland, I guess." Naruto readily agreed.

Fuu walked towards them and pulled the desk chair back, and settled herself on the black painted chair.

"How about..." She twiddled her fingers a bit and then paused, looking up. "Oooh! You know how the Kage's have, like, Kage Summits?" She waved her hands around in excitement.

"Yeah, but-" Gaara stopped, "We're not Kage's, we're something else." He nodded, feeling a twitch of his own excitement at the thought of something as grand as they were thinking.

Naruto's lip rose upwards, "A Jinchuuriki Summit."

"In order to establish The Jinchuuriki Alliance." Fuu grinned.

"Well, we do have to make something, might as well make it an Alliance." Gaara agreed.

They allowed the thoughts and motion to settle in their brains for a moment until Fuu jumped, "Aahh! I'm getting really excited now!" The other two laughed at her childishness but they had to agree. It was starting to get intense, and they were living off the adrenaline.

"When?" Gaara asked again. "We also have the festival, so that will eliminate a day."

"No." Naruto felt an idea pop into his head and he grinned, "We need to get out of the village. And while people will be entering the village for the festival, we can exit the village and meet with the other Jinchuuriki. It will be a perfect escape." Naruto told them, Fuu grinned as Gaara nodded in appreciation.

"Everyone will think we'll be at the festival and not look for us, but, we will actually be inside a freaking statue!" Fuu burst into laughter while the red-headed Shukaku container hummed in agreement.

Naruto just sat in silence with a small smile on his face.

No one would see this little group coming. Nine ninja, stronger than any other group because they held the tailed beasts within them. Sure, there may be a few obstacles standing in their way, but eventually, they will become a group and work in perfect harmony.

Yet, there was something bothering Naruto. Would they still be with their own villages?

Utakata was a missing ninja, although Yagura had most definitely pardoned him for that and convinced him to re-join the village, and Utakata would have agreed solely because Yagura was a Jinchuuriki like him, and Jinchuuriki had to stick together.

Also, Roshi had left his village, because he wanted to understand the tailed beast inside of him a little more. Han was in the same village, still an active shinobi, so what would happen to them?

Here was so much to think about, so much to discuss. They were a group, all of them were Jinchuuriki.

'And we Jinchuuriki have to stick together.'

Naruto looked upwards to see Fuu messing about with Gaara's blood crimson hair, while the latter just sat frozen in confusion and curiosity about what the girl was doing. Turns out that Fuu was using one of the clips in her hair and sticking them in Gaara's hair.

"Orange goes well with red!" Fuu grinned, literally patting herself on the back.

Naruto cracked a smile and chuckled at Gaara's horrified expression when Fuu gave him a kunai to see the reflection of his hair in. He shook his head quickly and pulled out the clips. "I disagree." He muttered.

'This is nice.' Naruto thought, looking at his friends. His friends. Yes, he nodded to himself.

This was nice.


Sasuke and Naruto saw a kaleidoscope of colours when both fists hit each other's faces. The impact threw them backwards and they hit the ground with a deafening thud.

"D-Don't you think we should stop this, Kakashi-sensei?!" Sakura yelled over the wind and fire circling around them.

Kakashi stared at the two boys in front of him who were instantly springing up to get another punch in again. 'This is ridiculous.' He thought. 'I've taught Sasuke for a week or so, and as far as I know, Naruto doesn't even have anyone helping him.'

Which wasn't true, since Jiraiya had taught him some techniques, but if it becomes known that a Sannin taught a mere Genin some jutsu, there would be a problem, (they couldn't know that Naruto was Jiraiya's godson.)

Kakashi continued to think, 'Yet they're neck to neck, in fact, Naruto may be a little stronger.'

It was evident in the two boy's face that they were going in to either knock out, or seriously injure. There was sweat dripping from both faces, and bruises were already starting to form on their faces, although the cuts on Naruto's face was already starting to heal, but the blood was still on his skin.

They stood in silence and stared at each other. Then, in an instant Naruto held his hands up and shouted, "Fuuton: Daitoppa (Great Breakthrough)!"

Sasuke's response was instantaneous, he held up his hands and yelled, "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Pheonix Sage Flower Jutsu)!"

The result of fire and wind was a great one, the two spheres of chakra hit each other and created another explosion, making the two male Genin fall back again.

"Kakashi-sensei, do something!" Sakura said to their sensei. This had gone too far. They would only get hurt at this rate.

Kakashi nodded, he agreed. Putting his book away, he walked into the middle of the fight and held his hands up. "Boys-"

"Go away, Kakashi." Sasuke grunted, pulling his leg to stand up again.

"Yeah, this fight isn't over." Naruto sniffed and stood up a little faster than Sasuke, which made the Uchiha frown.

"Boys, you are both going to collapse. Give it a rest." Kakashi sighed. Why did they have to be so difficult?

"We're fine." Sasuke spoke for both of them. Naruto nodded in agreement.

Sakura walked towards them and sighed. "Don't mess around, you both look like you're going to faint."

