The Earth Under Attack/Avengers Defeated

( The next day, The A-force, Taylor, and June. Where having a having a meeting with Ratchet and Arcee via non visual transmision. Meanwhile,  Miko was in the medcial room healing up. Her Tera armor and Taylor's quick thinking may has lessend some of the damge done to her. But she was still badly hurt) 

" Ok Ratchet, can you explain to us who this person is that has you and Arcee on edge. No only that, I noticed how nun of the robots attacked Taylor while she was carrying  Miko. Why is that?" Asked June. " To answer the last two.  Those machines are built using  old cybertronian technlogy but also fuled by dark energon. The reason why they avoided Taylor is becuase the  Aura armor emits Dark Energon's polor opposite, energon. The dark  purple energon being negative and the blue energon being positive." Said Ratchet as he brought up an image of Energon and dark energon side by side. " The two cancle each other out. However while dark energon is some what scarce. energon is not. The aura armor emits a hight raw energon  energy signiture. If any of those things got cloes to her, they would immidilty shut down." Said Arcee. 

" Ok, so that answers those question's but what about the first one. Who is the person that has you guys on endge and can we stop her." Said Natasha. " Her name is Atroxia and she used to be one of our kind, a cybertroian, though human sized in stature. Given our ten to fourty fut stature.  But she was banished by of  of the orginal transformers. The first tre female transformer named Solus Prime." Said  Arcee. " Ok, well why was she banished from your home planet?" Asked Carol. " She had tried to use Dark Energon,  the life blood of an evil cybertronian god. To create an army of soilders that would do her every bidding. She succeded, though nit with out some draw backs." Said  Arcee. " What kind of draw backs Arcee?" Asked Taylor.

" You saw how Dark energon affected the dead bodies of fall transformers. When Ratchet showd you a recording  Taylor. ( Brings up a first person vuew from ratchet point of view when he and optimus fought agianst Megatron and his armoy of undead cybertronians). The only difference is this. Her was of using dark energon, can affect the living. You rember how the dark engergon was killing Raf, right Taylor?" Said  Arcee. " How can I not, I had to watch one of my best friends beside's Miko  groan or yell in pain as the  Dark Energon was destroying him from the inside. Until Ratchet inject Raf with  Energon in order for the two to cancel each other out." Said Taylor. " Well, had  Blackwidow not gotten rid of the arm when we told her to. Her mind and body would have belonged to Atroxia. Atroxia has the ability to turn a living being into a loyal and unyielding thrall. Not even taking off a limb will kill them. You have to either incinerate the body in human turns." said  Arcee. " Or for a Cybertronian, a well placed shot to the spark/ Heart at the center of our cheast. Even a weapn that can blow us to bits will surfice. But you Taylor, Wgile the robots will ignor your precense. Atrxia will not." Said Ratchet. 

" Your talking about the Aura armor and  Atrxia's opposites atracting one another." Said Jennifer. Precisely, Atrxia will see Taylor as a threat to her rule over this world. Even Taylor walking around the city right now will trigger Atrxia. Given how Taylor having a relic of pure possitve energoy.  Now, we have made a new armor for  Miko with the same properties as  The Aura armor. As for the rest of you. due to Tony Starks obsession for new technology. You will have to surfice with high perceing weapons or in Miss Danvers case. A well placed blast that will tear a hole in their cheast. However is you were to absormb an energon beam from the aura and the new armor miss Danvers. You would be in the same possion as  Taylor and Miko. Due to the enegergon signuter flowng around you." Said Ratchetas  Pepper ran into the room. " We have serious Problem." Said Pepper. " Yeah, like what auntie?" asked Taylor. " Well, becuase Widow didn't disscluse as to what made her so werry of thos machine. That being the warning from  Arcee and Ratchet. Tony has taken a couple of Avengers,  outside to try and capture one of the machines." Said Pepper. 

" That idiot, he's just give  Atroxia the means she needs to grow her army. Now what almost happend on cybertron if it wasn't for Solus. Is about to happen to Earth. Miko's new suit is on its way over you now. Just becareful and leave Atrxia to Aura, Captian marvel and Miko's new Grida armor." Said  Ratchet as a small ground bridge appered and then closed, leaving a black, dark purple and  silver armor to lay on the ground across from taylor. " Wait hold on Ratchet. What nearly happend to  Cybertron, had  Solus not stopped  Atroxia? Asked  Taylor as Miko walked into the room. " She would have terraformed  many of our people in her loyal servants and use us to destroy our own planet. Since our planet itself, houses  polor oppsite to the one that creat Dark enegon. Our creator  and god Primus. One hwoes pure blue energon runs through every transformer. Compared to the Dark Energon that is created by the Dark god Unicron. After that, she would have spread hr corruption across the galaxy from one solor system to the next. and now  Iron dorks given her a swarm of mindless armors. Just ripe to do her biding. June, Pepper, You two and  Ironheart need to place the  light be cores inside of your armors. It has the same effct agianist those things as  The Aura and Girda armor. But they will not protect you aginst  Atroxia like the Aura and Girda armors will for Taylor and Miko." Said  Arcee as she eneded the transmission.

