The older man led us to a secret village with lots of people wearing the same robes as him and his little entourage.
They all have really pale hair, almost white or a pale gray. The man was smiling as he gestured around, giving us a tour. "To our left is the White Dragon's-" He spoke but someone spitting loudly interrupted.
We turned to see Yoon with his hands tied behind his back and in a cage. "Hey! What's with the casual 'Dragon's Village Tour' over there?!" He demanded.
I pointed at him. "I found Yoon!" I declared, only making the already angry Yoon angrier. "What do you mean found?!"
Yona and Hak looked at him with blank faces until she merely smiled and put her hand up. "Oh, Yoon. How are you doing?" She asked.
Infuriating him even more. "I'm fine-ly tied up!" He shouted loudly. Man he has a pair of lungs on him. The older man bowed his head at Yona.
"I apologize for the incivility towards your friend. You, let him out." He turned to the man standing by the cage holding Yoon.
"But . . ." He started before the older man motioned towards Yona. "We have a crimson haired guest." He spoke, like it explained everything.
Which so far it really has with these people.
The man by the cage jumped as his eyes widened upon seeing Yona. "Forgive me!" He bowed to her before quickly unlocking the cage and untying the rope confining our friend.
As soon as the ropes were off he went to our side. "What's going on?" He questioned; clearly confused with their attitude towards Yona.
I shrugged nonchalantly, throwing my hands behind my head. "I don't know. As soon as they saw the Princess, they just suddenly, no, not the Princess herself, but more like . . ."
Hak and I glanced at Yona. A soft wind blew, making her crimson red hair sway.
Yes, the thing that changed them was her hair.
I handed Yoon his belongings that we picked up before we were brought here, still looking at Yona.
Yes, her hair is strange. I've never seen hair like it before. I could see why they'd be surprised by it. But it's like they know someone important with hair just like hers.
It's strange really. But this is the Dragon's Village. It could be because of King Hiryuu, the Crimson Dragon.
I suppose this is proof that the legend is true. And that means Yona is the reincarnation of a God.
The man led us to an extremely large tree in the village. A dragon statue is placed in front of it, and stood about his height.
He bowed to Yona. "Please forgive us for our rudeness just now. This is where the White Dragon, one of the Four Dragons, drifted to after completing his role after the war during the mythical era."
I looked around. It is pretty hidden by the mist. And there's a large building built into the side of the mountain. Looks pretty official to me.
"We have eliminated any insolent fools who came here to obtain the White Dragon's power. It is our mission and our pride to protect the White Dragon and pass on his blood. We cannot allow outsiders to come into this land so easily."
I was distracted from his speech. I heard his words but there's a little something that is troublesome.
"I understand your circumstances but . . ." Hak started. I nodded, stepping closer to my brother. "What is this?" I finished.
Around us were a bunch people, all reaching out to Yona, who was now being held by Hak. They were all staring at her in admiration as they came closer.
They were all in awe over her hair. They praised it, reaching out, wanting to touch it. "How beautiful." One murmured.
I glanced at Yona. Her hair is beautiful. She blushed a bit and turned her head to Hak, a smile on her face.
"Hak, did you hear that? Beautiful she says!" She spoke happily. Hak smirked. "Yeah, your hair." He clarified.
I rolled my eyes at his teasing but didn't say anything. It is pretty amusing to watch.
Yoon looked at them strangely. "Sure, it's rare, but what is this place? Village of Crimson Hair Worshippers or something?" Yoon asked, still staring at the people looking at Yona adoringly.
"Crimson hair means something special to us since the first White Dragon served the crimson haired master." The man informed us.
I thought as much. But to think a village like this exists.
It truly is something. Yona brushed a hand through her hair. "I used to hate this hair." She admitted.
They all seemed shocked and they gave us space. The man walked closer to us. "No, it's an honor! You said that you were guided by the Priest. You may be the one we have long awaited for!"
I see. Hak and Yoon seemed a bit surprised.
So I guess the Priest was right. "You also may not be." He admitted. Hak, Yoon, and I dropped our heads. "And you built up so much suspension too." I grumbled.
So anti-climatic. "Now that we know about this village, what happens to us if she isn't the one?" Yoon asked him.
