Young Leaves in the Wind; Part 2

I stared at the men who were gathered around Ogi, making sure to memorize each and every face so I knew who I should be looking for more information.

Ogi ran his hand over his forehead. "We're looking for a six year old girl. She has curly red hair up to her shoulders and wears a peach colored kimono. Hey, what's that girls name?" Ogi looked over his shoulder as he directed his attention to Soo-Won.

Uh-oh. This isn't good.

There's no way we can let them know that it's the Princess. For one I'm not sure how I feel about this group. For another, in their search, if they call out her name it'll only alert potential threats.

She's the freaking Princess after all.

Soo-Won see's the issue as well and crosses his arms to form an 'x'. Ogi stared at him a little longer, more than curious as to why we can't tell them her name. But because he likes 'Won', he'll let it go.

"She's nameless! Does she have any other features?"

Soo-Won's whole face lit up. "Her eyes are large and cute!" He informed them without any hesitation. I nodded, wrapping my arms around Soo-Won's neck from behind and leaned against him. "Yeah, she's the cutest thing in the world. Your hearts will go doki doki."

Hak looked at us wearily. "Is that going to help at all?"

Regardless of that kind of detail, Ogi took in seriously. "All right boys! Look for a girl with eyes that are large and cute and makes your heart go doki doki!" This seemed to fire them up even more, making me laugh. They're kind of interesting. "There's a chance she ran into some kidnappers, move carefully!" He ordered.

They cheered again and I released Soo-Won, stepping back a bit. Oh, there's more people gathering. A lot more. Exactly how many allies do they have?

I have never heard of this group before. And I like to think I know a lot about what goes on wherever I go. I need to know so I'm sure I'm not in danger. That Hak and the other Fuuga kids are safe. That Yona and Soo-Won are safe.

I was aware of human trafficking, but not here in the castle town. I was sure Joo-Doh wouldn't let it slide, he'd definitely keep it safe.

Soo-Won looked over to us. "I'm going to stay here with Mr. Ogi so I'll hear every piece of information that we get." I nodded and looked over to the nearest building. Without any delay I rushed and scaled up the side quickly and onto the roof.

"I'll stick to the sky. Hak?" He gave me a stiff nod and followed my lead, climbing onto a different building's roof. We took off, jumping from roof to roof, keeping our eyes peeled open.

Luckily the buildings are really close to one another, and when there wasn't there'd be a high wall connecting to another.

I've always liked climbing to high places. It's easy to see what's going on and I'm not slowed down by other people. Besides, no one really looks up, so it's convenient. Not to mention it's close to the sky, the sky that's so freeing it's annoying.

I'll be able to see something. Surely there's some sign somewhere that Yona is safe. Somewhere that'll give her location. I'm going to find her. She's my best friend and there's no way in hell I'll let her be sold off like some merchandise!

Where, where are you?

As I searched, I saw the others looking as well. Investigating. It's kind of incredible. They're a force that's moving, yet no one really knows that they are.

"Little lady!" Huh? I landed on another roof in a crouch, turning my head to see a man running down the street towards me.

That's one of Ogi's men. He quickly worked on climbing up and settled next to me.

"Won and Ogi have set up a blockade to keep the kidnappers from leaving. They say that a dark skinned man was the last one with that little girl. So that's who we're looking for now."

Eh? Soo-Won set up a blockade? And they have a description on who caught her. That was quick. Both were done so quickly. That's something I wouldn't have been able to do.

It's amazing. One word from Soo-Won makes the whole town move.

I took off, heading over towards my friend. I'm sure Hak was informed as well. We'll regroup quickly, then search those stopped at the blockade. Those two must be thinking the same thing.

Ogi's intelligence network and control is really amazing, but . . . there's no way these guys would give away their information to just anyone. It's probably because it's Soo-Won.

I tease him a lot because he's so dense and an airhead, but Soo-Won is so much more then that.

He doesn't discriminate based on your appearance. It's because of his large presence and his shining light. Soo-Won shines bright, like the sun. And all those who come in contact with those rays . . . he has some kind of power that reels people in.

And then when you realize it, everyone can't help but want to get closer to him. Soo-Won is and always will be a person that affects all those he's around.

