Broken Trust | AU
He balled his fist as he was clenching his jaw at the same time. He knew it. He knew he was right. From the very start of the first suspicions, he should've trusted his own guts instead of his so-called 'girlfriend'.
He was sure that he wouldn't be able to hold back his tears once the confrontation would take place, but he knew he needed to get it over with.
She had a special place in his heart, but now he was sure he had no place in hers whatsoever. All of the times they had shared together, all of the promises they had made each other... He couldn't believe she was just playing him like that.
He had to admit that he wasn't the brightest, yet he knew he should've seen the betrayal coming from over a mile ago.
Running a hair through his auburn locks, he sat down on the couch. He was beyond frustrated, and he certainly couldn't wait another hour before she would be back home.
Another thing they had promised each other. Sharing a home together. They had even talked about children in the future, though that part hadn't been confirmed.
Not that it would happen anyway.
He groaned before standing back up and walking over to the kitchen. Their apartment wasn't the biggest, but they were pretty happy with their humble home.
Well, it used to belong to him before she had moved in with him. It was going to hurt greatly once he would take away her keys. There was no way he could see her after what she had done to him.
He opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before closing the refrigerator again. He stood in front of it while unscrewing the blue plastic cap and chugging the refreshing water down his throat, letting his senses cool down for at least a few moments before anger took over him again. He aggressively put the bottle back into its original place inside the fridge before pulling out his phone to read over the last text message his girlfriend had texted him earlier that morning.
'I gotta work for two hours longer today, I'll bring you some McDonald's on my way back. Ly.'
The male scoffed. This had been happening for around three weeks now, and he couldn't lie when he had been claiming that something wasn't right, yet his stupid, trusting self couldn't ever expect his girlfriend of four years to betray him as such.
He wasn't only mad at her, but equally as much at himself, too. He should've said something, he should've confronted her earlier, he should've trusted his subconscious mind screaming at him. But no, all he listened to was his heart telling him to wait a bit more, because surely there had to be a good explanation, right?
He wasn't in the right mindset to make any smart decisions. All he could think of was the betrayal which was still roaming around in his mind, taking up all the space which was once owned by love, and love only.
Hurt can change a person, and for him it was more than enough to give up on a future together with her. He was sure he was the one who had the relationship keep going for that long anyway. And there was no way he could repair what she had broken this time.
Looking up at the wall, he could see a picture of a happy moment in his life. Maybe even his happiest. Right above the flatscreen TV was a big picture of their senior year prom night. She was wearing a gray prom dress which faded to blue, whereas he was wearing a dark blue tuxedo with a red rose inside the pocket on his left chest. Her rose was wrapped around her left wrist. They were smiling in each other's arms while looking at the camera. The background was a white piece of curtain which had been found last minute before prom had started. Thinking back at the moment, no one knew why exactly their background was a trash curtain, but hey, it worked out in the end. Well, only if they ignored the small red stains in the bottom left corner. It was still unexplained what it was so they had all agreed to call it ketchup. It was ketchup. Definitely.
He was brought back to reality once he heard the sounds of keys twisting in the lock of the front door so he took a deep breath before looking at the source of the noise. There was no going back now.
"Hey," she beamed.
"Nya," he said coldly, just staring at her as she was putting down her shopping bags on the blue carpeted floor.
Nya raised an eyebrow as she slung her purse above her head before putting it on the coffee table, her phone put on the countertop as she walked over to him. "Is something wrong?" When he didn't answer, she frowned. "What is it?"
"When were you going to tell me?" He asked, unable to hide the hint of uneasiness in his voice.
"Tell you what?" She asked back.
"That you've been cheating on me behind my back for the past few weeks!" He suddenly yelled, startling her.
Her face scrunched up in confusion. "I'm sorry, what?! Jay, what are you talking about?" She took a step closer to him and brought her hand up to hold his, only to have him pulling his own hand away. She looked up at him, concerned.
"Stop lying to me," he warned, his voice merely a whisper. His eyes were piercing into hers as she was still trying to process what was going on.