I stared at the man intently. I don't believe there are any particular strong warriors, considering they were all archers when they confronted us in the forest. We could easily escape.
The man was silent for a bit before turning his back to us. "Anyway, please go meet the White Dragon." I sweat dropped at him.
"That was way too long of a pause!" Yoon shouted. Oh boy.
I reached over and ruffled his hair. "Let's just go with it." I said uncaringly. He turned to glare at me. "You're too relaxed!" He shouted.
I waved my arms. "Because I'm like the wind, I don't resist. Whoa." I narrowly dodged Hak's fist. "Stop acting like those morons." He demanded, making me grin smugly at him.
Yoon tapped on Hak's shoulder. "Hey, Thunder Beast. Protect me, ok? Protect me if something happens, ok?" Oh my he is scared.
He stepped up a bit to him. "How is the White Dragon special? Everyone in this clan is a descendant of the White Dragon, right?" He questioned him.
He turned back to us. "Yes, but there is only one person who has the power of the White Dragon. That person is born with the Dragon's power in his right hand."
Their right hand. One was given sharp claws that can slash anything. So that is the White Dragon. For there to be someone to have the power of the gods, that is something.
After a bit of more talking, the man and everyone else left us alone. Yona and Hak sat at the base of the tree and I leaned against it as Yoon looked around.
The White Dragon is here. We're going to meet him soon. I wonder what he's like.
Yona sighed from next to me. "What's wrong?" I asked, glancing down at her. "It seems impossible." She said.
Hak and I looked at her in confusion. "Huh?" We asked simultaneously.
"They said that when a child with the power of the White Dragon is born here, then the previous White Dragon loses his power shortly afterwards. They have to continue passing on the blood until the day comes when the Dragon's power is needed."
She brought her knees to her chest and leaned her head on them.
"I'm asking them to lend me that kind of power." She murmured, a bit upset with herself. Hm. Hak smiled lightly. "Wanna give up?" He asked her.
Yona paused before lifting her head and smiling. Hm? She turned to Hak and got really close to his face, making him blush.
She reached into his robes and I smirked. "The Princess is bold." I teased.
Of course Yona didn't really understand and Hak blushed madly, shooting me a glare.
Yona grinned. "Hak, let me borrow your sword!" She stood up, his small sword in hand and unsheathed it.
"I've already decided! I'm not turning back! But, if the White Dragon won't help, you and Kiri need to make me stronger!" She declared.
Her eyes are unwavering. And once Yona makes up her mind, nothing can change it.
Hak and I glanced at each other before smiling at Yona. "Yes, Princess." We answered in unison.
I tensed, sensing hostility. I turned quickly to see a young man that looks about my age, walking towards us.
Oh he's really good looking. Pure white hair, beautiful light blue eyes, flawless pale skin, he's gorgeous. Another bishonen that's for sure.
But he doesn't look happy. "You there! The woman!" Yona lowered her sword and her and Hak turned to the newcomer.
Her hood fell off, revealing her crimson red hair. The mans eyes widened as he stared at her in awe and confusion. He let out a small shout, surprising us. Is he in pain?
Suddenly his right hand expanded and my eyes widened. It's a white claw. And it's huge.
"One was given sharp claws that could tear anything apart."
Wait, that means this bishonen is the White Dragon! He looked like he was in pain and he's sweating profusely.
He grabbed his wrist of his claw and grounded his teeth roughly. What's wrong with him? He let out a shout of pain and fell backwards.
His eyes looked at Yona one last time before he passed out.
The villagers quickly rushed to his aid, shouting out to him. We quickly went to his side as well.
Yoon placed his bag under his head as a cushion and on his orders, we made sure to give him some space. I glanced at his right hand.
It shrunk again, but it's still large. And it looks like it got burned. How, I'm unsure.
The White Dragon grunted as he began to regain consciousness.
"Are you okay?" Yona asked worriedly. The White Dragon slowly opened his eyes and they immediately met Yona's.
He stared at her intently, not even looking around. He smiled, eyes wide and he sat up, still staring at her, as if he's happy to see her.
"Um . . . White Dragon?" She asked, not knowing his actual name.
He snapped out of his trance, but his eyes never left hers. "Yes, I am the one who carries the blood of the White Dragon from ancient times."
