Chapter 17
Sorry for the wait!
As always my first commentor is the person dedicated, darkday thank you!
Photo is heartbreaking and the video...
The Jinchuuriki Alliance (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 17 - Heaven & Earth
When the two were gone, Miharu glanced at Moka.
"You like him." He concluded with a smirk.
"What?! No!" Moka shouted defensively. "Shut up!"
Miharu laughed, "I can see right through you!"
Moka huffed, "Well you have such an obvious crush on Fuu."
Miharu developed a pink tinge to his cheeks, "... Lies."
Laughing, Moka put her arm around his shoulders, "Nope!" Her smile then dropped. "But you know what the villagers call her, a monster. No one except us and a few others even talk to her without malice."
Miharu sighed, "Yeah, but I have a feeling that... that's going to all change soon."
Gaara and Fuu walked into an empty clearing in the middle of the forest, silent and waiting for their next victims to walk in front of them.
"So, no killing." Fuu confirmed.
"No, Naruto would be disappointed, most of them are his friends." Gaara told her, thinking back to Naruto's pleas to not hurt them, but only take their scrolls.
"Okay, okay, this'll be easy then." Fuu grinned. "I just have to knock them out."
Gaara sent her a look and she smiled in innocence, he then sighed and quickly lifted his head. "They're here."
Fuu instinctively snapped her head up and smirked at the feeling of 3 ninja coming their way.
The two Jinchuuriki stood in the clearing and waited restlessly for the ninja to arrive.
This wasn't their first run-in with a team. They had already beaten another Konoha team which had a dog-boy, bug-boy and a Hyuuga in it, and that team was unconscious in the forest leaned up against a tree without their scroll. The Hyuuga looked like she recognised them as Naruto's friends, but Fuu had punched her lights out before she asked a question. Fuu had also said 'I'll leave behind some ointment and bandages because I feel bad for hurting her pretty face, and the dog-boy is kind of cute.' Gaara had just rolled his eyes and took the scroll of the bug-boy and fixed his dark glasses and left it next to the owner.
This would probably be their second Konoha team, judging from the discussion that was going on.
"Shikamaru! Why are you so lazy?"
"Shikamaru... I'm hungry... Can't we find some food...?"
"Oh kami help me- Wait. Both of you shut up for a second."
The three Konoha ninja stepped into the clearing and faced the two Jinchuuriki in surprise.
"Uh, aren't you two the people who were with Naruto?" The blonde girl, Ino, asked them.
'We can't have them find out that he has anything to do with this.' Gaara told Fuu mentally.
'Right.' She nodded. "I don't know what you're talking about." She smiled and tilted her head.
Shikamaru's eyes widened and he put his hands together in a jutsu. "Guys, they're going to attack!"
Ino and Chouji's heads snapped to the side and they both jumped back, ready to start their Ino-Shika-Cho formation.
"Why don't you make this easy for us?" Gaara took a couple of steps forward, which made Team 10 take a couple of steps back.
'What are they doing? They're not with their own teams and they're meant to be enemies.' Shikamaru didn't understand what was going on. 'Maybe an alliance to work together to wipe out the other teams?' He looked at his teammates, who were obviously frightened. 'But Naruto was with them earlier, where they trying to get him to join in? But why Naruto?'
"But you both want to kill us, there isn't an easy way." Chouji told them.
Ino smirked, "We're going to go down swinging."
'Did Naruto decline? Is that why he went back to his own team?' Shikamaru nearly growled in frustration. 'I don't have time for this right now, I'll think about it later. We have to beat these two first.'
Gaara sighed. "We only want your scroll. Hand it over, or we'll have to kill you."
'Kill them?' Fuu asked in their mental link. 'I thought we weren't going to.'
'I'm just trying to scare them. I wouldn't betray Naruto's trust like that.' Gaara answered.
Fuu smiled at him. Gaara really did try his hardest to not ruin his relationship with the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki, it was kind of sweet actually.
Ino bit her lip. "What do we do Shikamaru?" It wasn't because she was frightened, because she wasn't. It was just that these two looked genuinely strong, I mean, the redhead looked like he could laugh happily while ripping someone's head off. So, she was kind of concerned for her little pretty blonde head.
"Simple." Shikamaru exhaled. "We do the usual, Ino-Shika-Cho."