"Well, thats terrifiying to hear." Said Miko." No Kidding, that just means that we'll have to play this one safe. ( Looks at Natasha). Widow, can you contact shiled and see if Furry and Hill can try and cooridnate an evacuation with Police Captian Yuri. Try and evacutate as many people oas you can. ( Hears something  appaer on the monitor witha ameesage that says. " From  Arcee: This is what Atroxia looks like." Before gasping at what she's seeing). Well that's concrning." Said  Taylor as everyone looked at the image.

( Atroxia)

" I'll contact Hill now, hopefully we can use Tony's little attack as a distraction." Said Natasha aas she brought up onto the minitor, was happening right now. While contacting  Maria Hill.

( Over with Ironman, he was leading a team comprised himself, Warmachine, Hulk, Red Hulk, Captain  America, hawkeye, Hank Pyme and the two X-men, Cycplops an Emma Frost) 

"  Remeber, keep your eye pealed. We'll scout out the  middel secot while my iron Leagions scout out the  left and right sides. Whatever spooked Natasha has me interested. Especially with the type of thech that this place houses." Said Tony. " I don't know Tony, Nat seemed very scared during when thise things ttacked us the other day and you need to apologie to  Aura for endangering her friend" Said Steve. " I'm with Cap on this one  Tony, firing that thing was not one of your best idea's, i'm actually surpised she only destroyed the top of the tower where we all lived and not the whole thing. It seemed like she had enough power to do so." Said Clint. " Indeed, Though I fail to see what we could acomplish. When these things had your team on the ropes captain." Said Emma.

" Nat said that  a high imput blast could damage this things, So we brought along Cyllpos because he fits that bill. Your here to help us learn from thse machines." Said  Tonya as they began to walk thourough the facility.

( Over with Taylor)

" ( Contacts  Arcee). Hey Arcee, does Atroxia have any abilities that can affect a teleopath?" Asked  Taylor as everyone looked at her as Jean Grey walked into the room. " If a Telopath  tride to mind read one of  Atroxia's robots. It'll send a beacon to where that telopath is. She built a system with her machines.  Almost like a hive mind of i'm being honest. But i see what your talking about. We're watching whats going on through a satelite that  Fowler was genuous enough for us to use." Said  Arcee.  " ( Looks at Jean). They're in trouble. The  minute Emma reads one of the robots minds. She'll know about whats going on.  You need to refrain from using your telpoathic poweres. And tell Psylock to do the same. We don't need Atroxia learning about the institute." Said  Taylor as  Jean nodded her head. While everyone went back to watching the live feed.

( Over with Ironman) 

" Friday, whats the status of the iron legions? Have they foun any thing yet? Asked Tony. " So far they've only found  pieces of the robots that had attacked you guys yesterday. ( Suddenly losses conection with the iron legion group that took the left side). Hold on,  i've just lost connection wiht the sqqpuad that you had sent to the left side. ( Tries to reastablish connection but can't). I can't reistablish connection  but somethings proventing me." Said  Friday. " Wait what, what could possibly be strong enogh to mess with my teach?" Asked Tony. " What, somethings broken your connection with one of your legion squads." Said  Clint as He, Cap, Cycplops and Emma got ready for a fight. " So, these machine's belong to you human.  I thank you for the offering, and for sending me more midless machines to add to my army." Said a mechanicl female voice. 

" Whoever you are, those armors are Stark Proprty. I'm gonna have to ask you to return them to me." Said Tony as he motioned for  Emma to use her powers only or her to shake her head no. " Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. You would dare order me around human. Your Machine's no belong to me, human. Your febil weapons are now mine to command. As for yourself,  and as a thank you for the gifts. Both groups if machines if I might add." Said the woman. " Looks like your gonna need to do some more tweaks there starky." Said Red Hulk. " But that's impossbile,  my machines are build to withstand all manner of extraterestrial hacking or mind control. ( Looks around the room). Who are you, and what do you want?" Said Tony as Hulk, Red Hulk, and  Cyclops. Began to try and shall or bloast  anything around them. In order to try and flush out whoever it was that they weretalking to. " That's simple human. I want to conqure every single galaxy across the stars. ( Holds both her hands up as adark purple sphere of energy begins to form in front of her hands. 

