Chapter 9

Ursa comes downstairs to see people in the drawing room. "Shit I forgot about this meeting." She says.

"Stop cursing." Narcissa says.

"It is nice to see you again, Ursa." Voldemort says.

"I wish I could say the same." Ursa replies with a sarcastic smile.

"Ursa be quiet." Lucius hisses and Ursa rolls her eyes.

"What are you doing down here Cub?" Narcissa asks.

"I need a snack and I need to feed Fang." Ursa replies as she starts walking towards the door. Voldemort stands in front of the door and Narcissa and Lucius start fearing for Ursa's life, knowing what is about to happen. "Excuse me?"

"How dare you speak to me like that?" Voldemort says.

"How dare you stand between me and food?" Ursa counters. "You may be the Dark Lord, but standing between me and food is a good way to fucking die. Now move."

"I see you developed an attitude since we last met."

"It tends to happen when one harms me. And this is nothing compared to what it can be. Move." Voldemort and Ursa stare each other down and tension fills the room. After a minute, Voldemort realizes she is not going to back down and moves to the side. The Death Eaters look on in shock. "Thank you." Ursa says before walking out.

"How is she still alive?" Someone whispers.

"Fang?" Yaxley questions.

"The beast of a dog that belongs to the oaf at Hogwarts." Lucius says. "The half-giant. He asked Ursa to watch the beast until they go back to school. Of course she agreed without asking us."

Ursa walks back through the room ten minutes later with food. "Why do you not fear me child?" Voldemort asks.

"Other than I am a powerful and knowledgeable Dark Witch and skilled dueler?" Ursa questions. "I fear you a bit. Not much because of what I said and I have taken down the psychopath over there."

"I had just escaped Azkaban." Bellatrix snaps.

"Whatever makes you feel better about getting your ass handed to you by a 15 year old." Ursa goes to the stairs and starts walking up. "Oh by the way. I think it is hilarious that a pureblood supremacy group, is run by a half-blood. And not even a real 'proper half-blood' at that. Also hey Uncle Severus."

Ursa grunt as she is pushed into a wall by Bellatrix later. "How dare you call the Dark Lord a half-blood!" Bellatrix growls.

"You think I am lying don't you?" Ursa asks with a chuckle.

"Of course you are lying."

"But I am not. His mother was a pureblood witch, a Gaunt, but his father, was a Muggle." Ursa smirks as Bellatrix grabs Ursa's throat. "He told you all he is pureblood didn't he? Have you ever heard of Riddle being a pureblood last name?" Ursa chuckles. "Blind faith and loyalty will be your downfall Bellatrix." Bellatrix puts her wand to Ursa's chin and sends hexes through Ursa's body. Ursa's screams are silenced by a different spell. Bellatrix releases Ursa's throat and from the spells and Ursa falls to the floor. Bellatrix kicks Ursa in the side for good measure before leaving. Ursa whistles weakly and Lyra flies in a few seconds later. "Get Father." Ursa whispers. Lyra flies out the window and Ursa closes her eyes. She hears her door open a few minutes later and someone kneel next to her.

"Are you okay?" Lucius asks.

"What does it look like?" Ursa growls.



"Can you stand?" Ursa manages to sit up.

"Not sure."

"Hurt you for calling the Dark Lord a half-blood?" Ursa nods.

"I mean he is."

"Yes but you cannot say those things in front of the Dark Lord or Bella." Lucius carefully lifts Ursa and lays her on her bed. "What did she do?"

"Spells that the pain will go away from in time but she kicked me in the ribs." Lucius carefully presses on Ursa's ribs. Ursa hisses when he hits a painful spot.

"Sorry." Lucius says feels around a bit more before drawing his wand.

"How do you know what you're doing?"

"I secretly learned some healing magic once we were sure your mother was actually going to carry you to term." Lucius heals her ribs and Ursa hisses. "I realized you could inherit Bella's recklessness. And I was right to a point. Though I never dreamed you would sass the Dark Lord."

Ursa chuckles. "Well I am as good as or maybe a better dueler than Bellatrix. I have good reason for that confidence. Plus I know he needs my power so he wouldn't dare kill me."

"That's a bold assumption." Lucius says with snort. "You know if you joined the Dark Lord she would stop hurting you."


"I know you do not want to. I wish you would tell me why."

"I don't want to hurt others."

"And you would not have to."

"But I could be indirectly responsible."

"You worry too much Ursa."


"Please stop provoking you aunt."

"But she makes it so easy."

"Ursa... I cannot keep hiding this from your mother."

"I'll stop."

"Thank you."

"But that won't completely stop her."

"I know."


Ursa and Draco are outside in the garden courtyard when Lucius and Bellatrix come storming out of the manor, Narcissa worryingly trailing behind them. "Ursa Jade Malfoy!" Lucius yells.

