Chapter 1: the huntsmen meeting the Elves
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter for this story now before it begings I'm going to be adding Emilia from Re Zero as a half elf and Echidna from Queen's blade into the harem if you want any toher elf girl in the harem please let me know in the comments now let the chapter begin
Ruby's pov
as me and my team was hanging out with Teams JNPR and CFVY in the cafeteria talking as we like we usually do when after class then as we were talking we hear Professor Goodwitch through the PA
Goodwitch: could Teams RWBY and JNPR please come to the headmasters Office
Weiss: Yang what did you do?
Yang: hey I didn't do anything I swear
Nora: don't ask me I didn't break anyone's legs *mutters* yet
Pyrrha: well let's go to the headmaster's office to see what he needs
Ruby: yeah *turns to Team CFVY* catch you guys later
Coco: yeah catch ya later I bet it's nothing too serious
as my team and team JNPR threw away our food we then make our way to the elevator to the headmasters office as we wait in the elevator until it reaches the headmaster's office while we waited he talked about why headmaster Ozpin wants to see us
Ruby: so... what do you guys think why Ozpin wants to see us?
Jaune: well none of us caused any trouble recently so it must be a different reason
Blake: true either he could be sending us on a mission
Ren: if so what kind of mission is he sending us to do that would require both our teams?
Weiss: well we don't know until we find out
Yang: she's right let's see what Ozpin's reason is
as Yang finished what she was saying that the elevator reaches the office and the doors open up as my team and team JNPR walk out of the elevator and stop at the front of the desk of Professor Ozpin
Ozpin: ah teams RWBY and JNPR it's good to see you made it here
Ruby: hello Professor Ozpin you asked for us
Ozpin: yes I have the reason for it is because I have a mission for the both of your teams
Pyrrha: what's the mission headmaster?
Ozpin: well I've been getting reports of a significant decrease in Grimm activity in this part of the forest miles away from Vale *shows them the forest he mention*
Weiss: well it could be a huntsmen doing his job in that part of the forest
Ozpin: well miss Schnee there are no Huntsmen that I know of in that part of the forest
Jaune: then if not a Huntsmen then who?
Ozpin: that's what we are going to find out
Blake: we?
Ozpin: yes cause me and Glynda will be joining you cause I want to know who or what is out in those forest and see if they are friendly
Ruby: okay when do we leave sir
Ozpin: in a couple of minutes so get ready and meet me in the Bullhead
we nod to him and leave his office to get our weapons and necessary ammo and dust that we might need and then head to the bullhead with team JNPR and the two Professors as we enter the bullhead as it takes off Ozpin and Glynda head to one side of the bullhead to talk about the mission while me, my team and team JNPR talk about what might have been taking out the Grimm
-timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n fishing with a cookie for bait ad chibi Ruby tries to get the cookie-
after a long ride the bullhead landed as we exit the bullhead with our weapons out ready for anything as we look around only to see the coast is clear
Ozpin: okay teams let's head into the forest and see if we can find anything
we nod to him as we then begin walking into the forest I see Blake looking up in the trees like she was staring at something
Ruby: Blake you alright?
Blake: yeah I'm fine just thought I saw something
I nod to her then followed the rest of the group look for some answers of what has been going on in this forest
3rd pov
as the group of huntsmen and huntresses make their way into the forest not knowing that a certain brown hair girl with orange attire and slightly pointy ears was watching them from a distance but using the tress
girl: I must get Y/n and the others
as she left then group of huntsmen and huntresses make there way through the forest they try as much as they can to stay together as they continue on Blake was looking around above them towards the trees getting a feeling that they were being watched
Blake: there's something not right here
Yang: what's wrong Blake?
Blake: I can't put my finger on it but I get the feeling that we're being watched
Ren: I agree with her there's something or someone in this forest with us watching us
Ozpin: keep your eye's up Teams we don't want to let anything get the drop on us
Weiss: heh like a Grimm can get the drop on me
????: oh really
Weiss quickly turns around to be met with a girl with light green hair with a bow and arrow being aimed at her before the other teams could react a bunh of men and women with bows and arrows aimed at the huntsmen and huntresses but what surprised them is that all of the men and women have pointy ears
????: what have we here?