Ah! I spotted my brother and friend already together. "Hey!" I jumped down, landing next to them. I startled Ogi, who I hadn't really paid much attention to.

I sprung back up, eyes wide and alert. "I heard about the blockade. We're going to search the people around the gate and passages, right?" Hak nodded, a hand lazily on his hip. "So we're looking for suspicious people?"

I clenched my fist and scowled at the ground, lip curled back into a snarl. "If they hurt her, I'm going to tear their throat out."

Hak readily agreed but Soo-Won's eyes went wide with surprise. "I don't think there'll be a need for that! If she really did get kidnapped they shouldn't harm her. We'll definitely find Yona!" He declared with unfathomable confidence.

I smirked slightly at that, and so did my brother. "Of course." We spoke in unison, the three of us bumping our fists together. The three of us took off, Ogi and a couple of men not too far behind us.

Yona. You're safe. You have to be. Until we find you you must be safe! We'll find you and then we'll teach those kidnappers a lesson! No one takes my friend and gets away with it.

There's going to be some serious hell to pay!

I went back to the roofs while the boys ran beside me on the streets. My eyes scanned the people for a dark skinned man. The first one I spotted I nearly attacked, but then I realize It's General Geun-Tae.

Wait, General Geun-Tae?! The meetings over?!

Before I could freak out over that, my brother jumped onto his back, grabbing at him tightly. "Stop!" He demanded.

Oh no, he didn't see it was him. That's not the right one you idiot! I skidded to a stop, staring at the two below."Wha?! What is going on?! Hm? Aren't you General Mundok's brat? What are you doing?" Geun-Tae asked, not really upset about the fact that Hak's on his back.

"What are you doing here? What about the meeting?" Hak asked him, finally realizing it's the General.

"It finished. I'm going back home now. If you want a piggy back ride, ask General Mundok. He'll be happy. This line is moving pretty slowly though." Geun-Tae's words drifted away from me as a man with dark skin rushed past them, pulling a cart along with two other men.

The cart only had two things, a crate and a bag. A bag that's about the size of Yona.

Could it be . . ?

"Kiri!" Hak shouted as he jumped from Geun-Tae's back and onto the moving cart, surprising the men enough to stop. I ran along the roof as Hak ripped the bag open. "I'm going to inspect your luggage." He told them as he did so.

"Ah! S-Stop it!" The dark skinned man was too late. Hak opened the bag enough that even I could see from the roof. Yona was inside, unconscious, gagged, and tied.

My rage consumed me and all I saw was red. These bastards!

Hak stood, also in a rage. "You can't take this luggage." He told them darkly. He didn't give them any time to respond before he lunged at the dark skinned man and delivered a powerful kick that sent him flying to the ground.

There was a definite crack and even I almost winced at the strength of it. Hak is super strong for a nine year old.

Geun-Tae crossed his arms, a smile of approval on his face. "Hm. That kid does pretty well." Soo-Won nodded enthusiastically. "Doesn't he?! Hak is amazing!" He spoke in awe. Same old same old I guess.


The dark skinned man stood, pulling out a knife. "You brat." He seethed. He rushed towards him and my rage came back ten fold.

I jumped from the roof and descended towards him. Sensing my bloodlust too late, he turned. I twisted in the air and struck my leg to his jaw, hearing a pop and applied more force, making him slam to the ground again.

As soon as my feet touched the earth I lunged forward, pulling out my dagger, and stepped on his shoulder with one leg and pinning my other knee to his chest.

The tip of my dagger is pressing against his throat to the point it dribbled a little blood.

He stayed absolutely still, for if he moved I'd dig it into his throat. "Don't touch my brother." I growled out, glaring at him menacingly.

"You-!" One of the other men went to grab me, but gramps appeared out of nowhere and slammed his face into the ground. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY GRANDCHILDREN?!" He roared.

I blinked, my demeanor changing from bloodlust to surprise. "Gramps . . ." Hak and I muttered.

"Woah! It's General Mundok!" Someone from the crowd exclaimed and a murmur passed through them at the sight of the Wind Tribes General.

I lessened my hold on the man, and Gramps' presence is more than enough to keep him still.