He bowed to her. And I'm talking about the official bow. Forehead to ground. "I've been waiting for you, my master!"
Ah, so he's aware that she is the kings reincarnation. Well of course he is. And he's happy to see her.
Deciding to break the atmosphere, I put my hand to my mouth. "Kinky." Hak went to hit me but I jumped up and out of his reach.
He shot me a nasty glare, and I smirked. Yona seemed surprised. "Master? What are you talking about?" She asked, clearly confused.
She looked around and the villagers quickly followed suit. The four of us stood, staring at the White Dragon and the villagers.
Well then.
This is different.
The White Dragon sat up and stared at Yona longingly. He must really want to serve her.
It's a little odd, but he looks like he's her biggest fan. I'm always okay with people who like her, so I guess it's okay.
But he sure has taken an instant liking to her, that's for damn sure.
The older man who guided us stood, hands clasped, and crying comically. "Congratulations, White Dragon-Sama! Our king has finally appeared!"
Yona jumped, clearly baffled by both of their reactions. "King?!" She asked. These people sure are strange, that's for sure.
"King? The Princess?" I asked, making sure we heard right. Hak nodded. "They're saying that the Princess is a king?" He asked slowly. I merely shook my head and shrugged. "I guess."
Although she could be a king. Well, queen, but how big is the difference? Not very.
"Maybe they think she's the Crimson Dragon King because of her Crimson hair." Yoon suggested. That's true. But Ik-Soo did imply that she was his second life.
That much is positive. "My master." The White Dragon spoke. Yona is not used to being called that. "Please tell me your name."
Yona didn't seem hesitant, but she's still not quite caught up with the chain of events that have unloaded onto her lap.
"Yona." She told him. He smiled at her warmly. "Master Yona." He tried out her name.
Yona was staring at him a bit, a light blush on her cheeks. Smiling, she moved a bit closer to him. "You're beautiful." She said honestly.
There it is. Whatever she thinks she usually says it out loud without a second thought. Same old Yona.
The White Dragon however, wasn't expecting that at all. He held his hands up and fretted. "No, not at all! You are more heavenly."
Yona was obviously happy for the compliment but she looked down at him, looking at him carefully.
"I am neither your king nor your master." She told him. He seemed a bit surprised with her words.
"I am a crook that wants the gods' powers to protect my friends and myself." Hak and I smirked.
Well, well. "Wait! We should be quiet about things like that!" Yoon hissed at her, not wanting to be rejected or killed.
She just ignored him. "I'm on a journey to obtain the other three Dragon's powers as well. I would like to ask for your help first. Would that be all right?" She asked him, a smile on her face.
It's hard to say no to her whenever she smiles so kindly like that. The White Dragon was staring at her in admiration, a light blush on his cheeks.
He smiled at her, his eyes unwavering, and his blush gone. He's already decided.
"I will be extremely honored. No matter who you are, or what purpose you have, I am your Dragon from now on. The blood inside me is telling me that!" He told her, hand to his chest.
He stood up and turned to the villagers who had gathered and are still on the ground. "I will go on a journey with my master immediately!" He told them.
The older man bowed to him. "Yes." He answered back. However a loud, elderly woman's voice boomed. "What are you saying?!"
A small old woman was rushed over. She was being carried on a wooden platform by four people and they ran right into the older man, sending him flying as they stood in front of the White Dragon.
"We must celebrate first! Prepare for a feast to celebrate King Hiryuu's rise!" She ordered.
The older man and the rest of the villagers quickly rushed off, obeying her orders. She must be of high status here.
She leaned in close, eyeing Yona. "We've been waiting for you, our king with the crimson hair." She bowed and sat up again. She smiled at Yona kindly.
"Your beautiful red hair that is as though it's burning, the adorable but intelligent eyes, and the skin is so . . . not smooth sadly." She cried a bit.
Yona sweat dropped and the White Dragon blushed in embarrassment.
We talked some more, explaining our current situation. They all soon left us at the tree before bussing around, preparing for the feast.
The four of us sat at the base of the tree, watching them move about. "Gosh, I was surprised. It was just as Ik-Soo's prophecy said. But I didn't expect him to become our comrade that easily." Yoon admitted.
Yona stared at the people passing by. "They were also surprised when I explained to them that I'm a princess."