Chouji smiled and nodded, "Right."
They all jumped out and Shikamaru put his hands together. "Kagemane no Jutsu! (Shadow Imitation Technique)" A shadow flew away from his body and reached out to Fuu, who stood there and stared at the shadow coming her way.
"Aren't you doing to dodge?" Gaara asked her.
She shrugged, "Don't feel the need to."
The shadow captured her and Shikamaru smirked for a split second, before he realised that she didn't even try to evade the attack, she probably had a counter-measure for it.
"Oh, I got caught too." Gaara said with slight surprise while looking at the shadow that connected him, Fuu and Shikamaru.
All of their hands itched upwards as Shikamaru controlled their movements.
"I don't know why you didn't try to escape but you can't get out of it now." Shikamaru told them. "This is my family's Kagemane no Jutsu."
Fuu nodded, "Yes, I heard you shout it when you were casting the jutsu. Dumbass."
"Apparently he isn't actually dumb though." Gaara told her. "Mr Nine said he was a genius."
Shikamaru frowned, who was Mr Nine?
"In any case, I've got you now. Ino! Chouji!" He yelled.
Ino grinned and aimed for the redheaded boy. "Shintenshin no Jutsu! (Mind Body Switch Technique)"
Gaara stared at her and smirked as she invaded his mind. This wouldn't end well. He kind of felt sorry for the girl actually.
Gaara's Mind
Ino's eyes snapped open and she gasped, sitting up quickly.
She wasn't meant to be here.
The Shintenshin Jutsu was meant to allow the user to take control of the body of the person that it is aimed at, not literally go into their mind space.
Why was she in a desert? Was this Gaara's mind? A desert?
'Who's there?'
Ino's heart nearly stopped.
There wasn't meant to be anyone else in a person's mind, except the person themselves. And this didn't sound like Gaara.
'You're not my Jinchuuriki, who are you?'
Hearing the sound of sand falling down, Ino jumped up and looked around, it was an endless desert, with the air full of heatwaves.
Ino shut her eyes and grasped her pain-filled head, gasping and screeching and falling down onto her knees. When the pain flitted away for a split second, she opened her eyes and was met with the face of the sand demon.
Ino pushed herself backwards, but everything around her was sand, it didn't give much stability.
'You have invaded our mind.'
"O-Our mind?! Who are you?! WHAT ARE YOU?!" Ino screamed, she felt herself slowly sinking into the sand, thrashing around for something to hold onto, she started crying.
'I am the demon One-Tailed Shukaku, and you are in my Jinchuuriki's mind. You will not be forgiven.'
The booming of the demon's voice made Ino cry even harder, her neck was submerged into the sand now, and Shukaku raised its fist and hammered it down onto Ino.
With one last shriek, Ino fell into darkness.
Ino snapped open her eyes and was roughly shook awake. With a shiver running down her spine, Ino felt tears falling down her cheeks and onto the ground.
"There was so much sand!" Ino sobbed.
Shikamaru slapped her cheek and Ino froze. "Snap out of it!"
Ino gulped, nodded and stood up, wiping the tears off her face. She stood facing the enemy and her mind whirled at what just happened inside the mind she just intruded.
Gaara stood smirking at her knowingly. "Did you like my mind?"
Ino gritted her teeth and Shikamaru took steps forward, making Fuu and Gaara take a couple of steps forward too.
Even though Fuu and Gaara were the ones captured currently, it seemed like they were the ones controlling every moment of the fight. But it should obviously be the other way around.
Shikamaru put his hands up in a jutsu again.
Fuu smiled, "Ah this is my jutsu's hand sign."
Shikamaru cursed and was about to put his hands down, but Fuu just smiled and said the words "Hiden: Rinpungakure no Jutsu (Hiden: Hiding in Scale Powder Technique)" blew out sparkly diamond-like quantities. She exhaled the find powder and it shone so brightly that it temporarily blinded Shikamaru and Ino, (Chouji was already knocked out).
This momentary handicap allowed Gaara and Fuu to break out of the Shadow jutsu while raising their fists to hit across the Konoha Ninja's faces.
Ino and Shikamaru collapsed onto the ground and slumped with their eyes firmly shut. Fuu and Gaara stared at them proudly, their work was truly amazing.
"I think that went well." Fuu smiled.