"I'm not lying to you-"
"STOP LYING TO ME!" Jay cut her off by yelling out his lungs while he banged his fist on the kitchen countertop.
Nya stepped a few steps back, watching as the fist uncurled back into the hand she used to love to hold. He had never yelled at her before which she never thought she would witness, ever. She was taken aback.
"Stop lying to me," he said for a third time, this time a bit quieter. Yet the tenseness in his voice was still there.
"What are you talking about?" Nya asked.
"Stop playing dumb, Nya." Jay rolled his eyes. "What have you been doing for the hours you've been working late?"
"I can't tell you that," she said quietly, almost murmuring.
He took a step towards her. "What?" He asked before he scoffed. "Of course you can't. Who is it, Nya? Who is that man who can make you happier than I'm clearly not able to?" His voice began to rise again.
Nya sighed. "Jay, please, it'll all make sense, you just need to wait a bit more."
She gulped, her eyes wide. "Calm down, Jay, please," she pleaded, though that didn't change anything about his temper.
"I'M NOT CHEATING ON YOU!" Nya yelled back. She immediately felt bad, though. She had never screamed at him either.
In fact, they had never had a fight that was this big before.
She could see Jay's hand, which was curled into a fist again, shaking out of anger next to his tense body.
"Out," he said.
"What?" Nya asked, her voice shaking, as she couldn't believe her ears.
"I said, out! Give me your key, and get out of my apartment!" He exclaimed.
"No," she said, tears flowing out of her eyes. "Jay, please, you're not thinking clearly. I'm not-"
"Get out!" He interrupted her, pointing at the door behind her.
She shook her head while stepping closer and trying to hold his hand, or anything for that matter, yet he stepped away from her. She needed his support, there was no way in hell this was really happening.
"No, Jay, don't do this," she pleaded, her voice breaking. "You can't do this to me... to us... please, I- I love you."
Hearing those words only ticked him off more as he made a sharp hand movement towards the door. "GET OUT OF MY LIFE!"
Nya stood there in place, staring at him with wide eyes which were producing one tear after the other in no time. Then she turned around and walked over to the door. She grabbed her purse and rummaged around before pulling out her keys. She fumbled around the key chain for a bit. She then pulled away a single gray key and threw it onto the coffee table. Taking a deep breath, she twisted the doorknob and opened the door. Nya took one last look back at Jay whose eyes were wide before averting her gaze to the floor and stepping outside, closing the door behind herself.
Jay breathed heavily as he watched the door for a while longer, replaying the moments prior inside of his head to try to comprehend what had just happened. Then his own tears finally made their way into his eye sockets and immediately went down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them away, not wanting to give into the empty feeling inside.
His throat tightened, yet he wasn't ready to accept the consequences of his actions. He looked around, and even though the tears blurred his vision, he could make his eyes focus on the phone on top of the kitchen counter. Walking up to it, he grabbed it.
He had already broken up with her, he wasn't afraid of going against his own morals anymore. So he, upon knowing her password, unlocked her phone and looked around. He went on her Instagram and TikTok, only to be met with rather normal things, nothing out of the ordinary. Then he went to her messages and looked at the last person she had texted with.
His posture stiffened and his eyes went wide when he realized the person was his best friend, Cole Brookstone. His... best friend? She was cheating on him with his own best friend? How cheap could she be?
Now, letting his anger take over him, he opened the chat and scrolled up until he could start at the beginning of their conversation.
N: Hey.
C: Hi, what's up?
N: I wanna ask you something, but you have to promise me that you won't tell Jay.
Jay scoffed. Of course she would say this.
C: Okay? What's wrong?
N: Nothing is wrong, I just need you to distract him for the next few weeks until his birthday.
C: Why?
N: I want to work overtime so that I'll be able to afford to buy him a motorbike that he's been talking about.
Jay gasped, looking at the picture Nya had then sent Cole. It was a blue motorbike which had some yellow highlights which one could assume looked like lightning bolts in certain angles. He knew it was extremely expensive, thus why he couldn't buy it for himself. He kept reading.