I chuckled, shaking my head. Their faces were priceless. "The White Dragon looked so proud, it was hilarious." Yona smiled lightly, bumping her shoulder into mine.
"Calling yourself a crook." Yoon looked at her curiously.
Her smile slipped and she looked up at the sky. "But it was the truth. I also didn't want to lie to him." She replied.
I understood where she was coming from. He seemed so innocent, so pure. Lying to him would be a crime.
Yoon looked at Hak and I strangely. "And it was creepy seeing them grinning when you said it. Look, he's still grinning."
I turned to see Hak, still grinning as he fixed his sleeve, tightening the sturdy ribbon.
"We were just enjoying Princess saying things that sounded like picking a fight with a god." I sweat dropped at my brother.
Although he is right, he is a bit . . . different. "Hak, you're true colors are leaking out." I warned.
Yona gave him a flat look. "Are you being sarcastic again?" She asked in slight annoyance.
Hak turned his head to her, closing his eyes and smiling. "Of course not." He responded. We all eyed him.
He's totally creepy. "
Well, I'm going to go see the White Dragon about funds for our trip. Kiri, watch after them." Hak stood. I waved him off. "Yeah, yeah." I watched him disappear into the village.
The three of us waited patiently, but as the seconds went by I started sweating.
"What's wrong Kiri? Do you not feel well?" Yoon asked. Yona placed her hand on my forehead to check my temperature.
"You're not warm, what's wrong?" She asked, concern laced in her voice.
I sighed loudly. "I have a feeling that a beast and a dragon are enemies." I said.
Yona was clearly confused by this, but Yoon seemed to understand. "Maybe you should have gone instead." He said thoughtfully.
I snorted. "My temper is one of the many things I share with my brother." I answered. And it's true.
Although we're not related by blood, we are very similar in many ways. And that's exactly why I'm worried.
Not to mention the White Dragon seems he could fall in love easily and Yona is really cute. But of course Hak will always be her number one fan.
Not to mention the alpha male thing guys do. Males and their testosterone.
I've got a bad feeling. "Oh, they're back." Yoon broke the moment of silence. It's only been a couple minutes, so it wasn't too bad. I looked over to see Hak and the White Dragon walk our way.
I sweat dropped. A raging fire surrounded the two. An image of a White Dragon and a tiger getting ready to brawl somehow popped into my mind.
"Hmm, it looks like something's gone ugly." Yoon noted, also seeing the obvious dislike of it.
I sighed and the three of us walked towards them. "What happened?" Yona questioned the two. "Princess, he's no good. Let's find another." Hak spoke, an edge to his voice.
Oh? What did the White Dragon do to piss him off in such a short time?
He just might beat my record.
"It is you who should leave! I can take care of the princess myself!" The White Dragon shouted at Hak. Huh?
I turned to Yoon and pointed to myself. "I'm also her guard though." He closed his eyes and patted my back in comfort. Not really meaningful comfort, but comfort none the less. Well then.
"There's no way a sheltered and pampered boy can survive the outside world." Hak provoked, placing his hands on his hips.
The White Dragon turned to Yona, flustered by Hak's taunting. "Princess, why do you have such a boorish man as your guard?!" He demanded to know.
Well, he is in love with her and they are childhood friends so . . . yeah. But Hak is pretty uncute.
Most of the time, not always. "What happened?" Yoon asked, unsure how things escalated so far. "The White Dragon is telling me to leave, and that he'll pay me off."
My eyes zoned in on the bulge in his robes, revealing part of a bag. Oh? My eye twitched in annoyance. "And?" I poked the bag of coins.
"What's that bulge in your stomach?" Yoon asked as I did so. "I guess I'm fat." He responded without missing a beat.
I sighed, shaking my head. The White Dragon turned to Hak. "It is the Four Dragons' job to protect the princess! Those who aren't the Four Dragons should leave!" He shouted at Hak.
Yona quickly hugged Hak's arm to her, catching him off guard. "No! Hak is my childhood friend, and so is Kiri! Even after I left the castle, after I became alone, they stuck by my side and didn't abandon me. They're, he's, an important person! I want Hak to be with me."
Hak was blushing a bit. Smirking I elbowed him. "Eh? You hear that? She wants you. Looks like little Hak's will be roaming around soon-whoa! Huh?" He didn't hit me.
