Team Battle

Previously on STRIKE Force are team was getting acquainted with each other until VD decided to test the new team's strength by sending 500 ninjas to attack them

DG: Oh great, VD decided to send us a gift to to congratulate the new team. We need to stop them or they will wreak havoc in the city.

Aizawa: Let the pro heroes handl-

Nezu: Wait, VD said this was a test for STRIKE Force. I think we should show him how strong the new team is.

Aizawa: Oh my God (Lazily)

Brawler: What do we do boss?

Deku: We Fight (Determined)

Knight: FOR GLORY!

(Replace the axe with a sword)

The explosion from knight takes down 50 of the shadow ninjas..

Class 1-A: WOAH!

Brawler: Can't let you have all the fun. BANZAI!

Brawler jumps in punches one and dodges a sword aimed at his face and kicks it in the face, he then proceeds take them down one by one...

(Replace Madara with Izuku and the Shinobi with shadow ninjas)

(Same Thing)

Wolf: Here comes a new challenger.

Wolf jumps in and proceed to slash a one, when a another comes from behind he dodges and impales it with his wolf hand. He begins to slash them like a psycho

Deku: So Fierce and angry

Ninja: Let's end this.

Ninja jumps in with his ninja sword and slashes 5 of them, he blocks an attack and punches another in the gut. Ninja then weaves hand signs and he then with a giant ball of blue chakra.

He then proceeds to cut them all down.

Toru: They're incredible.

Mineta: They're monters

Sero: Good thing they're on our side.

Wolf: (Shouting) Hey boss you coming!

Deku: Right

Deku jumps in and takes the rest down with a...

Deku: Manchester SMASH!

All of the shadow ninjas evaporate and they begin to form a screen and on it is Villain Deku.

VD: Well Well Well, if it isn't the whore DG and her new team.

DG: VD. I thought you might show your face.

All MIight: Why are you doing this? I thought you wanted to be a hero.

VD: I did until that fateful day that changed everything. The day that I experienced three of the greatest pains in my life. The first was when my former friend told me to kill myself and wish for a quirk in my next life.

Everyone: (thoughts) WHAT!

All of them glare at bakugo who just holds his head down and scoffs...

Aizawa: Bakugo is this true!?

Bakugo: (silence)

VD: The second one was when my idol all might told me that I couln't become a hero without a quirk.

All Might hangs his head in shame of remembering what he said to his successor...

VD: The last one was when I found my mother was killed by a villain and no heroes could save her because they didn't have the right quirk for the job.

STRIKE force: GASP!!!

VD: That is when I realized the truth. I was sent from hell to show people true pain and I will when I conquer the multiverse.

DG: That won't happen we have STRIKE Force to save us.


Everyone: This guy is insane.

VD: I thought of that and I decided to get a team of my own. Say hello to my friends.

Stain: Death to all false heroes! My name is stain pleasure to meet you.

Deku: STAIN!

VD: Now for the final member.


VD: This is carnage. A psyco serial killer who went crazy after years of abuse and wants people to feel his pain.

Wolf: Who the hell are you guys!?!

VD: We are the Messengers from hell and we will bring the multiverse to it's knees.

The portal explodes scattering in all directions and everyone has a shocked/scared look on their face.


Aizawa wraps mineta up to quiet him down.

Brawler: We'll be fine as long as we stick together.

Knight: He's Right. Together they don't stand a chance.

Ninja: They will regret challenging us.

Wolf: You got that right ninja. We got this. Right boss?

Deku looks up more determined than ever...

Deku: You do realize we could die right?

Brawler walks up and puts his hand on top of deku's..

Brawler: I'm down if your down.

Same with wolf...

Wolf: I'm in.

and so on

Ninja: Me too.

Knight: Till my last breath.

They hold their hands together and go up holding their fists to the heavens and shouting...


and so the journey of the greatest team of heroes begins!

That was chapter four hope you enjoyed it.

You guys can choose the battle cry. If one of you can answer my question.

What episode of my hero academia  did deku first start using full cowling?

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