( As the team began to look around the room while also trying to smash or destroy any thing they could find. Clint and Cap spotted a hint of purple light. Pointing at them from fortty feet away. Acting quickly, they both grabbed  Emma by her arms and  the  ran as quickly as they could to the door that would lead out of the facility. For no sooner did they try and make a run for it. Did Atroxia fire her dark energon beam at  Tony, Warmachine, Cyclops,  Hulk and Red hulk. Luckily, Clint, Cap and  Emma were able to escape the Facility  and make it outside before quickly closing the door in order to try and prevent the beam from coming outside. Before quickly making a run for the Quinjet)

" What the heck was that? It looks like a human sized female robot, and did she say thanks for the offering." Said Clint as he stated up the quinjet. " It seems as if whoever this is can tak over machinery of any kind. Now i know why Natasha  didn't want to talk about it and asked that we wait and see what she and the A-force could dig up." Said  Cap as the Quinjet quickly took off from the sky. " ( Look through the rearview mirror and spots Atroxia a flying ater them). Punch it  Clint, I think whoever just tried to take us out is following us.  She's gainin on us even faster tha Tony ever could in one of his armors." Said Emma as the Quinjet began to  get it by a barage of dark energon repulsor fire. " ( Looks at the controls to the quinjet and then notcies how th jet was quickly loosing power). Whatever she's hitting us with. It's draining power from the jet. We might not makin to safe." Said Clint,  until the quinjet was torn in half which caused all three of them to freefall through the sky.

" Ah, there you are, my new loyal subjects.  Come now, and join your friends as members of my growing army. " Said Atroxia. " Lady, the avengers never surrender. No will we ever surve someone like you." said  Cap. " Oh, I don't think you've ever met a woman like me. ( Goes to fly toward the three heros only to get his by a aqua blue repulsor blast which knocks her away from  Cap, Clint and Emma). Who would dare. ( Looks at who had attacked her to see Aura  with her left arm pointed toward her). You again.  I can not wait to destroy you. But that will have to wait. I have new servants to collect." Said Atroxia as she flew toard Emma, Clint and Cap. " I don't think you understood me lady. ( Quckly flies toward  Atroxia). Leave my firends alone. ( Aims her right repulser arm at  Atroxia and then fires an energon bolt which Knocks  Atrxia away from Clint). So why don't you get back before I make you." Said  Aura as  Girda, Hunter and  Rescue. Each grabbed Clint, Emma, and Cap. Before then quickly flying away from the area while carrying the remaining memmbers of Tony's team.

 " ( Watches as  Aura and her team fly of with the remaining members of  Tony's team). You may have saved them follower of Primus. But soon, I will soon conqure this planet. ( Contacts all of her mechanical soldiers while the  corrupeted and mind controled  memebers of ton'y team that she had hit with a Dark energon blast. Knelt  below her on the ground as she hovered in the air). My loyal minions,  your queen has returned. For today, we take over this planet. Now go, my legion of servants. Destroy all who would dare get in my way." Said Atroxia as her robot armoy and the corrupted members of Tony's team  dispersed to acomplish their queens goal.

( Over with Aura) 

" ( Sits down in a chair while Hunter, Natasha and  Pepper looked them over for injuries). Thanks for the close save you guys. We owe you one." Said  Clint. " Yeah, you do. Why didn't you guys wait like I asked you to. Dispite Tony's need to lern about the tech that we saw. You two should have know the dangrs of going back there. Especially after what it near did to Tony and  Rhodey had Tera not saved you all." Said  Natasha. " Point taken,  but what are wegoing to do now. We don't know how to beat her." Said Emma. " Actually, I think we do. ( Looks at  Aura). Thats twice, these things have feared you. Can you explian that for me,  Aura. " Said  Cap. " Not really, in the best of moods to do so. So i'll let natasha, Pepper and  Jean do it. I need to go check on Tera. " Said  Aura as she went to leave the room. " Ok, but what is your grudge agianst Tony. Especially since, while you continue to do good. You almost flip your lid every time you see him." Said Cap. " That info will have to wait Cap. For it involves me as well." Said Hunter as  Cap nooded his head while Aura left the room.

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