I looked at him and jumped. A weird aura surrounded him as he laughed creepily.
Yona was the only one who didn't really notice but the White Dragon, Yoon, and I stared at him. What a moron.
Still blushing and chuckling, he spoke. "Well, yeah. So you know? I guess it can't be helped." I sweat dropped. He's happy, extremely happy. Too happy.
Well, I guess giving him this wouldn't kill me.
Yona reached into his robe and took out the bag of money. "We'll return this." She stated. The White Dragon looked a bit sad and dejected.
"If that is how you feel Princess . . ." Awe. Bishonen's shouldn't be sad. That's like law. "But I need you too." He looked up and her in surprise.
"Because if we keep this up, Hak will die protecting me. So I want you to protect Hak and Kiri so they won't die."
Yona . . . are you out of your mind?! "Ah. I see, so that's what this is about. You want my help because he is weak. Please count on me. I will protect you, of course, but also this man."
Hak's temple throbbed, his good mood gone. The two then went head to head. I crossed my arms over my chest. "We're totally being ignored." I said to Yoon.
He sighed and watched the two like a mother would watch her children argue. "I don't mind it this time." He's got a point.
The two of them really don't like each other. "What? No thank you! I haven't sunk that low where I need a white snake to protect me." Hak said darkly, glaring at the White Dragon who was also glaring at him in return.
"White snake? Are you calling a sacred Dragon a snake?!" He demanded.
Oh boy. Those two are at it. "What a pain." Yoon stated. I nodded in agreement. "Very much so."
After a bit, night fell and the villagers created a bonfire and a large feast, Music was being played and people danced.
The five of us sat in front of the villagers who were enjoying the feast immensely. It was actually really nice. Very peaceful and lively at the same time.
If anything, very family like. It was different from the castle. It reminds me of the Wind Tribe except without the worshippers.
Well, the idiot duo worships Hak and I. Oh well.
As the feast continued, I couldn't help but wonder how our group is gradually increasing.
The next morning we were about to set off. The villagers are currently saying their farewells to the White Dragon. Lots of teary eyes.
"Everyone . . . I told you, I do not need to be seen off." He scolded them. "Please do not be so cold." A girl pleaded, obviously sad to see him go. Everyone here really is.
"We thought there'd be more time before your departure!" Another spoke. He sure is loved.
"Nonsense. The master I serve came for me. She needs my power. This power that the previous White Dragons have left me for this moment." They went all teary again. They do remind me of the Wind Tribe.
I wonder how those idiots are doing. "Heaven will punish me if I take advantage of your kindness at the start of my journey." The older man bowed his head, leading the rest to do the same.
"Until your return, we shall protect this village." He told him, trying to hold himself up. "Yes, I'm counting on you." The White Dragon smiled at them warmly.
"As long as the village is safe, even if something happens to me, another White Dragon will be born."
They all began to bawl. "Please do not say such things!" The older man cried.
Another man slid next to him, crying just as much. "You're such a meanie!" He cried. Another slid next to him. "I'm gonna cry!"
I sweat dropped. They're already crying. They're bawling their eyes out actually.
The White Dragon's eye twitched at their behavior. "I-I'm sorry." He apologized, not sure on how to handle them. "White Dragon-Sama!" The old woman riding on her little wood pallet moved to the front, facing the White Dragon.
"Granny." He murmured. It seems based on his look he's quite attached to her. Well, it only makes sense.
The two looked at each other for a bit. Her eyes went wide, surprising us as she began tossing stuff to him.
"Take these rice balls with you! It will be chilly on the way! Here's a coat and change of clothes I made! And ten years worth of medicines, and serums to maintain your beauty! You drive a hard bargain! Fine, take this one with you too!" She shoved a girl to him.
I wasn't too sure how to react to that honestly. Although it is quite amusing. "Granny! I can't carry all these!" He told her.
I scratched the back of my head, not too sure how to react, just like the other three by me.
The old woman was panting from all that shouting and moving around she did. "Granny, I will be gone for a while. I've entrusted my uncles with the village." He informed her, smiling lightly after setting the items down.
"What? No one told me anything about that. It is my responsibility as the village elder to fill in when you're away." She said proudly.