Gaara laughed, "The girl probably got the shock of her life when she met Shukaku."
"Ha!" Fuu scoffed. "She was crying, you made a girl cry, you dick."
Gaara rolled his eyes, "Yeah oh well, come on, we have to get their scroll."
They pushed the passed out team onto the nearest tree and rummaged around their pockets for the scroll.
"Ah! I found it!" Fuu yelled, she threw up the scroll to Gaara who nodded.
"Oh, it's a Heaven scroll, Naruto's team needs this." Gaara said, running a hand through his red locks.
Fuu adjusted the orange clip in her hair and shrugged, "Should we go give it to him? There's nothing else to do, so..."
Gaara nodded, "Yeah, I guess so."
Team 7 was in silence. They all had their own thoughts in their minds:
Naruto was wondering if Gaara and Fuu had accidently killed someone yet (he hoped not), Sasuke was thinking of what formation to do if an enemy strikes, and Sakura was wondering when she could find something to eat (wow, that's a first! No, just joking.)
Finally, Sakura broke the silence and huffed, "Guys, talk to me, I don't like silence."
Sasuke rose an eyebrow, "Okay. What do you want to talk about?"
Sakura took a glance at the still-thinking Naruto. "Naruto."
The blonde Jinchuuriki snapped his head upwards at the mention of his name. "Huh? What? I mean, excuse me?"
Sakura and Sasuke both sweatdropped at their teammate's absent mindedness. 'And we're in the middle of an exam, you'd think he'd be concentrating. Wrong.'
Sasuke sighed, "Sakura wanted to ask you something."
Naruto raised his eyebrow amused, "I apologise Sakura, but I'm not going to date you."
"Shut up idiot." She slapped him around the head in annoyance. "That's not what I wanted to ask you. I was actually thinking about why you were with Gaara and that other girl, Fuu? That's what you called her right?"
Naruto stared at her for a couple of seconds, and then nodded slowly. "Yes, her name is Fuu."
"Did someone say my name?!"
Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto jumped in surprise as they turned to see the mint-haired girl grinning at them from a tree upside down.
"Holy Kami Fuu, why would you do that?" Naruto held a hand over his heart and exhaled.
Sasuke bit his lip and tried to calm his breathing, although he would never admit it, the small girl did catch him by surprise and made him flinch. Slightly. Only slightly. Sasuke would definitely keep that slightly in mind when someone offends his manliness.
"I was about to scream." Sakura muttered.
Fuu raised her eyebrow in amusement and was about to talk when Gaara walked out from behind the tree.
"I guess I shouldn't scare you either then?" He smirked and readjusted his strap on the Sand Gourd.
Naruto growled, "No, you guys are so rude."
Sasuke and Sakura were still wondering how the three knew each other.
Gaara shrugged, "Here." He threw Naruto a scroll which was caught with ease.
"What's this?"
Fuu sweatdropped, "A scroll. Obviously."
Gaara rolled his eyes. "More specifically, a Heaven Scroll. The one you need, we conveniently found it and since none of our teams require it, I thought I could just give it to you."
Fuu giggled when Gaara said 'found'. Yeah, if beating up another team meant finding the scroll, then yes, they found it.
Sasuke snatched the scroll from Naruto's grasp and inspected it. "Why would you do this for us?"
"Because you're Naruto's friends." Fuu and Gaara answered instantly.
Naruto just blushed and scratched his cheek. "Shut up. Anyway, thanks for this, I owe you one."
Sakura smiled, "Yes, thank you."
Fuu opened her mouth to say something, but just then, a gust of wind suddenly erupted through the area that they were in and Sasuke and Sakura went flying.
Fuu quickly made a jutsu to hold onto the thickest branches and Gaara protected himself with steel-hard sand.
Naruto, on the other hand, got smashed against the tree and instantly lost consciousness, collapsing onto the ground while Fuu and Gaara exchanged glances and were about to help him.
"Well, well, well." A voice stopped the wind instantly. The two conscience Jinchuuriki's snapped their heads to the side and glared at the person. "What do we have here?"
So, who is the mystery person?!?!
I didn't make an OMAKE because I wanted to keep the suspense.
I wonder...
Sorry for the long wait, a bunch of mock exams and shit, anyway, NO EXCUSES.
Hope you enjoyed that! Thanks for reading!
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