The remaining kidnapper let out a shrill shriek and ran. He didn't get far though. While the crowd parted, Joo-Doh stood in his way, pulling out both of his swords. This time I did look away with a wince as he inflicted pain on the man.

Ah man, we're in for it. He's in a bad mood.

The crowd had no such qualms as they admired the Captain of the Royal Guard in action. Hak turned and ran to the cart where Yona remained.


As he was removing the ropes and the gag, she came to. At first panic filled her face and she tried to call out for someone, but stopped. "Sup. Are you awake? Princess?" Hak asked with a casual smile, a cool air about him.

Tears began to fill her beautiful eyes and she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around him. "Hak!" She cried out, sobbing into his shoulder.

He was caught off guard by her actions, a tint of red appearing on his cheeks. I'd tease, but at the moment I was too relieved that Yona was okay. I slowly walked over, but just stood by them, not wanting to interrupt.

But someone else had no problem.

A large hand came down on mine and Hak's head, squeezing a bit. My eye twitched as the air grew tense with animosity.

Hak looked back and jumped, but I really didn't want to see the look on his face. "What is going on here, Hak, Kiri?!" Gramps boomed. Oh boy.

We are so dead.

Joo-Doh loomed over Soo-Won, about as happy as gramps. " I finally found you. Lord Soo-Won, Princess Yona." Soo-Won smiled but he was also pale and sweating. "Joo . . . Mr. Joo-Doh." He backed up over to me and hak and the two towered over the three of us.

"I even told you two to sit still until the Five Tribe Meeting was over!" Gramps was the first to scream.

"I asked you over and over again not to go outside!" Joo-Doh shouted next.

The veins in gramps temple and neck began to pulse against his skin and he was turning red with anger. "You put the Princess in danger! That's punishment by death! That's a beheading!" Gramps continued to scream and me and Hak.

"Exactly! How did you sneak out?!" Joo-Doh shouted at Soo-Won. Geun-Tae waltzed over and chuckled. "It's fine. They also caught the kidnappers."

Geun-Tae! You are as kind as you are hot!

"Please be quiet, General Geun-Tae!" Tsk. Joo-Doh is such a nag. And gramps . . . he's got a complex.

Ah! We're so going to die!


I sighed, deflating against the railing. Night had fallen and currently Hak, Soo-Won, and I are outside. The lectures have finally ended, but Yona is in her room with the King.

Hak sat next to me and Soo-Won stood on my other side. "We got yelled at." My bruised brother mumbled.

Gramps did not go easy on us. "I thought my ears would bleed by how much screaming he did." I added, equally bruised and exhausted.

Soo-Won laughed nervously, not a bruise on him. Tsk. Pampered rich kid.

"Yeah . . . It even looked as if Mr. Joo-Doh grew horns." He admitted. No, I'm a hundred percent sure he has horns.

I glanced over to look at the town below, thinking back to the scene we saw when we returned to the castle. "King Il was extremely flustered." I said.

The image of the king embracing Yona as his shoulders shook as he silently cried burned into my brain.

Hak sighed, looking off thoughtfully. "I guess it's not that unreasonable. It hasn't been that long since the Queen passed away."

Yeah, that's true. Yona is still grieving the death of her beloved mother. And the King, the King is still heartbroken. "It's going to be even harder for Yona to go outside. It's my responsibility." Soo-Won spoke dejectedly.

I reached over and whacked him upside his head. "No." I started. "It's ours. We let the Princess get into danger. We definitely won't be able to enter the castle anymore." Hak explained.

Ah-ah. I don't want that. I want to be with these two. But I can't blame them if they decide to ban us.

Yona was kidnapped. "No way! The King and Yona love you two! There's no way they'd do that!" Soo-Won shouted, worry etched onto his face.

I leaned my cheek into my hand. "Your words are nice and all, but I doubt it." I grumbled.

I really love them. They're my best friends. It'll suck to be banned. "No way! If there's a person that would say that, I would persuade them!" He declared.

Hm? Hak and I looked over at the flustered young lord. A light smile made its way onto our faces and we looked to the star filled sky.