It was an overstatement, but the two male Genin did think that if they were to continue, one of them would certainly fall. They just didn't know which one would.

With Sasuke's controlled and swift Taijutsu style, which was carefully threaded with Ninjutsu, Sasuke was definitely someone who could control his emotions and know how to think carefully during a fight. His to-the-book style of fighting made it difficult to throw him off.

However, with Naruto's unpredictable style with ninjutsu thrown in at random intervals, it made sure that no one would possibly know what Naruto would come up with next. His abilities in Ninjutsu and Fuuinjutsu alongside his incalculable Taijutsu gave him a fighting style which was almost unheard of.

Both were a force to be reckoned with.

Kakashi exhaled and thought to himself that Sasuke and Naruto wouldn't fight against each other during this time, given the comments Sakura and himself had given.

Kakashi and Sakura turned around to walk away from the two Genin, muttering to themselves how hard it was to manage them, when they heard another explosion.

They turned to see Naruto and Sasuke on the ground again, moaning at the pain from the contact from hitting the stone-hard ground. Again.

"Are you serious?!" Sakura yelled, her eyes wide and extremely irritated.

Kakashi just groaned at the oncoming headache he felt.


"How could the two of you be so stupid?!" Sakura roared.

The two boys were strapped down on a white bed each, about two meters away from each other with Sakura pacing in the middle of them. Kakashi had seated himself in the corner of the room with a bored expression and his hand propping his head upwards.

"All we said was to stop fighting, and you continued as soon as we turned around!" She hissed.

Naruto and Sasuke had landed themselves inside the hospital, even with Naruto's miraculous healing, they checked him in just in case because he had (last they looked) a cracked rib and a fractured wrist, Sasuke had a few bruises, a deep slice in his leg and a cracked rib.

Sakura had glared at the nurse when she almost turned Naruto away, welcoming Sasuke in because, hell, it was Sasuke, but refusing to allow Naruto to be treated. Sakura had pulled her into a corner and... talked to her. The nurse then welcomed the group with a terrified smile plastered on her face.

Sakura Haruno was beyond pissed. All she wanted to do was look out for her friends and they just had to drive themselves into trouble, all by themselves.

"... But Sakura, we were training..." Naruto mumbled, not making any eye contact with the furious girl.

"Training? Is training trying to kill each other?" She smiled sadistically.

'Shit, we're/they're dead.' Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi thought simultaneously.

"We weren't trying to kill each other." Sasuke supplied. "Maybe just seriously injure or maim, but not kill." He flinched when Sakura glared at him.

"Kakashi-sensei," She exhaled and narrowed her eyes at the two boys. "Tell them that they aren't allowed to fight each other, throughout the duration of this whole month."



Kakashi sighed at the ultimatum he was given. 'I'd hate to do it. But I kind of agree, if they get hurt again, it may affect them in the exams, certainly Sasuke, because he doesn't have the Kyuubi to heal him.'

"Kakashi, don't you dare." Sasuke whispered.

"Don't do it, Sensei. Don't." Naruto added.

"I'm sorry boys, but you leave me no choice. You're not allowed to fight against each other for the rest of the month, find someone else to spar with."

With that, Kakashi left the room.

Sakura visibly brightened up. "Now, who wants some apples?" She grinned and started to peel green apples and place them on plates for the two injured Genin.

'... Girls are scary.' They both thought.


After being prohibited from sparring against each other, Sasuke and Naruto were left alone in their hospital room – which they were sharing.

"... It wasn't even that bad." Sasuke spoke.

"Only a friendly spar." Naruto agreed.

They glanced at each other and steeled their stares.

"... Fuuton: Kaze Ya no Jutsu (Wind Arrow Technique)." Naruto said.

Any spectators they would have had, would have gasped and thought 'were they breaking their orders already?'

Those spectators would be mistaken.

Sasuke scoffed. "I would easily dodge those, without much effort. I would then Kawarimi (Substition) behind you and pull out a kunai and aim for your jugular."

"Too bad." Naruto shrugged. "The me that you were going to try to kill is actually a Kage Bunshin. Sure, you dispelled a clone, but then the real me would pull some hand seals for my Fuuinjutsu Trap."

"While you pull the hand signs, I jump and shout 'Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Great Fireball Technique)." Sasuke answered.

"When you do that, I Shunshin past all of them and-"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING? GO TO SLEEP!" Another patient in another room shouted at the top of his lungs, causing Sasuke and Naruto to pause and snicker.


They were sparring.

With words.


Thank you everyone for reading!

I just thought of what would happen if Sasuke and Naruto wouldn't be allowed to fight against each other, and... this happened. But to be honest, it makes sense, (you will see why soon enough.)

Also, just a thought - but if you like EXO and want to read a fanfiction that came to mind when Tao left, please read mine;

It's on my page, called 'Pieces'.

It doesn't have any original characters, but is all EXO members and what I think they did/reacted/thought blah. Read?

Thanks for the continuous support, hope to write to you soon!


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