Chapter 2 ~ The Aston Martin Ride

Tereza awoke feeling refreshed. The rain stopped, leaving the grass wet and dewy from the rain. Tereza went to take a shower, looking forward to the new day. She washed and dried her hair, put on a light purple shirt and legging style pants, and was on her way out the door when she saw somebody had already placed a glass of violet tea and an espresso chocolate chip biscotti at her desk.

Tereza took her breakfast with her as she joined the others in the kitchen area. The men were talking amongst themselves, engrossed in quiet discussion. They greeted her, saying, "Good morning, Tereza! We saved you some chocolate chip cookies."

Chocolate chip cookies were mandated on every Iredescent ship. A ship wasn't allowed to take flight unless there were cookies on board. There were inspectors who made sure that chocolate chip cookies were well stocked and in plenty of supply, as well as water, tea, coffee, and fruit beverages.

Iredescent chocolate chip cookies were homemade, soft and freshly baked. Tereza seized one and enjoyed it with her tea.

The men had already located some of the places they would like for Tereza to try, since she would be the one going solo in her exploration. After Tereza would survey her surroundings and explore England, the men would join her in seeing some of the cool sights and different places. Tereza wanted to test the waters and see everything first before okaying her crew to join her in her ventures.

But the primary reason for Tereza venturing alone was because Tereza's dim skin shimmer would allow her to blend in, because her sparkly crew members would stand out amongst humans.

Because Rêver and Niquead were finned ones, their skin shimmer faded when they were on land, their hair sparkled in the sunlight, and their eyes had a golden sheen in them that indicated one was a finned one. In water, their legs turned into fins, their skin shimmer became even more vibrant in appearance, and their hair sparkled like golden sunbeams captured in diamond droplets.

For this reason, the crew members would stay in the base while Tereza went out alone to explore.

"We are close to a city called London," Rêver informed Tereza. "They have iconic red pay phones and the most interesting vehicles: a red double decker bus, turquoise mopeds, and something called an Aston Martin."

"I want to drive one," said Niquead, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Please get close to one and take pictures. Maybe steal a ride."

Tereza's eyes widened. "Steal a ride?"

Kael grinned mischievously. "Why not? You would be having the greatest fun ever!"

"Here's the plan," Rêver said in a conspiratorial tone. "You will go to London, check out the finest restaurants and diners, take pictures of everything, find out who owns an Aston Martin, and at night, we have the greatest fun ever by stealing a ride in an Aston Martin. We will, of course, return it to the owner before sunrise, in splendid condition and without a single scratch."

"That's assuming you can drive one of those things?" Vis said, shaking his head. "You don't even have a driver's license."

"Kael has a pilot's license," Rêver stated. "He can drive the Aston Martin for us."

"Flying a ship and driving a car are two different things," Vis said analytically. "Neither of us has ever seen a car before, much less ever drove one of them. Kael would need to learn how to drive a car and obtain a driver's license. Secondly, borrowing a car is considered theft, even if you intend to give it back to its owner. You would be held liable for any damage that might occur, assuming your 'greatest fun ever' doesn't involve a car crash."

"I have never crashed a ship," Kael spoke in defense. "I surely won't crash a car. Especially an expensive one like an Aston Martin."

Tereza decided to speak in Kael's defense. "Kael is a very responsible pilot. He can be counted on to be a very responsible driver."

"Thank you," Kael said appreciatively, smiling at Tereza.

Vis sighed. "Our first day on planet Earth, and already we're conspiring to steal a car."

"Steal a ride," Niquead corrected.

"Same thing," Vis said, reaching for another cup of tea. "On your venture, Tereza, please evaluate and think things through before trying to steal a ride."

"You can try to get cozy with the Aston Martin driver, maybe flirt him into letting you ride with him," suggested.

"That's assuming the Aston Martin driver is someone young and good-looking," said Kael. "What if he turns out to be someone old?"

"Or a woman," said Niquead.

"Guys, I will not be flirting with anyone," Tereza spoke up firmly. "I don't want to become involved with humans. I am here to simply interact. But I will be on the lookout for an Aston Martin."

"Yay!" , Niquead, and Kael said at the same time, cheering and raising their tea glasses.

Vis shook his head, feeling the situation was getting out of hand.

Tereza smiled and finished the rest of her breakfast. She thanked the men for a great breakfast and left the base, going to a human city for the first time.

Stars, it was loud and noisy. Cars drove past Tereza, their tires screeching on the road. Some honked at red lights or drove through them like maniacs. People walked everywhere, each in their own worlds. Music played from stores as vendors talked to passersby. Delicious scents led Tereza to several restaurants and diners.

Tereza found she liked England. She enjoyed having tea and pastries, biscuits, cookies, tarts, and rolls. She often drank tea, both in the morning and afternoon.

Tereza brought a variety of food and desserts, sharing them with her crew. They enjoyed the things she shared with them and looked through all the pictures she took.

The men gawked at a picture of a 1997 Aston Martin DB7 Volante in an authentic British racing green color, with tan English leather interior and a color-keyed green accent trim. Though it could only fit two people, Rêver said he could manage sitting on the back while holding onto someone's seat. Vis rolled his eyes and hoped they wouldn't actually attempt to steal it, even if it was just for one night.