then the group of huntsmen and huntresses look on ahead to see a young man with h/c hair and e/c eyes walking towards them the girls of the group blushed slightly as they see the young man seeing him quite handsome
green haired girl: Y/n these are the trespassers that have entered our forest
Y/n: I see *looks to the others and speaks in Elven language* check them and take their weapons
as then men and women then went to take their weapons the young huntsmen and huntresses get ready as they are not parting their weapons
Y/n: I suggest you hand over your weapons if you want to live or this can get bad
Ozpin: teams stand down let them take your weapons I want this to remain peaceful as possible
the teams reluctantly let the men and women take their weapons as Y/n takes Ruby's scythe and her ammo pack a picture fell out from her pocket as Y/n picks it up
Ruby: hey that's personal
Y/n: *looks at the picture to see a family of younger versions of Ruby and Yang with four women* who are these women next you and the blonde woman
Ruby: their our parents
Y/n: I see *hands the picture back to Ruby* doesn't matter it's non of my business take them to the kingdom well have princess Nina decide what to do with them
Weiss: hey are you an idiot! there's no kingdom in these dense trees
green hair girl: *aims her bow at Weiss* you watch your tongue shrimp if you know what's good for you
Y/n: Serena calm yourself *looks at Weiss* to answer your question miss the Kingdom his hidden which is why your info believes that there's no kingdom here
as Y/n leads the group with Serena next to him as the group of huntsmen and huntresses walk behind the two with guards next to them Ruby couldn't help herself to admire the weapons that the guards have as they walk for a couple of minutes the group made it to a kingdom hidden by trees with house structures made of trees and other buildings as the huntsmen and huntresses group were in awe at what they were seeing then the group were approaching a palace with a man with long blonde hair standing in front of the door which Y/n recognize as his father Legolas
Legolas: Y/n I see you and Serena as well as the other scouts are back
Y/n: *smiles* yes father we brought the group that Nowa informed us about
Legolas: *looks at the huntsmen and huntresses* is see
Ozpin: excuse me but allow me to introduce myself I'm professor Ozpin headmaster of Beacon
Legolas: nice to meet you I'm Legolas of the woodland realm I see you met my son Y/n L/n and Serena what brings you humans here?
Ozpin: well first we're here to investigate the decreases in Grimm activity around these forest we came here to know why is that also what do you mean you "humans"?
Legolas: as you can see the people around you are Elves rearing from high elf, dark elf to half elf the only other human beside your group here is my son Y/n
Ruby: um excuse me mister Legolas?
Legolas: what is it young lady
Ruby: what are dark elves?
Legolas: well dark elves are like regular elves but with different traits like some with a darker skin tone or have more proficiently in dark magic as for your other question Ozpin the reason of Grimm activity is because of us and the knowledge that my son gave us about Grimm, Aura and semblance
Ozpin: I see so are we going to talk this out?
Legolas: Y/n I'm going to inform Princess Nina about our guest you stay here with Serena
Y/n: yes father
Y/n's pov
as my father enters the palace of Princess Nina me and Serena wait and watch the huntsmen and huntress group while we were waiting I hear someone calling my name
????: Y/n!!!
I turn to the direction of the sound to see Aura running to me with Mare as she lunges at me wrapping me into a hug
Y/n: *chuckles* hey there Aura and Mare how are you two ladies doing?
Aura: I'm doing good Y/n~ same with Mare *looks at Serena* hi Serena
Serena: hello Aura
blonde girl: um excuse but Y/n why did you call Aura and Mare ladies they don't look old enough to be considered so
Y/n: oh right well let me tell you, you see Elves age differently to humans meaning Aura and Mare may look young but they are actually older than they appear
white haired girl: oh really then tell us how old are they?
Y/n: well for Aura and Mare they are twins so their age is 76 years old and Serena here is 2,000 years old
as the words came out of my mouth the group gave shocked faces as their eyes were wide like dinner plate which got me and the girls a good laugh after some moments of laughing I drew my attention back to the dark elf twins
Y/n: so Aura, Mare what's the reason for you two to come to me and Serena?
Mare: *lightly blushes* w well Y/n Alleyne, Echidna and Nowa are coming here when they heard that you two caught a group of humans
Y/n: I see
then I start to hear a familiar hissing sound as I look over to the group of huntsmen and huntresses to see that the girls got freaked out by a snake while the boys were trying to calm them down then the snake went towards me slithering up my leg I then felt someone's arms wrapped around me as I already know who it is
Echdina: hello Y/n~
Y/n: *smiles* hello Echidna
Alleyne: Echidna do you really have to act like this
I turn to see Alleyne with Nowa and Duranta as Nowa ran to me and wrapped me in a hug as she snuggled into my chest making me lightly laugh and rubbed her head
Y/n: good to see you too Nowa, Duranta and Alleyne
Duranta: *smiles* likewise Y/n
Nowa: I'm so happy to see you safe!
as Nowa separates from the hug a breeze of comes by moving Nowa's skirt I averted my eyes knowing that Nowa doesn't wear any underwear but I forgot the others in the group didn't know except the elves that live here I look back at the group to see Ozpin averted his eye in a polite matter while the blonde boy and the boy in green averted their eyes after seeing what happened while the girls... let's just say they were all bright red as the younger red caped girl's
blonde woman: excuse me! young lady but why aren't you wearing any undergarments! and you! *points to Echidna and Duranta* please wear something more less revealing!
Nowa: huh? I chose not to wear underwear cause it symbolizes my separation of the outside world
Duranta: I wear this cause I feel more flexible
Serena: honestly I just don't see the point in wearing underwear even when wearing pants like right now I'm not wearing any underwear
Echidna: I choose what I wear and I know Y/n doesn't mind~
then the doors open leading into the palace as my father comes out which draws the attention of the group to him
Legolas: the princess will see you now
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now I want to know what the elf girls in the harem semblance would be like or if they should have semblances but if you have an ideas for the elf girls in the harem please let me know in the comments and also let me kn ow if I should add any more elf girls and rwby girls do please let me know and I'll see you guys in the next one
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