C: You're gonna buy him that for his birthday?!
N: Yeah, do you think he'll like it?
C: Like it? He's gonna love it!
N: I hope so.
C: So, what am I supposed to do with him?
N: You need to somehow make him not question what I'm doing when I'm working overtime, or whenever he wonders about what I'm working overtime for, tell him you have no idea which you don't.
C: Got it.
N: Thanks, Cole!
C: No probs, I'm glad to help!
Jay scrolled down until he came to the end of their chat which was filled with questions and confirmations about his own present.
He shakily put her phone back down and sat down on the couch, his face in his hands. Sobbing his eyes out, he couldn't believe what he had just done.
He broke up with his girlfriend and kicked her out of the house because he couldn't wait for two more days until his birthday would reveal the answer to all of his questions. Jay cursed at himself under his breath for multiple times before wiping all of his tears away with his sleeves and standing back up. He grabbed his phone and his car keys before exiting the apartment. Once he was outside, he realized that Nya's car was gone, so he hopped into his own vehicle. He started the engine and put on his seatbelt before driving out of the apartment complex.
The male had an idea where she could've been headed to; her brother who was living in a different state with his own girlfriend. At least Jay hoped she was headed to her brother's house, or else he would have to graze up all of her friends' houses.
At every red traffic light, Jay gripped the steering wheel tighter in anticipation. When the driver in front of him didn't move the second the light turned green, he honked until the vehicle in front of him started moving. Some drivers actually honked back at him which only caused him to honk more.
Once he was driving on the highway, Jay stopped caring whether he was over the speed limit or not. Well, he did keep track to prevent anything tragic happening and slowed down a little once he felt like he was way over the limit.
He groaned loudly when he saw cars in the far front which were stopped for some reason. He did not have time for a traffic jam when he needed to catch up to Nya. Once he stopped behind another car, he scrolled the window down to stick his head out.
Jay tried to look for what was going on in the distance, though he was too far away to make out what exactly was happening. All he could hear was sirens, probably police cars. He waited for a few minutes before the car in front of him started moving. Jay quickly started driving behind that car. Then he saw an ambulance in the distance and a police officer with a whistle who was directing the cars over to the side to drive past. He followed the car in front of him slowly as he was watching the scene. A black car was flipped upside down in the middle of the highway.
Just when he was about to drive past the ambulance, his heart stopped, his eyes wide, his head spinning. "No," he whispered as he was watching the paramedics loading a body onto the stretcher. Then everything clicked in his head. The car, it was a very familiar car that belonged to the person he had been spending his past few years with.
Jay immediately stopped his car, catching the cars behind him off guard and making them stop abruptly. He ripped open his door and ran across the scene towards the ambulance.
"NYA!" He screamed, his voice breaking anormally.
"Sir!" The police officer positioned himself in front of Jay and held him back. Jay didn't care about the other man in front of him as he tried to free himself. Once he managed to escape the officer's grip, he stormed over to the paramedics.
He gasped when he could see his girlfriend more up close. She had a cervical collar around her neck for stabilization, and her clothes and parts of her face were covered in her own blood. She also had multiple bandages around her head and arms. In addition to that, her eyes were closed. Jay was shaking by the time Nya was brought inside the ambulance. His breathing sped up and he could feel the ground underneath him moving.
"Sir, please step away from the ambulance," someone told him, yet Jay could barely make up the words.
He looked up at the man, his tears all over his cheeks. "Is she..." He coaxed out, unable to finish his sentence.
"Do you know her?" The paramedic asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Jay nodded. "I'm her b-boyfriend."
The paramedic took a deep breath before focusing on Jay's tear drenched face. "No. Don't worry, we'll try our best to save them both."
"Both? Was there someone else in the c-car t-too?" Jay asked.
"No, I mean both your girlfriend and the baby growing in her stomach."
This was my first time attempting to write angst, and honestly, I feel like I did pretty well, judged by the tears I wasted while writing this :D
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