"Hey, Soo-Won, you're pretty amazing." I said, staring at the constellations. Hak agreed with me. "To be able to get those guys to all, and be so open about it. It's amazing. It's kind of like you were the heart of the town." Hak told him, staring at the open dark sky.

I nodded, tilting my head to look over at him. "You shine as bright as the sun. And everyone thrives when they're with you." I added.

"It wasn't . . ." He trailed off and followed our gaze up. "It's because you two were there. Kiri, Hak."

Huh? To this even Hak looked over at him. "You're always so strong, Hak, Kiri. Dependable. And cool. I wanted to be like that. After seeing you two, I wanted to get closer to you guys. I wanted to become more like you. I always think that."

What is he going on about? That's not true. He turned to face his body to us and held his hand out, as if reaching for us. "It's frustrating. Even though we're so close, I don't feel like I can reach you two at all. You guys are . . . my goal." Soo-Won. I was stunned by his words, as was Hak.

No one has ever said anything like that to us. We're always troublesome kids. Wherever we go.

Only Mundok has treated us as kindly. But the fact that Soo-Won wants to be like us, it's insane. Yet it makes me so unbelievably happy.

Hak let out a groan and hopped down, rubbing Soo-Won's head crazily. "Waah!" He shouted, unable to stop Hak. "What are you doing Hak?" He asked as soon as Hak released him.

My brother stuck his nose in the air, eyes closed, the faintest blush on his cheeks. "Your goal is too small. If you're reaching for something, go for the heavens!"

Hak . . . his words touched you as well, huh?

I get it. He's a noble. He can also move so many different kinds of people. He's amazing and has a ton of power even at this age. Someone like him is looking at us. Orphans from an unknown background.

"You can obtain any goal, Soo-Won." I merely said, standing straight. "Let's go Hak. We'll go home and get some training from gramps and study."

My brother nodded and threw his hands behind his head and we walked away from a very confused Soo-Won.

We're his goal, huh? That's offensive to yourself, idiot. We're not worthy of being a goal for someone like you. But maybe we can some day. Studying, training. We'll become someone worthy of being your goal.

So maybe we can be equals. And maybe we could stand by yours and Yona's side forever.

I cannot imagine a future without them or Hak. Those three are my most precious people. The ones I hold in my heart.

As we left, I looked to my brother, a cheeky smile on my face. "Hey, how great are our friends?" He glanced over and me and grinned. "They're something else. We better not bring any shame to them. You up for that?"

My grin widened and I took off in a run, laughing even as he chased after me.

So long as I have them, I'll do anything and everything I can to become a better person. Stronger. I'll become someone who can stand beside these nobles and my amazing brother.

I love them.

Blood. Blood coats him. The traitor wears a mask of a friend and red robes of betrayal.


I sat up with a gasp, sweat coating me like a blanket. My breathing came out uneven and labored and I looked around wildly.

I'm in a tree, the sun hasn't even risen yet, but by the lightening sky, I'd say it'll reach the horizon in less than an hour. My friends are around the tree I'm in, all still fast asleep and dead to the world.

I grit my teeth and leaned against the sturdy trunk. I ran a hand through my damp hair and glared at the sky above.

Another dream. Another memory.

Anger simmered in me as I berated myself for dreaming again. It was a pleasant dream. They always are. But then I remember that it was all a lie.

I remember what he did. How he betrayed us. How he broke Yona and Hak. How he broke me. Then it's no longer a pleasant memory dream.

It's a nightmare. A nightmare that plagues me differently every night and every waking hour.

My hatred grows each time I remember. Each time I think about him. Everytime I see the look on Yona and Hak's face.

I hate him.

I hate him so much. I want him dead. I want to kill him. But I can't. Not now. Not with my brother and Yona like this. I need to ensure their safety. I need to make sure they have a safe place in this world.

Until then I must sit with this hatred that eats away at me. "Kiri? Are you okay?" A sleepy voice sounded from below. It was Yoon. Jae-Ha and Kija moved, rubbing their eyes tiredly. Hearing Yoon made them stir awake. Or maybe it was my startled gasp. I pursed my lips tightly and turned my face away.

"Yeah. Go back to sleep. It was only a nightmare." 

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