"Lucius!" Narcissa says.

"Huh?" Ursa asks as she turns and looks at them.

"How dare you associate with them?"

"With who?"

"Stop playing dumb brat." Bellatrix says.

"You were seen in Diagon Alley with Potter, a Weasley, and their Mudblood friend." Lucius says.

"We just ran into them."

"Really?" Bellatrix says. "So you were laughing with them after running into them."

"Damn it." Ursa mumbles.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Lucius asks.

"Too much according to you!" Ursa snaps. "My heart is too big for you. That's the problem isn't it?"

"Yes!" Narcissa stands next to Ursa and Ursa realizes Narcissa has Ursa's wand on her.

"I care about everyone!" Ursa yells as her irises go black. "And you can't do anything about it, you can't change it." Ursa carefully takes her and Narcissa's wands while Narcissa is distracted by the yelling. "You can't fix me because I'm not broken. I don't need to be fixed. I'm me okay!"

Lucius draws his wand. "Lucius do not do anything." Narcissa says. "She is wandless." Lucius shoots a spell at Ursa and she dodges it.

"Who said I was wandless?" Ursa says as she twirls her wand in her hand.

"How did you-" Narcissa is interrupted by Bellatrix shooting a spell at Ursa. Ursa dodges it and shoots back at her. A fight starts, Lucius and Bellatrix against Ursa. "Stop this! All of you!" Narcissa tries to draw her wand only to find it missing. She looks around to see it sticking out of Ursa's wand holster. "Damn it Ursa."

Ursa gets hit and thrown back. She sees an opening on Bellatrix. "Impulsi. Fianto Duri." Ursa casts and Bellatrix cries out as electricity shoots through her body. The second spells allowing Ursa to continue the spell without continually casting.

"Ursa!" Narcissa exclaims. "What did you do?"

"Accio wand." Bellatrix's wand flies to Ursa and she puts it with Narcissa's. She turns her focus back to Lucius.

"Ursa, Lucius stop!" Narcissa yells. "Draco give me your wand." Draco grabs his wand and starts running towards Narcissa. Ursa shoots a Tripping Jinx at Draco but misses. She shoots a counter-curse at Bellatrix when she stops yelling. Draco gives Narcissa his wand and she tries to disarm Ursa. Ursa easily blocks it despite still fending off Lucius.

Ursa notices Lucius slowing down. "Getting tired?"

"Imperio." Lucius casts and Ursa keeps him out.

"Is that the best you can do?" Ursa teases. Narcissa gives up on trying to disarm Ursa and tries to disarm Lucius.

She manages to disarm him. "Narcissa!" Lucius exclaims at the same time Ursa casts.

"Stupefy." Lucius flies back a bit and lands unconscious.

"Ursa!" Narcissa exclaims.

Ursa turns to Narcissa and Narcissa sees Ursa's irises fade. "Are you going to attack me too?" Ursa asks.

"No." Draco quietly comes up behind Ursa and restrains her. Ursa tries to fight him and a solid statue cracks.

"Is this really how you want to fucking die Draco?"

"You need to calm down." Draco replies as Narcissa walks over. Narcissa takes the wands Ursa has and hands all but her own to Draco.

"Draco go wake up and check on your father and aunt." Narcissa says as she grabs Ursa's upper arm. Draco releases Ursa and walks away. Narcissa pushes the tip of her wand into Ursa's back. "Do not try anything." Narcissa hisses. "Your room. Now." They go upstairs to Ursa room and Narcissa releases Ursa. Ursa glares at Narcissa. "Be glad I am not letting your aunt deal with you." Ursa rolls her eyes. "You do not attack your family!"

"He attacked me first!" Ursa snaps and a mirror shatters.

"Keep talking back and I will give you to Bellatrix. You do not attack your family! You do not take someone's wand! You will go downstairs and apologize, then come back here where you will stay until I decide what to do with you." Narcissa steps back. "Downstairs. Now." Ursa glares at Narcissa before going downstairs with Narcissa behind her. They go into the sitting room where everyone else is and Ursa stands there silently. "Now Ursa."

Ursa rolls her eyes. "I'm sorry for defending myself."


"Fine. I'm sorry for hurting you."

"I do not believe you." Bellatrix says. "You are not sorry."

"Of course I am not sorry! I'm only apologizing because I was told I had to."

"Ursa Malfoy I have had it with you!" Narcissa exclaims. "I miss the sweet girl you were last year."

"Many will." Ursa says with a dark smirk. "She was easier to kill."

"Ursa Jade Malfoy get your ass to your room now!"


"I will handle this." Lucius says. "Imperio."

Ursa just smirks in response. "You underestimate me Father."

"People will always underestimate you." Draco says.

"And they will suffer greatly for it."