The White Dragon bent to her level. "But granny, I heard your eyesight has gotten worse." He said, obviously concerned for her wellbeing.
She turned away, eyes closed, hands on her hips. "I am the liveliest person in this village." She sasses, a bit of pout to it.
The White Dragon smiled nervously. "I agree that you are energetic, but-" He cut off as she turned to face him again.
"But I am disheartened, to think that from tomorrow morning I won't be able to shake you out of bed. The clan's long awaited wish came true, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly." She cried and bowed to him.
The White Dragon smiled lightly. "Granny, please look up." When she wouldn't he placed his hand on top of hers.
"I've spent longer time with you than father and mother, and you watched me grow. You're my important granny. I will wish for yours and everyone's happiness, even from faraway lands. So please take care of your body and live a peaceful life."
I couldn't help but smile at the scene. He's so nice. No, he just really cherishes the people he holds dear to him. It's a wonderful attribute.
She sat up quickly. "How dare you say that like I'm going to pass away in a few years!" She yelled at him, making me chuckle. She calmed down almost instantly.
"I haven't lived long enough yet. When you fulfill your role and return, I will be the first one to welcome you. I will make sure of that." She smiled, tears escaping her sky blue eyes.
The White Dragon hugged her to him.
"No matter how many years, even if I go blind, I can see your light. Serve your role and make sure you return." I glanced at Yoon from next to me, who was crying a bit.
Ah-ah. He was wiping his tears, trying to hide the fact he was crying.
After the farewells, we left the village and began our search for the next Dragon.
We had reached a fork in the road. "Which way should we go?" I asked, turning to Hak. He mulled it over, thinking about it.
"Yoon. Did Ik-Soo say anything else?" Yona asked, him. He sniffled, still a bit affected by the heartfelt good-bye. "Nothing. We have no leads from here on out." He shook his head.
I smiled mischievously, elbowing him lightly. "Eh? Yoon, are you alright?" I questioned teasingly. Hak nodded. "Yeah, your eyes are all red." Hak added, teasing Yoon as well.
He shot us a look and turned away from us in a huff. "Be quiet!" He hissed, making us laugh. Yona frowned a bit.
"This is a problem." She said, putting a finger to her lips as she looked at the ground deep in thought.
The White Dragon smiled at her. "You are looking for the Four Dragon's, yes?" He asked her. She turned to him. "Yes." She answered, curious as to where he was going with that.
"I can feel the presence of those who have the Four Dragon's powers." He informed her. Yona's face lit up in excitement. "Really?!" She asked, showing her excitement.
He nodded. "Yes. It is not strong, but we, the Four Dragon's, are like brothers. We may be separated from ancient times, but our blood calls for each other. Of course I have not met them either, but . . ." He trailed off.
Yona's excitement bubbled over. "That's so handy!" She cheered gleefully. "That's some bromance." I voiced.
The White Dragon blinked. "Handy? Bromance?" He asked, unsure of our choice of words.
Hak and Yoon started to walk down one of the paths. "Alright, let's climb down the mountain first.
We began to follow when Yona stopped and turned back to the White Dragon. "Oh yeah. Hey, White Dragon. What's your name?" She asked him.
Ah, that's right. Calling him White Dragon isn't exactly the easiest to say. He seemed shocked she asked him.
"Everyone was calling you 'White Dragon-Sama', but that isn't your name is it?" She interrogated.
She gave him her brilliant smile. "Is it alright to call you by your name?" She asked.
He stared at her a bit in wonder before smiling. "Please call me Kija." A soft wind blew, making our hair blow.
I stared at Yona who stood in front of Kija. There's something about her that's also changed. What is it exactly?
"Kija. That's a good name." She complimented honestly.
Kija, the White Dragon. There's not going to be boring days anymore. "Hurry up! We're gonna leave you if you don't!" Yoon called.
We turned to see that they didn't stop. I frowned and jogged over. "Yeah, yeah." I grumbled. Yona giggled and her and Kija followed.
Yes, things are going to be interesting from now on. But, it will only get worse from here on out.
And there's still that matter with that traitorous bastard. Our lives won't be peaceful so long as he lives.
But for now, we need to find the other Dragon's. My gaze flickered to Yona. The Crimson Dragon. Hiryuu's reincarnation.
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