His hopes dashed when he learned Tereza secretly took Kael to a junkyard so he could learn how to drive a car. When he got proficient, Kael announced he would take everyone on a ride at night, aboard a beat-up yet drivable, flashy red 1997 Lincoln Town Car, a rear wheel drive sedan that could fit five people.

Vis hung on for dear life as Kael excitedly drove the car. Rêver, Niquead, and Tereza were squished in the back, while Vis was in the front passenger seat.

Kael made the car do donuts, kicking dust in the air as he sped around, making everyone dizzy. Then he led the car up a track he made himself the previous night, going up and down ramps, eventually making the car fly off a ramp and slam down into the grass on the edge of the lot.

Though the passengers were intact, Vis was freaking out, Rêver was slightly nauseous, Niquead had a headache from hitting his head on the ceiling of the car during the slamdown, and Tereza was wide-eyed with fear.

"I think I may be a little claustrophobic," Rêver said, trying to clear his head.

"I hit my head," Niquead complained, making everyone laugh for some reason.

"Your fault you're so tall," Rêver grumbled, momentarily forgetting his nausea.

"Your fault for getting me into this," Vis said accusingly, glaring at everyone.

"That was definitely one hell of a ride," Tereza said, getting out of the car.

"I totally loved it!" Kael exclaimed, his face beaming with a smile. "Let's do it again!"

"Let me catch my breath first," said Rêver, leaning against the car. "And allow me to sit in the front passenger seat this time."

"I'm calling it a night," said Vis, leaving promptly. "See you all tomorrow."

"This car is too small for me," said Niquead, struggling to get out. "How about a jeep or a truck?"

Tereza rolled her eyes. "I thought you guys wanted to ride in an Aston Martin."

"Forget the Aston Martin. I want to drive a 1997 BMW Z3!" said Kael, his voice excited once again. "I saw a 2.8 one in a gorgeous light blue color. It looks so cool and sporty!"

"I'm game," said Rêver, completely over his nausea and claustrophobia after taking a break.

"So am I," said Niquead. "It's a convertible, so I won't have to worry about hitting my head on the ceiling."

"I'm not sure," said Tereza, still recovering from the car ride. "I'm not used to cars."

"I'm already used to them," said Kael, running his hand on the hood of the car. "I love cars."

Fireflies danced around the empty lot as Tereza surveyed the scene around her. The men felt like brothers to her. Though she was fearful of car rides, Tereza realized she did have fun. It was a satisfactory time she spent with her crew. Kael was an excellent driver, driving so well that the car didn't even scratch during the slamdown.

"I'm going to bed," Tereza said, spreading her wings in the dark of the night. "See you later, guys."

"Wait! Don't leave without us!" said Kael, picking up Niquead.

It went without saying that winged Iredescents carried finned Iredescents, who obviously didn't have wings and couldn't fly.

"Stars, Niquead, you're heavy! No wonder Vis was groaning when he was carrying you," Kael complained.

"I would be even heavier if I was human," Niquead said in defense, feeling offended. "It's not my fault I weigh so much. It's all muscle."

"Guys," said Tereza, feeling like they were on the verge of starting a fight. "Get over it." She picked up Rêver, carrying him as she flew back to their base.

As Tereza settled in for the night, going to bed under her warm comfortable covers, she looked out the window at the dark sky, watching the stars twinkle as the moon changed phase, turning from a first quarter to a waxing gibbous moon. It would be a few weeks before it became a full moon. It was a new moon on the first rainy night, providing no light except for the stars in the sky.

Tereza turned on her side, unaware that on the other side of the world, a lonely young man was laying atop a surfboard in the dark California night, staring up at the sky, looking at the same moon Tereza was looking at earlier.

The surfboard carried him many distances away from shore, away from any people that woke up early to collect seashells along the beach. Nobody saw him as he drifted farther from shore, aimlessly traveling to nowhere.

The young man closed his eyes, his body facing upward towards the night sky. Tears streamed down his handsome face as orange-yellow flames surrounded him, burning the surfboard. He sunk underneath the water, his flames allowing no water to touch him.

He dispelled the flames, attempting to drown himself for the hundredth time, yet he remained alive. He couldn't breathe underwater, but his body still functioned properly, powered by the indestructible yellow dust that was his biological genetic makeup.

He sighed, feeling powerless despite having the most immense, greatest power in the galaxy.

The young man continued sinking until his body touched the bottom of the ocean. The smooth packed sand cushioned him while fish swam nearby, not seeing him as a threat. His dark hair floated as he rested on the seabed, wishing he could sleep, knowing he was unable to sleep.

I will rise in the morning, he thought, keeping his eyes closed as he remained this way the entire night, his senses alert to every sound and presence in his underwater bed. I will always rise.



"World in My Eyes"
by Depeche Mode

[Tereza exploring planet Earth]

"Jackhammer Manifesto"
by Blue Stahli

[when the Iredescents are
having fun riding a car]


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