"Draco out." Narcissa says and Draco reluctantly leaves. "What happened to you? Last year you never would have done anything like this."

"I do not know, maybe seeing the Dark Lord reborn, having the fucking Cruciatus Curse used on me, and watching someone be murdered in front of me had some kind of effect on me!" Ursa's irises turn black. "Maybe I spent this summer training in and studying Dark Arts so I can protect myself. Maybe, just maybe I am not the same girl I was last year! That girl had not gone through Hell and back in one night!" Narcissa slaps Ursa and Lucius and Bellatrix look at Narcissa in shock while Narcissa looks at Ursa in shock that she hit her again.

"Did she just..." Bellatrix trails off.

"Yes." Lucius replies.

Narcissa's anger takes over again. "Do not speak to me like that." She snaps before turning to Bellatrix. "She will be locked in her room until they go back to school. She is all yours the whole time Bellatrix. No lasting damage, mental or physical." Bellatrix grabs Ursa's arm and pulls her from the room.

"I never thought I would see the day you hit one of the children or gave them to Bellatrix." Lucius says.

"I didn't mean to hit her." Narcissa sighs. "She's just gotten me so worked up. I don't know what to do with her so I guess I did what my mother would have done. I shouldn't have given her to Bellatrix. I'll let Bella have this one time and then tell her I changed my mind. I'll give Ursa time to cool down."

"That's probably a good idea. Letting Ursa cool down."

"I hit her." Narcissa says. Lucius walks over and hugs her. "Again."


"I hit her again. A few days ago. For the same attitude."

"We are all going through a lot right now. You are just stressed."

"That's not an excuse Lucius!" Narcissa exclaims.

"I know. I meant she's going through a lot too. We know her life hasn't been easy. She lashes out like I do."

Upstairs, Bellatrix pushes Ursa to the floor of Ursa's room. "We are going to have some fun." Bellatrix says. "Maybe I can finally break you." Bellatrix puts a silencing charm on the room.

"You will never break me." Ursa growls. "I'm too st-" Ursa is interrupted by Bellatrix cursing her. Ursa screams in pain. Bellatrix curses Ursa until long after Ursa stops screaming. She only stops when Ursa passes out.

Ursa wakes an hour later to find Bellatrix gone. "I can't do this until we go back to school." Ursa whispers horsely to herself. "I need to get out of here." Ursa picks herself up and drags herself into her bathroom. "But where can I go?" Ursa fills up a cup with water as she thinks silently. "Of course!"

That evening, Draco brings Ursa her dinner. After she eats, she starts packing. She digs out her bag with the Undetectable Extension Charm on it and manages to get her packed Hogwarts trunk into it. She puts clothes for days in it as well as her coin purse in her bag. "I think that's all I'll need."

Ursa sleeps restlessly that night. Her alarm goes off at 4 am and she stops it before anyone hears it. She get dressed and puts her bag on. "I hope this works." She mumbles to herself. "I haven't tried this spell wandless." Ursa points her fingertips towards the door. "Finite." She casts first in case there are any extra spells on the door. A red spark shoots from her fingers and she points at the lock. "Alohomora." A purple spark shoots from her fingers and hits the lock. She smiles softly as she hears it click. Ursa opens the door and carefully sneaks downstairs. "Let's hope it works again." She thinks to herself as she points her fingertips at a back door. "Finite Tempus." A red spark shoots from her fingers and hits the back door. "Alohomora." Another purple spark leaves her fingers and the lock clicks. Ursa opens the door and sighs in relief when the Intruder Charm doesn't go off. She closes the door behind her and relocks it. "Colloportus." She turns and summons her broom. "Accio Broom." Ursa's broom comes flying over to her and she puts it in her bag. She runs to the garden shed and unties Fang. "Come on Fang. We're leaving." Fang follows her to the owlery, where Ursa grabs a cage off the wall. "Come Lyra." Lyra flies down into the cage and Ursa closes it. Ursa and Fang walk around the manor and down the drive. At the end of the drive, she holds out her right hand. There is a whoosh of wind as the Knight Bus appears out of nowhere.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus. Emergency transportation for the stranded witch or wizard." A man says as the door opens. "My name is Stan Shunpike and I'll be your conductor this evening. What's your name?"

"Ursa Malfoy. How much to King's Cross?"

Stan sticks his head out the door. "Wow that's big. Why'd you leave there?"

"How much?"

"One Galleon." Stan says before he spots Fang. "And another ten Sickles for the drooling beast." Ursa chuckles while Fang whines. She digs her coin purse out of her bag and Stan holds his hand out. One Galleon and ten Sickles fly out of the purse and into Stan's hand. "Thank you kindly. Come aboard." Ursa climbs on and sits behind the driver. "Take it away Ern." The bus jerks and starts speeding through the streets.

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